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Stangler Farm

New High School

Watertown Daily Times, 08 16 1985


Purchase of the Robert Stangler farm on the northeast corner of the city will be considered by the board of education of the Watertown Unified School District.  The school board announced on May 21 that it had signed an offer to purchase the Stangler site and that closing would take place within 90 days.  The farm is to be used as a site for a future high school.  The land is located between Highway 109 and the Watertown Memorial Hospital property.  Major access points would be from Highway 109 on the north edge of the land and from an extension of Hospital Drive on the south edge of the property.


Charles Stoppenback

Watertown Democrat, 08 24 1876


Chas. Stoppenback, of the Woolen Manufacturing Co. at Jefferson, sold 15,000 pounds of wool to a buyer from Cincinnati one day last week.


Sitting Bull

Watertown Democrat, 08 24 1876


Capt. Keogh, who was killed with Gen. Custer, had his life insured for $10,000, while several others of the officers kitted at the same time had policies of $5,000.  If Sitting Bull doesn't mind, he will bust up somebody's insurance company the first thing he knows.


“Change this William for me”

Watertown Democrat, 08 24 1876


"Can you change this William for me ?" said a young man who presented a $50 bill at the counter of the Wisconsin National Bank in this city, recently.  "Yes," said the cashier, "but why do you call it William?"  "Oh, I'm not familiar enough with that kind of thing to call it Bill," was the quick reply.


Watertown boasts a Laundry

Watertown Republican, 08 23 1876


It may not be generally known to those sad and lonely young men who farm out their washing that Watertown boasts of a laundry [either Watertown Steam Laundry, 2 E Main or New Method Laundry, 218 S First].  But such is the fact, so we are informed, and several women are employed therein, washing, ironing—and other work.  Last Sunday while the proprietress of this establishment was out riding she was thrown from a carriage and very seriously hurt.  She was picked up for dead and although injured every badly, she is now in a fair way of recovery.


Gallup's Private School

Watertown Republican, 08 23 1876


The fall term of Mrs. H. Gallup's private school, begins Wednesday, September 6th, 1876.  Mrs. Gallup is a teacher of ability and experience, and her efforts in building up a school in our midst, have been marked with success. 


Milwaukee Turners

Watertown Republican, 08 23 1876


An excursion train of seven coaches and a baggage car, filled with excursionists came from Milwaukee on Sunday and enjoyed a picnic on Concordia Island.  The excursion was under the auspices of the Milwaukee Turners.

  More on Milwaukee excursion party 

French and Nichols

Watertown Republican, 08 23 1876


Two boys belonging to the Milwaukee excursion party last Sunday, named French and Nichols, failed to return home.  Telegrams were received here Tuesday morning inquiring about the truants, and again Tuesday afternoon, giving the intelligence that the lads had turned up.



Watertown Republican, 08 23 1876


Farmers in this vicinity are busy these days with their threshing.  The yield of wheat is discouraging indeed.  Occasionally a field turns out a fair crop, but the general average is all the way from 2 to 10 bushels per acre, and of a very poor quality at that.  There will be very little No. 1 wheat offered in this market this fall, of this year's growth.  While wheat is almost a failure this season, other crops never promised better.  Oats, corn, barley, potatoes and other products of the farm were never better, and where the farmer has not depended entirely on wheat, his prospects are not as bad as they might have been.


Falls into Privy

Watertown Democrat, 07 22 1875


Last Thursday a resident of the village of Jefferson came to his death by falling into a privy vault.. what a way to go


First Killing Frost, 1875

Watertown Republican, 08 23 1876

The first killing frost last season, was on the 17th of August.  It cut down the corn, the vines, and, as a general thing, the grapes; it was very destructive.  The next was just a month later, the 17th of September.  This finished off what remained.


Watertown Republican, 08 23 1876

There was a sudden fall of temperature Sunday night, from excessive heat to uncomfortable chilliness.  Slight frosts were reported in some localities.



Watertown Republican, 10 12 1860


The subscriber has opened a shop for manufacturing all kinds of work in his line.



20,000 Round Hickory Hoops

100,000 Flat Ash Hoops

50,000 Pork Barrel Hoops


For which the highest cash price will be paid.


Having worked for the old settlers of Watertown and vicinity sixteen years since, and being well known to the inhabitants, I feel the utmost confidence in once more soliciting their patronage.  I intend making Watertown my permanent place of residence and hope to merit and receive a liberal share of business.  All work done by me warranted to give satisfaction.


Shop 4 doors below Watertown House, 1st St. [First, S, 115]


D. S. Gibbs


The Home League

Watertown Republican, 09 28 1860


A meeting of the "Grand Home League" will be held at Watertown on the second Tuesday of October next.  Each subordinate League will be entitled to a representative in the Grand League for every twenty members, and one for a fraction of over half that number.  It is hoped that every league will be fully represented as business of importance will come before the meeting.  All railroad farm mortgagors who have not yet joined any league are requested to do so immediately, that they may be represented in Grand League.

  More on The Home League 

Home League Meeting

Watertown Democrat, 06 20 1861


Last week a number of delegates, representing different Home League Lodges, held a meeting in this city.  No noise was made about it, and its presence was scarcely observed.  The mere fact that such an assemblage took place is all outsiders are permitted to know of its proceedings [had to do with railroad farm mortgagors (one who makes a mortgage)]


Republican Platform of 1860

Watertown Republican, 09 28 1860


Resolved, that we, the delegated representatives of the Republican electors of the United States, in convention assembled, in the discharge of the duty we owe to our constituents and our country, unite in the following declarations:


First, that the history of the nation during the last four years has fully established the propriety and necessity of the organization and perpetuation of the Republican Party, and in that the causes which called it into existence are permanent in their nature, and now more than ever before demand its peaceful and constitutional triumph.


Second, that the maintenance of the principles promulgated in the Declaration of Independence, and embodied in the Federal Constitution, is essential to the preservation of our republican institutions; that the Federal Constitution, the rights of the states and the union of the states must and shall be preserved and that we assert these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."


Third, that to the union of the states this nation owes its unprecedented increase in population; it's surprising development of material resources; its rapid augmentation of wealth; it's happiness at home and its honor abroad; and we hold in abhorrence all schemes for dis-union, come from whatever source they may; and we congratulate the country that no Republican member of Congress has uttered or countenanced a threat of disunion, so often made by Democratic members of Congress, without rebuke and with applause from their political associates; and we denounce those threats of disunion in case of a popular overthrow of their ascendancy, as denying the vital principles of a free government and as an avowal of contemplated treason, which it is the imperative duty of an indigent people strongly to rebuke and forever silence . . .


Fourth, That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the states, and especially the right of each state to order and control its own domestic institutions, according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political faith depends, and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed forces of any state or territory, no matter under what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes.


Teachers for the Quarter

Our City Schools

Watertown Republican, 09 28 1860


The Board of Education met on Friday evening last and made choice of the following persons as teachers for the quarter commencing the first of next month.  Mr. R. L. Reed, Miss O. A. Pease, first ward high school.  Mr. Theodore Bernhard, Mr. W. H. Rohr, Miss H. M. Cooley, second ward high school.  Miss F. I. DeGraff, Miss Augusta O. Vestey, third ward.  Mr. Alexander Koeplin, fourth ward.  Miss Mary Ann Collins, fifth ward.  Miss Susan E. Hadley, six ward.  Miss Sarah Forsyth, seventh ward.  Miss Ann Smith, Richards’ district.  Miss Irene Merriman, first ward primary school.


