
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Alanson Boomer,

L E Boomer


Boomer’s Dam


Alanson Boomer


Alanson Boomer, farmer, Secs. 9 and 8; P.O. Watertown; born Feb. 14, 1815, in Jefferson Co., N.Y.  On June 6, 1836, he came to Wisconsin and remained in Milwaukee, prospecting for about a year.  In August, 1837, he located, temporarily on a school section in Waukesha, but left in December and came to Watertown Township, Jefferson Co., and took up a claim of two quarter-sections.


L E Boomer


At the Government sale the land was bought in his brother’s L. E. Boomer’s name.


Mr. Wood


The land was all wild, but Mr. Wood, who had squatted on one of the sections and whom they bought out, had built one of the earliest log houses erected in the township, in which Mr. Boomer lived till 1841, when he went back to New York; from that time till 1845, it was in the hands of a tenant; then Mr. L. E. Boomer came West and took possession. 


Indians used frequently to come to trade, but they had no trouble with them, never even had anything stolen, which Mr. Boomer attributes to keeping whiskey away from them and treating them as honorably as he would white men.  At one time his brother anticipated trouble and wrote to the Governor, who sent arms to the settlers, but fortunately it proved a false alarm.


Boomer Dam


In 1849, Mr. L. E. Boomer built a dam and saw-mill, and made bricks as well as farming. 


Alanson Boomer


In January, 1858, Mr. Alanson Boomer bought his brother out after being East sixteen years.  He built himself the handsomest farmhouse in the county, in 1861, and also erected all the barns and outbuildings; he now owns 350 acres of land, and raises principally wheat, oats, barley and corn, and makes a specialty of fattening stock, keeping about forty head constantly ready for the market.  Married Miss Lydia Van Wormer, of Watertown Township, January 12, 1862; they had one little boy who died when 1 month old; he has since adopted two children, the first a boy [editor’s note:  Mason], who was drowned when about 8 years old, and then a little girl named Alice, now living.  He was Ward Supervisor two years.


Derived from: The History of Jefferson County, Wisconsin by C. W. Butterfield, 1879



06 30       Specimen of brick from the first kiln burnt at the new yard of L. E. Boomer, one mile below the village, on the east side of the river.   Watertown Chronicle



Democratic State Register, 04 09 1850

We took occasion, a day or two since, to visit the saw mill of our fellow citizen, L. A. Boomer, Esq, a couple of miles below the village.  Mr. B, has one of the finest powers on the river, so far as our observation extends.  He has erected during the past winter a large double saw mill, which commenced sawing the past week—-and from the work performed while we were there, we are satisfied that there is no better establishment of its kind, in this part of the country.  It is furnished with the latest improvements, and the lumber turned out is of superior quality.  We think the location of the mill to be one which will be; a great convenience to the people of Watertown, and a source of profit to its enterprising proprietor.  We wish him the success to which his energy and perseverance justly entitles him.




The subscriber will lease his brick yard for a term of years to an energetic practical brick maker.

The yard is one mile south of Main Street and is the largest and best in the city, with a clay bank 80- rods long, sand and water are abundant and convenient.


The demand is brisk for all the brick that can be made for years.


There is not a better location in the state for doing a large and profitable business.  With proper management and industry, a good manufacturer can make his pile every year.


Whoever leases should apply soon, as the clay should be dug and wood cut and hauled this fall and winter.





06 30       DROWNED

A man named Patrick Cullen, who has been working on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad in this city, was drowned last evening about 8 o’clock attempting to cross the river at Boomer’s dam.   WD






In various parts of our city new dwellings may be seen erected this summer.  In the suburbs we notice that Mr. A. [Alanson] Boomer is building another of those fine and large brick residences which attract so much of the attention of visitors and strangers who get a passing glimpse of them.  [Boomer built himself the handsomest farmhouse in the county, in 1861, and also erected all the barns and outbuildings; he now owns 350 acres of land, and raises principally wheat, oats, barley and corn, and makes a specialty of fattening stock. -The History of Jefferson County, Wisconsin by C. W. Butterfield, 1879.]   WD




Mr. Benjamin Nute has purchased of Mr. F. Misegades the Boomer Dam Water Power and Mill property in the southern part of the city.  Mr. Nute is putting a new run of stone into the grist mill, and will soon proceed to the making of some necessary repairs on the dam, with the intention of engaging in the flouring business.   WR




The grist mill on the Boomer Dam property, in the southern part of the city, recently purchased by Mr. B. Nate, is now fitted up and doing a custom business.



12 16       THE STAFF OF LIFE

The flouring mill of Mr. Benjamin Note at Boomer's Dam, in the southern boundary of the city, is now turning out, some fine grades of flour, which we have reason to know is of excellent quality for family use.  Mr. T. Samuels is agent for the sale of Mr. Nute’s flour, at his flour and produce store on First Street.




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H. [Henry] Daub has purchased the old Boomer dam property from the heirs of the [Dwight?] Nute estate, which includes the old mill, the east half of the water power and three acres of land.   WG



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Another old and well-known resident, of Watertown, Alanson Boomer, has been called to his final abode.  He died Friday morning at 4 o’clock.  Mr. Boomer was 82 years of age and had been a resident of Wisconsin for sixty-one years.  He had been ill since Thursday.  He leaves two daughters, Mrs. Chas. A. Vanghan, of this place, and Mrs. M. Douglass, of Waterloo.  The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at two o’clock.  Services were conducted at the house by Rev. G. C. Weisa.  Alanson Boomer, wife Lydia and son Mason are buried in Oak Hill cemetery.     (Jefferson County Union, 07 02 1897)




Messrs. Simon Molzahn, Charles Feisst and Andrew Roegner are the owners and officers of a neat little steam launch which has its moorings in Rock river, below Boomers dam.  The boat is twenty-two feet in length, will accommodate a dozen persons, is fitted with an eight horse-power engine and is propelled by a steam wheel.  It is of light draft and capable of developing a speed of eight miles an hour.  The launch was given a trial trip to Hahn’s lake last week and it is proposed during the summer to make excursions down the river as far as Jefferson — a most delightful and picturesque trip.  S. Molzahn is captain of the craft, Mr. Roegner chief engineer, and Mr. Feisst navigating officer.    WR




The restoration of Boomer Dam will be one of the subjects which the common council here will devote some attention to when it meets next week.  At Monday night’s committee meeting the council will be informed of a report of a meeting held at Jefferson which Mayor A. E. Bentzin attended and at which the Jefferson County Conservation Alliance backed plans for the Rock River stream improvement project in the area of the Bethesda Lutheran Home.


The question involved is the raising and restoration of Boomer Dam which is several hundred yards south of the Watertown sewage disposal plant.  The idea is to raise the water 18 inches in the Bethesda area to eliminate the unsightliness of weeds, rocks and debris that accumulate in the low water level.


The amount of money available is $3,600 of which $1,800 is furnished by the state in lieu of the state for bounty that used to be available to Jefferson County.  This fund is now used for conservation projects but must be matched by the county.  Part of this money would also be used to rip rap the shore line with rocks on the west side of the river in the Bethesda Home area which has a lot of fill put there by the city.  This would eliminate washing out at high water levels.  This project not only becomes a stream improvement project but also a stream beautification project within Watertown city limits.




Boomer Street named in honor of the Boomer clan




Table of Contents 

History of Watertown, Wisconsin
