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Alice 2016 WDTimes article
Allermann Dr, 1202 1973, Thomas & Carol Udell home, WHS_013_963
Allermann Dr, 1204 1973, Edward & Delores Fenner home, WHS_013_964
Allermann Dr, 1206 1966, John & Geraldine Salick home, WHS_013_966
Allermann Dr, 1206 1973, Geraldine Salick home, WHS_013_965
Allermann Dr, 1208 1973, Wayne & Patricia Simon home, WHS_013_967
Allermann Dr, 1210 1973, Tom & Mary Doering home, WHS_013_968
Allermann Dr, 1212 1973, Marvin & Shirley Henschel home, WHS_013_971
Allermann Dr, 1213 1966, 1975, WHS_013_972
Allermann Dr, 1214 1966, 1975, Clifford & Virginia Tiffany home, WHS_013_973
Allermann Dr, 1215 1966, WHS_013_978
Allermann Dr, 1217 1966 & 1973, WHS_013_979
Allermann Dr, 1219 1966 & 1973, Under construction, WHS_013_982
Allermann Dr, 1220 1973, Joseph & Barbara Zickert home, WHS_013_983
Allermann Dr, 1221 1968 & 1973, John Affeld home, WHS_013_984
Allermann Dr, 1222 1972, Edwin & Elaine Klema home, WHS_013_985
Allermann Dr, 1224 1972, Earl & Gloria Witte home, WHS_013_988
Amber Lane, 1101 1966, Maurice Neverman home, WHS_013_991
Amber Lane, 1104 1965, Harris Grabow home, WHS_013_992
Amber Lane, 1106 1966, Ambrose Krier home, WHS_013_993
Arcade Ave, 203 1958, Lester & Alice Fritz home, Riedl Bros signage, WHS_014_015
Arcade Ave, 205 1959, Vacant home, WHS_014_016
Arcade Ave, 209 1958, Vacant home, WHS_014_019
Arcade Ave, 210 1959, Kenneth Roessler home, WHS_014_021
Arcade Ave, 212 1958, Merlin & Mary Riedl home, WHS_014_022
Arcade Ave, 213 1964, Walter & Alice Griep home, WHS_014_023
Arcade Ave, 214 1959, Lawrence Kingsley home, WHS_014_024
Arcade Ave, 216 1959, John Eising home, WHS_014_027
Arcade Ave, 218 1959, John Surdick home, WHS_014_028
Arcade Ave, 222 1955, Harold Wilde home, WHS_014_031
Arcade Ave, 224 1954, Under construction, WHS_014_032
Arcade Ave, 225 Watertown Greenhouse
Arcade Ave, 225 1956, Adrian & Alice Berkers home, WHS_013_994
Arcade Ave, 225 1956, Watertown Floral Greenhouse, WHS_013_994
Arcade Ave, 226 1954, Edward and Cora Bliefernicht home, WHS_014_035
Arcade Ave, 228 1954, Lester Kuerschner home, WHS_014_036
Arcade Ave, 230 1955, Edward Haberkorn home, WHS_014_037
Arcade Ave, 232 1954, Wayne McMahon home, WHS_014_038
Arcade Ave, 233 1960, Under construction, WHS_014_039
Arcade Ave, 234 1954, Robert Imming home, WHS_014_040
Arcade Ave, 235 1960, Vacant home, WHS_014_041
Arcade Ave, 237 1950, Rose Nass home, WHS_014_042
Arcade Ave, 300 1954, Herbert Wiedenfeld home, WHS_014_043
Arcade Ave, 301 1950, Edward Kaercher home, WHS_013_995
Arcade Ave, 304 1951, Thomas Nack home, WHS_014_046
Arcade Ave, 310 1951, Leo Loughlin home, WHS_014_047
Arcade Ave, 311 1957, Lawrence Meitner home, WHS_013_996
Arcade Ave, 311 1975, WHS_020_584
Arcade Ave, 311 1975, WHS_020_585
Arcade Ave, 314 1957, Vernon Smebak home, WHS_014_050
Ann, 204 1959, Frank Veling home, WHS_014_001
Ann, 206 1959, Jerald Blank home, WHS_014_002
Ann, 1518 1950, Allen Schmelling home, WHS_014_004
Ann, 1520 1956, Joseph Brigowatz home, WHS_014_007
Ann, 1532 1959, Mathias Koellen home, WHS_014_011
Ann, 1601 1960, Harold Gerth home, WHS_014_012
Anne, 1031 1954, Peter Colletti home, WHS_014_003
Arthur, 405 1955, Herman Fredrick home, WHS_014_051
Arthur, 406 1953, Edward & Wilhelmina Witte home, WHS_014_052
Bailey, 306 1960, Weslie Blank home, WHS_013_064
Baxter, 406 1954, Edward Kuckkahn home, WHS_014_055
Baxter, 408 1955, Walter Block, WHS_014_056
Baxter, 408 1955, Holland Furnace Co., WHS_014_056
Baxter, 728 1913, Henry Courville, saloon
Bayberry Dr, 1061 1976, Herbert & Elda Oestreich home, WHS_014_059
Bayberry Dr, 1063 1972, Orval & Vineta Hidde home, WHS_014_061
Bayberry Dr, 1065 1973, Dennis & Carol Hoeft home, WHS_014_065
Bayberry Dr, 1066 1976, James & Diana Frisch home, WHS_014_069
Bayberry Dr, 1067 1976, Dale & Carol Lenius home, WHS_014_070
Bayberry Dr, 1068 1976, Richard & Carol Ostby home, WHS_014_072
Bayberry Dr, 1069 1976, Edward Schmidt & Joanne Barrett home, WHS_014_073
Bayberry Dr, 1070 1976, Terry & Lynn Wenzel home, WHS_014_074
Bayberry Dr, 1072 1976, Gerald & Barbara Rabbach home, WHS_014_078
Bayberry Dr, 1074 1976, Forrest & Barbara Melius home, WHS_014_081
Bayberry Dr, 1076 1976, Gerhard & Diana Zimdars home, WHS_014_085
Bayberry Dr, 1083 1976, Curtiss & Janice Buss home, WHS_014_086
Benton, 504 2019, Realtor image
Berlin Ave, 756 1890s, Guetzlaff family homested, WHS_023_334
Berlin Ave, 756 Street view (became N Water St)
Berlin Ave, 812 1913, Guetzlaff Brothers, contractor-mason
Berlin Ave, 1000 1921, Streblow family, Hildebrandt_A_086
Bernard, 401 1976, circa, Farm & Fleet, WHS_014_224
Bernard, 401 1976, circa, Farm & Fleet, WHS_014_225
Bernard, 401 1989, Farm & Fleet, relocating to Welsh Rd
Bernard, 402 Value Village, assessor forms, no pics, Assessor Collection
Bernard, 402 1971, circa, Value Village, WHS_022_787
Bernard, 500 1974, Steve's Amber Lantern, 500 Bernard St, WHS_020_485
Bernard, 500 1974, Steve's Amber Lantern, 500 Bernard St, WHS_020_486
Bernard, 500 1974, Steve's Amber Lantern, 500 Bernard St, WHS_020_487
Bernard, 500 1974, Steve's Amber Lantern, 500 Bernard St, WHS_020_488
Bernard, 500 1974, Steve's Amber Lantern, 500 Bernard St, WHS_020_489
Bernard, 500 1974, Steve's Amber Lantern, 500 Bernard St, WHS_020_490
Bernard, 500 1980, circa, Amber Lantern, WHS_014_071
Bernard, 500 Assessor forms, no pics, Assessor Collection
Bernard, 502 Assessor forms, no pics, Assessor Collection
Bernard, 600-602 Assessor forms, no pics, Assessor Collection
Bernard, 621 Assessor forms, no pics, Assessor Collection
Bernard, 623 1955, Moved from 120 N Fifth, WHS_014_089
Blanchard St same as Boughton St
Bonner, north end of 1890, Hartwig Forest Home Stud Farm, WHS_022_190H
Bonner, 113 1952, Peter & Betty Theder home, WHS_014_090
Boomer St Named after Lanson Boomer
Boomer, 102 1965, Leonard & Gertrude Fehrmann home, WHS_014_092
Boomer, 108 1965, Donald Frentzel home, WHS_014_095
Boomer, 110 1965, Harley Draeger home, WHS_014_096
Boomer, 112 1964, Joseph Lischka home, WHS_014_097
Boomer, 114 1960, Arthur & Viola Duddeck, WHS_014_098
Boomer, 1206 2016, Purchased for airport runway clear zone expansion
Boomer, 1218 1969, United Parcel Service (UPS), WHS_019_804
Boomer, 1218 1969, United Parcel Service (UPS), WHS_019_805
Boughton, 1014 1955, William Schmitz home, WHS_014_100
Boughton, 1019 1960, James & Myrtle Platos home, WHS_014_101
Boughton, 1021 1957, Jack Zimmerman home, WHS_014_102
Boughton, 1023 1957, Bernard & Viola Schumann home, WHS_014_104
Boughton, 1024 1965, Robert & Shirley Lessner home, WHS_014_105
Boughton, 1025 1960, Leslie Huber home, WHS_014_106
Boughton, 1027 1960, George & Marilyn Bausch home, WHS_014_107
Boughton, 1032 1957, Gerald Rabbach home, WHS_014_111
Boughton, 1036 1959, John Fehman home, WHS_014_112
Boughton, 1041 1982, WHS_021_359
Boughton, 1041 1982, WHS_021_360
Boughton, 1041 1982, WHS_021_361
Boughton, 1046 1959, Reinhard & Dorothy Maas home, WHS_014_117
Boughton, 1048 1957, Marvin Baumann home, WHS_014_118
Boughton, 1054 1955, Joseph Nistler home, WHS_014_119
Boughton, 1076 1984, WHS_020_677
Boughton, 1078 1961, Orval & Vineta Hidde home, WHS_014_121
Brentwood Lane, 870 1989, WHS_021_260
Brentwood Lane, 870 Street view
Humboldt, 1086 1966, Rusk Greenhouse & Flower Shop, WHS_014_122
Humboldt, 1086 2018, The Greenery, WHS_014_122
Boughton, 1151 1904, Wedding of Alice Wenzel to Frank Plasil, WHS_019_271
Boughton, 1151 1905, circa, Wenzel & Frank Hrobsky, WHS_019_270
Boughton, 1155 2012, Apartment fire of 12 04 2012, WHS_006_622
Boughton, 1155 2012, Apartment fire of 12 04 2012, WHS_006_622b
Breckenridge Continuation of S Twelfth St from RR tracks to city limit
Breckenridge, 1096 1910, Home of Herbert Breckenridge
Breckenridge, 1119 1918, Fire at home of Carol O'Donnell
Brian Court, 3 1974, Fred & Karen Albert home, WHS_014_123
Brian Court, 7 1974, Richard Cerney home, WHS_014_124
Bridge, 1500 1952, Wil-Mor Tavern & Restaurant, Wilfred Moritz (Wil-Mor), WHS_014_125
Bridge, 1500 1952, Wil-Mor Service Station, Wilfred Moritz (Wil-Mor), WHS_014_125
Bridge, 1500 1971, King's Shield, New Year's Eve, WHS_023_440_B
Bridge, 1500 1972, King's Shield cocktail lounge owner
Bridge, 1500 Street view
Bridge, 1512 1953, Emilie Wolff home, WHS_014_126
Bridge, 1513 1954, Lawrence Garbisch home, WHS_014_128
Bridge, 1515 1964, Lester Dean Strege home, WHS_014_129
Bridge, 1517 1966, Fred Bittner home, WHS_014_130
Bridge, 1520 1966, Emil Hoefs home, WHS_014_131
Cady, 704 1913, Mallow & Kaddatz, contractor-mason
Cady, E, 100 1905, circa, Hartig & Manz, WHS_014_590_portion
Cady, E, 100 1905, circa, Hartig & Manz, WHS_014_590
Cady, E, 100 1913, Hartig, William, beer bottler
Cady, E, 100 1953, Prior to demolition of Hartig Brewery, WHS_016_372
Cady, E, 100 1953, Prior to demolition of Hartig Brewery, WHS_016_373
Cady, E, 100 1953, Site cleared for National Tea, WHS_019_854
Cady, E, 100 1954, National Tea Co, WHS_014_133
Cady, E, 100 1954, National Tea Co, WHS_021_010
Cady, E, 100 1954-1977, National Tea, grocery
Cady, E, 100 1950s, National Tea Co, WHS_011_300n
Cady, E, 100 1977-2007, Tom's United Foods, grocery
Cady, E, 100 2007, Breselow's Family Market, grocery
Cady, E, 100 2020, Breselow’s Family Market, LLC (Dennis F. Breselow, Agent) 
Cady, E, 100 2022, Breselow’s Family Market, WHS_021_700A
Cady, E, 100 2022, Breselow’s Family Market, WHS_021_700B
Cady, E, 100 2022, Breselow’s Family Market, WHS_021_700C
Cady, E, 100 2022, Breselow’s Family Market, WHS_021_700D
Cady, E, 112 1953, John Erdmann home, WHS_014_135
Cady, E, 114 1953, Elizabeth Fitzgerald home, WHS_014_136
Cady, E, 118 1910, Jacob Hoeffner home, WHS_005_064
Cady, E, 118 1953, Joseph Brom home (former Jacob Hoeffner home) WHS_014_137
Cady, E, 200 1953, same as 401 N Second, WHS_009_925
Cady, E, 209 1953, John Gruel home, WHS_014_138
Cady, E, 211 1999, Structural fire at, link to portfolio
Cady, E, 307 1953, Harvey Wollin home, WHS_014_141
Cady, E, 313 1953, Mrs. Augusta Rohr home, WHS_014_142
Cady, E, 313 Janette Johnson painting, WHS_016_901
Cady, E, 404 1955, Hugo Briesemeister home, WHS_014_143
Cady, E, 510 1955, Gerhard Schmiel home, WHS_014_144
Cady, E, 510 1915, Residence for sale
Cady, E, 512 1915, Residence for sale
Cady, E, 512 1953, Matilda Behling home, WHS_014_146
Cady, E, 600 1953, Florence Kohlberg home, WHS_014_147
Cady, E, 600 2022, WHS_022_120F
Cady, E, 600 2022, WHS_022_120G
Cady, E, 600 2022, WHS_022_120H
Cady, E, 600 2022, WHS_022_120J
Cady, E, 604 1952, Emma Kohlkoff home, WHS_014_152
Cady, E, 608 1954, Adelia Gerbitz home, WHS_014_153
Cady, E, 610 1926, circa, Merlin Ziebell home, 610 E Cady, WHS_011_356
Cady, E, 610 1951, Victor Nowack home, WHS_014_155
Cady, E, 614 1965, WHS_014_156
Cady, E, 704 1951, Harvey & Olga Lehtoma home, WHS_014_157
Cady, E, 708 1951, Harley Rupprecht home, WHS_014_158
Cady, E, 712 1951, Elmer Hackbarth home, WHS_014_159
Cady, E, 802 1951, Arthur Ebert home, WHS_014_160
Cady, E, 804 1951, John Bloedorn home, WHS_014_161
Cady, E, 805 1954, Leo Krueger home, WHS_014_162
Cady, E, 808 1951, Arthur Jaeger home, WHS_014_163
Cady, E, 809 1920, circa, PC_249
Cady, E, 809 1920, circa, PC_249_portion
Cady, E, 809 1954, Otto Pitterle home, WHS_014_164
Cady, E, 811 1920, circa, PC_249
Cady, E, 811 1920, circa, PC_249_portion
Cady, E, 811 1960, Wallace Fischer home, WHS_014_165
Cady, E, 812 1951, Frank & Violet Engelhart home, WHS_014_166
Cady, E, 813 1954, Emil & Alma Nass home, WHS_014_167
Cady, E, 814 1951, William & Louise Asmus home, WHS_014_168
Cady, E, 815 1954, Josephine & Martha Witte home, WHS_014_169
Cady, E, 817 1954, Bernhardt & Maybelle Jaeger home, WHS_014_170
Cady, E, 818 1960, Benjamin Seefeldt home, WHS_014_171
Cady, E, 818 2014, Structural fire at
Cady, E, 821 1954, Wilhelmina Jaeger home, WHS_014_172
Cady, E, 900 1951, Frank Zerjav home, WHS_014_173
Cady, E, 900 1966_WHS_018_621
Cady, E, 900 1967, Large tree at
Cady, E, 900 1974, WHS_019_233
Cady, E, 900 2008, Henry Pritzlaff home, champion tree
Cady, E, 900 AHI record
Cady, E, 901 1954, Gustave Frank home, WHS_014_174
Cady, E, 902 1950, circa, WHS_008_822
Cady, E, 904 1950, circa, WHS_008_822
Cady, E, 904 1950, Frank Kreiziger home, WHS_014_175
Cady, E, 907 1954, James & Elizabeth Sloan home, WHS_014_176
Cady, E, 908 1951, Ferdinand Kleemann home, WHS_014_177
Cady, E, 909 1954, Helen Wittchow home, WHS_014_178
Cady, E, 910 1954, Ulricka Zache home, WHS_014_179
Cady, E, 911 1954, Arnold Koehler home, WHS_014_180
Cady, E, 915 1954, Lester Moser home, WHS_014_181
Cady, W, 101 1875, J Harding Turkish Bath estab.
Cady, W, 101 1895, circa, Pigeon coop, WHS_005_487_portion
Cady, W, 101 1895, circa, Pigeon coop, WHS_007_KR337
Cady, W, 101 1931, Thoma Seeder Co, WHS_009_540
Cady, W, 101 1956, Klecker Implement Co, WHS_014_195
Cady, W, 101 1973, Distant view of, WHS_020_788
Cady, W, 102 1890, circa, Harvesting ice, WHS_008_793
Cady, W, 102 1890, circa, Harvesting ice, WHS_008_792
Cady, W, 102 1890, circa, Harvesting ice, WHS_008_792portion
Cady, W, 102 1890, circa, Ice house on Cady, WHS_008_791
Cady, W, 102 1890, circa, Ice house on Cady, WHS_008_791portion
Cady, W, 102 1890, circa, Ice house on Cady, WHS_008_836
Cady, W, 102 1900, circa, Eaton Ice House, WHS_005_966
Cady, W, 102 1946, circa, Raasch's Bowl, WHS_011_167
Cady, W, 102 1951, Raasch's Bowl, WHS_014_194
Cady, W, 102 1955, Raasch Bowl, sold
Cady, W, 102 1955, Watertown Bowl established
Cady, W, 102 1973, Watertown Bowl, WHS_013_986
Cady, W, 102 1973, Watertown Bowl, WHS_013_987
Cady, W, 103 1874, pre, Wiens brush factory, WHS_020_661
Cady, W, 103 1875, circa, Wiens Brush factory, WHS_008_732
Cady, W, 103 1890, circa, Brush factory, west end of Cady St bridge, WHS_004_NT_116
Cady, W, 103 1890, circa, Wiens brush factory, west end of Cady St bridge, WHS_022_360B
Cady, W, 103 1900, circa, Wiens Brush Factory, WHS_005_966
Cady, W, 103 1913, Standard Brush Co, Brush Mfgs
Cady, W, 103 1915, circa, Wiens brush factory, west end of Cady St bridge, WHS_009_555
Cady, W, 103 1919, Ad, Schmidt & Albrecht, Samson Tractor, WHS_008_700K
Cady, W, 103 1920, Ad, Schmidt & Albrecht, Samson Truck, WHS_016_570W
Cady, W, 103 1929, Ad, Schmidt & Albrecht, Tractor ad
Cady, W, 103 1956, Hertel bldg, WHS_014_195
Cady, W, 103 1940-1957, Klecker Implement, Oliver farm equipment
Cady, W, 103 2015 Hertel Recycling
Cady, W, 103 1965, Vacant, WHS_018_644
Cady, W, 110 1954, Rueben Leichtie home, WHS_014_196
Cady, W, 113 1954, George Eggert home, WHS_014_197
Cady, W, 207 Residential Historic District home
Cady, W, 207 1954, Henry Blaese home, WHS_014_199
Cady, W, 213 1954, George & Gloria Becker home, WHS_014_200
Cady, W, 213 2012, Fire, total loss of home, YouTube video
Cady, W, 307 Residential Historic District home
Cady, W, 307 1954, Gerald Mullen home, WHS_014_201
Cady, W, 308 1954, Jerome Herried home, WHS_014_202
Cady, W, 408 1951, Addie Connor home, WHS_014_204
Cady, W, 410 1895, Fire at
Cady, W, 410 1951, Carl & Edna Feske home, WHS_014_203
Cady, W, 500 1954, Mary Stacy home, WHS_014_205
Cady, W, 506 1954, Lawrence Graves home, WHS_014_206
Cady, W, 511 1952, Albert Hart home, WHS_014_208
Cady, W, 516 1954, Gerhard Kowalke home, WHS_014_209
Cady, W, 517 1952, Clyde Taylor home, WHS_014_210
Cady, W, 518 1948, Wolff's Grocery Store, WHS_014_068
Cady, W, 518 1955, circa, Wolff's Grocery, WHS_020_812
Cady, W, 518 Wolff's Grocery, themometer, WHS_019_350R
Cady, W, 604 1952, Ray Byrne home, WHS_014_211
Cady, W, 605 1954, Charles Holt home, WHS_014_214
Cady, W, 608 1952, Edward Smithson home, WHS_014_215
Cady, W, 609 1954, Alvin Reith home, WHS_014_216
Cady, W, 617 1954, Alfred Erdmann home, WHS_014_217
Cady, W, 700 1952, Harry & Clara Wendt home, WHS_014_218
Cady, W, 704 1925, Plans for Walter Usher home, WHS_020_167
Cady, W, 704 1925, Plans for Walter Usher home, WHS_020_168
Cady, W, 704 1954, Walter Usher home, WHS_014_219
Cady, W, 708 1954, James Imming home, WHS_014_220
Cady, W, 711 1959, William Cunningham home, WHS_014_221
Cady, W, 714 1954, William Bongard home, WHS_014_222
Cady, W, 715 1954, Elizabeth Weber home, WHS_014_223
Cady, W, 719 1951, WHS_014_227
Cady, W, 721 1951, WHS_014_228
Cady, W, 724 1960, WHS_014_230
Cady, W, 726 1960, WHS_014_231
Cady, W, 727 1960, WHS_014_229
Carl Schurz Dr, 403 1961, George Schlueter home, WHS_014_232
Carl Schurz Dr, 406 1966, Dr Vernon Smebak home, WHS_014_233
Carl Schurz Dr, 406 1979, WHS_021_399
Carl Schurz Dr, 406 Street view
Carl Schurz Dr, 501 1960, Richard & Karen Buchholz home, WHS_014_234
Carl Schurz Dr, 502 1966, William & Nancy Kimble home, WHS_014_235
Carl Schurz Dr, 503 1958, Jan & Sally Rickerman home, WHS_014_236
Carl Schurz Dr, 506 2019, Realtor image
Carol, 913 1954, Edwin & Erna Eckhardt home, WHS_014_237
Carol, 914 1954, Herbert & Florence Miller home, WHS_014_238
Carol, 915 1957, Howard & Joyce Gutzdorf home, WHS_014_239
Carol, 916 1957, Leonard Braunschweig home, WHS_014_240
Carol, 916 1958, Leonard Braunschweig home, WHS_013_877
Carol, 916 1960, circa, Evelyn & Leonard Braunschweig, WHS_014_241
Carol, 917 1950s, 917 Carol St, WHS_006_747
Carol, 917 1950s, 917 Carol St, WHS_006_748
Carol, 917 1954, Willard Roehl home, WHS_014_242
Carol, 918 1954, Henry & Augusta Kuehn home, WHS_014_243
Carol, 920 1957, Reinhold & Ruth Pubenz home, WHS_014_244
Carr Street Controversy 1908
Carr, 1007 1954, Madeline Messer home, WHS_014_245
Carr, 1008 1954, Hattie Kuhn home, WHS_014_246
Carr, 1011 1954, Henry Krause home, WHS_014_249
Carr, 1012 1954, Edwin Boeder home, WHS_014_250
Carr, 1101 1954, Leona Luebke home, WHS_014_251
Carr, 1102 1954, Daniel Kusel home, WHS_014_253
Carr, 1104 1954, circa, Albert Hoppe home, WHS_014_254
Carr, 1105 1953, circa, Hugo & Esther Zastrow home, WHS_014_255
Carr, 1105 1954, Edward King Jr home, WHS_014_252
Center 1909, circa, Fourth and Center, looking north from bridge, WHS_005_189
Center, 1100 block 1872, Between North Ave and Spaulding, Sharpshooters Society
Center, 1000 1951, Lionel Kuhn home, WHS_014_270
Center, 1004 1950, Selma Borth home, WHS_014_271
Center, 1004 1983, WHS_021_145
Center, 1004 1983, WHS_021_146
Center, 1004 1983, WHS_021_147
Center, 1004 1984, WHS_020_762
Center, 1004 1984, WHS_020_763
Center, 1014 1955, Rex Dodd home, WHS_014_272
Center, 1017 1910, circa, Uncertain, WHS_019_333
Center, 1019 1955, Wilbert & Marion Ninman home, WHS_014_273
Center, 1019 1910, circa, Uncertain, WHS_019_333
Center, 1021 1953, Thomas & Doris Gillis home, WHS_014_274
Center, 1022 1950, William Bast home, WHS_014_275
Center, 1023 1953, Herbert & Leona Haberkorn home, WHS_014_276
Center, 1100 Gabled ell house, cream brick 
Center, 1100 1950, Harold Blaesius home, WHS_014_277
Center, 1100 1975, Theodore Meyers home, WHS_019_071
Center, 1100 AHI record
Center, 1101 1951, Arthur Greinert home, WHS_014_278
Center, 1104 1953, circa, Clifford Pauli home, WHS_014_279
Center, 1104 1979, WHS_021_066
Center, 1104 1979, WHS_021_067
Center, 1104 Street view
Center, 1105 1953, Frank Heine home, WHS_014_280
Center, 1108 1911, circa, Queen Anne house, clapboard
Center, 1108 1950, Fred & Adele Greinert home, WHS_014_281
Center, 1109 1913, Julius Graunke, pigeon hatcheries
Center, 1109 1955, Francis Heideman home, WHS_014_282
Center, 1109 1965, Fieldstone house, WHS_019_082
Center, 1109 1974, Fieldstone house, WHS_019_094
Center, 1109 1985, circa, Fieldstone house, WHS_019_126
Center, 1112 1950, Hugo & Lillian Maase home, WHS_014_283
Center, 1113 1950, James Frear home, WHS_014_284
Center, 1113 2005, WHS_005_243
Center, 1115 1950, Herman Schumacher home, WHS_014_285
Center, 1117 1950, Daniel Peterson home, WHS_014_286
Center, 1118 1913, Albert Loeffler, florist / became site for Douglas school in 1960
Center, 1119 1950, William & Elsie Witt home, WHS_014_287
Center, 1123 1950, John & Margaritha Bremser home, WHS_014_288
Center, 1125 1951, Ernst Grosenick home, WHS_014_289
Center, 1205 1950, Alfred Luther home, WHS_014_290
Center, 1205 19799, WHS_021_050
Center, 1205 19799, WHS_021_051
Center, 1205 Street view
Center, 1207 1950, William Wohfiel home, WHS_014_291
Center, 1208 1953, Reinhard & Anita Tietz home, WHS_014_292
Center, 1209 1950, John Druczinsky home, WHS_014_293
Center, 1214 1950, Verie Pauli home, WHS_014_294
Center, 1215 1950, Mrs. Charlotte Witt home, WHS_014_295
Center, 1300 1950, James Fitzpatrick home, WHS_014_296
Center, 1301 1950, Floyd & Gloria Miller home, WHS_014_297
Center, 1303 1951, Fred & Genevieve Graf home, WHS_014_298
Center, 1304 1951, Leo & Rose Metzger home, WHS_014_299
Center, 1308-1310 1951, Richard & Vera Jaye home, WHS_014_300
Center, 1309 1950, Walter Schwenkner home, WHS_014_301
Center, 1313 1952, William Polensky home, WHS_014_302
Center, 1314-1316 1958, Robert Brown home, WHS_014_303
Center, 1318 1955, Ronald Wittchow home, WHS_014_304
Center, 1318 1966, Don's Rubber Stamp Shop
Center, 1319 1950, Emmet & Florence Huebner home, WHS_014_305
Center, 1320 1955, Alfred & Harriet Herde home, WHS_014_306
Center, 1325 1955, Herman & Olga Bartelt home, WHS_014_307
Center, 1326 1954, Joseph Meitner home, WHS_014_308
Center, 1327 1955, Ewald & Elsie Tietz home, WHS_014_309
Center, 1401 1953, Gilbert Guetzlaff home, WHS_014_310
Center, 1401 1970, Christmas decorations, WHS_023_397
Center, 1401 Street view
Center, 1404 1953, Daniel & Edna Sullivan home, WHS_014_311
Center, 1405 1954, Bernhard Yahn home, WHS_014_312
Center, 1406 1952, Robert Rutlin home, WHS_014_313
Center, 1409 1953, Robert Shoemacher home, WHS_014_314
Center, 1410 1953, Fred Goetsch home, WHS_014_315
Center, 1413 1966, Albert Aagaard home, WHS_014_316
Center, 1414 1951, Clifford Morgen home, WHS_014_317
Center, 1415 1954, Walter Brandenstein home, WHS_014_318
Center, 1416 1954, James Imming home, WHS_014_319
Center, 1417 1957, Gilbert Yahn home, WHS_014_320
Center, 1420 1950, Walter & Adeline Siegel home, WHS_014_321
Center, 1423 1955, Edward Kaercher home, WHS_014_322
Center, 1500 1957, Norman & Joyce Duffrin home, WHS_014_323
Center, 1503 1955, Rolland Wolff home, WHS_014_324
Center, 1504 1964, Warren Huebner home, WHS_014_325
Center, 1506 1954, Robert Pagel home, WHS_014_326
Center, 1507 1964, Ernest & Sharon Niemann home, WHS_014_327
Center, 1508 1955, Avery McCarthy home, WHS_014_328
Center, 1509 1966, George & Sandra Parker home, WHS_014_329
Center, 1510 1957, Edward Wittchow home, WHS_014_330
Center, 1511 1950, Harvey Cook home, WHS_014_331
Center, 1512 1950, Under construction, WHS_014_331
Center, 1513 1965, Frederick Guenterberg home, WHS_014_333
Center, 1514 1958, George Helmke home, WHS_014_334
Center, 1517 1957, Percy & Lorraine Krebs home, WHS_014_335
Center, 1519 1955, Elroy Heller home, WHS_014_336
Charles Street 1927, Laying Sewer on, WHS_008_702
Charles Street 1927, Laying Sewer on, WHS_008_703
Charles, 900 1954, John Bublitz home, WHS_014_256
Charles, 901 1966, Charles Kading home, WHS_014_257
Charles, 904 1954, Israel Olson home, WHS_014_258
Charles, 907 1969, James Quirk home, WHS_014_259
Charles, 908 1954, Daniel & Anne Bergeron home, WHS_016_138
Charles, 908 2013, Similar to 819 Cole (compared to)
Charles, 910 1951, Eugene & Helen Burzynski home, WHS_014_260
Charles, 915 1959, Doris Meyer Gibson home, WHS_014_261
Charles, 916 1950, circa, Aerial view of, WHS_006_875
Charles, 916 1954, Richard & Irma Marie Miller home, WHS_014_260B
Charles, 919 1980, Christmas, winter scene, WHS_019_385
Charles, 1001 1980, Christmas, winter scene, WHS_019_385
Charles, 1001 1980, Christmas, winter scene, WHS_019_386
Charles, 1002 1950, circa, Aerial view of, WHS_006_875
Charles, 1002 1952, Paul & Frances Karcher home, WHS_014_262
Charles, 1002 1964, Richard and Joan Hinze home, WHS_014_262
Charles, 1003 1950, circa, Aerial view of, WHS_006_875
Charles, 1003 1951, Felix Zimmermann home, WHS_014_263
Charles, 1003 2013, The "castle house," Holiday Parade of Homes, WHS_006_825F
Charles, 1003 2015, Realtor photo
Charles, 1009 1954, Samuel Luchsinger home, WHS_014_264
Charles, 1010 1955, Eunice Gruner home, WHS_014_265
Charles, 1010 1963, Mrs. Eunice Gruner
Charles, 1010 2013, Parade of Homes, Mary-Sue "Susie" Mariani, WHS_006_825E
Charles, 1014 1957, Robert & Alma Bauch home, WHS_014_266
Charles, 1015 1955, Edward King home, WHS_014_267
Charles, 1018 1960, Orval Krempel home, WHS_014_268
Charles, 1019 1951, Max Gossfeld home, WHS_014_269
Chenango, 1301 1954, Loeb & Company, WHS_014_337
Church 1910, postcard
Church 1910, circa, Looking north, WHS_001_PC_077
Church, 210 1913, Simon S Mullen, music teacher
Church, 215 1913, Peter Connor, real estate
Church, 310 1913, Charlotte Rowlands, nurse
Church, N, Winter scene 1910, 04 24 1910, WHS_002_PC_322
Church, N 2008, Reconstruction project
Church, N WHS_PC_073
Church, N, 102 1898, whs_023_619B
Church, N, 104 1935, circa, Home of Harry Schlueter, 104 N Church, WHS_021_495
Church, N, 104 1935, circa, Home of Harry Schlueter, 104 N Church, WHS_021_496
Church, N, 104 1935, circa, Home of Harry Schlueter, 104 N Church, WHS_021_497
Church, N, 104 1935, circa, Home of Harry Schlueter, 104 N Church, WHS_021_498
Church, N, 104 1947, Philip McCarthy home
Church, N, 104 1965, Rezoning of
Church, N, 104 1954, Curley's Cities Service Station, WHS_014_338
Church, N, 104 1954, Catherine McCarthy home, WHS_014_338B
Chruch, N, 104 1968, West Side Citgo, consruction of, WHS_022_624
Church, N, 104 1969, West Side Citgo, opening of, same as 400 W Main, WHS_020_200S
Church, N, 104 1969, West Side Citgo, opening of
Church, N, 108 1954, Elsie Hoermann home, WHS_014_338C
Church, N, 109 1954, Lawrence Kingsley home, WHS_014_340
Church, N, 114 Cody Home, chapter on Cody
Church, N, 114 1954, Harold Hanson home, WHS_014_343
Church, N, 114 1974, Cody home, traditional name, WHS_019_141
Church, N, 114 2005, Cody home, WHS_005_258
Church, N, 115 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_836
Church, N, 115 1954, Katherine Thauer home, WHS_014_344
Church, N, 118 1938, circa, WHS_021_166
Church, N, 118 Street view
Church, N, 118 1945, Winkler's Super Service
Church, N, 118 1940s, Winkler's Filling Station, WHS_011_245
Church, N, 118 1954, Schmidt's Gas & Service, Edwin Schmidt, WHS_014_345
Church, N, 118 2015, PJ's Pizza
Church, N, 118 2019, PJ's Pizza, assessor image
Church, N, 119 1913, John Thauer, real estate
Church, N, 119 1914, Thauer home purchased by Fred Pfieffer
Church, N, 119 1954, Frank Weideman home, WHS_014_346
Church, N, 119 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_836
Church, N, 119 2017, Renovation of, WDTimes article
Church, N, 119 2018, Katherine Holle House, B&B
Church, N, 119 2018, Home of Pete Charles and Keri Klein
Church, N, 119 2022, Katherine Holle B&B, WHS_022_190E
Church, N, 200 block 1910c?, View to the south, winter scene, WHS_ PC_322
Church, N, 200 block 2008, East side of, highway reconstruction, WHS_013_835
Church, N, 200 1940s, Gerald Barlow home, WHS_011_245
Church, N, 200 1954, John D Clifford home, WHS_014_347
Church, N, 201 1914, WHS_021_149
Church, N, 201 1951, Elizabeth Ryan home, WHS_014_348
Church, N, 201 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_834
Church, N, 201 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_835
Church, N, 204 1899, Henry Donner home
Church, N, 204 Henry Donner home. Pg 26 of Jannke: Then & Now, Watertown, WI
Church, N, 204 1895, circa, Jesse W Bennett home, WHS_016_142
Church, N, 204 1900, Bennett home
Church, N, 204 1954, Clarence Kapheim home, WHS_014_349
Church, N, 204-206 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_829
Church, N, 205 Charles Kerr (b. 1848) home
Church, N, 205 1909, Edward Rogan home
Church, N, 205 1951, William Cunningham home, WHS_014_350
Church, N, 205 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_834
Church, N, 205 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_835
Church, N, 206 1946, Al Rippe home
Church, N, 207 1954, Harold Beecher home, WHS_014_351
Church, N, 207 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_834
Church, N, 208 H Miller home
Church, N, 208 1954, Howard Beaver home, WHS_014_352
Church, N, 208 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_829
Church, N, 209 1954, Ray Richter home, WHS_014_353
Church, N, 209 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_834
Church, N, 210 Edmund Sweeney home
Church, N, 210 1954, Alvin Hinkes home, WHS_014_354
Church, N, 210 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_829
Church, N, 210 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_830
Church, N, 210 2018, Capture1034.jpg
Church, N, 210 2018, Capture1035.jpg
Church, N, 213 1954, George Ebert home, WHS_014_355
Church, N, 213 1980, WHS_021_403
Church, N, 213 1980, WHS_021_404
Church, N, 213 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_834
Church, N, 213 Street view
Church, N, 215 1954, Robert Wicker home, WHS_014_356
Church, N, 216 Kusel Home, Daniel Sr.
Church, N, 216 Kusel Home, Daniel Sr.
Church, N, 216 Kusel Home, Daniel Sr.
Church, N, 216 1895, Dancing party, Jennie Kusel
Church, N, 216 1948, Brewery tunnels recalled
Church, N, 216 1954, Louis H. & Margaret Kusel home, WHS_014_357
Church, N, 216 1965, Daniel Kusel home, WHS_019_187
Church, N, 216 1974, Daniel Kusel home, WHS_019_201
Church, N, 216 1980, circa, Daniel Kusel Home, traditional name, WHS_019_142
Church, N, 216 1987, WHS_021_152
Church, N, 216 2008, Bottle rocket likely cause of fire
Church, N, 216 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_829
Church, N, 216 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_830
Church, N, 216 Street view
Church, N, 217 1954, Henry Bunting home, WHS_014_358
Church, N, 301 1954, Lorena Coughlin home, WHS_014_359
Church, N, 301 2021, WHS_019_130G
Church, N, 302 Kusel Home, Fred
Church, N, 302 Fred Kusel home, WHS_014_050_R
Church, N, 302 1954, Peter Colletti home, WHS_014_360
Church, N, 302 Street view
Church, N, 305 1954, Edward & Anita Dusowsky home, WHS_014_361
Church, N, 306 1954, John E Salick home, WHS_014_362
Church, N, 306 2020, WHS_018_500N
Church, N, 308 1954, Bernard Kehoe home, WHS_014_363
Church, N, 308 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_832
Church, N, 309 Built in the early 1890s for Carl Manz, one-time partner in Hartig & Manz Brewery.
Church, N, 309 1899, Home of Carl Manz, Harvest Jubilee, WHS_018_524
Church, N, 309 1902, Carl Manz residence, from Picturesque Watertown booklet
Church, N, 309 1954, Loretta Irving home, WHS_014_364
Church, N, 309 2021, WHS_019_130H
Church, N, 309 Street view
Church, N, 310 1913, Edna Goeldner, music teacher
Church, N, 310 1925, House fire, Mrs Pauline Goeldner
Church, N, 310 1955, John Bubernak home, WHS_014_463
Church, N, 310 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_832
Church, N, 400 block 1910, circa, View to north from N Church and Rock streets, WHS_001_PC_076
Church, N, 400 1895 R. Lewis residence occupied by Christopher Smith
Church, N, 400 1954, Ernest Backhaus home, WHS_014_464
Church, N, 400 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_832
Church, N, 403 1951, Frank Newbouer home, WHS_014_465
Church, N, 406 1954, Urban Schuenke home, WHS_014_466
Church, N, 409 Home of Donald D Scott
Church, N, 409 1951, Percy Wade home, WHS_014_467
Church, N, 410 1954, Leonard Mallach home, WHS_014_468
Church, N, 414 1957, Mundt Electric, City Dir ad
Church, N, 414 1954, Donald & Doris Buchta home, WHS_014_469
Church, N, 414 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_831
Church, N, 415 1954, Obed Moen home, WHS_014_470
Church, N, 415 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_833
Church, N, 417 1952, Joseph Schleicher home, WHS_014_471
Church, N, 417 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_833
Church, N, 418 1909, Emil Gruel purchase Wilson home
Church, N, 418 1951, Lydia Verganz home, WHS_014_472
Church, N, 418 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_831
Church, N, 419 1951, Benjamin Karberg home, WHS_014_473
Church, N, 419 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_833
Church, N, 420 1909, William Schimmel residence
Church, N, 422 1911, Edwin Woelffer home, stone cutter, WHS_013_300C
Church, N, 422 1953, Ella Meschke home, WHS_014_474
Church, N, 422 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_831
Church, N, 423 1954, Caroline Freitag home, WHS_014_475
Church, N, 423 2008, Highway reconstruction, WHS_013_833
Church, N, 423 Assessor image 1
Church, N, 423 Assessor image 2
Church, N, 501 1911, A. D. Liebermann home
Church, N, 501 1913, Abraham D Liebermann, junk dealer
Church, N, 501 1950, George Williams home, WHS_014_477
Church, N, 502 1909, Roach house
Church, N, 502 1954, John Wuestenberg home, WHS_014_476
Church, N, 502 1981, WHS_021_392
Church, N, 502 1981, WHS_021_393
Church, N, 502 1985, WHS_020_706
Church, N, 502 1985, WHS_020_707
Church, N, 502 Street view
Church, N, 504 1954, James Schuenke home, WHS_014_478
Church, N, 505 1914, Tornado damage to John Evans home
Church, N, 505 1950, George Wuestenberg home, WHS_014_479
Church, N, 507 1951, August & Viola Hundt home, WHS_014_480
Church, N, 510 1954, Arthur & Agnes Doerr home, WHS_014_481
Church, N, 511 1951, George Ebert home, WHS_014_482
Church, N, 512 1913, Mrs Amalia Krueger, grocer
Church, N, 512 1954, Keith Vaught home, WHS_014_483
Church, N, 513 1954, Sam Lucksinger home, WHS_014_484
Church, N, 515 1954, August Kalsow home, WHS_014_485
Church, N, 516 1954, George Ebert home, WHS_014_486
Church, N, 517 1951, Frank Weber home, WHS_014_487
Church, N, 518 1950, Robert Klink home, WHS_014_488
Church, N, 519 1951, Edmund Seifert home, WHS_014_489
Church, N, 522 1954, Ernest & Hattie Haack home, WHS_014_490
Church, N, 525 1954, Louis Schmutzler home, WHS_014_491
Church, N, 528 1951, Ben & Ruby Schmutzler home, WHS_014_520
Church, N, 533 1952, Herbert Gallenbeck home, WHS_014_521
Church, N, 533 1982, WHS_021_047
Church, N, 533 1982, WHS_021_048
Church, N, 533 1982, WHS_021_049
Church, N, 533 Street view
Church, N, 601 1954, Charles Howard home, WHS_014_523
Church, N, 602 1954, William Schroeder home, WHS_014_522
Church, N, 605 1954, Carl & Ruth Breitzmann home, WHS_014_524
Church, N, 608 1954, Arthur Soldner home, WHS_014_525
Church, N, 610 1957, Harvey Winchel home, WHS_014_526
Church, N, 611 1913, Jewel Tea Co, teas & coffees
Church, N, 611 1951, Adolph Beine home, WHS_014_527
Church, N, 612 1951, Badger Petroleum Co, Edward Drought, WHS_014_528
Church, N, 612 1981, WHS_021_223
Church, N, 612 Street view
Church, N, 613 1954, Weber G. Mullen home, WHS_014_529
Church, N, 615 1954, Harold Ebert home, WHS_014_530
Church, N, 617 1951, George Shook home, WHS_014_549
Church, N, 623 1950, Andrew O'Brien home, wind storm damage, WHS_018_031
Church, N, 623 1952, Andrew O'Brien home, WHS_014_550
Church, N, 625 1950, Fifth Ward tavern, Collin's tavern, storm damaged, WHS_018_031
Church, N, 625 1952, Fifth Ward Tavern, WHS_014_551
Church, N, 625 1963, WHS_014_550a
Church, N, 625 1963, WHS_014_550b
Church, N, 700 block 1949, Reconstruction of, WHS_016_521
Church, N, 701 1954, Harold Block home, WHS_014_552
Church, N, 702 1951, Agnes Schultz home, WHS_014_553
Church, N, 702 2019, Realtor image
Church, N, 704 1951, Reuben Else home, WHS_014_554
Church, N, 705 1951, Walter & Meta Meske home, WHS_014_555
Church, N, 706 1952, Christina Valasky home, WHS_014_556
Church, N, 713 1952, Melvin & Violet Thoma home, WHS_014_557
Church, N, 714 1981, WHS_021_302
Church, N, 714 1981, WHS_021_303
Church, N, 714 Street view
Church, N, 715 1952, Albert Grunewald home, WHS_014_558
Church, N, 716 1954, Mrs. Clara Roch home, WHS_014_559
Church, N, 717 1955, Frederick Haseleu home, WHS_014_560
Church, N, 718 1954, Herbert Stueber home, WHS_014_561
Church, N, 719 1951, Walter Block home, WHS_014_562
Church, N, 720 1950, William Ward home, WHS_014_563
Church, N, 723 1953, Walter Jaeger home, WHS_014_564
Church, N, 724 1955, Robert Otto home, WHS_014_565
Church, N, 726 1950, John Klemann home, WHS_014_566
Church, N, 727 Rumler residence, lone practitioner of stuffing geese
Church, N, 727 1955, Fred Rumler home, WHS_014_567
Church, N, 728 1958, Mrs. Dorothy Mackdanz home, WHS_014_568
Church, N, 729 1955, Julius Ruehlow home, WHS_014_569
Church, N, 731 1955, Walter Otto home, WHS_014_570
Church, N, 731 1957, Walter C Otto, Contractor, WHS_011_200S
Church, N, 732 1955, William Hoppe home, WHS_014_571
Church, N, 735 1951, Alma Oestreich home, WHS_014_572
Church, N, 739 1955, Arnold Guetzlaff home, WHS_014_573
Church, N, 739 1911, E D Stack residence
Church, N, 739 1911, Ad, Hillside Poultry Farm, WHS_020_293B
Church, N, 740 1957, Midwest Building Supply Co, WHS_016_340
Church, N, 740 1957, Midwest Building Supply Co, WHS_011_200R
Church, N, 740 1962, Midwest Lawn & Garden Ctr, WHS_014_574
Church, N, 740 1969, Midwest Lawn & Garden Ctr, Christmas items, WHS_021_800B
Church, N, 740 2015, WHS_009_359
Church, N, 744 1945, Garden Homes Tavern, L F Weber
Church, N, 746 1927, circa, Garden Home Service Station, WHS_020_011
Church, N, 746 1936, Garden Homes Service Station, Dixie Gas
Church, N, 746 Garden Homes Service Station, WHS_013_674
Church, N, 744 & 746 1958, Garden Homes Tavern & Gas, WHS_014_575
Church, N, 749 1914, postcard, destroyed by fire, WHS_PC_305, same as PC_453, 003_PC_455, 002_PC_305
Church, N, 749 1955, Leo Sweeney home, WHS_014_576
Church, N, 749 1970, Florence Sweeney (Leo), AFS pizza sale, WHS_023_165
Church, N, 749 Chapter on, 1856, built, Carl Schurz home, Karlshuegel House, prop purchased in 1854 by Carl Schurz
Church, N, 754 1951, Fred & Olive Klecker home, WHS_014_595
Church, N, 760 1954, Nite Cap Motel, WHS_014_596
Church, N, 760 1960, circa, WHS_021_583
Church, N, 760 1966, Nite-Cap Motel, fire at
Church, N, 760 1975, circa, WHS_021_584
Church, N, 760 Street view
Church, N, 765 1950, Redigas of Watertown, WHS_014_597
Church, N, 766 1961, Bowl-A-Fun constructed
Church, N, 769 1959, Redigas of Watertown, WHS_014_601
Church, N, 769 1969, Storm damage, Blue Bird Café, WHS_020_162
Church, N, 769 1971, Blue Bird Café, WHS_011_841B
Church, N, 770 1961, Construction of Bowl O Fun
Church, N, 770 1965, circa, Bowl-A-Fun, WHS_014_602
Church, N, 771 1955, Tastee Freez, WHS_014_600
Church, N, 771 1967, Tastee-Freez Restaurant became Bluebird Cafe
Church, N, 771 1983, Eske's Stick 'N Brick
Church, N, 771 WHS_014_599
Church, N, 771 Provimi Veal Info Ctr, WHS_014_598
Church, N, 773 1955, Jim's Rocket Service, WHS_014_604
Church, N, 773 1970, Humble Gas Station, WHS_014_603
Church, N, 773 1975, Redigas constructed, WHS_017_127
Church, N, 802 1960, Watertown Implement Co., WHS_014_619
Church, N, 806 1967, Car-O-Matic Car Wash, Al & Del Hinze
Church, N, 814 1941, Buffalo Inn, WHS_021_899
Church, N, 814 1941, Buffalo on display
Church, N, 814 1945, A P Weber, Buffalo Inn owner, WHS_014_630
Church, N, 806 Buffalo Inn, WHS_021_800D
Church, N, 814 1962, Buffalo Inn, WHS_014_621
Church, N, 814 1966, Buffalo Inn, WHS_014_620
Church, N, 814 2021, Capture7134
Church, N, 814 2021, Capture7135
Church, N, 815 1951, Rock River Consumers Cooperative, WHS_014_623
Church, N, 815 1957, Rock River Consumers Cooperative, WHS_014_622
Church, N, 815 1957, Rock River Consumers Coop
Church, N, 815 2011, United Cooperative, WHS_006_452
Church, N, 815 2011, United Cooperative, WHS_006_453
Church, N, 815 2011, United Cooperative, WHS_006_454
Church, N, 815 2011, United Cooperative, WHS_006_455
Church, N, 815 2011, United Cooperative, WHS_006_456
Church, N, 815 Rock River Consumers Cooperative, drawing of layout, WHS_014_624
Church, N, 818 1959, Texaco Service Station, WHS_014_626
Church, N, 824 1950s, Schaefer's Soft Water Service, WHS_005_467
Church, N, 824 1959, Schaefer Soft Water Service, WHS_014_625
Church, S 1923, Dead ended, WHS_008_427I
Church, S, 101 1957, circa, Paul W Klink home, WHS_008_386 (same as WHS_014_633)
Church, S, 107 1954, Helen McCormick home, WHS_014_339 (same as WHS_014_636)
Church, S, 108 1913, Thomas Hennessy, C.S.C. (Cath.), priest
Church, S, 110 Former St. Bernard's Rectory, now Convent
Church, S, 110 Former St. Bernard's Rectory, now Convent, WHS_006_474
Church, S, 110 1965, St. Bernard's Rectory, WHS_019_176
Church, S, 111 1954, Edward Cavanaugh home, WHS_014_341 (same as WHS_014_634)
Church, S, 113 1954, Edwin Conant home, WHS_014_342 (same as WHS_014_635)
Church, S, 114 St. Bernard’s Catholic Church.
  Founded by Irish Catholics in 1843, the
  present building was erected beginning in
  1873 and dedicated in 1876. The corner
  stone is cut from the Rock of Cashel in
  Ireland. It is the oldest Catholic Church in Watertown.