Some of the teachers also named have been engaged in the schools here for some time past and given good satisfaction.  We think the Board of Education did well in retaining them.  With a competent corps of teachers, such as the above, and an efficient board, seconded at all times by a thoroughgoing, indefatigable worker as superintendent, we do not see why our city schools should not continue to prosper.  They certainly will start off under favorable auspices, and we see nothing to interfere with their prosperity and success.

Miss Susan Perry

Private School Opened

Watertown Republican, 10 12 1860


Private School—We would call attention to the private school opened this week by Miss Susan Perry, in the building formerly occupied by the high school in the second Ward.


Miss Perry is a teacher of long experience and has a heart for her important work.  We can safely say to those who may place their children under her care, that no pains will be spared on her part to make the school worthy of their patronage.  Those especially who have young children and do not wish to have them come in contact with the contaminating influences that sometimes surround our public schools, would do well to avail themselves of Miss Perry's school, where the little ones will in a measure be kept away from those evil communications which are always sure to corrupt good manners.

  More on New School 

Maple Grove Select School

Watertown Democrat, 05 02 1861


The summer term of the Maple Grove Select School commences next Monday.  It is under the charge of Miss S. Perry, who is an accomplished and successful teacher.  Parents can not commit their children to the care of any one who will take more pains to properly instruct them.

  More on New School 

Maple Grove Select School

Watertown Democrat, 12 05 1861

The winter term of the Maple Grove Select School will commence on the 16th, under the charge of Mr. R. L. Reed and Miss Susan Perry.  Pupils of all classes will be admitted.  Both of these teachers have well established reputations as experienced and successful instructors of the young and parents may rest assured that they will do the whole duty to all children committed to their care.


Republican Meeting in Cole's Hall

Watertown Republican, 09 28 1860


The Republican meeting in Cole's Hall on Tuesday evening was well attended.  Judge Sloan, our candidate for Congress, was present and made a sensible and effective speech, in which he took occasion to show up the absurdities of his friend Larabee, and review some of the positions that gentleman took when here are a few nights ago.  He showed conclusively, we think, to the minds of all present, that it is possible to stump the district for Congress and yet be a gentleman. 


State Fair, 1860

Watertown Republican, 10 05 1860


We were unable to attend the fair at Madison and therefore cannot give any views upon it except such as we have gathered from outside sources.  Newspaper accounts, so far as we have noticed, are unanimous in the statement that the fair was a complete success, and the exhibition in all its departments better than any the society has made in a number of years.  The officers of the Society, of whom particular mention is made by the secretary, J. W. Hoyt, are spoken of very highly for the admirable manner in which they discharged their many duties.


In another place a correspondent gives his impressions, which placed the matter in a different light.  We print his communication, as we would any other, without wishing to be held responsible for anything it contains.  Our correspondents speak for themselves.


Mr. Editor:  It was my privilege last week for the first time since I have lived in this state to attend the fair at Madison.  Everybody, you know, expects to see something wonderful, besides a great many people, on such occasions; so I, like most everybody else, went with high expectations of seeing and hearing many things that I could not of course see if I remained at home.  The fair was a very good one considering the unfavorable circumstances under which it was held.  It may be unfair to say that the officers of the Society did not do all in their power to make a fair show; still such an impression has gone abroad, however just or unjust it may be.  Its effects, however, were visible in the meager display of articles on exhibition.  The general opinion expressed by everybody with whom I conversed was that the fair was a humbug, attended with but little interest or practical benefit to anyone except those who manage its financial affairs.


The finest exhibition of grapes was from the famous vintage of Atwood & Company of Lake Mills.  A cheese from the dairy of a farm near Madison, weighing 1625 pounds, loaded on a wagon, occupied a conspicuous portion in the dairy department.


I was disappointed in not seeing a larger amount in a greater variety of articles, as I sincerely believe that if these exhibitions were properly conducted, so that every branch of productive industry could be fairly represented, no state in the union could make a more brilliant display than Wisconsin.


There was a great variety of manufactured articles brought from other states, such as threshing machines, reapers, fanning mills, pumps, corn drills, etc., but few indeed from home shops.  The exhibition of blood horses and cattle was small, but good.


The Temple of Art was tolerably well filled with a variety of articles, such as sewing machines, musical instruments, bed quilts, mats, crotchet work, paintings, drawings, shell and other fancy fixings, too numerous to mention.


There was some fast driving, trotting and running on the course, and on Thursday the largest crowd of human beings of every class, grade, shape and color, from the lowest to the topmost round in the ladder of society.  The rich, the poor, the lame, the halt, the blind, the drunkard, the sober man, ladies in silk's and women in cotton, nursing mothers and crying children, were there; all gathered to see — what?  Just about what might be seen at any respectable county fair.  I left the grounds on the last day with the profound conviction that the state fair was of but little account to anyone except the hotel keepers, livery men, omnibus owners, saloons, whiskey shops, and officers of the society generally.


New Station House at Clyman

Watertown Republican, 10 05 1860


New station house has been erected at Clyman on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad and Mr. W. F. Foster appointed agent.



Life and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln

Republican Documents

Watertown Republican, 10 26 1860


The authentic edition of the life and speeches of Abraham Lincoln, by D. W. Bartlett.  One large volume with fine steel plate of "Honest Old Abe."  Price one dollar.  Pamphlet addition, without speeches, price twenty five cents.  Agents, please read this!  You can make more money in selling Bartlett's life than any other edition published.  Because, first, it is authentic and reliable and will be considered as standard authority during the campaign; second, it is a large and beautiful book for the price and will be furnished as low, if not lower, than any other edition published. – H Dayton, publisher, New York.


Off the Track

Watertown Republican, 10 05 1860


On Saturday last the engine and some eight or ten cars belonging to the freight train going east from here, on the Milwaukee, Watertown and Baraboo Valley Railroad, ran off the track near Elm Grove, owing to the misplacement of a switch.  The damage, we understand, was immaterial.


History of Watertown

Watertown Republican, 10 05 1860


Mr. John C. Gillespy of the city of Berlin, author of the “History of the County of Green Lake,” is now in town.  He is about publishing a history of Dodge County, and proposes, if sufficient encouragement is offered, to add to the same the history of the city of Watertown, a sketch of its earliest settlement, growth, population, business facilities and advantages as a place of trade and commerce.  The book will contain a reliable history of Dodge County from its first settlement, including biographical sketches, personal notes of travel, anecdotes and general remarks.  Mr. Gillespy comes highly recommended by [all] the businessman of the city of Berlin as an intelligent gentleman  We consider a work of this kind of much importance to this section of the country, and trust our businessmen and citizens will give him encouragement sufficient to warrant him in adding to the history of Dodge County, the rise and progress, as well as the present facilities and advantages of our city.  The costs of the work will be from 75c to one dollar, according to the binding, containing about 200 pages. [Democrat]


A work of such nature as the one mentioned in the foregoing extract would be valuable as well as interesting and we hope Mr. Gillespy will meet with sufficient encouragement to warrant him in undertaking its publication.