Church, S, 110 1974, St Bernard's Rectory, WHS_019_106
Church, S, 114 1873, circa, Ernest Wood manufacturing
Church, S, 114 Solliday Home, former St. Bernard's convent, parish offices
Church, S, 114 Solliday home, former St. Bernard's convent, Xmas card, WHS_005_900
Church, S, 114 Solliday home, WHS_007_KR334
Church, S, 114 Solliday home, former St. Bernard's convent, WHS_005_902
Church, S, 114 Solliday home, side view of property, WHS_005_901
Church, S, 114 Solliday home, online image
Church, S, 119 1951, Otis Hoffman home, WHS_014_637
Church, S, 200 1903, Alonzo Straw home sold
Church, S, 200 1954, Raymond Higgins home, WHS_014_638
Church, S, 200 1966, Traditional home of Charles Jacobi, WHS_019_086
Church, S, 200 AHI record
Church, S, 201 The James W. Moore house, history of
Church, S, 201 1951, Sunnyside Apartments, WHS_014_639
Church, S, 201 1985, WHS_021_249
Church, S, 201 1985, WHS_021_250
Church, S, 201 Street view
Church, S, 203 Kusel Home, Daniel Jr., chapter on
Church, S, 203 1951, Daniel Kusel Jr. home, WHS_014_640
Church, S, 204 1954, Donald Gibson home, WHS_014_641
Church, S, 206 1954, Philip Rust home, WHS_014_642
Church, S, 207 1954, Neil McMurry home, WHS_014_643
Church, S, 210 1954, Ewald Brumm home, WHS_014_644
Church, S, 210 1985, WHS_020_650
Church, S, 211 1954, John Hirtz home, WHS_014_645
Church, S, 212 1909, Andrew Mullen purchased property
Church, S, 212 1913, George W Mullen, milk dealer
Church, S, 214 1954, Frank & Lillian Mullen home, WHS_014_647
Church, S, 215 1954, Richard & Virginia Thauer home, WHS_014_646
Church, S, 300 1894, William Quentmeyer, monuments, WHS_006_522
Church, S, 300 1950, James T Casey home, WHS_014_648
Church, S, 301 1950, Frank & Josephine Sazama home, WHS_014_649
Church, S, 301 1965, James Murphy home of, traditional name, WHS_019_130
Church, S, 301 1974, James Murphy home of, traditional name, WHS_019_135
Church, S, 301 2022, Re-roofing, WHS_021_390S
Church, S, 302 1959, Rev. Jothan Benke and wife Elfriede home, WHS_014_650
Church, S, 302 1982, WHS_021_200
Church, S, 302 2006, WHS_005_563
Church, S, 302 Street view
Church, S, 306 1954, Clarence Peterson home, WHS_014_651
Church, S, 309 1954, William J. Kwapil home, WHS_014_652
Church, S, 309 1977, WHS_021_357
Church, S, 309 1977, WHS_021_358
Church, S, 309 Street view
Church, S, 310 1950, Carl Woelffer home, WHS_014_653
Church, S, 313 1954, Anna Kress home, WHS_014_654
Church, S, 315 1954, Thomas Brooks home, WHS_014_655
Church, S, 316 1954, Paul Borchardt home, WHS_014_656
Church, S, 400 1954, Joseph Simon home, WHS_014_657
Church, S, 405 1954, Emil Hell home, WHS_014_658
Church, S, 404-406 1954, Charles & Eugene Niemi home, WHS_014_683
Church, S, 407 1954, Fred Ruesch home, WHS_014_684
Church, S, 409 1954, Edgar Kuenzi home, WHS_014_685
Church, S, 410 1951, George Schleicher home, WHS_014_686
Church, S, 412 1951, William & Irene Luckow home, WHS_014_687
Church, S, 413 1951, Herbert Engelbrecht home, WHS_014_688
Church, S, 416 1954, Charles Ebert home, WHS_014_689
Church, S, 417 1923, circa, Plans for home, Theodore Guse, WHS_020_143
Church, S, 417 1923, circa, Plans for home, Theodore Guse, WHS_020_144
Church, S, 417 1950, Theodore & Louise Guse home, WHS_014_690
Church, S, 420 1954, William & Emma McCaig home, WHS_014_691
Church, S, 421 1954, WHS_014_964
Church, S, 423 1954, WHS_014_963
Church, S, 423 1962, circa, Pure Oil Service Station, WHS_014_692
Church, S, 423 1962, Pure Oil Service Station opened
Church, S, 423 1976, circa, Union 76 Self-Service, WHS_014_091
Church, S, 424 1954, James Finnel home, WHS_014_695
Church, S, 426 1956, Karl Borth home, WHS_014_696
Church, S, 426 1956, Borth's Grocery & Gas, WHS_014_696
Church, S, 426 1950s, Borth's Grocery and D-X Gas, WHS_016_560F
Church, S, 507 1955, Ray Wolfram home, WHS_014_697
Church, S, 605 2021, The Spot restaurant, closing of
Church, S, 605 2021, Demolition of, former The Spot, Ponderosa, YouTube video
Church, S, 605 2022, Kentucky Fried Chicken, opening of
Church, S, 605 2022, Pizza Hut, opening of
Church, S, 625 1976, McDonald's, WHS_014_154
Church, S, 625 2008, McDonald's fire
Church, S, 631 1981, Thorp Financial Services, WHS_014_127
Church, S, 633 1981, First State Savings, WHS_014_127
Church, S, 701 1970, Shopko planned for 701 S Church, WHS_023_646
Church, S, 701 2018, Shopko, WHS_021_160A
Church, S, 701 2018, Shopko, WHS_021_160B
Church, S, 701 2018, Shopko, WHS_021_160C
Church, S, 701 2019, Shopko closing of. WDTimes article
Church, S, 701 1983, circa, Schuler's Pick 'n' Save, WHS_014_247
Church, S, 705 1972, circa, Schuler's Super Valu, WHS_014_247
Church, S, 1532 2022, The Quilter's Block, opening of
Church, S, 1532 2022, The Quilter's Block, opening of
Church, S, 1535 1955, Robert Rupnow home, WHS_014_698
Church, S, 1612 2021, Roll & Smoke, opening of
Church, S, 1652 2022, E's Palace
Church, S, 1718 1997, Tires Plus
Church, S, 1722 1954, David & Donna Welbourne home, WHS_014_699
Church, S, 1729 1955, Dr. Raymond & Ruth Welbourne home, WHS_014_700
Church, S, 1730 1955, Frederick & Cora Borchardt home, WHS_014_701
Clark, 103 1957, New home For Sale, WHS_016_001
Clark, 103 2019, Realtor image
Clark, 105 1957, New home constructed, WHS_016_002
Clark, 107 1957, New home for sale, WHS_016_003
Clark, 108 1966, Herbert Zoellick home, WHS_016_004
Clark, 109 1957, Home for sale, WHS_016_005
Clark, 111 1957, James Schmied home, WHS_016_006
Clark, 112 1961, Home under construction, WHS_016_007
Clark, 115 1959, Newly constructed home, WHS_016_008
Clark, 117 1965, Newly constructed home, WHS_016_009
Clark, 118 1954, Newly constructed home, WHS_016_010
Clark, 119 1954, Home under construction, WHS_016_011
Clark, 120  1958, Gerhard Oestreich home, WHS_016_012
Clark, 121  1954, Louis Tetzlaff home, WHS_016_013
Clark, 201  1950, Under construction, WHS_016_016
Clark, 203  1950, Clifford Lamb home, WHS_016_017
Clark, 205  1950, Waldemar Hartwig home, WHS_016_018
Clark, 207  1953, Marlyn Mann home, WHS_016_019
Clark, 213  1950, WHS_016_020 & 021
Clark, 214  1955, Gysbertus Veldhuizen home, WHS_016_022 & 023
Clark, 214  1955, Veldhuizen Vending Machine, WHS_016_022 & 023
Clark, 222 1951, Francis Adams home, WHS_016_024
Clark, 224 1990, WHS_020_847
Clark, 901  1960, Howard & Jaynie Johnson home, WHS_016_025
Clark, 902  1959, Herman Dobbratz home, WHS_016_026
Clark, 904  1959, George & Mary Frick home, WHS_016_027
Clark, 905 1954, Elmer Bender home, WHS_016_028
Clark, 906  1950, Archie Richards home, WHS_016_029
Clark, 912  1950, Lester & Donna Rollert home, WHS_016_030
Clark, 914 1950, Viola Anderson home, WHS_016_031
Clark, 916 1950, Albert & Emma Krahmer home, WHS_016_032
Clark, 917  1957, circa, Eugene Niemi home, WHS_016_033
Clark, 918  1959, Clarence Tessmann home, WHS_016_034
Clark, 1006 1954, Oscar Willman home, WHS_016_035
Clark, 1008 1965, Herbert Maasz home, WHS_016_036
Clark, 1009 1954, Alvin Schmidt home, WHS_016_037
Clark, 1204 1960, Claude & Velva Roberts home, WHS_016_038
Clark, 1206 1951, Simon Model home, WHS_016_039
Clark, 1224 1962, circa, Freitag Distributing Co, WHS_016_040
Clark, 1224 1986, circa, Schuppert Distributing Co, WHS_014_248
Clark, 1224 Schuppert Distributing Co, WHS_016_040
Clark, 1224 River City Distributing Co, WHS_016_040
Clark, 1301 1962, circa, Tri-Mart Corp, WHS_016_040B
Clark, 1401 1962, circa, Ralph Ebert, professional engineer, WHS_016_041
Clay, 807 1950, Herman Auchting home, WHS_016_051
Clay, 809 1955, Under construction home, WHS_016_052
Clay, 810 1959, Benjamin Groehler home, WHS_016_053
Clay, 811 1957, Under construction, WHS_016_054
Clay, 902 1982, WHS_021_045
Clay, 902 1982, WHS_021_046
Clay, 902 1982, WHS_021_171
Clay, 902 1982, WHS_021_172
Clay, 902 Street view
Clay, 907 1978, WHS_021_456
Clay, 907 1978, WHS_021_457
Clay, 907 Street view
Clay, 920 2019, Realtor image
Clay, 1001 1980, WHS_020_978
Clay, 1001 Street view
Clay, 1004 1966, John & Ann Steckling home, WHS_016_055
Cleveland, 606 1955, Margaret Jurick home, WHS_016_056
Cleveland, 606 2019, Assessor image (1)
Cleveland, 606 2019, Assessor image (2)
Cleveland, 607 1955, George Ueckey home, WHS_016_057
Cleveland, 610 1952, Clayton Bentz home, WHS_016_058
Cleveland, 611 1960, Harold Dittmann home, WHS_016_059
Cleveland, 614 Built 1851, Christian Schmutzler home, side gabled home, brick and concrete block
Cleveland, 614 1950, circa, Christian Schmutzler home, WHS_019_102
Cleveland, 614 1955, August Ihde home, WHS_016_060
Cleveland, 614 1965, Schmutzler home, WHS_019_146. same as WHS_019_102
Cleveland, 614 1965, Schmutzler home, WHS_019_174
Cleveland, 614 Drawing of, Christian Schmutzler home, WHS_018_649
Cleveland, 617 Gabled ell house, brick 
Cleveland, 617 1955, George Dittmann home, WHS_016_061
Cleveland, 702 1951, John & Marie Hornickel home, WHS_016_062
Cleveland, 900 1951, Henry Knispel home, WHS_016_063B
Cleveland, 901 1952, Bertha & Emma Gehrke home, WHS_016_063C
Cleveland, 901 1984, WHS_020_720
Cleveland, 901 1984, WHS_020_721
Cleveland, 904 1952, Lenhart Perschke home, WHS_016_063
Cleveland, 907 1955, Hubert & Lucille Lenius home, WHS_016_064
Cleveland, 910 1955, Fredrick Fischer home, WHS_016_066
Cleveland, 911 1959, Paul Otto home, WHS_016_067
Cleveland, 912 1959, Vacant home, WHS_016_068
Cleveland, 915 1952, Alvina Witte home, WHS_016_069
Cleveland, 916 1952, Walter & Minnie Fischer home, WHS_016_070
Cleveland, 917 1954, Home under construction, WHS_016_071
Cleveland, 918 1953, William & Francis Johnston home, WHS_016_072
Cleveland, 921 1953, Bliese/Weber home, WHS_016_073
Cleveland, 924 1951, Herbert & Lydia Lehmann home, WHS_016_074
Cleveland, 925 1952, Raymond & Mary Reichardt home, WHS_016_065
Cleveland, 925 1966, Raymond & Mary Reichardt, home of, WHS_019_078
Cleveland, 925 2013, WHS_006_760 
Cleveland, 1001 1963, Clifford & Ruth Hanson home, WHS_016_075
Cleveland, 1003 1960, WHS_016_076
Cleveland, 1005 1960, Fred Schnitger home, WHS_016_077
Clyman, Early WHS_005_065
Clyman, 400 1950, Andrew & Mary Nimm home, WHS_016_081
Clyman, 401 1860, Coe lumber yard opened
Clyman, 401 1895, Theo. Huber's lumber yard
Clyman, 401 1913, Watertown Lumber & Coal Co, coal & wood
Clyman, 401 1920, circa, Watertown Lumber & Coal Co, distant view, WHS_007_KR358
Clyman, 401 1925, circa, Yawkey Lumber Co, WHS_018_526
Clyman, 402 1906, Needham Lumber Co
Clyman, 404 1953, William & Lorraine Draeger home, WHS_016_082
Clyman, 407 1954, Watertown Sheet Metal, WHS_016_083
Clyman, 407 1954, Watertown Sheet Metal, WHS_016_600D
Clyman, 407 1970, circa, Markl Body Shop, WHS_008_401
Clyman, 412 1925, circa, WHS_021_502
Clyman, 412 1953, Arnold Winkler home, WHS_016_084
Clyman, 503 1954, Kenneth Kolberg home, WHS_016_085
Clyman, 504 1887, circa, Home of S R Sleeper, WHS_005_167
Clyman, 504 1909, Joseph Wright home
Clyman, 504 1953, John Heiser home, WHS_016_086
Clyman, 505 1954, Robert & Jane Kuhn home, WHS_016_087
Clyman, 509 1913, John Chapman, insurance agent
Clyman, 509 1954, Henry & Dorothy Ertl home, WHS_016_088
Clyman, 510 1895, Cave in while laying sewer drain
Clyman, 510 1902, Wiggenhorn, home of, WHS_008_483
Clyman, 510 1902, circa, Julius Wiggenhorn home, WHS_019_163
Clyman, 510 1906, Julius Wiggenhorn Home, WHS_013_699
Clyman, 513 1909, H T Eberle home
Clyman, 513 1955, Milo Zoellick home, WHS_016_090
Clyman, 600 block View to the east, Fred Gamm residence, WHS_PC_085
Clyman, 600 block View to the east, Fred Gamm residence, WHS_PC_088, same as WHS_PC_085
Clyman, 600 1902, Fred Gamm residence,  Picturesque Watertown
Clyman, 600 2012, former Fred Gamm residence, WHS_006_558b
Clyman, 600 2012, former Fred Gamm residence, WHS_006_559
Clyman, 600 2012, former Fred Gamm residence, WHS_006_559b
Clyman, 600 2012, former Fred Gamm residence, WHS_006_559c
Clyman, 600 1953, Howard & Margaret Bruss home, WHS_016_091
Clyman, 601 1915, McGolrick home sold to Edward Schempf
Clyman, 610 1953, Carl & Ruth Stallmann home, WHS_016_092
Clyman, 610 1974, circa, WHS_019_225
Clyman, 611 1954, William & Gertrude Fitzgerald home, WHS_016_093
Clyman, 611 1986, Schumacher home
Clyman, 700 block 1887, circa, Home of J H Sleeper, WHS_005_166
Clyman, 700 1953, Leroy & Gertrude Bickett home, WHS_016_094
Clyman, 700 1965, Pease home, traditional name, WHS_019_137
Clyman, 700 1974, Pease home, traditional name, WHS_019_202
Clyman, 700 2022, Arts Council Garden Award, WHS_021_141G
Clyman, 700 2023, The Tulip House, WHS_022_384
Clyman, 700 2023, The Tulip House, WHS_022_384_02
Clyman, 700 2023, The Tulip House, WHS_022_384_03
Clyman, 700 2023, The Tulip House, WHS_022_384_04
Clyman, 700 2023, The Tulip House, WHS_022_384_05
Clyman, 700 2023, The Tulip House, WHS_022_384_06
Clyman, 700 2023, The Tulip House, WHS_022_384_07
Clyman, 700 Street view
Clyman, 703 1906, John Schempf home, WHS_014_083
Clyman, 703 1906, John Schempf home, WHS_023_872
Clyman, 703 1914, W. D. Sproesser, M/M
Clyman, 703 1953, Former Sproesser home sold, became St. Joseph's Home for the Aged
Clyman, 703 1955, circa, St. Joseph's, former Sproesser home, WHS_016_241
Clyman, 703 Street view
Clyman, 705 1963, Construction of new St. Joseph Home, WHS_017_119
Clyman, 705 2004, Former St. Joseph's Home becomes Landmark Building
Clyman, 705 1906, John Schempf home, WHS_014_083
Clyman, 705 1906, John Schempf home, WHS_023_872
Clyman, 802 Prentiss Home
Clyman, 802 1902, Prentiss home, WHS_008_478
Clyman, 802 Theodore Prentiss residence, WHS_006_940
Clyman, 802 Theodore Prentiss residence, 1902, from Picturesque Watertown booklet
Clyman, 802 Theodore Prentiss residence, Clyman and Pritchard Streets
Clyman, 802 1953, Mary Prentiss home, WHS_016_095
Clyman, 802 1966, WHS_019_223
Clyman, 802 1974, Home of Theodore Prentiss, WHS_019_189
Clyman, 803 1911, circa, John Schempf home, WHS_001_PC_091
Clyman, 803 1920, John Schempf home, WHS_006_969
Clyman, 803 John Schempf (sitting outside home?), WHS_006_965
Clyman, 803 1937, Former Schempf remodeled into 3 apartments, Dr. F. E. Kosanke owner
Clyman, 803 1954, Frederick & Leona Kosanke home, WHS_016_096
Clyman, 803 1960, circa, Former home of John Schempf, WHS_016_198
Clyman, 803 1960, circa, Former home of John Schempf, WHS_016_199
Clyman, 809 1917, circa, Winter scene, Henry Uehling home, WHS_004_NT130
Clyman, 809 1954, Arnold & Ruth Nickels home, WHS_016_097
Clyman, 809 Street view
Clyman, 810 WHS_001_PC_095
Clyman, 810 WHS_001_PC_141
Clyman, 810 WHS_001_PC_144
Clyman, 810 1953, Wallace & Muriel Thauer home, WHS_016_098
Clyman, 900 1905, circa, Built by Moritz Blumenfeld, sold to Henry Mulburger
Clyman, 900 1917, Blumenfeld sold home to Henry Mulburger
Clyman, 900 1973, Rob and Sue Harms bought home
Clyman, 900 2008, House Beautiful Award, "the Mulburger home"
Clyman, 900 1953, Margaret Neuman home, WHS_016_099
Clyman, 901-903 WHS_013_300B.jpg
Clyman, 901-903 1902, Residence of E W Schultz, Picturesque Watertown booklet
Clyman, 901-903 1902, circa, Residence of E W Schultz, PC_086
Clyman, 901-903 1902, Residence of E W Schultz, AHI record
Clyman, 901-903 2016, WHS_013_300A.jpg
Clyman, 902 1953, Frank & Gertrude McAdams home, WHS_016_100
Clyman, 903 Undated, WHS_016_118
Clyman, 903 1954, Vacant home, WHS_016_101
Clyman, 907 William Sproesser home
Clyman, 907 1914, William Sproesser home, later Dr. Schuh's home (e.g. 1977), WHS_013_716
Clyman, 907 1954, William & Josephine Sproesser home, WHS_016_102
Clyman, 908-910 2019, Realtor image
Clyman, 910 Home built by John Cole
Clyman, 910 1953, Clarence Buttenhoff home, WHS_016_103
Clyman, 910 1965, Cole house, traditional name, WHS_019_155
Clyman, 910 AHI record
Clyman, 911 1957, Under construction, WHS_016_104
Clyman, 914 1913, Leonard A Willenbockel, architect
Clyman, 914 1953, Charles Kading home, WHS_016_106
Clyman, 914 1956, Home of Charles A Kading
Clyman, 915 1950, circa, George Hawkins, home of, removed, WHS_019_101
Clyman, 915 1958, Under construction, WHS_016_105
Cole, 100 1956, Nielson Amusement Co / Vending Machines, WHS_016_122
Cole, 102 1951, Habhagger Cold Storage, WHS_016_609
Cole, 102 1951, Habhagger Cold Storage, WHS_016_610
Cole, 102 1956, Milwaukee Journal Agency, WHS_016_122
Cole, 102 1973, Royal Meats, WHS_016_123
Cole, 102 1973, Royal Meats, WHS_016_611
Cole, 102 1973, Royal Meats, WHS_016_612
Cole, 102 1981, Royal Meat Market, closed 1981
Cole, 200 1953, Elmer Schliewe home, WHS_016_124
Cole, 206 1953, Otto Mueller home, WHS_016_125
Cole, 207 1914, circa, Theodore Lotz home, WHS_009_773
Cole, 207 1951, Home removed in 1957 by St Henry's, WHS_016_125
Cole, 210 1951, Mrs. Anna Heil home, WHS_016_127
Cole, 214 1953, Henry & Agnes Loukota home, WHS_016_128
Cole, 216 1953, Karl & Anna Hosfeld home, WHS_016_129
Cole, 304 1953, Henry & Helen Brusenbach home, WHS_016_130
Cole, 308 1912, Home sold
Cole, 308 1952, Francis & Jean Owen home, WHS_016_131
Cole, 405 1952, Marie Berg home, WHS_016_132
Cole, 410 1952, John & Louise Brill home, WHS_016_133
Cole, 412 1910, circa, German Reformed church, aerial view, WHS_016_047
Cole, 412 1910, circa, German (First) Reformed church, WHS_016_047_portion
Cole, 412 1950, Painting bee, First Evangelical and Reformed, WHS_018_124
Cole, 412 1953, First Evangelical Reformed Church, parsonage, WHS_016_134
Cole, 412 1954, First Evangelical Reformed church, WHS_019_260
Cole, 412 1973, Demolition of First Evangelical Reformed church occurred
Cole, 500 1953, Rev Louis Riesch home, WHS_016_134
Cole, 500 1972, WHS_019_216
Cole, 500 1972, WHS_019_217
Cole, 504 1913, Gerhard Francke, (Moravian), minister
Cole, 509 1951, Bruno & Ruth Linger home, WHS_016_149
Cole, 510 Moravian church (previously at 609 Cole)
Cole, 510 1904, Moravian church, dedication of, interior view, WHS_018_577
Cole, 510 1910, circa, Moravian church, Christmas, interior, WHS_018_552
Cole, 510 1964, Moravian church, New Christian Educational Ctr, WHS_017_125
Cole, 510 1965, Moravian Church, Education Bldg dedication, WHS_019_494
Cole, 511 1944, circa, Ken Riedl on tricycle, WHS_016_335
Cole, 511 1944, circa, Ken Riedl on tricycle, WHS_016_335
Cole, 511 1954, Bruno & Ruth Linger home, WHS_016_150
Cole, 604 1960, Flora Stewart home, WHS_013_147
Cole, 605 1953, Everett & Selma Talledge home, WHS_016_152
Cole, 606 1951, Mrs. Anna Pautz home, WHS_016_151
Cole, 607 1953, Fred Graf home, WHS_016_153
Cole, 609 Original site, Moravian Church (now 510 Cole St)
Cole, 609 1954, Home later removed, WHS_016_154
Cole, 609 1974, circa, WHS_019_199
Cole, 609 1974, circa, WHS_019_200
Cole, 609 1974, circa, Later removed, WHS_019_198
Cole, 609 1974, circa, WHS_019_237
Cole, 609 AHI record
Cole, 611 SW corner Sixth & Cole, WHS_006_757
Cole, 611 SW corner Sixth & Cole, WHS_006_758
Cole, 613 1951, Sophia Oestreicher home, WHS_016_155
Cole, 614 1951, Richard & Margaret Klug home, WHS_016_156
Cole, 615 1880s, WHS_019_350E
Cole, 615 1951, John & Erna Steckhahn home, WHS_016_157
Cole, 617 1951, Walter & Geraldine Kasten home, WHS_016_158
Cole, 618 1951, Rose Cumiskey home, WHS_016_159
Cole, 619 1951, Edward & Romalda Rohr home, WHS_016_160
Cole, 624 1951, Hugo & Mable Block home, WHS_016_161
Cole, 626 1953, Ernest & Audrey Schroeder home, WHS_016_162
Cole, 806 1954, Edward & Lillian Schoechert home, WHS_016_163
Cole, 807 1951, John & Martha Kuckkahn home, tin shop, WHS_016_164
Cole, 808 1954, Walter & Ida Buske home, WHS_016_165
Cole, 809 1954, William & Lorine Radke home, WHS_016_166
Cole, 812 1913, John Dobler, milk dealer
Cole, 812 1951, Sylvester & Elda Scheiber home, WHS_016_167
Cole, 814 1951, Charles, Jr. & Alma David home, WHS_016_168
Cole, 813 1954, Leo & Mary Breunig home, WHS_016_169
Cole, 815 1954, Raymond & Ann Kern home, WHS_016_170
Cole, 816 1954, Fred & Irene Block home, WHS_016_171
Cole, 817 1951, Karl & Evelyn Fischer home, WHS_016_172
Cole, 818 1960, Douglas & Georgiann Cleveland home, WHS_016_173
Cole, 819 1950, M/M Ralph Busse, WHS_018_122
Cole, 819 1960, Ralph & Lois Busse home, WHS_016_174
Cole, 819 1980, WHS_020_955
Cole, 819 1980, WHS_020_956
Cole, 819 Street view
Cole, 819 2013, Similar to 908 Charles (compared to)
Cole, 821 2010, Parade of Homes
Cole, 822 1954, Edwin & Frieda Koepke home, WHS_016_175
Cole, 823 1951, Edwin & Frieda Koepke home, WHS_016_176
Cole, 824 1951, Thomas & Laura Collins home, WHS_016_177
Cole, 825 1940, Christmas scene, outdoor decorations, WHS_020_717
Cole, 825 1951, John & Anita Kaddatz home, WHS_016_178
College Ave 1905, circa, WHS_008_182
College Ave, 110 1908, E. B. Volkman, real estate & insurance, WHS 999 009
College Ave, 112 1953, Josephine Nowack home, WHS_016_188
Colllege Ave, 115 1951, Norman & Isabel Henning home, WHS_016_189
College Ave, 205 1951, Alfred & Ruth Nimz home, WHS_016_190
College Ave, 205 1983, WHS_021_256
College Ave, 205 1983, WHS_021_257
College Ave, 205 Street view
College Ave, 209 1954, Frank & Lillian Saniter home, WHS_016_191
College Ave, 210 1953, August & Bertha Kohls home, WHS_016_192
College Ave, 211 1953, Hausen & Hornickle home, WHS_016_193
College Ave, 215 & 217 1954, Seefeldt & Seefeldt home, WHS_016_194
College Ave, 215 & 217 2021, WHS_019_130D
College Ave, 216 1950, Storm damage, WHS_018_087
College Ave, 216 1953, Mrs. Clara Kerstell home, WHS_016_195
College Ave, 221 1920, Fred W Gamm home
College Ave, 221 1953, George Borchardt home, WHS_016_196
College Ave, 301 1953, Harold & Gertrude Schumann home, WHS_016_197
College Ave, 302 1950, Storm damage, WHS_018_087
College Ave, 302 1953, Ida Polzin home, WHS_016_200
College Ave, 303 1954, Raymond & Gertrude Fredrich home, WHS_016_201
College Ave, 306 1953, Leslie & Helen Hoeft home, WHS_016_202
College Ave, 307 1954, Milton Collman home, WHS_016_203
College Ave, 307 1957, Milton Collman, real estate broker, WHS_011_200L
College Ave, 310 1953, Thomas & Wanda Abelmann home, WHS_016_204
College Ave, 311 1954, Edward & Eloise Hoppe home, WHS_016_205
College Ave, 315 1951, Under construction, WHS_016_206
College Ave, 317 1951, Julius & Florence Henriott home, WHS_016_207
College Ave, 317 1979, WHS_021_060
College Ave, 317 1979, WHS_021_061
College Ave, 317 1979, WHS_021_062
College Ave, 317 Street view
College Ave, 401 1954, Edward & Helen Opps home, WHS_016_208
College Ave, 405 1955, Frank & Alma Trebian home, WHS_016_209
College Ave, 410 1894, Joseph Gorney, contractor, mason, ad
College Ave, 410 1951, Mrs. Ethel Bornitzke home, WHS_016_210
College Ave, 411 1951, Mrs Hattie Michaelis home, WHS_016_211
College Ave, 416 1951, Herman & Edith Borchard home, WHS_016_212
College Ave, 417 1951, George & Myrtle Wuestenburg home, WHS_016_213
College Ave, 418 1951, William & Alvina Mueller home, WHS_016_221
College Ave, 421 1955, Removed, became part of Luther Prep campus, WHS_016_222
College Ave, 422 1951, Harris & Helen Grabow home, WHS_016_223
College Ave, 423 1955, Alice Schoenike home, WHS_016_224
College Ave, 426 1951, Anna Buske home, WHS_016_225
College Ave, 427 1913, John Schatz, contractor-carpenter
College Ave, 427 1913, Gertrude Schatz, dressmaker
College Ave, 427 1955, Edgar & Lauretta Krebs home, WHS_016_226
College Ave, 430 1951, Irving & Gladys Gottschalk home, WHS_016_227
College Ave, 431 1955, Warren & Mary Hackbarth home, WHS_016_228
College Ave, 431 1957, Warren's Delivery Service, Warren Hackbarth, WHS_016_338
College Ave, 433 1955, Removed home, WHS_016_229
College Ave, 506 1951, Elmer & Madeline Selves home, WHS_016_230
College Ave, 508 1951, Howard & Valeta Schwartz home, WHS_016_231
College Ave, 510 1953, King & Klinger home, WHS_016_232
College Ave, 514 1952, Melvin & Viola Bergh home, WHS_016_233
College Ave, 514 1983, WHS_021_176
College Ave, 514 1983, WHS_021_177
College Ave, 514 Street view
College Ave, 519 1903, Elizabeth Ernst, dau of August, teacher of piano & harmony, WHS_013_870b
College Ave, 519 1903, August Ernst, President of Northwestern Univ
College Ave, 520 1900, circa, WHS_016_598
College Ave, 520 1953, WHS_016_234
College Ave, 522 1900, circa, WHS_016_598
College Ave, 522 1953, WHS_016_235
College St, 103 1954, WHS_016_247
College St, 106 1952, WHS_016_248
College St, 108 1952, WHS_016_249
College St, 109 Nichels Home, WHS_004_NT_128
College St, 109 1895, circa, Nickels family home, labeled as, WHS_018_511
College St, 109 1890s, Nichels Home, WHS_004_NT 026
College St, 109 1911, Nichels Home, My First Picture, WHS_004_NT_006
College St, 109 1912, Nichels Home, My First Picture, WHS_004_NT_007
College St, 109 1917, Nichels home, outside of, WHS_004_NT105
College St, 109 1952, WHS_016_250
College St, 110 1953, WHS_016_251
College St, 113 1953, WHS_016_252
College St, 115 1958, WHS_016_253
College St, 116 1952, WHS_016_254
College St, 118 1952, WHS_016_255
College St, 121 1954, WHS_016_256
College St, 122 1953, WHS_016_257
College St, 123 1952, WHS_016_258
Concord Ave 1903, Viewed from roof of Octagon House, WHS_005_212
Concord Ave 1944, View from Octagon House, Rock River, 302 S Concord is seen, WHS_PC_101
Concord Ave Rough & Ready Road to Watertown
Concord Ave, N, 105 1950, Louis W & Esther Nowack home, WHS_016_269
Concord Ave, N, 107 1950, George & Julia Martin home, WHS_016_270
Concord Ave, N, 111 1951, Victor & Helen Fiegel home, WHS_016_271
Concord Ave, N, 116 1952, Theodore & Elsie Koerner home, WHS_016_272
Concord Ave, N, 119 1951, William & Frances Rathert home, WHS_016_273
Concord Ave, N, 120 1960, Herman & Clara Moeller home, WHS_016_274
Concord Ave, N, 121 1951, Russell & Elizabeth Kee home, WHS_016_275
Concord Ave, N, 122 1960, Melvin & Viola Bergh home, WHS_016_276
Concord Ave, N, 123 1951, Robert & Laverna Hutson home, WHS_016_277
Concord Ave, N, 125 1951, Theodore & Doris Koerner home, WHS_016_278
Concord Ave, N, 126 1960, Milton & Ida Shearier home, WHS_016_279
Concord Ave, N, 126 1983, WHS_021_027
Concord Ave, N, 126 1983, WHS_021_028
Concord Ave, N, 126 Street view
Concord Ave, N, 127 1951, Oscar & Elsa Ebert home, WHS_016_280
Concord Ave, N, 201 1951, Edward & Alice Marquardt home, WHS_016_281
Concord Ave, N, 205 1952, William & Laura Ladien home, WHS_016_282
Concord Ave, N, 207 1960, Earl Stolkli home, WHS_016_283
Concord Ave, N, 208 1960, James & Violet Wade home, WHS_016_284
Concord Ave, N, 210 1930, circa, Plans for, WHS_020_013
Concord Ave, N, 210 1953, Frederick & Genevieve Fendt home, WHS_016_285
Concord Ave, N, 211 1950, George & Shirley Draeger home, WHS_016_286
Concord Ave, N, 213 1953, Gary & Margaret Ponath home, WHS_016_292
Concord Ave, N, 218 1950, Gilbert & Virginia Zautner home, WHS_016_293
Concord Ave, N, 222 1950, Fred & Sylvia Amthor Sr home, WHS_016_294
Concord Ave, N, 226 1952, Arthur & Helen Hintz home, WHS_016_295
Concord Ave, S 1854, or later, WHS_007_KR128
Concord Ave, S 1897, circa, Rough & Ready Road to Watertown, WHS_001_PC_148
Concord Ave, S 1900, circa, Richards Hill Addition, Lots for Sale, WHS_006_981
Concord Ave, S 1900, circa, Richards Hill Addition, WHS_008_170
Concord Ave, S 1904,  Distant view, WHS_007_KR173
Concord Ave, S 1904, circa, WHS_016_288, Album #2
Concord Ave, S 1910, circa, Distant view, WHS_005_1000
Concord Ave, S 1914, circa, View from Richard's Hill, WHS_009_583
Concord Ave, S 1918, Below Octagon House, seen from across Rough & Ready dam
Concord Ave, S 1944, View from Octagon House, Rock River, WHS_PC_101
Concord Ave, S 1982, James B Quirk home, former saloon
Concord Ave, S, 101 WHS_019_456
Concord Ave, S, 101 1955, WHS_016_297
Concord Ave, S, 107 1966, Henry & Irma Jensch, WHS_016_298
Concord Ave, S, 119 1955, Charles & Charline Wallman, WHS_016_299
Concord Ave, S, 121 1951, Bruno & Ruth Linger, WHS_016_300
Concord Ave, S, 123 1955, Gilbert & Vivian Kressin, WHS_016_301
Concord Ave, S, 127 1951, WHS_016_302
Concord Ave, S, 131 1955, John & Marie Fentz, WHS_016_303
Concord Ave, S, 133 1951, Thomas Hady home, WHS_016_304
Concord Ave, S, 135 1950, William Guenterberg home, WHS_016_305
Concord Ave, S, 137 1955, Helen Ponath home, WHS_016_306
Concord Ave, S, 141 1951, WHS_016_307
Concord Ave, S, 145 1910, circa, Possibly, WHS_002_PC_298
Concord Ave, S, 145 1954, Victor & Margaret Ponath home, WHS_016_308
Concord Ave, S, 145 1987, WHS_021_126
Concord Ave, S, 145 Street view
Concord Ave, S, 205 1954, Nicholas & Adeline Adler home, WHS_016_309
Concord Ave, S, 207 1951, Carl & Anneliese Kettleson home, WHS_016_310
Concord Ave, S, 211 1954, Charles & Myrtle Doerr home, WHS_016_311
Concord Ave, S, 215 1951, Max & Florence Drachenberg home, WHS_016_312
Concord Ave, S, 215 1980, WHS_021_017
Concord Ave, S, 215 1980, WHS_021_018
Concord Ave, S, 215 Street view
Concord Ave, S, 215 2018, Realtor image
Concord Ave, S, 217 1957, Melvyn & Virginia Fink home, WHS_016_313
Concord Ave, S, 219 1957, LeRoy & Virginia Block home, WHS_016_314
Concord Ave, S, 226 1848, circa, J J Toussant, saloon
Concord Ave, S, 226 1901, WHS_018_121
Concord Ave, S, 226 1904, circa, View of Rock river below dam, WHS_001_PC_060
Concord Ave, S, 226 1904, circa, WHS_016_288, Album #2
Concord Ave, S, 226 1920, circa, Distant view of , skiing & sledding on Richards Hill, WHS_016_260
Concord Ave, S, 226 1920, circa, Distant view of, WHS_016_261
Concord Ave, S, 226 1950, The Pump House, Reuben & Henrietta Schulz home, WHS_016_315
Concord Ave, S, 226 1966, circa, The Pump House, WHS_019_066
Concord Ave, S, 234 1909, circa, WHS_007_KR035
Concord Ave, S, 234 1910, circa, Distant view, WHS_005_1000
Concord Ave, S, 234 1918, circa, WHS_022_322
Concord Ave, S, 234 1951, WHS_016_356
Concord Ave, S, 249 1890, Home of Frank Hrobsky family, WHS_018_411
Concord Ave, S, 250 1951, Herbert & Eleanor Kohli home, WHS_016_357
Concord Ave, S, 300 1900, circa, Richards Grove school, WHS_022_712
Concord Ave, S, 300 1974, WHS_016_358
Concord Ave, S, 301 1920, circa, Distant view, WHS_016_262
Concord Ave, S, 301 1925, circa, Boston House Hotel, distant view, WHS_019_529, #4167
Concord Ave, S, 301 1944, View from Octagon House, 301 S Concord (Boston House), WHS_PC_101
Concord Ave, S, 301 1960, Bernhard "Ben" Neumann home, WHS_016_359
Concord Ave, S, 305 1950, George & Adelle Day home, WHS_016_360
Concord Ave, S, 307 1950, Ray & Isabelle Schuelke home, WHS_016_361
Concord Ave, S, 309 1960, Palmer & Anita Wickert home, WHS_016_362
Concord Ave, S, 311 1952, Louis Riemer home, WHS_016_363
Concord Ave, S, 315 1951, Lester & Hilda Zick home, WHS_016_378
Concord Ave, S, 319 1958, WHS_016_379
Concord Ave, S, 321 1958, WHS_016_380
Concord Ave, S, 325 1955, WHS_016_381
Concord Ave, S, 327 1950, Joseph & Helen Hady home, WHS_016_382
Concord Ave, S, 329 1951, Arthur & Rose Schultz home, WHS_016_383
Concord Ave, S, 331 1951, James & Marie Rothschadl home, WHS_016_384
Concord Ave, S, 401 1951, Elmer & Emma Allermann home, WHS_016_386
Concord Ave, S, 403 1953, Richard & Isabel Schultz home, WHS_016_385
Concord Ave, S, 405 1953, Joseph & Darleen Toman home, WHS_016_387
Concord Ave, S, 406 1951, WHS_016_296
Concord Ave, S, 407 1951, Dorothea Pollock home, WHS_016_401
Concord Ave, S, 409 1960, WHS_016_402
Concord Ave, S, 413 1957, WHS_016_403
Concord Ave, S, 430 1951, Carl & Emma Paradies home, WHS_016_404
Concord Ave, S, 431 1955, Bruno & Lillie Arndt home, WHS_016_405
Concord Ave, S, 432 1951, Clifford & Dora Copsey home, WHS_016_406
Concord Ave, S, 433 1983, WHS_021_240
Concord Ave, S, 433 1983, WHS_021_241
Concord Ave, S, 433 Street view
Concord Ave, S, 438 1953, circa, WHS_016_407
Concord Ave, S, 441 1957, WHS_016_408
Concord Ave, S, 444 1953, WHS_016_409
Concord Ave, S, 485 1913, William Fredrich, milk dealer
Concord Ave, S, 485 1953, William & Lydia Fredrich home, WHS_016_410
Concord Ave, S, 485 1953, William & Lydia Fredrich home, WHS_016_411
Conrad, 461 1913, John Gaenz, milk dealer
Corner St, 126 1954, WHS_016_430
Corner St, 128 1954, WHS_016_429
Corner St, 132 1954, George & Richard Wilke home, WHS_016_434
Corner St, 134 1954, Arthur Ulllrich home, WHS_016_435
Corner St, 136 1954, Alfred & Lydia Reinhard home, WHS_016_436
Country Lane, 908 1960s, WHS_019_253
Country Lane, 908 1974, The Ferdinand Hartwig, Sr. home, WHS_019_131
Country Lane, 908 1974, circa, The Ferdinand Hartwig, Sr. home, WHS_019_079
Crest Line Ave, South Oak Hill Cemetery, original entrance, WHS_006_569
Crest Line Ave, South 1887, circa, Entrance gate to Oak Hill cemetery, WHS_019_293
Dakota St, 1106 1954, Elmer & Gladys Hjerstedt home, WHS_016_442
Dakota St, 1111 1950, Arnold & Elsa Schmidt home, WHS_016_443
Dakota St, 1112 1953, Elmer & Viola Lenz home, WHS_016_446
Dakota St, 1113 1951, Anton & Florence Chapin home, WHS_016_447
Dakota St, 1114 1960, Emil & Helen Loeser home, WHS_016_448
Dakota St, 1115 1960, Eddie & Irene Behling home, WHS_016_449
Dakota St, 1116 1955, WHS_016_450
Dakota St, 1200 1952, Edwin & Gertrude Riedl home, WHS_016_451
Dakota St, 1201 1953, Fred & Ruth Smith home, WHS_016_451B
Dakota St, 1202 1951, Martin & Gertrude Schultz home, WHS_016_452
Dakota St, 1203 1959, Wilfred & Delores Riedl home, WHS_016_453
Dakota St, 1204 1955, Alfred & Helen Hintz home, WHS_016_454
Dakota St, 1205 1952, Arthur & Dorothy Hohl home, WHS_016_455
Dakota St, 1207 1950, Harry & Joan Lund home, WHS_016_480
Dakota St, 1208 1951, Percival & Verna Lange home, WHS_016_481
Dakota St, 1209 WHS_016_482 and WHS_016_483
Dakota St, 1302 1953, Lawrence & Viola Kraemer home, WHS_016_484
Dakota St, 1304 1952, John & Arvada Boeder home, WHS_016_485
Dakota St, 1305 1953, William & Margaret Kinkel home, WHS_016_486
Dakota St, 1306 1956, WHS_016_487
Dakota St, 1307 1953, Albert & Dorothy Tobolski home, WHS_016_488
Dakota St, 1308 1953, John & Lilas Kehoe home, WHS_016_489
Dakota St, 1310 1951, Oris & Ella Emmert home, WHS_016_490
Dakota St, 1311 1958, Gust & Clara Niederwerfer home, WHS_016_491
Dakota St, 1312 1951, Eli & Emma Fischer home, WHS_016_492
Dakota St, 1313 1955, WHS_016_493
Dakota St, 1314 1953, WHS_016_494
Dakota St, 1315 1951, Palmer & Delores Strauss home, WHS_016_495
Dakota St, 1316 1966, WHS_016_496
Dakota St, 1317 1953, WHS_016_497
Dakota St, 1320 1953, Arthur & Teresa Scobie home, WHS_016_498
Dakota St, 1400 1953, Frank & Lydia Auer home, WHS_016_499
Dakota St, 1403 1951, Marvin & Marylin Borchardt home, WHS_016_500
Dakota St, 1404 1959, Robert & Joanne Kressin home, WHS_016_501
Dakota St, 1405 1951, Gilbert & Hazel Tietz home, WHS_016_502
Dakota St, 1406 1950, Bernhard & Dortha Krueger home, WHS_016_503
Dakota St, 1407 1953, Reuben & Grace Henning home, WHS_016_504
Dakota St, 1408 1958, Under construction, WHS_016_505
Dakota St, 1409 1953, Charles Ninmann home, WHS_016_506
Dakota St, 1410 1953, George & Agatha Meyer home, WHS_016_507
Dakota St, 1411 1953, Otis & Edna Anton home, WHS_016_508
Dakota St, 1412 1950, Reinhold & Mae Stibb home, WHS_016_509
Dakota St, 1413 1953, Frank & Minnie Fehrmann home, WHS_016_510
Dakota St, 1414 1952, August & Erma Tietz home, WHS_016_511
Dakota St, 1415 1952, Jack & Dorothy Gillespie home, WHS_016_512
Dakota St, 1416 1953, Bertha Wiedenhoeft home, WHS_016_513
Dakota St, 1419 1957, Carl Nowack home, WHS_016_514
Dakota St, 1506 1951, Grover & Helen Zwieg home, WHS_016_515
Davis, 1402 1958, WHS_016_538
Davis, 1404 1952, WHS_016_539
Davis, 1409 1955, Hans & Anna Erni home, WHS_016_540
Davis, 1412 1953, WHS_016_541
Davis, 1415 1955, WHS_016_542
Dayton St, 127 1955, Thoma Sylvester home, WHS_016_543
Dayton St, 401 1975, circa, Sealy Mattress Co, constructed 1973, WHS_017_140
Dayton St, 401 1994, Sealy Mattress Co, Watertown plant closed
Davis, 1707 2019, Realtor's image
Dewey, 115 1955, Ervin & Agnes Oestreich home, WHS_016_544
Dewey, 117 1955, WHS_016_545
Dewey, 118 1951, William & Alma Seefeldt home, WHS_016_546
Dewey, 119 1951, Edgar Abel home, WHS_016_547
Dewey, 120 1954, Ernie & Stella Goetsch home, WHS_016_549
Dewey, 121 1955, Elizabeth Bredow home, WHS_016_548
Dewey, 122 1954, DaWayne & Norma Miller home, WHS_016_550
Dewey, 123 1913, Erna Rose, nurse
Dewey, 123 1954, Leslie & Lucille Schmutzler home, WHS_016_551
Dewey, 125 1955, WHS_016_552
Dewey, 131 1965, WHS_016_553C
Dewey, 131 1976, WHS_014_113
Dewey, 132 1954, Oscar Bentert home, WHS_016_553
Dewey, 133 1965, WHS_016_553B
Dewey, 133 1976, WHS_014_114
Dewey, 134 1951, Mrs. Ina Buske home, WHS_016_554
Dewey, 137 1955, Edwin & Ella Benzel home, WHS_016_555
Dewey, 138 1954, Walter & Emma West home, WHS_016_556
Dewey, 205 1952, Oscar & Mary Volkert home, WHS_016_557
Dewey, 206 1954, Clark Derleth home, WHS_016_558
Dewey, 211 1952, Victor & Laura Draeger home, WHS_016_559
Dewey, 212 1955, Erwin & Valera Krueger home, WHS_016_568
Dewey, 213 1952, Herbert & Minnie Draeger home, WHS_016_569
Dewey, 214 1954, Erich & Ella Stiemke home, WHS_016_570
Dewey, 215 1954, WHS_016_571
Dewey, 301 1955, WHS_016_572
Dewey, 305 1955, Amy Erdman home, WHS_016_573
Dewey, 306 1954, Rev. Erwin & Ella Quandt home, WHS_016_574
Dewey, 308 1954, WHS_016_575
Dewey, 309 1955, Edward & Mary Kasper home, WHS_016_576
Dewey, 313 1951, Percy & Helen Schlueter home, WHS_016_577
Dewey, 314 1954, Walter & Adela Vandre home, WHS_016_578
Dewey, 317 1950, Samuel & Leonetta Kuenzi home, WHS_016_579
Dewey, 317 2018, Realtor pic
Dewey, 400 1913, William Rohde, contractor-carpenter
Dewey, 400 1954, WHS_016_580
Dewey, 401 1954, WHS_016_581
Dewey, 401 1980, circa, WHS_021_014
Dewey, 401 1980, circa, WHS_021_015
Dewey, 401 Street view
Dewey, 403 1954, Centennial Parade, WHS_009_276
Dewey, 403 1954, Centennial Parade, WHS_009_268
Dewey, 403 1954, Centennial Parade, WHS_009_269
Dewey, 403 1954, Centennial Parade, WHS_009_270
Dewey, 403 1954, Centennial Parade, WHS_009_271
Dewey, 403 1954, Centennial Parade, WHS_009_272
Dewey, 403 1954, Centennial Parade, WHS_009_273
Dewey, 403 1954, Centennial Parade, WHS_009_274
Dewey, 403 1954, Centennial Parade, WHS_009_275
Dewey, 404 1954, WHS_016_582
Dewey, 405 1913, William Riebe, contractor-carpenter
Dewey, 405 1951, Harold & Bernice Olson home, WHS_016_583
Dewey, 408 1954, Justin & Dolores Neuman home, WHS_016_584
Dewey, 409 1951, WHS_016_585
Dewey, 412 1954, Paul & Cecile David home, WHS_016_586
Dewey, 414 1909, Construction of, by Albert Kaddatz, WHS_016_214
Dewey, 414 1954, Raymond & Marcella Heil home, WHS_016_587
Dewey, 415 1954, John & Viola Wahl home, WHS_016_588
Dewey, 417 1954, August & Emma Schoppe home, WHS_016_589
Dewey, 419 1955, William & Ella Gorder home, WHS_016_590
Dewey, 421 1955, Albert & Mildred Schlueter home, WHS_016_591
Dewey, 421 1957, Schlueter Plumbing & Heating, WHS_011_200P
Dewey, 500 1954, Mrs. Elizabeth Zickert home, WHS_016_592
Dewey, 501 1955, Charles & Louise Jahn home, WHS_016_593
Dewey, 503 2019, Realtor image
Dewey, 503 2019, Realtor image
Dewey, 504 1954, Mrs Bertha Schumann home, WHS_016_600
Dewey, 505 1962, Lester & Mary Herro home, WHS_016_601
Dewey, 505 2024, Demolished, unsound, previous city dump
Dewey, 506 1954, Charles & Minnie Field home, WHS_016_602
Dewey, 508 1954, Arthur & Ida Radloff home, WHS_016_603
Dewey, 512 1954, Mrs. Hattie Ponath home, WHS_016_604
Dewey, 512 1974, circa, WHS_019_122
Dewey, 512 AHI record
Division, E, 104 Habhegger Cold Storage Co, chapter on
Division, E, 102 1913, John Habhegger Co, cheese mfg & dlr-wholesale, cold storage
Division, E, 102 1954, Ad, Habhegger Cold Storage, WHS_016_524
Division, E, 104 1899, Habhegger Cold Storage Co, WHS_006_681
Division, E, 104 1899, Habhegger Cold Storage Co, WHS_006_682
Division, E, 104 1900, circa, Habhegger Cold Storage, WHS_005_966
Division, E, 104 1956, Habhegger Cold Storage Co, WHS_016_122
Division, E, 104 1973, Habhegger Cold Storage Co, WHS_016_123
Division, E, 104 Alex Bayerlein home, later office bldg of Habhegger Co
Division, E, 104 1973, Alex Bayerlein home, later office bldg of Habhegger Co, WHS_016_123
Division, E, 104 Johnsonville pig slaughter house
Division, E, 104 2015, Fire at, Johnsonville Foods, YouTube video
Division, E, 104 2018, Demolition of, Johnsonville Foods, YouTube video
Division, E, 106 1954, WHS_016_613
Division, E, 110 1955, Emil Loeser home, WHS_016_614
Division, E, 110 2013, Street view of, former home was at
Division, E, 205 1951, Mrs. Elda Thorndyke home, WHS_016_615
Division, E, 206 1955, Otto & Della Kohls home, WHS_016_616
Division, E, 207 1953, WHS_016_617
Division, E, 210 1951, Harold Krueger home, WHS_016_625
Division, E, 212 1874, original First Baptist church
Division, E, 212 1874, First Baptist Church, WHS_009_294a
Division, E, 212 1880, circa, First Baptist Church, WHS_020_592
Division, E, 212 1880, circa, First Baptist Church, WHS_020_593
Division, E, 212 1880, circa, First Baptist Church, WHS_020_594
Division, E, 212 1951, Leonard Tesch home, WHS_016_625
Division, E, 214 1913, Frank S Goergens, (Baptist), minister
Division, E, 214 1955, Martin Tester home, WHS_016_626
Division, E, 214 ½ 1951, Carl Bessel home, WHS_016_626
Division, E, 215 1953, Gustave Behlke home, WHS_016_627
Division, E, 216 1955, Harley & Viola Heller home, WHS_016_628
Division, E, 220 1955, WHS_016_629
Division, E, 221 1953, Joseph Kreuziger home, WHS_016_630
Division, E, 222 Gabled ell house, brick 
Division, E, 222 1955, Arthur & Louise Burrow home, WHS_016_631
Division, E, 224 1955, Simon & Grace Checki home, WHS_016_632
Division, E, 405 1953, James & Frances Bleecher home, WHS_016_633
Division, E, 410 1955, Emil Boettcher home, WHS_016_634
Division, E, 411 1953, Frank & Emma Thrams home, WHS_016_635
Division, E, 413 1953, Herman & Martha Reich home, WHS_016_636
Division, E, 414 1913, Lena Hilker, dressmaker
Division,E,  414 1955, WHS_016_640A
Division,E,  414 1974, circa, WHS_019_133
Division,E,  414 1994, Condemned, WHS_019_072
Division,E,  414 1994, Condemned, WHS_019_073
Division, E, 415 1913, Mrs Anna H Schoechert, grocer
Division, E, 415 1952, Mrs. Agnes Scheiber home, WHS_016_641
Division, E, 419 1952, WHS_016_642
Division, E, 500 1955, WHS_016_643
Division, E, 501 1955, Fred & Magdalena Engelke home, WHS_016_644
Division, E, 502 1957, William & Emma Zache home, WHS_016_645
Division, E, 504 1955, WHS_016_647
Division, E, 504-506 1955, WHS_016_646
Division,E,  506 1913, Gustav Zillmer, milk dealer
Division, E, 507 1952, WHS_016_648
Division, E, 600 1955, WHS_016_649
Division, E, 602 1955, Certh & Anna Doerr home, WHS_016_650
Division, E, 605 1953, WHS_016_656
Division, E, 605 Oscar Maerzke home, one of
Division, E, 608 1953, Bittner, Meta, Donald home, WHS_016_657
Division, E, 608 1973, WHS_016_658
Division, E, 608 1973, WHS_016_659
Division, E, 608 1973, WHS_016_660
Division, E, 609 1953, Mrs. Mary Klecker home, WHS_016_661
Division, E, 611 1955, WHS_016_662
Division, E, 611 2018, Realtor pic
Division, E, 612 1952, WHS_016_664
Division, E, 615 1955, WHS_016_665
Division, E, 615 1989, WHS_021_242
Division, E, 615 Street view
Division, E, 617 1955, Louis & Helen Hady home, WHS_016_666
Division, E, 701 1955, WHS_016_667
Division, E, 703 1955, Frank & Henrietta Weber home, WHS_016_668
Division, E, 704 1952, WHS_016_669
Division, E, 712 1951, Walter & Louise Miller home, WHS_016_670
Division, E, 712 1983, WHS_020_936
Division, E, 712 1983, WHS_020_937
Division, E, 806 1955, Herman & Ella Neubauer home, WHS_016_671
Division, E, 806 1964, WHS_021_931
Division, E, 806 Street view
Division, E, 807 1951, August & Clara Kollath home, WHS_016_672
Division, E, 807 1963, WHS_021_932
Division, E, 807 Street view
Division, E, 809 1950, Mrs Minnie Schultz home, WHS_016_673
Division, E, 811 1913, Dierksmeier, Emilie, dressmaker
Division, E, 811 1954, WHS_016_674
Division, E, 813 1913, Laura Eifert, dressmaker
Division, E, 813 1954, WHS_016_675
Division, E, 813 1987, WHS_020_609
Division, E, 813 1987, WHS_020_610
Division, E, 813 1987, WHS_020_699
Division, E, 817 1954, Carl & Augusta Abel home, WHS_016_676
Division, E, 819 1954, WHS_016_677
Division, E, 821 1960, Norman & Genevieve Behlke home, WHS_016_678
Division, E, 900 block 1911, Sidewalk issue
Division, E, 901 1960, WHS_016_679
Division, W, 810 1958, Arnold & Esther Engelbrecht home, WHS_016_680
Division, W, 811 1954, Jacob & Jeannine Burbach home, WHS_016_681
Division, W, 814 1956, Harland & Harriet Behm home, WHS_016_682
Division, W, 815 1955, WHS_016_683
Division, W, 816 1953, WHS_016_684
Division, W, 819 1954, Herbert Froelich home, WHS_016_685
Division, W, 820 1955, WHS_016_686
Division, W, 824 1960, WHS_016_688
Division, W, 828 1952, William Kothlow home, WHS_016_687
Doctors Court, 1507 1957, circa, WHS_016_689
Doctors Court, 1508 1957, circa, WHS_016_690
Doctors Court, 1516 1957, circa, WHS_016_691
Doctors Court, 1518 1957, circa, WHS_016_692
Dodge, 106 1953, WHS_009_982
Dodge, 111 1960, A & P Store, Built in 1959, WHS_016_693
Dodge, 111 1970, Remodeled A & P, WHS_023_476
Dodge, 111 Street view
Dodge, 204 1953, Wayne & Rose Burke home, WHS_016_694
Dodge, 305 1953, Mrs. Hilda Schuh home, WHS_016_695
Dodge, 411 1964, circa, Post Office bldg, WHS_018_001
Dodge, 411 1964, circa, Post Office floor plan, WHS_018_004
Dodge, 604 1960, WHS_016_655
Dodge, 606 1953, WHS_018_005
Dodge, 607 1953, Mrs. Louisa Griep home, WHS_018_006
Dodge, 613 1953, John Gruel home, WHS_018_007
Dodge, 706 1952, Louis & Esther Lorke home, WHS_018_008
Dodge, 709 1954, Herbert & Eleanor Kohli Lorke home, WHS_018_009
Dodge, 800 block 1989, Watertown High School, WHS_005_230
Dodge, 804 1954, WHS_018_010
Dodge, 808 1954, Raymond & Elda Sievert home, WHS_018_011
Dodge, 906 1954, WHS_018_012
Dodge, 907 1954, Walter & Margaret Thrams home, WHS_018_013
Dodge, 908 1953, John & Esther Ehrke home, WHS_018_014
Dodge, 909 1954, Mrs. Fern Mears (Ethel) Ehrke home, WHS_018_015
Doris, 1100 1955, WHS_018_016
Doris, 1108 1955, WHS_018_017
Doris, 1115 1982, WHS_021_103
Doris, 1115 Street view
Doris, 1201 1985, WHS_020_756
Doris, 1201 1985, WHS_020_757
Douglas, 1200 1964, WHS_018_018
Douglas, 1202 1964, WHS_018_019
Douglas, 1204 1965, WHS_018_020
Douglas, 1205 1960, WHS_018_021
Douglas, 1206 1963, WHS_018_022
Douglas, 1208 1965, WHS_018_023
Douglas, 1210 1965, WHS_018_024
Douglas, 1211 1960, WHS_018_025
Douglas, 1212 1966, WHS_018_026
Douglas, 1213 1960, WHS_018_027
Douglas, 1214 1964, WHS_018_028
Douglas, 1215 1960, WHS_018_029
Douglas, 1216 1960, WHS_018_053
Douglas, 1218 1960, WHS_018_054
Douglas, 1218 1977, WHS_021_423
Douglas, 1218 Street view
Douglas, 1219 1958, WHS_018_055
Douglas, 1220 1960, WHS_018_056
Douglas, 1221 1959, WHS_018_057
Douglas, 1222 1960, WHS_018_058
Douglas, 1224 1960, WHS_018_059
Duffy, 1404 1951, Wilfred & Evelyn Haberkorn home, WHS_018_061
Duffy, 1406 1951, Ernest & Ora Block home, WHS_018_062
Duffy, 1406 2018
Duffy, 1407 1953, Oscar & Clara Schley home, WHS_018_060
Duffy, 1408 1951, Mrs. Emily Born home, WHS_018_063
Duffy, 1409 1950, Oscar & Helen Meyer home, WHS_018_064
Duffy, 1410 1950, John & Christine Miller home, WHS_018_065
Duffy, 1413 1950, William & Olive Kusel home, WHS_018_066
East Gate Drive, N3082 1960s, Ed Raue, golf course
Eighth, 215 1913, Thomas Grundy, (Adventist), minister
Eighth, 508 1913, Bruederbotschafter Der, newspaper
Eighth, 1011 1913, Charles Ziebell, drayman
Eighth, N, 111 1953, Emma Capelle home, WHS_013_456
Eighth, N, 113 1960, John Lehmann home, WHS_013_457
Eighth, N, 115 1951, Albert Valaskey home, WHS_013_458
Eighth, N, 117 1905, circa, WHS_013_703
Eighth, N, 117 1951, William Welch home, WHS_013_459
Eighth, N, 200 1920, circa, WHS_021_150
Eighth, N, 200 1954, Reinhold Laabs home, WHS_013_460
Eighth, N, 200 Street view
Eighth, N, 201 1905, circa, WHS_013_703
Eighth, N, 201 1954, Verona Baurichter home, WHS_013_461
Eighth, N, 203 1954, Mary Iffland home, WHS_013_462
Eighth, N, 203 2019, Assessor image
Eighth, N, 205 1905, circa, WHS_013_703
Eighth, N, 205 1954, Carl Vorlob home, WHS_013_463
Eighth, N, 206 1951, Gustav Groth home, WHS_013_464
Eighth, N, 210 1954, William Hoefs home, WHS_013_465
Eighth, N, 303 1907, Home of Nellie Bertik Schaub, WHS_018_555
Eighth, N, 303 1954, Mary Schaub home, WHS_013_466
Eighth, N, 303 1913, Watertown Poster Advertising Co, bill posters
Eighth, N, 307 1940s, WHS_005_WPD_081
Eighth, N, 307 1954, Robert Radtke home, WHS_013_467
Eighth, N, 310 1952, Clara Bergmann home, WHS_013_468
Eighth, N, 315 1913, Emma Bernhard, music teacher
Eighth, N, 315 1951, Emma Bernhard home, WHS_013_469
Eighth, N, 316 1953, WHS_013_470
Eighth, N, 404 1951, Claude Harshbarger home, WHS_013_471
Eighth, N, 405 1951, Floyd Shaefer home, WHS_013_472
Eighth, N, 408 1951, Fredrick Loeder home, WHS_013_473
Eighth, N, 411 1951, Ernest & Meta Brand home, WHS_013_474
Eighth, N, 414 1951, Mrs. Augie Foss home, WHS_013_475
Eighth, N, 415 1913, Herman G Zickert, contractor-carpenter
Eighth, N, 415 1954, Roland Schauer home, WHS_013_476
Eighth, N, 419 1951, John Kuckkahn home, WHS_013_477
Eighth, N, 506 1955, Arthur Scheele home, WHS_013_478
Eighth, N, 507 1954, Aldoph Wagner home, WHS_013_479
Eighth, N, 509 1954, Aaron Tucker home, WHS_013_480
Eighth, N, 510 1955, Mathias Novotny home, WHS_013_481
Eighth, N, 513 1954, Ella Kressin home, WHS_013_482
Eighth, N, 515 1960, Margaret Jurick home, WHS_013_483
Eighth, S 1915, Paved between Main and Western Ave
Eighth, S, 107 1964 Charles Haven home, WHS_008_146
Eighth, S, 201 1953, Verena Baurichter home, WHS_013_387
Eighth, S, 207 1953, Anna Emmerling home, WHS_013_386
Eighth, S, 208 1953, First Methodist constructing new parsonage, WHS_016_425
Eighth, S, 208 1983, WHS_021_091
Eighth, S, 208 Street view
Eighth, S, 210 1953, Lillie Winkenwerder home, WHS_013_388
Eighth, S, 213 1872, German Adventist Church built
Eighth, S, 213 1885, German Adventist Church, Birdseye map showing location
Eighth, S, 213 1990, circa, German Adventist Church, WHS_022_677
Eighth, S, 213 2008, German Adventist Church, WHS_005_885
Eighth, S, 213 2008, German Adventist Church, WHS_005_886
Eighth, S, 213 2008, German Adventist Church, WHS_005_887
Eighth, S, 213 Street view
Eighth, S, 215 1913, Grundy, Thomas (Adventist), minister, parsonage?
Eighth, S, 216 1953, Louis Tetzlaff home, WHS_013_389
Eighth, S, 303 1895, circa, William Jaedecke home, WHS_018_529
Eighth, S, 303 1953, Isabelle Jaedecke home, WHS_013_390
Eighth, S, 304 1953, Raymond Boltz home, WHS_013_391
Eighth, S, 309 1953, Carl Semrich home, WHS_013_392
Eighth, S, 310 1953, Louis Raether home, WHS_013_393
Eighth, S, 312 1953, Stanley Walters home, WHS_013_394
Eighth, S, 315 1953, Howard Andres home, WHS_013_395
Eighth, S, 316 Schulz home
Eighth, S, 316 Schulz home
Eighth, S, 317 1953, Bryon Miller home, WHS_013_396
Eighth, S, 400 1953, Melvin Wolf home, WHS_013_397
Eighth, S, 404 1953, Herbert Hartmann home, WHS_013_398
Eighth, S, 406 1953, George Orton home, WHS_013_399
Eighth, S, 408 1951, Herbert Goetsch home, WHS_013_400
Eighth, S, 408 1957, Janisch Roofing, WHS_011_200H
Eighth, S, 412 1951, Frieda Strobel home, WHS_013_401
Eighth, S, 415 2022, YMCA, WHS_021_659C
Eighth, S, 415 2022, YMCA, WHS_021_659D
Eighth, S, 415 2022, YMCA, WHS_021_659E
Eighth, S, 415 2022, YMCA, WHS_021_659F
Eighth, S, 500 block 1994, Memory of Eighth Street park on this block
Eighth, S, 504 Nack home, WHS_005_483
Eighth, S, 504 1953, Walter Nack home, WHS_013_402
Eighth, S, 504 1994, Memory of Eighth Street park
Eighth, S, 505 1982, Watertown High School, WHS_005_232
Eighth, S, 505 1989, Watertown High School, WHS_005_230
Eighth, S, 505 1955, circa, Watertown High School, WHS_006_415
Eighth, S, 505 2000, Demolition of, WHS_020_990
Eighth, S, 505 2000, Demolition of, WHS_020_991
Eighth, S, 505 2000, Demolition of, WHS_020_992
Eighth, S, 505 2000, Demolition of, WHS_020_992B
Eighth, S, 508 1951, Charles Neuberger home, WHS_013_403
Eighth, S, 512 1952, Fred Pfeifer home, WHS_013_404
Eighth, S, 512 1979, WHS_021_052
Eighth, S, 512 1979, WHS_021_053
Eighth, S, 512 Street view
Eighth, S, 514 1953, George Henke home, WHS_013_405
Eighth, S, 600 1958, Edna Hogan home, WHS_013_406
Eighth, S, 601 1909, William Scheel home, WHS_001_PC_047
Eighth, S, 601 1909, Backyard of William Scheel home, WHS_001_PC_464
Eighth, S, 601 1909, Backyard of William Scheel home, WHS_001_PC_463
Eighth, S, 601 1953, Herbert Goitsch home, WHS_013_407
Eighth, S, 603 1955, Melvin Rupnow home, WHS_013_448
Eighth, S, 605 1937, El-Nido Grocery, WHS_014_601B
Eighth, S, 606 1951, Casimir Blaskowski home, WHS_013_408
Eighth, S, 607 1953, Lloyd Grunewald home, WHS_013_409
Eighth, S, 608 1953, Herman Gehrke home, WHS_013_410
Eighth, S, 609 1954, Merlin Blank, WHS_013_411
Eighth, S, 610 1953, Walter Buntrock, WHS_013_412
Eighth, S, 610 1983, WHS_021_246
Eighth, S, 610 1983, WHS_021_247
Eighth, S, 610 Street view
Eighth, S, 611 1954, Vacant, WHS_013_413
Eighth, S, 700 1954, William Schmidt home, WHS_013_414
Eighth, S, 701 1954, Lena Zick home, WHS_013_415
Eighth, S, 704 1953, Helen Flint home, WHS_013_416
Eighth, S, 705 1953, Donald Moore home, WHS_013_417
Eighth, S, 708 1953, Christian Birkholz home, WHS_013_418
Eighth, S, 711 1953, Frank Brigowatz home, WHS_013_419
Eighth, S, 802 1910, William King home, WHS_021_747
Eighth, S, 802 1910, William King home, WHS_021_747B
Eighth, S, 802 1953, June Price home, WHS_013_420
Eighth, S, 802 1965, William King home (traditional name), WHS_019_093
Eighth, S, 802 1974, William King home (traditional name), WHS_019_209
Eighth, S, 802 Street view
Eighth, S, 808 1953, Arthur Minning home, WHS_013_421
Eighth, S, 809 1953, Herman Kasten home, WHS_013_422
Eighth, S, 810 1953, Max Rohr home, WHS_013_423
Eighth, S, 900 1953, George Lehmann home, WHS_013_424
Eighth, S, 901 1953, Max Else home, WHS_013_425
Eighth, S, 902 1953, H W Kronitz home, WHS_013_426
Eighth, S, 902 1956, Home of H W Kronitz
Eighth, S, 905 1950, Ferdinand Boltz home, WHS_013_427
Eighth, S, 910 1953, Juliana Prizlaff home, WHS_013_428
Eighth, S, 910 1974, Fred Lehmann home, traditional name, WHS_019_210
Eighth, S, 1007 1951, Arthur Weihbrecht home, WHS_013_444
Eighth, S, 1010 1951, Roland Dierker home, WHS_013_443
Eighth, S, 1010 1984, WHS_020_813
Eighth, S, 1010 1984, WHS_020_814
Eighth, S, 1010 1984, WHS_020_815
Eighth, S, 1011 1951, Erwin Boltz home, WHS_013_442
Eighth, S, 1012 1951, Arnold Landsverk home, WHS_013_441
Eighth, S, 1013 1954, Robert Strehlow home, WHS_013_440
Eighth, S, 1015 1954, Alvin Luhman home, WHS_013_439
Eighth, S, 1016 1951, Oscar E Carlson home, WHS_013_438
Eighth, S, 1018 1951, Herman Groening home, WHS_013_437
Eighth, S, 1019 1951, Reinhold Guenterberg home, WHS_013_436
Eighth, S, 1106 1951, Eric Benzel home, WHS_013_435
Eighth, S, 1111 1953, Beauford Luedtke home, WHS_013_434
Eighth, S, 1112 1953, Kate Nienow home, WHS_013_433
Eighth, S, 1116 1953, Bert Schovnover home, WHS_013_432
Eighth, S, 1116 2019, Realtor photo
Eighth, S, 1117 1953, Fred Fenner home, WHS_013_431
Eighth, S, 1118 1953, Eugene Volant home, WHS_013_430
Eighth, S, 1119 1953, Percy West home, WHS_013_429
Eighth, S, 802 William King home
Eighth, S, 802 William King home, WHS_001_PC_143
Eighth, S, 810 1952, Home of Max Rohr, Sr.