History and Development of the Motel

Shady Nook

Watertown Daily Times, 09 18 2000


The Watertown Historical Society will meet on Monday at 7 p.m. at the Watertown Senior Center, 514 S. First St.  The speaker for the evening will be James Draeger who will talk on the history and development of the motel.  Draeger is head of the Historic Preservation Office of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and a noted authority on the history of building types and styles.  He will be discussing the development of motels, a movement which began in the early part of the 20th century as automobile travel became more prevalent.  One of the earliest motels to open in Watertown was the Shady Nook, located on Highway 19.  Other early motels in Watertown included Abe's Tourist Camp and Slight's Cabins, which was located north of the city along Highway 26.


More on the Shady Nook  

Shady Nook

Now Offers an Ideal Spot for Outings

Watertown Daily Times, 06 18 1929


A popular and well-suited tourist camp which also offers facilities for outings and picnics is to be found on Highway 19 near the western limits of the city.  It is known as Shady Nook and is being conducted by Frank Odgers and Gust Kirchhoff.  The proprietors have recently completed the addition of a large new portion to the main building on the grounds and the camp itself boosts of cabins and other facilities to make the tourists feel like staying.  The property includes 3 acres of ground, ideal for camping and already tourists are arriving for outings while enroute to more distant places.  A filling station is run in connection with the place.  Shady Nook offers a soft drink establishment and light lunches are served.  There is also a recreation room and music is provided by the latest dynamic method of recording.  Ideal in every way for a place to enjoy a picnic or a prolonged outing.  Shady Nook is conveniently located on one of the main highways in this vicinity and the proprietors take pride in making visitors feel glad to come and invite those who plan a picnic or those who care to pitch their tent for an outing to visit the place.


Cross reference note:  Owner Steve Hepp has previously been part owner of 4 of a Kind on S. Third Street and Aces & Eights (since torn down) on Highway 19.


H. C. Crandall

State Premiums

Watertown Republican, 10 05 1860


H. C. Crandall, Esq., of Emmet, an enterprising gentleman well known to most of our readers, under "Class 3, Horses for General Purposes" at the State Fair last week, for best stallion four years old and over, obtained the premium of $20 on his horse Green Mountain Morgan.  On the same animal he also took the first premium on the best Morgan horse, at the Dodge County Fair, held a few days since.


T. McMahon

An Extensive Establishment

Watertown Republican, 10 05 1860


We call attention to the advertisement of T. McMahon in another column which contains announcements of interest to all who have occasion to buy anything in the way of dried goods, boots, shoes, etc.  Mr. McMahon, though not established in business here for a very great length of time, has already succeeded in getting up an extensive trade and is known as one of our most enterprising and successful merchants.  He keeps a large stock of goods, and from the amount of business he is doing, we judge he sells them at satisfactory prices.  Give him a call and see what bargains he has to offer.


County Fair at Lake Mills

Watertown Republican, 10 05 1860


Complimentary—The Fort Atkinson Standard, in its notice of the late county fair at Lake Mills, alludes to a couple of our city institutions in the following flattering terms:


"The Watertown Brass Band was present and added much to the enjoyment of the occasion with their music.  As good a band of musicians, for their numbers, as we have heard for some time.  The Pioneer Fire Company, Watertown was also present with their engine and gave themselves credit by their fine appearances."


We pronounce the above "eminently sound" and as no more than a compliment well deserved by the gentlemen upon whom it is bestowed.


David Jenkins

Watertown Republican, 10 12 1860


David Jenkins, painter and glazier, Watertown, Wisconsin, begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Watertown and its vicinity that he is carrying on the above business and hopes by strict attention and good workmanship to secure a share of their patronage.  Graining done in the latest and best London style.


A Stray

Watertown Republican, 10 12 1860


Estray [A stray] broke into the enclosure of the subscriber, on or about the eighth, a dark bay horse colt, three years old, high life and good size.  The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take him away.  H. D. Bennett, Milford.


Sun’s Light and Heat

Watertown Republican, 10 12 1860


There are now more spots on the sun then have been seen before for many years.  Some of these are visible through a smoked glass to the naked eye.  Several stars—some of them of great brilliancy, which from their ascertained distance, must have been as large as our sun—have totally disappeared from the sky; and the question has been raised among astronomers, whether the light and heat of the sun are gradually fading away.  As this would be accompanied by the destruction of all the plants and animals on the earth, it is rather an interesting question.  The sun’s light and heat are diminished by the dark spots at the present time about 1 percent—[Scientific American]


Good Grit

Watertown Republican, 11 16 1860


A German woman, near Helin, Minnesota, whose husband was absent, on Wednesday last saw a huge bear make his way into the hog pen cocked and primed for a mess of fresh pork.  The frau, having no idea of parting with her fat hog, picked up a sled stake and made for the bear.  Mr. Bruin, his mouth watering for the breakfast before him, paid but little attention to the woman, but pitched into the porker.  A lucky blow from her hands with the stake across the nose of the bear while he was engaged with the hog, laid him out, dead as a herring.  Such a woman is worth having.  She is worthy to be the wife of a Daniel Boone—or any one else.  Glencoe (Minn) Register.


The Band of Hope

Watertown Republican, 10 12 1860


This institution, we are glad to learn, is flourishing finely.  Its meeting on Monday last was a sight cheering to every well-wisher of the rising generation.  Several clergymen from abroad being in the city, showed their confidence in the objects for which the band is organized by attending the meeting and making a number of short and effective speeches.


The singing was lively and cheering and the faces of the children, while beaming with happiness, glowed with hope, life and courage in their good work.  Every friend of temperance and good morals should encourage and cheer them on, until our city shall become purified, and our youth saved.


We are requested to state the next meeting will be held at the Congregational Church on Monday, the 22nd.


Liberal Christian Society

Watertown Republican, 10 12 1860


We understand that the Liberal Christian Society of this city have just purchased the church edifice formerly occupied by St. Paul’s Church, and intend hereafter to occupy the same as a house of worship.  The price paid was $400, which is very low.


Wholesale Lying

Watertown Republican, 10 12 1860


Douglas takes along with him in his fruitless searches for his mother, a reporter, whose employment is to report the demonstrations made at several stopping places.  The reports made by this functionary had been the most enormous of lies, [mis]representing the number of people at four times the actual number.   Because other journals will not credit these falsehoods as reliable telegraphic reports, the worshipers of the Little Giant are filled with holy horror.