Eighth, S, 1016 1969, Home of M/M Oscar E Carlson
Eighth, S, 1115 1957, Bert Schoonover, Heating/Refrig
Elba, 402 2019, Realtor image
Eleventh, S, 600 1953, William Schleif home, WHS_013_903
Eleventh, S, 602 1966, WHS_013_904A
Eleventh, S, 604 1953, Home of, 604 S Eleventh St, WHS_013_905
Eleventh, S, 608 1953, Henry Albrecht home, WHS_013_911
Eleventh, S, 612 1953, Henry Hafemeister home, WHS_013_917
Eleventh, S, 614 1953, Lawrence & Gladys Coe home, WHS_013_918
Eleventh, S, 616 1951, August Schuenke home, WHS_013_919
Eleventh, S, 616 George Hackett, Osgood Co rep, WHS_021_800E
Eleventh, S, 619 1954, Herbet Jaeger home, WHS_013_920
Eleventh, S, 619 1980, WHS_020_972
Eleventh, S, 619 1980, WHS_020_973
Eleventh, S, 619 2019, Assessor image
Eleventh, S, 619 Street view
Eleventh, S, 621 1954, Raymond Draeger home, WHS_013_921
Elizabeth Street Elizabeth and Mound Streets are a former Native American burial ground
Elizabeth, 229 1955, Gordon & Hazel Frater home, WHS_018_069
Elizabeth, 230 1952, Obed Haakon Moen home, WHS_018_070
Elizabeth, 233 1951, Eugene & Maxine Chase home, WHS_018_071
Elizabeth, 236 1950, Benjamin & Frances Thauer home, WHS_018_072
Elizabeth, 300 1951, Louis & Rose Nowack home, WHS_018_073
Elizabeth, 301 1953, Leonard & Mabelle Marsh home, WHS_018_074
Elizabeth, 302 1955, WHS_018_075
Elizabeth, 305 1935, George Fred Keck built first solar house in Watertown, Wilde residence 
Elizabeth, 305 1953, WHS_018_076
Elizabeth, 306 1950, Alvin & Elsie Schumacher home, WHS_018_077
Elizabeth, 311 1953, Arthur & Minnie Ebert home, WHS_018_078
Elizabeth, 312 1951, George & Gertrude Wolff home, WHS_018_079
Elizabeth, 313 1953, Lawrence & Lena Lange home, WHS_018_080
Elizabeth, 316 1959, Clark & Ella Derleth home, WHS_018_081
Elizabeth, 319 1913, William Laabs, contractor-mason, gabled ell house, brick
Elizabeth, 319 1959, Frank & Patricia VanDerHooght home, WHS_018_082
Elizabeth, 320 1950, John & Dorothy Ruesch home, WHS_018_083
Elizabeth, 323 1955, Arnold & Selma Buchholz home, WHS_018_084
Elizabeth, 324 1952, Max & Ella Tetzlaff home, WHS_018_085
Elm, 203 1954, Louis & Anita Grabow home, WHS_018_089
Elm, 203 1980, WHS_020_966
Elm, 203 1980, WHS_020_967
Elm, 203 Street view
Elm, 204 1955, Howard & Inga Schroeder home, WHS_018_090
Elm, 204 1980, WHS_020_981
Elm, 204 1980, WHS_020_982
Elm, 204 1980, WHS_021_076
Elm, 204 1980, WHS_021_077
Elm, 204 Street view
Elm, 205 1967, WHS_018_091
Elm, 208 1955, Arthur Engel home, WHS_018_092
Elm, 208 1980, WHS_021_026
Elm, 208 Street view
Elm, 208 2020
Elm, 210 1955, Mary McGuire home, WHS_018_093
Elm, 214 1954, Bertha Heiling home, WHS_018_094
Elm, 216 1957, WHS_018_095
Elm, 300 1951, WHS_018_096
Elm, 300 1970, Tree falls on home, WHS_023_466
Elm, 300 1970, Tree falls on home, WHS_023_467
Elm, 306 1951, Ida Eckner home, WHS_018_097
Elm, 307 1954, Lester & Tekla Schuett home, WHS_018_098
Elm, 310 1913, Julia Otto, dressmaker, home built c1908, cube style house, brick 
Elm, 310 1952, George & Hilda Ertl home, WHS_018_099
Elm, 316 1954, Oscar & Nora Blaese home, WHS_018_100
Elm, 401 1952, WHS_018_101
Elm, 401 2015
Elm, 500 1953, Victor & Louise Krueger home, WHS_018_102
Elm, 504 1950, Becker-Knick home, WHS_018_103
Elm, 506 1955, Mrs. Augusta Wollin home, WHS_018_104
Elm, 512 1950, WHS_018_105
Elm, 513 1950, Alvin & Julia Hrobsky home, WHS_018_106
Elm, 606 1959, Raymond & Esther Mundschaw home, WHS_018_107
Elm, 608 1950, Howard & Florence Herold home, WHS_018_108
Elm, 616 1951, Max & Edna Grulke home, WHS_018_109
Elm, 700 1952, Gary & Margaret Ponath home, WHS_018_110
Elm, 702 1913, Ira L Henry Co, paper boxes-manufacturer
Elm, 702 1920, Ira L Henry box factory, 702 Elm, WHS_021_421
Elm, 702 1930s, Ira L Henry Co, WHS_020_064
Elm, 702 1940s, Henry Co. Box Factory, distant view, 702 Elm St, WHS_011_362
Elm, 702 Street view
Elm, 707 1955, WHS_018_111
Elm, 806 1960, WHS_018_112
Emerald, 100 1951, Walter Maas home, WHS_018_136
Emerald, 106 1913, Sprenger & Gruel, contractor-carpenter, Dutch colonial revival, clapboard, gambrel roof
Emerald, 106 1951, George & Evelyn Knispel home, WHS_018_137
Emerald, 107 1955, Bernhard & Clara Greinert home, WHS_018_138
Emerald, 109 1955, Herman & Mabel Parpart home, WHS_018_139
Emerald, 110 1955, Mrs. Lenora Heiling home, WHS_018_140
Emerald, 113 1951, Joseph & Dorothy Brooks home, WHS_018_141
Emerald, 113 1984, WHS_021_165
Emerald, 113 Street view
Emerald, 116 1955, Andrew & Louise Weaver home, WHS_018_142
Emerald, 117 1952, Mrs. Minnie Lau home, WHS_018_143
Emerald, 118 1952, Allen & Loretta Schoechert home, WHS_018_144
Emerald, 119 1952, Benjamin & Ruth Engelhart home, WHS_018_145
Emerald, 202-204 1951, Fred Weber & Fred Heine home, WHS_018_146
Emerald, 207 1955, Albert & Mary Henning home, WHS_018_147
Emerald, 208 1952, Ferdinand & Emma Kell home, WHS_018_148
Emerald, 209 1955, Elmer & Louise Dobrick home, WHS_018_149
Emerald, 212 1952, Robert & Zayda Kulm home, WHS_018_150
Emerald, 214 1955, Mrs. Leona Eicksteadt home, WHS_018_151
Emerald, 215 1900, Gustav Behlke home, WHS_015_019
Emerald, 215 1952, Frank & Julia LeMacher home, WHS_018_152
Emerald, 218 1954, Mrs. Rose Riemer home, WHS_018_153
Emerald, 219 1955, WHS_018_154
Emerald, 220 1955, WHS_018_155
Emerald, 223 1955, George Brennecke home, WHS_018_156
Emerald, 229 1951, Walter & Frances Stuebe home, WHS_018_157
Emerald, 300 1955, Herman & Ella Freitag home, WHS_018_197
Emerald, 301 1955, Mrs. Gertrude Klemann home, WHS_018_198
Emerald, 301 2017, WHS_013_200K
Emerald, 304 1955, Christ & Emma Hoeft home, WHS_018_199
Emerald, 310 1955, Clarence Wetter home, WHS_018_200
Emerald, 410 1953, Edwin & Meta Korban home, WHS_018_201
Emerald, 413 1955, John & Martha Freres home, WHS_018_202
Emerald, 418 1953, Ida Stuhlmacher home, WHS_018_203
Emerald, 419 1913, Willenbockel, Henry & Sons, contractor-carpenter
Emerald, 419 1950, Fire at, Gruetzmacher home
Emerald, 419 1955, Arthur & Laura Gruetzmacher home, WHS_018_204
Emmet 1897, Intersection with S Washington, cave in of street
Emmet, 210 1954, Herbert & Mildred home, WHS_018_221
Emmet, 305 1951, Marvin & Lorraine Altenburg home, WHS_018_222
Emmet, 407 1954, Ella Sipp home, WHS_018_223
Emmet, 506 1954, WHS_018_224
Emmet, 509 1951, Thomas & Norma Zielsdorf home, WHS_018_225
Emmet, 608 1954, Victor & Esther Anderson home, WHS_018_226
Emmet, 609 1954, Oliver & Jeannette Anderson home, WHS_018_227
Emmet, 707 1960, John & Eliz Scher home, WHS_018_228
Emmet, 708 1914, Home of John O’Neill
Emmet, 708 1954, Edward & Pauline O'Byrne home, WHS_018_229
Emmet, 709 1954, Arnold & Emma Zillmer home, WHS_018_230
Emmet, 710 1954, WHS_018_231
Emmet, 711 1954, Frank & Olive Krietzman home, WHS_018_232
Emmet, 712 1954, John & Elsie Weber home, WHS_018_233
Emmet, 715 1954, Robert & Lois Sturm home, WHS_018_234
Emmet, 716 1950, WHS_022_173
Emmet, 716 Street view
Emmet, 717 1954, Herbert & Eveline Cahoon home, WHS_018_235
Emmet, 719 1955, circa, Howard Candy Co, WHS_018_236
Emmet, 720 1954, WHS_018_237
Emmet, 721 1997, Fire loss, Restoration Specialist Inc
Emmet, 723 1951, circa, West Side Lumber, WHS_018_238
Endeavor Dr 1992, Named after maiden voyage of the Endeavour, Capt. Dan Brandenstein
Fairview, 103 1957, Joseph & Ethel Strobel home, WHS_018_251
Fairview, 105 1960, Robert & Marian Beisner home, WHS_018_252
Fairview, 108 1966, WHS_018_253
Fairview, 109 1961, WHS_018_254
Fairview, 109 1984, WHS_020_662
Fairview, 109 1984, WHS_020_663
Fairview, 205 1957, Harlow & Alinda Fasbender home, WHS_018_255
Fairview, 206 1957, WHS_018_256
Fairview, 207 1954, Henry & Audrey Lamp home, WHS_018_257
Fairview, 208 1954, WHS_018_258
Fairview, 210 1962, WHS_018_259
Fairview, 211 1957, Herbert & Alice Dakin home, WHS_018_260
Fairview, 212 1964, WHS_018_261
Fairview, 213 1967, George & Mildred Hlava home, WHS_018_262
Fairview, 214 1959, Milton & Alma Manke home, WHS_018_263
Fairview, 215 1953, Fredrick & Evelyn Dettmann home, WHS_018_264
Fairview, 216 1950, WHS_018_265
Fairview, 218 1950, Carl & Helma Lemminger home, WHS_018_266
Fifth, 107 1913, Doerr & Leschinger, plumbers
Fifth, 112 1913, John F Dornfeld, malting machinery mfg
Fifth, 112-114 1906, Drew Manufacturing, litter carriers
Fifth, 115 1945, Niehoff Heating, Walter B Niehoff
Fifth, 214 1913, Mrs Elizabeth Green, music teacher
Fifth, 701 1913, Charles Faust, chiropractor
Fifth, 1014 1913, McGolrick Fuel Co, coal & wood
Fifth, N, 107-111 1900, Reinhold Zautner, blacksmith shop and res
Fifth, N, 107-115 1902, Ed Gnatzig carriage house
Fifth, N, 109 1948, Reichardt home, WHS_006_720
Fifth, N, 109 1962, Property purchase proposed
Fifth, N, 109 1965, circa, WHS_022_281
Fifth, N, 109 1969, Home of Hilary G. Reichardt, WHS_006_709
Fifth, N, 109 1970, Hilary Reichardt home, WHS_006_704
Fifth, N, 109 1970, Reichardt family home, WHS_006_710
Fifth, N, 109 1970, Home of Hilary G. Reichardt, WHS_006_711
Fifth, N, 109 1971, Removal of, for Goodyear store
Fifth, N, 109 Street view
Fifth, N, 110 1955, Emma Henze home, WHS_013_077
Fifth, N, 110 1964, Mrs. August Henze, parking purposes
Fifth, N, 116 1955, Lydia Marquardt home, WHS_013_078
Fifth, N, 120 1955, John & Alma Hesse home, WHS_014_089
Fifth, N, 120 1960, Negotiation to purchase for parking lot
Fifth, N, 200 1951, WHS_013_079
Fifth, N, 201 1886, German Methodist Episcopal Church (Wesley), WHS_008_369
Fifth, N, 201 1895, circa, German Methodist, distant view of, WHS_006_751
Fifth, N, 201 1920s, German Methodist Episcopal Church (Wesley), WHS_006_973
Fifth, N, 201 1969, German Methodist Episcopal Church (Wesley), WHS_006_709
Fifth, N, 201 1969, Pied Piper Nursery School, WHS_021_305
Fifth, N, 201 1970, German Methodist Episcopal Church (Wesley), WHS_006_710
Fifth, N, 201 German ME Church
Fifth, N, 202 1951, Mrs. Emma Sauer home, WHS_013_079
Fifth, N, 206 1960, circa, Walther Weber home, WHS_013_080
Fifth, N, 207 1897, circa, N Fifth & Jones streets, WHS_018_547
Fifth, N, 207 1913, William F Beyer, (M.E.), minister
Fifth, N, 207 1959, Methodist church
Fifth, N, 208 1952, Victor Ulsberger home, WHS_013_081
Fifth, N, 217 1896, Wertheimer barn fire
Fifth, N, 217 1952, Alton Wetzel home, WHS_013_082
Fifth, N, 217 2019, Realtor image, WHS_016_061A
Fifth, N, 217 2019, Realtor image, WHS_016_061B
Fifth, N, 217 2019, Realtor image, WHS_016_061C
Fifth, N, 217 2019, Realtor image, WHS_016_061D
Fifth, N, 305 1952, Margaret Wagner home, WHS_013_083
Fifth, N, 306 1900, Lobegott Mollart home
Fifth, N, 306 1912 circa, Birdseye, aerial view, WHS_021_621
Fifth, N, 306 1938, George Vergenz introduced Snowball confection
Fifth, N, 306 1952, Ida Schoenherr home, WHS_013_090
Fifth, N, 306 2019, Realtor's image
Fifth, N, 314 1912 circa, Birdseye, aerial view, WHS_021_621
Fifth, N, 314 1913, T Herman Eggers, (Evang. Luth.), minister
Fifth, N, 314 1965, St. John's Lutheran, parsonage, former, WHS_019_182
Fifth, N, 314 House still stands
Fifth, N, 315 St. John's Lutheran Church, link to portfolio of pics
Fifth, N, 400 1952, Esther Grosnick home, WHS_013_092
Fifth, N, 401 1952, William Grossert home, WHS_013_091
Fifth, N, 401 1984, WHS_020_722
Fifth, N, 401 1984, WHS_020_723
Fifth, N, 401 1984, WHS_020_724
Fifth, N, 401 1984, WHS_020_961
Fifth, N, 401 1984, WHS_020_962
Fifth, N, 401 Street view
Fifth, N, 405 1951, Emil Kaddatz home, WHS_013_093
Fifth, N, 410 1952, Caroline Scheiber home, WHS_013_094
Fifth, N, 411 1912, Arthur G Meyer, piano tuner, ad, WHS_006_556
Fifth, N, 411 1913, Arthur G Meyer, piano tuner
Fifth, N, 411 1952, Joseph Engelhart home, WHS_013_095
Fifth, N, 412 1911, Salick home, purchased by Henry Fendt
Fifth, N, 412 1958, Jerome Fendt home, WHS_013_096
Fifth, N, 412 2010, Packer House
Fifth, N, 415 1952, Frank Burnett home, WHS_013_097
Fifth, N, 400 1910, circa, Aerial view, WHS_016_047
Fifth, N, 401 1910, circa, Aerial view, WHS_016_047
Fifth, N, 410 1910, circa, Aerial view, WHS_016_047
Fifth, N, 411 1910, circa, Aerial view, WHS_016_047
Fifth, N, 411 1987, Fire at home of Gale Uttech
Fifth, N, 412 1910, circa, Aerial view, WHS_016_047
Fifth, S 1875, George Mathes barn, corner of Fifth and Spring
Fifth, S 1909, Looking north
Fifth, S 1910, Winter Scene, WHS_002_PC_314
Fifth, S, 100 block, east side 1987, WHS_014_420
Fifth, S, 107 1952, Herbert Kohli, barber, WHS_013_099
Fifth, S, 107 1987, Budget Print, WHS_014_420
Fifth, S, 108-114 1900, circa, Watertown Manufacturing Co, WHS_021_881
Fifth, S, 108-114 1905, circa, Watertown Manufacturing Co, WHS_013_269
Fifth, S, 108-116 1924, Lasure Friction Clutch Co, address in 1924 city directory
Fifth, S, 109 1950, Cain Beauty Shop, WHS_006_784C
Fifth, S, 109 1952, Cain's Beauty Shop, WHS_013_099
Fifth, S, 109 1987, Vacant, WHS_014_420
Fifth, S, 109-111 1909, Dr. A H Hartwig, Veterinarian & Hospital, chapter on
Fifth, S, 109-111 1911, Dr. A H Hartwig, Veterinarian & Hospital
Fifth, S, 109-111 1912, Hartwig, Comber, Arzberger Co, WG ad 05-23-1912, WHS_999_042
Fifth, S, 109-111 1913, Comber Hartwig, Arzberger Co, vet surgeons, Watertown Veterinary Hospital
Fifth, S, 109-111 1913, Farmers' Veterinary Advisor, newspaper
Fifth, S, 109-111 1921, circa, A H Hartwig veterinary complex, interurban passing, WHS_005_183
Fifth, S, 109-111 1924, Ad, Perfection Auto Lubrication, WHS_019_950A
Fifth, S, 111 1906, Kehr Bros est.
Fifth, S, 111 1906, Kehr Bros Heating, interior view, WHS_019_246
Fifth, S, 111 1952, Bentz Upholstery, WHS_013_099
Fifth, S, 111 1962, William J. (Old Bill) Raue, sign shop
Fifth, S, 111 1987, Discount Sales novelty store, WHS_014_420
Fifth, S, 114 1956, Wisconsin Telephone Co, WHS_013_116, demolition of
Fifth, S, 114, approx 1890, Miller & Reichardt Manuf, boilers
Fifth, S, 115 1951, Watertown Broom Manuf, WHS_013_100
Fifth, S, 201 1952, circa, Foster & Bauman, veterinarians, WHS_013_101
Fifth, S, 202 1952, William Krueger home, WHS_013_102
Fifth, S, 203 1952, John Mallow home, WHS_013_103
Fifth, S, 203 1980, circa, WHS_013_104
Fifth, S, 206 1952, circa, Robert Raabe home, WHS_013_105
Fifth, S, 207 1952, Guy Hallock home, WHS_013_106
Fifth, S, 207 1978, circa, Guy and Tillie Hallock home, WHS_013_200Q
Fifth, S, 207 1978-79, Removed for funeral home parking lot, WHS_016_553F
Fifth, S, 210 1957, circa, Erna Nowack home, WHS_013_107
Fifth, S, 211-213 1929, Bieber home sold and moved, funeral home planned
Fifth, S, 211-213 1930, Construction of, Nowack Funeral Home, WHS_017_101
Fifth, S, 211-213 1940, Nowack Funeral Home, WHS_006_532
Fifth, S, 211-213 1951, Nowach Funeral Home, WHS_013_108
Fifth, S, 211-213 1954, WHS_016_553E
Fifth, S, 214 1928, WHS_006_685
Fifth, S, 214 1957, circa, William Wesemann home, WHS_013_111
Fifth, S, 301 1928, WHS_006_685
Fifth, S, 301 1900, circa, Home of Otis Wilder, WHS_018_510
Fifth, S, 301 1957, circa, Herbert Hartmann home, WHS_013_110
Fifth, S, 305 1928, WHS_006_685
Fifth, S, 305 1933, circa, Interurban passing, WHS_019_785
Fifth, S, 305 1952, Richard Hoge home, WHS_013_112
Fifth, S, 309 Max H Gaebler home
Fifth, S, 309 1952, Fred Graf home, WHS_013_113
Fifth, S, 311 1928, First Baptist church completed
Fifth, S, 311 1982, First Baptist church, WHS_009_294
Fifth, S, 311 1984, First Baptist Church, WHS_020_614
Fifth, S, 311 1984, First Baptist Church, WHS_020_615
Fifth, S, 401 1927, Removal of original home
Fifth, S, 401 1928, Construction of
Fifth, S, 401 1952, Dr. Anthony Hahn home, WHS_013_114
Fifth, S, 405 1953, Clarence Peters home, WHS_013_115
Fifth, S, 413 Gaston Home, chapter on
Fifth, S, 413 Habhegger Home, chapter on
Fifth, S, 413 1902, Habhegger Home, WHS_008_473
Fifth, S, 413 1951, Oman Gaston home, former Habhegger) WHS_013_117
Fifth, S, 413 1966, WHS_019_069
Fifth, S, 413 1974, WHS_019_132
Fifth, S, 413 2022, WHS_021_390C
Fifth, S, 413 2022, Exterior painting, video clip
Fifth, S, 413 Street view
Fifth, S, 413 Portfolio for this address
Fifth, S, 500 1906, Off home, became Christian Science Church
Fifth, S, 500 1922, First Church of Christ Scientists, gift prop of Off in 1906, WHS_PC_129
Fifth, S, 500 1936, Christian Science Society, Exterior view, WHS_013_487
Fifth, S, 500 1936, Christian Science Society, Exterior view, WHS_013_488
Fifth, S, 500 1954, Christian Science Society, Exterior view, WHS_013_489
Fifth, S, 500 1974, Christian Science Society, Exterior view, WHS_013_490
Fifth, S, 500 1967, Seventh-Day Adventist, purchased from Christian Science Soc
Fifth, S, 501 1910, circa, WHS_PC_386
Fifth, S, 501 1952, Harry Beurhaus home, WHS_013_118
Fifth, S, 501 1962, Home of Harry Beurhaus
Fifth, S, 505 1989, River Valley Alliance Church organized
Fifth, S, 506 1952, circa, Sidney Northrop home, WHS_013_119
Fifth, S, 506 1984, WHS_021_163
Fifth, S, 506 1984, WHS_021_164
Fifth, S, 506 Street view
Fifth, S, 507 1910, circa, WHS_PC_386
Fifth, S, 507 1953, Mara Mac Ginnis home, WHS_013_120
Fifth, S, 509 1952, Foster Oestreich home, WHS_013_121
Fifth, S, 509 2017, Structural fire, WHS_013_074
Fifth, S, 512 Herman Grube home
Fifth, S, 512 1952, Percy Grube home, WHS_013_122
Fifth, S, 512 1953, Home in background, WHS_019_036
Fifth, S, 600 block 1910, circa, Interurban, WHS_PC_097
Fifth, S, 601 1951, Emmett Bowen home, WHS_013_124
Fifth, S, 611 1910, circa, Interurban, WHS_PC_097
Fifth, S, 611 1953, Franklin Hessler home, WHS_013_125
Fifth, S, 700 1952, Oscar & Mabel Bauman home, WHS_013_126
Fifth, S, 700 1990, Hoida home
Fifth, S, 701 1953, Emma Bence (widow of Henry) home, WHS_013_127
Fifth, S, 705 1953, John & Marie Curtis home, WHS_013_129
Fifth, S, 705 1982, WHS_021_237
Fifth, S, 705 1982, WHS_021_238
Fifth, S, 705 Street view
Fifth, S, 706 1951, Apartment bldg, WHS_013_130
Fifth, S, 712 1952, Walter Siegel home, WHS_013_131
Fifth, S, 806 1952, circa, Albert Tiews home, WHS_013_132
Fifth, S, 810 1952, circa, Fred & Arliss Vergeng home, WHS_013_133
Fifth, S, 900 1952, Wayne & Katherine Hutson home, WHS_013_134
Fifth, S, 901 1925, circa, WHS_021_502
Fifth, S, 901 1951, Arthur & Adele Dieter home, WHS_013_135
Fifth, S, 904 1952, circa, William & Martha Zier home, WHS_013_136
Fifth, S, 905 1953, Wallace & Muriel Thauer home, WHS_013_137
Fifth, S, 906 1955, Clemens & Marion Gnewuch home, WHS_013_138
Fifth, S, 1000 1913, Albert Neitzel, saloon
Fifth, S, 1014 1954, Pure Oil Company Bulk Plant, WHS_016_570T
Fifth, S, 1017 1900, WHS_021_296
Fifth, S, 1017 Milwaukee Road Freight House, AHI record
Fifth, S, 1017 2007, Fire at, Loeb shed, railroad freight house, WHS_006_285
Fifth, S, 1017 2007, WHS_021_098B
Fifth, S, 1023-1027 1913, Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Ry, railroad
Fifth, S, 1301 2007, Two-alarm warehouse fire
First Street 1858, Macadamizing of 
First, 102 1913, Watertown Telephone Co
First, 110 1913, Eugenia Abele, stenographer-public
First, 111 1913, Herman T G Hippler, saloon
First, 201 1913, Mrs Lena Haney, fancy goods
First, 206 1913, William Roark, saloon
First, 207 1913, Clara Jacobson, dressmaker
First, 515 1913, E A Mendenhall & Sons, electric lighting & supplies, well drillers
First, 600 1913, J T Heon Co, cutlery mfg
First, N, 100 block, east side 1897, circa, WHS_016_238
First, N, 100 block, east side 1906, circa, WHS_016_333
First, N, 100 block, east side 1906, circa, WHS_016_332
First, N, 100 block, east side 1918, circa, WHS_014_502
First, N, 100 block, east side 1925, WHS_009_295
First, N, 100 block, east side 1987, WHS_014_400
First, N, 100 block, west side 1900, circa, West side, WHS_008_697
First, N, 100 block, west side 1966, Before demolition, WHS_016_113
First, N, 100 block, east & west sides 1895, circa, east and west sides of, WHS_005_127
First, N, 100 block, east & west sides 1895, WHS_022_846
First, N, 100 block, east & west sides 1900, circa, WHS_009_877
First, N, 100 block, east & west sides 1950s, WHS_020_151
First, N, 100 block 1960s, West side of, WHS_020_769
First, N, 102 SAME AS 14 1/2 E MAIN
First, N, 102 1860, Paulfranz & Rudloff shaving and hair cutting saloon 
First, N, 102 1867, W H Shulze, ad, dentist, laughing gas, WHS_018_500P
First, N, 102 1913, James F Prentiss, real estate
First, N, 102 1913, William H Woodard, lawyer
First, N, 102 1913, Charles J Wenck, insurance agent
First, N, 102 1913, Riverview Land Co, real estate
First, N, 102 1915, Attorney William H Woodard
First, N, 102 1915, Old Line Life Insurance Company
First, N, 102 1915, F. J. Prentiss
First, N, 102 1915, W. C. Stone
First, N, 102 1915, Mr. F. E. Woodard, Bank of Watertown pres
First, N, 102 1953, Niemann & Hibbard, lawyers, former W Woodard practice (may be 102 N First instead)
First, N, 102-104 1895, Water line, laying of, WHS_022_851
First, N, 102-104 1897, circa, Samuel B Fuller, sewing machines, WHS_005_262
First, N, 102-104 1897, circa, Fuller Sewing Machines, WHS_018_483
First, N, 102-104 1900, circa, Samuel Fuller, calling card, WHS_021_800J
First, N, 103 1957, Ad, Harold Hartwig, lawyer, WHS_011_200Z
First, N, 104 1857, City Jewelry Store ?
First, N, 104 1913, American Express Co
First, N, 104 1957, Niemann & Hibbard, WHS_011_200Z
First, N, 104 1957, circa, Niemann & Hibbard, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_008b
First, N, 104 1957, Niemann & Hibbard, window, signage, WHS_016_240
First, N, 104 1987, Diversified Personnel Service, WHS_014_424
First, N, 104 1988, Diversified Personnel Services, opening of
First, N, 106 1892, Daub’s Beer Hall and restaurant, Henry Daub propr
First, N, 106 Daub's Saloon & Restaurant, WHS_005_027
First, N, 106 Daub's Hotel, WHS_PC_065
First, N, 106 1895, circa, Daub's Hotel, signage, WHS_005_127
First, N, 106 1895, Water line, laying of, WHS_022_851
First, N, 106 1895, WHS_022_846
First, N, 106 1897, circa, Daub's Hotel, WHS_005_262
First, N, 106 1897, circa, Daub's Resta, WHS_018_483
First, N, 106 1913, William Daubs saloon
First, N, 106 1905, Daubs Restaurant, rear view, WHS_018_500
First, N, 106 1914, Dahms Saloon, interior, WHS_021_702
First, N, 107 1913, Frank X Schwartz, insurance agent
First, N, 107 1913, Fred C Haney, physician
First, N, 107 1913, Sproesser-Conway Loan & Inv Co, loans & investments
First, N, 110 City Hall
First, N, 110 1899, City Hall, Decorated with banners, WHS_008_717
First, N, 110 1890, City Hall, Weltburger, 06 07 1890, drawing, WHS_005_867
First, N, 110 1895, circa, City Hall, WHS_005_127
First, N, 110 1895, WHS_022_846
First, N, 110 1897, circa, City Hall, WHS_005_262; this building removed in 1968
First, N, 110 1897, circa, City Hall, WHS_018_483
First, N, 110 1905, City Hall, rear view, WHS_018_500
First, N, 110 1910, circa, City Hall, 110 N First, PC_342
First, N, 110 1911, later than, after new  street lights installed, 112 N First. WHS_006_347
First, N, 110 1922, Hildebrandt_A_017
First, N, 110 1950s, Rear of bldg, WHS_006_115
First, N, 110 1953, City Hall, Fire Prevention Week, WHS_006_136
First, N, 110 1957, circa, City Hall, WHS_006_008b
First, N, 110 1957, City Hall, distant view, WHS_016_240
First, N, 110 1960s, City Hall, WHS_020_769
First, N, 110 1963, Bank of Watertown acquired City Hall property
First, N, 110 1967, Old City Hall (owned in '67 by Chas. Fischer & Co.)
First, N, 110 1968, Prior to demoliton, City Hall, WHS_006_503
First, N, 110 1968, Demolition of City Hall, WHS_006_504
First, N, 110 1970, Parking lot construction, site prep, WHS_022_182
First, N, 110 1970, Parking lot construction, site prep, WHS_022_181
First, N, 110 1970, Parking lot construction, driving pilings, WHS_022_636
First, N, 110 1970, Parking lot construction, driving pilings, WHS_022_637
First, N, 110 1970, Parking lot construction, retaining wall install, WHS_022_654
First, N, 110 1970, Parking lot construction, WHS_022_753
First, N, 110 1970, Parking lot construction, WHS_022_754
First, N, 110 Portfolio for this address
First, N, 111 1900, circa, Wilkowsdi Brothers, WHS_023_498
First, N, 111 1902, Wilkowski Brothers, cigar mfg, WHS_008_608
First, N, 111 1905, circa,Wilkowski Brothers, employee photo, WHS_019_930
First, N, 111 1906, Wilkowski Bros, cigar manufactory, cartoonish drawing, WDT series, WHS_005_441
First, N, 111 1906, Wilkowski Bros, cigar manufactory, compared to 1956, WHS_014_010B
First, N, 111 1906, circa, Wilkowski Bros., cigar maker, WHS_016_333
First, N, 111 1906, circa, Wilkowski Bros., cigar maker, WHS_016_332
First, N, 111 1913, Wilkowski Brothers, cigar mfg
First, N, 111 1915, Signage for Hotel Daubs Sample Room, WHS_006_305
First, N, 111 1945, Minning Liquor
First, N, 111 1945, circa, Minning Liquor, plans for new front of bldg, WHS_020_012
First, N, 111 1956, Minning Liquor, WHS_009_937
First, N, 111 1961, Minning Liquor, demoltion of, WHS_006_009c
First, N, 111 1961, Minning Liquor, demoltion of
First, N, 111 1961, Mining Liquor, demoltion of, WHS_006_009c
First, N, 111 1962, circa, Merchants National Bank, WHS_009_936
First, N, 111 1976, Merchants National Bank, WHS_009_941
First, N, 111 1976, Merchants National Bank, WHS_009_942
First, N, 111 1976, Merchants National Bank, WHS_005_300
First, N, 111 1987, Sears Catalog Sales, WHS_014_400
First, N, 111 1988, Sears Catalog Sales, WHS_020_916
First, N, 111 1993, Wisconsin Electric moved into
First, N, 112 1917, circa, Fire truck leaving station at City Hall, WHS_006_Semrich_101
First, N, 116-118 Livery, Herman Schmidt operator
First, N, 116-118 Livery, George Evans, Images, Watertown Historical Society_PC_065
First, N, 116-118 1892, circa, Emil Behl, in front of, WHS_016_330 (#2026)
First, N, 116-118 1895, circa, George Evans Livery, signage, WHS_005_127
First, N, 116-118 1895, WHS_022_846
First, N, 116-118 1895, circa, Evans Livery,WHS_KR_149
First, N, 116-118 1897, circa, Evans Livery, WHS_018_483
First, N, 116-118 1897, circa, Livery, George Evans, WHS_005_262
First, N, 116-118 1899, circa, Evans Livery, WHS_008_717
First, N, 116-118 1904, Cebell and Son, Ad, WHS_008_140b
First, N, 116-118 1907, Cebell and Son, Ad, WHS_009_975B
First, N, 116-118 1909, Ad, Henry Krueger & Sons Livery, WHS_014_583b
First, N, 116-118 1909, Most likely site of John Thauer's livery, disposed of in 1909
First, N, 116-118 1913, H J Krueger & Son, livery stable
First, N, 116-118 1917, circa, Krueger livery, Fire truck leaving station, WHS_006_Semrich_101
First, N, 116-118 1936, H J Krueger & Son, livery stable, WHS_005_WPD_006
First, N, 116-118 1950s, DJCGS_001_440os
First, N, 116-118 1950s, Rear of bldg, WHS_008_358
First, N, 116-118 1950s, Rear of bldg, WHS_006_115
First, N, 116-118 1955, Krueger, H J & Son, Livery, WHS_006_232
First, N, 116-118 1956, Meyer Ambulance Service, WHS_009_935
First, N, 116-118 1957, Meyer Ambulance Service, Ad, CityDir001.jpg
First, N, 116-118 1960s, Livery, WHS_020_769
First, N, 116-118 1965, Meyer Ambulance Service, Relocation of
First, N, 116-118 1966, Meyer Ambulance, WHS_013_756
First, N, 116-118 1967, Meyer Ambulance Service (former livery), WHS_006_820
First, N, 116-118 1968, Prior to demoliton, Meyer Ambulance, WHS_006_503
First, N, 117 1888, Concordia Opera House, Construction of, WHS_008_658
First, N, 117 1888, compared to 2015, WHS_008_658B
First, N, 117 1888, Construction of, WHS_008_469
First, N, 117 1900, circa, Corcordia Opera House, WHS_023_498
First, N, 117 1893, circa, Bowling alleys at Concordia Opera House, WHS_018_642
First, N, 117 1895, circa, Concordia Opera House, WHS_005_127
First, N, 117 1895, WHS_022_846
First, N, 117 1905, Neuman Theater
First, N, 117 1905, Grand Theater, formerly Neuman Theater
First, N, 117 1917, circa, Elks Club, Fire truck leaving station, WHS_006_Semrich_101
First, N, 117 1925, East side of, WHS_009_295
First, N, 117 1975, Elk's Club, WHS_005_300
First, N, 117 1987, Elks Lodge, WHS_014_400
First, N, 122 1950, Marek Distributing Co, WHS_018_220X
First, N, 122 1954, Ad, Marek Distrib, M/M Joseph Marek, WHS_016_522
First, N, 122-124 1891, Mannegold home sold for cold storage facility
First, N, 122-124 1902, Jossi Cheese Store, Picturesque Watertown booklet, WHS_006_937
First, N, 122-124 1905, Watertown Cold Storage, rear view, WHS_018_500
First, N, 122-124 1911, Jossi Cheese Co, Ad, WHS_009_592
First, N, 122-124 1913, Jossi Cheese Co, cheese mfg & dlr-wholesale
First, N, 122-124 1920s, Jossi Cheese Co, WHS_008_186
First, N, 122-124 1950s, Watertown Cold Storage, Rear of bldg, WHS_006_115
First, N, 122-124 1951, Watertown Cold Storage, distant view, WHS_006_744
First, N, 122-124 1951, Marek Distributing Co, Watertown Cold Storage, WHS_009_944
First, N, 122-124 1960s, Cold storage, WHS_020_769
First, N, 122-124 1966, Watertown Cold Storage, WHS_013_756
First, N, 122-124 1967, Watertown Cold Storage
First, N, 122-124 1986, Watertown Cold Storage, prior to demoliton, WHS_006_503
First, N, 204 1951, Karl Gallert home, WHS_009_945
First, N, 214 Fuermann Home, August Sr., Chapter on
First, N, 214 1880, circa, Fuermann Home, distant view of, WHS_006_109
First, N, 214 1913, Emilie Bursinger, Mrs, boarding house
First, N, 214 1957, circa, Fuermann Home, WHS_009_946
First, N, 214 1964, Fuermann home, demoliton of, WHS_020_226
First, N, 220-222 1900, circa, Dornfeld & Behl, Livery Stable, WHS_014_587 (#102)
First, N, 220-222 1892, circa, Dornfeld & Behl, Livery, Emil Behl, WHS_016_330 (#2026)
First, S, to Dodge St 1858, Improvement of, broken stone
First, S, 100 block, east side 1893, Post office and city hall, WHS_021_623
First, S, 100 block 1897, circa, Backs of buildings on west side of street, WHS_008_190
First, S, 100 block 1897, circa, Backs of buildings on west side of street, WHS_008_204
First, S, 100 block, west side of 1899, Harvest Jubilee & Carnival, WHS_007_KR118
First, S, 100 block 1910, circa, Beloit Boosters road trip to Watertown, WHS_005_103
First, S, 100 block, east side 1987, WHS_014_401
First, S, 100 block, west side 1987, WHS_014_402
First, S, 100 block 2014, WHS_008_135
First, S, 101 1958, Young's Barber Shop, Clarence Young
First, S, 101 1/2 1936, Ad, Estelle's Beauty Studio, WHS_014_600N
First, S, 103 1954, Fitzgerald Dairy Prods, mention of, 103 S First, WHS_016_093
First, S, 104 1887, Kennedy Livery, WHS_016_301C
First, S, 104 1893, Simon & Waite Livery, became Fredrich Livery, WHS_008_394B
First, S, 104 1893, Simon & Waite Livery, Stable, WHS_023_280L
First, S, 104 1899, Harvest Jubilee & Carnival, WHS_007_KR118
First, S, 104 1902, City dir, Al Fredrich Livery and boarding stable, 1902 pic
First, S, 105 1913, Edward Warner, barber
First, S, 107 1899, Western Union Telegraph. Ella E Rogan, mgr
First, S, 107 1906, Western Union Telegraph told to move out; room intended for P.O. distributing room
First, S, 107 1910, circa, Western Union Telegraph, Beloit Boosters visit, WHS_005_103
First, S, 107 1913, Western Union Telegraph
First, S, 108-110 1911, Copeland-Roach Motor Co, Rambler motor car
First, S, 108-110 1909, Copeland-Roach Motor Co. purchased former fire engine & emergency hospital bldg
First, S, 108-110 1909, Ad, WHS_008_318a
First, S, 108-110 1910, circa, Copeland-Roach Motor Co, WHS_022_372
First, S, 108-110 1912, Ad, Roach Garage, WHS_006_557d
First, S, 108-110 1913, Copeland-Roach Motor Co (Rambler), auto dealer, repair, supplies
First, S, 108-110 1913, Roach Garage, garages
First, S, 108-110 1913, Ad, Copeland-Roach, WHS_020_200P
First, S, 110 1915, Ad, Whitmore & Persson garage, WHS_008_327c
First, S, 110 1915, Ad, Whitmore & Persson garage, parkage at motor hotel, WHS_008_389
First, S, 110 1915, Watertown Gazette relocates above Whitmore & Persson Garage
First, S, 110 1919, Ad, Whitmore Garage, H. C. Whitmore, WHS_008_363C
First, S, 111-115 1875, circa, Watertown House, WHS_019_261
First, S, 111-115 1886, WHS_005_655, same as WHS_019_249, commerce collection
First, S, 111-115 1866, Farmers’ Hotel
First, S, 111-115 1872, Watertown House
First, S, 111-115 1877-86, Mannegold and Co., prop'rs. rebuilt
First, S, 111-115 1886, Commerical Hotel, Mannegold & Co., Prop'rs, was rebuilt in 1877
First, S, 111-115 1889, Commercial Hotel, Weltburger, 08 10 1889, drawing, WHS_005_870
First, S, 111-115 1890s, Commercial Hotel, WHS_011_445
First, S, 111-115 1898, Commercial Hotel, WHS_009_248
First, S, 111-115 1898, Seen in distance
First, S, 111-115 1902, from Picturesque Watertown booklet
First, S, 111-115 1910, circa, Commercial Hotel, Beloit Boosters visit, WHS_005_103
First, S, 111-115 1910, Commercial Hotel
First, S, 111-115 WHS_006_588
First, S, 111-115 1920s, Commercial Hotel
First, S, 111-115 1920s, Commercial Hotel
First, S, 111-115 1957, circa, Carlton Hotel, WHS_009_947
First, S, 111-115 1963, Duke's Bar in the Hotel Carlton
First, S, 111-115 1970, Carlton House Hotel, WHS_008_378
First, S, 111-115 1986, Floyd's Barber Shop, closing of
First, S, 111-115 1986, "Rico's," Parish's Barber Shop, opening of
First, S, 111-115 1987, Carlton House Apartment Hotel, WHS_014_401
First, S, 111-115 2003,  Carlton House Apartment Hotel
First, S, 111-115 1975, Carlton Hotel, rear of, compared to 2014, WHS_008_217
First, S, 111-115 Chapter, Commercial Hotel
First, S, 112 1865, Bldg owned by Henry Graves, F. Meyer as a grocery store, fire at
First, S, 112 1954, circa, Western Union, WHS_009_948
First, S, 112 1955, Western Union Telegraph Co
First, S, 112 1955, Parking ramp proposed
First, S, 112 1970, Parking lot construction, WHS_022_755
First, S, 112-116 1890s, Wethonkita Club bldg, WHS_011_445
First, S, 112-116 1954, circa, Wethonkitha Club, WHS_009_948
First, S, 114 pre 1903, Specht’s harness shop
First, S, 114 1905, Edward Specht, harnessmaker, WHS_008_204
First, S, 114 1913, Edward Specht, harnessmakers
First, S, 114 1954, circa, Strauss Cleaners, WHS_009_948
First, S, 114 1969, F&K Paint Store, WHS_021_287B
First, S, 114 1970, WHS_008_362
First, S, 114 1987, Mar-Leen Beauty Shop, WHS_014_402
First, S, 114 2005, Riverside Creations, WHS_005_214, WDT article
First, S, 114 2005, Image of building, WHS_005_215
First, S, 114 2008, River's Edge Expresso & Café
First, S, 114 2008, River's Edge Espresso and Café, opening of
First, S, 114 Street view
First, S, 116 Engine House, Fire Dept
First, S, 116 1875, circa, Pioneer Engine House, WHS_019_261
First, S, 116 1875, circa, Calaboose in basement, WHS_019_261
First, S, 116 1897, Morgue proposed for former Engine House
First, S, 116 1903, Site of first hospital
First, S, 116 1923, Wethonkitha Club established
First, S, 116 1925, circa, Chamber of Commerce, WHS_016_599
First, S, 116 1929, Removed, former Engine House, Jail, Council Room
First, S, 116 1970, Wethonkitha Club, WHS_008_365
First, S, 116 1970, Wethonkitha Club, WHS_008_600
First, S, 116 1987, Wethonkitha Club, WHS_014_402
First, S, 116 2005, Wethonkitha Club, WHS_005_214, WDT article
First, S, 116 2005, Wethonkitha Club, Image of building, WHS_005_215
First, S, 116 Wethonkitha Club, chapter on
First, S, 116 2005, The River's Edge
First, S, 200 block, west side 1987, WHS_014_402
First, S, 200 1875, circa, Speer meat market, WHS_019_261
First, S, 200 1918, Ad, Klinger & Mayer, WHS_014_015G
First, S, 200 1919, Klinger & Mayer Co., Ad, WHS_008_720B
First, S, 200 1927, City Auto Service Co, WHS_011_550H
First, S, 200 1952, J W Tatge, Studebaker dealer, WHS_018_220M
First, S, 200-202 1897, circa, Albert Fredrich, livery stable, WHS_008_190
First, S, 200-202 1890s, Frederich's Livery, WHS_011_445
First, S, 200-202 1905, Fredrich Livery, WHS_008_205
First, S, 200-202 1905, Fredrich Livery, WHS_008_204
First, S, 200-202 1908, circa, Fredrick Livery, WHS_014_457
First, S, 200-202 1908, circa, Fredich Livery, interior view, WHS_016_608
First, S, 200-202 1913, Albert Fredrich, livery stable
First, S, 200-202 1921, prior to, Al Fredrich Livery, horses
First, S, 200-202 1921, Edward Schnitger Livery, autos
First, S, 200-202 1924, Schnitger Motors, WHS_019_950B
First, S, 200-202 1940s, Nehring Motors, 200-202 S First, WHS_020_049
First, S, 200-202 Nehring Motor Sales, WHS_021_800C
First, S, 200-202 1951, Tatge Co, Ad, Studebaker Sales & Service, WHS_011_300b
First, S, 200-202 1959, Schmidt's Studebaker-Packard, WHS_009_950
First, S, 200-202 1959, Lohman-Schmidt Used Cars, WHS_009_950
First, S, 200-202 1987, Former Fredrick Livery, WHS_014_402
First, S, 200-202 1987, Demolition of, WHS_020_861
First, S, 200-202 1987, Demolition of, WHS_020_862
First, S, 200-202 1987, Demolition of, WHS_020_863
First, S, 201 1890s, William Jones carriage painting shop, WHS_011_445
First, S, 201 1898, William Jones carriage painting shop, WHS_009_248
First, S, 201 1908 pre, William E Jones, carriage painting
First, S, 201 1937, Austin Upholstering and Manufacturing established
First, S, 202 1917, Klinger & Mayer Ford moved into former Fredrich livery
First, S, 206 1918, Andrew Mullen Dairy, WHS_014_050_E (S First assumed)
First, S, 206 1945, Butch's Terminal Tavern
First, S, 206 1953, Butch's Terminal Tavern, WHS_009_953
First, S, 206 1959, Happy's Terminal Tavern, WHS_009_950
First, S, 206 1967, Ranch House Tavern, Mrs Leona Strohbusch
First, S, 206 1972, Elmo & Myrt's Tap, WHS_006_696
First, S, 206 1984, became American Legion Post, Pitterle-Beaudoin
First, S, 206 1987, WHS_020_867
First, S, 217, approx 1860, D S Gibbs, Coopering
First, S, 208 1909, Blacksmith shop sold to George Sell, by W W Owen [South is assumed]
First, S, 208 1913, George Sell,  horseshoer [South is assumed]
First, S, 208 1953, Krebs Bldg, relocated to in 2001, WHS_009_955
First, S, 208 2001, Krebs store, moved to, from 606 E Main
First, S, 208 2011, Triana's Trophy Case, moved to 209 W Main
First, S, 208 2020, Barn Owl Antiques & Treasures, opening of
First, S, 208 2020, Barn Owl Antiques & Treasures, closing of, move to 8 E Main
First, S, 209 1966, Grinwald service and sales office, Watertown Auto Sales
First, S, 212 1950s, S & R Furniture
First, S, 212 1953, Foster & Foster, Inc, roofers, WHS_009_955
First, S, 212-214 1910, Bramer & Wolff, WHS_006_510
First, S, 212-214 1910, Bramer & Wolff, WHS_006_511
First, S, 212-214 1913, L W Wolff & Co, farm implements, dealer
First, S, 213 1953 , WHS_009_972
First, S, 214 1953, Hornburg Motors Body Shop, WHS_009_955
First, S, 217 1927, Comfort station on auto parking lot erected
First, S, 217 1953, circa, Lorraine Campbell home, WHS_009_973
First, S, 218 1900, Leased by William Ames, pump shop, to Watertown Steam Laundry
First, S, 218 1909, New Method Laundry, Dieter and Ullrich proprietors
First, S, 218 1913, New Method Laundry, WHS_002_PC_333
First, S, 218 1915, New Method Laundry, Dieter and Ullrich proprietors
First, S, 218 1920, New Method Laundry purchased by Archie Brothers Monument
First, S, 218 1954, Archie Brothers Monuments, WHS_006_954
First, S, 218 1956, Archie Brothers Monument Co, WHS_009_974
First, S, 218 1984, Dave’s Custom Upholstery, WHS_020_552
First, S, 218 1984, Dave’s Custom Upholstery, WHS_020_553
First, S, 218 1987, La Belle Woodworking, WHS_014_440
First, S, 218 2014, River City Psychological Services, WHS_006_954
First, S, 218 2019, WDTimes moved to, from 113-117 W Main
First, S, 220-222 Hutson-Braun Lumber Co (upper left)
First, S, 220-222 1951, Hutson-Braun Lumber Co, WHS_009_975
First, S, 220 1957, Hutson-Braun Lumber Co, WHS_011_200T
First, S, 222 1900-08, circa, Barker Lumber & Fuel, WHS_009_296, Album #1
First, S, 222 1912, Chapter on, Barker Lumber office built
First, S, 222 1913, Barker Lumber, lumber dealer, wallboard, cement, plaster, coal, roofing
First, S, 222 1914, Ad, Barker Lumber & Fuel, WHS_016_264
First, S, 222 1915, Barker Lumber fire, portfolio of pics
First, S, 224 1915, circa, Liggett & Meyer Tobacco, Watertown Leaf Dept, time of Barker fire, WHS_014_632
First, S, 224 1917, Liggett & Meyer Tobacco, Watertown Leaf Dept, time of Barker fire, WHS_005_606
First, S, 303 1955, circa, Mrs. Esther Bobholz, WHS_009_976
First, S, 303 2017, Tyjeski Family Chiropractic, new location of
First, S, 305 1953, circa, Earl & Elva Stofflet, WHS_009_977
First, S, 309-311 1955, Watertown Implement Co property
First, S, 311 1875-76, Edward Davies wagon factory, father of Joseph E. Davies
First, S, 311 1890, Angers, Humphrey & Hackett, cheese box manufactory
First, S, 311 1890, Mannegold & Erickson, manuf gas and electric light fixtures
First, S, 311 1960, Easy Wash Laundry, WHS_009_981
First, S, 311 2008, Salsa's Restaurant
First, S, 311 2009, Salsa's Mexican and Intl Cuisine, closing of
First, S, 311 2010, Dorothy's Pizza, opening of
First, S, 314 1895, Phillip Heinrichs' chair & bed factory
First, S, 314 1895, circa, Heinrich Co, Philip H, WHS_007_KR028
First, S, 314 1913, Pinkerton Tobacco Co, leaf tobacco
First, S, 314 1965, Liggett and Myers, tobacco leaf warehouse
First, S, 400-417 1908, Lehmann & Schroeder warehouse
First, S, 401-421 1952, circa, Hutson-Braun Lumber (yards), WHS_013_109
First, S, 410 Undated, 7-UP bottling Co
First, S, 410 1957, 7-UP bottling Co, WHS_011_200D
First, S, 410 2018, 80 year anniversary, YouTube video clip
First, S, 410 AHI record
First, S, 416-422 1890, Watertown Shoe Factory, Weltburger, 03 29 1890, drawing, WHS_005_862
First, S, 416-422 1890, Watertown Shoe Factory, Weltburger, 06 07 1890, drawing, WHS_005_866
First, S, 416-422 1897, circa, Brandt-Dent Co, WHS_022_369
First, S, 416-422 1897 circa, Brandt-Dent Co, WHS_022_400
First, S, 416-422 1902, Brandt-Dent Co, from Picturesque Watertown booklet
First, S, 416-422 1902, Edward J Brandt-Dent Co, WHS_008_607
First, S, 416-422 1903, Wm. Gorder shoe factory, WHS_013_906
First, S, 416-422 1909, Brandt-Dent Co, gas & electric light fixture mfgs
First, S, 416-422 1910, circa, Brandt-Dent Co, WHS_020_758
First, S, 416 1957, circa, Owen Glove Lining Co, WHS_009_983
First, S, 416 1970, Owen Glove, nx to Brandt, WHS_023_408
First, S, 416 1981, Owen Glove Lining Co, WHS_005_986
First, S, 416 1981, Owen Glove Lining Co, chapter on
First, S, 418 1970, Brandts offers building to city, WHS_023_408
First, S, 418 1970, Brandts offers building to city, WHS_023_407
First, S, 418-504 1913, Brandt Cashier Co, cash registers
First, S, 418-504 Brandt Manufacturing, WHS_014_077
First, S, 418-504 1957, circa, Brandt Automatic Cashier Co, WHS_009_983
First, S, 501 1965, circa, 7-UP bottling, WHS_017_106
First, S, 501 2013, circa, 7-UP bottling
First, S, 507 1988, Purchased by city for offices
First, S, 507 1988, Sold by Brandt, Inc., becomes the park and recreation dept
First, S, 514 1900, circa, Koenig Mill, R P Koenig, WHS_006_985
First, S, 514 1900, circa, Koenig Mill, R P Koenig, WHS_014_226
First, S, 514 1905, R P Koenig, flour mill, chapter on
First, S, 514 1910, circa, Koenig Flour Mill, WHS_008_654
First, S, 514 1930, Jaeger Milling Co, Hildebrandt_C_007
First, S, 514 1945, circa, Jaeger Milling Co, advertisement, WHS_005_348
First, S, 514 1945, circa, Jaeger Milling Co, advertisement, WHS_005_349
First, S, 514 1951, Jaeger Milling Co, WHS_013_123
First, S, 514 2000, Watertown Senior Center
First, S, 515 1913, E A Mendenhall & Sons, heating, hot water, steam heating, pumps, windmills
First, S, 515 1988, Removed for parking lot
First, S, 515-517 1926, Brandt Automatic Cashier, plans for office bldg, WHS_020_230
First, S, 515-517 1988, Purchased by city for offices
First, S, 600 1873, Smith & Bennett's Machine Shop, J B Bennett
First, S, 600 1913, J T Heon Co, electro plating, plating-all kinds
First, S, 600 Bickett Rubber Co, L. M. Bickett
First, S, 600 1951, Bickett, L M Co, WHS_009_999
First, S, 600 1951, Bickett, L M Co, Floor plan, WHS_009_999B
First, S, 600 1957, L M Bickett Co, rubber goods
First, S, 600-616 1983, Parking lot, plan for, Watertown Senior Center
First, S, 601 1961, circa, Schlei Olds, WHS_011_004
First, S, 605 1957, circa, Henry Duerr home, WHS_011_005
First, S, 610 1951, Johnson Signs, Ad, WHS_011_300i
First, S, 610 1951, Clarence Bostwick home, WHS_011_006
First, S, 611 1953, Bryon Miller home, WHS_011_007
First, S, 616 (approx) 1983, Plans for parking lot
First, S, 617 1890, circa, Peter J Euper, Inn and residence, WHS_005_394
First, S, 617 1913, Rudolph Maede, boarding house, saloon
First, S, 617 1940s, Euper's Inn, service star flag on door, Hartig's sign, WHS_005_462
First, S, 617 1945, Tri Hour Tavern, WHS_005_394
First, S, 617 1951, Exchange Hotel moved to, WHS_011_008
First, S, 617 2006, M&M Bar, WHS_005_777
First, S, 617 1/2 1945, Mrs Annette Euper, WHS_005_394
First, S, 701 1959, circa, Roland Ruesch, WHS_009_986
First, S, 705 1953, circa, Arthur Blasing, WHS_009_987
First, S, 705 2019, Realtor image
First, S, 711 1961, Leonard Timm home, WHS_009_988
First, S, 806 1896, Construction of central water works plant, NT046_Water_Works_Plant_1896
First, S, 806 1910, circa, Waterworks plant, WHS_009_260
First, S, 806 1955, circa, Waterworks plant, WHS_019_244
First, S, 806 2003, Water Department office, closed as of Nov 3, 2003
First, S, 806 1955, circa, Waterworks plant, WHS_019_244
First, S, 806 2016, Waterworks plant, canopy noted, WHS_019_239D
First, S, 806 2016, Waterworks plant, canopy noted, WHS_019_239E
First, S, 806 2016, Waterworks plant, canopy noted, WHS_019_239F
First, S, 806 2016, Waterworks plant, canopy noted, WHS_019_239G
First, S, 806 1955, circa, Canopy comparison, to 2016, WHS_019_239H
First, S, 806 2016, Demolition of old central water treatment plant, WHS_011_047
First, S, 806 2016, Demolition of old central water treatment plant, WHS_011_048
First, S, 806 2017, Demolition of Water Dept bldg, WHS_013_381
First, S, 806 2021, New Waterworks plant, WHS_021_531
First, S, 812 1890, Kunert Manufacturing, Weltburger, 04 26 1890, drawing of, WHS_005_864
First, S, 812 1909, circa, Kunert Manufacturing, WHS_007_KR027
First, S, 812 1909, Dornfeld-Kunert Co, employees, WHS_006_800
First, S, 812 1913, Dornfeld-Kunert Co, boiler makers, gas producers, iron founders, machine shop
First, S, 812 1913, Watertown Steel & Iron Co, steel construction
First, S, 812 1916, Monarch Tractor Co; formerly Dornfeld-Kunert; later street dept garage
First, S, 812 1917, National Paper Glass Co established
First, S, 812 1950, Otto Biefeld Corp, WHS_011_232
First, S, 812 1955, circa, Otto Biefeld Co, WHS_013_711
First, S, 812 1960, circa, Otto Biefeld Co, WHS_011_233
First, S, 812 1967, Otto Biefeld Co, WHS_013_772
First, S, 812 1975, circa, Monarch Tractor site, WHS_008_410
Fourth, 204 1913, August F Kureger, live stock
Fourth, 705 1910, Hoermann sold to Gahlmann
Fourth, N 1906, laying brick on
Fourth, N, from Fourth St bridge WHS_001_PC_078
Fourth, N, from Fourth St bridge WHS_001_PC_093
Fourth, N, 100 1948 drawing of, showing German immigrant architecture
Fourth, N, 100 block 1948, WHS_006_723, same date as drawing
Fourth, N, 100 block, east side 1987, WHS_014_417
Fourth, N, 110 1910, circa, White Owl Club clubhouse, Alex Hardie drawing, WHS_005_779
Fourth, N, 111 1899c – 1908, circa, George Gamm grocery
Fourth, N, 111 1913, Herman T Nowack, grocer
Fourth, N, 111 1910, circa, Nowack Grocery, interior view, WHS_016_116
Fourth, N, 111 1927 Otto's Grocery, WHS_011_550Q
Fourth, N, 111 1936, circa, WHS_019_283
Fourth, N, 111 1942, Winkenwerder Radio Service
Fourth, N, 111 1945, Schonath Cleaners
Fourth, N, 111 1956, Lee Edwards Cleaners, WHS_011_469
Fourth, N, 111 1970-76, Lee Edwards Cleaners, rear of bldg, WHS_006_542
Fourth, N, 111 1975, Edwards Cleaners, Lee Edwards, WHS_005_273
Fourth, N, 111 1976, circa, Edwards Cleaners, Lee Edwards, WHS_008_215
Fourth, N, 111 1979, Edwards Cleaners, Chapter on
Fourth, N, 111 1987, Minar Business Machines, WHS_014_417
Fourth, N, 111 1991, Minar's move from, to 108 S. Sixth
Fourth, N, 111 1991, Riemer's moved to, from 301 W Spaulding
Fourth, N, 111 2012, Micronet, rear of bldg, WHS_006_543
Fourth, N, 111 2012, Micronet, rear of bldg, WHS_006_543_combo
Fourth, N, 111 2020, Indoor Artisan Market
Fourth, N, 112 1913, Kehr Brothers, contractor-heating, machine shop, vacuum cleaning sys
Fourth, N, 112 1914, Ad, Kehr Bros, heating, WHS_016_264
Fourth, N, 112 1918, circa, Kehr Bros., WHS_009_339
Fourth, N, 112 1937, circa, Watertown Monument Co, WHS_018_413
Fourth, N, 112 1952, Watertown Memorial Co, WHS_011_470
Fourth, N, 112 1957, Watertown Memorial Co, WHS_011_200S
Fourth, N, 112 1975, Watertown Memorial Co, monuments, WHS_005_272
Fourth, N, 112-114 The Roegner building
Fourth, N, 113 1913, Singer Sewing Machines
Fourth, N, 113 1950, circa, Weltbuerger Printing, WHS_011_469
Fourth, N, 113 1956, Wepco Printing, WHS_011_469
Fourth, N, 113 1987, Wepco Printing, WHS_014_417
Fourth, N, 113 Wepco Printing
Fourth, N, 115 1867c-1883, circa, Emil Gaebler Music Store
Fourth, N, 115 1895, circa, Theodore Dobbratz, Painting, WHS_008_686_compare
Fourth, N, 115 1895, circa, Theodore Dobbratz, Painting, WHS_008_686
Fourth, N, 115 1900, Theodore Dobbratz, wrapping paper, paper bags, twines
Fourth, N, 115 1908, Victor Theater opened, William Dobbratz
Fourth, N, 115 1913, Banner Coffee Co, teas & coffees
Fourth, N, 115 1956, LeMacher Studio, WHS_011_471
Fourth, N, 115 1965, LeMacher Studio, WHS_018_645
Fourth, N, 115 LeMacher Studio, chapter on
Fourth, N, 115 1975, circa, John Hornberger, podiatrist, WHS_005_307
Fourth, N, 115 1975, Top Travel Service, WHS_005_307
Fourth, N, 115 1987, Travel Bug, WHS_014_417
Fourth, N, 116 1908, circa, Roegner monument shop, WHS_013_791
Fourth, N, 116 1912, Ogders & Dalgarno Monument Works
Fourth, N, 116 1913, Odgers & Dalgarno, granite & marble works
Fourth, N, 116 1915, Odgers & Block & Woelffer Co, WHS_008_249F
Fourth, N, 117 Emil Gaebler Home, AHI record
Fourth, N, 117 1895, circa, Theodore Dobbratz, Painting, WHS_008_686
Fourth, N, 117 1895, circa, Theodore Dobbratz, Painting, WHS_008_686_compare
Fourth, N, 117 1955, Distant view of, WHS_013_078
Fourth, N, 117 1956, Leonard LeMacher home, WHS_011_471
Fourth, N, 117 1965, Roger Perleberg residence, WHS_018_645
Fourth, N, 117 1987, Hair Designers, WHS_014_417
Fourth, N, 117 2015, Former Emil Gaebler Home, WHS_008_600N
Fourth, N, 118 1975, Watertown Memorial Co, monuments, Block Bros., WHS_005_271
Fourth, N, 118 1987, Watertown Memorial Co, monuments, Block Bros., WHS_014_416
Fourth, N, 118 2010, circa, Watertown Memorial Co, monuments, Block Bros., WHS_011_706
Fourth, N, 119 1903, Singer Sewing Machine
Fourth, N, 119 1913, Charles Lee, laundry
Fourth, N, 119 1956, Nowatzki Radio Repair, WHS_011_472
Fourth, N, 119 1966, Schmutzler Barber Shop, WHS_006_507
Fourth, N, 119 1966, Resolution to purchase from Mrs. Elsie (Elmer) Schmutzler
Fourth, N, 123 1914, circa, Mrs. Max Beerbohm (Rosie), WHS_009_892
Fourth, N, 123 1918, circa, WHS_009_408, WHS_009_408_portion
Fourth, N, 123 1920, circa, WHS_014_453
Fourth, N, 123 1953, WHS_008_762
Fourth, N, 123 1953, circa, painting, WHS_013_691
Fourth, N, 123 1956, WHS_011_472
Fourth, N, 123 1960, Negotiation to purchase for parking lot
Fourth, N, 123 1964, circa, WHS_022_835
Fourth, N, 123 1966, WHS_019_232
Fourth, N, 123 1966, circa, Grabow home removed
Fourth, N, 123 Janette Johnson painting, WHS_016_900
Fourth, N, cor of, with Madison St 1911, Carl F. Nowack, undertaker
Fourth, N, cor of, with Madison St 1911, circa, Nowack Furniture Store & Funeral Home, WHS_009_461
Fourth, N, cor of, with Madison St 1911, circa, Nowack Furniture Store & Funeral Home, WHS_009_461_compare
Fourth, N, cor of, with Madison St 1951, National Beauty Shop, WHS_011_476
Fourth, N, cor of, with Madison St 2017, Flower Box, WHS_011_478
Fourth, N, 200 block 1872, Christian Schroeder, undertaker and coffin warehouse, west side
Fourth, N, 200 block 1948, drawing of, showing German immigrant architecture
Fourth, N, 200 block 1963, Eunice Gruner painting, WHS_011_567
Fourth, N, 200 block 1963, Eunice Gruner painting, WHS_011_568
Fourth, N, 200 1911, circa, Nowack Furniture Store & Funeral Home, WHS_009_461
Fourth, N, 200 1911, circa, Nowack Furniture Store & Funeral Home, WHS_009_461_compare
Fourth, N, 200 1920s, WHS_008_185
Fourth, N, 200 1977, circa, Flowers by Alice, Alice Berkers, WHS_008_196
Fourth, N, 200 1981, circa, Flowers by Alice
Fourth, N, 200 1983, The Flower Box, purchased by Tom Schwefel
Fourth, N, 200 1951, National Beauty Shop, WHS_011_476
Fourth, N, 200 1987, The Flower Box, WHS_014_413
Fourth, N, 200 1987, Flower Box, WHS_014_414
Fourth, N, 200 2017, Flower Box, WHS_011_478
Fourth, N, 201 uncertain date, WHS_008_283
Fourth, N, 201 1918, circa, WHS_009_408, WHS_009_408_portion
Fourth, N, 201 1920, circa, WHS_014_453
Fourth, N, 201 1928, PC_133
Fourth, N, 201 1936, Knoll home, drawing of, WHS_PC_082
Fourth, N, 201 1951, Herbert Knoll home, WHS_011_475
Fourth, N, 201 1960, Herbert Knoll property sold to city for parking lot
Fourth, N, 201 1914, circa, Mrs. Max Beerbohm (Rosie), WHS_009_892
Fourth, N, 201 1953, WHS_008_762
Fourth, N, 201 1953, circa, painting, WHS_013_691
Fourth, N, 201 1960, WHS_005_004
Fourth, N, 201 1964, circa, WHS_022_835
Fourth, N, 201 Janette Johnson painting, WHS_016_900
Fourth, N, 202 1930, circa, Busshardt garage, WHS_014_607
Fourth, N, 202 1951, Rohr's Super Service Station, WHS_011_476
Fourth, N, 202 2017, WHS_011_478
Fourth, N, 203 uncertain date, WHS_008_283
Fourth, N, 203 1901, Richard Hoge home, penny lost, recovered in 1960
Fourth, N, 203 1936, St. Luke's caretaker home, drawing of, WHS_PC_082
Fourth, N, 203 1950s, Distant view, Fair Day
Fourth, N, 203 1928, PC_133
Fourth, N, 203 1951, Fred Maas home, WHS_011_475
Fourth, N, 203 1953, WHS_008_762
Fourth, N, 203 1953, circa, painting, WHS_013_691
Fourth, N, 203 1955, Caretaker's home, St. Luke's, WHS_005_002
Fourth, N, 203 1964, circa, WHS_022_835
Fourth, N, 203 Janette Johnson painting, WHS_016_900
Fourth, N, 207 1900, St Luke's, interior view, 50th anniversary year, WHS_012_004
Fourth, N, 207 1900, circa, St Luke's, interior view, WHS_020_322
Fourth, N, 207 1912 circa, Birdseye, aerial view, St. Luke's, WHS_021_621
Fourth, N, 207 1920, circa, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, distant view, WHS_014_433_434
Fourth, N, 207 1920s, St. Luke’s, 1920s, distant view, WHS_008_185
Fourth, N, 207 1936, St. Luke's Lutheran, drawing of, WHS_PC_082
Fourth, N, 207 1953, St. Luke's, WHS_008_762
Fourth, N, 207 1953, circa, painting, WHS_013_691
Fourth, N, 207 1955, circa, St. Luke's, WHS_005_001
Fourth, N, 207 1955, St. Luke's Church, WHS_005_002
Fourth, N, 207 1956, St. Luke's, exterior view, WHS_012_006
Fourth, N, 207 1957, circa, St. Luke's, exterior view, WHS_012_005
Fourth, N, 207 1960, St. Luke's Church, PC_133
Fourth, N, 207 1960, St. Luke's Church, Demolition in progress, WHS_005_003
Fourth, N, 207 St. Luke's  Lutheran Church, chapter on
Fourth, N, 207 Janette Johnson painting, WHS_016_900
Fourth, N, 208 1888, Albert Kringel, marble works, WHS_008_469B
Fourth, N, 208 1888, Albert Kringel, marble works, WHS_Capture1082
Fourth, N, 208 1893, circa, Roegner & Block monument shop, WHS_013_782
Fourth, N, 208 1893, circa, Roegner & Block monument shop, WHS_Capture1082
Fourth, N, 208 1900, Roegner marble and granite works
Fourth, N, 208 1908, circa, Kringel monument shop, WHS_013_788
Fourth, N, 208 1909, Roegner marble and granite, WHS_008_318d
Fourth, N, 210 1920, Goddard Rubber Co, removed, WHS_022_190B
Fourth, N, 212 1955, circa, Max Draves home, WHS_011_477
Fourth, N, 212 1976, Dr George Sanquist, dentist, WHS_013_981
Fourth, N, 212 1987, Dr George Sanquist, dentist, WHS_014_413
Fourth, N, 213 2010, Burdick Insurance Agency
Fourth, N, 213-215 1956, circa, Edward Hinzmann barbershop, WHS_011_481
Fourth, N, 213-215 2006, WHS_005_562
Fourth, N, 213-215 WHS_013_250F
Fourth, N, 213-215 WHS_013_250G
Fourth, N, 214 1951, Mrs. Bertha Borchardt home, WHS_011_480
Fourth, N, 214 1984, WHS_020_890
Fourth, N, 214 1984, WHS_020_891