In 1860, the issues of states’ rights and slavery finally came to a head, fracturing the formerly dominant Democratic Party into Southern and Northern factions and bringing Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party to power without the support of a single Southern state.,_1860

  More on Douglas 

Douglas at Watertown

Watertown Republican, 10 19 1860


Mr. Douglas showed himself and spoke for a short time on Friday last, while a train waited for him.  He has been repeatedly called a demijohn.  We do not recollect to have ever heard either Mr. Bell, Mr. Everett, or Mr. Johnson, called by this euphonious term, and therefore conclude there must have been some reason for giving it exclusively to the little giant.  A demijohn, as our readers are aware, is a liquid vessel [jug], and we presume it is intended that the demijohn is in use.  We learn from good authority, that Mr. Douglas' appearance elsewhere, during his search for his mother, has frequently suggested the idea of a demijohn, and truth compels us to say that such was his appearance at this place.  We have few harder looking cases in our community, and we are not without individuals who have long since "hung out signs of distress."  It cannot be disguised, that Mr. Douglas has long been and still is an excessively hard drinker—in common parlance, relating to other men—a drunkard.  What is well known of him by his most intimate acquaintances proves that his looks do him no injustice.


The most illustrious Presidents of this Republic insisted upon the rule that no person should be appointed to office under them who used intoxicating drink to excess.  But here we have a man who is a candidate for President, appearing upon the stage and advocating his own election, in a condition unerringly indicative of confirmed inebriety.  Can it be that any amongst us are so lost to propriety and national honor that we would place a drunkard in the Presidential Chair?  What a spectacle would that be for the world to gaze upon!  What sober, honorable man, would not hide his face and blush for shame in view of it?


Stolen - $10 reward

Watertown Republican, 11 09 1860


Stolen, from the subscriber, in the town of Farmington, on the night of the 8th of October, a yoke of oxen.  One a gray ox, seven years old, long smooth horns spread out at the end.  The other red and white, with a white spot on the forehead; had three or four fresh cuts on each side, caused by being hooked by another ox.  Also a red yoke with four iron bolts, the staple fastened in by nuts on the top, one large and the other a small one.  The above reward will be paid for the recovery of the oxen or information that will lead to the conviction of the thief.  George Wright


Farm for Sale

Watertown Republican, 11 09 1860


The subscriber offers for sale a farm consisting of 40 acres, situated near the Hustis Rapids Road, about 7 miles from Watertown.  About half of the land is under cultivation, has a good young orchard, and a comfortable frame dwelling house.  It is well watered, having an unfailing well at the house and one in the field.  The part not cultivated consist of nice burr oak openings, and is enclosed.  H. C. Crandall


A Great Fizzle

Watertown Republican, 10 19 1860


On Friday evening last Hon. S. Park Coon of Milwaukee made a speech from the balcony of the Planters Hotel to a small group of men and boys in which there were about an equal sprinkling of Republicans and Democrats.  The extinguished [sic?] Attorney General and distinguished lawyer was noisy if not eloquent, and bombastic if not convincing.  His speech was a very "moving" one, the crowd very soon dispersing after the speaker got under headway.  [It all] wound up with what we believe was called a torchlight procession, in which boys from 8 to 10 years of age played the most conspicuous part.  Before they went home they hooted and yelled about town for a while, tore down a sign belonging to Peter C. Berg, Esq., and committed other depredations of that character, that none but Democrats know how to perpetrate.  Verily, isn't the Republican Party a beautiful institution!


Body Found

Watertown Republican, 10 19 1860


The body of Miss Ellen Cullen, of this city, who was lost on the Lady Elgin, washed ashore at Racine last Saturday and was brought here for final interment on Wednesday night.

  More on Lady Elgin 

Watertown Republican, 11 09 1860


The German Young Men's Association of the city intend to give a ball at Cole’s Hall next Thursday evening for the benefit of the surviving sufferers by the Lady Elgin disaster.  Tickets, including supper, one dollar per couple.  The object is a commendable one and we hope to see a good attendance.


A Case of Infanticide

Watertown Republican, 10 26 1860


On Sunday morning last S. F. Burroughs discovered in the race leading to the brick mill of H. W. Blanchard, in this city, the body of a male infant which evidently had come to its death by foul means.  Mr. Burroughs called to some gentlemen who happened to be passing near there at the time, and upon examination by them it was found that there was wrapped up and fastened inside of the clothing upon the body, a stone weighing some three or four pounds, which it was supposed was sufficiently weighty to have sunk the body when thrown in the water. 


Police Justice Hadley was immediately notified and a jury impaneled to investigate the matter, but up to this time nothing has transpired which throws any light upon the mysterious affair.  The body was fully attired with decent clothing, and we should judge was some three months old at the time of its death.  Its appearance indicated that it had not lain in the water any great length of time, probably but a few hours.  The water in the race had been drawn off the previous night which left the body exposed on the embankment.  We do not hear that suspicion is entertained of anyone in particular, but it is to be hoped that for the sake of humanity its perpetrators may be found out and punished to the fullest extent of the law. 


We can hardly conceive what could have been the motive that led to the commission of so terrible and inhumane a deed, nor can we imagine what must have been the nature and feeling of the monster who was guilty of it.  No effort should be spared on the part of the proper authorities, to ferret the matter out and ascertain, if possible, if we have a murderer in our midst, and if so, who it is.  But we have little faith that the author of the crime will be found to live here, if indeed his or her detection ever takes place at all.


To Lovers of the Weed

Watertown Republican, 11 09 1860


Connoisseurs will find their paradise at 111 S. Water St., Chicago, at the establishment of Joseph Barton.  Leaf and Manufactured Tobaccos, Segar Maker's Stock, and every description of this coveted and extensively used narcotic, may be here found in the greatest variety and of the best quality.  Those not already acquainted with the superior advantages of dealing with this established house will do well to become acquainted with it as soon as possible.


Counterfeit Coins

Watertown Republican, 10 26 1860


The whole country is flooded with counterfeits of gold and silver coins, and unless something is done to arrest the growing evil the rogues will have it all their own way.  Formerly a pair of scales and a bottle of nitric acid was all that was necessary to enable the receiver of money to detect the bogus coin, while an expert would separate the genuine from the counterfeit by the very touch and ring of the piece.  Science and skill have changed all that and now the experts are themselves at fault while the common people are entirely at the mercy of the manufacturers of bogus coin.  Up to a recent period the most dangerous fraud in circulation was made from a genuine die, fitted to strike quarter eagles, which was stolen from the mint at New Orleans.  It bore the date of 1854, if we remember rightly, and the pieces were made of composition metal handsomely plated and coined in this stolen die.  That was followed by the practice of splitting the gold dollar, taking out about $.60 of its value, and soldering the shell together again.  Then came the sawing into the edge of the piece, generally a half or quarter eagle, cutting two thirds of the way through, and afterwards filling up the coin, re-milling and gilding the edge.  The latest and most successful of these frauds is perpetrated, as far as detected, with the Eagle.  The piece is split into three parts, or at least the two outside shells containing the impression are separated from the center area; the latter is forfeited to the operator and its place supplied by filling of patina to which the outsides are fastened, the edges being re-milled and handsomely plated.  This is so well done that very few experts outside of the two accomplished testers of coin employed by the assistant treasurer can detect the cheat.


Curious Will

Watertown Republican, 11 09 1860


The following extraordinary story is in circulation.  An aged gentleman, a planter in one of the southern states, had just died, leaving a fortune of $100,000, which is to be disposed of according to the provisions of his will, and that document is as follows:


"I bequeath all my effects to the children of my brother, on the following conditions: desirous of marking my sense of the service of my Newfoundland dog rendered me in saving my life one day while I was drowning, and wishing also to provide for my housekeeper, I appoint my said housekeeper nurse, tutor, and mother to my dog.  My natural heirs shall, on this account, pay to her, out of my entire fortune, a daily sum in the following manner:  the daily payment shall continue as long as the dog shall live, but not one second longer. During the first year after my decease, or for so much as the dog shall live, my housekeeper shall receive five dollars a day; the second year she shall receive $10 a day; the third year $15; and so on until the death of the dog.  In the course of the month in which the dog shall die, there shall be paid to my housekeeper for every day of the dog's existence $125. On the day of his death she shall be paid per hour of the dog's life $250.  In the last hour of his life she shall receive for every moment that he lives $375; and for every second of the last-minute $500.  My notary is charged with superintending the carrying out of my will."


Cattle Dying by Scores on Western Plains

Watertown Republican, 11 16 1860


From the Denver City News, October 20


From the plains we hear of a terrible destruction of cattle because of the freight trains enroute for this city.  Their death is sudden, and the best cattle in the herds are usually the first victims.  The season is now very dry, the Platte River low, and the water, in consequence, along its course through the alkali plains, more than usually impregnated with the poison; but it is doubtless more attributable to the dust than anything else.  The roads are exceedingly dusty and a moving train is constantly enveloped in its clouds.  Cattle inhale it at every breath, and they eat it with every mouthful of grass they take.  The grass is said to be thickly covered with it for three miles from the road.  By this means, enough alkali is at length introduced into the system to produce death, and the finest, largest, fattest oxen are the first to fall victims, while the scrub will stand it for an indefinite length of time.  A good rain would doubtless put a stop to the present bovine mortality; but as long as the weather continues so dry, it will doubtlessly increase.


A Good and New Invention

Watertown Republican, 11 16 1860


The agent, Mr. E. S. Taylor, has shown us a model of what is called the "Pyramid or Union Beehive," which strikes us as being all that can be desired in an article of that kind.  As its name indicates, it is of pyramid shape, the hive being when ready for use, 16 inches high, 16 inches in diameter at the bottom, and 8 inches at the top.  Another box 16 inches high, which is used as a chamber by the bees in which they deposit their honey in boxes prepared to receive it, is fitted closely and held at the bottom to the inside box.  The hive, when complete, combines several advantages not possessed by any other of our acquaintance, and we have no doubt will be found to answer all the purposes claimed for it by its inventor.  We certainly regard it as the best planned and most philosophical hive we have ever seen, and are confident that it need only to be seen by those interested in such matters to secure their good opinion.  We cannot undertake to give such an explanation of it in this article as to convey a full and correct idea of its workings, and point out the advantages it possesses over the ordinary hives now in use.  Persons desirous of seeing a model or learning further particulars concerning it, can do so upon application to Mr. Taylor, who is now in town and stopping for a few days at the Exchange.


Karla Mullen

Watertown Daily Times, 09 30 2000


Karla Mullen, a literature and social studies teacher at Watertown High School, has received the fourth annual Governor's Humanities Award for Excellence in K-12 Humanities Education.  The award is presented annually by the Wisconsin Humanities Council.  The council said Mullen's American studies class is thematically organized and has a strong community-based framework in which students regularly participate in mentoring programs for middle and elementary schools and interview local senior citizens.  Mullen also uses the latest technological methods to link her classroom to an inner city school in Milwaukee to build bridges between students of diverse backgrounds.

  More on Karla Mullen   

Watertown Daily Times, 09 01 2002


Karla Mullen, a retired teacher from the Watertown Unified School District, was among more than 130 national board certified teachers selected to share insights and ideas about the impact quality teaching has on education reform at a workshop in Cincinnati, Ohio.  The event was sponsored by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.  The conference, titled Teaching America About Accomplished Teaching, provided these teachers with the skills to reach out to policy-makers, business and community leaders and the media to advance the quality of teaching and learning.


Runaway and Accidents

Watertown Republican, 11 02 1860


As Mr. G. A. Hall was driving into town from his house on Tuesday evening, accompanied by Mrs. C. Boynton and Mrs. C. A. Sprague, his horse took fright and becoming unmanageable commenced running, all three of them were thrown from the buggy and more or less injured, Mr. Hall faring the worst.  We understand that two of his ribs and his hip are broken, and that he received other injuries in the way of bruises of a less serious character.  It is also thought that he must have been injured internally.  At the time of writing this, we understand that he is as comfortable as could be expected, though not by any means out of danger.  We hear that the ladies who were riding with him at the time were not badly injured.


A Probable Swindle

Watertown Republican, 11 02 1860


A man calling himself D. H. Henshaw was in town the other day soliciting subscriptions for the Milwaukee Free Democrat.  Quite a number of our citizens paid him money on account of the same, but have not yet received any papers.  We suspect they are "victims of misplaced confidence."


The Great Decision

Watertown Republican, 11 09 1860


Probably never during the world's history has there been so great a decision made as on last Tuesday.  The question decided was a great one, and great was the nation of freemen who decided.  Every decision of the human mind, according to the motive which governs it, involves either the highest kind of good or the worst kind of evil, and hence all human decisions are essentially alike; but the relations, circumstances, and outward effects of conduct almost endlessly very.  Other nations often decide great questions, but only a comparatively small portion of the people composing them have a voice on public policy, while the reverse is the case in our country.  These national decisions are extremely interesting, as showing the character of the whole nation, and also of the various localities, according to their voices upon the great question at issue.  In our own country it is only once in four years that the whole people so directly and almost exclusively relate to so great a moral and political question—the most essential principle of human rights, as whether man ought to, or shall, selfishly usurp to himself the sum total of his fellow man as is done by slavery; in other words, whether God's law shall be abrogated, and the most rampant and hateful and most unscrupulous type of ambition, lust, cruelty and cupidity, such as the slaveholders, shall be universally inaugurated in its stead.


Grand Jollification


Watertown Republican, 11 09 1860

We think the Republicans of the city and county, in view of the result of the late election, should get together and have a grand jollification.  Such we understand is the general desire among the Republicans throughout the county.  It has been suggested that Watertown is the proper place for it to be held, and the Republicans of the city are requested to meet at the office of J. A. Hadley, Esq., tomorrow evening to talk the matter over and make the necessary arrangements.  The Republicans of Dodge and Jefferson counties are expected to participate in the festivities of the occasion.


Our friend at the Democrat

Watertown Republican, 11 16 1860


Our friend at the [Watertown] Democrat, in his last week’s issue, undertook to be jolly over the result of the late election and exultingly exclaimed that "the official returns show that the city of Watertown, is still Democratic and gave Douglas a warm and hearty support," just as though he were surprised and it were an unusual thing for Watertown to vote in that way.  Anyone at all familiar with the politics of the city knows that it has always been hopelessly Democratic and that the Republicans here have always fought against great odds.