Fourth, N, 215 Early, Herman Yahr home and bakery
Fourth, N, 215 1908 & 1914, Deutscher Kriegerverein meeting location
Fourth, N, 215 1911, Scheblak & Herzog, painters & decorators
Fourth, N, 215 1913, Scheblak & Herzog, painters-house & sign
Fourth, N, 215 1921, Sunnyside Barber Shop, 215 N Fourth, WHS_014_600C
Fourth, N, 215 1927, Walter Volkmann barbershop, WHS_011_580M
Fourth, N, 215 1969, Richard Rumary took over Dave's Barber Shop, now Sportsmen's Barber Shop
Fourth, N, 215 1987, WHS_014_412
Fourth, N, 215 2009, Sportsman's Barber Shop closes
Fourth, N, 215 2009, El Zacatecas Market expands into bldg
Fourth, N, 216 The Service Garage, WHS_008_132
Fourth, N, 216 1912 circa, Birdseye, aerial view, WHS_021_621
Fourth, N, 216 1915, Ad, The Service Garage, WHS_016_200D
Fourth, N, 216 Construction of bldg, film exchange business
Fourth, N, 216 1913, Davis Film Exchange Co, moving picture films-mfg
Fourth, N, 216 1916, Ad, 216 N Fourth, WHS_016_600E
Fourth, N, 216 1926-27, Ziebell Motor Car Co, WHS_011_598
Fourth, N, 216 1926-27, Emil Ziebell, Ziebell Motor Car Co, WHS_011_599
Fourth, N, 216 1926-27, Evelyn (Ziebell) Braunschweig, Ziebell Motor Car Co, WHS_011_600
Fourth, N, 216 1951, Walter Niehoff & Son, WHS_011_479
Fourth, N, 216 1967, Petzold hobby shop became Lessner Insur
Fourth, N, 216 1967, 08 08 1967,  Lessner State Farm Insur
Fourth, N, 216 1967, 10 16 1967, Exterior modification,  Lessner State Farm Insur
Fourth, N, 216 1990, Lessner State Farm Insur
Fourth, N, 216 1990, Lessner State Farm Insur, Bob Lessner retirement
Fourth, N, 217 1878, Fire at, Kunert Bldg, Gunsmith and Gas Fitting shop
Fourth, N, 217 1892, Otto Heyn book bindery
Fourth, N, 217 1895, Henry Raabe, monuments, marble yard, WHS_022_725B
Fourth, N, 217 1987, WHS_014_412
Fourth, N, 217 Kunert Building, Wisconsin AHI record
Fourth, N, 219 1913, Sonnemann & Amann, cigar mfg
Fourth, N, 219 1987, Como Photo, WHS_014_412
Fourth, N, 219 Kunert Building, Wisconsin AHI record
Fourth, N, 300 1895, circa, Buena Vista House, hotel, WHS_016_120
Fourth, N, 300 1913, Chapter on, Buena Vista House, hotel
Fourth, N, 300 1913, Frank Petro, contractor-electrical
Fourth, N, 300 1913, Fred Hose, contractor-cement
Fourth, N, 300 1913, Ryan & Ziebell, contractor-cement
Fourth, N, 300 1966, Buena Vista House, WHS_011_483
Fourth, N, 300 1987, Buena Vista House, WHS_014_411
Fourth, N, 301 1956, circa, Theodore Fendt, WHS_011_482
Fourth, N, 301 1/2 1956, circa, Kenneth Fendt, WHS_011_482
Fourth, N, 303 1872-1900, Richard Steinberg meat market, WHS_014_454
Fourth, N, 303 1913, A J O'Brien & Sons Co, meat markets-retail,  & 112 Third
Fourth, N, 303 1920, circa, Meat market, WHS_014_454
Fourth, N, 303 1913, A J O'Brien & Sons meat market, WHS_014_454
Fourth, N, 303 1919, Fendt Brothers, WHS_011_456
Fourth, N, 303 1919, Odell Tire & Tubes, WHS_011_456
Fourth, N, 303 1920, Fendt's meat market, WHS_014_454
Fourth, N, 303 1954, Fendt Brothers, WHS_008_176
Fourth, N, 303 1956, circa, Fendt Brothers Meat Market, WHS_011_482
Fourth, N, 303 1969, Fendt Bros Meats & Groc, store front, WHS_018_560
Fourth, N, 303 1987, Fendt Bros, WHS_014_411
Fourth, N, 303 2019, Fendt Brothers, 303 N Fourth, WHS_016_200L
Fourth, N, 308 1952, Eugene Fendt, WHS_011_484
Fourth, N, 308 1982, WHS_021_371
Fourth, N, 308 1982, WHS_021_372
Fourth, N, 308 Street view
Fourth, N, 309 1920, circa, WHS_014_454
Fourth, N, 309 1952, Hildegard Freitag, WHS_011_485
Fourth, N, 310 1959, Julia Pfaffenbach, WHS_011_486
Fourth, N, 310 Janette Johnson painting, WHS_016_901
Fourth, N, 311 1952, Francis Fendt, WHS_011_487
Fourth, N, 312 1913, Herman Sterz, (Lutheran), minister
Fourth, N, 312 1912 circa, Birdseye, aerial view, WHS_021_621
Fourth, N, 312 1952, Hugo Koenig, WHS_011_488
Fourth, N, 312 Janette Johnson painting, WHS_016_901
Fourth, N, 314 1953, William Korth, WHS_011_489
Fourth, N, 314 Janette Johnson painting, WHS_016_901
Fourth, N, 314 2020
Fourth, N, 315 1912 circa, Birdseye, aerial view, WHS_021_621
Fourth, N, 315 1952, Clara Reinhard, WHS_011_490
Fourth, N, 400 block 1920s, circa, Cow in road, Fendt butcher possible, WHS_014_445
Fourth, N, 401 1895, circa, Gustavus Stallmann home, 401 N Fourth St, WHS_013_701
Fourth, N, 401 1952, Benjamin Gahlman, WHS_011_491
Fourth, N, 405 1900, circa, Adolph Lange home, WHS_013_715
Fourth, N, 405 1952, Kusel Apartment Bldg, WHS_011_492
Fourth, N, 409 1900, circa, View of, WHS_013_715
Fourth, N, 409 1910, circa, Aerial view, WHS_016_047
Fourth, N, 409 1952, Ben Gransee home, WHS_011_493
Fourth, N, 412 1913, George Lichtenegger, Catholic priest
Fourth, N, 412 1913, Phillip Schweitzer, Catholic priest
Fourth, N, 412 1936, St. Henry's, drawing of, WHS_PC_082
Fourth, N, 415 1910, circa, Aerial view, WHS_016_047
Fourth, N, 415 1952, Gerhardt Fendt home, WHS_011_494
Fourth, N, 416 Laub estate, Gerhard Fendt
Fourth, N, 500 1913, N Carter Daniell, (Cong.), minister
Fourth, N, 500 1952, Edward Haznaw home, WHS_011_496
Fourth, N, 501 1909, Fred Bittner, Weltburger, WHS_008_318f
Fourth, N, 501 1910, circa, Aerial view, WHS_016_047
Fourth, N, 501 1910, circa, Bittner Grocery & Saloon, WHS_021_016
Fourth, N, 501 1913, Fred Bittner, saloon
Fourth, N, 501 1920, circa, Bittner Grocery, Fred, "The Assembly," WHS_008_348
Fourth, N, 501 Nagle's Tavern, token
Fourth, N, 501 1955, Howard's Tavern, WHS_011_501
Fourth, N, 501 1964, Howard’s Tavern
Fourth, N, 501 1987, Remodeling of
Fourth, N, 501 2013, Fire at, Stacey's Bar
Fourth, N, 501 2022, Don's Corner Pub, Don Frank, WHS_021_631G
Fourth, N, 501 2022, Don's Corner Pub, Don Frank, WHS_021_631H
Fourth, N, 501 2023, Don's Corner Pub, Don Frank, WHS_022_725D
Fourth, N, 501 2023, Don's Corner Pub, Don Frank, WHS_022_725E
Fourth, N, 501 2023, Don's Corner Pub, Don Frank, WHS_022_725F
Fourth, N, 501-507 1915, Bittner Grocery
Fourth, N, 501-507 1895, circa, WHS_008_236
Fourth, N, 501-507 1920, circa, Bittner Grocery, Fred, "The Assembly," WHS_008_348
Fourth, N, 501-507 1920, circa, Bittner Grocery & Saloon, WHS_018_590
Fourth, N, 501-507 2014, Google maps
Fourth, N, 503 1913, Fred Bittner, grocer, flour & feed
Fourth, N, 503 1948, Len and Em's IGA Store, opening of, M/M Len Williams
Fourth, N, 503 1948, Wetterneck Grocery, closing of, Joseph Wetterneck
Fourth, N, 503 1955, Pomeoy Grocery, WHS_011_501
Fourth, N, 503 1959, Archie's Market become A and M Grocery
Fourth, N, 506 1952, Kenneth Norton home, WHS_011_497
Fourth, N, 506 2021, WHS_019_130C
Fourth, N, 507 1959, Catherine Flasch home, WHS_011_502
Fourth, N, 509 1952, Walter Siegmann home, WHS_011_503
Fourth, N, 510 1913, John F Mundt, grocer, AHI record
Fourth, N, 510 1884, Mundt grocery store opened, John Mundt
Fourth, N, 510 1937, Mundt grocery store sold to Paul Kasten
Fourth, N, 510 1952, Lloyd Schwartz et. al. home, WHS_011_498
Fourth, N, 510 1980, circa, St. John's Lutheran, WHS_006_StJohns_002
Fourth, N, 512 1952, Henry Petke home, WHS_011_499
Fourth, N, 512 1980, circa, St. John's Lutheran, WHS_006_StJohns_002
Fourth, N, 513 1952, Amelia Norton home, WHS_011_504
Fourth, N, 600 1900, circa, Meat Market, Reinhold Block, WHS_021_727
Fourth, N, 600 1913, Reinhold Block, meat market-retail
Fourth, N, 600 1952, Edward Sidney, refrigerator repair, WHS_011_500
Fourth, N, 600 1959, Riemer's Saw & Lawn
Fourth, N, 600 1963, Elsner TV Service
Fourth, N, 600 Street view
Fourth, N, 601 1968, Golden Touch Beauty Salon, opening of
Fourth, N, 601 1968, Golden Touch Beauty Salon, WHS_022_608
Fourth, N, 607 1930, Ferdinand and Emily Krueger home
Fourth, N, 607 1914, circa, Buending Service Station, WHS_009_579
Fourth, N, 607 1914, circa, Buending Service Station, WHS_009_739
Fourth, N, 607 Buending Service Station, WHS_009_242
Fourth, N, 607 1941, Change of ownership, Buske's to Seyvert's, WHS_013_157
Fourth, N, 607 1941, Seyvert's Sinclair Service Station, WHS_013_158
Fourth, N, 607 1945, Klinger Service Station, WHS_009_242
Fourth, N, 607 1957, circa, Burdick's Service Station, WHS_011_505
Fourth, N, 608 1955, Edwin Kube home, WHS_011_513
Fourth, N, 611 1945, WHS_009_242
Fourth, N, 611 1955, Hans Gruenberger home, WHS_011_514
Fourth, N, 614 1955, George Duley home, WHS_011_515
Fourth, N, 615 1952, Ellis Parsons home, WHS_011_516
Fourth, N, 619 Charles Heismann home, Historical Society has image of, PC_154
Fourth, N, 619 2008, Realtor image
Fourth, N, 619 1955, Clara Heismann home, WHS_011_517
Fourth, N, 700 1913, Gerhard Fuermann, saloon
Fourth, N, 700 1945, 700 Inn
Fourth, N, 700 1951, Meitner's Tavern, WHS_011_518
Fourth, N, 700 2004, Fire at, Poppers Bar
Fourth, N, 702 1955, Minnie Hillier home, WHS_011_519
Fourth, N, 707 1955, Anita Krueger home, WHS_011_521
Fourth, N, 711 1955, Theodore Voigt home, WHS_011_522
Fourth, N, 712 1913, Herman Kuehl, live stock
Fourth, N, 712 1955, Bernard Blasing home, WHS_011_523
Fourth, N, 716 1924, Home of Rev Christians
Fourth, N, 716 1931, New filling station constructed
Fourth, N, 716 1943, Meyers' Cities Service
Fourth, N, 716 1955, Meyers Cities Service, WHS_011_524
Fourth, N, 721 Christian Schmutzler Home, Schmutzler Funeral Home
Fourth, N, 721 1955, Oscar Schmutzler home, funeral home, WHS_011_525
Fourth, N, 721 1975, circa, WHS_019_167
Fourth, N, 721 1975, circa, WHS_019_204
Fourth, N, 802 Built by (home of) John Cole; built c 1855, later home of Joseph Salick
Fourth, N, 802 1911, circa, Cole-Salick Home, built c1855. Italianate, cream brick, PC_383
Fourth, N, 802 1937, Cole Home, Winter scene, WHS_006_410
Fourth, N, 802 1953, Jerome Schultz home, WHS_011_526
Fourth, N, 802 1966, The John Cole House, WHS_019_076
Fourth, N, 802 1966, The John Cole House, WHS_019_077
Fourth, N, 802 1974, The John Cole House, WHS_019_109
Fourth, N, 802 Porfolio of images, Cole home
Fourth, N, 806 Garrett Gahlmann house, built 1918, Dutch colonial revival, clapboard and shingles, gambrel roof
Fourth, N, 806 1955, Ervin Pitterle home, WHS_011_527
Fourth, N, 809 Oscar Maerzke home, chapter on, built 1912, cube style, clapboard 
Fourth, N, 809 1955, John Bruegger home, WHS_011_528
Fourth, N, 810 Built c1915, Colonial revival, clapboard and shingles, turret, Sidney Jones home (includes carriage house)
Fourth, N, 810 1955, Benjamin Krueger home, WHS_011_529
Fourth, N, 810 2019, WHS_020_180C
Fourth, N, 810 2019, WHS_020_180D
Fourth, N, 810 2021, Facebook video clip
Fourth, N, 811 Blumenfeld Home
Fourth, N, 811 Blumenfeld Home, Wisconsin AHI record
Fourth, N, 811 1955, M. Morse home, WHS_011_530
Fourth, N, 813 1951, George Poellet home, WHS_011_531
Fourth, N, 813 1965, WHS_019_148
Fourth, N, 813 1969, WHS_020-478, evidence of bricking of street
Fourth, N, 813 1969, WHS_020-479, evidence of bricking of street
Fourth, N, 814-816 Northwestern College birthplace
Fourth, N, 814-816 WHS_019_250P
Fourth, N, 814-816 WHS_019_250Q
Fourth, N, 814-816 WHS_019_250R
Fourth, N, 814-816 1951, William Lauersdorf home, WHS_011_532
Fourth, N, 814-816 1965, The Gardner Home, traditional name, WHS_019_180
Fourth, N, 901 1952, Leo Stuckmeyer home, WHS_011_533
Fourth, N, 902 1955, Dr. Harold Magnan, Jr home, WHS_011_534
Fourth, N, 906 1951, Harris Evans home, WHS_011_535
Fourth, N, 906 1977, John David home, WHS_011_535
Fourth, N, 907 1955, Theresa Braunschweig home, WHS_011_536
Fourth, N, 911 1951, Henry Kuckkan home, WHS_011_537
Fourth, N, 911 2015, Realtor imge
Fourth, N, 912 1952, Albert Schebsdat home, WHS_011_538
Fourth, N, 912 Undated
Fourth, N, 913 1955, Arthur Bast home, WHS_011_539
Fourth, N, 914 1951, Arthur Ziebell home, WHS_011_540
Fourth, N, 916 1955, William Schultz home, WHS_011_541
Fourth, N, 916, rear 1955, Walter Barganz home, WHS_011_541A
Fourth, N, 916 1965, WHS_019_181
Fourth, N, 917 1913, Minnie Dobbratz, dressmaker
Fourth, N, 917 1955, Clyde Taylor home, WHS_011_542
Fourth, N, 917 1984, WHS_020_710
Fourth, N, 919 1955, William Gutzdorf home, WHS_011_543
Fourth, N, 920 1955, Lucille Korth home, WHS_011_544
Fourth, N, 920 1995, Watts home, House Beautiful Award
Fourth, N, 924 1951, Adeline Kuehn home, WHS_011_545
Fourth, N, 925 1900, Grocery store, Mrs. Amalia Mayer
Fourth, N, 925 1951, Lawrence Ebert home, WHS_011_546
Fourth, N, 926 1950, Herbert Sellnow home, WHS_011_547
Fourth, N, 1000 block 1910, circa, Fourth and Center intersection, PC_093
Fourth, N, 1001 1955, George Janke home, WHS_011_589
Fourth, N, 1003 1955, Earl Korban home, WHS_011_591
Fourth, N, 1002 1955, Edwin Griep home, WHS_011_590
Fourth, N, 1004 1955, Jacqueline Huggett home, WHS_011_592
Fourth, N, 1008 1955, Edward Tourbier home, WHS_011_595
Fourth, N, 1009 Edward Racek home
Fourth, N, 1009 1951, Henry Scheblak home, WHS_011_594
Fourth, N, 1009 1966, Former home of Edward Racek, WHS_019_070
Fourth, N, 1012 1955, Gustav Haack home, WHS_011_548
Fourth, N, 1012 1970, Home of Fire Chief Donald Asmus
Fourth, N, 1013 1955, Alfred Kleist home, WHS_011_601
Fourth, N, 1015 1951, Theodore Lehmann home, WHS_011_602
Fourth, N, 1016 Gabled ell house, brick 
Fourth, N, 1016 1990, circa, Otto Grosnick home, WHS_021_710
Fourth, N, 1016 1955, John Grosnick home, WHS_011_603
Fourth, N, 1016 Street view
Fourth, N, 1016 1/2 1955, Joseph Rhodes home, WHS_011_603
Fourth, N, 1018 1950, pre, WHS_006_988
Fourth, N, 1018 1950, Raymond Walmer home, WHS_011_604
Fourth, N, 1019 1950, Arthur Kramp home, WHS_011_605
Fourth, N, 1020 1924, Year Built: 1927, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture440
Fourth, N, 1020 1950, Riverview Grocery, WHS_011_606
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture440
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture441
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture442
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture443
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture444
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture445
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture446
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture447
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture448
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture449
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture450
Fourth, N, 1020 2019, Riverview Water Tap, 1020 N Fourth, Assessor image, Capture451
Fourth, N, 1020-1022 1915, circa, Kuehn Grocery, later Riverview, WHS_006_989
Fourth, N, 1020-1022 1913, August J Kuehn, grocer, produce, saloon
Fourth, N, 1020-1022 2022, Capture 7571
Fourth, N, 1020-1022 2022, Capture 7572
Fourth, N, 1020-1022 2022, Capture 7573
Fourth, N, 1020-1022 2022, Capture 7574
Fourth, N, 1020-1022 2022, Capture 7575
Fourth, N, 1022 1950, Riverview Tavern, WHS_011_606
Fourth, N, 1026 1951, Herbert Graunke home, WHS_011_607
Fourth, N, 1027 1856, John Habhegger
Fourth, N, 1027 John Habhegger, PC_369
Fourth, N, 1027 John Habhegger, HartwigHabhegger image
Fourth, N, 1027 John Habhegger, WHS_006_689
Fourth, N, 1027 1902, N Fourth St bridge, Habhegger's, WHS_009_890
Fourth, N, 1027 1910, F C Hartwig, shipper of farm produce, WHS_011_250f
Fourth, N, 1027 1914, Herman Dreibus, grocer and saloon
Fourth, N, 1027 1913, Herman Dreibus, grocer, saloon
Fourth, N, 1027 1913, Dreibus grocery and saloon; also residence, WHS_008_214
Fourth, N, 1027 1920, circa, Lillie Habhegger postcard, WHS_021_728
Fourth, N, 1027 1959, Larry's Barber Shop, Lawrence Wallace
Fourth, N, 1027 1962, Wallace Barber Shop, in VFW Club building
Fourth, N, 1027 1966, Dew Drop Inn, WHS_019_119
Fourth, N, 1027 1974, Dew Drop Inn, WHS_019_125
Fourth, N, 1027 2020, Tequila Nights, Inc. (Radomir Buzdum, Agent), Dew Drop Inn
Fourth, N, 1031-1033 1955, Floyd Schmidt home, the Maerzke Laehr home (1862), WHS_011_609
Fourth, N, 1031-1033 1860, Frederick Maerzke
Fourth, N, 1031-1033 1902, John Maerzke
Fourth, N, 1031-1033 1936, Margaret Maerzke Laehr
Fourth, N, 1031-1033 1952, Maerzke-Laehr Home (traditional name), WHS_019_134
Fourth, N, 1031-1033 1965, circa, Maerzke-Laehr Home (traditional name), WHS_019_160
Fourth, N, 1031-1033 1965, circa, Maerzke-Laehr Home (traditional name), WHS_019_234
Fourth, N, 1031-1033 1986, Walter Laehr
Fourth, N, 1033R (rear) 1955, Wallace Higgins home, WHS_011_610
Fourth, N, 1034 1913, Julius Raasch, blacksmith
Fourth, N, 1040 1910, Drawing of distant view of, WHS_011_250f
Fourth, N, 1040 1910, circa, Blacksmith shop, WHS_019_333
Fourth, N, 1040 1910, circa, Blacksmith shop, WHS_023_488
Fourth, N, 1040 1955, Louise Raasch home, WHS_011_612
Fourth, N, 1040 1967, Service station proposed for this location
Fourth, N, 1040 Street view
Fourth, N, 1041 1910, circa, WHS_023_488
Fourth, N, 1041 1955, Carl Reese home, WHS_011_611
Fourth, N, 1041 1981, WHS_021_292
Fourth, N, 1041 Street view
Fourth, N, 1044 1955, Sadie Ninnmann home, WHS_011_613
Fourth, N, 1045 1955, Robert Harth home, WHS_011_614
Fourth, N, 1046 1952, Louis Kuehl home, WHS_011_615
Fourth, N, 1100 1955, George Pitterle home, WHS_011_618
Fourth, N, 1101 1913, Esther Reichert, music teacher
Fourth, N, 1101 1913, Lydia Reichert, music teacher
Fourth, N, 1101 1955, Esther Reichert home, WHS_011_617
Fourth, N, 1101 1950, Richard Stange home, WHS_011_619
Fourth, N, 1104 1950, Under construction, WHS_011_620
Fourth, N, 1105 1950, Hugo Heller home, WHS_011_621
Fourth, N, 1105 1983, WHS_021_131
Fourth, N, 1105 1983, WHS_021_132
Fourth, N, 1105 Street view
Fourth, N, 1106 1959, Raymond Uttech home, WHS_011_622
Fourth, N, 1107 1913, Maerzke & Lutovsky, pigeon hatcheries
Fourth, N, 1107 Watertown Squab Co, WHS_005_481
Fourth, N, 1107 1959, Peter Juderjahn home, WHS_011_623
Fourth, N, 1109 1955, Herman Radloff home, WHS_011_624
Fourth, N, 1110 1950, Rudolf Steinagel home, WHS_011_625
Fourth, N, 1114 1950, Sylvester Richter home, WHS_011_626
Fourth, N, 1115 1950, William Schmechel home, WHS_011_627
Fourth, N, 1116 1950, Hubert Lenius home, WHS_011_628
Fourth, N, 1117 1958, Walter Bremser home, WHS_011_629
Fourth, N, 1119 1954, Berthold Schuett home, WHS_011_630
Fourth, N, 1120 1953, Bernhard Otto home, WHS_011_631
Fourth, N, 1121 1953, John Stangler, Jr. home, WHS_011_632
Fourth, N, 1142 1875, circa, William Volkmann home, WHS_005_179
Fourth, N, 1142 1875, circa, William Volkmann home, closeup of WHS_005_179, WHS_005_180
Fourth, N, 1142 1953, Theodore Volkmann home, WHS_011_633
Fourth, N, 1142 1955, Seen through voliage, WHS_019_127
Fourth, N, 1142 1965, WHS_019_157
Fourth, N, 1142 1965, WHS_019_211
Fourth, N, 1142 1974, Hugo Volkmann, home of, WHS_019_172
Fourth, N, 1142 AHI record
Fourth, N, 1159 1913, Spring Valley Dairy, milk dealer
Fourth, N, 1159 Christian George Marquardt home, WDTimes, 03 12 2005, WHS_005_091
Fourth, N, 1159 1952, circa, Christian George Marquardt home, WHS_011_634
Fourth, N, 1159 1965, The Marquardt Home, traditional name, WHS_019_156
Fourth, N, 1159 1969, Open for viewing at time of Marquardt Manor dedication
Fourth, N, 1159 1974, circa, WHS_019_228
Fourth, N, 1161 1950, circa, Home has been removed, WHS_011_635
Fourth, N, 1170 1966, circa, Erich Zellmer home, WHS_011_636
Fourth, N, 1171 2015, WHS_008 502, Rich and Mary Kraemer's home 
Fourth, N, 1171 2015, WHS_008 503, Rich and Mary Kraemer's home
Fourth, N, 1171 2015, WHS_008 504, Rich and Mary Kraemer's home (archived, not posted)
Fourth, N, 1171 2015, WHS_008 505, Rich and Mary Kraemer's home (archived, not posted)
Fourth, N, 1172 1950, Curtis Peters home, WHS_011_637
Fourth, N, 1173 1955, Anthony Kraemer home, WHS_011_638
Fourth, N, 1173 Kraemer Cheese
Fourth, N, 1173 AHI
Fourth, N, 1176 1955, George Oestreich home, WHS_011_639
Fourth, N, 1177 1958, George Ertl home, WHS_011_640
Fourth, N, 1178 1955, LeRoy Buss home, WHS_011_641
Fourth, N, 1181 1985, Grossman's Bargain Outlet Store [Grossman's Lumber], closing of
Fourth, N, 1181 1988, New St. Vincent DePaul Society Store
Fourth, N, 1200 1967, circa, Candle Motel & Restaurant, WHS_011_642
Fourth, N, 1200 2011, Candle Glo Motel, WHS_006_435
Fourth, N, 1200 2011, Candle Glo Motel, WHS_006_436
Fourth, N, 1201 1961, Minning Liquor Co, WHS_011_643
Fourth, N, 1224 1955, William Baumann home, WHS_011_644
Fourth, N, 1225 1955, Walter Baumann home, WHS_011_645
Fourth, N, 1230 1955, Frank Veling home, WHS_011_646
Fourth, N, 1230 1974, circa, WHS_019_164
Fourth, N, 1339 1955, Robert Stangler home, WHS_011_647
Fourth, S 1847, Used as dump, “Cow Common”
Fourth, S 1910, Looking south from Dodge St., postcard
Fourth, S, 100 block 1948, WHS_006_723
Fourth, S, 100 block, east side 1987, WHS_014_418
Fourth, S, 100 block, west side 1987, WHS_014_419
Fourth, S, and Milwaukee 1910, Winter scene, 04 24 1910, WHS_002_PC_330
Fourth, S, 102 1993, Hose's Barber Shop, Elmer Hose, 102 S Fourth
Fourth, S, 110 1880-1900, Alex Hardie grocery, WHS_014_419
Fourth, S, 110 1901, Crown Printing Co, Alex Hardie, publisher
Fourth, S, 110 1920s, Dr Charles Habhegger, WHS_014_419
Fourth, S, 110 1948, Cottage Tea Room sold
Fourth, S, 110 1953, Walter Goodlette home, WHS_014_419
Fourth, S, 110 1953, Walter Goodlette (Mr. Goodie), WHS_012_017
Fourth, S, 110 1986, Survey date, John Jung Building; Hardie Grocery Store
Fourth, S, 114 1910, circa, Home of Herman C Block, first Chief of Police
Fourth, S, 114 1953, Drs. Nickels and Hahn clinic, WHS_012_018
Fourth, S, 114 1954, Dr. A C Hahn, Dr. A C Nickels and Dr. Vernon P Smebak
Fourth, S, 114 1969, Federated Land & Development Co
Fourth, S, 114 1987, Coron Clinic, Dr Alfred Coron, WHS_014_419
Fourth, S, 114 2019, DECO (Downtown Economic COmplex) Bldg, Dan & Kim Rahfaldt bacame owners
Fourth, S, 114 1969, Federal Pacific Electric Co, opened engineering office
Fourth, S, 115 Wisconsin Telephone Company office
Fourth, S, 115 1927, Wisconsin Telephone Co, construction of, Hildebrandt_B_061
Fourth, S, 115 1960-61, Wisconsin Telephone Co new addition, WHS_017_115
Fourth, S, 115 1987, Wisconsin Telephone Co bldg, WHS_014_418
Fourth, S, 115 1986, Ennovation
Fourth, S, 203 1965, Home moved, Miss Ruth Duffy
Fourth, S, 204 1954, circa, Carl Justmann home, WHS_012_023
Fourth, S, 208 1954, circa, Leo Runge home, WHS_012_024
Fourth, S, 209 1954, circa, Otto Schott home, WHS_012_025
Fourth, S, 214 1954, circa, Archie Lord home, WHS_012_026
Fourth, S, 301 1880, circa, Turner Hall, exterior view, WHS_020_096
Fourth, S, 301 1888, Turner Hall, drawing of, WHS_008_468
Fourth, S, 301 1918, circa, Turner Opera House, WHS_018_636
Fourth, S, 301 1950, Turner Hall, WHS_013_046
Fourth, S, 301 1970, Turner Hall, exterior view, WHS_020_097
Fourth, S, 301 Turner Opera House, chapter on
Fourth, S, 302 1900, circa, William C Raue home, WHS_005_198
Fourth, S, 302 1929, William Raue home
Fourth, S, 302 1957, circa, Rose Weber home, WHS_013_047
Fourth, S, 305 2011, Exterior remodeling of 
Fourth, S, 307 1905, Lot purchased by Dr. Werner for dwelling house
Fourth, S, 307 1960, circa, Ben Berg home, WHS_013_048
Fourth, S, 312 1955, St Luke’s Parsonage sold
Fourth, S, 313 1905, Lot purchased by Dr. Werner for dwelling house
Fourth, S, 313 1960, Esther Buroff home, WHS_013_049
Fourth, S, 313 1970, circa, WHS_019_103
Fourth, S, 400 block 1905, circa, WHS_021_104
Fourth, S, 400 1952, circa, George Sanderson home, WHS_013_057
Fourth, S, 403 1955, Edward & Grace Maldaner home, WHS_018_002
Fourth, S, 403 Portfolio of Maldaner home images
Fourth, S, 404 1960, circa, Emma Kieck home, WHS_013_050
Fourth, S, 410 1952, Earl Quirk home, WHS_013_051
Fourth, S, 410 1965, WHS_019_099
Fourth, S, 410 1965, WHS_019_111
Fourth, S, 410 1974, WHS_019_144
Fourth, S, 410 2022, WHS_022_129K
Fourth, S, 410 Brandt Home, chapter on
Fourth, S, 413 1913, Mrs Emma A Stiemke, boarding house
Fourth, S, 413 1925, circa, WHS_001_PC_092
Fourth, S, 413 1954, circa, Loos family gathering, the Stiemke home, WHS_016_605
Fourth, S, 413 1955, Mary Burke home, WHS_018_003
Fourth, S, 413 1962, WHS_019_321
Fourth, S, 413 1966, Removed for post office, WHS_019_083
Fourth, S, 413 Undated, distant view, WHS_019_317
Fourth, S, 500 1924, Rectory, First Congregational Church
Fourth, S, 500 2008, Home was former First Congregation parsonage
Fourth, S, 501 Home built by Christian Schmutzler, Leo Bargielski home
Fourth, S, 501 1886, circa, Grossmann home, 501 S Fourth, WHS_013_700
Fourth, S, 501 1925, circa, WHS_001_PC_092
Fourth, S, 501 1952, circa, Margaret Buckland home, WHS_013_058
Fourth, S, 501 1965, David Pugh home, traditional name, WHS_019_115
Fourth, S, 501 1974, WHS_019_206
Fourth, S, 501 2014, Pugh home, WHS_008_071
Fourth, S, 504 First Congregational, Now 1st Brigrade Band
Fourth, S, 504 1909, First Congregational, corner stone ceremony, WHS_008_660
Fourth, S, 504 2011, WHS_006_417
Fourth, S, 504 2011, WHS_006_425
Fourth, S, 505 1890, circa, Herman Grube home, WHS_007_KR026
Fourth, S, 505 1955, circa, Celia Meier home, WHS_013_059
Fourth, S, 505 1981, WHS_021_188
Fourth, S, 505 1981, WHS_021_189
Fourth, S, 505 1981, WHS_021_190
Fourth, S, 505 1982_WHS_021_030
Fourth, S, 505 1982_WHS_021_031
Fourth, S, 505 1982_WHS_021_032
Fourth, S, 505 Street view
Fourth, S, 605 Buchheit (William) home, Trinity Lutheran Church
Fourth, S, 605 William Buchheit home
Fourth, S, 605 1895, circa, William Buchheit home, distant view, WHS_019_268
Fourth, S, 605 1902, WHS_008_476
Fourth, S, 605 1953, pre, Church Home of Trinity Lutheran, prior to removal of, WHS_019_032
Fourth, S, 605 1953, circa, WHS_019_113
Fourth, S, 605 1953, Trinity Lutheran replaces Buchheit  home, stained glass panel
Fourth, S, 605 Trinity Lutheran Church, est 1916
Fourth, S, 700 block 1905, circa, WHS_021_029
Fourth, S, 701 1905, circa, WHS_021_029
Fourth, S, 701 1905, circa, WHS_021_065
Fourth, S, 701 1952, Max Tetzlaff home, WHS_013_060
Fourth, S, 703 1905, circa, WHS_021_029
Fourth, S, 703 1905, circa, WHS_021_065
Fourth, S, 705 1951, Benjamin Krueger home, WHS_011_520
Fourth, S, 709 1952, William Kelly home, WHS_013_061
Fourth, S, 710 1966, circa, Apartment bldg, WHS_013_062
Fourth, S, 808 1952, Apartment bldg, WHS_013_063
Fourth, S, 809 1955, Helen Cotey home, WHS_013_065
Fourth, S, 901 1953, circa, Ruben Schoechert home, WHS_013_066
Fourth, S, 902 1952, Dean Long home, WHS_013_067
Fourth, S, 904 1955, August Schmidt home, WHS_013_068
Fourth, S, 905 1952, Frank Kohn home, WHS_013_069
Fourth, S, 908 1952, Otto Kuetbach home, WHS_013_070
Fourth, S, 912 1952, Mabel Woelffer home, WHS_013_071
Franklin, 119 1964, WHS_018_296
Franklin, 121 1964, WHS_018_297
Franklin, 301 1957, WHS_018_298
Franklin, 313 1978, circa, WHS_018_299
Franklin, 908 1958, WHS_018_300
Franklin, 912 1960, Robert & Laverna Hutson home, WHS_018_301
Franklin, 914 1958, Hugo & Beth Smyth home, WHS_018_302
Franklin, 917 1955, WHS_018_303
Franklin, 920 1964, Donald & Vernette Weisensell home, WHS_018_304
Frederick, 201 1913, Washington Cutlery Co
Frederick, 201 2013, Fisher-Barton fire, YouTube video
Frederick, 201 2013, Fisher-Barton fire, WHS_006_736
Frederick, 201 2013, Fisher-Barton fire, WHS_006_737
Frederick, 201 2013, Fisher-Barton fire, WHS_006_738
Frederick, 201 2013, Fisher-Barton fire, WHS_006_739
Frederick, 201 2013, Fisher-Barton fire, WHS_006_740
Frederick, 205 1954, WHS_018_314
Fremont, 103 1952, Clarence & Karleen Kuckkahn home, WHS_018_323
Fremont, 103 2019, Realtor image, WHS_016_300D
Fremont, 103 2019, Realtor image, WHS_016_300E
Fremont, 103 2019, Realtor image, WHS_016_300F
Fremont, 103 2019, Realtor image, WHS_016_300G
Fremont, 103 2019, Realtor image, WHS_016_300H
Fremont, 106 1958, Walter & Mabel Kube home, WHS_018_324
Fremont, 107 1951, Mrs. Clark Clark home, WHS_018_328
Fremont, 108 1952, Andrew & Leona Stillmacher home, WHS_018_329
Fremont, 110 1958, Herman & Doris Huebel home, WHS_018_330
Fremont, 111 1954, Elmer & Eleanora Luedtke home, WHS_018_331
Fremont, 112 1950, Edward & LaVerna Jansa home, WHS_018_333
Fremont, 113 1952, Edward & Esteve Meyers home, WHS_018_332
Fremont, 114 1954, John & Edna Klingbeil home, WHS_018_334
Fremont, 115 1955, Alvin Maas home, WHS_018_335
Fremont, 118 1954, Henry & Ruth Roehrdans home, WHS_018_336
Fremont, 201 1950, Martin & Mary Newman home, WHS_018_337
Fremont, 202 1966, Joseph & March Schultz home, WHS_018_338
Fremont, 202 2019, Realtor image
Fremont, 207 1953, Harry & Melinda Grant home, WHS_018_339
Fremont, 203 1955, Harry & Melinda Kant home, WHS_018_340
Fremont, 210 1953, Joseph & Henrietta Lawton home, WHS_018_341
Fremont, 211 1950, Henry & Margaret Schlueter home, WHS_018_342
Fremont, 213 1950, Emil & Verna Hotmar home, WHS_018_343
Fremont, 215 1950, Raymond & Ruth Ebert home, WHS_018_344
Fremont, 216 1954, Reinhold Wendt home, WHS_018_345
Fremont, 217 1950, Paul & Mildred Kennedy home, WHS_018_346
Fremont, 217 2019 , Realtor image
Fremont, 219 1950, John & Eleanor Benes home, WHS_018_347
Fremont, 220 1955, George Otto home, WHS_018_348
Fremont, 221 1950, Frank & Margaret Kellerman home, WHS_018_349
Fremont, 221 2019, Realtor image
Fremont, 222 1953, Harold & Olga Barrows home, WHS_018_350
Fremont, 222 1985, WHS_021_433
Fremont, 222 Street view
Fremont, 223 1950, Robert & Mary Krueger home, WHS_018_351
Fremont, 225 1950, Thomas & Viola Roark home, WHS_018_352
Fremont, 226 1955, Arthur & Elsa Wendorf home, WHS_018_353
Fremont, 227 1954, Mrs. Isabel Opperud home, WHS_018_354
Fremont, 228 1953, Ruth Wendorf home, WHS_018_355
Fremont, 229 1950, Clarence & Elaine Smith home, WHS_018_356
Fremont, 231 1950, Claire Alexander home, WHS_018_357
Fremont, 232 1953, George & Esther Shephard home, WHS_018_358
Fremont, 432 WHS_018_359B
Fremont, 432 1974, WHS_018_359
Front, 301 1957, Pieter & Ruth Borman home, WHS_018_418
Front, 302 1957, circa, WHS_018_419
Front, 303 1959, Lester & Tekla Schuett home, WHS_018_420
Front, 311 1965, WHS_018_421
Front, 321 1957, Reuben & Nancy Schulz home, WHS_018_422
Garfield, 604 1952, Theodore Simon home, WHS_011_495
Garfield, 611 1955, Mrs Ella Noyes home, WHS_018_426
Garfield, 807 1955, Clayton & Joan Arndt home, WHS_018_427
Garfield, 811 1952, Leith & Lillian Poole home, WHS_018_428
Garfield, 902 1951, Vernon & Elizabeth Steffen home, WHS_018_429
Garfield, 903 1952, Louis & Ida Schwartz home, WHS_018_430
Garfield, 905 1953, Paul & Alice Buchholz home, WHS_018_431
Garfield, 911 1959, Donald & Katherine Guse home, WHS_018_432
Garfield, 912 1959, Harley & LuDene Lehmann home, WHS_018_433
Garfield, 912 1985, WHS_020_870
Garfield, 912 1985, WHS_020_871
Garfield, 915 1955, Mrs. Otillie Sonnemann Lehmann home, WHS_018_434
Girard, 813 1965, WHS_018_444
Girard, 1001 1959, WHS_018_445
Green, 311 1913, Louise H Woltmann, viavi
Green, E, 100 1952, Mrs. Hilda Duzinski home, WHS_018_446
Green, E, 103 1951, Walter & Elsie Gramdorf home, WHS_018_447
Green, E, 105 1953, Arthur & Leona Lietzke home, WHS_018_448
Green, E, 106 Plans for Albert W Maas home, WHS_019_717
Green, E, 106 1952, Albert W. Maas home, WHS_018_449
Green, E, 107 1952, Otto Huebner home, WHS_018_450
Green, E, 108 1951, Roland & Elsie Ruesch home, WHS_018_451
Green, E, 109 1951, Zeno & Ella Schroeder home, WHS_018_452
Green, E, 109 1983, WHS_021_113
Green, E, 109 1983, WHS_021_114
Green, E, 109 Street view
Green, E, 111 1952, Elmer & Amy Torstenson home, WHS_018_453
Green, E, 114 Gabled ell house, brick 
Green, E, 114 1930s, circa, Emilie (Wolf) Schumann home, WHS_018_248
Green, E, 114 1930s, circa, Emilie (Wolf) Schumann home, WHS_018_249
Green, E, 114 1952, Martha Schumann home, WHS_018_454
Green, E, 118 1951, Clarence & Lucille Schumann home, WHS_018_455
Green, E, 119 1952, Benjamin & Theresa Miller home, WHS_018_456
Green, E, 206 1952, John & Laura Verg home, WHS_018_457
Green, E, 207 Built 1884, gabled ell house, brick
Green, E, 207 1955, Herman & Martha Blaese home, WHS_018_458
Green, E, 212 Side gabled house, brick 
Green, E, 213 Gabled ell house, brick, with deck
Green, E, 213 1955, Earl & Regina Kottwitz home, WHS_018_462
Green, E, 220 1955, William & Martha Beckmann home, WHS_018_459
Green, E, 211 1955, Ida Conrad home, WHS_018_460
Green, E, 212 1955, Erwin & Leona Kohlhoff home, WHS_018_461
Green, E, 216 1954, Eric & Esther Nuernberg home, WHS_018_463
Green, E, 301 Built c1904, front gabled house, brick
Green, E, 301 1955, William & Gertrude Schmidt home, WHS_018_464
Green, E, 301 1985, WHS_021_086
Green, E, 301 Street view
Green, E, 304 1955, John & Lillian Vergenz home, WHS_018_465
Green, E, 305 1952, Mrs. Anna Kleinschay home, WHS_018_466
Green, E, 310 1951, Andrew & Rosemarie Boyum home, WHS_018_467
Green, E, 310 1965, WHS_019_149
Green, E, 311 Gabled ell house, brick
Green, E, 311 1955, Allen & Nancy Engelbrecht home, WHS_018_468
Green, E, 315 1955, Erwin & Martha Block home, WHS_018_469
Green, E, 316 1955, Ida Miller home, WHS_018_470
Green, E, 317 1955, Emil & Hazel Ruegg home, WHS_018_471
Green, E, 318 Built 1899, Queen Anne house, clapboard and shingles
Green, E, 318 1955, Gustav & Clara Gloger home, WHS_018_472
Green, E, 320 1955, Herman & Mildred Damrow home, WHS_018_473
Green, W, 201 1955, Harry & Hildegarde Kuester home, WHS_018_518
Green, W, 202 1913, Casper J Kessler, cigar mfg
Green, W, 202 1951, Mrs. Helen Kessler home, WHS_018_519
Green, W, 204 1955, Clarence & Florence Grosenick home, WHS_018_522
Green, W, 205 1954, Herbert & Ruth Riedemann home, WHS_018_523
Green, W, 409 1955, Joseph & Mildred Drost home, WHS_018_527
Green, W, 410 1974, House removed, 806 E Main home moved to, WHS_018_530
Green, W, 410 1974, Became a Pugh home in 2009, WHS_011_580E
Green, W, 500 1955, Removed, WHS_018_532
Green, W, 505 1955, Christie & Dorothy Coogan home, WHS_018_533
Green, W, 506 1954, Gustave and Hilara Erdman home, WHS_018_534
Green, W, 510 1954, Frances Wilke home, WHS_018_535
Green, W, 612 1954, John & Gertrude Boelter home, WHS_018_538
Green, W, 612 1981, WHS_021_183
Green, W, 612 1981, WHS_021_184
Green, W, 612 1981, WHS_021_185
Green, W, 612 Street view
Green, W, 613 1951, Mrs Mary Roark home, WHS_018_540
Green, W, 700 1951, Howard & Hilda Schultz home, WHS_018_541
Green, W, 702 1952, Harry & Bertha Schlueter home, WHS_018_542
Green, W, 702 Former home of Fire Chief Harry Schlueter, WHS_019_322
Green, W, 708 1952, Harlow & Margaret Krietzman home, WHS_018_543
Green, W, 716 1954, Andrew & Anna Fischer home, WHS_018_544
Greencrest Dr, 1400-1402 1976, WHS_018_550
Greencrest Dr, 1403 1976, WHS_018_551
Greencrest Dr, 1404-1406 1976, WHS_018_553
Greencrest Dr, 1405 1976, WHS_018_561
Greencrest Dr, 1408-1410 1976, WHS_018_562
Greencrest Dr, 1500-1502 1976, WHS_018_572
Greencrest Dr, 1501 1976, WHS_018_565
Greencrest Dr, 1505 1976, WHS_018_576
Greencrest Dr, 1509 1976, WHS_018_578
Greencrest Dr, 1512-1514 1976, WHS_018_580
Greencrest Dr, 1520-1522 1976, WHS_018_581
Hall Street, 100 1951, Mrs. Meta Trachte home, WHS_018_582
Hall Street, 101 1954, WHS_018_584
Hall Street, 110 1957, Gustave & Violet Wolf home, WHS_018_587
Hall Street, 112 Christ United Methodist
Hall Street, 122 1966, Riverside Apartments, WHS_018_615
Hall Street, 517 1967, WHS_018_616
Hall Street, 517 1980, WHS_020_987
Hall Street, 517 1980, WHS_020_988
Hall Street, 517 Street view
Hall Street, 525 1966, WHS_018_617
Hancock, 406 1951, WHS_019_423, built 1913
Hancock, 406 1963, WHS_022_778
Hancock, 406 Street view
Hancock, 407 1955, Oscar Schmutzler home, built 1923, WHS_019_424
Hancock, 408 1952, Henry & Ida Saum home, built 1892, WHS_019_425
Hancock, 408 1951, Built c1900, WHS_019_426
Hancock, 412 1955, Edward & Anna Pitterle home, built c.1925, WHS_019_427
Hancock, 413 Front gabled house, cream brick 
Hancock, 413 1890, circa, Carl Nowack Sr. home, built 1867, WHS_018_509
Hancock, 413 1902, Nowack family pic, WHS_019_449
Hancock, 413 1951, Waldo & Doris Zickert home, WHS_019_428
Hancock, 500 1953, Gustav & Edna Claussen home, WHS_019_429
Hancock, 501 1955, Francis & Juanita Indra home, built c1900, WHS_019_430
Hancock, 501 1984, WHS_020_749
Hancock, 501 1984, WHS_020_750
Hancock, 501 1984, WHS_020_751
Hancock, 505 1955, Fred & Julia Gerth home, built 1921, WHS_019_431
Hancock, 505 2018, For sale
Hancock, 506 1951, Ronald Schmeling, built 1860, remodel 1948, WHS_019_432
Hancock, 509 1955, WHS_019_433
Hancock, 510 1955, Joseph Scheiber home, WHS_019_434
Hancock, 510 2018, For sale
Hancock, 512 1955, William & Theresa Schultz home, WHS_019_435
Hancock, 516 1955, Frank & Anna Albrecht home, WHS_019_436
Hancock, 517 1955, Mrs. Amanda Conant home, WHS_019_437
Hancock, 602 1955, Edward & Annette Neubauer home, WHS_019_438
Hancock, 604 1955, Isadore & Gertrude Fendt home, WHS_019_439
Hancock, 606 1950, George & Marie Bush home, WHS_019_440
Harding, 120 1950, Alden & Leta Westphal home, WHS_019_461
Harding, 124 1951, George & Shirley Lewandowski home, WHS_019_462
Harding, 128 1953, Ralph & Betty Ebert home, WHS_019_463
Harding, 130 1951, William F Gruetmacher home, WHS_019_464
Harding, 132 1954, Michael Richter home, WHS_019_465
Harold, 604 1955, Mrs. Millie Langer home, WHS_019_468
Harold, 605 1955, William & Mary Weber home, WHS_019_469
Harold, 606 1950, Christ Strangler home, WHS_019_471
Harold, 607 1953, John Wagner home, WHS_019_470
Harrison, 806 1952, Catherine Michelt home, WHS_019_477
Harrison, 808 1927, Distant view, Hildebrandt_B_076
Harrison, 808 1952, Bernhard & Ella Pieper home, WHS_019_478
Harrison, 900 1927, Distant view, Hildebrandt_B_076
Harrison, 900 1952, Emil & Emma Peterson home, WHS_019_479
Harrison, 902 1951, William & Mabel Breithaupt home, WHS_019_480
Hart Street 1861, Obstruction of
Hart, 218 1950, Herman & Ida Schmidt home, WHS_019_485
Hart, 219 1951, George & Margaret Kersten home, WHS_019_486
Hart, 200 1953, Perfection Table Slide buildings sold to Hevi-Duty, WHS_016_388
Hart, 200 1953, Perfection Table Slide buildings sold to Hevi-Duty, WHS_016_389
Hart, 200 1953, Perfection Table Slide buildings sold to Hevi-Duty, WHS_016_390
Hart, 220 1954, Gerald & Barbara Nimm home, WHS_019_487
Hart, 200 1973, Watertown Table Slide bldgs prior to removal, WHS_014_017
Hart, 200 1973, Watertown Table Slide bldgs prior to removal, WHS_014_018
Hart, 221 1964, WHS_019_488
Hart, 221 1989, WHS_021_259
Hart, 221 Street view
Hart, 315 1957, Allard Express, WHS_011_200I
Hart, 316 1930, Walter Booth Shoe Co, WHS_016_244
Hart, 316 1957, Mid-States Shoe Co, WHS_011_200H
Hart, 316 2022, Diversey to move from Watertown
Hart, 316 2022, Aerial view of, WHS_021_900X
Hart, 321 1913, San Juan Land Co, real estate
Hart, 321 1913, Wisconsin Sanitary Cow Milker Co, dairy machinery
Hart, 321 1973, Watertown Table Slide, location & floor plan drawings
Hart, 321-325 1913, Watertown Table Slide Co, table slide manufacturers
Hart, 807 1964, Arthur & Frieda Kropf home, WHS_019_489
Hart, 807 2019, Realtor picture
Hart, 809 1964, Erich & Martha Schroeder home, WHS_019_490
Hart, 903 1953, William & Loretta Rothschadl home, WHS_019_491
Harvey Ave, 804 1954, Wallace & Lyla Klinger home, WHS_019_497
Harvey Ave, 806 1954, Robert & Lois Hargraves home, WHS_019_498
Harvey Ave, 808 1952, Clarence & Catherine Golisch home, WHS_019_499
Harvey Ave, 810 1954, WHS_019_500
Harvey Ave, 811 1952, Samuel & Rose Cuccia home, WHS_019_501
Harvey Ave, 811 1985, WHS_020_887
Harvey Ave, 811 1985, WHS_020_888
Harvey Ave, 812 1954, Irwin & Hattie Hooker home, WHS_019_502
Harvey Ave, 813 1954, Herbert & Nora Klingbeil home, WHS_019_503
Harvey Ave, 814 1954, George & Anna Hardiman home, WHS_019_504
Harvey Ave, 815 1954, Richard & Grace Jungkuntz home, WHS_019_505
Harvey Ave, 816 1954, Mrs. Adella Wiley home, WHS_019_506
Harvey Ave, 818 1950, Fred & Gertrude Loeffler home, WHS_019_507
Harvey Ave, 818 1970, Christmas decorations, WHS_023_398
Harvey Ave, 818 Street view
Harvey Ave, 820 1954, Mrs. Hilda Zastrow home, WHS_019_508
Harvey Ave, 900 Architect's plans, WHS_019_545
Harvey Ave, 900 1954, Walter Gruel home, WHS_019_509
Harvey Ave, 903 1954, Ross & Olive Van Eimeren home, WHS_019_510
Harvey Ave, 904 1954, Lester Kuckkahn home, WHS_019_534
Harvey Ave, 906 1954, John & Catherine Meehan home, WHS_019_535
Harvey Ave, 909 1951, Gustav Doerr home, WHS_019_536
Harvey Ave, 909 1953, Gustave Doerr, Nativity scene, WHS_016_438
Harvey Ave, 910 1951, Erving & Ada Miller home, WHS_019_537
Harvey Ave, 911 1951, Mrs. Gretchen Krieger home, WHS_019_538
Harvey Ave, 912 1951, Harold & Betty Miller home, WHS_019_539
Harvey Ave, 913 1951, Mrs. Jennie Strum home, WHS_019_540
Harvey Ave, 915 1959, Frank & Helen Herlehy home, WHS_019_541
Harvey Ave, 916 1960, Edward & Mildred Parson home, WHS_019_542
Harvey Ave, 919 1951, Charles & Louise Hartman home, WHS_019_543
Harvey Ave, 920 1960, Ernest & Wanda Radtke home, WHS_019_544
Henry, 1412 1954, Frank & Olive Kreitzman home, WHS_019_554
Henry, 1416 1955, Arnold & Anita Braunschweig home, WHS_019_555
Henry, 1418 1955, Robert & Ida Doerr home, WHS_019_556
Henry, 1420 1955, Philip & Ida Budahn home, WHS_019_557
Henry, 1430-1432 1960, WHS_019_558
Herman, 101 1957, Karl & Evelyn Fischer home, WHS_019_560
Herman, 103 1955, Roger & Betty Wilkes home, WHS_019_561
Herman, 105 1950, Henry & Anna Rutz home, WHS_019_562
Herman, 109 1951, Frank Terwedow home, WHS_019_563
Herman, 205 1953, Edward & Louise Dube home, WHS_019_564
Herman, 206 1913, Caeser George Feinberg, junk dealer
Herman, 206 1955, Walter & Jennie Linger home, WHS_019_565
Herman, 207 1955, William & Dorothy Schwefel home, WHS_019_566
Herman, 209-211 1955, WHS_019_567
Herman, 212 1951, WHS_019_568
Hiawatha, 211 1966, WHS_019_574
Hiawatha, 600 Hartwig Family Home
Hiawatha, 600 1974, WHS_019_205
Hiawatha, 600 Hartwig Family Home, traditional name,WHS_019_251
Hiawatha, 600 Hartwig Family Home, traditional name,winter scene, WHS_019_252
Hiawatha, 600 Listed as 908 Country Lane after development of adjacent subdivision
Hidde Dr, 600 1976, WHS_019_586
Hidde Dr, 601 1972, WHS_019_587
Hidde Dr, 602 1971, WHS_019_588
Hidde Dr, 603 1976, WHS_019_589
Hidde Dr, 605 1976, WHS_019_591
Hidde Dr, 700 1976, WHS_019_595
Hidde Dr, 703 1976, WHS_019_596
Highland Ave, 600 1959, Harvey & Rosemary Gruchow home, WHS_019_600
Highland Ave, 601 1959, William & Meta Urban home, WHS_019_601
Highland Ave, 605 1953, Fred & Margaret Amthor home, WHS_019_606
Highland Ave, 607 1953, Marvin & Jean Ringstad home, WHS_019_607
Highland Ave, 610 1957, Steve & Carol Perez home, WHS_019_608
Highland Ave, 611 1954, Neal & Irene Neitzel home, WHS_019_632
Highland Ave, 612 1950, WHS_019_633
Highland Ave, 614 1960, WHS_019_634
Highland Ave, 615 1957, WHS_019_635
Highland Ave, 701 1955, WHS_019_636
Highland Ave, 705 1957, Earl & Freda Reynoldson home, WHS_019_639
Highland Ave, 709 1953, Harold & Mae Fehrman home, WHS_019_640
Highland Ave, 711 1959, Ervin & Norma Retzlaff home, WHS_019_641
Highland Ave, 801 1955, WHS_019_642
Highland Ave, 802 1957, Charles & Josephine Metcalf home, WHS_019_643
Highland Ave, 805 1958, Marvin & Lorraine Grunewald home, WHS_019_644
Highland Ave, 806 1950, Frank & Alice Schaefer home, WHS_019_645
Highland Ave, 808 1953, WHS_019_646
Highland Ave, 813 1966, WHS_019_647
Highland Ave, 815 1950, Carl & Marcia Kolata home, WHS_019_648
Highland Ave, 819 1958, Robert & Catherine Mundschau home, WHS_019_649
Highland Ave, 901 1955, Armund & Frieda Turke home, WHS_019_650
Highland Ave, 905 1955, Louis & Nancy Checkai home, WHS_019_651
Highland Ave, 906 1951, Kenneth & Marjorie Kohlhoff home, WHS_019_652
Highland Ave, 909 1957, WHS_019_653
Highland Ave, 910 1966, Leonard & Ruth Kramp home, WHS_019_654
Highland Ave, 911 1959, Thomas & Maud Bellas home, WHS_019_655
Highland Ave, 912 1958, Alfred & Helen Krahn home, WHS_019_656
Highland Ave, 1002 1958, WHS_019_657
Highland Ave, 1006 1958, WHS_019_658
Highland Ave, 1015 1960, WHS_019_659
Hill, 1015 1958, Edward & Elta Bowman home, WHS_019_788
Hill, 1021 1974, WHS_019_789
Hillside Lane, 900 1985, WHS_020_678
Hillside Lane, 1501 1976, WHS_019_792
Hillside Lane, 1501 1983, WHS_021_236
Hillside Lane, 1501 Street view
Hillside Lane, 1503 1976, WHS_019_793
Hillside Lane, 1504 1982, WHS_020_940
Hillside Lane, 1512 1984, WHS_020_767
Hillside Lane, 1512 1984, WHS_020_768
Hospital Drive, 121 1970, WHS_022_718
Humboldt, 404 1960, WHS_019_816
Humboldt, 408 1973, WHS_014_058
Humboldt, 408 1980, Wisconsin Solar Systems, WHS_014_057
Humboldt, 408 1980, Pauli Cooling Systems, WHS_014_057
Humboldt, 414 1951, John & Grace Novotny home, WHS_019_817
Humboldt, 420 1958, Carl & Virginia Ullrich home, WHS_019_822
Humboldt, 430 1950, Harold & Viola Rhadans home, WHS_019_823
Humboldt, 444 1955, Arthur & Norma Halverson home, WHS_019_847
Humboldt, 501 1960, Fred & Ethel Busler home, WHS_019_848
Humboldt, 503 1965, WHS_019_849
Humboldt, 519 1950, WHS_019_853
Humboldt, 521 1960, Charles & Florence Dantuma home, WHS_019_855
Humboldt, 524 1951, Mrs Lilas Becker home, WHS_019_856
Humboldt, 526 1961, WHS_019_857
Humboldt, 527 1983, WHS_021_173
Humboldt, 527 1983, WHS_021_174
Humboldt, 527 Street view
Humboldt, 531 2019, Realtor's image
Hutson Dr, 1301 1960, William & Wilma Jensch home, WHS_019_870
Hutson Dr, 1302 1960, WHS_019_871
Hutson Dr, 1303 1957, Miles & Rita Sweeney home, WHS_019_872
Hutson Dr, 1304 1965, Raymond Copeland & wife home, WHS_019_873
Hutson Dr, 1305 1957, Clarence Riedl home, WHS_019_874
Hutson Dr, 1306 1959, Harvey & Alayne Zoellick home, WHS_019_875
Hutson Dr, 1307 1957, Tony & Marjorie Ring home, WHS_019_876
Hutson Dr, 1308 1959, Palmer & Mildred Lauersdorf home, WHS_019_877
Hutson Dr, 1309 1957, WHS_019_878
Hutson Dr, 1310 1957, WHS_019_879
Hutson Dr, 1311 1957, WHS_019_880
Hutson Dr, 1312 1957, WHS_019_881
Hutson Dr, 1313 1957, WHS_019_882
Hyland, 200 1957, George Vincenz home, WHS_020_411
Hyland, 200 1986, WHS_020_906
Hyland, 200 1986, WHS_020_907
Hyland, 202 1957, Emil & Ottilie Strege home, WHS_020_412
Irene, 106 1957, Joseph & Leona Richter home, WHS_020_413
Irene, 106 2019, Realtor's image
James, 207 1964, Theodore Grabow home, WHS_020_415
James, 208 1966, William & Sheryl Frederick home, WHS_020_414
James, 301 1966, John & Gertrude Boelter home, WHS_020_416
Jefferson, 106 Raue & Sons paint store, relocated to from 110 N Third
Jefferson, 106 1913, Mrs Emil Behl, bus line
Jefferson, 106 1963, WHS_020_421
Jefferson, 108 1920, Kuntz & Zabel, auto repair garage
Jefferson, 108 1963, WHS_020_421
Jefferson, 110 1937, Ad, Better Farms Dairy Products, ice cream, WHS_014_600Q
Jefferson, 400 1953, August & Louretta Schmidt home, WHS_020_422
Jefferson, 400 2019, Realtor image
Jefferson, 406 1928, WHS_006_685
Jefferson, 406 1953, Lorraine Schatz home, WHS_020_423
Jefferson, 607 1913, Paul A Schoechert, insurance agent
Jefferson, 607 1953, Andrew & Minnie Preinfalk home, WHS_020_424
Jefferson, 608 1953, Emil & Catherine Doerr home, WHS_020_425
Jefferson, 612 1953, George & Marion Haseleu home, WHS_020_426
Jefferson Rd, 1645 1957, Walter & LuElla Draeger home, WHS_014_702
Jefferson Rd, 1727 1955, Removed, WHS_020_419
Jefferson Rd, 1730 1959, Gilbert & Margaret Buntrock home, WHS_020_420
Jenna Ct, 205 2019, Realtor's image
Johnson Street 1972, Bethesda, Rev Harstad, home of, WHS_019_171
Johnson, 672 2023, the COLLECTIVE
Johnson, 672 2023, the COLLECTIVE
Johnson, 672 2023, the COLLECTIVE
Jones 1938, Dumping grounds, Oriental Cockroach problem
Jones, 100 1895, circa, Albert Fuermann outside office, WHS_011_556
Jones, 102 1895, circa, Fuermann Brewery tasting room, WHS_KR029
Jones, 106 1884, Fuermann Brewery, Fire Insurance Map, WHS_006_992
Jones, 106 1899, Fuermann Brewery office, with Harvest Festival float, WHS_007_KR100
Jones, 109 1953, Joseph & Elizabeth Herro home, WHS_020_428
Jones, 109 1954, Joseph E Herro
Jones, 109 2017, Acquisition by city for parking lot
Jones, 109 2018, Acquisition by city
Jones, 113 1953, George & Adelie Meyers home, WHS_020_427
Jones, 113 2018, Acquisition by city
Jones, 113 WHS_020_429
Jones, 113 WHS_020_429B
Jones, 113 WHS_020_429C
Jones, 209 1956, Waldemar Heller home, WHS_011_182
Jones, 210 1917, Anna Fuchs residence
Jones, 210 1913, Mrs Caroline Meinhard, midwife
Jones, 210 1953, John Roch home, WHS_020_430
Jones, 301 1936, Float in Centennial parade, WHS_013_036
Jones, 304 1956, circa, Culligan Soft Water, WHS_020_431
Jones, 304 1957, Culligan Soft Water, WHS_011_200I
Jones, 304 1959, Culligan Soft Water Serv, distant view of, WHS_017_075
Jones, 304 2020, Purchased by Dan Rahfaldt 
Jones, 304 2021, Owned by Deerfield Properties, Dan Rahfaldt
Jones, 304 AHI record, The J C  Dunn Building
Jones, 409 1905, circa, Aerial view of, WHS_016_346
Jones, 409 1912 circa, Birdseye, aerial view, WHS_021_621
Jones, 409 1952, Fred & Selma Schnitger home, WHS_020_432
Jones, 412 1905, circa, Aerial view of, WHS_016_346
Jones, 412 1953, Gilbert & Frances Fendt home, WHS_020_433
Jones, 416 1905, circa, Aerial view of, WHS_016_346
Jones, 416 1912 circa, Birdseye, aerial view, WHS_021_621
Jones, 416 1953, Jerome & Catherine Fendt home, WHS_020_434
Jones, 417 Locaton of first high school; demolished
Jones, 417 Originally, Ducasse home, WHS_023_667
Jones, 417 1910, circa, WHS_023_666
Jones, 417 1935, circa, WHS_023_667
Jones, 417 1955, Joyce Thurman home, WHS_020_435
Jones, 417 Street view
Jones, 500 1952, WHS_020_436
Jones, 504 195, WHS_020_436B
Jones, 506 1952, Herman McEntire home, WHS_020_437
Jones, 516 1951, WHS_020_438
Jones, 614 1952, WHS_020_439
Jones, 703 1953, WHS_020_440
Jones, 711 1954, WHS_020_441
Jones, 801 1954, Lester & Lucelle Schumann home, WHS_020_442
Jones, 805 1913, Martha Grabow, nurse
Jones, 805 1954, John & Leona Milbrath home, WHS_020_443
Jones, 806 1913, Albert Valaskey, draymen
Jones, 806 1954, WHS_020_444
Jones, 810 1913, Fred Kieckbusch House, WHS_004_NT_003
Jones, 810 1913, Albertina Mielke, dressmaker
Jones, 810 1913, NT_003_Kieckbusch_House
Jones, 810 1954, Henry & Myrtle Kasten home, WHS_020_445
Jones, 810 1994, Heidi Roth home, 2007 House Beautiful Award
Jones, 811 1951, WHS_020_446
Jones, 811 1981, WHS_021_282
Jones, 811 1981, WHS_021_283
Jones, 811 Street view
Jones, 813 1954, Charles & Emma Seefeldt home, WHS_020_447
Jones, 814 1913, Louisa Schleicher, dressmaker
Jones, 814 1955, Paul & Alma Sievert home, WHS_020_448
Jones, 814 2017, WHS_013_250A
Jones, 815 1954, Lester & Dorothy Hensler home, WHS_020_449
Jones, 818 1954, WHS_020_450
Jones, 826 1954, Theron & Florence Ebert home, WHS_020_451
Jones, 900 1954, Ella Hafemeister home, WHS_020_452
Jones, 904 1913, Home of Charles Nickels, before move to College Ave, WHS_004_NT021
Jones, 904 1954, Herman & Alma Rose home, WHS_020_453
Jones, 904 1981, WHS_021_204
Jones, 904 1981, WHS_021_219
Jones, 904 1981, WHS_021_220
Jones, 904 Street view
Jones, 910 1965, WHS_020_454
Jones, 914 1913, Emma Stengel, dressmaker
Jones, 914 1965, Emma Stengel home, WHS_020_537
Jones, 1000 1965, Roy & Viola Crass home, WHS_020_538
Jones, 1002 1965, Selma Grosenick home, WHS_020_545
Jones, 1006 1954, Helen Hartwig home, WHS_020_546
Jones, 1006 1983, WHS_021_199
Jones, 1006 Street view
Jones, 1008 1952, Charles & Doris Abel home, WHS_020_556
Jones, 1104 1930, Construction of, Fulleman's Cash Grocery
Jones, 1104 1951, George & Wanda Bellin home, WHS_020_557
Jones, 1105 1952, Arnold & Hildegarde Reuschel home, WHS_020_558
Jones, 1106 1957, WHS_020_559
Jones, 1107 1952, Henry & Alice Grabow home, WHS_020_560
Jones, 1108 1954, Theodore & Vera Block home, WHS_020_561
Jones, 1109 1951, Rev. Rudolph & Emma Grabow home, WHS_020_562
Jones, 1111 1960, Herbert Minning home, WHS_020_563
Jones, 1112 1955, John & Olive Kraemer home, WHS_020_564
Jones, 1113 1960, Joseph & Rachel Checota home, WHS_020_565
Jones, 1120 1952, Dr. Walter & Doris Arzberger home, WHS_020_568
Jones, 1128 1955, WHS_020_566
Jones, 1129 1960, Ernest & Frieda Schuett home, WHS_020_567
Kansas, 116 1953, WHS_020_922
Kansas, 116 1953, WHS_020_923
Kansas, 120 1951, WHS_020_924
Kansas, 121 1955, WHS_020_925
Kansas, 122 1950, WHS_020_926
Kansas, 123 1965, WHS_020_927
Kansas, 125 1960, WHS_021_460
Kansas, 125 Street view
Kansas, 126 1955, WHS_021_461
Kansas, 126 Street view
Kansas, 127 1960, WHS_021_462
Kansas, 127 Street view
Kansas, 130 1957, WHS_021_465
Kansas, 130 Street view
Kathryn Court, 757 1970, WHS_021_472
Kathryn Court, 759 1976, WHS_021_482
Kathryn Court, 760 1976, WHS_021_483
Kathryn Court, 762 1976, WHS_021_494
Kathryn Court, 763 1976, WHS_021_499
Kiewert, 1022 1957, WHS_021_500
Kiewert, 1022 Street view
Kiewert, 1024 1966, circa, WHS_021_501
Kiewert, 1024 1983, WHS_021_224
Kiewert, 1024 1983, WHS_021_225
Kiewert, 1024 Street view
Kiewert, 1025 1955, WHS_021_505
Kiewert, 1025 Street view
Kiewert, 1036-1038 1976, WHS_021_506
Kiewert, 1036-1038 Street view
Kiewert, 1062 1976, WHS_021_507
Kiewert, 1062 Street view
Kiewert, 1064 1979, WHS_021_056
Kiewert, 1064 1979, WHS_021_057
Kiewert, 1064 Street view
Kiewert, 1066 2019, Realtor image
Kossuth Street Forty-Eighters: Builders of Watertown,  pg 15
Kossuth, 409 1970, circa, WHS_021_512
Kossuth, 409 Street view
Kossuth, 411 1960, WHS_021_514
Kossuth, 411 Street view
Kossuth, 415 Painting, “House on Kossuth Street”
Kossuth, 415 1957, WHS_021_519
Kossuth, 415 Street view
Kossuth, 416 1958, WHS_021_515
Kossuth, 416 Street view
Kossuth, 418 1959, WHS_021_521
Kossuth, 418 Street view
Kossuth, 420 1965, WHS_021_522
Kossuth, 420 Street view
Labaree 1908, Establishment of
Labaree, 402 1913, William C Herold, dontractor-darpenter
Labaree, 423 1917, Edward Radloff home, chickens stolen
Labaree, 605 1957, Richard Hoge home, WHS_021_538
Labaree, 605 Street view
Labaree, 609 1957, WHS_021_529
Labaree, 609 Street view
Labaree, 611 1967, WHS_021_533
Labaree, 611 Streeet view
Labaree, 615 1979, WHS_074
Labaree, 615 1979, WHS_075
Labaree, 615 1985, WHS_020_794
Labaree, 615 1985, WHS_020_795
Labaree, 615 Street view of
Labaree, 916 1945, circa, View from inside Riverside park, WHS_014_592
Labaree, 916 1955, WHS_021_561
Labaree, 916 Street view
Labaree, 921 1945, circa, View from inside Riverside park, WHS_014_592
Labaree, 921 1951, WHS_021_565
Labaree, 921 Street view
Labaree, 923 1951, WHS_021_566
Labaree, 923 Street view
Labaree, 924 Samuel Kussell home, Italianate house, cream brick
Labaree, 924 1915, circa, Distant view, from Rock river, WHS_009_427
Labaree, 924 1955, circa, Two homes on this property, WHS_021_569
Labaree, 924 1974, circa, Samuel Kussel home, WHS_019_196
Labaree, 924 1974. circa, Home behind Kussel home, WHS_019_227
Labaree, 924 2018, Home of Dionne and Peter Kelm
Labaree, 924 2019, Home of Pete & Dionne Kelm, Parade of Homes
Labaree, 924 2020, Realtor image
Labaree, 998 1962, WHS_021_570
Labaree, 998 Street view
Labaree, 1000 1955, WHS_021_572
Labaree, 1000 Street view
Labaree, 1000 1969, Snow blowing, WHS_021_860
Labaree, 1000 1969, Snow blowing, WHS_021_861
Labaree, 1000 1969, Snow blowing, WHS_021_862
Labaree, 1001 1955, WHS_021_573
Labaree, 1001 Street view
Labaree, 1004 1952, WHS_021_578
Labaree, 1004 Street view
Labaree, 1004 1969, Snow blowing, WHS_021_860
Labaree, 1004 1969, Snow blowing, WHS_021_861
Labaree, 1004 1969, Snow blowing, WHS_021_862
Labaree, 1005 1957, WHS_021_579
Labaree, 1005 Street view
Labaree, 1006 1963, circa, WHS_021_580
Labaree, 1006 Street view
Labaree, 1008 1958, WHS_021_581
Labaree, 1008 Street view
Labaree, 1009 1955, WHS_021_586
Labaree, 1009 Street view
Labaree, 1012 1955, WHS_021_587
Labaree, 1012 Street view
Labaree, 1012 Walter Kressin home, Watertown Squab Co
Labaree, 1014 1955, WHS_021_588
Labaree, 1014 Street view
Labaree, 1015 1955, WHS_021_589
Labaree, 1015 Street view
Labaree, 1017 1955, WHS_021_592
Labaree, 1017 Street view
Labelle 1951, WHS_021_598
Labelle Street view
Labelle 1957, Midwest Building Supply Co, WHS_016_340
Lafayette, 203 1952, WHS_021_599
Lafayette, 203 2017, Halloween, WHS_013_400B
Lafayette, 203 2017, Halloween, WHS_013_400C