It looks to us just as though democracy is getting unpopular here, as a general result of the late election shows that it is elsewhere, and that the days of Democratic victories in the city of Watertown are about numbered.  We shall never be called upon to chronicle another majority of 500 here for any Democratic candidate.  We expect in two years from this time to see the Republicans carry the city by a small majority and that in four years Watertown will be reckoned upon as a Republican city just as surely and unmistakably as Chicago is now.  We do not see how it can be otherwise.  The Democratic strength has been gradually, but none the less certainly, wasting away for the last four years, and it will continue thus to decline until there is nothing of it left.


Southern Bluster

Watertown Republican, 11 16 1860


That the Southern Fire Eaters Should Make an extraordinary bluster over the election of Mr. Lincoln is the most natural thing in the world.  It is natural for men to repeat what they have been doing for a score of years; and natural for blustering men to grow at length to the greatest of blusterers.  Moreover, blusterers are expected, by both themselves and others, to grade the degree of their blustering somewhat according to the greatness and importance of the occasion on which it is put forth.


It is not unusual for children to attempt to coerce their parents to gratify them, by rendering themselves disagreeable, and the South are certainly not bad imitators, or, it may be, continue practices which should have ceased with their youth. 


It is to be expected that northern Democrats will, to a certain degree, sympathize with the South in its bluster against Lincoln’s election, although few are so senseless as to advocate disunion.  It is to be expected that men who oppose the Republican Party will attempt to magnify what they are pleased to call the evils of this success; but the great mass of northern Democrats decidedly repudiate and heartily despise Southern bluster.


Progress of Treason

Watertown Republican, 11 23 1860


Revolution is upon us; it is useless to deny it.  South Carolina has taken the initiative and she will be sustained by most, and ultimately by all, of her sister Southern States.  She is now on the verge of a collision with the General Government and she will push matters to that focus immediately.  Mark the prediction.  The collision of the State and Federal authorities is imminent—nay, inevitable.  By the shedding of the first drop of blood the grand purpose of the disunionists will have been accomplished . . .  the disunion party in the South have never entertained a hope of a peaceful separation—nor do they now.  Their policy was first to await a proper pretext, or more correctly a strong incentive to disunion, and then, having obtained it, to push matters forthwith to an extremity.  The incentive is furnished in the election of Lincoln.

[Correspondent of the N. Y. Herald, Richmond, Va, Nov. 8, 1860


The Pony Express

Watertown Republican 11 30 1860


The Pony Express, which left San Francisco on the 14th, brings the gratifying intelligence that California and Oregon have both gone Republican.


First Meeting of Lincoln and Hamlin

Watertown Republican 11 30 1860


The coming together of the next president and vice president yesterday at the Tremont House was the first time these two future "heads of the nation" were ever formally introduced.  They had known each other merely as "passing acquaintances" while in Congress years ago, but were then political opponents-the one a Wing, the other a Democrat.


But now they meet for the first time as friends, personally and politically.  This is a remarkable incident—especially since, on meeting under the present extraordinary circumstances, they find that they indeed "be brethren"--sympathizing with each other fully and cordially in spirit and sentiment.  They are both men of the people, both spiritedly patriotic.  Both truly conservative, devoted to the great interest of the country, and fully sensible of the weight of responsibility that rests upon them for the future.


Another remarkable fact connected with these gentlemen is that the high honors that have been conferred upon them, came entirely unexpectedly. Mr. Lincoln had no expectation of being nominated for the presidency before he was actually nominated and Mr. Hamlin never dreamed of being nominated for vice president before the fact of his nomination was announced to him by telegraph, after he was chosen.  It must be in the highest degree gratifying to both, that they have been taken up and elected to the highest offices in the government, by the spontaneous action of the people, without any effort, or even an aspiration on their own—and it is most proper that their first meeting since their election should be here in Chicago where they were nominated.


The Message

Watertown Democrat, 12 06 1860


Congress met in the Capitol at the City of Washington last Monday.  A quorum were present in both the Senate and House.  The President delivered his message the following day.  It will probably reach here today or tomorrow, but [being a weekly paper] we shall not be able to publish it until next week.  The President takes strong grounds against the right of secession and expresses the hope that concession, conciliation, patriotism, common interests and safety will yet avert the dangers and evils of separation.  He calls upon the Northern States to repeal their Personal Liberty bills, execute the Fugitive Slave Law, and make provisions for the security of slave property in the territories.  These are substantially the issues upon which the last presidential election was based.  The South would not be satisfied with these concessions, nor would they wholly arrest the steady progress of disunion in the Cotton States, for they are not the sufferers from the existing condition of things.  More will be demanded, and the moment the Republicans grant the little the most liberal will consent to give, the moral power of the party will be lost, the fruits of success, so far as principles are involved, will be surrendered, certain defeat will overtake it and the contest have to be fought over again.


The President’s Message

Watertown Democrat, 12 13 1860


We surrender most of our paper today to the President’s Message.  Seldom have we read an important public document with so little satisfaction as we have the last annual communication of President Buchanan to Congress.  His administration is drawing to a close in the midst of a perilous crisis and we fear it must be admitted there is little prospect of his showing himself equal to the resolute demands of his office.  In one part of his message he denies the right of secession, and then tries to prove that he has no power to execute the laws within the limits of a seceding state, though the Constitution declares that all acts passed in pursuance of that instrument shall be the laws of the land, anything in the state constitutions to the contrary notwithstanding.  The message shows the dangers that surround us are domestic and not foreign.  We are at peace with all nations and what unsettled questions we may have with two or three can be easily adjusted.  What turn matters will finally take among ourselves cannot now be foreseen, but we hope for the best.  We shall soon know whether we are to have but one or many confederacies within the limits of what is now the Union.  Out of the convulsions and collisions of dissolution we believe the North and West have the least to fear or suffer, but we would not on that account like to see a government which has conferred so many and great benefits on the people overthrown and ruined, especially when there is not the least excuse or necessity for such a mad display of reckless folly and self destruction.


Because of the Difficulty

Watertown Republican 11 30 1860


“Lincoln's election is taken as an occasion for action, but with us it is not the only cause for action.  We have delayed for the last ten years for nothing but cooperation.  We thought it the best and wisest policy to remain in the Union with our southern sisters, in order to arrange the time when and the manner how of going out, and nothing else.”


The above extract from the speech made in the South Carolina Legislature a few days ago shows conclusively, if any proof is needed, that the election of Lincoln is not, as is claimed by demagogues here in North, the cause of the present bubbling in the southern political cauldron.  South Carolina has been in hot water for the last twenty-five years, and has whined continually at what she has been pleased to call the aggressions of the North upon her vested rights.  She has only been waiting for some favorable opportunity to get up another fuss similar to the one raised by her in 1832, and has hit upon this is the most favorable time for action.  For our part we hope she will be permitted to “sulk” just as long as she wants to.  So long as she can content herself in pouting, which we apprehend will be about the extent to which you will go, she ought to be "let alone severely."  She will feel better when she gets over it, we have not the least doubt.


John Lowth

Watertown Republican, 11 09 1860


We learn that in the town of Lowell, on the evening of election day, John Lowth, of Lowell, had his leg broken above the ankle by being driven over while he lay upon a bridge in a state of intoxication. This is the more unfortunate as he had but one arm.  We also learn that there were several bruised heads and black faces, produced by stones thrown at Republicans by persons exasperated against them by the Republican majorities in that place.


Kellogg, the Artist

Watertown Republican, 11 16 1860


Kellogg, the Artist, has returned from the Fair, where he took premium on pictures, and those who have pictures which are covered with specks or streaks, or whom their friends cannot recognize, will do well to call on Kellogg over the Bank of Watertown and get them re-taken, as it will cost but a trifle.  Having permanently located in the city and fitted up rooms in the best style, he is prepared to wait on his numerous customers in the best style of any in the city.


It will cost nothing to sit for your picture if you are not suited, as I will let nothing go except it be good and gives satisfaction. 


J. D. Kellogg

  More on J D Kellogg 

Home Again

Watertown Democrat, 03 14 1861


Kellogg is at home again and prepared to take pictures of every kind cheaper and better than ever.  Everything warranted not to fade and give perfect satisfaction in every respect.  Those having pictures taken at my room, which do not suit, will please come and get them taken over again, as I shall attend to the business myself for the present and until further notice. 


Remember the place, over the Bank of Watertown.  J. D. Kellogg.

  More on J D Kellogg 

Watertown Democrat, 02 09 1865  


Something new and interesting for everybody at Kellogg’s Picture Gallery!


Having spent a week in all the best rooms of Chicago and learned everything that is new in the art and having an entire new set of instruments made expressly for the new styles of pictures and new stock of all kinds and descriptions, I am prepared to do much better by my customers than ever, both in price and quality.  Largest stock and greatest variety in the state, consisting of 200 dozen nice cases, 300 best gilt and rosewood frames, 300 albums of all styles and prices, varying from fifty cents to twenty dollars.  New instrument for taking photographs and will now make 24 for one dollar, or six nice ambrotypes for one dollar.


Thanksgiving Proclamation


Watertown Republican, 11 23 1860


The people of Wisconsin have extraordinary reasons for thankfulness the present year.  The peaceful labors of the husbandmen have been blessed in a most remarkable degree, and their barns and storehouses are overflowing with the abundance of the harvest.  Health has prevailed throughout our borders.  Good order has everywhere reigned.  The blessings of free education have been extended.  If afflictions have come upon, or calamities overtaken us, the benign influences of Christian benevolence have hastened to dry the tears and minister to the wants of the bereaved.


I recommend that the people of the State, on that day, laying aside the cares of life, gather together in their solemn assemblies and return their thanks to God for His great Goodness to us as citizens of a country blest, beyond others, with civil and religious liberty, educational institutions, peace and prosperity and especially for His overflowing blessings to the people of this Commonwealth, in abundant harvest, health, social comforts and privileges, and for all that contributes to the happiness and well-being as communities and individuals.


Governor, Alex. W. Randall



Watertown Republican 11 30 1860


To the People of Wisconsin:  Since the issue of my proclamation for the annual Thanksgiving, calling upon you, blessed in a remarkable degree this year with an abundance of the fruits of the earth, to render thanks to the Bountiful Giver, the details have come to us of destitution and suffering in another portion of our country, where the rains have not fallen, and a parched earth has borne no crops.  In the midst of our abundance, it is very difficult to realize the fact that but a few hundred miles from us, not less than thirty or forty thousand of our fellow beings are at this moment suffering greatly from the total failure of their crops.  Such a startling fact needs but to be brought to the knowledge of the people who are overflowing with abundance, to cause speedy help to be sent to the needy.


Citizens of Wisconsin!  The destitute, starving conditions of thousands of the settlers of Kansas is a terrible fact, thoroughly attested.  Immediate and liberal contributions of money, to buy provisions and clothing and pay freights on donations forwarded, of grain, flour, and provisions of every kind are imperatively needed to save the lives of men, women and children who have literally nothing to eat, and nothing to sell, to raise means for the purpose of food and clothing.  In no better way can you exhibit your thankfulness for blessings conferred by Providence then by showing love and charity to the needy.


Alexander W Randall, Governor


Cross Reference:

NYTimes article





The Declaration of Causes of Secession, adopted on December 24, 1860, represented South Carolina's statement to the South, the nation, and the world that it was compelled to secede from the United States In a detailed explanation, South Carolina presented the southern theory of the Union and the nature of the U.S. Constitution, aired its grievances against the North, and justified its decision to secede. The Declaration of Causes of Secession left no doubt that the precipitating factor behind South Carolina's withdrawal from the Union was the election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency.


South Carolina's decision to secede encouraged secessionists elsewhere to intensify their opposition to the Union and, in rapid fashion, to persuade their states to follow suit. The justifications for secession were grounded in the compact theory of the Constitution, the view that sovereign states had created the Union and, therefore, in the exercise of their sovereignty, could withdraw from the Union at their pleasure. The declaration sought legitimacy, moreover, through its reference to the causes that impelled the American colonists to declare their independence from England: The rights of the people had been violated by a government grown tyrannical. Those conditions in 1776 and 1860, South Carolina argued, justified the right of the people to create their own government. For South Carolinians, tyranny emerged in the form of Abraham Lincoln, who, they declared, intended to destroy slavery, in violation of southerners' property rights in their slaves. The arguments aroused the passions of the lower southern states and soon put the nation on a war footing. As a result, the United States would never be the same.


Southern Secession Convention

Watertown Democrat, 12 13 1860


Columbia, S. C., Dec. 17.

A heavy and almost obscuring fog hangs like a pall over Columbia, creating a general gloom. The small pox panic is intense among the citizens and strangers.  Many members of the Legislature have gone home.  A strong effort will be made today to adjourn the Legislature and Convention to Charleston.  If not, then the Convention will probably promptly pass an ordinance of secession and adjourn.


Mr. Miles appealed to the convention not to adjourn to Charleston but to remain here, regardless of the small pox, or other physical or moral causes, and discharge the duties required by South Carolina.


He urged that other states would jeer at the timidity in the present crisis and that the moral power of the present movement would be affected in other sympathizing states if we adjourn to Charleston. 



Watertown Republican, 11 23 1860


A young man named Regnor [Regner], employed in the machine shop of the Milwaukee, Watertown and Baraboo Valley Railroad Co., met with a serious accident on Wednesday morning last.  It seems that he was engaged in arranging the belt upon one of the shafts and in some way got entangled therein so that he was carried around with it a number of times, with each revolution coming in contact with some heavy pieces of lumber overhead.  The machinery was stopped as soon as it could be, but not until Mr. Regner had been pretty badly hurt.  He was removed at once to his father’s and attended by Doctors Spaulding and Cody who did everything in their power to alleviate his sufferings.  Upon examination it was found that one of his arms was broken in three places and that his leg was also broken just above and below the knee.  He was otherwise injured and bruised, but the fractured bones, we believe, constitute the most serious features of his case.  He is a steady and industrious young man, whose misfortune we regret to be called upon to announce.