Lafayette, 203 Street view
Lafayette, 206 1987, WHS_020_669
Lafayette, 206 1987, WHS_020_697
Lafayette, 305 1951, WHS_021_600
Lafayette, 305 Street view
Lafayette, 308 1954, WHS_021_601
Lafayette, 308 Street view
Lafayette, 314 1915, For rent
Lafayette, 314 1954, WHS_021_602
Lafayette, 314 Street view
Lafayette, 315 1954, WHS_021_603
Lafayette, 315 Street view
Lafayette, 407 1954, WHS_021_604
Lafayette, 407 1976, WHS_021_379
Lafayette, 407 Street view
Lafayette, 408 1954, WHS_021_605
Lafayette, 408 Street view
Lafayette, 412 1954, WHS_021_606
Lafayette, 412 Street view
Lafayette, 505 1950, WHS_021_607
Lafayette, 505 Street view
Lafayette, 506 1952, WHS_021_608
Lafayette, 506 Street view
Lafayette, 508 1913, Agnes Kreuziger, dressmaker
Lafayette, 508 1950, WHS_021_609
Lafayette, 508 Street view
Lafayette, 509 1955, WHS_021_610
Lafayette, 509 Street view
Lafayette, 514 1928, circa, Plans for home, Emanuel Stoll, WHS__020_149
Lafayette, 514 1954, WHS_021_611
Lafayette, 514 Street view
Lafayette, 519 1951, WHS_021_612
Lafayette, 519 Street view
Lafayette, 521 1950, WHS_021_613
Lafayette, 521 Street view
Lafayette, 602 1954, WHS_021_614
Lafayette, 602 Street view
Lafayette, 603 1954, WHS_021_625
Lafayette, 603 Street view
Lafayette, 605 1952, WHS_021_626
Lafayette, 605 Street view
Lafayette, 606 1954, WHS_021_627
Lafayette, 606 Street view
Lafayette, 607 1951, WHS_021_628
Lafayette, 607 Street view
Lafayette, 608 1954, WHS_021_629
Lafayette, 608 Street view
Lafayette, 609 1952, WHS_021_630
Lafayette, 609 Street view
Lafayette, 613 1952, WHS_021_631
Lafayette, 613 Street view
Lafayette, 615 1952, WHS_021_632
Lafayette, 615 Street view
Lafayette, 710 1969, Schmutzler Cycle Sales & Service, Roger & Alice Schmutzler, WHS_018_564
Lafayette, 722 1954, WHS_021_633
Lafayette, 722 Street view
Lafayette, 727 1954, WHS_021_634
Lafayette, 727 Street view
Lafayette, 802 1954, WHS_021_635
Lafayette, 802 Street view
Lafayette, 803 1954, WHS_021_636
Lafayette, 803 Street view
Lafayette, 805 1954, WHS_021_637
Lafayette, 805 Street view
Lafayette, 806 1954, WHS_021_640
Lafayette, 806 Street view
Lafayette, 807 1955, circa, WHS_021_639
Lafayette, 807 Street view
Lafayette, 811 1957, WHS_021_638
Lafayette, 811 Street view
Lafayette, 812 1954, WHS_021_641
Lafayette, 812 Street view
Laurel Court, 1080 1976, WHS_021_659
Laurel Court, 1080 WHS_021_659B
Laurel Court, 1080 Street view
Laurel Court, 1081 1976, WHS_021_664
Laurel Court, 1081 Street view
Laurel Court, 1083 1976, WHS_021_665
Laurel Court, 1083 Street view
Leonard, W, 138 1975, WHS_021_409
Leonard, W, 138 Street view
Leonard, E, 218 1954, WHS_021_668
Leonard, E, 218 1985, WHS_020_752
Leonard, E, 218 1985, WHS_020_753
Leonard, E, 218 1985, WHS_020_754
Leonard, E, 218 1985, WHS_020_755
Leonard, E, 218 Street view
Leonard, E, 219 1964, WHS_021_669
Leonard, E, 219 Street view
Leonard, E, 221 1962, WHS_021_672
Leonard, E, 221 Street view
Leonard, E, 222 1958, WHS_021_673
Leonard, E, 222 Street view
Leonard, E, 223 1961, WHS_021_675
Leonard, E, 223 Street view
Leonard, E, 225 1951, WHS_021_676
Leonard, E, 225 Street view
Leonard, E, 226 1957, WHS_021_682
Leonard, E, 226 Street view
Leonard, E, 227 1958, WHS_021_685
Leonard, E, 227 Street view
Leonard, E, 228 1955, WHS_021_686
Leonard, E, 228 Street view
Leonard, E, 230 1955, WHS_021_688
Leonard, E, 230 Street view
Leonard, E, 231 1957, WHS_021_689
Leonard, E, 231 Street view
Leonard, E, 300 1958, WHS_021_693
Leonard, E, 300 Street view
Leonard, E, 307 1954, WHS_021_694
Leonard, E, 307 Street view
Leonard, E, 308 1957, WHS_021_697
Leonard, E, 308 Street view
Leonard, E, 309 1953, WHS_021_698
Leonard, E, 309 Street view
Leonard, E, 310 1960, WHS_021_701
Leonard, E, 310 Street view
Leonard, E, 311 1954, WHS_021_703
Leonard, E, 311 Street view
Leonard, E, 312 1963, WHS_021_704
Leonard, E, 312 Street view
Liberty Lane, 900 1982, WHS_021_099
Liberty Lane, 900 Street view
Liberty Lane, 913 2018, Structural fire, image portfolio
Liberty Lane, 913 2018, Structural fire, YouTube video clip
Lincoln, 406 1955, WHS_021_707
Lincoln, 406 Street view
Lincoln, 408 1922, Richard Hardege home
Lincoln, 408 1958, WHS_021_708
Lincoln, 408 Street view
Lincoln, 409 Front gabled house, brick
Lincoln, 409 1955, WHS_021_713
Lincoln, 409 Street view
Lincoln, 413 1955, WHS_021_714
Lincoln, 413 Street view
Lincoln, 501-505 1901, Interior view, classroom, WHS_020_657
Lincoln, 501-505 1905, circa, Union school #3, WHS_019_559, #5642
Lincoln, 505 1954, Douglas School, WHS_019_530
Lincoln, 505 Douglas School, chapter on
Lincoln, 508 1951, WHS_021_717
Lincoln, 508 Street view
Lisbon, 1004 1955, WHS_021_721
Lisbon, 1004 Sreeet view
Lisbon, 1014 1958, WHS_021_724
Lisbon, 1014 Street view
Lisbon, 1022 1955, WHS_021_732
Lisbon, 1022 Street view
Lisbon, 1109 1955, WHS_021_733
Lisbon, 1109 Street view
Lisbon, 1116 1960, WHS_021_740
Lisbon, 1116 Street view
Lisbon, 1117 1953, WHS_021_741
Lisbon, 1117 Street view
Lisbon, 1118 1955, WHS_021_749
Lisbon, 1118 Street view
Lisbon, 1119 1951, WHS_021_750
Lisbon, 1119 Street view
Lisbon, 1200 1965, WHS_021_759
Lisbon, 1200 Street view
Lisbon, 1204 1965, WHS_021_760
Lisbon, 1204 Street view
Lisbon, 1208 1965, WHS_021_783
Lisbon, 1208 Street view
Lisbon, 1209 1955, WHS_021_784
Lisbon, 1209 Street view
Lisbon, 1212 1951, WHS_021_785
Lisbon, 1212 Street view
Lisbon, 1214 1955, WHS_021_720
Lisbon, 1214 Street view
Lisbon, 1217 1955, WHS_021_876
Lisbon, 1217 Street view
Lisbon, 1218 1975, circa, WHS_021_790
Lisbon, 1218 Street view
Lisbon, 1221 1955, WHS_021_791
Lisbon, 1221 Street view
Little, 119 1951, WHS_021_796
Little, 125 1951, circa, WHS_021_797
Livsey Place, 1323 1954, WHS_021_798
Livsey Place, 1323 Street view
Livsey Place, 1327 1954, WHS_021_799
Livsey Place, 1327 Street view
Livsey Place, 1329 1954, WHS_021_802
Livsey Place, 1329 Street view
Livsey Place, 1332 1927, Plan for George Jansky home, WHS_020_323
Livsey Place, 1332 1927, Plan for George Jansky home, WHS_020_324
Livsey Place, 1332 1927, Plan for George Jansky home, WHS_020_325
Livsey Place, 1332 1954, WHS_021_803
Livsey Place, 1332 1986, WHS_020_651
Livsey Place, 1332 Street view
Livsey Place, 1333 1954, WHS_021_805
Livsey Place, 1333 2013, Parade of Homes, Mark and Lisa Sweet, WHS_006_825C
Livsey Place, 1332 Street view
Livsey Place, 1340 1966, WHS_021_806
Livsey Place, 1340 1985, WHS_020_872
Livsey Place, 1340 1985, WHS_020_873
Livsey Place, 1340 1985, WHS_020_874
Livsey Place, 1400 1965, circa, WHS_021_807
Livsey Place, 1400 Street view
Long, 616 1952, WHS_021_809
Long, 616 Street view
Louisa, 1108 1955, WHS_021_827
Louisa, 1108 Street view
Louisa, 1111-1113 1974, circa, WHS_021_829
Louisa, 1111-1113 Street view
Louisa, 1115-1117 1974, circa, WHS_021_830
Louisa, 1115-1117 Street view
Louisa, 1118 1955, WHS_021_850
Louisa, 1118 1979, WHS_021_012
Louisa, 1118 1979, WHS_021_013
Louisa, 1118 Street view of
Louisa, 1202 1955, WHS_021_851
Louisa, 1202 Street view
Lounsbury, 202 1965, Built by Riedl Bros, WHS_021_852
Lounsbury, 202 Street view
Lounsbury, 208 1951, WHS_021_853
Lounsbury, 208 Street view
Lounsbury, 211 1969, WHS_021_868
Lounsbury, 211 Street view
Lounsbury, 212 1954, WHS_021_869
Lounsbury, 212 Street view
Lounsbury, 213 1965, WHS_021_872
Lounsbury, 213 Street view
Lounsbury, 215 1951, WHS_021_873
Lounsbury, 215 Street view
Lounsbury, 216 1954, WHS_021_879
Lounsbury, 216 Street view
Lounsbury, 218 1952, WHS_021_880
Lounsbury, 218 Street view
Lounsbury, 219 1952, WHS_021_885
Lounsbury, 219 Street view
Lounsbury, 222 1960, WHS_021_886
Lounsbury, 222 Street view
Lounsbury, 223 1954, WHS_021_891
Lounsbury, 223 Street view
Lounsbury, 226 1958, WHS_021_892
Lounsbury, 226 Street view
Lounsbury, 227 1954, WHS_021_893
Lounsbury, 227 Street view
Lounsbury, 228 1951, WHS_021_894
Lounsbury, 228 Street view
Lounsbury, 229 1959, WHS_021_895
Lounsbury, 229 Street view
Lounsbury, 230 1954, WHS_021_896
Lounsbury, 230 Street view
Lounsbury, 231 1959, WHS_021_900
Lounsbury, 231 Street view
Lounsbury, 232 1957, WHS_021_901
Lounsbury, 232 Street view
Lounsbury, 233 1959, WHS_021_902
Lounsbury, 233 Street view
Lounsbury, 234 1957, WHS_021_903, built by Roland Thiede 
Lounsbury, 234 Street view
Lowell, 206 1966, circa, WHS_021_929
Lowell, 206 Street view
Lowell, 208 1960, WHS_021_930
Lowell, 208 Street view
Lowell, 210 1966, WHS_021_936
Lowell, 210 Street view
Lowell, 211 1955, WHS_021_937
Lowell, 211 Street view
Lyndell, 901 1950, WHS_021_938
Lyndell, 901 Street view
Lyndell, 903 1950, WHS_021_030
Lyndell, 903 Street view
Lyndell, 904 1950, WHS_021_940
Lyndell, 904 Street view
Lyndell, 905 1951, WHS_021_941
Lyndell, 905 Street view
Lyndell, 908 1953, WHS_021_942
Lyndell, 908 Street view
Lyndell, 909 1953, WHS_021_943
Lyndell, 909 Street view
Lyndell, 1002 1951, WHS_021_944
Lyndell, 1002 Street view
Lyndell, 1003 1952, WHS_021_945
Lyndell, 1003 Street view
Lyndell, 1004 1952, WHS_021_946
Lyndell, 1004 Street view
Lyndell, 1006 1954, WHS_021_947
Lyndell, 1006 Street view
Lynn 1914, tornado damage, looking east, series of images available
Lynn, 103 Former Knispel Ice House location, destroyed in 1914 tornado
Lynn, 103 1948, House built on former icehouse foundation in 1948
Lynn, 103 1951, WHS_021_967
Lynn, 103 Street view
Lynn, 105 1951, WHS_021_968
Lynn, 105 Street view
Lynn, 106 1951, WHS_021_969
Lynn, 106 1960, circa, Addition to Earl Maas home, WHS_019_712
Lynn, 106 Street view
Lynn, 108 1900, circa, Knispel Ice house, WHS-022_701
Lynn, 109 1914, Henry Wetzel home, tornado damage, WHS_001_PC_218
Lynn, 109 1914, Henry Wetzel home,  tornado damage, WHS_001_PC_224
Lynn, 109 1914, Henry Wetzel home, tornado damage, WHS_007_KR298 / same as WHS_001_PC_224
Lynn, 109 1951, Donald Cowen home, WHS_009_882
Lynn, 109 1955, WHS_021_970
Lynn, 109 Street view
Lynn, 112 1955, WHS_021_972
Lynn, 112 Street view
Lynn, 113 1955, WHS_021_973
Lynn, 113 Street view
Lynn, 115 1955, WHS_021_974
Lynn, 115 2021, WHS_019_130B
Lynn, 115 Street view
Lynn, 116 1950, WHS_021_975
Lynn, 116 Street view
Lynn, 118 1957, circa, George Brennecke home, WHS_009_878
Lynn, 200 1957, circa, Carl Herschi home, WHS_009_869
Lynn, 202 1951, WHS_021_978
Lynn, 202 Street view
Lynn, 205 1958, WHS_021_979
Lynn, 205 Street view
Lynn, 207 1913, Mrs Minnie Beisner, grocer
Lynn, 207 1955, WHS_021_980
Lynn, 207 Street view
Lynn, 208 1957, circa, Walter Sievert home, WHS_009_881
Lynn, 211 1955, Walter Eicksteadt home, WHS_009_880
Lynn, 211 Street view
Lynn, 212 1952, WHS_021_983
Lynn, 212 Street view
Lynn, 216 1955, WHS_021_984
Lynn, 216 Street view
Lynn, 300 1957, circa, Anita McElkanon home, WHS_009_863
Lynn, 300 1986, Wisconsin AHI record
Lynn, 301 1955, Howard Abel home, WHS_009_900
Lynn, 304 1966, WHS_021_987
Lynn, 304 Street view
Lynn, 306 1955, Gerhard Werneburg home, WHS_009_902
Lynn, 309 1950, WHS_021_989
Lynn, 309 Street view, WHS_021_989
Madison, E 1960, Proposed extention of, N Fourth to N Fifth
Madison, E, 100 1876, Otto's Inn, estab of
Madison, E, 100 1890, circa, Fuermann Brewery Headquarters bldg, WHS_007_KR159
Madison, E, 100 1912, Otto's Saloon, Homecoming Parade, WHS_007_KR168
Madison, E, 100 1913, Carl F Otto, hotel, saloon
Madison, E, 100 1920s, Carl Otto Hotel, WHS_008_186
Madison, E, 100 1956, Otto's Inn, WHS_022_450
Madison, E, 100 1957, Otto's Inn, ad
Madison, E, 100 1976, Embassy LTD, WHS_005_298
Madison, E, 100 1976, J. J.'s Embassy Ltd., WHS_014_066 (same as 005_298)
Madison, E, 100 1985, Black Forest Inn, bar &restr
Madison, E, 100 1985, Zoellick's Black Forest Inn opened
Madison, E, 100 1987, Mitchells' on Madison, formerly the Black Forest
Madison, E, 100 Balistreri's Ristorante
Madison, E, 100 1994, Dynasty Chinese Resturant
Madison, E, 100 2008, Rock River Pizza, opening of
Madison, E, 100 2023, OSAKA hibachi ramen Thai, opening of
Madison, E, 106 1913, Ernst W Hoeffner, boarding house, saloon
Madison, E, 106 1945, Heinie's Tavern
Madison, E, 106 1959, Pike's Egg & Feed
Madison, E, 106 1950s, Pike's Egg & Feed, WHS_014_588
Madison, E, 106 1969, circa, WHS_005_297B
Madison, E, 106 1969, circa, Masonic Bldg, new, Temple Hall, WHS_005_297
Madison, E, 106 Masonic Temple, purchased by Watertown Community Church
Madison, E, 200 block 1912, North side of, WHS_005_589
Madison, E, 200 block 1912, North side of, PC_171
Madison, E, 200 block 1920s, Schempf Bros billboard, WHS_008_184
Madison, E, 200 block 1920s, Schempf Bros billboard, WHS_008_185
Madison, E, 200 block 1920s, Schempf Bros billboard, WHS_008_186
Madison, E, 200 block 1950s, North side of
Madison, E, 200-202 1936, Marachowsky's Grocery, WHS_006_979
Madison, E, 200-202 1945, Marachowsky's Grocery, Ad, WHS_011_300m
Madison, E, 200-202 1950, Marachowsky's Grocery, Edwin Riedl, mgr
Madison, E, 200-202 1950s, Marachowsky's Grocery, WHS_009_607
Madison, E, 200 1913, Theodore Grabow, saloon
Madison, E, 200 1912, Lange's saloon, bowling, billiards, pool, WHS_005_589B
Madison, E, 200 1956, Home Laundramat, WHS_011_183
Madison, E, 202 1912, Edward A Schultz, billiard and pool hall, WHS_005_589
Madison, E, 202 1912, Edward A Schultz, billiard and pool hall, PC_171
Madison, E, 202 1956, Koerner & Pingel warehouse, WHS_011_183
Madison, E, 202-204 1908, Ed Schultz bought bowling alleys from John Gruel
Madison, E, 202-204 1915, Remmel Bowling
Madison, E, 204 1912, Schultz's Bowling Alley, WHS_005_589
Madison, E, 204 1912, Schultz's Bowling Alley, PC_171
Madison, E, 204 1913, Edward A Schultz, bowling alley
Madison, E, 204 1950s, Kopp Sheet Metal, Fair Day, WHS_005_070
Madison, E, 204 1954, Kopp Sheet Metal, relocated to, WHS_016_623
Madison, E, 204 1957, Ad, Kopp Sheet Metal
Madison, E, 204 1966, Kopp Sheet Metal moved to 210 W Main
Madison, E, 206 1934, Kohli's Tavern
Madison, E, 206-212 1950s, Kroger's Grocery, Fair Day, WHS_005_070
Madison, E, 206-212 1956, Kroger's Grocery, WHS_011_184
Madison, E, 206-212 1958, Kroger's, WHS_011_255
Madison, E, 213-215 1954, Ray's Dray Cities Service, Ray's Dray Movers, WHS_016_652
Madison, E, 213-215 1956, Ray's Dray Cities Service, WHS_011_252
Madison, E, 300 block 1920s, WHS_008_185
Madison, E, 300 block 1963, Eunice Gruner painting, WHS_011_567
Madison, E, 300 block 1963, Eunice Gruner painting, WHS_011_568
Madison, E, 300 block, north side 1987, WHS_014_414
Madison, E, 300 1890, circa, William Kopfer saloon, WHS_008_824
Madison, E, 300 1913, Gotthelf Grimm, saloon
Madison, E, 300 1927, circa, WHS_018_407
Madison, E, 300 1932, circa, WHS_019_247
Madison, E, 300 1964, Opening of, Ken's Tap, Ken Kurtz
Madison, E, 300 1970, circa, Ken's Tap, WHS_022_451
Madison, E, 300 1994, Closing of, Ken's Tap, Ken Kurtz
Madison, E, 300 2005, WHS_005_250
Madison, E, 300 2012, Vehicle hits building
Madison, E, 300 2020, Remodel of, the old Ken's Tap/Yangers Pub/5 Star Realty, WHS_016_560D
Madison, E, 300 2020, Bob Mudler, Fourth Corner LLC, A Case Study, video
Madison, E, 300 2020, Bob Mudler, Fourth Corner LLC, A Case Study, form
Madison, E, 300-302 1934, Deutsches Dorf
Madison, E, 304 1912, circa, Walter Arzberger, Veterinarian, WHS_017_001
Madison, E, 304 1950, circa, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_052
Madison, E, 304 1970, circa, David's, exterior view, WHS_017_019
Madison, E, 304 1987, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_030
Madison, E, 305 1937, Gruner Office Supply and Book store opened
Madison, E, 306 Early, Albert R Zier, blacksmith shop, horse shoeing & repairing
Madison, E, 306 1905, circa, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_046
Madison, E, 306 1905, circa, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_047
Madison, E, 306 1910, Ad, Davids, WHS_011_250m
Madison, E, 306 1920s, WHS_008_185
Madison, E, 306 1912, circa, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_001
Madison, E, 306 1920, circa, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_008
Madison, E, 306 1950, circa, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_052
Madison, E, 306 1953, David's Sons Paint Store, WHS_022_452
Madison, E, 306 1955, circa, David's, exterior view, WHS_017_005
Madison, E, 306 1955, circa, David's, exterior view, WHS_017_006
Madison, E, 306 1955, circa, David's, exterior view, WHS_017_013
Madison, E, 306 1959, David's parking lot and view of 310 E Madison, WHS_017_076
Madison, E, 306 1959, Parking lot alongside David's store, WHS_017_075
Madison, E, 306 1964, Exterior view, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_022
Madison, E, 306 1970, circa, David's, exterior view, WHS_017_019
Madison, E, 306 1987, David's Sons Paint & Glass, Interior view, WHS_017_033
Madison, E, 306 1987, David's Sons Paint & Glass, Interior view, WHS_017_034
Madison, E, 306 1987, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_039
Madison, E, 306 1987, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_040
Madison, E, 306 1987, David's Sons Paint Store, WHS_014_414
Madison, E, 306 1987, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_030
Madison, E, 306 1987, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_042
Madison, E, 306 1987, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_043
Madison, E, 306 1987, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_044
Madison, E, 306 1991, circa, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_037
Madison, E, 306 1991, circa, David's Sons Paint & Glass, WHS_017_038
Madison, E, 306 Charles David's Sons, Chapter on, painters-house & sign
Madison, E, 308 1890, circa, distant view of
Madison, E, 310 1913, Albert R Zier,  horseshoers
Madison, E, 310 1912, circa, Albert Zier, horse shoeing, WHS_017_001
Madison, E, 310 1920s, Albert Zier, WHS_008_185
Madison, E, 310 1953, Miller Auto Replacement Parts, WHS_022_453
Madison, E, 310 1959, Partial view of, WHS_017_076
Madison, E, 310 1987, Miller Auto Alignment, WHS_014_414
Madison, E, 310 1991, Miller Wheel Alignment, WHS_017_023
Madison, E, 310 1991, Miller Wheel Alignment, WHS_017_080
Madison, E, 310 1991, Miller Wheel Alignment, WHS_017_081
Madison, E, 310 1991, Demolition of_WHS_017_025
Madison, E, 310 1991, Demolition of_WHS_017_026
Madison, E, 310 1991, Demolition of_WHS_017_027
Madison, E, 310 1991, Demolition of_WHS_017_028
Madison, E, 312 1986, AHI record
Madison, E, 312 1987, John Krueger stable, former, WHS_014_441
Madison, E, 312 Street view of
Madison, E, 312 1991, Restoration Specialists, WHS_017_023
Madison, E, 312 1991, circa, Former Krueger Stable, WHS_017_038
Madison, E, 312 Undated, Chase Distributing Truck, WHS_017_083
Madison, E, 312 2018 Close up
Madison, E, 314-316 Henry Scheblak
Madison, E, 314 1911, circa, WHS_009_461
Madison, E, 314 1911, circa, WHS_009_461_compare
Madison, E, 314 1913, Isaac Schoenfeld, boots & shoes repairing
Madison, E, 314 1914, circa, WHS_009_893
Madison, E, 314 1956, Dr Walter Arzberger, veterinarian, 314 E Madison, WHS_022_455
Madison, E, 314 1987, John Krueger grocery store, former, WHS_014_441
Madison, E, 314 Undated, Chase Distributing Truck, WHS_017_082
Madison, E, 314 Undated, Chase Distributing Truck, WHS_017_083
Madison, E, 314 2022, Wilder's, WHS_021_390E
Madison, E, 314 2022, 10 26, Wilder's, ribbon cutting, WHS_022_725X
Madison, E, 314 2023, WHS_022_400B
Madison, E, 316 SAME AS 200 N Fourth
Madison, E, 316 1913, Max Beerbohm, barber
Madison, E, 316 1914, circa, Mrs. Max Beerbohm (Rosie), WHS_009_892
Madison, E, 316 1914, circa, WHS_009_893
Madison, E, 316 1930, circa, Busshardt batteries & tires, WHS_014_608
Madison, E, 316 1951, National Beauty Shop, WHS_011_476
Madison, E, 316 2017, WHS_011_478
Madison, E, 316 Undated, Chase Distributing Truck, WHS_017_082
Madison, E, 516 1952, WHS_022_456
Madison, E, 516 Street view
Madison, E, 610 1913, St Mark's parsonage, Julius Klingmann, (Luth.), minister
Madison, E, 610 1952, St Mark's parsonage, WHS_018_405
Madison, E, 702 1913, Louis Schulz, painters-house & sign
Madison, E, 702 & 704 1954, WHS_022_457
Madison, E, 702 & 704 Street view
Madison, E, 706 1954, WHS_022_458
Madison, E, 706 Street view
Madison, E, 706 1905, circa, WHS_013_703
Madison, E, 706 1956, Dr. John O. Hadley home
Madison, W 1910, Winter scene, 04 24 1910, WHS_002_PC_320
Madison, W, 404 1950, WHS_022_022
Madison, W, 404 Street view
Madison, W, 410 1957, WHS_022_023
Madison, W, 410 1970, Snow bound, WHS_023_524
Madison, W, 410 Street view
Madison, W, 411 1954, WHS_022_024
Madison, W, 411 Street view
Madison, W, 504 1950, WHS_022_025
Madison, W, 504 Street view
Madison, W, 507 1952, WHS_022_040
Madison, W, 507 Street view
Madison, W, 510 1954, WHS_022_041
Madison, W, 510 Street view
Madison, W, 514 1954, WHS_022_042
Madison, W, 514 1985, WHS_020_860
Madison, W, 514 Street view
Madison, W, 608 1954, WHS_022_043
Madison, W, 608 Street view
Madison, W, 609 1954 WHS_022_048
Madison, W, 609 undated, WHS_021_900S
Madison, W, 609 Street view
Madison, W, 611 1951, WHS_022_049
Madison, W, 611 Street view
Madison, W, 708 1953, WHS_022_052
Madison, W, 708 Street view
Main Street Chapter on
Main Street 1849, Mud conditions
Main Street 1859, Mud conditions
Main Street 1899, Bricking of, paving blocks installed, WHS_006_611 
Main Street 1965, Re-construction proposed, widening of
Main Street 1967, Street reconstruction, 10 block, WHS_018_497 & WHS_019_406
Main Street 1967, Street reconstruction, WHS_022_761
Main Street 1967, Reconstruction of, WHS_018_498
Main Street 1967, Resurfacing of, Main St reconstruction project, WHS_006_506
Main Street 1967, Reconstruction of, WHS_022_768
Main Street 1967, Reconstruction of, WHS_022_769
Main Street 1985, Renovation Plan
Main Street 2011, circa, View from St Bernard's steeple
Main, 111 1913, Edward Gnatzig, grocer
Main, 116 1913, Ebenezer Telephone Co
Main, 215 1913, Mound City Mining Co, mining company
Main, 302 1913, Frank Tercinski, hair goods
Main, 309 1913, Arthur Goeldner, saloon
Main, 317 1913, Watertown Improvement Co, land & investment company
Main, 409 1913, The Fair, toys & fancy goods
Main, 414 1913, Emil Meyer, insurance agent
Main, 417 1913, Buroff & Fuller, real estate
Main, 501-503 1913, Peter Noel, saloon
Main, 614 1913, Frank Petro, electrical contractor, wiring, appar & suppl
Main, 614 1914, Ad, Frank Petro, electrician, WHS_016_264
Main, 921 1913, Ferdinand Behlke, contractor-carpenter
Main, 1018 1913, Henry E Neumann, taxidermist
Main, 1039 1913, Elinora Hertel, music teacher
Main, 1120 1913, August Strassburg, contractor-carpenter
Main, 1220 1913, John Heitz, contractor-carpenter
Main, E 1970, Christmas decorations, street traffic,  WHS_013_514
Main, E 1970, Christmas decorations, street traffic,  WHS_023_395
Main, E 1970, Christmas decorations, street traffic,  WHS_023_396
Main, E and Main, W 1954, Aerial view of, WHS_021_455
Main, E, 10 block, north & south sides 1881, Snow storm [PC_432], same as 436
Main, E, 10 block, north & south sides 1881, Snow storm, WHS_005_620, same as PC_432
Main, E, 10 block, north side 1881, Snow storm WHS_KR_155
Main, E, 10 block, north side 1881, Snow storm  of 1881, WHS_014_518
Main, E, 10 block, north side 1887, WHS_006_646
Main, E, 10 block, south side 1891, circa, WHS_023_217
Main, E, 10 block, south side 1895, circa, WHS_007_024
Main, E, 10 block, south side 1896, Fourth of July parade, WHS_006_429
Main, E, 10 block, south side 1898, Farmer's Picnic [NT_051]
Main, E, 10 block, south side 1898, Farmer's Picnic, WHS_NT_050
Main, E, 10 block, north side 1898, WHS_006_657
Main, E, 10 block, south side 1899, Sept 13-15, Harvest Jubilee & Carnival, Seibel Bros, ponies and carnival wagon, WHS_005_604
Main, E, 10 block 1899, Sept 13-15, Construction of arch, Harvest Jubilee and Carnival, WHS_013_851
Main, E, 10 block, north & south sides 1900, circa, WHS_022_745
Main, E, 10 block 1905, Masonic Temple bldg, 2-6 E Main, WHS_007_KR346
Main, E, 10 block, north side 1907, circa, Masonic Temple, WHS_PC_209
Main, E, 10 block 1910, circa, Masonic Temple, WHS_001_PC_207
Main, E, 10 block, north & south sides 1912, circa, WHS_PC_325
Main, E, 10 block 1915, Circus parade, WHS_004_NT081
Main, E, 10 block, south side 1945, circa, WHS_011_100
Main, E, 10 block, north side 1950, Memorial Day ceremony, WHS_018_032
Main, E, 10 block, north side 1950, Memorial Day ceremony, WHS_018_033
Main, E, 10 block, north & south sides 1967, Street reconstruction, WHS_018_497 & WHS_019_406 
Main, E, 10 block 1973, Fab & Trim, WHS_009_505
Main, E, 10 block, south side 1987, WHS_014_386
Main, E, 10 block 2014, WHS_008_135
Main, E, 1 1889, Gritzner Barber Shop
Main, E, 1 1895, circa, Amand & Max Gritzner, basement of Salick's Store, WHS_KR_022
Main, E, 1 1910, Calabaza Land Co, WHS_011_616
Main, E, 1 1911, Dr U Neal Barber, Dentist, above Salick's
Main, E, 1 1931, Gritzner Barber Shop, lower level, Hildebrandt_E_001
Main, E, 1 1931, Gritzner Barber Shop, lower level, Hildebrandt_E_002
Main, E, 1 1950, Ad, Gray's Paint, WHS_019_289V
Main, E, 1 1952, Clarence Gray's Paint Co, WHS_018_383
Main, E, 1 1952, Clarence Gray's Paint Co, WHS_018_384
Main, E, 1 1957, circa, Gray's Paint Co, 1950s-70s city assessor form image, WHS_006_003
Main, E, 1 1960, circa, One Hour Martinizing
Main, E, 1 1971, One Hour Martinizing
Main, E, 1 1987, Deteriorated beyond rehabilitation
Main, E, 1 1987, City considering selling Martinizing bldg, extend walkway, WDT, 02 25 1987 
Main, E 1 ½ 1903, Boston Dental Parlors, 1 1/2 E Main, WHS_016_324
Main, E, 1-3 1854, Salick Jewelry Store
Main, E, 1-3 1881, Salick's Jewelry Store, WHS_016_187, #4743
Main, E, 1-3 1890, Salicks, Dr. Werner, WHS_006_388 (orig is WHS_007_KR042)
Main, E, 1-3 1899, Sept 13-15, Salick Jewelry, Harvest Jubilee & Carnival, Seibel Bros, ponies and wagon, WHS_005_604
Main, E, 1-3 1899, Salick's Jewelry Store,  Harvest Jubilee event, WHS_005_601
Main, E, 1-3 1899, Construction of arch, Harvest Jubilee and Carnival, WHS_013_851
Main, E, 1-3 1910, circa, Salick's, watches, clocks & jewelry, PC_325
Main, E, 1-3 1910, Salick store remodeling, WHS_011_616
Main, E, 1-3 1910, Salick store remodeling, WHS_018_250, same as PC_247
Main, E, 1-3 1910, circa, Salick's Jewelry, night scene, Main Street Bridge, WHS_PC_072
Main, E, 1-3 1913, Charles J Salick, watches, clocks & jewelry
Main, E, 1-3 1913, U. Neal Barber, dentist
Main, E, 1-3 1915, Salick’s, Ad, Salicks_Ad_1915_Orbit.jpg
Main, E, 1-3 1931,Salick's, Barber shop located below, WHS_019_513
Main, E, 1-3 1934, Fields Furniture Store
Main, E, 1-3 1945, circa, Western Auto Associate Store, WHS_011_100
Main, E, 1-3 1950, Clarence Gray's Paint Co
Main, E, 1-3 1951, circa, Seen in background, WHS_011_135
Main, E, 1-3 1970, One Hour Martinizing, former Salick's bldg, WHS_008_202
Main, E, 1-3 1970, One-Hour Martinizing, rear view of, 1 E Main, WHS_008_219
Main, E, 1-3 2014, Riverwalk Plaza, 1 E Main, WHS_008_219
Main, E, 2 1881, Weis, C, Mrs, Milliner, WHS_016_187, #4743
Main, E, 2 1892, pre, Watertown Steam Laundry, WHS_009_440_portion
Main, E, 2 1893, Watertown Steam Laundry, O’Hara Bros, props, WHS_005_985
Main, E, 2 1893, Watertown Steam Laundry, H. Kotten, prop
Main, E, 2 1897, Watertown Steam Laundry, Rice & Campbell, props
Main, E, 2 1899, Watertown Steam Laundry,  Harvest Jubilee event, WHS_005_601
Main, E, 2 1899, Watertown Steam Laundry, Harvest Jubilee, WHS_022_495
Main, E, 2 1906, Post Office relocated to, PC_325 portion, image date is c.1912
Main, E, 2 1906, Kuehn, H, Mrs, located in Masonic Temple bldg
Main, E, 2 1906, Dr W E Lyons, located in Masonic Temple bldg
Main, E, 2 1913, Zabler Brothers, confectioner
Main, E, 2 1913, Progress and The Reflector, newspaper
Main, E, 2 1911, William E Lyons, dentist, Masonic Temple
Main, E, 2 1913, William E Lyons, dentist
Main, E, 2 1913, William D Stacy, justice of the peace
Main, E, 2 2012, 2 Rivers Bicycle and Outdoor opening announced
Main, E, 2 2019, 2 Rivers Bicycle & Outdoor closed 1/1/2019
Main, E, 2-6 1905, Masonic Temple, laying foundation, WHS_009_307
Main, E, 2-6 1905, Masonic Temple bldg, 2-6 E Main, WHS_007_KR346
Main, E, 2-6 1905, Masonic Temple, construction of, WHS_013_683
Main, E, 2-6 1905, Masonic Temple, building concrete wall for, WHS_018_500
Main, E, 2-6 1906, Masonic Temple built on this site, replaced Watertown Steam Laundry bldg
Main, E, 2-6 1907, circa, Masonic Temple, WHS_PC_209
Main, E, 2-6 1909c but pre 1935, Daily Times, People's Cash Meat Mkt; Wm E Lyons, Dentist; Kading & Kading, lawyers
Main, E, 2-6 1909, Peoples' Cash Meat Market, ad, Masonic Temple Building
Main, E, 2-6 1909c but pre 1935, John T Ryan, books , stationery, undertaking, Chas Fischer & Sons Co
Main, E, 2-6 1909c but pre 1935, Masonic Temple; Ferd Schmutzler, insurance; Dr. O. H. Moen, Dentist
Main, E, 2-6 1910, People's Cash Meat Market
Main, E, 2-6 1910, circa, Masonic Temple, WHS_001_PC_207
Main, E, 2-6 1910, circa, Kading & Kading law office, WHS_022_565
Main, E, 2-6 1912, circa, Masonic Temple, PC_325
Main, E, 2-6 1913, Kading & Kading, Attorneys at Law
Main, E, 2-6 1913, Times Publishing Co, publishers, newspaper
Main, E, 2-6 1913, Kading & Kading, lawyers, insurance, loans, investments, notary, real estate
Main, E, 2-6 1913, William D Stacy, insurance agent
Main, E, 2-6 1913, Mrs Elizabeth Holste Kading
Main, E, 2-6 1913, Paul Thom, dancing academy
Main, E, 2-6 1913, Masonic Temple Hair Dressing Parlors
Main, E, 2-6 1915, H P Bahr Insurance, Masonic Temple Bldg
Main, E, 2-6 1915, Watertown Daily Times, printers, publishers, Masonic Temple Bldg
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Masonic Temple fire
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Elks Club, Masonic Temple fire, WHS_001_PC_210
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Elks Club, Masonic Temple fire, WHS_009_292
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Kading & Kading, in Masonic Temple, fire, WHS_001_PC_210
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Kading & Kading, in Masonic Temple, fire, WHS_009_292
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Masonic Temple, fire, WHS_001_PC_210
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Masonic Temple, fire, WHS_009_292
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Paul Thom Dancing Academy, Masonic Temple, fire, WHS_001_PC_210
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Paul Thom Dancing Academy, Masonic Temple, fire, WHS_009_292
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Masonic Temple Hair Dressing Parlors, in Masonic Temple, WHS_001_PC_210
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Masonic Temple Hair Dressing Parlors, in Masonic Temple, WHS_009_292
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Elks Club, Masonic Temple fire, WHS_001_PC_211
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Kading & Kading, in Masonic Temple, fire, WHS_001_PC_211
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Masonic Temple, fire, WHS_001_PC_211
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Elks Club, Masonic Temple fire, WHS_001_PC_214
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Kading & Kading, in Masonic Temple, fire, WHS_001_PC_214
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Masonic Temple, fire, WHS_001_PC_214
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Masonic Temple, fire, WHS_002_PC_389
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Masonic Temple fire, WHS_009_292
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Elks Club, Masonic Temple fire, WHS_007_KR352
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Elks Club, Masonic Temple fire, WHS_007_KR351
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Elks Club, Masonic Temple fire
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Kading & Kading, office in Masonic Temple, fire
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Paul Thom Dancing Academy, Masonic Temple fire
Main, E, 2-6 1916, Masonic Temple Hair Dressing Parlors, Masonic Temple fire
Main, E, 2-6 1917, circa, Fischer's, WHS_PC_099a
Main, E, 2-6 1940, Masonic Temple, West side of bldg, WHS_005_255
Main, E, 2-6 1950s, Fischer's; Masonic Temple Bldg, WHS_008_358
Main, E, 2-6 1951, Fischer's; Masonic Temple, Memorial Day parade, WHS_006_742
Main, E, 2-6 1952, Fischer's, remodel of, WHS_018_220P
Main, E, 2-6 1953, Fourth of July parade, WHS_013_925
Main, E, 2-6 1953, Dr O H Moen, WHS_013_928
Main, E, 2-6 1953, Dr O H Moen, WHS_013_929
Main, E, 2-6 1955, circa, Fischer's, 1950s-70s city assessor form, image included, WHS_006_090a
Main, E, 2-6 1955, circa, Fischer's, 1950s-70s city assessor form, image included, WHS_006_090b
Main, E, 2-6 1960s, Masonic Temple, WHS_020_769
Main, E, 2-6 1966, Fischer's, WHS_022_724
Main, E, 2-6 1969, 07 23, Fischer's, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_020_499
Main, E, 2-6 1969, 07 23, Fischer's, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_020_500
Main, E, 2-6 1969, Fischer's, remodel & renovation, WHS_017_120
Main, E, 2-6 1975, Fischer's, WHS_005_274
Main, E, 2-6 1975, Fischer's, north side entrance, WHS_005_284
Main, E, 2-6 1976, Fischer's, front & rear, WHS_014_103
Main, E, 2-6 1987, Fischer's Dept Store, WHS_014_369
Main, E, 2-6 1999, Byrne mural, WHS_023_592
Main, E, 2-6 2007, Fischer's, Fourth of July, WHS_005_827
Main, E, 2-6 2021, Blue Butterfly Thrift Store
Main, E, 2-6 2021, Blue Butterfly Thrift Store
Main, E, 2-6 2022, Rear view of, WHS_021_098K
Main, E, 2-6 2022, Rear view of, WHS_021_098L
Main, E, 2-6 2022, Rear view of, WHS_021_098M
Main, E, 3 1913, Eliot B Parsons, civil engineer & surveyor
Main, E, 3 1957, circa, 1950s-70s city assessor form image
Main, E, 4 1881, Snow storm, Daub's saloon signage, Bldg is 8 E Main, Daub's was at 10 E Main, WHS_005_608
Main, E, 4 1881, Snow storm, Toussaint Liquor store, later N Y Mkt, in front of looking east, WHS_005_610
Main, E, 4 1892, pre, WHS_009_440_portion
Main, E, 4 1895, Baumann & Kniesel, meat market
Main, E, 4 1897, Smith Candy Shop
Main, E, 4 1898, Scott resturant and ice cream, WHS_005_601
Main, E, 4 1898, Donald D Scott restaurant, WHS_006 657
Main, E, 4 1899, Donald D Scott restaurant and ice cream,  Harvest Jubilee event, WHS_005_601
Main, E, 4 1899, Donald Scott's restaurant, Harvest Jubilee, WHS_022_495
Main, E, 4 1913, Peoples' Cash Meat Market
Main, E, 4 1993, Baker-Rullman Manuf Co; Dersco Inc - design grain equip /
Main, E, 4 ½ 1895, Charles Ganoung, photographer, WHS_022_722
Main, E, 5 Frank Gritzner saloon (uncertain date, but pre 1913)
Main, E, 5 1895, circa, William Cruez saloon, WHS_KR_136
Main, E, 5 1899, Sept 13-15, Harvest Jubilee & Carnival, Seibel Bros, ponies and wagon, WHS_005_604
Main, E, 5 1899, Henry L Diekoff saloon signage,  Harvest Jubilee event, WHS_005_601
Main, E, 5 1909c but pre 1935, Charles Sprenger, saloon; Otto Heyn, news stand
Main, E, 5 1910, circa, Otto Heyn book bindery
Main, E, 5 1913, Fred Lange, saloon
Main, E, 5 1948, Seager & Brand barber shop, moved to, from 9 E Main
Main, E, 5 1950, Seager & Brand Barbers
Main, E, 5 1954, Ad
Main, E, 5 1957, circa, Seager Barber Shop, city assessor image, WHS_006_003b
Main, E, 5 Seager Barber Shop, John and son Charles
Main, E, 5 1970, circa, Jim's Barber Shop, WHS_008_223B
Main, E, 5 1970, circa, Jim's Barber Shop, rear of bldg, WHS_008_223
Main, E, 5 1971, Downtown Barber Shop
Main, E, 5 1986, Downtown Barber Shop
Main, E, 5 1987, Jim's Downtown Barber, WHS_014_386
Main, E, 5 1993, Jim’s Downtown Style &Trim
Main, E, 5 1999, Byrne mural, WHS_023_557
Main, E, 5-7 1865, John Luber grocery store
Main, E, 5 1/2 1970, circa, Seager Engineering Consultants, rear of bldg, WHS_008_223
Main, E, 5 1/2 1970, circa, Mrs Frieda Seager, rear of bldg, WHS_008_223
Main, E, 6 1881, T Stanley Clark, Bookseller & Stationary, snow storm [PC_425]
Main, E, 6 1881, Bookseller & Stationary, 6 E Main, 1881 snow storm, WHS_005_615
Main, E, 6 1890, circa, J W Lee bath rooms, barber salon, WHS_KR_141
Main, E, 6 1890, circa, J B May photography studio, WHS_KR_141
Main, E, 6 1890, circa, J B May photography studio, WHS_009_293
Main, E, 6 1892, pre, U. S. Express office, WHS_009_440_portion
Main, E, 6 1897, circa, U.S. Express office, WHS_018_483
Main, E, 6 1898, Watertown City Mutual Insur, WHS_006 657
Main, E, 6 1899, May photography, Harvest Jubilee, WHS_022_495
Main, E, 6 1910, John T Ryan, Undertaker and Funeral Director
Main, E, 6 1911, John T Ryan, funeral director
Main, E, 6 1913, John T Ryan, bookseller & stationer
Main, E, 6 1915, Ryan's Book Store
Main, E, 6 1916, Ryan's Books and undertaker, Masonic Temple bldg fire
Main, E, 6 1916, Ryan's Books and undertaker, Masonic Temple bldg fire, WHS_001_PC_210
Main, E, 6 1967, Obed Moan Dentist, WHS_008_327
Main, E, 6 1971, Vacant
Main, E, 6 1993, Jeffrey A. Krause, dentist
Main, E, 7 1866c-1896, circa, Property of Mrs. Margaret May, millinery
Main, E, 7 1913, Dora Geschke, milliner
Main, E, 7 1917, Owned by Mrs Margaret May, millinery
Main, E, 7 1950, Molzan & Hertel Hat Shop
Main, E, 7 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_004
Main, E, 7 1957, Coogan Agency, WHS_011_200H
Main, E, 7 1957, circa, 1950s-70s city assessor form image
Main, E, 7 1970, Coogon Agency, WHS_008_224
Main, E, 7 1970, Coogon Agency, rear of store, WHS_008_225
Main, E, 7 1971, The Coogan Agency
Main, E, 7 1987, Denise Bailey, WHS_014_386
Main, E, 7 1999, Byrne mural, WHS_023_557
Main, E, 8 1853, Salick Jewelry Store
Main, E, 8 1868, Red Front Grocery, F P Brooks, WHS_014_015E
Main, E, 8 1881, Snow storm, "Read the Gazette And B Happy" WHS_005_609
Main, E, 8 1881, Snow storm, viewable, WHS_005_610
Main, E, 8 1892, pre, Toussaint & Son, WHS_009_440_portion
Main, E, 8 1897, circa, Toussaint Liquor, WHS_018_483
Main, E, 8 1898, Toussaint & Sons, WHS_006 657
Main, E, 8 1899, Toussaint & Sons, Harvest Jubilee, WHS_022_495
Main, E, 8 1901, Ad, Pantorium, WHS_008_700C
Main, E, 8 1904, Ice going out, damaged Main St bridge, WHS_007_KR067
Main, E, 8 1909c but pre 1935, The Pantorium; Toussaint & Son, wholesale wines and liquors
Main, E, 8 1913, Toussaint & Son, wines & liquors-wholesale
Main, E, 8 1934, New York Market; Mrs. D. M. Troyer, hemstitching.
Main, E, 8 1945, New York Market, George E Hardiman
Main, E, 8 1957, circa, New York Market, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_001
Main, E, 8 1957, circa, New York Market, 1950s-70s city assessor image
Main, E, 8 1960, Property acquired by Bank of Watertown
Main, E, 8 1967, New York Market Meats, WHS_008_327
Main, E, 8 1967, New York Market, sale of bldg
Main, E, 8 2011
Main, E, 8 2021, Opening of Barn Owl Antiques & Treasures, moved from 208 S First
Main, E, 9 1895, United States Express Co, circa, WHS_007_024
Main, E, 9 1899, Sept 13-15, American Express, Harvest Jubilee & Carnival, Seibel Bros, WHS_005_604
Main, E, 9 1909c but pre 1935, American Express Company; John Masterson, physician.  
Main, E, 9 1913, John A Masterson, physician
Main, E, 9 1913, Wells Fargo & Co, Express Co
Main, E, 9 1927, United Cigar Store, WHS_011_550P
Main, E, 9 1934, Seager & Brand, barber shop
Main, E, 9 1948, Seager & Brand barber shop, moved from, to 5 E Main
Main, E, 9 1948, Justman's Sporting Goods moved to, from 602 E Main
Main, E, 9 1950, Justmann s Sporting Goods & Paint Store; Gust Wolf - Real Est. & Auctioneer
Main, E, 9 1971, USA Recruiting Station
Main, E, 9 1974, circa, Vanity Flair Beauty Salon, WHS_008_252
Main, E, 9 1987, Looking Glass beauty shop, WHS_014_386
Main, E, 9 1999, Byrne mural, WHS_023_557
Main, E, 9 1993, Just 4 Fun
Main, E, 9 2021, Painting façade again, WHS_020_343G
Main, E, 9 2021, Painted façade
Main, E, 9-11 1865, Sweeney grocery store
Main, E, 10 1859, Shorey clothing store and Starin jewelry store location?
Main, E, 10 1892, Daub’s Hotel and sample rooms, Henry Daub propr
Main, E, 10 1892, pre, Daub's Hotel, WHS_009_440_portion
Main, E, 10 1895, circa, Henry Daub’s saloon and Hotel Garni, WHS_KR_140
Main, E, 10 1897, circa, Daub's Sample Room, WHS_018_483
Main, E, 10 1897, circa, Daub’s Hotel and sample rooms, Henry Daub propr, WHS_005_262
Main, E, 10 1898, Daub's Hotel and sample rooms, WHS_006 657
Main, E, 10 1899, Daub's restaurant, Harvest Jubilee, WHS_022_495
Main, E, 10 1906, circa, WHS_016_332
Main, E, 10 1909c but pre 1935, Walter J Beach, saloon
Main, E, 10 1913, Ben Voelker, roofing
Main, E, 10 1915, Eagle Buffet and restaurant
Main, E, 10 1918, Hafemeister-Behrens partnership ended, saloon and restaurant
Main, E, 10 1934, Loeffler & Benke Floral Shop
Main, E, 10 1950, Badger Music Sales; Benke Hall
Main, E, 10 1957, circa, Watertown Cigar Store, Riemer's, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_002
Main, E, 10 1957, circa, Watertown Cigar Store, Riemer's, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_002
Main, E, 10 1960, Property acquired by Bank of Watertown
Main, E, 10 1967, Drost’s Tobacco Shop, WHS_008_327
Main, E, 10 1967, Mother Nature's Cupboard, sale of bldg
Main, E, 10 2011, WHS_006_398
Main, E, 11 1865, Stallman, Mrs, Millinery store, fire at
Main, E, 11 1870, Marie Stallman millinery and notions, WHS_023_267
Main, E, 11 1875, circa, Mrs Stallman millinery shop, WHS_019_261
Main, E, 11 1895, circa, Clark T Stanley, WHS_007_024
Main, E, 11 1899, Sept 13-15, Harvest Jubilee & Carnival, Seibel Bros, ponies and wagon, WHS_005_604
Main, E, 11 1908, Mrs Ella Ames, milliner
Main, E, 11 1908, Miss Ella Ames, Hat shop
Main, E, 11 1909, circa, Mrs Ella Ames, milliner;  Adams Cleaners
Main, E, 11 1910, Gem Restaurant opened
Main, E, 11 1913, Makoff & Lieberman, clothing-retail
Main, E, 11 1914, Wear-U-Well Shoe store
Main, E, 11 1927, Ad, D & T Clothing Co, WHS_011_550F
Main, E, 11 1950, Paul's Dresses
Main, E, 11 1957, circa, Paul's Dresses, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_006
Main, E, 11 1957, circa, 1950s-70s city assessor form image, Paul's Dresses, WHS_006_006
Main, E, 11 1967, Paul's Dresses, renovation
Main, E, 11 1967, Paul's Dresses, exterior, WHS_022_717
Main, E, 11 1970, Paul's Dresses, WHS_008_227
Main, E, 11 1970, Paul's Dresses, rear of building, WHS_008_201
Main, E, 11 1971, Paul’s Dress Shop
Main, E, 11 1987, Vacant, WHS_014_386
Main, E, 11 1993, American Family Insurance
Main, E, 11 1999, Byrne mural, WHS_023_557
Main, E, 11 2005, WHS_005_251
Main, E, 11 2014, Art Nail Salon, WHS_008_227
Main, E, 11 2019, Jake Schultz and Ericka Schultz Niemann owners of, WHS_016_319
Main, E, 11 2019, Jake Schultz and Ericka Schultz Niemann owners of, WHS_016_320
Main, E, 11 2019, Jake Schultz and Ericka Schultz Niemann owners of, WHS_016_321
Main, E, 11 2020, Façade enhancement, WHS_018_494
Main, E, 11 1/2 2021, The Ernest Inn, airbnb
Main, E, 12 There is no 12 E Main
Main, E, 13 1870, August Wiggenhorn Jewelry, WHS_023_267
Main, E, 13 1895, circa, Wiggenhorn Jewelry, WHS_007_024
Main, E, 13 1899, Sept 13-15, Wiggenhorn Jewelry, Harvest Jubilee & Carnival, Seibel Bros, ponies and wagon, WHS_005_604
Main, E, 13 1909, A Wiggenhorn & Son, jewelry
Main, E, 13 1913, A Wiggenhorn & Son, watches, clocks & jewelry
Main, E, 13 1913, Ernst J Hoermann, dentist
Main, E, 13 1915, Hoermann Dental
Main, E, 13 1950, Warren's Jewelry Co
Main, E, 13 1954, Warren's Jewelry Store; moved to 111 E Main
Main, E, 13 1957, circa, 1950s-70s city assessor image, Gift Fair
Main, E, 13 1971, State Farm Insurance; Zastrow Realty
Main, E, 13 1970, circa, State Farm Insurance, WHS_008_253
Main, E, 13 1987, Kenneth Kropf Insurance
Main, E, 13 1987, State Farm Insur, Kenneth Kropf Insur, former Wiggenhorn Jewelry, WHS_014_426
Main, E, 13 1987, State Farm Insur, Kenneth Kropf Insur, former Wiggenhorn Jewelry, WHS_014_386
Main, E, 13 1993, State Farm Insurance
Main, E, 13 1999, Byrne mural, WHS_023_557
Main, E, 13 1/2 1865, Kellogg Photographic Gallery, fire at
Main, E, 13 1/2 1865, Taylor & Hall succeeded J D Kellogg
Main, E, 14 1857, WHS_006_482
Main, E, 14 1861, Bank of Watertown, WHS_008_197
Main, E, 14 1881, Bank of Watertown, snow storm WHS_KR_155
Main, E, 14 1881, Snow storm, Bank of Watertown, viewable, WHS_005_610
Main, E, 14 1890, circa, Bank of Watertown, interior view, WHS_018_592
Main, E, 14 1891, Bank of Watertown, Weltburger, 01 10 1891, drawing, WHS_005_877
Main, E, 14 Bank of Watertown, PC_065
Main, E, 14 1895, circa, GAR, signage of, WHS_005_127
Main, E, 14 1895, Water line, laying of, WHS_022_851
Main, E, 14 1895, circa, Bank of Watertown, WHS_005_127
Main, E, 14 1895, WHS_022_846
Main, E, 14 1897, circa, Bank of Watertown, WHS_005_262
Main, E, 14 1897, circa, Bank of Watertown, WHS_018_483
Main, E, 14 1906, circa, Bank of Watertown, WHS_016_333
Main, E, 14 1906, circa, Bank of Watertown, WHS_016_332
Main, E, 14 1908, Bank of Watertown, PC_034
Main, E, 14 1909c but pre 1935, J F Prentiss, real estate; Wisconsin Telephone Co
Main, E, 14 1909c but pre 1935, Riverview Land Company; William Woodard, lawyer
Main, E, 14 1910, circa, Bank of Watertown, WHS_018_558
Main, E, 14 1922, Hildebrandt_A_017
Main, E, 14 1913, Bank of Watertown, safe depository boxes
Main, E, 14 1916, Bank of Watertown, building replaced with new 2-story structure
Main, E, 14 1954, Bank of Watertown, Centennial tri-fold, WHS_018_220Z.pdf
Main, E, 14 1957, circa, Bank of Watertown, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_008a
Main, E, 14 1957, circa, Bank of Watertown, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_008b
Main, E, 14 1957, Bank of Watertown, WHS_016_240
Main, E, 14 1969, Stern's, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_020_498
Main, E, 14 1969, Stern's, Stern Building, Santa parade, WHS_021_762
Main, E, 14 1971, Fab & Trim
Main, E, 14 1973, Fab & Trim, WHS_009_505
Main, E, 14 1975, Prism Gift Shop, Nick & Judy Lom, WHS_005_266
Main, E, 14 1986, Cornerstone Gift Shoppe 
Main, E, 14 1987, Cornerstone Gift Shop, WHS_014_424
Main, E, 14 1999, Byrne mural, WHS_023_592
Main, E, 14 2017, Enhancement of building
Main, E, 14 2018, 14 E Main, Chic Boutique owner
Main, E, 14 2020, Remodel of, White Oak Builders moved in, WHS_018_250C-E
Main, E, 14 2021, WHS_019_239M
Main, E, 14 2023, White Oak Builders, YouTube video, RDA
Main, E, 14 1/2 SAME AS 104 N FIRST  /  SEE FIRST, N 104
Main, E, 14 1881, Snow storm, Bank of Watertown, WHS_005_622
Main, E, 22 1881, now 108 E Main, Wiggenhorn Bros. Cigar, WHS_005_622
Main, E, 30 1860, S P Day
Main, E, 30 ?? 1881, now 114 E Main, Edmund Sweeney, gen. store, WHS_005_622
Main, E, 35 ?? 1880-1885, now 203 E Main, Frederick Bertram, WHS_008_669
Main, E, 37 ?? 1880-1885, now 205 E Main, August Toelke, WHS_008_669
Main, E, 39 ?? 1880-1885, now 207 E Main, Winkenwerder Hardware, WHS_008_669
Main, E, 42 1880, Barber & Son, physicians, Martin N and Frank A, father and son
Main, E, 56 1881 = 10 E Main by 1892
Main, E, 58 ?? 1881, snow storm, bldg on left, WHS_005_612, now 310 E Main
Main, E, 60 1881, snow storm, Henry Seibel, saloon, WHS_005_612, now 308 E Main
Main, E, 60 1881, Henry Seibel saloon, snow storm, WHS_003_PC_429, nearly same as WHS_005_612
Main, E, 60 1881, Henry Seibel saloon, snow storm, WHS_003_PC_434, similar to WHS_PC_429
Main, E, 62 1881, snow storm, Emil Seibel, dry goods, WHS_005_612, now 310 E Main
Main, E, 62 1881, snow storm, Emil Seibel, dry goods, now 310 E Main, WHS_003_PC_421
Main, E, 72 1860 Curtiss, Photographic Artist, rooms over Fountain’s Store, near the bridge
Main, E, 72 1866, William Fountain Drug Store, 72 E Main = 108 E Main in 1976? pic
Main, E, 78 (same as 200 East Main) 1859, circa, E W Sprague, Druggist & Bookseller, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 78 (same as 200 East Main) 1859, circa, E W Sprague, Druggist & Bookseller, WHS_013_675_portion
Main, E, 78 ½ (same as 200 ½ East Main) 1859, circa, Julius Keyes, Wttn Republican publisher, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 78 ½ (same as 200 ½ East Main) 1859, circa, Julius Keyes, Wttn Republican publisher, WHS_013_675_portion
Main, E, 78 ½ (same as 200 ½ East Main) 1859, circa, C P Southwell, Dentist, signage, WHS_013_675_portion
Main, E, 79 1866, Schwab & Co, City Directory
Main, E, 80 (same as 202 East Main) 1859, circa, Colonius Brothers, Commission Merchants, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 80 (same as 202 East Main) 1859, circa, Colonius Brothers, Commission Merchants, WHS_013_675_portion
Main, E, 80 ½ (same as 202 ½ East Main) 1859, circa, Taylor & Hall, Photographers, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 80 ½ (same as 202 East Main) 1859, circa, Taylor & Hall, Photographers, WHS_013_675_portion
Main, E, 82 (same as 204 East Main) 1859, circa, Edmund Sweeney, Dry Goods & Groceries, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 84 Early dir address; is 206 E Main today
Main, E, 84 (same as 206 East Main) 1859, circa, Michael Richtmann, Flour & Feed, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 85 1865, Jesse Moulton grocery store
Main, E, 85 1876, circa, C. W. Chappell’s watch store, today 115 E Main, WHS_KR_002
Main, E, 85 1876, circa, C. W. Chappell’s watch store, today 115 E Main, KR_146
Main, E, 85 1876, circa, C. W. Chappell’s watch store, today 115 E Main, WHS_KR_146_compare
Main, E, 85 1896, circa, Ganes Music store, today 115 E Main, WHS_KR_002
Main, E, 85 1896, circa, Ganes Music store, today 115 E Main, KR_146
Main, E, 85 1896, circa, Ganes Music store, today 115 E Main, WHS_KR_146_compare
Main, E, 95 116 E Main
Main, E, 10 block, north side 1881, Snow storm  of 1881, WHS_014_518
Main, E, 10 block, north side 1899, Harvest Carnival, WHS_023_828
Main, E, 10 block, north & south sides 1912, Homecoming, WHS_007_KR188
Main, E, 10 block, north & south sides 1915, circa, WHS_PC_099a
Main, E, 10 block, north side WHS_PC_084
East Main intersects with First East Main intersects with First
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1858, Democrat Block
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1875, WHS_008_740
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1875, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_154
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1881, Snow storm [PC_432], same as 436
Main, E, 100 block 1881, Snow storm, WHS_005_620, same as PC_432
Main, E, 100 block, north side of 1881, Snow storm, Van Alstine Exchange hotel, taken in front of Kecks, WHS_005_611
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1885, Saengerfest, WHS_005_962
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1885, WHS_008_739
Main, E, 100 block, north side of 1897, circa, WHS_016_238
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1898, NT044_SpanishAmerWar_1
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1898, WHS_KR_138C
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1899, WHS_013_896
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1899, WHS_013_896_portion
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1899, Bricking of Main St, WHS_022_582
Main, E, 100 block, north side 1900, circa, WHS_009_255
Main, E, 100 block, north side 1900, circa, WHS_023_089
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1905, WHS_PC_051
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1906, PC_257
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1906, WHS_001_PC_257_compare
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1906, circa, South side of, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 100 block, north side of 1908, North side, Interurban tracks being laid, PC_034
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1908, South side, interurban tracks being laid, WHS_005_114
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1909, circa, Interurban, WHS_001_PC_036
Main, E, 100 block, north side of 1910, circa, WHS_PC_033
Main, E, 100 block, north side of 1910, circa, WHS_016_316
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1910, circa, Interurban, WHS_021_615
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1912, circa, Interurban, night view, PC_050
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1912, circa, Two interurban cars, WHS_005_097
Main, E, 100 block, north side 1915, Circus Parade, WHS_004_NT_079
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1915, circa, North and south sides, interurban, WHS_PC_099
Main, E, 100 block, north side 1915, circa, WHS_PC_099c
Main, E, 100 block, north side 1915, circa, Merchants Bank, Interurban, WHS_009_943
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1915, circa, WHS_PC_099b
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1915, circa, Interurban signage, timetable, WHS_022_138
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1916, circa, WHS_021_254
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1917, circa, WHS_006_Semrich_102
Main, E, 100 block, north side 1918, circa, oblique view of, WHS_014_459, WHS_014_460 & WHS_014_461
Main, E, 100 block 1920, circa, WHS_006_Semrich_136
Main, E, 100 block, north side 1921, Hildebrandt_A_043
Main, E, 100 block, south side, partial 1928, WHS_021_745
Main, E, 100 block, north side 1928, WHS_021_746
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1936, Centennial parade, WHS_006_650
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1944, North and south sides, WHS_001_PC_063
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1944, WHS_021_952
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1944, North and south sides, WHS_021_619
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1951, South side of, Memorial Day parade, WHS_008_830
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 1971, circa, WHS_021_914
Main, E, 100 block 1975, Rear of bldgs, WHS_005_283
Main, E, 100 block, north side 1987, WHS_014_370
Main, E, 100 block, south side 1987, WHS_014_385
Main, E, 100 block, south side 2020, WHS_018_508D
Main, E, 100 block, north & south sides 2024, Winter scene, WHS_023_440D
Main, E, 100 block, south side Street view
Main, E, 100 Portfolio of images for this location
Main, E, 100 1875, Van Alstine's Exchange Hotel, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_154
Main, E, 100 1861, Exchange Hotel, WHS_008_197
Main, E, 100 1881, Snow storm, Exchange hotel, taken in front of Kecks, looking west, WHS_005_611
Main, E, 100 1881, Exchange Hotel, snow storm [PC_432], same as 436
Main, E, 100 1881, Snow storm, WHS_005_620, same as PC_432
Main, E, 100 1881, Exchange Hotel, snow storm, WHS_KR_155
Main, E, 100 1881, Van Alstine Exchange hotel, WHS_005_622
Main, E, 100 1890, circa, Germania House / Exchange Hotel, 100 E Main, WHS_KR_150
Main, E, 100 1895, circa, Merchants Bank, WHS_005_127
Main, E, 100 1895, WHS_022_846
Main, E, 100 1897, circa, Merchants Bank, WHS_016_238
Main, E, 100 1899, Harvest Jubilee event, Merchants Bank, WHS_009_287
Main, E, 100 1899, Harvest Jubilee event, Merchants Bank, WHS_022_781
Main, E, 100 Merchants Bank, WHS_PC_084
Main, E, 100 Merchants Bank, 3 elephants, "Little Jim, Pinto, Alice", WHS_006_305
Main, E, 100 1900, circa, Merchants Bank, WHS_009_255
Main, E, 100 1900, circa, Merchants Bank, WHS_023_089
Main, E, 100 1902, Jesse Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR045
Main, E, 100 1906, circa, Merchants Bank, WHS_016_333
Main, E, 100 1910, circa, Merchants Bank, WHS_001_PC_033
Main, E, 100 1910, circa, Merchants Bank, WHS_016_316
Main, E, 100 1909c but pre 1935, John G. Conway, lawyer
Main, E, 100 1909c but pre 1935, Wis Telephone
Main, E, 100 1909c but pre 1935, Dr H P Bowen, physician
Main, E, 100 1909c but pre 1935, L H Cordes & Co., brick mfg.
Main, E, 100 1912, circa, Merchants Bank, night view, WHS_PC_050
Main, E, 100 1912, circa, Colonial Theater, night view, WHS_PC_050
Main, E, 100 1913, Cordes, L H & Co, brick mfgs
Main, E, 100 1913, Theodore Heitz, notary public
Main, E, 100 1913, John Conway, lawyer
Main, E, 100 1915, John Conway, attorney
Main, E, 100 1915, Seen at time of circus parade, NT080_CircusParade_1915
Main, E, 100 1918, circa, Merchant's National Bank, Interurban signage, WHS_014_502
Main, E, 100 1944, Merchants Bank, WHS_PC_063
Main, E, 100 1944, Merchants Bank, WHS_021_952
Main, E, 100 1944, Merchants Bank, WHS_021_619
Main, E, 100 1957, circa, Merchants Bank, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_009b
Main, E, 100 1961, Merchants Bank, 1961, expansion, WHS_006_009c
Main, E, 100 1962, circa, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_009b
Main, E, 100 1967, 75th anniversary, WHS_008_405
Main, E, 100 1968, circa, Merchant’s National Bank, Maxwell Street Days, WHS_008_690
Main, E, 100 1971, Merchant’s Bank
Main, E, 100 1975, Merchant's National Bank, WHS_005_275
Main, E, 100 1975, Merchant's National Bank, rear of bldg, drive-through, WHS_005_283
Main, E, 100 1979, WTTN moves to, from Wisconsin Natl Bank bldg [102-104 W Main]
Main, E, 100 1981, Merchants National Bank, exterior remodel of, expansion, WHS_017_126
Main, E, 100 1981, Merchants National Bank, exterior remodel of, WHS_017_126_portion
Main, E, 100 1987, U. S. Navy Recruiting, 100 E Main, WHS_014_370
Main, E, 100 1987, WMLW Radio station, 100 E Main, WHS_014_370
Main, E, 100 1993, U.S. Navy Recruiting; WTTN Radio
Main, E, 100 1993, Merchants National Bank, WHS_020_745
Main, E, 100 1993, Merchants National Bank, WHS_020_746
Main, E, 100 1994, Merchants National Bank, WHS_020_747
Main, E, 100 1994, Merchants National Bank, WHS_020_748
Main, E, 100 1995, circa, Purchased by Tina and Scott Nelson
Main, E, 100 1999, Byrne mural, WHS_023_589
Main, E, 100 2001, WTTN, moves from, to 615 E Main
Main, E, 100 2009, Clara's Antiques opened, Tina and Scott Nelson
Main, E, 100 2019, Exterior painting of
Main, E, 100 2019, Exterior painting of
Main, E, 100 2019, Fox Music portion of, back half, WHS_016_200B
Main, E, 100 2019, Fox Music portion of, back half, WHS_016_200C
Main, E, 101, 103, 105 1934, Three bldgs, Waugh Pharmacy,  Main Cafe and the Princess; occupied previously by the Robinson House
Main, E, 101 1857, Planters Hotel, map detail, WHS_006_480
Main, E, 101 1875, circa, Post Office, WHS_019_261
Main, E, 101 1875, Post office, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_154
Main, E, 101 1893, Post office and city hall, WHS_021_623
Main, E, 101 1898, Watertown Daily Times, WHS_KR_138B
Main, E, 101 1898, Watertown Daily Times, WHS_KR_138
Main, E, 101 1898, Post Office, corner Main and First, WHS_004_NT044
Main, E, 101 1898, Post Office, corner Main and First, WHS_004_NT045
Main, E, 101 1899, Harvest Jubilee & Carnival, WHS_007_KR118
Main, E, 101 1900, circa, Post office, WHS_009_877
Main, E, 101 1900, circa, Watertown Daily Times, WHS_009_877
Main, E, 101 1904, circa, The "Post Office Corner" WHS_021_563
Main, E, 101 1906, Post Office remodeling recommended, W C Stone, owner of bldg
Main, E, 101 1910, circa, Gritzner Barber Shop, WHS_023_109
Main, E, 101 1913, Wisconsin Telephone Co
Main, E, 101 1945, Kelly-Borchard, men's wear
Main, E, 101 1950, Kelly Borchard Co, men's clothing
Main, E, 101 Krier's, Chapter on
Main, E, 101 1957, circa, Krier's, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_010a
Main, E, 101 1957, circa, Krier's, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_010b
Main, E, 101 1957, Ad, Krier's Store for Men, WHS_016_350
Main, E, 101 1971, Maloney’s Gifts
Main, E, 101 1976, USA & USMC Recruiting Station, WHS_014_192
Main, E, 101 1987, Riverside Properties real estate, WHS_014_385
Main, E, 101 1993, Riverpark Properties
Main, E, 101 2012, Exterior repair, WHS_999_010
Main, E, 101 2012, Exterior repair, WHS_999_011
Main, E, 101 2012, Former Maloney's renovated for Trader Tom bus; WHS_006_603
Main, E, 101 2012, Former Maloney's renovated for Trader Tom bus; WHS_006_604
Main, E, 101 ½ 1872 Dr T S Harrison, WHS_016_565D
Main, E, 101 ½ 1881, Watertown Telephone Co. office on upper level of 101 E. Main.
Main, E, 102 1897, circa, Mrs Clara Weiss, milliner, WHS_016_238
Main, E, 102 1900, circa, Clara Weiss, milliner, WHS_009_255
Main, E, 102 1900, circa, Clara Weiss, milliner, WHS_023_089
Main, E, 102 1902, Jesse Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR045
Main, E, 102 1909, Mrs Clara Weiss, milliner, WG 04 02 1909 ad
Main, E, 102 1909c but pre 1935, Mrs. Clara Weiss, milliner; A & O. Meyer, dentists; John S. King, physician
Main, E, 102 1911, Clara Weiss, millinery, WHS_021_390K
Main, E, 102 1913, Mrs Clara Weiss, milliner
Main, E, 102 1913, Oscar E Meyer, dentist
Main, E, 102 1915, Seen at time of circus parade, NT080_CircusParade_1915
Main, E, 102 1918, Memorial Day, WHS_014_425
Main, E, 102 1930, pre, Woodard's Millinery
Main, E, 102 1930, Helen's Hat Box opened
Main, E, 102 1934, Dodge-Jefferson Co. Natl Farm Loan Assn; Inter-County Natl Farm Loan Assn
Main, E, 102 1934, Vanity Hat Shop; Scholl & Scholl, insurance; Kenneth Port, lawyer
Main, E, 102 ½ 1897, circa, Robert Erler, dentist, WHS_016_238
Main, E, 102 ½ 1900, circa, Dr James Sleicher, WHS_009_255
Main, E, 102 ½ 1900, circa, Dr James Sleicher, WHS_023_089
Main, E, 102 ½ 1904, Dr Sleicher, Dr Rosenburg, office, E Main assumed
Main, E, 103 1875, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_154
Main, E, 103 1898, Gamm Drug Store, signage, WHS_004_NT045
Main, E, 103 1898, Gamm Drug Store, WHS_KR_138
Main, E, 103 1906, Gamm Corner Drug Store, establishment of
Main, E, 103 1906, Robinson Barber Shop, establishment of
Main, E, 103 1907, Gamm Corner Drug Store, Post Office, , WHS_PC_051
Main, E, 103 1909c but pre 1935, Charles A Gamm, druggist; Waugh Pharmacy
Main, E, 103 1910, circa, Richard Hardege, music teacher, in his studio, WHS_008_367
Main, E, 103 1913, Harvey A Sommer, newsdealer
Main, E, 103 1913, Richard Hardege, music teacher
Main, E, 103 1913, Gamm Corner Drug, druggist
Main, E, 103 1914, Gamm Drug Store, soda fountain, WHS_004_NT_053
Main, E, 103 1914, Gamm Drug Store, Interior, cat, WHS_004_NT_056
Main, E, 103 1914, Gamm Drug Store, Interior, WHS_004_NT_052
Main, E, 103 1915, Gamm Drug Store
Main, E, 103 Behlke Drug Store, Gamm building (W C Stone) purchased by Paul Behlke
Main, E, 103 1916, Dr Emmett W Bowen
Main, E, 103 1918, circa, Gamm Corner Drug Store, WHS_014_501
Main, E, 103 1928, Main Cafe, WHS_021_745
Main, E, 103 1934, Main Cafe; site occupied previously by the Robinson House
Main, E, 103 1944, Main Café, WHS_001_PC_063
Main, E, 103 1944, Main Café, WHS_021_952
Main, E, 103 1944, Main Café, WHS_021_619
Main, E, 103 1954, Main Café, interior view, WHS_005_727
Main, E, 103 1957, circa, Main Cafe, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_011a
Main, E, 103 1957, circa, Main Cafe, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_011b
Main, E, 103 Main Café, Chapter on
Main, E, 103 1971, Joe’s Smoke Shop
Main, E, 103 1976, Joe's Smoke Shop, WHS_014_099
Main, E, 103 1987, Ye Old Barn ceramics & gift, WHS_014_385
Main, E, 103 1987, Ye Old Barn Ceramics, WHS_014_427
Main, E, 103 1999, Byrne mural of, Byrne portfolio, WHS_023_556
Main, E, 103 1993, Fox Music
Main, E, 103 ½ 1971, Evans Bldg. (vacant)
Main, E, 103-105 M. A. Kirsch General Store
Main, E, 103-105 1909c but pre 1935, Hertel & Hoffmann, men's furnishers; Goeldner & Barber, dentists
Main, E, 103-105 1909c but pre 1935, Joseph Wright, insurance agent; Mrs Amanda Howell, confectioner
Main, E, 103-105 1909c but pre 1935, Richard Hardege, music teacher; Harry A Sommer, sporting goods
Main, E, 103-105 1913, Goelder & Mueller, dentists
Main, E, 103-105 1913, William J Weber, music teacher
Main, E, 103-105 1934, Main Café, Princess Confectionery
Main, E, 103-105 1944, Main Café & Bar, WHS_001_PC_063
Main, E, 103-105 1944, Main Café & Bar, WHS_021_952
Main, E, 103-105 1944, Main Café & Bar, WHS_021_619
Main, E, 103-105 1950, Main Café & Bar
Main, E, 103-105 1987, Jones & Evans Building, WHS_014_427
Main, E, 103-105 Main Café, WHS_021_800D
Main, E, 104 1897, circa, Gustavus Stallmann, confectioner, WHS_016_238
Main, E, 104 1900, circa, Gustavus Stallmann, grocer, WHS_009_255
Main, E, 104 1900, circa, Gustavus Stallmann, grocer, WHS_023_089
Main, E, 104 1902, Jesse Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR045
Main, E, 104 1902, Jesse Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR041
Main, E, 104 1903, Library on lower floor, opened March 2
Main, E, 104 1911, Theophil Liedtke, WHS_020_343D
Main, E, 104 1913, Frederick C Werner, physician
Main, E, 104 1909, circa, but pre 1935, Cosmos Pharmacal Co.; Frederick C. Werner, physician
Main, E, 104 1909, circa, but pre 1935, Fred F Farert, restaurant; Quality Bake Shop
Main, E, 104 1911, Theophil Liedke
Main, E, 104 1912, circa, Watertown Dye Works, night view, WHS_PC_050
Main, E, 104 1913, Cosmas Pharmacal Co, toilet requisites-manufacturer
Main, E, 104 1913, Watertown Dye Works, dyers & scoure
Main, E, 104 1914, circa, Watertown Dye Works, WHS_009_860
Main, E, 104 1915, Cosmas Pharmacal Co, WHS_008-327f
Main, E, 104 1915, Seen at time of circus parade, NT080_CircusParade_1915
Main, E, 104 1915, circa, Watertown Dye Works, WHS_PC_099
Main, E, 104 1915, circa, Watertown Dye Works, WHS_PC_099, circa, signage
Main, E, 104 1921, The Service Parlor, Shoe & Hair, Hildebrandt_A_043
Main, E, 104 1950, Quality Bake Shop
Main, E, 104 1966, Quality Bake Shop, new ownership
Main, E, 104 1968, circa, Quality Bake Shop, Maxwell Street Days, WHS_008_690
Main, E, 104 1971, Quality Bake Shop
Main, E, 104 1989, Elaine's opened
Main, E, 104 1993, Elaine’s
Main, E, 104 1980s?, Demolition of bldg, Wm Fountain drug store signage, WHS_006_976
Main, E, 105 Early, George Spyros ice cream parlor
Main, E, 105 1875, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_154
Main, E, 105 1884, circa, Michael Carroll bookstore; operated with son
Main, E, 105 1884, Ad, Clark & Stanley, WHS_016_553M
Main, E, 105 1900, John Carroll bookstore
Main, E, 105 1910, Goeldner & Barber, Dental Parlors
Main, E, 105 1913, Edward M O'Byrne, confectioner
Main, E, 105 1916, Princess Confectionery, George Spyros
Main, E, 105 1928, Princess Confectionery, WHS_021_745
Main, E, 105 1934, Princess Confectionery; site occupied previously by the Robinson House
Main, E, 105 1937, Ad, The Cotton Shop, WHS_014_600Y
Main, E, 105 1940, Cotton Shop, moved out of
Main, E, 105 1944, Main Bar, PC_063
Main, E, 105 1944, Main Bar, WHS_021_952
Main, E, 105 1944, Main Bar, WHS_021_619
Main, E, 105 1957, circa, Mickey's Main Bar, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_011a
Main, E, 105 1957, circa, Mickey's Main Bar, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_011b
Main, E, 105 1971, Meyer’s Main Bar
Main, E, 105 1976, Meyer's Main Bar, WHS_014_099
Main, E, 105 1987, Meyer's Main Bar, WHS_014_385
Main, E, 105 1987, Meyer's Main Bar, WHS_014_427
Main, E, 105 1993, Two-Zee's Bar
Main, E, 105 1999, Byrne mural of, Byrne portfolio, WHS_023_556
Main, E, 105 2018, Bismarck's Bar & Grill
Main, E, 105 2020, Facade enhancement, home to Bismarck's Bar & Grill.
Main, E, 106 1890, circa, Strauss boot and shoe, Watertown Republican, WHS_KR_134
Main, E, 106 1898, Strauss boot and shoe & Watertown Republican, WHS_KR_138C
Main, E, 106 1902, Jesse Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR045
Main, E, 106 1902, Jesse Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR041
Main, E, 106 1909c but pre 1935, Wm. Schiebel, plumbers and gas fitters; Watertown Publishing Co
Main, E, 106 1913, Schlueter & Kiefer, plumbers, contractor-sewer, gas fixtures
Main, E, 106 1915, circa, U. Neal Barber, dentist, WHS_PC_099c
Main, E, 106 1921, Hildebrandt_A_043
Main, E, 106 1933, Ad, Kelley & Metzger, opening of, WHS_016_200G
Main, E, 106 1934, Kelley & Metzger, men's clothing; Homer C. Friend, Osteopath
Main, E, 106 1938 pre, Kelley Metzger
Main, E, 106 1944, Kern's Men Store, image PC_063
Main, E, 106 1944, Kern's Men Store, WHS_021_952
Main, E, 106 1944, Kern's Men Store, WHS_021_619
Main, E, 106 1947, Kern’s Men’s Store, fire
Main, E, 106 1950, C E Pugh Co, auto parts
Main, E, 106 1968, circa, Gambles, Maxwell Street Days, WHS_008_690
Main, E, 106 1970, Quick Shop Discount Variety,  Maxwell Street Day, WHS_019_734
Main, E, 106 1970, Quick Shop Discount Variety,  Maxwell Street Day, WHS_019_735
Main, E, 106 1971, Quick Shop Discount Variety Store
Main, E, 106 1980s?, Demolition of bldg, Wm Fountain drug store signage, WHS_006_976
Main, E, 106 ½ 1950, Richard Hillgendorf - tile contractor
Main, E, 107 1857, Property adjacent to Planters Hotel, 101 E Main, map detail, WHS_006_480
Main, E, 107 1857, Property adjacent to Planters Hotel, compared to 2012, WHS_006_481
Main, E, 107 1875, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_154
Main, E, 107 1909, Solliday & Voss, dentist
Main, E, 107 1913, A. Fayette Solliday, dentist
Main, E, 107 1969, 07 23, Kern's, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_020_501
Main, E, 107 1976, Kern's Men Shop, WHS_016_560H
Main, E, 107 1986, Krier's moves to, from 113 E Main
Main, E, 107 1993, Krier's Men Shop; Gust’s Tailor Shop
Main, E, 107 1998, Pool Doctors moved to, from 1303 W Main
Main, E, 107 1999, Byrne mural of, Byrne portfolio, WHS_023_556
Main, E, 107 2010, Hot Shots
Main, E, 107 2012, Another new business
Main, E, 107-109 1898, Hertel & Hoffmann signage seen, WHS_KR_138
Main, E, 107-109 1899, Hertel & Hoffmann, clothiers, WHS_013_896
Main, E, 107-109 1899, Hertel & Hoffmann, clothiers, WHS_013_896_portion
Main, E, 107-109 1900, Watertown School of Music opens, 3rd floor
Main, E, 107-109 1909, Dr E W Bowen, physician
Main, E, 107-109 1909, F W Keppler, insur agency
Main, E, 107-109 1909, John A Wright, insur
Main, E, 107-109 1909, Roger C Buss, lawyer
Main, E, 107-109 1934, Schwab building, occupied by the Scott Store
Main, E, 107-109 1909, Scott-Burr Store
Main, E, 107-109 1910, Hertel & Hoffmann ad
Main, E, 107-109 1913, Hertel & Hoffmann, clothing-retail, men's furnishings, tailors
Main, E, 107-109 1915, Hertel & Hoffmann
Main, E, 107-109 1913, Robert W Lueck, lawyer
Main, E, 107-109 1916, Hertel & Hoffmann, remodeling sale
Main, E, 107-109 1916, Hertel & Hoffmann becomes Hoffmann’s, WHS_008_669E
Main, E, 107-109 1917, Hoffmann's, signage prep
Main, E, 107-109 1950, Scott-Burr Dept Store; Virchow & Krause; Richard Podolske - engineer
Main, E, 107-109 1957, Wiemann Co store opened
Main, E, 107-109 1957, circa, Bossert's Variety Store, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_012a
Main, E, 107-109 1957, circa, Bossert's Variety Store, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_012b
Main, E, 107-109 1959, Bossert's Variety Store, Hertel & Hoffman Bldg, sale of
Main, E, 107-109 1959, Firestone Store, expands to 307 W Main
Main, E, 107-109 1967, Kern's Men's Shop
Main, E, 107-109 1976, Kern's Men's Store,  WHS_014_193
Main, E, 107-109 1987, Krier's, WHS_014_385
Main, E, 108 Wiggenhorn Bros. Cigar, chapter on
Main, E, 108 1881, formerly 22 E Main, Wiggenhorn Bros. Cigar, WHS_005_622
Main, E, 108 1885, circa, Wiggenhorn Cigar Manufactory, WHS_016_182
Main, E, 108 1890, circa, Wiggenhorn Cigar, WHS_008_689
Main, E, 108 1890, circa, Wiggenhorn Cigar, WHS_014_507
Main, E, 108 1896 or 97 - ?, Trachte Music Store
Main, E, 108 1898, Trachte Music Store, WHS_KR_138
Main, E, 108 1900, circa, Trachte Music store, WHS_009_255
Main, E, 108 1900, circa, Trachte Music store, WHS_023_089
Main, E, 108 1902, Frank Schreiber, Undertaker, Embalmer, WHS_019_603
Main, E, 108 1902, Jesse Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR045
Main, E, 108 1902, Jesse Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR041
Main, E, 108 1904, John Seager's barber shop
Main, E, 108 1909c but pre 1935, Charles J Habbhegger, physician
Main, E, 108 1913, Charles J Habhegger, physician
Main, E, 108 1913, John C Seager, barber
Main, E, 108 1921, Hildebrandt_A_043
Main, E, 108 1934, Buehler Bros Meats
Main, E, 108 1950, Ad, place for rabbit, WHS_019_350B
Main, E, 108 1950, Buehler Bros Meats; Mar-Leen Beauty Shop; Raymond Lewandowsky, painter
Main, E, 108 1970, Buehler Bros Meats, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_019_734
Main, E, 108 1970, Buehler Bros Meats, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_019_735
Main, E, 108 1971, Buehler Bros Meats; Mar-Leen Beauty Shop
Main, E, 108 1980s?, Demolition of bldg, Wm Fountain drug store signage, WHS_006_976
Main, E, 108 1980s?, Wm Fountain drug store signage, 72 E Main 1866 = 108 Main in WHS_006_976
Main, E, 108 1987, Fountain Drug Store, removed, WHS_014_370
Main, E, 108 ½ 1937, Modern Beauty Shop opened
Main, E, 109 1875, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_154
Main, E, 109 1900, William Black, grocer, move to, WHS_016_200Q
Main, E, 109 1909, Henry C Reichert, music teacher
Main, E, 109 1911, Robert W. Lueck, lawyer, ad
Main, E, 109 1913, John S Kings, physician
Main, E, 109 1913, Henry C Reichert, music teacher
Main, E, 109 1915, Reichert Piano, Hertel & Hoffman Bldg
Main, E, 109 1915, circa, Henry C Reichert music studio, WHS_016_565B
Main, E, 109 1913, Credit & Adjustment Agency, collection agency
Main, E, 109 1913, Earl H Cook, physician
Main, E, 109 1913, J Wright & Son, insurance agent
Main, E, 109 ½ 1950, F W Keppler Ins. Agency
Main, E, 110 1885, circa, WHS_016_182
Main, E, 110-112 1898, Keck's, WHS_KR_138C
Main, E, 110-112 1899, Keck's, signage, WHS_013_896
Main, E, 110-112 1900, Keck's Furniture, Christmas ad, WHS_016_418
Main, E, 110-112 1900, circa, Kecks, WHS_009_255
Main, E, 110-112 1900, circa, Kecks, WHS_009_255_portion
Main, E, 110-112 1900, circa, Kecks, WHS_023_089
Main, E, 110-112 1902, Kecks, "Goughers," WHS_019_603
Main, E, 110-112 1902, Jesse Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR041
Main, E, 110-112 1908, Kecks, The Big Furniture Store, PC_034
Main, E, 110-112 1910, circa, Kecks, The Big Furniture Store, WHS_001_PC_033
Main, E, 110-112 1910, circa, Kecks, The Big Furniture Store, WHS_016_316
Main, E, 110-112 1910, circa, WHS_019_276
Main, E, 110-112 1910, Ad, remodeling and 3-story addition on rear, WHS_011_571
Main, E, 110-112 1912, circa, Kecks, night view
Main, E, 110-112 1915, Kecks
Main, E, 110-112 1915, circa, Keck Furniture, WHS_PC_099c
Main, E, 110-112 1921, Hildebrandt_A_043
Main, E, 110-112 1944, Kecks Furniture, WHS_001_PC_063
Main, E, 110-112 1944, Kecks Furniture, WHS_021_952
Main, E, 110-112 1944, Kecks Furniture, WHS_021_619
Main, E, 110-112 1957, Keck Furniture
Main, E, 110-112 1957, circa, Kecks1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_013b
Main, E, 110-112 1957, circa, Kecks, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_013a
Main, E, 110-112 1957, Kecks, WHS_016_336
Main, E, 110-112 1975, Kecks, WHS_005_265
Main, E, 110-112 1975, Kecks, rear of store, WHS_005_282
Main, E, 110-112 1987, Keck's, WHS_014_370
Main, E, 110-112 1999, Keck's, Byrne mural, WHS_023_588
Main, E, 111 Racek Building
Main, E, 111 1865, Welsh grocery store
Main, E, 111 1875, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_154
Main, E, 111 1899, Racek & Jones, dry goods, WHS_013_896
Main, E, 111 1899, Racek & Jones, dry goods, WHS_013_896_portion
Main, E, 111 1910, Sproesser, Ad, Conover piano,  WHS_011_250a
Main, E, 111 1910, circa, Sproesser Jewelry store front, WHS_013_268
Main, E, 111 1913, Sproesser Jewelry, art goods, diamonds, guns, phonographs, pianos, opticians
Main, E, 111 1915, Ad, Sproesser Jewelry
Main, E, 111 1919, Ad, Sproesser's, Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, WHS_016_468
Main, E, 111 1950, Sproesser Jewelry, cut glass, sewing machines
Main, E, 111 1954, Sproesser Jewelry Store, sale of
Main, E, 111 1954, Warren Jewelry Store, new location
Main, E, 111 1954, Warren's Jewelry, WHS_014_516
Main, E, 111 1957, circa, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_014
Main, E, 111 1961, Warren-Schey House of Music
Main, E, 111 1967, Warren's Jewelry, 111 E Main, WHS_013_670
Main, E, 111 1967, Warren's Jewelry, new store front installed
Main, E, 111 1976, Warren's Jewelry, WHS_014_009
Main, E, 111 1987, Warren's Jewelry, WHS_014_385
Main, E, 111 1987, Warren's Jewelers, WHS_014_428
Main, E, 111 1999, Byrne mural of, Byrne portfolio
Main, E, 111 2014, Generation Jewelers, interior view, WHS_013_200L
Main, E, 111 2017, Generation Jewelers, former, originally Racek store, WHS_011_505_1
Main, E, 111 2017, Generation Jewelers, former, originally Racek store, WHS_011_505_2
Main, E, 111 2017, Generation Jewelers, former, originally Racek store, WHS_011_505_3
Main, E, 111 2017, Generation Jewelers, former, originally Racek store, WHS_011_505_4
Main, E, 111 2017, Generation Jewelers, former, originally Racek store, WHS_011_505_5
Main, E, 111 2017, Generation Jewelers, former, originally Racek store, WHS_011_505_6
Main, E, 111 2017, Generation Jewelers, former, originally Racek store, WHS_011_505_7
Main, E, 111 2017, Generation Jewelers, former, originally Racek store, WHS_011_505_8
Main, E, 111 2017, Generation Jewelers, former, originally Racek store, WHS_011_505_9
Main, E, 111 2017, Generation Jewelers, former, originally Racek store, WHS_011_505_10
Main, E, 111 2021, Sprucing up the entrance, WHS_019_866
Main, E, 111 2021, Exterior painting, WHS_020_200A
Main, E, 111 2021, Exterior painting, WHS_020_200B
Main, E, 111 AHI record
Main, E, 111 ½ 1964, William Guyer joins Warren-Schey Music
Main, E, 112 1895, Boots and shoes stock of L. Schempf moved to Schempf Bros store
Main, E, 112 1899, Kecks, portion of, floral parade, WHS_019_604
Main, E, 112 1946, Fire at Tetzlaff's
Main, E, 113 The Goeldner Bldg
Main, E, 113 1865, Moulton grocery store
Main, E, 113 1874, Goeldner, Carl, Music shop, WHS_006_390
Main, E, 113 1875, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_154
Main, E, 113 1899, Goeldner Jewelry, WHS_013_896
Main, E, 113 1899, Goeldner Jewelry, WHS_013_896_portion
Main, E, 113 1909, Edward F Wieman, lawyer
Main, E, 113 1909, Gamble Stores
Main, E, 113 1909, Goeldner Building, Otto Goeldner, jeweler & musical instruments
Main, E, 113 1910, circa, Otto Goeldner, WHS_021_615
Main, E, 113 1911, Otto Goeldner, jeweler & musical instruments, Ad
Main, E, 113 1911, Jos. Wright, Insurance, Notary Public, Ad
Main, E, 113 1913, Kraft, George Co, notions
Main, E, 113 1915, Edward Wieman, Ad, attorney
Main, E, 113 1917, George Kraft, 5 and 10c store
Main, E, 113 1917, George Kraft store
Main, E, 113 1918, circa, Goeldner Bldg, WHS_014_581
Main, E, 113 1945, Siegel's Economy Store, Walter F Siegel
Main, E, 113 1950, Goeldner Bldg, Siegel's Economy Store, auto supplies
Main, E, 113 1955, circa, Siegel's Economy Store, WHS_018_495
Main, E, 113 1957, circa, The Goeldner Bldg, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_015a
Main, E, 113 1957, circa, The Goeldner Bldg, 1950s-70s city assessor image WHS_006_015b
Main, E, 113 1961, Fire at, occupied by Siegel’s Economy Store
Main, E, 113 1971, Goeldner Bldg; Krier's Store for Men
Main, E, 113 1976, Krier's Men's Shop, WHS_014_207
Main, E, 113 1986, Krier's leaves location for 107 E Main
Main, E, 113 1987, Craft Castle, WHS_014_385
Main, E, 113 1993, Craft Castle
Main, E, 113 1999, Byrne mural of, Byrne portfolio
Main, E, 113 2020, Exterior renovation, WHS_018_560B
Main, E, 113 2021, Historic preservation award, WHS_019_200B
Main, E, 114 1881, formerly 30 E Main, Edmund Sweeney, gen. store, WHS_005_622
Main, E, 114 1895, circa, Wegemann & Strauss, WHS_KR_139
Main, E, 114 1895, circa, Wegemann & Straus, WHS_019_239
Main, E, 114 1898, Second story utilized
Main, E, 114 1898, Strauss & Sette, WHS_KR_138C
Main, E, 114 1899, Wegemann & Strauss, Floral parade, WHS_019_604
Main, E, 114 1902, Wegemann & Strauss, WHS_019_603
Main, E, 114 1908, Strauss & Sette
Main, E, 114 1908, Strauss & Sette, dry goods, PC_034
Main, E, 114 1909, Majestic Theater opened, Bert Haskins
Main, E, 114 1909, Majestic Theater
Main, E, 114 1909, Frank C Moulding, physician
Main, E, 114 1910, circa, WHS_019_276
Main, E, 114 1910, Knights of Columbus, New hall, over Majestic Theater
Main, E, 114 1913, Frank C Moulding, physician
Main, E, 114 1915, circa, Majestic movie theater, WHS_PC_099c
Main, E, 114 1916, Majestic Theater
Main, E, 114 1934, Henry P Amann, painter
Main, E, 114 1934, Jerrold's, clothing
Main, E, 114 1934, Ad, Jerrold's Men's Store, WHS_014_600G
Main, E, 114 1946, Fire at Tetzlaff's
Main, E, 114 1950, Kern’s Men's Shop
Main, E, 114 1957, circa, Kern's
Main, E, 114 1971, Albert’s Shoes, WHS_023_118
Main, E, 114 1971, Albert’s Shoes
Main, E, 114 1978, Ware Shoes, WHS_005_264
Main, E, 114 1986, Eyewear Unlimited; Dr. Smeback, eye doctor
Main, E, 114 2005, Community Action Coalition [CAC] for South Central Wisconsin
Main, E, 114 2021, Remodel of, WHS_019_865
Main, E, 114 2021, Remodel of, WHS_020_288
Main, E, 114 2021, Remodel of, WHS_020_289
Main, E, 115 1865, Frederick & Henry Meyer shoe store
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Charles TH Lotz Saloon, WHS_005_094
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Chappell Watch Store, C W, KR_002
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Chappell Watch Store, C W, KR_002_B
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Chappell Watch Store, C W, KR_002_C
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Chappell Watch Store, C W, KR_146
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Chappell Watch Store, C W, WHS_KR_146_compare
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Chappell Watch Store, WHS_007_030
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Ganes Music House, (115=85 Main St in 1876), WHS_005_094
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Ganes Music Store, J W, KR_002
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Ganes Music Store, J W, KR_002_B
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Ganes Music Store, J W, KR_002_C
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Ganes Music Store, J W, KR_146
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Ganes Music Store, J W, WHS_KR_146_compare
Main, E, 115 1876, circa, Watertown Tea Store, signage, WHS_005_094
Main, E, 115 1875, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_154
Main, E, 115 1885, circa, George Hawkins, Groceries and Crockery, WHS_005_325
Main, E, 115 1885, circa, Hawkins Grocery, portion of, WHS_KR_132
Main, E, 115 1899, Quentmeyer, merchant tailor, WHS_013_896
Main, E, 115 1899, Quentmeyer, merchant tailor, WHS_013_896_portion
Main, E, 115 1900, Former Hawkins store occupied by John Heismann
Main, E, 115 1906, John E Heismann, grocer [PC_257]
Main, E, 115 1906, John E Heismann, grocer, WHS_001_PC_257_compare
Main, E, 115 1908, Heismann Grocer, signage, PC_034
Main, E, 115 1909c but pre 1935, Herman C. Dobbratz, photog
Main, E, 115 1909, circa, Thomas T. Shinnick, physician
Main, E, 115 1910, circa, Heismann Grocery, WHS_005_095
Main, E, 115 1913, Albert E Voss, dentist
Main, E, 115 1913, John E Heismann, grocer
Main, E, 115 1918, Armistice Day, Heismann Bldg, WHS_014_541
Main, E, 115 1930, circa, John E Heisman & Son, WHS_019_775
Main, E, 115 1934, Colonial Beauty Shoppe
Main, E, 115 1934, J E Heismann & Sons, grocers
Main, E, 115 1934, O E Meyer, Dentist
Main, E, 115 1940, Cotton Shop, moved into, name changed to Budget Shop
Main, E, 115 1950, Colonial Beauty Shop; Midwest Adjustment Services
Main, E, 115 1950, Post’s Budget Shop - Women s Clo.; Roy V. Harte, dentist
Main, E, 115 1950, Coogan Ins. Agency; R M Hahn, accounting
Main, E, 115 1955, circa, Posts Budget Shop, WHS_018_495
Main, E, 115 1957, circa, Pries Apparel, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_017a
Main, E, 115 1957, circa, Pries Apparel, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_017b
Main, E, 115 1971, Pries Apparel Shop (women)
Main, E, 115 1987, Elaine's, WHS_014_385
Main, E, 115 1989, Elaine's
Main, E, 115 1993, Sandra D’s Bridal Boutique, opening of
Main, E, 115 1993, Sandra D’s, Byrne mural painting, WHS_023_579
Main, E, 115 2017, Sandra D’s, Exterior work, WHS_013_087
Main, E, 115 2017, Sandra D’s, Exterior work, WHS_013_088
Main, E, 115 2017, Sandra D’s, Exterior work, WHS_013_089
Main, E, 115 2017, Sandra D’s, Exterior work, WHS_013_128
Main, E, 115 Google portfolio picture set
Main, E, 115 1/2 1913, Martin H Ave-Lallemant, photographers
Main, E, 115 1/2 1944, circa, Dentist Roy Harte, WHS_009_281 
Main, E, 115 1/2 1952, Schneider Jewelry, opening of
Main, E, 116 1841, Cole Brothers Store, First store in Watertown
Main, E, 116 1843, Cole Brothers Store, First store in Watertown
Main, E, 116 1867, Removal of 1843 bldg, new Cole bldg. constructed
Main, E, 116 1878-81, Cordes general store, Joachim and son Louis
Main, E, 116 1879, Louis Boehlke, tailor, fire at
Main, E, 116 1879, John Harvey, saloon, fire at
Main, E, 116 1881, Watertown Republican, WHS_005_622
Main, E, 116 1881, Joseph Harvey saloon and billiard hall, WHS_005_622
Main, E, 116 1895, circa, Joseph Harvey saloon, WHS_019_239
Main, E, 116 1898, Schott Bros, saloon and restaurant, WHS_KR_138C
Main, E, 116 1899, Joseph Harvey saloon, signage, WHS_013_900
Main, E, 116 1899, Joseph Harvey saloon, signage, WHS_013_900_portion
Main, E, 116 1899, Joseph Harvey saloon, Floral parade, WHS_019_604
Main, E, 116 1908, Schott Bros, saloon and restaurant, PC_034
Main, E, 116 1908, Schott Bros, saloon and restaurant, WHS_999_040
Main, E, 116 1909c but pre 1935, August Schott, saloon
Main, E, 116 1909, circa, Edward F Wiemann, lawyer
Main, E, 116 1910, circa, WHS_019_276
Main, E, 116 1913, Edward F Wiemann, collections, insur agent, lawyer, notary, real estate
Main, E, 116 1915, circa, Joseph Harvey saloon, WHS_PC_099c
Main, E, 116 1927, National Tea Co moved from
Main, E, 116 1927, Bittner & Tetzlaff's drug store moved into
Main, E, 116 1928, Bittner & Tetzlaff's drug store, partial view of, WHS_021_745
Main, E, 116 1934, Bittner & Tezlaff, druggists
Main, E, 116 1934, Felix H Zimmermann, physician; Chas W Nebel, optometrist
Main, E, 116 1934, Harold W Hartwig, lawyer
Main, E, 116 1934, Joseph O’Connell, physician
Main, E, 116 1935, Bittner and Tetzlaff Drug Store, WHS_021_574
Main, E, 116 1946, Bittner and Tetzlaff Drug Store fire
Main, E, 116 1946, Bittner and Tetzlaff Drug Store fire, WHS_005_021
Main, E, 116 1946, Fire at Tetzlaff's
Main, E, 116 1950, Tetzlaff Pharmacy
Main, E, 116 1957, circa, Tetzlaff Pharmacy, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_018a
Main, E, 116 1957, circa, Tetzlaff Pharmacy, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_018b
Main, E, 116 1965, Tetzlaff Building, Bethesda children's ward
Main, E, 116 1965, Lewis and Clark Apothecary sold to Clark Rhinesmith
Main, E, 116 1971, Tetzlaff Building, WHS_023_118
Main, E, 116 1971, Tetzlaff  Pharmacy
Main, E, 116 1976, Skogmo Family Store, WHS_014_033
Main, E, 116 1976, Skogmo Family Store, Second St side of bldg., WHS_014_034
Main, E, 116 1993, C D Beck’s Café
Main, E, 116 2014, Main Street Café, WHS_006_888c
Main, E, 116 2020, Main Street Café, WHS_018_220C
Main, E, 116 ½ 1930, Dr. E. H. Cook
Main, E, 116 ½ 1930, A. J. Tanck
Main, E, 116 ½ 1930, District Attorney Harold W. Hartwig
Main, E, 116 ½ 1930, Dr. J. J. O'Connell
Main, E, 116 ½ 1946, Dr F H Zimmermann
Main, E, 116 ½ 1946, Dr O F Goetsch
Main, E, 116 ½ 1946, Dr R V Harte, dentist
Main, E, 116 ½ 1946, George Zoelle, realtor
Main, E, 117 Site of VERY FIRST store in Watertown, opened by John and Luther Cole in 1841. 
Main, E, 117 Pioneer Store, chapter on
Main, E, 117 1841, first retail store, The Pioneer Store, John & Luther Cole, WHS_005_325
Main, E, 117 1868, Charles Noack built bldg. at 117 E Main, WHS_005_325
Main, E, 117 1872, Frank Trzcinski barber shop and bathing rooms
Main, E, 117 1874, Ad, F Trzcinski received large quantity of human hair
Main, E, 117 1875, Ad, WHS_008_229E
Main, E, 117 1876, circa, Lotz Saloon, Charles, KR_002
Main, E, 117 1876, circa, Lotz Saloon, Charles, KR_002_B
Main, E, 117 1876, circa, Lotz Saloon, Charles, KR_002_C
Main, E, 117 1876, circa, Lotz Saloon, Charles, KR_146
Main, E, 117 1876, circa, Lotz Saloon, Charles, WHS_KR_146_compare
Main, E, 117 1876, circa, Solliday, Albert, Dr, WHS_KR_146_compare
Main, E, 117 1876, circa, Solliday, Albert, Dr, KR_146
Main, E, 117 1876, circa, Solliday, Albert, Dr, KR_002
Main, E, 117 1876, circa, Solliday, Albert, Dr, KR_002_B
Main, E, 117 1876, circa, Solliday, Albert, Dr, KR_002_C
Main, E, 117 1885, circa, August Fuermannn Jr. restaurant, WHS_005_325
Main, E, 117 1885c compared to 1887, August Fuermannn Jr. restaurant, WHS_005_325B
Main, E, 117 1885, circa, Jacob Ditschler Saloon, WHS_KR_132
Main, E, 117 1885, circa, C W Rundlett photo studio, WHS_KR_132
Main, E, 117 1885, circa, F B Tuttle law office, WHS_KR_132
Main, E, 117 1885, circa, Jacob Ditschler Saloon, WHS_KR_132B
Main, E, 117 1899, Gottfried Lewandowski, barber, WHS_013_896
Main, E, 117 1899, Gottfried Lewandowski, barber, WHS_013_896_portion
Main, E, 117 1906, WHS_001_PC_257_compare
Main, E, 117 1908, Strauss & Sette, dry goods
Main, E, 117 1913, Gile-Strauss-Sette, grocer, dry goods
Main, E, 117 1915, circa, J C Penney, The Golden Rule, WHS_PC_099
Main, E, 117 1915, circa, Penney's, WHS_PC_099b
Main, E, 117 1917, Penney's, The Golden Rule, Company E parading, WHS_006_Semrich_012
Main, E, 117 1924, J C Penneys, Back to School sale, WHS_018_295
Main, E, 117 1927, National Tea Co moved into
Main, E, 117 1928, National Tea Co, WHS_021_744
Main, E, 117 1934, National Tea Co
Main, E, 117 1950, National Tea Co, grocery; Little Hat Shop
Main, E, 117 1955, circa, National Tea Grocery, WHS_018_495
Main, E, 117 1956, Closing of Brunke Paint and Glass; became Wurtz’s
Main, E, 117 1956, Opening of Wurtz Paint, Edgar Wurtz
Main, E, 117 1957, Ad, Wurtz Paint, WHS_011_200P
Main, E, 117 1957, circa, Wurtz Paint, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_019a
Main, E, 117 1957, circa, Wurtz Paint, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_019b
Main, E, 117 1971, Machinist & Masons Union
Main, E, 117 1971, Wurtz’s Paint & Floor Coverings; Intl Brotherhood Corp. & Joiners
Main, E, 117 1976, Wurtz Paint, WHS_014_029
Main, E, 117 1976, Wurtz Paint, Second St side of bldg., WHS_014_030
Main, E, 117 1987, Wurtz Paint & Floor, WHS_014_385
Main, E, 117 1987, Jaycees signage, second floor, WHS_014_385
Main, E, 117 1987, Wurtz Paint & Floor Covering, WHS_014_404
Main, E, 117 1993, Wurtz’s Paint & Floor Coverings
Main, E, 117 2008, Eternal Word Ministry
Main, E, 117 2013, World Finance Loans, WHS_006_780
Main, E, 117 2013, World Finance Loans, WHS_006_781
Main, E, 117 2015 Edward Jones Financial Services (James Gehring)
Main, E, 117 2017, Exterior renovation, WHS_013_120A
Main, E, 117 1/2 1876, circa, Albert Solliday, dentist, sign, Teeth Extracted Without Pain, WHS_005_094
Main, E, 117 1/2 1885, Solliday & Meyer, Dentists, WHS_005_325
Main, E, 117 1/2 1887, Solliday & Meyer, Dentists, WHS_005_325B
Main, E, 117 1/2 1892, Solliday & Meyer, dentists
Main, E, 117 1/2 1899, Arthur& Oscar Meyer, dentists, WHS_013_896
Main, E, 117 1/2 1899, Arthur& Oscar Meyer, dentists, WHS_013_896_portion
Main, E, 117 1/2 1906, Arthur and Oscar Meyer, dentists [PC_257]
Main, E, 117 1/2 1906, Arthur and Oscar Meyer, dentists, WHS_001_PC_257_compare
Main, E, 117 1/2 1955, circa, The Little Hat Shop, milliners, WHS_018_495
Main, E, 117 1/2 1957, circa, Union Hall, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_019b
East Main intersects with Second East Main intersects with Second
Main, E, 200 block, south side Now and Then, WHS_006_661
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1887, circa, WHS_014_446
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1887, WHS_006_648
Main, E, 200 block, north & south side 1887, WHS_006_648
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1899, Bricking of, WHS_016_112
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1899, WHS_013_900
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1899, WHS_013_900_portion
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1899, circa, WHS_023_536
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1900 circa, WHS_019_329
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1902, Jesse Stone funeral procession, WHS_KR007_040
Main, E, 200 block, north & south side 1905, PC_051
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1905, Parade, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR125
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1905, Parade, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR126
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1905, circa, PC_345
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1905, Inter-County Fair parade, first one, postcard, WHS_006_329
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1906, circa, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1906, circa, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1907, Children's Day, WHS_PC_069
Main, E, 200 block, north & south sides 1907, Homecoming Day, WHS_005_188
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1908, Interurban tracks being laid, WHS_005_114
Main, E, 200 block, north & south sides 1908, circa, Interurban, WHS_013_954
Main, E, 200 block, north & south sides 1908, circa, Interurban, WHS_022_214
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1910, circa, WHS_008_074
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1910, circa, WHS_008_074
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1910, circa, WHS_022_381
Main, E, 200 block, north & south sides 1910, Apr snowstorm, PC_381
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1912, Homecoming, WHS_007_KR361
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1912, Homecoming, WHS_007_KR361
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1913, WHS_001_PC_236
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1915, Circus Parade, WHS_004_NT_079
Main, E, 200 block 1918, Peace Parade, WHS_006_Semrich_240
Main, E, 200 block 1918, Peace Parade, WHS_006_Semrich_241
Main, E, 200 block 1918, Peace Parade, WHS_006_Semrich_242
Main, E, 200 block 1918, Peace Parade, WHS_006_Semrich_243
Main, E, 200 block 1918, Peace Parade, WHS_006_Semrich_244
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1918, circa, Interurban tracks leading to terminal, WHS_022_360C
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1919, circa, Snow storm, WHS_006_Semrich_251 (same as 008_057)
Main, E, 200 block 1920, Winter street scene, WHS_008_057
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1922, Fourth of July parade, WHS_007_KR353
Main, E, 200 block 1922, Fourth of July parade, WHS_007_KR354
Main, E, 200 block 1922, Fourth of July parade, WHS_007_KR355
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1927, Interurban, WHS_013_719
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1928, WHS_021_743
Main, E, 200 block, north & south sides 1935, WHS_021_574
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1936, Centennial parade, WHS_006_650
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1936, Centennial parade, WHS_009_720
Main, E, 200 block, north & south sides 1943, circa, WHS_021_898
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1951, Memorial Day parade, WHS_008_830
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1953, WHS_008_212
Main, E, 200 block, north & south sides 1967, circa, WHS_021_597
Main, E, 200 block, north side 1987, WHS_014_371
Main, E, 200 block, south side 1987, WHS_014_384
Main, E, 200 block, north & south sides 2022, Winter scene, WHS_022_190P
Main, E, 200 1859, circa, E W Sprague, Druggist & Bookseller, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 200 1859, circa, E W Sprague, Druggist & Bookseller, WHS_013_675_portion
Main, E, 200 1881, Snow storm  of 1881, WHS_014_518
Main, E, 200 1895, Fellermann & Fischer, clothing
Main, E, 200 1895, Beurhaus-Gloger Shirtwaist Factory
Main, E, 200 1897, circa, Wm Beurhaus, general store, WHS_016_112
Main, E, 200 1903, Beurhaus-Gloger Shirtwaist Factory
Main, E, 200 1908, Beurhaus-Gloger, dry goods, PC_034
Main, E, 200 1909, circa, but pre 1935, Beurhaus Gloger Co., gen merch
Main, E, 200 1909, circa, but pre 1935, Charles V Reed, photographer
Main, E, 200 1910, circa, Beurhaus-Gloger Dry Goods, WHS_020_668
Main, E, 200 1911, Dr T F Shinnick, Physician and Surgeon
Main, E, 200 1913, Beurhaus-Gloger Co, dry goods
Main, E, 200 1913, Thomas F Shinnick, physician
Main, E, 200 1915, circa, Beurhaus Store, WHS_PC_399
Main, E, 200 1916, circa, WHS_021_254
Main, E, 200 1923, Resnick-Berger store opened
Main, E, 200 1928, Elliott's Ladies Shop, WHS_021_743
Main, E, 200 1934, Elliott's Ladies Shop
Main, E, 200 1934, Henry A Beurhaus, waist mfgr
Main, E, 200 1960, circa, WHS_021_597
Main, E, 200 1969, Elliotts Ladies Shop, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_020_497
Main, E, 200 1971, Elliott’s
Main, E, 200 1975, Elliott's, Ruth Ebert mgr, WHS_005_280
Main, E, 200 1975, Elliott's, rear of store, WHS_005_286
Main, E, 200 1989, Elliots location became Maurice's 
Main, E, 200 1993, Maurice’s
Main, E, 200 2011, WHS_006_382
Main, E, 200 1966, Elliotts Fashion Apparel, opening of, WHS_008_363B
Main, E, 200 ½ 1859, circa, Julius Keyes, Wttn Republican publisher, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 200 ½ 1859, circa, Julius Keyes, Wttn Republican publisher, WHS_013_675_portion
Main, E, 200 ½ 1859, circa, C P Southwell, Dentist, signage, WHS_013_675_portion
Main, E, 200-202 1950, Elliotts; Gen Manuf Co
Main, E, 200-202 1957, Elliotts
Main, E, 200-202 1957, circa, Elliotts Ladies Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_020a
Main, E, 200-202 1957, circa, Elliotts Ladies Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_020b
Main, E, 200-202 1957, circa, Elliotts Ladies Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_021b
Main, E, 200-202 1966, Elliotts Fashion Apparel, Remodel of, WHS_008_363B
Main, E, 200-202 1966, Elliotts Ladies Shop, prior to remodel of, WHS_020_522
Main, E, 200-202 1966, Elliotts Ladies Shop, prior to remodel of, WHS_020_523
Main, E, 200-202 1987, Elliotts, WHS_014_371
Main, E, 200-202 1990, Maurices opened, former Elliotts location
Main, E, 200-202 Portfolio of images for this location
Main, E, 201 1866, Cole's Hall / Cole's Block, WHS_006_346
Main, E, 201 Chapter on Cole's Hall
Main, E, 201 1880-1885, Racek & Jones, WHS_008_669
Main, E, 201 1880-1885, Racek & Jones, WHS_008_669B
Main, E, 201 1887, circa, Solliday & Meyer, WHS_014_446
Main, E, 201 1894, Achtenhagen & Borchardt, opening of, "Cole's Block"
Main, E, 201 1901, compared to 1909, WHS_006_992b
Main, E, 201 1905, Achtenhagen & Borchardt, General Merchandise, PC_051
Main, E, 201 1905, circa, WHS_006_972
Main, E, 201 1906, circa, Achtenhagen & Borchardt?, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 201 1908, Achtenhagen & Borchardt, General Merchandise, WHS_005_114
Main, E, 201 1910, circa, Achtenhagen & Borchardt?, WHS_008_074
Main, E, 201 1913, Achtenhagen & Borchardt, general stores
Main, E, 201 1916, circa, WHS_021_254
Main, E, 201 1917, Company E parading, WHS_006_Semrich_012
Main, E, 201 1918, circa, Achtenhagen & Borchardt signage, WHS_014_458
Main, E, 201 1927, Olympia Candy store, WHS_022_629
Main, E, 201 1927, Olympia Candy Store moved from
Main, E, 201 1960, circa, WHS_021_597
Main, E, 201 1969, J C Penney, WHS_008_825
Main, E, 201 1969, Penneys, WHS_022_649
Main, E, 201 1987, circa, Klines, WHS_013_750
Main, E, 201 1987, circa, Klines, WHS_013_751
Main, E, 201 1987, Klines, WHS_014_405
Main, E, 201 2008, Lyons Pub
Main, E, 201-203 1927, Renovation of, prior to Penney's occupancy, WHS_017_103
Main, E, 201-203 1936, Centennial parade, WHS_006_650
Main, E, 201-203 1936, Children's Parade, WHS_006_978
Main, E, 201-203 1944, Penney's, WHS_006_991
Main, E, 201-203 1950, J C Penney Store
Main, E, 201-203 1950, Penney's, Back to School theater party, WHS_019_241
Main, E, 201-203 1953,  J C Penney's WHS_008_212
Main, E, 201-203 1955, circa, J C Penney, WHS_018_495
Main, E, 201-203 1981, Penney's, Fourth of July parade, WHS_009_348
Main, E, 201-205 1987, Klines, WHS_014_384
Main, E, 202 Raue’s Hall
Main, E, 202 1859, circa, Colonius Brothers, Commission Merchants, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 202 1859, circa, Colonius Brothers, Commission Merchants, WHS_013_675_portion
Main, E, 202 1897, circa, Wm Weber, hardware, WHS_016_112
Main, E, 202 1898, Weber Hardware Store, Ad, Globe clothes washer, WHS_016_155D
Main, E, 202 1900, William Volkmann store building
Main, E, 202 1901, William C Raue & Sons, painters
Main, E, 202 1909c but pre 1935, Charles J. Wenck, insurance agent
Main, E, 202 1909c but pre 1935, Emil Tanck, insurance agent
Main, E, 202 1909c but pre 1935, Kelley-Borchard, Co., clothing
Main, E, 202 1910, Odd Fellows move to, from 401 E Main
Main, E, 202 1910, circa, Wm. C. Raue, painters, WHS_020_668
Main, E, 202 1913, William C Raue & Sons Co, painters-house & sign
Main, E, 202 1913, Emil Tanck, notary public
Main, E, 202 1915, Bittner & Tetzlaff Rexall Drug Store, Ansco Films
Main, E, 202 1915, circa, William Raue & Sons, circa, WHS_PC_399
Main, E, 202 1916, circa, WHS_021_254
Main, E, 202 1917, Raue & Sons office and retail paint & wall paper store, WHS_006_614
Main, E, 202 1918, circa, William C Raue & Sons Co, WHS_022_360C
Main, E, 202 1918, circa, WHS_022_360D
Main, E, 202 1919, William C Raue & Sons Co, WHS_008_216
Main, E, 202 1920, William C Raue & Sons Co, Hildebrandt_A_022
Main, E, 202 1928, William C Raue & Sons Co, WHS_021_743
Main, E, 202 1966, Elliotts Fashion Apparel, expanded into 202 E Main, WHS_008_363B
Main, E, 202 ½ 1859, circa, Taylor & Hall, Photographers, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 202 ½ 1859, circa, Taylor & Hall, Photographers, WHS_013_675_portion
Main, E, 203 Now and Then, South side, WHS_006_661
Main, E, 203 1880-1885, Frederick Bertram, WHS_008_669
Main, E, 203 1894, Clara Weiss millinery shop, annual opening of
Main, E, 203 1896, Watertown Shoe Company Store
Main, E, 203 1897, Albert B Liebermann, opening of clothing store
Main, E, 203 1897, circa, A Liebermann, clothier, WHS_016_112
Main, E, 203 1897, Ad, A B Liebermann store, WHS_014_580B
Main, E, 203 1900, circa, Schempf & Schultz, WHS_013_894
Main, E, 203 1901, compared to 1909, WHS_006_992b
Main, E, 203 1905, circa, WHS_006_972
Main, E, 203 1906, circa, Schempf & Schultz, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 203 1908, Schempf Drug Store, interurban tracks being laid, WHS_005_114
Main, E, 203 1909, Schempf’s Rexall Drug Store
Main, E, 203 1910, circa, Schempf & Schultz, WHS_008_074
Main, E, 203 1909, Schempf's Drug Store, interior of, WHS_005_024
Main, E, 203 1913, circa, Schempf & Schulz, WHS_008_058
Main, E, 203 1913, circa, Schempf & Schulz, WHS_008_171
Main, E, 203 1913, circa, Schempf & Schulz, PC_379
Main, E, 203 1913, Schlempf's Drug Co, druggist
Main, E, 203 1913, Schempf’s Rexall Drug Store, Jannke: Then & Now, Watertown, WI, p 49
Main, E, 203 1917, Schempf's Rexall Drug Store, Company E parading, WHS_006_Semrich_012
Main, E, 203 1927, Bittner & Tetzlaff, WHS_022_629
Main, E, 203 1927, Bittner and Tetzlaff's Drug Store, moved from
Main, E, 203 1975, circa, Penneys, WHS_013_513
Main, E, 203 2005, Francesca's Pasta Ria, Joe Santorelli owner
Main, E, 204 1859, circa, Edmund Sweeney, Dry Goods & Groceries, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 204 1874, New drug store built, Mrs K Schubert, WHS_016_560E
Main, E, 204 1885, Herman Eberle Drug, WHS_KR_151
Main, E, 204 1885, 214 E Main, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_151_colorized
Main, E, 204 Racek Building, original, saloon, restaurant
Main, E, 204 1895, circa, Weber Hardware, WHS_007_KR081
Main, E, 204 1897, circa, Herman Eberle, druggist, WHS_016_112
Main, E, 204 Weber (William) Hardware Store
Main, E, 204 Schubert Drug Store
Main, E, 204 1909, Eberle Drug Store, Herman Eberle
Main, E, 204 1910, circa, Eberle Drug Store, WHS_020_668
Main, E, 204 1910, circa, Eberle Drug Store, interior view, WHS_022_186
Main, E, 204 1910, circa, Eberle Drug Store, interior view, WHS_022_360A
Main, E, 204 1915, Eberle Drug
Main, E, 204 1916, Eberle Drug Store, Peoples Almanac, WHS_020_701
Main, E, 204 1918, circa, Eberle Drug Store, WHS_022_360D
Main, E, 204 1918, circa, Eberle Drug Store, 204 E Main, WHS_022_361
Main, E, 204 1920, Eberle Drug Store sold to Huth and Bandelin
Main, E, 204 1920, Huth & Bandelin, pharmacists, ad, Orbit
Main, E, 204 1925, Huth & Hoyer Drug Store
Main, E, 204 1927, Huth & Hoyer, exterior, Hildebrandt_B_071
Main, E, 204 1927, Ad, Huth & Hoyer drug store, 204 E Main, WHS_011_550E
Main, E, 204 1937, New store front
Main, E, 204 1944, Busse's, WHS_006_991
Main, E, 204 1950, Citizens Loan Co
Main, E, 204 1950, circa, Busse Pharmacy, WHS_021_878
Main, E, 204 1957, Busse Pharmacy, ad
Main, E, 204 1957, Ad, Busse Pharmacy, WHS_016_343
Main, E, 204 1957, circa, Busse Drug, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_022a
Main, E, 204 1957, circa, Busse Drug, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_022b
Main, E, 204 1969, Busse Pharmacy, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_020_497
Main, E, 204 1975, Busse Drug Store, WHS_005_279
Main, E, 204 1975, Busse Drug Store, rear of store, WHS_005_288
Main, E, 204 1986, Busse's, consolidates with Mallach's Pharmacy
Main, E, 204 1991, Ad, Busse's, WHS_023_389
Main, E, 204 1999, Busse's, Byrne mural, WHS_023_586
Main, E, 204 2012, Vacated by Aurora
Main, E, 204-206 1987, Busse Pharmacy, WHS_014_371
Main, E, 204-206 2022, Exterior painting, WHS_021_631B
Main, E, 204 Busse Pharmacy, chapter on
Main, E, 205 1859, S S St. John, Dry Goods
Main, E, 205 1880-1885, August Toelke, WHS_008_669
Main, E, 205 1880-1885, August Toelk, WHS_008_669C
Main, E, 205 1894, Sale of clothing at this location
Main, E, 205 1900, circa, Gas & Electric, WHS_013_894
Main, E, 205 1901, compared to 1909, floor plans, WHS_006_992b
Main, E, 205 1905, circa, WHS_006_972
Main, E, 205 1906, circa, Gas Company, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 205 1908, Watertown Gas & Electric Co, interurban tracks laid, WHS_005_114
Main, E, 205 1908, circa, Gas Company, Interurban, 210 E Main, WHS_022_214
Main, E, 205 1910, circa, Gas Company, WHS_008_074
Main, E, 205 1910, Watertown Gas & Electric Co, Apr snowstorm, PC_381
Main, E, 205 1913, Watertown Gas & Electric Co, Electric Light & Power
Main, E, 205 1915, Watertown Gas & Electric
Main, E, 205 1927, Olympia Candy Store moved into
Main, E, 205 1934, Olympia Candy Kitchen
Main, E, 205 1936, Centennial parade, WHS_006_650
Main, E, 205 1957, circa, Kresge's, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_024a
Main, E, 205 1957, circa, Kresge's, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_024b
Main, E, 205 1975, circa, Kresge's, WHS_008_426
Main, E, 205 1987, Klines, WHS_006_956
Main, E, 205 1987, Klines, WHS_019_442
Main, E, 205 1993, Kline’s Dept Store
Main, E, 205 1/2 1898, Knights of Pythias Hall, signage (hard to see) WHS_KR_138C
Main, E, 205 1/2 1917, circa, Knights of Pythias Hall in Cole's Hall, WHS_006_Semrich_036
Main, E, 205 1/2 1917, circa, Knights of Pythias Hall in Cole's Hall, WHS_006_Semrich_037
Main, E, 205 1/2 1917, circa, Knights of Pythias Hall in Cole's Hall, WHS_006_Semrich_038
Main, E, 205 1/2 1917, circa, Knights of Pythias Hall in Cole's Hall, WHS_006_Semrich_039
Main, E, 205 1/2 1917, circa, Knights of Pythias Hall in Cole's Hall, WHS_006_Semrich_040
Main, E, 205 1/2 1917, circa, Knights of Pythias Hall in Cole's Hall, WHS_006_Semrich_041
Main, E, 205 1/2 1917, circa, Knights of Pythias Hall in Cole's Hall, WHS_006_Semrich_042
Main, E, 205 1/2 1917, circa, Knights of Pythias Hall in Cole's Hall, WHS_006_Semrich_043
Main, E, 205 1/2 1934, Knights of Pythias Hall
Main, E, 205-207 1944, Kresge's, WHS_006_991
Main, E, 205-207 1950, Kresge's; Knights of Pythias Hall;  Clarence L Bergmann, dentist
Main, E, 205-207 1957, circa, Kresge's, WHS_016_533
Main, E, 205-207 1957, circa, Kresge's, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_025a
Main, E, 205-207 1957, circa, Kresge's, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_025b
Main, E, 205-213 1975, circa, Kresge's, WHS_013_513
Main, E, 205-213 1981, Fourth of July parade, Kresge's, WHS_009_477
Main, E, 206 1859, circa, Michael Richtmann, Flour & Feed, WHS_013_675
Main, E, 206 1885, John Heymann and Hotel Garni, WHS_KR_151
Main, E, 206 1885, 214 E Main, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_151_colorized
Main, E, 206 1885, John Heymann, KR_153
Main, E, 206 1895, Weigly Shoe store
Main, E, 206 1897, circa, John Gebhardt, saloon/restaurant, WHS_016_112
Main, E, 206 1899, Jacob Weber, confectioner, WHS_013_900
Main, E, 206 1899, Jacob Weber, confectioner, WHS_013_900_portion
Main, E, 206 1906, Kronitz building / Launching of “The New Store”  
Main, E, 206 1907, Palace Theatre
Main, E, 206 1907, Palace Theater becomes Lyric
Main, E, 206 1912, Princess Theater opened, former Palace and Lyric theaters
Main, E, 206 1913, Herro, E & Son, billiard & pool hall
Main, E, 206 1920s, Believed to be Herro's, billard Hall, pool tables, WHS_006_Semrich_135
Main, E, 206 1933, Golden Pheasant Tavern, ad, 206 E Main
Main, E, 206 1934, Miller-Jones Shoe Store
Main, E, 206 1937, Ad,Miller-Jones Shoes, WHS_014_600Z
Main, E, 206 1944, Miller-Jones Shoes, WHS_006_991
Main, E, 206  1950, Meyer’s Shoe Store
Main, E, 206 1950, circa, Meyers Shoes, WHS_021_878
Main, E, 206 1969, Meyers Shoes, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_020_497
Main, E, 206 1969, Meyers Shoes, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_020_510
Main, E, 206 1969, Nodgaard Shoes, WHS_021_390D
Main, E, 206 1971, Nodgaard Shoes
Main, E, 206 1975, circa, Rich's Bootery, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_023b
Main, E, 206 1975, Rich's Bootery, WHS_005_278
Main, E, 206 2022, Exterior painting, WHS_021_631B
Main, E, 207 1880-1885, Winkenwerder Hardware, WHS_008_669
Main, E, 207 1900, circa, Winkenwerder Hardware, WHS_013_894
Main, E, 207 1901, compared to 1909, WHS_006_992bb
Main, E, 207 1905, circa, WHS_006_972
Main, E, 207 1906, circa, Winkenwerder Hardware, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 207 1908, Winkenwerder, Hardware
Main, E, 207 1910, circa, Winkenwerder Hardware, WHS_008_074
Main, E, 207 1913, H & O Winkenwerder, hardware, stoves & tinware
Main, E, 207 1915, Winkenwerder Hardware
Main, E, 207 1967, Kresge’s, WHS_006_188
Main, E, 207 1993, Purchased by Donald Grinwald, former Kline's
Main, E, 207 2012, Purchase of, gun dealership and a shooting range
Main, E, 207 2018, Kim Grinwald Blush Salon
Main, E, 207 1/2 1967, Household Finance, WHS_006_188
Main, E, 207-209 1854, Transfer of lot between Schempf brothers, Schempf Building, WHS_008_205
Main, E, 207-209 1983, Kresge location occupied by Klines
Main, E, 207-209 1987, circa, Kline's, WHS_013_749
Main, E, 207-209 1987, Klines, WHS_019_442
Main, E, 207-209 1999, Calico Cottage moved to
Main, E, 207-209 2012, Purchase of
Main, E, 207-213 1920, Winter street scene, WHS_008_057
Main, E, 207-213 1936, Schempf's, Centennial parade, WHS_006_650
Main, E, 207-213 1936, Schempf's, Centennial parade, WHS_009_720
Main, E, 207-213 1957, Kresge Store
Main, E, 207-213 1957, Kresge's, WHS_006_963
Main, E, 207-213 1960, circa, WHS_021_597
Main, E, 207-213 1968, circa, Kresge's, street view, WHS_008_131
Main, E, 207-213 1970s, approx, Kresge's, WHS_008_169
Main, E, 207-213 1983, circa, Kresge's, WHS_013_990
Main, E, 207-213 1987, Klines, WHS_014_384
Main, E, 207-213 2014, Rear of building, WHS_008_060
Main, E, 207-213 2014, Rear of building, WHS_008_060b
Main, E, 207-213 2018, New store front, architect drawing (for 207-211 designated entrances)
Main, E, 207-213 2019, The Schempf Bldg, November winter scene, WHS_016_371
Main, E, 207 1/2 1950, Scholl Bldg, Henry L. Scholl Agency - Ins. & Real Est.; Sonotone Hearing Aids
Main, E, 207 1/2 1957, circa, Household Finance, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_025b
Main, E, 207 1/2 1971, Household Finance Corp
Main, E, 208 1890, Phillip Saloon
Main, E, 208 1891-1894, Trayser Dry Goods
Main, E, 208 1892, circa, Trayser Dry Goods, WHS_023_306
Main, E, 208 1895, Ad, Badger State Magnetic Appliance Co, WHS_014_590D
Main, E, 208 1895, Badger State Magnetic Appliance Co
Main, E, 208 1897, circa, F Brown, electric institute, physician, WHS_016_112
Main, E, 208 1899, Dr Brown, electric physician, signage, WHS_013_900
Main, E, 208 1899, Dr Brown, electric physician, signage, WHS_013_900_portion
Main, E, 208 1899, circa, Dr Brown's Electric Institute, WHS_019_329
Main, E, 208 1899, Minnie Lange, milliner, WHS_013_900
Main, E, 208 1899, Minnie Lange, milliner, WHS_013_900_portion
Main, E, 208 1907, circa, Mrs Minna Lange, milliner, WHS_006_Semrich_018
Main, E, 208 1908, circa, Minna Lange, milliner, WHS_013_954
Main, E, 208 1908, circa, Minna Lange, Interurban, 210 E Main, WHS_022_214
Main, E, 208 1909 and 1913, Mrs Minna Lange, milliner
Main, E, 208 1934, Scholl’s women's wear
Main, E, 208 1950, Sherwin Williams Co
Main, E, 208 1956, Sherwin Williams Co, WHS_006_411
Main, E, 208 1957, circa, Sherwin-Williams, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_026a
Main, E, 208 1957, circa, Sherwin-Williams, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_026b
Main, E, 208 1957, Ad, Sherwin-Williams paint store, WHS_011_200N
Main, E, 208 1969, Julie Ann Fabric Shop, opening of
Main, E, 208 1969, Julie Ann Fabrics, WHS_013_673
Main, E, 208 1969, Julie Ann Fabric, WHS_020_510
Main, E, 208 1975, Warren Schey House of Music, WHS_005_277
Main, E, 208 1985, Dean Witter Reynolds moved to
Main, E, 208 1986, Dean Witter Reynolds
Main, E, 208 1987, Dean Witter Reynolds, WHS_014_371
Main, E, 208-210 1905, Herman Raue, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR125
Main, E, 208-210 1905, Herman Raue, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR126
Main, E, 208-210 1905, Watertown Photo, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR126
Main, E, 208-210 1909, Watertown Photo Co
Main, E, 209 2012, Martz' Muzzlez Range and Dealership
Main, E, 209-211 1892, Schempf Bros, Weltburger, 10 01 1892, drawing, WHS_005_876
Main, E, 209-211 1895, circa, Store front, Schempf’s salesman, WHS_008_175
Main, E, 209-211 1899-1936, Schempf's General Store
Main, E, 209-211 1900, circa, Schempf Bros., WHS_013_894
Main, E, 209-211 1901, compared to 1909, WHS_006_992b
Main, E, 209-211 1902, WHS_006_943
Main, E, 209-211 1904, Schempf's, remodeled, WHS_006_964
Main, E, 209-211 1905, circa, WHS_006_972
Main, E, 209-211 1906, circa, Schempf Bros, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 209-211 1907, Schempf's, Children's Day, WHS_PC_069
Main, E, 209-211 1907, Meyne Drug Company
Main, E, 209-211 Schempf's, Interurban
Main, E, 209-211 1910, circa, Schempf's, WHS_008_074
Main, E, 209-211 1909, circa, Schempf's, signage, Interurban, WHS_001_PC_036
Main, E, 209-211 1910, Schempf's, Apr snowstorm, WHS_PC_381
Main, E, 209-211 1930, circa, WHS_022_788
Main, E, 209-211 1954, Montgomery Ward, WHS_006_951
Main, E, 209-211 Kresge’s
Main, E, 209-213 1913, Schempf Brothers, dept store, dry goods
Main, E, 209-213 1922, Schempfs, Fourth of July parade, WHS_007_KR353
Main, E, 209-213 1922, Schempfs, Fourth of July parade, 209-213 E Main, WHS_007_KR354
Main, E, 209-213 1922, Schempfs, Fourth of July parade, 209-213 E Main, WHS_007_KR355
Main, E, 209-213 1944, Montgomery Ward, WHS_006_991
Main, E, 209-213 1950, Montgomery Ward Co
Main, E, 209-213 1955, circa, Montgomery Wards, WHS_021_407
Main, E, 209-213 1970, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_019_733
Main, E, 209-213 2020, Pitter Padder Paws moved from Schempf Bldg to 608 S Church
Main, E, 209-213 2021, Ava's A Posh Boutique
Main, E, 210 1885, William Rohr, tailor, WHS_KR_151
Main, E, 210 1885, 214 E Main, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_151_colorized
Main, E, 210 1885, William Rohr, KR_153
Main, E, 210 1899, Diego Beurhaus, plumber, gasfitter, tax collector, WHS_013_900
Main, E, 210 1899, Diego Beurhaus, plumber, gasfitter, tax collector, WHS_013_900_portion
Main, E, 210 Early, E Herro ice cream parlor
Main, E, 210 1906, circa, E Herro & Son, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 210 1907, circa, Elias Herro & son (George), confrs, WHS_006_Semrich_018
Main, E, 210 1908, E. Herro & Son, confectioner
Main, E, 210 1908, circa, E Herro & Son, WHS_013_954
Main, E, 210 1908, circa, E Herro & Son, Interurban, 210 E Main, WHS_022_214
Main, E, 210 1909, E Herro & Son, confectioner
Main, E, 210 1910, circa, E Herro & Son, WHS_008_074
Main, E, 210 1911, E Herro & Son, WHS_021_390L
Main, E, 210 1913, E Herro & Son, confectioner
Main, E, 210 1913, Herro Clothing, WHS_001_PC_236
Main, E, 210 1915, Herro & Son
Main, E, 210 1934, A&P Co; Milady Beauty Shop
Main, E, 210 1938, ACE Hardware opened
Main, E, 210 1950, Herro’s Fine Foods, resturant
Main, E, 210 1957, circa, Herro's restaurant, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_027a
Main, E, 210 1957, circa, Herro's restaurant, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_027b
Main, E, 210 1969, Herro's Tot & Teen, WHS_020_510
Main, E, 210 1970, Halloween Parade, WHS_023_299
Main, E, 210 1970, Halloween Parade, WHS_023_301
Main, E, 210 1970, Halloween Parade, WHS_023_302
Main, E, 210 1971, Herro’s Tot & Teen
Main, E, 210 1975, Kline's Tot & Teen, WHS_005_276
Main, E, 210 1987, Ray's Shoes, WHS_014_371
Main, E, 210 1/2 My Lady's Beauty Studio, WHS_006_959
Main, E, 210-212 1993, Ray’s Shoes
Main, E, 211 1957, circa, Montgomery Ward, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_028a
Main, E, 211 1957, circa, Montgomery Ward, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_028b
Main, E, 211-213 1957, Kresge expands into former Montgomery Ward store
Main, E, 212 1885, Henry Meyer, boots & shoes, WHS_KR_151
Main, E, 212 1885, 214 E Main, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_151_colorized
Main, E, 212 1885, Henry Meyer, KR_153
Main, E, 212 1899, Henry Meyer, boots & shoes, WHS_013_900
Main, E, 212 1899, Henry Meyer, boots & shoes, WHS_013_900_portion
Main, E, 212 1905, Henry Meyer Shoes, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR125
Main, E, 212 1905, Henry Meyer Shoes, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR126
Main, E, 212 1909c but pre 1935, G Henze, Justice Peace; Eugene Meyer, shoe store
Main, E, 212 1910, circa, Eugene Meyer Shoe Store, WHS_021_577
Main, E, 212 1913, Eugene Meyer, boots & shoes retail
Main, E, 212 1926, Meyer Shoe Store, store front remodel
Main, E, 212 1934, Grady & Dakin, lawyers
Main, E, 212 1950, Mrs Helen E Smith - wholesale paper
Main, E, 212 1950, Ray’s Red Goose; Felix H Zimmerman, physician
Main, E, 212 1957, circa, Ray's Red Goose Shoes, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_029a
Main, E, 212 1957, circa, Ray's Red Goose Shoes, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_029b
Main, E, 212 1969, Ray's Red Goose Shoes, WHS_020_510
Main, E, 212 1971, Ray’s Red Goose Shoes
Main, E, 212-214 1976, Ray's Shoes, WHS_005_294
Main, E, 212-214 2002, Ray's Shoes becomes Brown's Shoe Fit Co.