Slow and Sure

Watertown Republican 11 30 1860


We may learn something from our German citizens.  They thrive on the same income as a Yankee would starve on.  We know of a young German, whose capital, when he landed on our shores, consisted of a singularly constructed suit of blue clothes and a long tail pipe.  Yet, in five years, he had a house and lot, money at interest, a wife and two babies, a quantity of bliss and pickled cabbage.  During most of the time our meritorious friend received a salary of six dollars a week.  A Yankee might have received five times that sum and come out head over heels in debt.  The fact is Germans have very sensible notions of life.  They drink beer, and smoke pipes with astonishing long stems.  They are industrious and economical.  They know how to lay up something for a rainy day, which is a great deal more than some Americans know.  Many Americans seem to think that they will have no difficulty in borrowing umbrellas when the financial rainy day comes, but they ascertain their mistake when the time arrives and are often compelled to seek shelter in the poor house or go and live with their parents.  Meanwhile our Teutonic goes pleasantly ahead, raising garden sauce and babies and constantly waxing richer, fatter and jollier.  We repeat, that we may learn something from our German citizens.


Dr. Underwood

Watertown Democrat, 12 06 1860


Dr. Underwood, of Chicago, the eminent and skillful operator on the eye and car, whose reputation is so extensively known throughout the United Suites and Canada, will arrive in Jefferson, Wis., Thursday, Dec. 20th , and may be consulted at the first class hotel that day only.  Dr. U., being a regularly educated physician and surgeon of the old school, and having devoted his whole life to opthalmic and aural surgery, will be found competent to perform any operation on the eye and ear necessary to restore sight to the blind, or hearing to the deaf or by other scientific means, remove any disease of those delicate organs, within the reach of science and human skill.  No charge for examination or opinion.


Class Honors Awarded

Watertown Gazette, 04 29 1910


Last week the high school class honors for the year 1910 were distributed and Della Wilkowski led the class with an average, for the four years, of 95.32.  Florence Foley was second with an average of 95.29.  Esther Humphrey was next with an average of 93.9.  Alvin Guitzlaff's average is 91.75 and Helen Schatz took fifth place with an average of 91.6.  The first four will represent the class on the commencement program and Helen Schatz will give the alumni toast at the alumni banquet.


A. D. Harger

Watertown Republican, 11 23 1860


At a meeting of the Common Council on the 12th inst., A. D. Harger was elected City Clerk, to fill the vacancy occasioned in that office by the resignation of William H. Bourne.  Mr. Harger has the necessary qualifications for a good Clerk and we have no doubt will discharge all the duties devolving upon him in that capacity to the general satisfaction of the public.


Miss Elizabeth McLaughlin

Body found

Watertown Republican 11 30 1860


The remains of the body of Miss Elizabeth McLaughlin, one of the unfortunate victims of the Lady Elgin disaster, were found in Michigan City, on the seventh, and brought to this city last Monday for final interment.


Lorenz Maschauer


History of Milwaukee, City and County, Volume 2, William George Bruce, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co, Chicago, 1922.


Lorenz Maschauer who for many years was prominently connected with the hardware trade of Milwaukee and during the last twenty four years of his life was president of the Frankfurth Hardware Company was born in Wildstein near Eger Bohemia on the 31st of March, 1844, and was but ten years of age when in 1854 he was brought by his parents to the new world.  The family settled in Watertown, Wisconsin, and there the father died soon afterward.  Lorenz Maschauer was the youngest in a family of six children who accompanied their mother to Milwaukee soon after the father's demise. 


In the schools of this city therefore Lorenz Maschauer pursued his education becoming a student in the German English Academy.  After starting out in the business world he became identified with a brass and machinery foundry but the work disagreed with him and in 1861 he entered the employ of the Frankfurth Hardware Company at Third and Chestnut streets.  When twenty one years of age owing to impaired health he gave up his position and spent two years in touring Europe Rest and travel did much for him and with health greatly improved he returned to Milwaukee . . .


Main Street

1985 Renovation Plan

Watertown Daily Times, 09 20 1985


An ambitious aesthetic renovation plan for Watertown’s downtown area is expected to be unveiled today, one in which private funds would make up almost 50 percent of the project’s estimated $340,000 cost.  Sidewalk renovation with sections of brick, new decorative street lights and a substantial number of tree plantings are part of the plan, to be detailed today at a noon meeting of downtown revitalization committee.  Other aspects of the plan, developed by a subcommittee of the revitalization panel, include benches and trash receptacles, new curb and gutter and a 1/2-inch street overlay.  The project is being proposed for East Main Street from Sixth Street to First Street, First Street from Market Street to Madison Street and Sixth Street from Market Street to Madison Street.  All of the recommendations are being made in an attempt to give Watertown a turn of the century look, a theme generally agreed to by downtown merchants and architectural consultants to take advantage of the city’s highly regarded historical features.


Barbara “Bobby” Maas

Watertown Daily Times, 09 20 2000


Barbara “Bobby” Maas of Watertown has been named an Honorable Mention recipient of the 2000 Governor’s Awards in Support of the Arts.  The posthumous recognition with a commemorative plaque will take place at a ceremony to be held at the Executive Residence in Madison on Friday, Oct. 27.  Foundation Chairman Jeffrey Bartell said Maas is being recognized for “extraordinary and continuous contributions to the arts and cultural opportunities of Watertown and the surrounding area.”  He said, “Bobby Maas served as president of the Watertown Arts Council for decades and was instrumental in starting the local arts festival, as well as acquiring fine art for the council’s rotating collection.”


Watertown Commercial College

and Writing Academy

Watertown Democrat, 12 13 1860


Prof. A. S. Dantz of Fond du Lac proposes to open a Commercial College and Writing Academy in this city on the 14th, inst.  It will be an evening as well as day school, thus affording apprentices and young merchants an excellent opportunity to attain an elegant style of penmanship and acquaint themselves with the best methods of doing business correctly.  Prof. Dantz is an accomplished teacher and will not fail to greatly benefit all who take a course of his valuable lessons.

  More on Watertown Commercial College and Writing Academy 

Watertown Democrat, 12 13 1860


The undersigned takes this method in announcing to the citizens of Watertown and vicinity that he will open his Commercial School on Monday, the 14th day of Jan. next.


There will be but one course taught in three months time, comprising the following studies, to wit:


“Double Entry Book-keeping, Commercial Calculations, Correspondence, the Executions of Orders, Notes, Receipts in all its varied forms, Mortgages, Leases, Contracts and Penmanship.”


Printed editions are not used at my College, as each and every set will be made up by the Instructor.  The Professor’s instructions are based upon his long experience as Book-keeper and as Teacher of that science and introduces thus the practical method all at once.


Penmanship both plain and ornamental will be taught in classes at the College rooms as well as privately.  Writing School for ladies and gentlemen five evenings in the week from 6 to 7 o’clock.


Visiting and Wedding Cards at $1.50 per pack of 50, written neatly.  Sets of books opened, kept, closed or examined balance sheets drawn or single entry account books converted into double entry and with dispatch.


Terms:  For a full commercial course, inclusive of Penmanship, $27, without Penmanship, $25—half to be paid in advance, the remainder after the sixth week or the whole amount by an approved bankable note of 60 days.


For a full course in Penmanship, both plain and ornamental, $5.  A class for practical instruction in the German Language will be taught upon the Professor’s much and everywhere approved practical method if applications are made in time to him at the Exchange Hotel between the 6th and 14th of January next.


A. D. Dantz,

Principal of Fond du Lac College and Professor of Penmanship and Languages.