Main, E, 212 1/2 1956, Dr. John O. Hadley office
Main, E, 212 1/2 1993, MSP Inc.
Main, E, 213 1900, circa, Sprosser Jewelers, WHS_013_894
Main, E, 213 1901, compared to 1909, WHS_006_992b, fire insurance map
Main, E, 213 1905, circa, WHS_006_972
Main, E, 213 1906, circa, Sproesser Jewelry, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 213 1910, circa, Sproesser Jewelry, WHS_008_074
Main, E, 213 1913, Former Sproesser bldg became part of Schempf Store, 209-213 E Main
Main, E, 213 Sproesser's, chapter on
Main, E, 214 1881, Wenzel Cech general store
Main, E, 214 1885, Wenzel Cech, WHS_KR_151
Main, E, 214 1885, 214 E Main, Saengerfest, WHS_KR_151_colorized
Main, E, 214 1885, Wenzel Cech, KR_153
Main, E, 214 1885, circa, Wenzel Cech Saloon, WHS_KR_129
Main, E, 214 1899, Henry Kuester saloon, WHS_013_900
Main, E, 214 1899, Henry Kuester saloon, WHS_013_900_portion
Main, E, 214 1899, Sept 13-15, Queen of Harvest Jubilee & Carnival, WHS_008_187
Main, E, 214 1905, Schott Bros, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR125
Main, E, 214 1905, Schott Bros, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR126
Main, E, 214 1907, circa, Otto G Schott, resturant & buffet, WHS_006_Semrich_018
Main, E, 214 1909c but pre 1935, Schott Bros. Saloon; Schott's Café
Main, E, 214 Schott (Otto and Reinhold) café and restaurant
Main, E, 214 1910, circa, Schott Bros, WHS_008_074
Main, E, 214 1910, Schott Bros Saloon and restaurant, Apr snowstorm, PC_381
Main, E, 214 1910, circa, Otto Schott Restaurant, WHS_021_577
Main, E, 214 1913, Schott Brothers, restaurant
Main, E, 214 1918, circa, Schott Brothers Saloon and Restaurant, WHS_014_504
Main, E, 214 1920s, Schott Brothers, WHS_006_495
Main, E, 214 1920s, Schott Brothers, WHS_009_457
Main, E, 214 1920s, Schott Café, WHS_009_507
Main, E, 214 1948c-1968, circa, Yost's, women's clothing store
Main, E, 214 1957, circa, Yost's, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_030a
Main, E, 214 1957, circa, Yost's, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_030b
Main, E, 214 1969, Thorman's Clothing, WHS_020_510
Main, E, 214 1971, Thorman’s Clothing
Main, E, 215 The Henry Mulberger Bldg
Main, E, 215 Now and Then, South side, WHS_006_661
Main, E, 215 1900, circa, Joseph Hertel Boots & Shoes, WHS_013_894
Main, E, 215 1901, compared to 1909, WHS_006_992b
Main, E, 215 1905, circa, WHS_006_972
Main, E, 215 1906, circa, Joseph Hertel Shoes, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 215 1909c but pre 1935, Charles R Blumenfeld, lawyer; Joseph Hertel, boots and shoes
Main, E, 215 1910, circa, Joseph Hertel Shoes, WHS_008_074
Main, E, 215 1913, Jacobi & Blumenfeld, insurance agents, real estate, steamship passage
Main, E, 215 1913, Charles R Blumenfeld, lawyer
Main, E, 215 1913, Jacobi & Blumenfeld, WHS_018_548
Main, E, 215 1917, Spohn's Shoe, WHS_004_NT_113
Main, E, 215 1922, Spohn's, Fourth of July parade, WHS_007_KR353
Main, E, 215 1922, Spohn Shoes, Fourth of July parade, WHS_007_KR354
Main, E, 215 1922, Spohn Shoes, Fourth of July parade, WHS_007_KR355
Main, E, 215 1927, Ad, Wickner's Boot Shop, WHS_011_580B
Main, E, 215 1934, Wickner's Boot Shop
Main, E, 215 1936, Wickner's Boot Shop, Centennial parade, WHS_006_650
Main, E, 215 1939, Wickner's Boot Shop, Ad, WHS_999_014
Main, E, 215 1941, Wickner's Boot Shop, WHS_008_519
Main, E, 215 1945, Wickner's Boot Shop
Main, E, 215 1950, Wickner’s Foot Shop
Main, E, 215 1951, circa, Wickner's Boot Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_031a
Main, E, 215 1951, circa, Wickner's Boot Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_031b
Main, E, 215 1953, Singer Sewing Center, opening of, WHS_016_300C
Main, E, 215 1971, Thorpe Finance
Main, E, 215 1981, Fourth of July parade, Dean Witter Reynolds, WHS_009_366
Main, E, 215 1993, Calico Cottage
Main, E, 215 2020, Exterior façade work, capture3047
Main, E, 215 2020, Exterior façade work, capture3238
Main, E, 215 2020, Exterior façade work, capture3239
Main, E, 215 2020, Exterior façade work, capture3275
Main, E, 216 1847, Stephan Marsh cabinet shop
Main, E, 216 1888-1891, Trachte & Trayser
Main, E, 216 1890, circa, Trachte & Trayser, WHS_007_KR025
Main, E, 216 1891-1896, Trachte Dry Goods and then Music Store
Main, E, 216 1899, Zemke Bros saloon, WHS_013_900
Main, E, 216 1899, Zemke Bros saloon, WHS_013_900_portion
Main, E, 216 1899, Sept 13-15, Queen of Harvest Jubilee & Carnival, WHS_008_187
Main, E, 216 1905, Deutsches Dorf, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR125
Main, E, 216 1905, Deutsches Dorf, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR126
Main, E, 216 1906, circa, Deutsches Dorf, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 216 1908, circa, Deutsches Dorf, Market Day, PC_385
Main, E, 216 1909, circa, Deutsches Dorf, Interurban, WHS_001_PC_036
Main, E, 216 Deutsches Dorf, Garret M Gahlman
Main, E, 216 Deutsches Dorf, Interurban
Main, E, 216 1910, circa, Deutsches Dorf Saloon, WHS_021_577
Main, E, 216 1913, Deutsches Dorf, WHS_001_PC_236
Main, E, 216 1923, Wisconsin Electric moved into
Main, E, 216 1920s, Wisconsin Gas & Electric, WHS_006_495
Main, E, 216 1920s, Wisconsin Gas & Electric, WHS_009_457
Main, E, 216 1920s, Wisconsin Gas & Electric, WHS_009_507
Main, E, 216 1957, Wisconsin Electric Power Co
Main, E, 216 1957, Wisconsin Natural Gas Co
Main, E, 216 1957, circa, Wisc Electric Power, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_032b
Main, E, 216 1957, circa, Wisc Electric Power, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_032b
Main, E, 216 1975, Wisconsin Electric Power and Gas, WHS_005_293
Main, E, 216 1993, Wisconsin Electric moved out of
Main, E, 216 1994, Wisconsin Elec bldg. acquired by Ray's Shoes
Main, E, 216 2004, Brown’s Shoe
Main, E, 217 Duffy Block
Main, E, 217 Now and Then, South side, WHS_006_661
Main, E, 217 1872, Duffy Grocery Store, John Duffy, WHS_014_429
Main, E, 217 1895, Charles Schiffler, tailor
Main, E, 217 1895, Ad,  Schiffler, tailor, WHS_016_600N
Main, E, 217 1895, Ad, WHS_019_239R
Main, E, 217 1897 and 1957 views, WHS_006_784N
Main, E, 217 1897, Schiffler & Wegemann, tailors and clothiers
Main, E, 217 1897, circa, Charles C. Schiffler, clothier & tailor, #1632, WHS_016_080A
Main, E, 217 1897, circa, Charles C. Schiffler, clothier & tailor, #1632, WHS_016_080B
Main, E, 217 1900, circa, Schiffler & Wegemann, WHS_013_894
Main, E, 217 1901, compared to 1909, WHS_006_992b
Main, E, 217 1905, circa, Wegemann & Weber, clothing, PC_345
Main, E, 217   1906, Wegemann & Weber becomes Wegemann-Faber-Kaercher Co, clothing-retail
Main, E, 217 1906, circa, Wagemann & Weber, WHS_006_950
Main, E, 217 1907, Wegemann & Weber, clothing, Children's Day, WHS_PC_069
Main, E, 217 1908, circa, Schiffler & Wegemann, advertising panel, 016-608_portion1
Main, E, 217 1909, circa, Wegemann-Faber-Kaercher Co; Otto C Hahn, court commissioner, lawyer
Main, E, 217 1913, Wegemann-Faber-Kaercher Co, clothing-retail
Main, E, 217 1913, Otto C Hahn, court commissioner, lawyer
Main, E, 217 1915, Wegemann-Faber-Kaercher
Main, E, 217 1922, Wegemann-Faber-Kaercher, Fourth of July parade, WHS_007_KR353
Main, E, 217 1922, Wegemann, Faber, Kaercher Co, Fourth of July parade, WHS_007_KR355
Main, E, 217 1922, Wegemann, Faber, Kaercher Co, Fourth of July parade, WHS_007_KR354
Main, E, 217 1934, Kroger Grocery & Baking Co, opening of, at, WHS_021_098W
Main, E, 217 1934, Kroger Grocery & Baking Co assumed, "pork chops" in window, WHS_006_650
Main, E, 217 1941, Krogers, WHS_008_519
Main, E, 217 1941, William B Clifford, Signage upon magnification of WHS_008_519
Main, E, 217 1941, Frederic Kosanke, Signage upon magnification of WHS_008_519
Main, E, 217 1950, Dr Fred Kosanke; Dr Thos Stein, eye doctor
Main, E, 217 1950, Salick Jewelry; Clifford & Fitzpatrick, lawyers
Main, E, 217 1957, circa, Salick's Jewelry, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_033b
Main, E, 217 1957, circa, Salick's Jewelry, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_033b
Main, E, 217 1957 and 1897 views, WHS_006_784N
Main, E, 217 1971, Salick’s
Main, E, 217 1976, Salick's Jewelry Store, WHS_014_013
Main, E, 217 1976, Salick's Jewelry Store, Third St side, WHS_014_014
Main, E, 217 1981, Fourth of July parade, Salick's, WHS_009_430
Main, E, 217 1981, Fourth of July parade, Salick's, WHS_009_456
Main, E, 217 1987, Salick's Jewelry Store, WHS_014_429
Main, E, 217 1993, Salick’s
Main, E, 217 2012, Bradow Jewelers
East Main intersects with Third East Main intersects with Third
Main, E, 300 block, south side 1887, WHS_006_648
Main, E, 300 block, south side 1890, circa, E Main and Fourth, WHS_023_036
Main, E, 300 block, north side 1895, Laying of sewer line, Adolph Miller house, WHS_004_NT_063
Main, E, 300 block, north side 1894, Laying of water line, WHS_004_NT_064
Main, E, 300 block, north side of 1895, Water line, laying of, WHS_022_852
Main, E, 300 block, north side of 1902, Funeral procession, Jesse Stone, WHS_001_PC_238
Main, E, 300 block, north & south sides 1905, circa, WHS_007_KR335
Main, E, 300 block, north side 1905, North side of, parade, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR125
Main, E, 300 block, north side 1905, North side of, parade, Inter-County Fair, WHS_007_KR126
Main, E, 300 block, north side 1905, circa, North side, PC_345
Main, E, 300 block, south side 1907, South side, Children's Day, WHS_PC_069
Main, E, 300 block, south side 1907, Homecoming Day, WHS_005_188
Main, E, 300 block, north & south sides 1908, Inter County Fair, WHS_003_PC_454
Main, E, 300 block 1910, circa, Band, unknown, may be the Sinnissippi band, WHS_009_303
Main, E, 300 block, south side 1912, Homecoming Day, WHS_007_KR360
Main, E, 300 block, north side 1913, North side, WHS_001_PC_236
Main, E, 300 block 1913, circa, Homecoming, fictitious “skyscraper”  WHS_PC_062
Main, E, 300 block 1915, circa, WHS_009_452
Main, E, 300 block, north side of 1915, circa, WHS_009_465B
Main, E, 300 block, north side of 1918, circa, WHS_019_284
Main, E, 300 block, north side of 1918, circa, WHS_021_792
Main, E, 300 block, north side of 1918, circa, WHS_009_303
Main, E, 300 block, north & south sides 1918, circa, Car parade on Main, WHS_009_340
Main, E, 300 block, north & south sides 1918, circa, WHS_014_580
Main, E, 300 block, north side 1919, circa, Snow storm, WHS_006_Semrich_251 (same as 008_057)
Main, E, 300 block, north side 1922, Parade on Main, Hildebrandt_A_002
Main, E, 300 block, south side 1926, Interurban shown, WHS_006_496
Main, E, 300 block, north & south sides 1935, circa, PC_346
Main, E, 300 block 1937, Christmas street decorations, garlands, winter scene, WHS_013_663
Main, E, 300 block, north side 1943, WHS_021_402
Main, E, 300 block, north & south sides 1950s, PC_341
Main, E, 300 block, north & south sides 1950s, WHS_021_596
Main, E, 300 block, south side 1954, Fourth of July parade, WHS_011_057
Main, E, 300 block, north & south sides 1960s, PC_353
Main, E, 300 block, north & south sides 1967, Reconstruction of, WHS_018_504
Main, E, 300 block, north side 1987, WHS_014_372
Main, E, 300 block, south side 1987, WHS_014_382
Main, E, 300 block, south side 1987, WHS_014_383
Main, E, 300 block, north & south sides 2019, WHS_016_570K
Main, E, 300 1877, Ad, T Stanley Clark, book store, WHS_016_301G
Main, E, 300 1881, Snow storm, WHS_PC_433
Main, E, 300 1885, Brown Brothers & Dobbratz
Main, E, 300 1885, Ad, Brown Brothers & Dobbratz
Main, E, 300 1890, circa, Tercinski Hair Goods, WHS_KR_147
Main, E, 300 1890, circa, Watertown Journal, Wm Reber, prop., WHS_KR_147
Main, E, 300 1890, circa, Watertown Journal, Wm Reber, prop., c1890, WHS_006_327
Main, E, 300 1909, circa, Frank Tercinski, hair goods; Otto Schatz, boots and shoes
Main, E, 300 1908, Sale of bldg, Tercinski to Buchheit, becomes Radtke saloon, Central Café
Main, E, 300 1908, Remodel of, WHS_003_PC_454
Main, E, 300 1909, Joseph O'Connell, physician
Main, E, 300 1909c but pre 1935, W C Radtke, saloon; Edward B Volkman, insur agent
Main, E, 300 1911, Otto A Schatz, boots and shoes, closing of
Main, E, 300 1911, Otto C Riebe, architect, ad
Main, E, 300 1911, William Dahms saloon
Main, E, 300 1912, Farmers City Bank opened
Main, E, 300 1913, Gustav Buchheit, insurance, collections, lawyer, loans & investments
Main, E, 300 1913, Charles M Van Orden, real estate
Main, E, 300 1913, Otto C Riebe, architect
Main, E, 300 1913, Joseph O'Connell, physician
Main, E, 300 1913, Farmers & Citizens Bank, safe depository boxes
Main, E, 300 1934, Farmers & Citizens Bank Bldg; Lueck & Beggan, lawyers
Main, E, 300 1934, Frank S Weber, Acct.; food & grocery code authority
Main, E, 300 1913, Frank Bramer, music teacher
Main, E, 300 1950, Dr William C Becker
Main, E, 300 1950, Farmer’s & Citizens Bank
Main, E, 300 1950, Lueck & Hibbard, lawyers
Main, E, 300 1954, Ad, Farmers & Citizens Bank, 42 year anniver, WHS_016_529
Main, E, 300 1956, circa, Farmers & Citizens Bank, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_034a
Main, E, 300 1956, circa, Farmers & Citizens Bank, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_034b
Main, E, 300 1956, Farmers & Citizens Bank Building, sold
Main, E, 300 1957, Casey's Boys Shop, WHS_011_200G
Main, E, 300 1960, Ward's Cards, Candies and Gifts
Main, E, 300 1964, Himrich's Cards, Candles and Gift Shop, estab of
Main, E, 300 1971, Central Bldg., Himerich Cards, candies & gifts
Main, E, 300 1971, NW Mutual Life Ins.
Main, E, 300 1975, Himrick's, candies, cards, gifts, Central Bldg, WHS_005_267
Main, E, 300 1975, Himrick's, candiies, cards, gifts, Central Bldg, WHS_005_301
Main, E, 300 1987, Himrick's, WHS_014_372
Main, E, 300 1993, The Cutting Crew (Beauty Shop)
Main, E, 300 1999, Byrne mural, WHS_023_583
Main, E, 300 2002, Mallach's Book Store, closing of
Main, E, 300 2003-2012, Watertown Booksellers, Closed Sept 2012
Main, E, 300 2014, Repair to façade, WHS_006_945
Main, E, 300 2017, Empty since 2012, former Book World
Main, E, 300 2017, Central Block Kitchen and Design, WHS_013_656
Main, E, 300 2018, CB (Central Block) Kitchen and Designs, opening of
Main, E, 300 2018, Central Block
Main, E, 300 2020, Exterior work, WHS_018_285B
Main, E, 300 2020, Exterior work, WHS_018_285C
Main, E, 300 2020, Central Block Kitchen and Design, exterior work, WHS_018_500R
Main, E, 300 2020, Central Block Kitchen and Design, exterior work, WHS_018_500S
Main, E, 300 2020, Central Block Kitchen and Design, exterior work, WHS_018_567
Main, E, 300 2020, Central Block Kitchen and Design, exterior work, WHS_018_568
Main, E, 300 2020, Central Block Kitchen and Design, exterior work, WHS_018_569
Main, E, 300 1/2 1895, Watertown Journal
Main, E, 300 1/2 1957, circa, Kastenmeier, Robert, atty, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_034b
Main, E, 300 1/2 1957, circa, Lueck, Robert, atty, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_034b
Main, E, 301 1895, circa, Platz & Brandt, WHS_KR_142
Main, E, 301 1902, William F Brandt & Son, Dry Goods, chapter on
Main, E, 301 1902, William F Brandt & Son, Dry Goods, Picturesque Watertown
Main, E, 301 1907, William F Brandt & Son, Dry Goods, Children's Day, WHS_PC_069
Main, E, 301 1907, circa, William F Brandt & Son, Dry Goods, WHS_006_Semrich_018
Main, E, 301 1919, circa, Snow storm, WHS_006_Semrich_251 (same as 008_057)
Main, E, 301-303 1908, W F Brandt, Inter County Fair, WHS_003_PC_454
Main, E, 301-303 1913, William F Brandt & Son Co, Grocer, Clothing-Retail, Dry Goods
Main, E, 301-303 1918, William F Brandt, extensive enlargements made
Main, E, 301-303 1934, People’s Fruit Market
Main, E, 301-303 1934, Peter W Plendl, meats; Ben Franklin
Main, E, 301-303 1940, circa, People's Market, WHS_023_100
Main, E, 301-303 1940s, mid, Gambles Store, WHS_011_240
Main, E, 301-303 1950, Gamble’s Store
Main, E, 301-303 1954, Gamble's Store, WHS_011_057
Main, E, 301-303 1954, circa, WHS_021_407
Main, E, 301-303 1954, Gambles vacates, become Klines
Main, E, 301-303 1957, Kline's Dept Store, ad
Main, E, 301-303 1957, circa, Kline's Dept Store, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_036a
Main, E, 301-303 1957, circa, Kline's Dept Store, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_036b
Main, E, 301-303 1960s, Kline's, PC_353
Main, E, 301-303 1966, Kline's Dept Store, Maxwell Street Day, WHS_013_713
Main, E, 301-303 1967, Kline's, WHS_018_504
Main, E, 301-303 1983, Kresge location occupied by Klines
Main, E, 301-303 1985, Ben Franklin store opened
Main, E, 301-303 1993, Ben Franklin
Main, E, 301-303 1994, New restaurant and sports bar opened
Main, E, 301-303 1996, Froggy's, opening of, sports bar and dance club
Main, E, 301-303 1999, Froggy's, WHS_023_581
Main, E, 301-303 2008, Foxxi'z, opening of, bar, resturant
Main, E, 301-303 2014, 920 Nightclub, Bar, Grill
Main, E, 301-303 2015, 920 Nightclub, Bar, Grill, exterior painting, WHS_008_470
Main, E, 301-303 2015, 920 Nightclub, Bar, Grill, exterior painting, WHS_008_471
Main, E, 301-303 2018, JB's Restaurant on S. Third moving to; opening July 4th
Main, E, 301-303 2021, Exterior brickwork, WHS_020_150B
Main, E, 301-303 2021, Exterior brickwork, WHS_020_150C
Main, E, 301-305 1954, Klines opened at, WHS_019_517 
Main, E, 301-305 1980, Kline's Dept Store, WHS_013_977
Main, E, 301-305 1987, Ben Franklin, WHS_014_382
Main, E, 301-305 1987, Ben Franklin, WHS_014_383
Main, E, 302 1971, Sherwin Williams
Main, E, 302 1975, Sherwin Williams, paint, decorating, WHS_005_302
Main, E, 302 1999, Byrne mural, WHS_023_583
Main, E, 302 1975, Sherwin Williams, paint, decorating, WHS_008_399
Main, E, 302 1993, Sherwin-Williams
Main, E, 302 2021, Façade work, WHS_020_330B
Main, E, 302 2021, Façade work, WHS_020_330C
Main, E, 302 2021, Façade work, WHS_020_330D
Main, E, 302 1/2 1957, circa, Carlson, Floyd, dentist, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_035b
Main, E, 302-304 1887, Ad, Grube & Achtenhagen, Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler
Main, E, 302-304 1897, Grube H (Herman) & Co, chapter on, general store
Main, E, 302-304 1905, circa, Grube & Co, Chapter on, WHS_014_589
Main, E, 302-304 1909, H. Grube & Co. General Merchandise
Main, E, 302-304 1913, Grube-Greinert Mercantile Co, clothing-retail, dry goods
Main, E, 302-304 1934, Grube-Greinert Merc Co
Main, E, 302-304 1950, Dr E W Bowen
Main, E, 302-304 1950, Dr Floyd Carlson, dentist
Main, E, 302-304 1950, Harris Ace Hardware Store
Main, E, 302-304 1950, ACE Hardware
Main, E, 302-304 1957, circa, Ace Hardware, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_035a
Main, E, 302-304 1957, circa, Ace Hardware, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_035b
Main, E, 302-304 1987, Sherwin Williams, WHS_014_372
Main, E, 302-304 2006, La Finca de Adobe, Mexican Food
Main, E, 302-304 2014, La Finca De Adobe Restaurant, WHS_008_399
Main, E, 302-304 2014, La Finca De Adobe Restaurant, WHS_008_400
Main, E, 302-304 2023, Stairs to basement, WHS_023_440F
Main, E, 303 1877, J Jungman, furniture store, funeral parlor, WHS_016_301H
Main, E, 303 1887, Ad, May Furniture, Peter May, WHS_016_301D
Main, E, 303 1895, circa, Henry Nowack furniture store, WHS_008_676
Main, E, 304 1927, Two doors east of Classic Theater, WHS_006_877
Main, E, 304 1957, Ace Hardware, ad
Main, E, 304 1975, Sherwin Williams, paint, decorating, WHS_005_303
Main, E, 304 1975, Sherwin Williams, paint, decorating, WHS_008_400
Main, E, 305 1903, Knick & Braunschweig, photograph gallery
Main, E, 305 1909c but pre 1935, Fred Pohlman, boots and shoes; Maude Monrean, dressmaker
Main, E, 305 1913, Classic Theater, exterior view, WHS_023_443
Main, E, 305 1913, Fred Pohlmann, boots & shoes repairing
Main, E, 305 1913, Maude Monrean, dressmaker
Main, E, 305 1934, Kuenzi & Frattinger, clothing
Main, E, 305 1940, circa, WHS_023_100
Main, E, 305 1950, Kuenzi & Frattenger, men's clothing
Main, E, 305 1953, Kuenzi & Juul, ad, Christmas, WHS_016_200S
Main, E, 305 1955, Kuenzi and Juul men’s store, closing of
Main, E, 305 1955, Ruesch's Fine Footward relocated to this site
Main, E, 305 1957, circa, Ruesch's Footware, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_037a
Main, E, 305 1957, circa, Ruesch's Footware, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_037b
Main, E, 306 1885, August Altrogge Clothing Store, 306 E Main
Main, E, 306 1892, Amalia Werschutz, moved to, dry Goods store
Main, E, 306 1897, Ad, Amalia Werschutz, WHS_016_640B
Main, E, 306 1905, circa, Florist signage, Amalia Werschutz Notions (1899) ?
Main, E, 306 1905, circa, William Mathieu photographer, PC_345
Main, E, 306 1909, circa, Mrs J [Minnie] Kohl, delicatessen; Wm J Huebner, photographer
Main, E, 306 1909, Mrs J [Minnie] Kohl grocery store sold to Charles A Kohn
Main, E, 306 1910, Orpheum Theater
Main, E, 306 1927, Adjacent to Classic Theater, WHS_006_877
Main, E, 306 1933, Sally Ann Bake Shop, WHS_019_278
Main, E, 306 1934, Sally Ann Bake Shop
Main, E, 306 1940, circa, Bakery
Main, E, 306 1950, Mrs. Ruby Silver, millner
Main, E, 306 1957, circa, Tot & Teen Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_039a
Main, E, 306 1957, circa, Tot & Teen Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_039b
Main, E, 306 1964, Tot & Teen Shop, moved to 210 E Main
Main, E, 306 1966, New York Market sold, became Miller's Meat Market
Main, E, 306 1969, Colonial Sewing Shoppe, opening of
Main, E, 306 1969, Opening of Colonial Sewing Shoppe, WHS_021_738
Main, E, 306 1971, Colonial Sewing Shoppe
Main, E, 306 1975, Central State Credit Union, WHS_005_304
Main, E, 306 1993, Just You & Me Kid
Main, E, 306 1987, Jock Shop, WHS_014_372
Main, E, 306 2022, Curves, new location, WHS_021_390J
Main, E, 307 1900, circa, R E Pritzlaff, hardware, later W G Pritzlaff, WHS_018_595
Main, E, 307 1909, William G Pritzlaff & Co, hardware
Main, E, 307 1910, Ad, Pritzlaff & Co, WHS_006_509
Main, E, 307 1910, Ad, William G Pritzlaff, hardware, stoves & tinware, WHS_011_250p
Main, E, 307 1913, William G Pritzlaff & Co, hardware, stoves & tinware
Main, E, 307 1927, Watertown Hardware, WHS_011_550L
Main, E, 307 1934, Watertown Hardware Co.
Main, E, 307 1940, circa, WHS_023_100
Main, E, 307 1945, Wrasse-Draheim Firestone
Main, E, 307 1950, Rex Draheim, Auto Supplies
Main, E, 307 1957, Rex Draheim & 31 E Market, ad
Main, E, 307 1959, Firestone Store, also includes 107 E Main
Main, E, 307 1950s, Coast to Coast, PC_353
Main, E, 307 1960s, Coast to Coast Stores, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_038a
Main, E, 307 1960s, Coast to Coast Stores, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_038b
Main, E, 307 1983, Coast to Coast, hardware, remodeling of
Main, E, 307 1987, Coast To Coast, WHS_014_382
Main, E, 307 1993, Dopke Insurance
Main, E, 307 1993, Nature’s Health Center
Main, E, 307 1993, Stardust Gifts
Main, E, 307 1995, Cool Bikes
Main, E, 307 1987, Coast To Coast, WHS_014_383
Main, E, 307 2014, The Closet Hanger, Fire Dept called, Facebook portfolio of pics
Main, E, 308 1881, Snow storm, Henry Seibel, saloon, WHS_005_612, formerly 60 E Main
Main, E, 308 1881, Henry Seibel saloon, snow storm, WHS_003_PC_429, nearly same as WHS_005_612
Main, E, 308 1881, Henry Seibel saloon, snow storm, WHS_003_PC_434, similar to WHS_PC_429
Main, E, 308 1905, circa, William Roark sign, PC_345
Main, E, 308 1909, William Roark, saloon
Main, E, 308 1913, Arthur Hilgendorf, saloon
Main, E, 308 1913, Arthur Hilgendorf saloon, WHS_001_PC_236
Main, E, 308 1927, Classic Theater, "Quality Street" with Marion Davis, WHS_006_877
Main, E, 308 1930, Betsy Ross Soda Grill and Tea Room opened in building
Main, E, 308 1933, Classic Theater, WHS_019_278
Main, E, 308 1935, circa, Classic Theater, PC_346
Main, E, 308 1939,  Meinhardt Raabe, in person, Wizard of Oz opening, Aug 1939, WHS_006_293
Main, E, 308 1940, circa, Classic Theater
Main, E, 308 1943, Classic Theater, WHS_021_402
Main, E, 308 1944, Classic Theater signage, distant, WHS_006_991
Main, E, 308 1940s late, Classic Theater, Fourth of July, adjacent to Woolworth's
Main, E, 308 1940s late, Classic Theater, Fourth of July, adjacent to Woolworth's
Main, E, 308 1941, Woolworth's, Fourth of July parade, WHS_014_053
Main, E, 308 1950s, Classic Theater, PC_341
Main, E, 308 1955, circa, Classic Theater, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_041a
Main, E, 308 1955, circa, Classic Theater, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_041b
Main, E, 308 1950s, Classic Theater, PC_353
Main, E, 308 1967, Classic Theater, New marquee, WHS_013_707
Main, E, 308 1971, Classic Theatre
Main, E, 308 1975, Town Theater, WHS_005_305
Main, E, 308 1987, Town Theater, WHS_014_372
Main, E, 308 1993, Towne Theatre
Main, E, 309 1888, William C Raue, WHS_023_338
Main, E, 309 1890, Ad, William C Raue, WHS_016_200P
Main, E, 309 1901, Ad, Watertown Candy Kitchen, John Herro, WHS_016_200K
Main, E, 309 1903, Raue Painting
Main, E, 309 1909, Harry J Stube, boots and shoes
Main, E, 309 1913, Harry J Stube, boots & shoes retail
Main, E, 309 1957, circa, Vanity Hats, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_040a
Main, E, 309 1957, circa, Vanity Hats, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_040b
Main, E, 309 1971, Schneider Jewelry
Main, E, 309 1950-1985, Schneider Jewelry, closing of
Main, E, 309 1987, Schneider Jewelry, WHS_014_382
Main, E, 309 1987, Schneider Jewelry, WHS_014_383
Main, E, 309 1993, Jock Shop
Main, E, 310 1881, Snow storm, Emil Seibel, dry goods, WHS_005_612, formerly 58 E Main
Main, E, 310 1881, snow storm, Emil Seibel, dry goods, formerly 62 E Main, WHS_003_PC_421
Main, E, 310 1887, Ad, Seibel Dry Goods
Main, E, 310 1894, Emil Seibel, Red Brick Front, Advertisement
Main, E, 310 1894, Emil Seibel, dry goods, laying water line on Main, WHS_004_NT_064
Main, E, 310 1895, Emil Seibel, dry goods, laying sewer line on Main, WHS_004_NT_063
Main, E, 310 1900, circa, Seibel's Dry Goods, WHS_008_673
Main, E, 310 1902, Seibel Dry Goods, WHS_007_KR078
Main, E, 310 1909c but pre 1935, Emil Seibel & Co., notions; Otto C. Riebe, architect
Main, E, 310 1909, circa, Emil Seibel dry goods, pre remodel, WHS_005_600
Main, E, 310 1909, circa, Emil Seibel dry goods, post remodel, WHS_005_599
Main, E, 310 1909, Fred B Schneider, house furnishings, ad
Main, E, 310 1912, Fred B Schneider, house furnishings, ad, WHS_021_659P
Main, E, 310 1913, First location of Classic Theater
Main, E, 310 1913, Fred B Schneider, house furnishings
Main, E, 310 1920s, Classic Sweet Shop, interior view, WHS_022_396
Main, E, 310 1927, Classic Sweet Shop, candies, ice cream, WHS_011_580H
Main, E, 310 1933, Classic Sweet Shop, WHS_019_278
Main, E, 310 1934, Salick’s Jewelry
Main, E, 310 1950, Tot & Teen Shop
Main, E, 310 1971, Bonnet Shop
Main, E, 310 1975, Bonnet Shop, WHS_005_305
Main, E, 310 1987, Fox Music, WHS_014_372
Main, E, 310 1993, Vacant
Main, E, 311 1899, circa, Goeldner saloon, interior, WHS_007_KR089
Main, E, 311 1899, circa, Goeldner saloon, interior, WHS_007_KR077
Main, E, 311 1909, Arthur Goeldner, saloon
Main, E, 311 1934, Faber’s Men’s clothing
Main, E, 311 1950, Gossfeld’s Barber Shop
Main, E, 311 1957, circa, Faber's Men's & Cleaners, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_042a
Main, E, 311 1957, circa, Faber's Men's & Cleaners, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_042b
Main, E, 311 1960s, Faber's Clothing
Main, E, 311 1971, Faber’s DeLuxe Clothes
Main, E, 311 1972, Faber's closed
Main, E, 311 1987, U. S. Army Recruiting, WHS_014_382
Main, E, 311 1993, Paper Chain
Main, E, 312 1887, Ad, John Fagan, photographer, WHS_016_300Q
Main, E, 312 1899, Ad, Samuel Fuller, Domestic Sewing Machine Co agent, PC_472
Main, E, 312 1902, Wright's Dry Goods, WHS_007_KR078
Main, E, 312 1909, William A Motl, photographer
Main, E, 312 1909, circa, Wright's Art Gallery, post remodel, WHS_005_599
Main, E, 312 1909, circa, Wright's Art Gallery, pre remodel, WHS_005_600
Main, E, 312 1913, John F Denninger, photographers
Main, E, 312 1912, Denninger’s Studio, WHS_006_557c
Main, E, 312 1915, Denninger’s Studio, DenningerStudioAd_1915_Orbit.jpg
Main, E, 312 1917, Denninger Studio/Gallery
Main, E, 312 1934, Dr O F Dierker, Dr D R. Craine, L W Moldenhauer, insurance
Main, E, 312 1934, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Fred Siegler, insur
Main, E, 312 1934, F C Haney, phys; Prudential Ins Co
Main, E, 312 1950, Buske Insur Agency
Main, E, 312 1950, Dakin & Dierker, lawyers
Main, E, 312 1950, Dr Francis Adams, dental lab
Main, E, 312 1950, Dr Fred K Haney
Main, E, 312 1950, Dr Thos. Abelman
Main, E, 312 1950, Jefferson -Dodge Credit
Main, E, 312 1950, Miller Bldg
Main, E, 312 1950, Dr Otto Dierker
Main, E, 312 1950, Prudential Ins.
Main, E, 312 1950, William C Krueger, insurance agency
Main, E, 312 1957, Dakin & Dierker
Main, E, 312 1971, Dr. Craine, dentist
Main, E, 312 1971, Jefferson-Dodge Credit
Main, E, 312 1971, Miller Bldg; Dr Sanquist, dentist
Main, E, 312 1971, Old Line Life Ins.
Main, E, 312 1971, Renner Corp. Bldg. contractors
Main, E, 312 1971, Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue
Main, E, 312 1984c, Royce Fabrics, WHS_005_306
Main, E, 312 1984c, Royce Fabrics, WHS_013_680 (same as WHS_005_306)
Main, E, 312 1993, Directions Unlimited
Main, E, 312 1993, K. Rika Accountant
Main, E, 312 1993, Lawn Essentials
Main, E, 312 1993, Stage Door Productions
Main, E, 312 1983, Royce Fabrics, moved to this location
Main, E, 312 ½ 1950, Dr Donald Craine, dentist
Main, E, 313 The John Heymann building
Main, E, 313 Wisconsin AHI record
Main, E, 313 1892, circa, "The Fair," W F Gruetzmacher, WHS_007_KR018
Main, E, 313 1892, circa, "The Fair," W F Gruetzmacher, WHS_007_KR018_portion
Main, E, 313 1900, The Fair, W Gruetzmacher, remodeled and addition erected
Main, E, 313 1908, Arthur J. Schlueter, dentist
Main, E, 313 1908, Ad, Dr. A J Schlueter, WHS_008_700E
Main, E, 313 1909, William F Gruetzmacher, books and stationery
Main, E, 313 1913, F F Schlueter, dentist
Main, E, 313 1912, Ad, Carl F Nowack, moved to 313 Main, WG, 05-16-1912, WHS_999_04l
Main, E, 313 1913, Carl F Nowack, furniture dealer, undertaker
Main, E, 313 1914, Ad, C F Nowack, furniture, WHS_016_264
Main, E, 313 1915, Carl F Nowack, undertaker, embalmer
Main, E, 313 1913, A J Schlueter, dentist
Main, E, 313 1915, Ad, Drs A and F Schlueter, dentists
Main, E, 313 1934, A & M Schlueter, dentists; Armin G Rohde, dental laboratory
Main, E, 313 1934, George Scheele Co; Ruby Elver, minr.
Main, E, 313 1950, Dr Marcus Schweter, dentist
Main, E, 313 1950, Smart Shop
Main, E, 313 1957, circa, Smart Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_044a
Main, E, 313 1957, circa, Smart Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_044b
Main, E, 313 1971, B W Dry Cleaners
Main, E, 313 1971, Dr Marcus Schweter, dentist
Main, E, 313 1987, My Store, women's clothing, WHS_014_382
Main, E, 313 1993, My Store
Main, E, 314 1853, Keck Furniture, original location of, WHS_023_613
Main, E, 314 1881, Snow storm, bldg on left, WHS_005_612, formerly 62 E Main
Main, E, 314 1880, Sept, Miller Cigar Store, WHS_005_597
Main, E, 314 1899, Miller Cigar Manufactory, WHS_013_863
Main, E, 314 1902, Miller Cigar Manufactory, WHS_007_KR078
Main, E, 314 1905, circa, Miller Cigar Manufactory, WHS_007_KR335
Main, E, 314 1909, circa, Miller Cigar Manufactory, Charles A, post remodel, WHS_005_599
Main, E, 314 1909, circa, Miller Cigar Manufactory, Charles A, pre remodel, WHS_005_600
Main, E, 314 1913, Jacob Breunig & Co, delicatessen
Main, E, 314 1993, Creative Community Living Systems, CCLS
Main, E, 314 2022, Creative Community Living Systems, move from 314 E Main to 500 E Main
Main, E, 315 Brennecke & Bergmann Pharmacy, Chapter on
Main, E, 315 1864, Construction of, Prentiss Bros
Main, E, 315 1909c but pre 1935, Louis H Nowack, physician; Robert H Brennecke, druggist
Main, E, 315 1913, Robert H Brennecke, druggist
Main, E, 315 Brennecke and Bergmann Pharmacy, WHS_006_842
Main, E, 315 1880, Ad, Brennecke & Steinfort, WHS_016_640
Main, E, 315 1892, circa, Brennecke Pharmacy, WHS_023_282
Main, E, 315 1892, circa, Brennecke Pharmacy, WHS_023_282B
Main, E, 315 1897, circa, Brennecke Pharmacy, WHS_006_841
Main, E, 315 1900, circa, Brennecke Drug, WHS_022_783
Main, E, 315 1910, circa, Brennecke and Bergmann Pharmacy, WHS_006_615
Main, E, 315 1913, circa, Brennecke and Bergmann Pharmacy, WHS_019_259
Main, E, 315 1914-1953, William Gehrke Pharmacy
Main, E, 315 1915, Gehrke Drug
Main, E, 315  1934, William Gehrke, drugs; Watertown Investment & Loan Assn
Main E, 315 1939, Gehrke Drug store, WHS_023_353
Main E, 315 1939, Gehrke Drug store, WHS_023_354
Main, E, 315 1953, Business sold to Mallach
Main, E, 315 1957, Gehrke Pharmacy, ad
Main, E, 315 1957, circa, Mallach's Pharmacy, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_045a
Main, E, 315 1957, circa, Mallach's Pharmacy, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_045b
Main, E, 315 1957, circa, Mallach's Pharmacy, compared to 2008 image
Main, E, 315 1960s, Mallach's
Main, E, 315 1967, Mallach Pharmacy, new store front installed
Main, E, 315 1968, Mallach's Pharmacy bought by Busse's
Main, E, 315 1971, Mallach's Drug Store
Main, E, 315 1987, Watertown Mutual Insurance, WHS_014_382
Main, E, 315 1993, Watertown Mutual Insur
Main, E, 315 Watertown Mutual Insurance
Main, E, 315 2021, Exterior painting, Capture4796
Main, E, 315 Street view
Main, E, 316 1895, Adolph Miller house, WHS_004_NT_063
Main, E, 316 1899, Adolph Miller home, WHS_013_863
Main, E, 316 1902, Alolph Miller home, Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR030
Main, E, 316 1902, Adolph Miller home, Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR078
Main, E, 316 1905, circa, Adolph Miller home, WHS_007_KR335
Main, E, 316 1909, Miller residence moved to 312 N Second
Main, E, 316 1909c but pre 1935, Bertha Miller, music teacher
Main, E, 316 1913, Charles H Miller, cigar mfg
Main, E, 316 1934, Citizen’s Loan Co
Main, E, 316-318 1918, Miller Bldg, WHS_021_792
Main, E, 316-318 1922, 4th of July parade, Hildebrandt_A_004
Main, E, 316-318 1925, Service Beauty Shoppe, Woolworth bldg, rooms 209 & 210
Main, E, 316-318 1934, Woolworth's
Main, E, 316-318 1941, Woolworth's, Fourth of July Parade
Main, E, 316-318 1941, Woolworth's, Fourth of July Parade
Main, E, 316-318 1941, Woolworth's, Fourth of July Parade
Main, E, 316-318 1941, Classic Theater, Fourth of July parade, WHS_014_053
Main, E, 316-318 1941, Parade, E Main & N Fourth, WHS_007_Capture3543a
Main, E, 316-319 1943, Woolworths, WHS_021_402
Main, E, 316-318 1950s, Woolworth's, PC_341
Main, E, 316-318 1957, circa, Woolworth's, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_043a
Main, E, 316-318 1957, circa, Woolworth's, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_043b
Main, E, 316-318 1960s, Woolworth's
Main, E, 316-318 1975, Sale of Woolworth bldg; becomes Royce Fabrics
Main, E, 316-318 1984c, WHS_013_680 (same as WHS_005_306)
Main, E, 316-318 2012, Exterior renovation
Main, E, 316-318 2019, Façade repair
Main, E, 316-318 2022, Façade repair, WHS_021_900P
Main, E, 317 Wisconsin AHI record
Main, E, 317 Watertown Weltburger, WHS_006_842
Main, E, 317 1884, Constructed as the Assistant's Bank
Main, E, 317 Watertown Weltburger, WHS_006_842
Main, E, 317 1905, circa, Watertown Grain Co, interior view, WHS_008_675
Main, E, 317 1909, Watertown Grain Co
Main, E, 317 1913, Watertown Grain Co, grain dealers
Main, E, 317 Early, first 3-story bldg, Christian Marquardt, WDTimes, 03 12 2005, WHS_005_091
Main, E, 317 1916, Watertown Grain Co, WHS_006_921d
Main, E, 317 1935, circa, Watertown Grain Company Bldg, PC_346
Main, E, 317 1950s, Watertown Liquor Company, PC_341
Main, E, 317 1950s, Watertown Liquor Co, WHS_022_603
Main, E, 317 1954, Borchardt's Liquor, WHS_016_637
Main, E, 317 1954, Borchardt's Liquor, WHS_006_Centennial_1954_005
Main, E, 317 1954, Borchardt's Liquor, WHS_006_Centennial_1954_008
Main, E, 317 1954, Borchardt's Liquor, WHS_006_Centennial_1954_010
Main, E, 317 1957, Borchardt Liquor, WHS_011_200X
Main, E, 317 1957, circa, Borchardt's Liquor, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_046a
Main, E, 317 1957, circa, Borchardt's Liquor, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_046b
Main, E, 317 1971, Central Labor Union
Main, E, 317 1971, Justmans’s Liquor Store
Main, E, 317 1987, Wesemann Insurance, American Family, WHS_014_382
Main, E, 317 1993, Wesemann Insurance
Main, E, 317 2016, Taking care of building ornamentation, WHS_009_556b
Main, E, 317 2016, Taking care of building ornamentation, WHS_009_552c
Main, E, 317 2016, Taking care of building ornamentation, WHS_009_552d
Main, E, 317 2022, Loft Beauty and Wellness, opening of, Sara Streich Tuchscherer
Main, E, 318 1911, Model Outer Garment Shop
Main, E, 318 1913, Bertha Miller, music teacher
Main, E, 318 1926, Ad, Sabin Drug Co, opening of, WHS_020_200Q
Main, E, 318 1927, Ad, Sabin Drug Company, WHS_011_580A
Main, E, 318 1940, Sabin Drug Company
Main, E, 320 1912, Ad, The Model, replaced by the Model Outer Garment Shop?  WHS_021_062B
Main, E, 320 1913, The Model Outer Garment Shop, ladies apparel
Main, E, 320 1993, Creative Community Living Systems
East Main intersects with Fourth East Main intersects with Fourth
Main, E, 400 block, north side 1899, WHS_022_651
Main, E, 400 block, north side 1902, Stone funeral, WHS_007_KR030
Main, E, 400 block, south side 1908, South side, WHS_PC_032
Main, E, 400 block, south side 1908, South side, WHS_WHS_006_323
Main, E, 400 block, north & south sides 1910, North and south sides, snow storm, 04 24 1910, PC_452
Main, E, 400 block, north & south sides 1911, circa, North and south sides, Interurban tracks, WHS_009_288
Main, E, 400 block, north & south sides 1912, North and south sides of, WHS_007_KR359
Main, E, 400 block 1914, circa, South side of, WHS_009_859
Main, E, 400 block, north side 1920, circa, WHS_006_928
Main, E, 400 block, north side 1920, circa, Shoe shiner shop, WHS_006_929
Main, E, 400 block, north side 1922, Parade on Main, Hildebrandt_A_003
Main, E, 400 block, north & south sides 1922, circa, WHS_013_959
Main, E, 400 block, north & south sides 1945, circa, WHS_022_213
Main, E, 400 block, north & south sides 1967, Street reconstruction project, WHS_018_505
Main, E, 400 block, north side 1987, WHS_014_373
Main, E, 400 block, south side 1987, WHS_014_381
Main, E, 400 block 1987, WHS_014_421
Main, E, 400 1883, Constructed for merchant August Gamm
Main, E, 400 1910, August Gamm Crockery & Glass
Main, E, 400 1910, circa, August Gamm, crockery & glassware, WHS_006_478
Main, E, 400 1913, August Gamm, crockery & glassware co
Main, E, 400 1916, August Gamm, crockery & glassware co
Main, E, 400 block, north side 1922, Parade on Main, Hildebrandt_A_003
Main, E, 400 block, north side 1922, Parade on Main, Watertown Cavalry, Hildebrandt_A_011
Main, E, 400 1925, circa, WHS_018_162
Main, E, 400 1936, circa, Gamm's becomes Otto's grocery, WHS_019_283
Main, E, 400 1941, Otto's, Fourth of July, WHS_016_135
Main, E, 400 1948, Otto's Food Shop WHS_006_723
Main, E, 400 1950, Otto’s Food Shop
Main, E, 400 1957, circa, Otto's Food Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_047a
Main, E, 400 1957, circa, Otto's Food Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_047b
Main, E, 400 1967, Otto's Food Shop, WHS_018_505
Main, E, 400 1971, Otto’s Food Shop
Main, E, 400 1975, Otto's Food Shop, WHS_005_310
Main, E, 400 1987, Century Twenty One, WHS_014_373
Main, E, 400 1993, Century 21
Main, E, 400 1902, Nowack, Schmutzler & Co Furniture & Undertaking, WHS_013_500_Nowack
Main, E, 400 2022, Mural, First Brigade Band, WHS_023_040E
Main, E, 400 2023, Mural, First Brigade Band, WHS_023_040D
Main, E, 401 This was the home of the Schmutzler Funeral Home and a furniture store. Originally built in 1874 by Christoph Schroeder, it served as a saloon. Coffins were made in the rear of the building at one time. The funeral home moved from this location in the 1930s and the furniture store closed down in the 1980s. The Schmutzler Funeral Home still exists, and is now known as Schmutzler-Vick Funeral Home, located on the west side of the city.
Main, E, 401 The Schroeder building
Main, E, 401 1892, Nowack-Schmutzler, Schmutzler Hall, G.A.R. hdquart, WHS_023_002
Main, E, 401 1900, circa, Nowack-Schmutzler, furniture dealers, WHS_023_008
Main, E, 401 1902, Ad, Nowack-Schmutzler,  Furniture & Undertaking, WHS_014_630b
Main, E, 401 1909, Nowack-Schmutzler Co, furniture dealers
Main, E, 401 1910, Nowack-Schmutzler Co dissolved, Schmutzler & Krier started
Main, E, 401 1910, Odd Fellows move from, to 202 E Main
Main, E, 401 1911, Schmutzler & Krier, Ad
Main, E, 401 1913, Schmutzler & Oestreich, furniture dealers
Main, E, 401 1915, Ad, Schmutzler & Oestreich, furniture and funeral
Main, E, 401 1915, Ad, Schmutzler & Oestreich, furniture & undertaking, WHS_019_250K
Main, E, 401 1919 circa, Schmutzler & Oestreich, WHS_006_Semrich_246
Main, E, 401 1925, New store front, inside balcony
Main, E, 401 1935, Schmutzler Furniture
Main, E, 401 1948, Schmutzler Furniture WHS_006_723
Main, E, 401 1954, Schmutzler's, Parade, WHS_006_Centennial_1954_009
Main, E, 401 1957, circa, Schmutzler Furniture, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_048a
Main, E, 401 1957, circa, Schmutzler Furniture, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_048b
Main, E, 401 1967, Schmutzler Furniture, WHS_018_505
Main, E, 401 1971, Schmutzler Furniture
Main, E, 401 1985, Red Apple Antiques opened
Main, E, 401 1987, Red Apple Antiques & Furniture, WHS_014_430
Main, E, 401 1987, Red Apple Antiques & Furniture, WHS_014_381
Main, E, 401 1999, Red Apple Antiques & Furniture, WHS_023_528
Main, E, 401 2007, Red Apple Antiques closed
Main, E, 401 2009, Tribeca GalleryCafe and Books, new location
Main, E, 401 2012, Tribeca GalleryCafe and Books, painter exterior of bldg
Main, E, 401 2012, Tribeca GalleryCafe and Books, painter exterior of bldg
Main, E, 401 2019, Former Tribeca, name changed to Literatus & Co., new owners
Main, E, 401 Chapter on
Main, E, 402 1900, Fred W Kurzweg, boots and shoes dealer
Main, E, 402 1910, circa, Fred W Kurzweg, boots and shoes dealer, WHS_006_478
Main, E, 402 1919 circa, Kurzweg Shoe Parlor, WHS_006_Semrich_246
Main, E, 402 1921, Oscar Kurzweg, Boots & Shoes, WHS_014_600C
Main, E, 402 1935, George W Spohn, shoes
Main, E, 402 1950, Weber’s Shoe Store
Main, E, 402 1955, George D Weber Shoe Store
Main, E, 402 1957, circa, Hobby Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_049a
Main, E, 402 1957, circa, Hobby Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_049b
Main, E, 402 1964, Roger's TV & Appliance, opening of
Main, E, 402 1971, Roger’s TV & Appliances
Main, E, 402 1975, Roger's TV & Appliance, WHS_005_311
Main, E, 402 1987, Roger's TV & Appliance, WHS_014_373
Main, E, 402 1993, Expedition Supply
Main, E, 402 1994, Expedition Supply, new owners
Main, E, 403 1900, Charles Neugebauer saloon, muskrat in the cellar
Main, E, 403 1909, Charles Neugebauer , saloon
Main, E, 403 1913, Louis Eggersgluess, saloon, mention of address
Main, E, 403 1919 circa, Charles Neugebauer, saloon, WHS_006_Semrich_246
Main, E, 403 1934, White Way Tavern.
Main, E, 403 1945, Ryan's Tavern, Jas E Ryan
Main, E, 403 1950, Ryan’s Tavern
Main, E, 403 1957, circa, Tegg's Tap
Main, E, 403 1971, Pegg’s Tap
Main, E, 403 1985, Phyl's 403 Tap, Phyl & Clancy’s
Main, E, 403 1987,  Phyl & Clancy’s bar,WHS_014_421
Main, E, 403 1987, Phyl & Clancy's Bar, WHS_014_381
Main, E, 403 1993, Phyl’s 403 Tap
Main, E, 404 1907-1909, Louise Lutz, florist, WHS_009_515
Main, E, 404 1909(?), Butscher’s Clothing Store
Main, E, 404 1909, Stuebe Floral Co, florist, WHS_009_515
Main, E, 404 1913, Stuebe Floral Co, Florist
Main, E, 404 1915, Robert Kulm saloon ?
Main, E, 404 1915, circa, WHS_020_877
Main, E, 404 1918, Stuebe Floral Co, Ad, Mother's Day
Main, E, 404 1935, Charles Heismann, painter
Main, E, 404 1950, Walter Schweter, paint & wall paper
Main, E, 404 1957, circa, Schlueter Paint (Walter), city assessor form, WHS_006_051b
Main, E, 404 1971, Yarn Shoppe
Main, E, 404 1975, WHS_005_308
Main, E, 404 1987, Goehl Upholstery, WHS_014_373
Main, E, 404 1987, Goehl Upholstery, WHS_014_436
Main, E, 404 1987, Jim's Refinishing, WHS_014_436
Main, E, 404 1993, The Fireglow
Main, E, 404 2012, Jefferson Travel, opening of
Main, E, 404 2023, Jefferson Travel, closing of
Main, E, 404 AHI record, Butcher Building
Main, E, 405 1908, Bittner Meat Market, first interurban entering, PC_032
Main, E, 405 1908, Bittner Meat Market, first interurban entering, WHS_006_323
Main, E, 405 1913, William Bittner, meat market-retail
Main, E, 405 1918, William Bittner sold meat market to Henry Miller
Main, E, 405 1918, Oschmann's Meat Market, Ad, WHS_013_500_Oschmann
Main, E, 405 1918, Oschmann's Meat Market, Ad, 405 E Main, WHS_014_050_H
Main, E, 405 1918, Oschmann's Meat Market,  Ad,  WHS_016_155C
Main, E, 405 1919 circa, Oschmann's Meat Market, WHS_006_Semrich_246
Main, E, 405 1935, Meyer & Krueger, meats
Main, E, 405 1935, circa, Meyer & Krueger Meat Market, WHS_023_035
Main, E, 405 1950, Royal Meats
Main, E, 405 1971, Vacant
Main, E, 405 1987, Vacant, WHS_014_381
Main, E, 405 1987, WHS_014_421
Main, E, 405-407 1993, Office Essentials
Main, E, 405-407 2016, H&R Block
Main, E, 406 1900, John F Bramer, Carriages & Phaetons, Ad, WHS_013_500_Bramer
Main, E, 406 1909, Piano tuning business
Main, E, 406 1909, Frank Bramer, piano tuner
Main, E, 406 1910, Ad, Sam Weiner clothing store, WHS_021_390B
Main, E, 406 1913, Weiner, Sam
Main, E, 406 1921, Vogue Cleaners
Main, E, 406 1928, Stuebe Floral
Main, E, 406 1933, Golden Lantern Gift Shop, Piccadilly Building
Main, E, 406 1934, Golden Lantern Gift Shop
Main, E, 406 1935, Smart Shop, opening of
Main, E, 406 1941, The Smart Shop
Main, E, 406 1945, The Smoke Shop
Main, E, 406 1950, Piccadilly Smoke Shop
Main, E, 406 1957, circa, Piccadilly Smoke Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_053a
Main, E, 406 1957, circa, Piccadilly Smoke Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_053b
Main, E, 406 1971, Piccadilly
Main, E, 406 1974, Piccadilly Smoke Shop, WHS_005_309
Main, E, 406 1977, circa, Piccadilly Smoke Shop, WHS_008_398
Main, E, 406 1987, Piccadilly Book & Smoke Shop, WHS_014_373
Main, E, 406 1987, Piccadilly Book & Smoke, WHS_014_421
Main, E, 406 1993, Olde Towne Doll Shoppe
Main, E, 406 1995, Old Towne Doll Shoppe
Main, E, 406 2006, Chmielewski CPAs and Advisors
Main, E, 406 2014, LA Nails, WHS_008_398
Main, E, 406 Piccadilly Building, history of
Main, E, 406-408 1891, Ad, drawing, John Bramer, Weltburger, 02 14 1891, WHS_005_875
Main, E, 406-408 1884, Bramer Building, history of, farm implement business
Main, E, 407 Brunner Building
Main, E, 407 1909, Jacob Brunner, tailor
Main, E, 407 1913, pre, Jacob Brunner, tailor
Main, E, 407 1913, Leased by William Pappas, to install ice cream parlor
Main, E, 407 1918, William Pappas candy store
Main, E, 407 1919, circa, Grant's Ice Cream Parlor, WHS_006_Semrich_246
Main, E, 407 1935, Chic Hat Shop
Main, E, 407 1945, National Tea Co, grocery
Main, E, 407 1950, Opening of Gruners at this location, WHS_018_390B
Main, E, 407 1950, Opening of Gruners at this location, WHS_021_062D
Main, E, 407 1954, Gruner Office Supply, WHS_006_Centennial_1954_001
Main, E, 407 1954, Gruner Office Supply, WHS_006_Centennial_1954_012
Main, E, 407 1957, Minar Office & School, WHS_011_200Y
Main, E, 407 1957, circa, Minars, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_054a
Main, E, 407 1957, circa, Minars, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_054b
Main, E, 407 1971, Minars
Main, E, 407 1984, Sale of Minar’s
Main, E, 407 1987, Andersen Office Supply, WHS_014_381
Main, E, 407 1987, WHS_014_421
Main, E, 408 1894, J F Bramer, Ad, WHS_006_523
Main, E, 408 1894, J F Bramer, Ad, WHS_006_528
Main, E, 408 1909, Neugebauer saloon
Main, E, 408 1909, John Richart Music Co
Main, E, 408 1913, John Richart Music Co, WHS_023_327
Main, E, 408 1914, John Richart Piano Co, WHS_008_212b
Main, E, 408 1922, circa, Bert Froemming, barber, WHS_013_959
Main, E, 408 1924, White Palace Barber Shop, Bert Froemming, WHS_006_930
Main, E, 408 1935, London Shoe Hospital
Main, E, 408 1935, Moved to, Thusius Jewelry
Main, E, 408 1951, Klug Jewelers, Richard Klug, WHS_016_156
Main, E, 408 1957, circa, Sonotone, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_055a
Main, E, 408 1957, circa, Sonotone, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_055b
Main, E, 408 1971, H R Block
Main, E, 408 1975, Yarn Shop, WHS_005_316
Main, E, 408 1975, circa, Yarn Shop, Rear of, WHS_008_402
Main, E, 408 1987, Yarn Shop, WHS_014_373
Main, E, 408 1987, WHS_014_421
Main, E, 408 1993, Abiding Word Book Store
Main, E, 408 1993, Ann Geiger, Electrolysis
Main, E, 408 2004, Nextel
Main, E, 408 2021, N Style Salon, WHS_019_074E
Main, E, 408-410 1879, Joseph Miller, gunsmith & coppersmith, WHS_018_599
Main, E, 409 1885, William Schoppe, Bookseller and stationer
Main, E, 409 1887, William Schoppe, Bookseller and stationer, WHS_018_500V
Main, E, 409 1909, Mrs Ida Jaedecke (Herman), milliner; business sold to Neugebauer
Main, E, 409 1915, Ad, W F Gruetzmacher, WHS_016_553L
Main, E, 409 1935, National Tea Co
Main, E, 409 1950, John Benes, photographer
Main, E, 409 1955, Griffin Studio, photographer
Main, E, 409 1957, circa, Griffin Studio, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_056a
Main, E, 409 1957, circa, Griffin Studio, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_056b
Main, E, 409 1969, Pruefer's Shoe Store, opening of, WHS_020_060B
Main, E, 409 1993, H& R Block, change of ownership
Main, E, 409 1971, Fashion-Aire Wigs
Main, E, 409 1987, H&R Block, WHS_014_381
Main, E, 409 1987, WHS_014_421
Main, E, 409 1993, H & R Block
Main, E, 409 2017, Ava's Post Boutique, opening of
Main, E, 410 1898, Crosby Bros. bike shop
Main, E, 410 1899, Crosby Bros. bike shop, WHS_022_651
Main, E, 410 1899, Crosby Bros. bicycle shop, WHS_007_KR007
Main, E, 410 1899, Compared to 2013, WHS_007_KR007_compare
Main, E, 410 1909, Gustav J Doerr, painters
Main, E, 410 1913, Seraphine Pappandonies, bootblacks
Main, E, 410 1914, circa, Shoe Shine Parlor & Hat Shop, WHS_009_587
Main, E, 410 1916, Watertown Hat Cleaning Shop, WHS_023_180E
Main, E, 410 1918, Watertown Shoe Shine Parlor, Tom Makas, WHS_013_500_Makas
Main, E, 410 1920, circa, Shoe shiner shop, Charles Gust, WHS_006_929
Main, E, 410 1922, circa, Charles Gust, shoe parlor, WHS_013_959
Main, E, 410 1922, circa, Christ Tsatsos, shoe parlor, WHS_013_959
Main, E, 410 1935, Cozy Barber Shop
Main, E, 410 1935, Harold E Marouch, barber
Main, E, 410 1950, Dr. Harold Magnan, Eye Dr.
Main, E, 410 1975, Magnan Optical, WHS_005_315
Main, E, 410 1987, Dr. Harold Magnan, WHS_014_373
Main, E, 410 1987, WHS_014_421
Main, E, 410 1993, Dr Magnan
Main, E, 410 2010, Watertown Farm Market Kitchen, WDT story 09 24 2010
Main, E, 411 1899, John Brusenbach beer hall, WHS_022_651
Main, E, 411 1909, Otto Heyn, books and stationery
Main, E, 411 1910, circa, Otto Heyn book bindery
Main, E, 411 1913, Otto Heyn, bookseller & stationer
Main, E, 411 1920, Harold Heyn, ad, Orbit, book and music
Main, E, 411 1926, Economy Cash Store closes, WHS_020_221B
Main, E, 411 1927, Ad, Star Lunch Restaurant, WHS_011_580F
Main, E, 411 1935, William B Schubert, restaurant
Main, E, 411 1938, Schmitty's Bakery moved from to, from 117 N Third
Main, E, 411 1950, Ad, Central Bake Shop, WHS_019_239P
Main, E, 411 1957, circa, 411 E Main, Central Bake Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_058a
Main, E, 411 1957, circa, 411 E Main, Central Bake Shop, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_058b
Main, E, 411 1971, Freeberg’s Bakery
Main, E, 411 1987, Freeberg's Bakery, WHS_014_381
Main, E, 411 1993, Freeberg’s Bakery
Main, E, 411 2020, New façade, WHS_018_220S
Main, E, 411 2022, Chandler House Bakery
Main, E, 411 2021, El Sazon Jarocho, opening of
Main, E, 412 1899, Watertown Grain Exchange, WHS_007_KR007
Main, E, 412 1899, Watertown Grain Exchange, WHS_022_651
Main, E, 412 1900, circa, Wertheimer store, Herman Wertheimer, WHS_022_626
Main, E, 412 1909, Thomas Nielsen, billiard halls
Main, E, 412 1913, John Schuetz, clothing-retail
Main, E, 412 1913, John Schuetz, clothing, ad, WHS_006_824
Main, E, 412 1914, circa, Owen's Drug Store, WHS_009_587
Main, E, 412 1914, circa, Owen's Drug Store, interior view, WHS_020_698
Main, E, 412 1919, Ad, Owens Drug, WHS_016_468 B
Main, E, 412 1922, circa, Army & Navy store, WHS_013_959
Main, E, 412 1927, Vogue Cleaners, Hildebrandt_B_075
Main, E, 412 1935, Vogue Cleaners & Dyers
Main, E, 412 1941, Fourth of July parade, WHS_013_086
Main, E, 412 1957, circa, Vogue Cleaners, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_059a
Main, E, 412 1957, circa, Vogue Cleaners, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_059b
Main, E, 412 1975, Vogue Cleaners, WHS_005_314
Main, E, 412 1975, Vogue Cleaners, WHS_006_573_comparison
Main, E, 412 1987, Vogue Cleaners, WHS_014_373
Main, E, 412 1987, Vogue Cleaners, WHS_014_421
Main, E, 412 1993, Vogue Cleaners
Main, E, 412 2019, Tuck pointing façade
Main, E, 412 2021, Repainting façade, capture6701
Main, E, 412 2021, Repainting façade, capture6702
Main, E, 412 2021, Repainting façade, capture6703
Main, E, 413 1909, Millie Roller, milliner
Main, E, 413 1913, Millie Roller, milliner
Main, E, 413 1922, circa, Millie Roller, milliner, WHS_013_959
Main, E, 413 1945, Gruner Office Supply, today Far Horizons Imports,WHS_006_764
Main, E, 413 1950, Gruner Office Supply
Main, E, 413 1950, K Beauty Shop
Main, E, 413 1954, Town & Country Electric, Ray Herman, WHS_016_300K
Main, E, 413 1971, Dr. Becker
Main, E, 413 1971, K. Beauty Salon
Main, E, 413 1993, Far Horizons
Main, E, 414 1881, Zautner Boots and Shoes (same as 84 E Main, early dirs) [PC_423]
Main, E, 414 1881, Zautner Boots and Shoes, "Sign of the Big Boot" [PC_427]
Main, E, 414 1881, Buildings, signage only, that of C Zautner, later Brand Candy & Turkey Guerke, WHS_005_613
Main, E, 414 1899, August Duenewald saloon, WHS_022_651
Main, E, 414 1900, August Duenewald, saloon keeper
Main, E, 414 1909, Henry L Diekoff, saloon
Main, E, 414 1910, Henry L Diekoff, saloon, WHS_006_721
Main, E, 414 1913, Henry L Diekoff, saloon
Main, E, 414 1914, circa, Bob's Place, WHS_009_587
Main, E, 414 1927, Hildebrandt_B_075
Main, E, 414 1935, Harvey C Brandt, confectioner
Main, E, 414 1950, The Grill (Restaurant)
Main, E, 414 1957, Town & Country Elec
Main, E, 414 1971, Emil’s Pizza
Main, E, 414 1975, Emil's Pizza, WHS_005_313
Main, E, 414 1993, Greyhound Bus Depot
Main, E, 414 1993, Shipping Dept
Main, E, 415 Ninabuck Bldg, chapter on
Main, E, 415 Portfolio collection of
Main, E, 415 1909, John J Brusenbach, saloon
Main, E, 415 1913, Richard Pouchert, saloon
Main, E, 415 1914, Interurban Buffet and Restaurant, Richard Pouchert, Prop.
Main, E, 415 1920, circa, Owen Drug Store, WHS_019_594
Main, E, 415 1922, circa, Ernest Owen, drug store, WHS_013_959
Main, E, 415 1935, Ernest S Owen, drugs
Main, E, 415 1945, Ninabuck's, Miller signage, WHS_006_764
Main, E, 415 1950, Ninabuck’s Sewing Machines
Main, E, 415 1956, Gamble’s Store
Main, E, 415 1957, circa, Pfaff Sewing Ctr, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_062a
Main, E, 415 1957, circa, Pfaff Sewing Ctr, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_062b
Main, E, 415 1964, Lakeland Music Stores
Main, E, 415 1969, Dr. M. J. Anderson office
Main, E, 415 1969, WHS_021_178
Main, E, 415 1969, WHS_021_179
Main, E, 415 1969, WHS_021_180
Main, E, 415 1969, WHS_021_181
Main, E, 415 1969, WHS_021_182
Main, E, 415 1971, Anderson’s Chiropractic Office
Main, E, 415 1971, Buklor Office Equipment
Main, E, 415 1993, Buklor Inc
Main, E, 415 1993, Data Processing Supplies
Main, E, 415 1993, Prudential Ins.
Main, E, 415 2016, WHS_013_250E
Main, E, 415 2021, Cannabloom Farmacy opened
Main, E, 415 2021, Aluminum façade removed, WHS_020_930B
Main, E, 415 2021, Aluminum façade removed, WHS_020_930C
Main, E, 415 2021, Aluminum façade removed, WHS_020_930D
Main, E, 415 2021, Aluminum façade removed, WHS_020_930E
Main, E, 415 2021, Aluminum façade removed, WHS_020_930F
Main, E, 415 2021, Aluminum façade removed, WHS_020_930G
Main, E, 415 2021, Aluminum façade removed, WHS_020_930H
Main, E, 415 2021, Aluminum façade removed, WHS_020_930J
Main, E, 415 2021, WHS_020_343F
Main, E, 415 Architecture and History Inventory record, WHS
Main, E, 415 1/2 1956, 415 1/2 E Main, Simplified Records, headed by W. R. Ninabuck
Main, E, 416 1881, Wenzel Quis saloon (same as 86 E Main, early dirs?) [PC_423]
Main, E, 416 1899, Herman Oestreich, clocks, musical instru, WHS_022_651
Main, E, 416 1906, Herman Oestreich, clocks, musical instru, guns, WHS_016_607
Main, E, 416 1909, Herman Oestreich, guns, musical instruments, ammunition, sewing machines
Main, E, 416 1913, Herman A Oestreich, clocks, musical instru, sewing machines, guns, ammunition
Main, E, 416 1920, R H Moldenhauer, Insur, ad, Orbit
Main, E, 416 1924, Henry Moldenhauer, cheesemaker, WHS_006_784H
Main, E, 416 1935, circa, "Turkey's Roost" Arthur "Turkey" Gehrke, WHS_016_043
Main, E, 416 1941, Fourth of July parade, Turkey Gehrke tavern, WHS_013_086
Main, E, 416 1942, circa, Turkey Gehrke, Café & Saloon, WHS_019_266
Main, E, 416 Turkey Gehrke tavern, chapter on
Main, E, 416 1945, Brad's Tavern, formerly Turkey's Roost
Main, E, 416 1950, Rulf’s Tavern
Main, E, 416 1950, circa, Bud & Al's Uptown Bar, WHS_018_425
Main, E, 416 1955, circa, Bud & Al's Uptown Bar, WHS_018_389
Main, E, 416 1957, circa, Uptown Bar, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_063a
Main, E, 416 1957, circa, Uptown Bar, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_063b
Main, E, 416 1971, Uptown Bar
Main, E, 416 1977, Uptown Bar, WHS_005_312
Main, E, 416 1993, Hooks & Betty’s Uptown Bar
Main, E, 416 2010, Ann's Uptown Bar
Main, E, 416 2017, Exterior renovation
Main, E, 416 Match book cover collection, WHS_018_424
Main, E, 417 Early, William Pappas ice cream parlor
Main, E, 417 1909, Dahl and Droese, dress makers
Main, E, 417 1913, William Pappas, pressed for room at this location
Main, E, 417 1918, Pappas Ice cream parlor, ad, WHS_014_050_K
Main, E, 417 1930, circa, H Grabow luncheonette, plans for, WHS_020_200
Main, E, 417 1935, Henry G. Grabow, lunch
Main, E, 417 1957, circa, L & L Luncheonette, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_064a
Main, E, 417 1957, circa, L & L Luncheonette, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_064b
Main, E, 417 1969, L & L Restaurant
Main, E, 417 1969, L & L Restaurant, WHS_021_178
Main, E, 417 1969, L & L Restaurant, WHS_021_179
Main, E, 417 1969, L & L Restaurant, WHS_021_180
Main, E, 417 1969, L & L Restaurant, WHS_021_181
Main, E, 417 1969, L & L Restaurant, WHS_021_182
Main, E, 417 1971, L & L Luncheonette
Main, E, 417 1993, R J Voigt Realty
Main, E, 417 AHI link
Main, E, 417-419 1945, Beske Bros. Restaurant, Edgar and Ervin
Main, E, 417-419 1945, Beske Bros restaurant, WHS_006_764
Main, E, 417-419 1950, Sip & Bite, restaurant
Main, E, 418 1886, Partial view of, WHS_008_369
Main, E, 418 1909, Hilgendorf property purchased, Buroff garage erected
Main, E, 418 1910, Ad, Buroff-Hafemeister-Fuller, Victor or Victrola, WHS_011_250g
Main, E, 418 1910, circa, Buroff Garage, WHS_PC_075
Main, E, 418 1913, Buroff-Fuller Motor Co, auto dealer, repairs, supplies, garages
Main, E, 418 1915, Richardson Bros
Main, E, 418 1924, Specialty Service Station, WHS_019_950C
Main, E, 418 1935, Donahue Motor Co
Main, E, 418 1942, circa, Donahue Motors, WHS_019_266
Main, E, 418 1950, Burke’s Garage
Main, E, 418 1957, circa, Jim's Packard Sales, 1950s-70s city assessor form, WHS_006_065a
Main, E, 418 1957, circa, Jim's Packard Sales, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_065b
Main, E, 418 2005, Security Finance, assists borrowers with loans
Main, E, 418 1965, Purchased for future N Fifth Street widening project
Main, E, 420 1913, Wheeler & Leschinger, Royal Blue Shoe Store
East Main intersects with Fifth East Main intersects with Fifth
Main, E, 500 block 1908, South side
Main, E, 500 block 1915, North side, Circus Parade, WHS_004_NT_084
Main, E, 500 block 1938, circa, South side of, WHS_007_026
Main, E, 500 block 1975, South side of, WHS_005_289
Main, E, 500 block, north side 1987, WHS_014_380
Main, E, 500 1886, Methodist Episcopal Church, WHS_008_369
Main, E, 500 1908, Demolition of first Methodist Episcopal church, WHS_KR_156
Main, E, 500 1912, circa, Methodist Episcopal Church
Main, E, 500 1912, circa, Methodist Episcopal Church, WHS_005_124
Main, E, 500 1955, circa, English Methodist Episcopal Church, WHS_PC_117
Main, E, 500 1969, English Methodist Episcopal Church, WHS_006_709
Main, E, 500 1970, English Methodist Episcopal Church, WHS_006_711
Main, E, 500 1915, Circus Parade, WHS_004_NT_091
Main, E, 500 1935, First Methodist Church
Main, E, 500 1971, Methodist Church
Main, E, 500 1972, circa, Goodyear Service Store, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_068b
Main, E, 500 1988, Marine Bank West becomes Bank One
Main, E, 500 1993, Bank One
Main, E, 500 2020, Chase Bank
Main, E, 500 2022, Creative Community Living Systems, move from 314 E Main to 500 E Main
Main, E, 501 1886, Wisconsin House, WHS_008_369
Main, E, 501 1900, circa, Wisconsin House
Main, E, 501 1905, circa, WHS_020_KR055
Main, E, 501 1908, Wisconsin House, first interurban entering, WHS_PC_032
Main, E, 501 1908, Wisconsin House, first interurban entering, WHS_WHS_006_323
Main, E, 501 1909c but pre 1935, Wisconsin Hotel; Joseph A. Mirgler, saloon
Main, E, 501 1913, Hotel Waukesha, hotel, 501-503 E Main
Main, E, 501 1935, Waukesha Hotel
Main, E, 501 1936, circa, Wisconsin House, demolition of, WHS_007_025
Main, E, 501 1936, circa, Wisconsin House, demolition of, WHS_007_026
Main, E, 501 1937, New Pure Oil service station
Main, E, 501 1950, Jim’s Pure Oil Service Station
Main, E, 501 1954, Chip's Pure Oil Service, WHS_016_570T
Main, E, 501 1956, WHS_006_066
Main, E, 501 1957, Chip's Pure Oil Service, ad
Main, E, 501 1958, circa, Chip's Pure Oil, WHS_018_676
Main, E, 501 1958, circa, Chip's Pure Oil Service, WHS_019_851
Main, E, 501 1965, Pure Oil Service, WHS_023_459
Main, E, 501 1967, Pure Oil Station, demolition of, WHS_013_681
Main, E, 501 1967, Construction of new service station, WHS_018_588
Main, E, 501 1971, Union Oil Service
Main, E, 501 1984, Union Prescription Center, closing of; also Union Prescription Ctr Self-Service Gas
Main, E, 501 1993, Sherwood s Pizza & Subs
Main, E, 501 2012, Latte Donatte
Main, E, 501 Street view
Main, E, 503 1900, circa, Louis Spangenberg barbershop, WHS_021_690
Main, E, 503 1909c but pre 1935, Edward C May, flour and feed
Main, E, 503 1935, Tourists Tavern
Main, E, 506 1890, circa, Piper Harness Shop, 506-508 E Main, WHS_008_672
Main, E, 506 1890, circa, Piper Harness Shop, 506-508 E Main, WHS_006_328, same as KR_135 (#4102B)
Main, E, 506 1890, circa, Charles Piper Harness Shop, 506-508 E Main, WHS_006_328_portion  (#4102B)
Main, E, 508 1905, circa, WHS_020_KR055
Main, E, 508 1909, Charles T Piper, harness maker
Main, E, 508 1913, Charles T Piper, harness maker
Main, E, 508 1950, Charles T Piper, leather goods
Main, E, 508 1956, WHS_022_508
Main, E, 508 1956, circa, Charles Piper Bldg, Leather goods, city assessor form, WHS_006_070a
Main, E, 508 1956, circa, Charles Piper Bldg, Leather goods, city assessor image, WHS_006_070b
Main, E, 508   1956, Piper bldg sold to Kehr Brothers, heating
Main, E, 508 1957, Kehr Brothers, Heating contractors, ad
Main, E, 508 1971, Kehr Brothers, heating
Main, E, 508 Street view
Main, E, 509 1900, circa, Catherine & Emma Buechele's Millinery Shop, WHS_022_418
Main, E, 509 1909, F Buechele, millner
Main, E, 509 1913, Bramer & Brandenstein, milliner
Main, E, 509 1935, Marie S Brandenstein, milliner
Main, E, 509 1950, Marie S Brandenstein, millinery
Main, E, 509 1956, Ken Wilkes Radio & TV, WHS_006_067a
Main, E, 509 1956, Ken Wilkes Radio & TV, WHS_006_067b
Main, E, 509 1957, Ken Wilkes Radio & TV service, WHS_011_200L
Main, E, 509 Ken Wilkes Radio & TV
Main, E, 509 1963, Wilkes sold property at 509 E Main to the Pure Oil Co. 
Main, E, 509 Street view
Main, E, 510 1970, circa, Schuett’s Drive In, city assessor image, WHS_006_071b
Main, E, 510 1987, Schuett's Drive In, WHS_014_374
Main, E, 510 1993, Schuett’s
Main, E, 510 1999, Schuett's, WHS_023_582
Main, E, 510 2017, Moon Rabbit replaces Schuett's, WHS_011_578
Main, E, 510 2020, Wisconsin State Journal article
Main, E, 511 1909, John Rogler, tailor
Main, E, 511 1913, John Rogler, tailor
Main, E, 511 1930, circa, Knight Radio Service
Main, E, 511 1935, John Rogler, tailor
Main, E, 511 1950, Mi Lady’s Beauty Salon
Main, E, 511 1957, circa, Mi Lady Beauty Studio, c1960, 1950s-70s city assessor form WHS_006_072a
Main, E, 511 1957, circa, Mi Lady's Beauty Studio, c1960, 1950s-70s city assessor image, WHS_006_072b
Main, E, 511 1976, Mi Lady's Beauty Studio, WHS_005_295
Main, E, 511 1976, Mi Lady's Beauty Studio, WHS_014_067
Main, E, 511 1987, Karen's Kut & Kurl, WHS_014_380
Main, E, 511 1993, D R Shoe Repair
Main, E, 511 1993, Karen’s Beauty Supply
Main, E, 511 1993, Michele’s on Main
Main, E, 511 2014, Anthony's 511, Beauty Salon, Hair Salon
Main, E, 511 AHI link
Main, E, 512 1888, circa, Henry Vogel, Merchant Tailor WHS_007_KR001
Main, E, 512 1945, Birkholz Floral
Main, E, 514-516 1927, Washington Hotel, Flag Day, Hildebrandt_B_060
Main, E, 514-516 1950, Hotel Washington
Main, E, 514-516 1970, Washington Hotel, WHS_023_324
Main, E, 514-516 1970, Washington Hotel, WHS_013_515
Main, E, 514-516 1970, Washington Cocktail Lounge, WHS_013_515
Main, E, 514-516 1970, Greyhound Bus Depot, WHS_013_515
Main, E, 514-516 1971, Washington Inn
Main, E, 515 1892, Koch & Seifert, tailors, WHS_008_327b
Main, E, 515-517 1900, Saloon, Theodore Lotz, bldg. owned by Ulrich Habhegger
Main, E, 515-517 1900, Saloon, Fred Kowalski
Main, E, 515-517 1900, Collapse of during raising of
Main, E, 515-517 1957c Kramp used car lot, city assessor form, WHS_006_073a
Main, E, 516 Washington Hotel, WHS_PC_344
Main, E, 516 1875, Construction of Washington Hotel
Main, E, 516 1913, Washington Hotel, 516-518 Main
Main, E, 516 1915, Washington Hotel, Circus Parade, WHS_004_NT_086
Main, E, 516 1957, circa, Washington Hotel, 1950s-70 city assessor form, WHS_006_074a
Main, E, 516 1957, circa, Washington Hotel, 1950s-70 city assessor image, WHS_006_074b
Main, E, 516 1987, Washington Inn (Hotel), WHS_014_374
Main, E, 516 1993, Washington Hotel
Main, E, 516 2008, The Firecracker, food and drink
Main, E, 516-518 1909, Henry W Kronitz, saloon
Main, E, 517 1890, circa, William Krebs, WHS_KR_145
Main, E, 518 1913, Henry W Kronitz, saloon
Main, E, 519 1900, Christian Dauffenbach, son Elmer
Main, E, 519 1909, Christian Dauffenbach, saloon
Main, E, 519 1913, Emil Kohli, saloon
Main, E, 519 1920, circa, Emil Kohli tavern, WHS_008_781
Main, E, 519 1935, A C Hahn, phys.; Floyd H Carlson, dentist
Main, E, 519 1935, Professional building, L H Nowack, physician
Main, E, 519 1950, Professional Bldg
Main, E, 519 1950, Dr Louis W Nowack
Main, E, 519 1957, circa, Dr Louis W Nowack, professional bldg, city assessor form, WHS_006_075a
Main, E, 519 1957, circa, Dr Louis W Nowack, professional bldg, city assessor image. WHS_006_075b
Main, E, 519 1971, Dr Louis W Nowack
Main, E, 519 1975, Dr Louis W Nowack, WHS_005_289
Main, E, 519 1987, Watertown School of Okinawan Karate, WHS_014_380
Main, E, 519 1991, Chamber of Commerce moved into
East Main intersects with Sixth East Main intersects with Sixth
Main, E, 600 block, north side 1902, WHS_006_944
Main, E, 600 block, north side 1919, circa, WHS_014_452
Main, E, 600 block, north side 1929, circa, WHS_021_731
Main, E, 600 block, north & south sides 1967, Reconstruction of, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 600 block, north side 1971, circa, WHS_021_410
Main, E, 600 block, north side 1987, WHS_014_375
Main, E, 600 block, south side 1987, WHS_014_379
Main, E, 600 1935, Wilfred C Oestreicher, popcorn
Main, E, 600 1950, William H Zoellick - popcorn
Main, E, 600 1956, William Zoellick popcorn stand, WHS_022_282
Main, E, 600 1958, First Insurance Services
Main, E, 600 1968, circa, Site preparation, WHS_022_857
Main, E, 600 1971, Vacant
Main, E, 600 1972, Construction of First State Savings and Loan, WHS_016_621
Main, E, 600 1987, First Financial Savings, WHS_014_375
Main, E, 600 1993, First Financial Bank
Main, E, 601 1885, circa, Kramp Co, WHS_KR_130
Main, E, 601 1909, August Kramp, blacksmith
Main, E, 601 1920, circa, Kramps, WHS_008_781
Main, E, 601 1968, circa, A. Kramp blacksmith bldg, WHS_022_857
Main, E, 601-603 1960s, Kramp Co, WHS_023_638
Main, E, 601-603 1960s, Kramp Co, WHS_023_639
Main, E, 601-605 1935, A. Kramp Co., farm implements and blacksmiths
Main, E, 601-605 1950, Kramp’s Blacksmith Shop
Main, E, 601-605 1956, Kramp's Farm Implements, WHS_022_284
Main, E, 602 1909, Benjamin Rieck, barber
Main, E, 602 1913, Benjamin Rieck, barber
Main, E, 602 1927, East End Barber Shop, WHS_011_580L
Main, E, 602 1935, Bernard J Simon, barber
Main, E, 602 1948, Justman's Sporting Goods moved from, to 9 E Main
Main, E, 602 1950, Vacant
Main, E, 602 1956, Schlueter News Agency, WHS_022_282
Main, E, 602 1971, Frederick News Agency
Main, E, 603 1971, John T Meyer, painting contractor
Main, E, 604 1902, WHS_006_944
Main, E, 604 1902, circa, WHS_016_595
Main, E, 604 1919, circa, Bert Froemming, barber, WHS_014_452
Main, E, 604 1922 & 1923, Ad, Star Lunch Restaurant, WHS_014_631
Main, E, 604 Star Lunch Restaurant, DJCGS_001_613
Main, E, 604 Star Lunch Restaurant, DJCGS_001_614
Main, E, 604 Star Lunch Restaurant, DJCGS_001_615
Main, E, 604 Star Lunch Restaurant, DJCGS_001_616
Main, E, 604 Star Lunch Restaurant, DJCGS_001_617
Main, E, 604 1927, Ad, Lang's Restaurant, WHS_011_550K
Main, E, 604 1935, Paul Spors, hardware
Main, E, 604 1941, Fairmont Ice Cream Shop, WHS_011_703
Main, E, 604 1967, Vacant, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 604 1971, circa, WHS_021_410
Main, E, 605 Article relating to Krebs building by Shirley Mae Block
Main, E, 605 1885, circa, East Side Meat Mkt, Charles Wegemann, KR_137
Main, E, 605 1909, William Krebs, grocer, business and home
Main, E, 605 Krebs Grocery building, later moved to 208 S First, WHS_006_392
Main, E, 605 1915, Kremo Store, Ad
Main, E, 605 1917, Kohli Grocery, Ad / Mrs. Gertrude V. Kohli, WHS_014_015B
Main, E, 605 1918, Kohli Grocery, Ad / Mrs. Gertrude V. Kohli, WHS_014_05J
Main, E, 605 1920, circa, Obstructed view, Krebs, WHS_008_781
Main, E, 605 1967, Kramp Farm Implement, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 605 1968, circa, Kramp Farm Implement, WHS_022_857
Main, E, 605 1971, Kramp Co
Main, E, 605 1974, Krebs Building, ghost sign, WHS_018_646
Main, E, 605 1987, Krebs Building, WHS_014_437
Main, E, 605 2001, Krebs building, vacant for some time, moved to 208 S First
Main, E, 606 1902, WHS_006_944
Main, E, 606 1902, circa, Adolph Hartwig, vet, WHS_016_595
Main, E, 606 1950, Watertown Garment Co
Main, E, 606 1956, National Farm Loan Assn, WHS_022_282
Main, E, 606 1957, National Farm Loan Assn, WHS_011_200X
Main, E, 606 1963, Ken Wilkes Radio and TV Service Store 
Main, E, 606 1967, Vacant, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 606 1971, Hometown Prints
Main, E, 606 1971, circa, WHS_021_410
Main, E, 606-608 1890, circa, William Gorder Co., WHS_008_674
Main, E, 606-608 1902, WHS_006_944
Main, E, 606-608 1902, circa, William Gorder Co, WHS_016_594_colorized
Main, E, 606-608 1902, circa, William Gorder Co, WHS_016_595
Main, E, 606-608 1909, William Gorder Co, boots, shoes, contractors, sewer coal, wood
Main, E, 606-608 1910, William Gorder Co, Christmas ad, WHS_011_250k
Main, E, 606-608 1913, William Gorder Co, boots & shoes retail
Main, E, 606-608 1915, William Gorder Co, coal, wood, bldg matls
Main, E, 606-608 1919, circa, William Gorder Co, WHS_014_452
Main, E, 606-608 1935, William Gorder Co, building materials and coal
Main, E, 607 1967, Hafemeister Furniture, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 607-609 1909, Nowack & Kohls, furniture dealers
Main, E, 607-609 1913, Kohls & Knaak, furniture dealers
Main, E, 607-609 1910, Ad, Nowack & Kohls
Main, E, 607-609 1915, Ad, Kohls & Knaak, furniture and funeral
Main, E, 607-609 1916, Ad, Kohls & Knaak
Main, E, 607-609 1926, A F Mayer takes over Kohls-Oestreich, WHS_021_033D
Main, E, 607-609 1927, Kohls-Mayer-Hafemeister Co, WHS_011_550M
Main, E, 607-609 1950, Hafemeister Furniture Store
Main, E, 607-609 1968, circa, Hafemeister's, WHS_022_857
Main, E, 607-609 1971, Hafemeister Furniture Store
Main, E, 607-609 1987, Hafemeister Furniture Store, WHS_014_379
Main, E, 607-609 1993, Hafemeister Furniture Store
Main, E, 607-613 1935, Kohls-Hafemeister Co, furniture and undertakers
Main, E, 607-613 1956, Hafemeister Funeral & Furniture, WHS_022_287
Main, E, 607-613 1957, Ad, Hafemeister Funeral Home
Main, E, 607-613 1987, Hafemeister, drawing, WHS_006_957
Main, E, 608 DJCGS_001_617
Main, E, 608 1890, Watertown Shoe Co, retail store
Main, E, 608 1914, Ad, William Gorder, coal, WHS_016_264
Main, E, 608 1950, William Gorder Coal & Bldg Matl
Main, E, 608 1967, Vacant, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 608 1967, Brick sidewalk, WHS_018_589
Main, E, 608 1971, Vacant
Main, E, 608 1971, circa, WHS_021_410
Main, E, 608 Schneider Jewelry
Main, E, 610 DJCGS_001_617
Main, E, 610 1902, circa, WHS_016_595
Main, E, 610 1909, Charles Wittchow, tin, copper and sheet metal works
Main, E, 610 1913, Charles Wittchow, sheet metal works
Main, E, 610 1919, circa, WHS_014_452
Main, E, 610 1935, Alvin J. Stenberg, tavern
Main, E, 610 1942, circa, Carl Justman, Budweiser Inn, WHS_018_373
Main, E, 610 1945, Carl's Bar, Carl Justman
Main, E, 610 Budweiser Inn, WHS_006_590
Main, E, 610 1950, Dick’s Friendly Bar
Main, E, 610 1956, Dick’s Friendly Bar, WHS_022_283
Main, E, 610 1967, Plenge's Bar, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 610 1971, Plenge’s Friendly Bar
Main, E, 610 1971, circa, WHS_021_410
Main, E, 611 Hafemeister Funeral Home
Main, E, 611 1967, Hafemeister Funeral Home, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 611-613 1900, circa, Jaedecke Grocery, interior, WHS_008_257
Main, E, 611-613 1900, circa, Jaedecke Grocery, exterior, WHS_008_258
Main, E, 611-613 1909, Jaedecke & Grams, grocers
Main, E, 611-613 1915, Jaedecke Grocery
Main, E, 611-613 1950, Hafemeister Funeral Home
Main, E, 611-613 1987, Hafemeister Funeral Home, WHS_014_379
Main, E, 612 1902, circa, WHS_016_595
Main, E, 612 1915, East End Barber, Bert Froemming, prop.
Main, E, 612 DJCGS_001_617
Main, E, 612 1919, circa, WHS_014_452
Main, E, 612 1920, E D Warner, barber, ad, Orbit
Main, E, 612 1935, The Patio, restaurant, WHS_021_390R
Main, E, 612 1940, Paradise Inn
Main, E, 612 1950, Tourist Café
Main, E, 612 1956, Tourist Café, WHS_022_289
Main, E, 612 1967, Duly's Cafe, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 612 1971, Duly’s Café
Main, E, 612 1971, circa, WHS_021_410
Main, E, 612 Street view
Main, E, 614 1913, Martin F Zoellick, watches, clocks & jewelry
Main, E, 614 1915, Martin Zoellick, jewelry and stationary
Main, E, 614 DJCGS_001_617
Main, E, 614 1920, circa, Martin Zoellich, jeweler, WHS_019_267
Main, E, 614 1935, Maurice D. Rouse, shoe repair; Oconomowoc Family Laundry
Main, E, 614 1950, Vacant
Main, E, 614 1971, Vacant
Main, E, 615 1909, William J. Bethke, bill posters
Main, E, 615 1935, Kramp & Co office
Main, E, 615 1967, Kramp Auto, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 615 1971, Vacant
Main, E, 615 1993, Vacant
Main, E, 615 1999, Professional office space, Eyewear Unlimited, Rehab in Motion
Main, E, 615 2001, WTTN, moves to, from 100 E Main
Main, E, 615-619 1910, A. Kramp Co., New garage and salesrooms
Main, E, 615-619 1948, circa, Kramp Auto Sales, 615-619 E Main, WHS_013_156
Main, E, 615-619 1950, Kramp’s Autos
Main, E, 615-619 1951, Kramps, WHS_008_828
Main, E, 615-619 1957, Kramp Co, King-Hintz, WHS_011_200A
Main, E, 615-619 1968, circa, Kramp Auto, WHS_022_857
Main, E, 615-619 1987, Kramp AMC Jeep Renault, WHS_014_379
Main, E, 616 1909, Mrs. Anna Bandelin, boots and shoe dealers
Main, E, 616 1912, Albert Kaliebe, WHS_008_700G
Main, E, 616 1913, Albert Kaliebe, boots & shoes retail
Main, E, 616 1915, Kaliebe Shoe Store
Main, E, 616 A. K. Kaliebe, Family Shoe Store, WHS_008_132
Main, E, 616 DJCGS_001_617
Main, E, 616 1920, circa, Albert Kaliebe, shoe store, WHS_019_267
Main, E, 616 1927, Albert Kaliebe shoe store, WHS_011_550N
Main, E, 616 1930, circa, Albert Kaliebe shoe store, WHS_022_292
Main, E, 616 1935, Albert F. Kaliebe, shoes
Main, E, 616 1940, Labor Day parade, WHS_018_307
Main, E, 616 1950, Birkholz Florist
Main, E, 616 1951, Birkholz Floral, WHS_022_290
Main, E, 616 1956, Birkholz Floral, WHS_022_289
Main, E, 616 1967, Birkholz Floral, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 616 1968, circa, Birkholz Floral, WHS_022_857
Main, E, 616 1971, Birkholz Floral
Main, E, 616 1982, Birkholz Floral, closing of; opening of Draeger's Floral and Gifts
Main, E, 616 Street view
Main, E, 616-618 1987, Draeger's Floral & Gift, WHS_014_375
Main, E, 616-618 1993, Draeger’s Floral, Palmer & Judith Draeger
Main, E, 616-618 2009, J C Penney outlet center added, Palmer & Judith Draeger
Main, E, 616-618 2018, Mural on bldg, Draeger’s Floral, WHS_021_800T
Main, E, 616-618 2022, Mural on bldg, Draeger’s Floral, WHS_021_800V
Main, E, 616-618 2022, Mural on bldg, Draeger’s Floral, WHS_021_800V
Main, E, 618 1895, W H Krueger, baker
Main, E, 618 1909, Mrs Henrietta Krueger, baker
Main, E, 618 1913, Mrs Henrietta Krueger, baker & confectioner
Main, E, 618 DJCGS_001_617
Main, E, 618 1920, circa, Wenzel Stupka, bakery, WHS_019_267
Main, E, 618 1927, Ad, Stupka's Bake Shop, WHS_011_550C
Main, E, 618 1932, Opening of East Side Bakery, Schmitty & Kosterman, ad
Main, E, 618 1932, East Side Bakery, Schmitty & Kosterman, ad
Main, E, 618 1950, East Side Bakery
Main, E, 618 1951, East Side Bakery, WHS_022_290
Main, E, 618 1960, circa, East Side Bakery signage, WHS_012_007
Main, E, 618 1967, East Side Bakery, WHS_018_499
Main, E, 618 1968, circa, East Side Bakery, WHS_022_857
Main, E, 618 1971, East Side Bakery
Main, E, 618 Street view
Main, E, 619 1889, circa, Jacob Ditschler saloon, WHS_008_659B
Main, E, 619 1895, circa, Jacob Ditschler saloon, WHS_008_659
Main, E, 619 1895, circa, Jacob Ditschler saloon, WHS_008_659C
Main, E, 619 2015, Hafemeister, former bldg on site, WHS_008_659
Main, E, 621 1889, circa, William Jaedecke meat market, WHS_008_659B
Main, E, 621 1890, William Jaedecke Meat Market opened
Main, E, 621 1895, circa, William Jaedecke Meat Market, WHS_008_659
Main, E, 621 1895, circa, William Jaedecke Meat Market, WHS_008_659B
Main, E, 621 1895, Jaedecke property, fire at
Main, E, 621 1896, Jaedecke Meat Market
Main, E, 621 1905, Goetsch & Rabenhorst Meat Market, WHS_014_088
Main, E, 621 1909, Goetsch & Rabenhorst, meat market
Main, E, 621 1913, Theodore Goetsch, meat market-retail
Main, E, 621 1915, Nack Meat Market ad
Main, E, 621 1935, Walter A Nack, meats
Main, E, 621 1950, East Side Market, grocery
Main, E, 621 1951, East Side Market, WHS_008_829
Main, E, 621 1956, Paramount Cleaners, WHS_022_291
Main, E, 621 1971, Behrens & Leard, cleaners
Main, E, 621 1987, Martin Real Estate, WHS_014_379
Main, E, 621 1993, Martin Real Estate
Main, E, 621 2015, Pristine Health, WHS_008_659
Main, E, 621 2015, Pristine Health, WHS_008_659B
Main, E, 621 2017, Pristine Health LLC, exterior painting, WHS_013_076
Main, E, 621 Street view
East Main intersects with Seventh East Main intersects with Seventh
Main, E, 700 block, north & south sides 1925, circa, Christmas decorations, WHS_018_612
Main, E, 700 Chapter on, High School, Former, Main St
Main, E, 700 1888, Union School No 1, line drawing, WHS_008_684
Main, E, 700 1895, circa, Union School No. 1, WHS_020_349
Main, E, 700 1895, circa, Watertown High School, WHS_KR024 (same as WHS_006_751)
Main, E, 700 1898, Union School No 1, Weltberger drawing, 03 19 1898, WHS_005_923
Main, E, 700 1902, High School, Former, Main St, photo caption "Former Watertown High School"
Main, E, 700 1910, circa, High School, Former, Main St, postcard
Main, E, 700 1910, High School, Former, Main St, later Armory, postcard
Main, E, 700 1911, High School, Former, Main St, later Armory, [PC_136]
Main, E, 700 1911, circa, High School, WHS_PC_134
Main, E, 700 1912, circa, High School, WHS_PC_137
Main, E, 700 1920, circa, Winter scene, former Watertown High School, WHS_014_585
Main, E, 700 1920, circa, Winter scene, former Watertown High School, WHS_020_161
Main, E, 700 1959, High School, Former, Main St, Proposed site for new city hall
Main, E, 700 Honor Roll, Veteran's wall, along sidewalk, PC_269
Main, E, 700 1970, Welcome Inn planned, WHS_019_776
Main, E, 700 1970, Sign announcing Welcome Inn, WHS_023_472
Main, E, 700 1974, circa, Welcome Inn, WHS_008_159
Main, E, 700 1974, circa, Welcome Inn, WHS_008_160
Main, E, 700 1980. circa, WHS_023_090R
Main, E, 700 1983, Welcome Inn sold to local partnership
Main, E, 701 1937, Ad, Red Crown Service Station, WHS_014_600T
Main, E, 701 1951, Verg's Standard Service, WHS_008_829
Main, E, 701 1955, Otto's Standard service station, WHS_022_293
Main, E, 701 1965, Ad, Burbach's Standard Service, WHS_008_363G
Main, E, 701 1969, Burbach Standard Service, WHS_014_048
Main, E, 701 Street view
Main, E, 715 1909, circa, Platz Home (Alexander Platz), WHS_005_042
Main, E, 715 1951, circa, Platz Home (Alexander Platz), WHS_008_829
Main, E, 715 1954, WHS_022_296
Main, E, 715 Street view
Main, E, 715 1968, Resturant planned for 715, 717 & 719
Main, E, 715 1969, Mars Restaurant, WHS_014_048
Main, E, 715 1969, Mars Restaurant, opening of, WHS_020_200K
Main, E, 715 1985, Hardee’s planned, opened in 1986
Main, E, 715 1970, Robby's, WHS_021_900K
Main, E, 717 1968, Restaurant planned for 715, 717 & 719
Main, E, 719 1954, WHS_022_297
Main, E, 719 1968, Resturant planned for 715, 717 & 719
Main, E, 719 Street view
Main, E, 721 1925, circa, Distant view of, WHS_018_612
Main, E, 721 1954, WHS_022_298
Main, E, 721 1959, Home of George Zoelle, per city dir
Main, E, 721 1967, George Zoelle home, WHS_018_503
Main, E, 721 Street view
Main, E, 800 block 1959, circa, "Parade of Bands," WHS_008_458
Main, E, 800 block 1967, WHS_018_503
Main, E, 800 1959, John's 66 Station, Clyman Oil Co, opening of
Main, E, 800 1962, Phillips 66 Station, new ownership
Main, E, 800 1972, Clyman Oil Service, Dean Elske, opening of
Main, E, 804 Home of Edward and Emil Seibel, owners of Seibel Bros. Circus
Main, E, 804 1921, circa, Adolph H Hartwig, home of, Rural Veterinary Secrets book, WHS_005_182
Main, E, 804 1959, Removal of home at, WHS_018_559
Main, E, 804 1960, Home demolished, Clyman Oil Service station erected
Main, E, 806 1974, Moved to 410 W Green, WHS_018_530
Main, E, 806 1974, Moved to 410 W Green, became a Pugh home in 2009, WHS_011_580E
Main, E, 808 1967, WHS_018_503
Main, E, 809 1913, Louis H Nowack, physician
Main, E, 809 1915, Dr Louis Nowack
Main, E, 811 1967, Key Rexall drug store, street reconstruction, WHS_019_401
Main, E, 812 1957, Arthur Rupnow, contractor, WHS_011_200F
Main, E, 813 1965, Kroger's, new building, WHS_017_122
Main, E, 813 1967, Kroger's, street reconstruction, WHS_019_401
Main, E, 813 1967, Kroger's, WHS_018_503
Main, E, 813 1976, circa, Piggly Wiggly, WHS_014_062
Main, E, 813 1987, Piggly Wiggly Store
Main, E, 818 1928, Wadhams Oil Filling Station, WHS_021_725
Main, E, 818 1954, WHS_022_299
Main, E, 818 1984, Knick Insurance Agency
Main, E, 818 Street view
Main, E, 820 1927, Wadhams Oil Filling Station. opening of, WHS_019_918
Main, E, 820 1928, Wadhams Oil Filling Station, WHS_021_725
Main, E, 820 1954, WHS_022_300
Main, E, 820 Mobil gas station, Jeff Hale
Main, E, 820 1970, Don's Mobile Service, grand opening, WHS_023_884
Main, E, 820 2021, Ironsides Estate Settlement, opening of
Main, E, 820 2022, Grunewald key business established, WHS_021_659G
Main, E, 820 2022, Grunewald key business established, WHS_021_659J
Main, E, 820 2022, Grunewald key business established, WHS_021_659K
Main, E, 820 2022, Grunewald key business established, WHS_021_659L
Main, E, 820 2022, Grunewald key business established, WHS_021_659M
Main, E, 820 2022, Grunewald key business, WHS_022_250F
Main, E, 820 Street view
Main, E, 823 1894, Opening of, the "Karlsruhe," Charles Raabe, prop.
Main, E, 823 1894, Sharp Corner Saloon
Main, E, 823 1913-14, Watertown City Dir,  Robert S Keel, saloon
Main, E, 823 1928, Sharp Corner Inn, interior view of, WHS_016_570H
Main, E, 823 The "Beehive" saloon, named by Lucius Bruegger
Main, E, 823 1946, Sharp Corner Tavern, WHS_008_823
Main, E, 823 1955, WHS_022_301
Main, E, 823 1963, Sale of Sharp Corner Tavern
Main, E, 823 2019, circa, Exterior view, WHS_018_220R
Main, E, 823 2020, WHS_016_570X
Main, E, 823 Street view
Main, E, 904 1928, Zwieg's, WHS_021_723
Main, E, 904 1930, circa, Bartles-Maguire station, WHS_019_719
Main, E, 904 1955, circa, Zwieg's Grill, WHS_014_618
Main, E, 904 1958, very poor quality, WHS_022_302
Main, E, 904 2019, Zwieg's Grill
Main, E, 904 Zwiegs Grill, chapter on
Main, E, 904 Street view
Main, E, 905 1900, Louis Mueller, grocer
Main, E, 905 1901, Sharp Corner grocery sold to Jaedecke and Grams
Main, E, 905 1909, Mueller & Liedtke grocery
Main, E, 905 1911, Arthur Thauer purchased grocery business of Theo. Liedtke 
Main, E, 905 1913, Mueller & Finck, grocer
Main, E, 905 1915, Bentzin Grocery
Main, E, 905 1917, Bentzin's Grocery, WHS_NT101_Bentzins_1917
Main, E, 905 1930, circa, Bentzin Grocery, WHS_023_105
Main, E, 905 1937, circa, Bentzin's Grocery, exterior, WHS_019_294
Main, E, 905 1955, circa, Bentzin's Grocery, WHS_013_500_Bentzin
Main, E, 905 1959, circa, WHS_022_303
Main, E, 905 1963, Bentzin Supermarket replaced with service station
Main, E, 905 1964, circa, WHS_022_304
Main, E, 905 2018, Removal of gas storage tanks, former gas station
Main, E, 905 Chapter on Bentzin Grocery
Main, E, 905 Street view
Main, E, 908 1954, WHS_022_306
Main, E, 908 Street view
Main, E, 914 1954, WHS_022_307
Main, E, 914 Street view
Main, E, 917 1951, WHS_022_320
Main, E, 917 1955, WHS_022_319
Main, E, 917 Street view
Main, E, 921 1951, WHS_022_320
Main, E, 921 Street view
Main, E, 1000 1954, WHS_022_321
Main, E, 1000 Street view
Main, E, 1002 1955, circa, WHS_022_325
Main, E, 1002 Street view
Main, E, 1006 1951, WHS_022_326
Main, E, 1006 Street view
Main, E, 1009 1955, WHS_022_327
Main, E, 1009 xxxx, Blue Boy, WHS_020_554
Main, E, 1009 1986, The Ice Cream Corner, WHS_020_551
Main, E, 1009 Street view
Main, E, 1010 1958, circa, Jim's Packard Sales, moved from 418 E Main, WHS_006_065b
Main, E, 1012 1954, WHS_022_328
Main, E, 1012 Street view
Main, E, 1018 1954, WHS_021_329
Main, E, 1018 Street view
Main, E, 1019 1954, WHS_022_330
Main, E, 1019 Street view
Main, E, 1020 1950, Ad, Funke's Buick Service, WHS_019_350C
Main, E, 1020 1951, WSH_022_331
Main, E, 1020 1969, J & J Motors, WHS_021_120
Main, E, 1020 1984, circa, Kennedy Motors, WHS_008_290
Main, E, 1020 1987, Chrysler-Plymouth dealership closed
Main, E, 1020 Street view
Main, E, 1021 1954, WHS_022_333
Main, E, 1021 Street view
Main, E, 1027 1954, WHS_022_335
Main, E, 1027 2019, Realtor image
Main, E, 1027 Street view
Main, E, 1033 1954, WHS_022_337
Main, E, 1033 Street view
Main, E, 1039 1954, WHS_022_336
Main, E, 1039 Street view
Main, E, 1106 1955, WHS_022_338
Main, E, 1106 Street view
Main, E, 1110 1962, circa, WHS_022_339
Main, E, 1110 Street view
Main, E, 1116 1957, WHS_022_340
Main, E, 1116 Street view
Main, E, 1120 1955, WHS_022_359
Main, E, 1120 Street view
Main, E, 1136 1955, WHS_022_362
Main, E, 1136 Street view
Main, E, 1137 1954, WHS_022_363
Main, E, 1137 Street view
Main, E, 1147 1954, WHS_022_364
Main, E, 1147 Street view
Main, E, 1150 1955, WHS_022_366
Main, E, 1150 Street view
Main, E, 1200 1955, WHS_022_367
Main, E, 1200 1980, WHS_020_945
Main, E, 1200 1980, WHS_020_946
Main, E, 1200 Street view
Main, E, 1205 1955, Home removed for parking lot, WHS_022_387
Main, E, 1208 1955, WHS_022_370
Main, E, 1208 Street view
Main, E, 1212 1955, WHS_022_371
Main, E, 1212 Street view
Main, E, 1216 1955, WHS_022_375
Main, E, 1216 Street view
Main, E, 1220 1955, WHS_022_376
Main, E, 1220 2001, Fire, Google portfolio of image files
Main, E, 1220 Street view
Main, E, 1301 1903, First hospital
Main, E, 1301 1907, First hospital, Schiffler home
Main, E, 1301 1908, circa, St. Mary's Hospital, WHS_001_PC_177
Main, E, 1301 1912, St. Mary's Hospital, [PC_175]
Main, E, 1301 1912, St. Mary's Hospital, [PC_176]
Main, E, 1301 1913, Watertown Training School for Nurses, part of hospital
Main, E, 1301 1929, circa, St Mary's hospital, WHS_018_516
Main, E, 1301 1937, Addition of second wing, WHS_020_055
Main, E, 1301 1954, Home removed for parking lot, WHS_022_388
Main, E, 1301 1965, Watertown Memorial Hospital, former St Mary's, WHS_005_629
Main, E, 1301 1965, Watertown Memorial Hospital, former St Mary's, WHS_019_630
Main, E, 1301 1969, Memorial Hospital, became retirement home, WHS_021_779
Main, E, 1301 1969, Memorial Hospital, became retirement home, WHS_021_780
Main, E, 1301 1969, Memorial Hospital, became retirement home, WHS_021_781
Main, E, 1301 2006, Conversion of Welbourne Hall to Swifthaven, WHS_005_471
Main, E, 1301 2006, Conversion of Welbourne Hall to Swifthaven, WHS_005_472
Main, E, 1301 2006, Swifthaven Assisted Living
Main, E, 1301 2006, Riverwood Assisted Living
Main, E, 1308 1955, WHS_022_389
Main, E, 1308 Street view
Main, E, 1400 block 1914, circa, View to East, down "Hospital Hill," WHS_009_330
Main, E, 1400 1959, WHS_022_390
Main, E, 1400 Street view
Main, E, 1406 1955, WHS_022_392
Main, E, 1406 Street view
Main, E, 1411 1951, WHS_022_395
Main, E, 1411 1957, Gritzner Boat Shop
Main, E, 1411 Street view
Main, E, 1413 1952, WHS_022_098
Main, E, 1413 Street view
Main, E, 1414 1959, WHS_022_399
Main, E, 1414 1948, Walter Brunke home, WHS_020_270
Main, E, 1414 Street view
Main, E, 1415 1959, circa, WHS_022_403
Main, E, 1415 Street view
Main, E, 1417 1955, WHS_022_404
Main, E, 1417 Street view
Main, E, 1418 1959, WHS_022_405
Main, E, 1418 Street view
Main, E, 1419 1955, WHS_022_407
Main, E, 1419 Street view
Main, E, 1420 1952, WHS_022_408
Main, E, 1420 Street view
Main, E, 1421 1950, WHS_022_411
Main, E, 1421 2017, WHS_013_200G
Main, E, 1421 2017, WHS_013_200H
Main, E, 1421 Street view
Main, E, 1422 1959, WHS_022_412
Main, E, 1422 1980, WHS_020_948
Main, E, 1422 1980, WHS_020_949
Main, E, 1422 1980, WHS_020_976
Main, E, 1422 1980, WHS_020_977
Main, E, 1422 Street view
Main, E, 1423 1959, WHS_022_414
Main, E, 1423 Street view
Main, E, 1424 1960, WHS_022_415
Main, E, 1424 Street view
Main, E, 1425 1955, WHS_022_416
Main, E, 1425 Street view
Main, E, 1429 1930, Pagenkopf service station opened
Main, E, 1429 1955, WHS_022_417
Main, E, 1429 Street view
Main, E, 1434 1960, WHS_022_424
Main, E, 1434 Street view
Main, E, 1504 1957, WHS_022_425
Main, E, 1504 Street view
Main, E, 1505 1954, WHS_022_428
Main, E, 1505 Street view
Main, E, 1506 1964, circa, WHS_022_429
Main, E, 1506 Street view
Main, E, 1508 1950, circa, WHS_002_PC_351
Main, E, 1508 1955, WHS_022_431
Main, E, 1508 Street view
Main, E, 1513 1953, WHS_022_433
Main, E, 1513 Street view
Main, E, 1515 1953, WHS_022_434
Main, E, 1515 Street view
Main, E, 1517 1953, WHS_022_436
Main, E, 1517 Street view
Main, E, 1519 1953, circa, WHS_022_437
Main, E, 1519 1985, WHS_020_647
Main, E, 1519 1985, WHS_020_648
Main, E, 1519 Street view
Main, E, 1520 1987, WHS_020_619
Main, E, 1522 1950, WHS_022_439
Main, E, 1522 Street view
Main, E, 1524 1950, WHS_022_440
Main, E, 1524 Street view
Main, E, 1526 1953, WHS_022_441
Main, E, 1526 Street view
Main, E, 1528 1953, WHS_022_442
Main, E, 1528 Street view
Main, E, 1534 1966, WHS_022_446
Main, E, 1534 Street view
Main, E, 1603 1965, WHS_022_448
Main, E, 1603 Street view
Main, E, 1611 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church / Estab 1971, WHS_017_102
Main, Bridge, on North side of 1858, Werner Barber Shop
Main, Bridge, on North side of 1859, The Home Eating Saloon, Bernhard Miller
Main, Bridge, on North side of 1859, Bathing Rooms, under Barber Salon
Main, Bridge, on North side of 1876, circa, Fred Werner barbershop, middle Main St bridge, WHS_005_623
Main, Bridge, on South side of 1858, Peter's shanty
Main, Bridge, on South side of 1858, Maes shanty
Main, Bridge, on South side of South side of, WHS_006_655
Main, Bridge, on South side of 1909, Restaurant and confectionery, Roper and Maes