
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Watertown Fire Department






1847-1899 section   Other Segments   2000-2023 section  



Established 1857



___ 1900 __________________


The committee on fire department was authorized to ask for proposals for keeping holes cut in the ice for the use of the fire department during the winter.    WR



[same date] The following officers of the Watertown Fire Department were elected at the annual meeting last night:  President, John Chapman; vice-president, Arthur G. Krebs; secretary, G. E. Gloger; treasurer, A. A. Hardie.    WR



Mayor Grube recommended that the fire limits ordinance be amended so as to include all that district extending from Tenth to Church streets and including two blocks north and south of Main and West Main streets.   WR


02 13       PHOENIX BALL

The ball of the Phoenix Fire Company, No. 2 at Turner Opera house Saturday night, was very largely attended and proved a source of great enjoyment to all participating.  Music was furnished by the city orchestra and a program of twenty-eight numbers danced.  The grand march was led by Edward Schultz and Miss Lucy Reihle.  The hall was profusely decorated with bunting, flags, etc., while from the ceiling hung a large placard bearing the inscription. “God Bless the Ladies and Protect the Firemen.”  From this depended a picture of William Schulte, “Our First Chief.”  In the lower hall an excellent supper was served by Herman Yahr.  A number of firemen from neighboring places attended the ball.



Wednesday afternoon a successful test of the Fyricide fire extinguisher, for which George H. Hastings is agent, was made on the old Tremont House premises.  The extinguishing ingredient utilized in this device is a very finely pulverized chemical, which as soon as applied has the desired effect.



An alarm of fire was turned in from the Watertown Steam Laundry last Tuesday evening at 7 o’clock, the cause being a small blaze which had started in the floor near the chimney.  It was extinguished by employees before the firemen could get to work, although they responded in double-quick time.  No damage was done .


03 06       A. B. LIEBERMANN FIRE

[same date] The clothing and gents' furnishing goods stock of A. B. Lieberrnann, Third Street, was partially destroyed by fire Saturday morning.  When Mr.  Lieberrnann opened the front door of the store at about 6:30 o’clock he was confronted by a dense cloud of smoke, and it was discovered that a blaze had started near the stove and that the tables containing stock nearby were on fire.  The alarm was immediately given and both hose companies were soon at work on the flames, which were promptly extinguished.  The damage to the stock from smoke and water, however, was considerable, while the building was damaged only slightly.  The latter is owned by Charles W. Schulz.  Mr. Liebermann’s loss is covered by insurance.  The fire is supposed to have been started by a spark from the stove. 



The work of the fire department has been up to its usual splendid standard.  It is unfortunate that the city has so far been unable to put in a fire alarm system which would unquestionably be a great benefit; but we doubt if the necessary funds can be spared for that purpose.  Its members in all of the departments are deserving the thanks of all our citizens for the willingness with which they respond to all calls in their line of duty.   WG


04 27       BOYNE’S HOME FIRE

At about 11 o’clock last Tuesday morning fire destroyed about $50 worth of property at Edward Boyne’s home on Western Avenue, and the fire was put out without calling out the fire department.  But shortly after 12 o’clock noon, someone gave the alarm that Mr. Boyne’s house was on fire, the fire bells were rung and the department responded promptly, but imagine the firemen’s disgust when they heard the above fact.   WG



Early last Sunday morning someone ignited a broom saturated with kerosene and shoved it behind the window blind of the house occupied by Mrs. Carr on Jones Street.  Mrs. Carr and her two small children were asleep at the time, but were awakened by the smoke entering the house.  She sent her two children to the city hall to give the alarm of fire, but officers Pieritz and Berg arrived on the scene shortly and put out the fire.  Whoever is guilty of this dastardly act deserves the very severest kind of punishment, for whoever sets fire to a building, endangering loss of life, no matter what the provocation is, is a murderer at heart and a very dangerous person in any community.  Every effort should be made to bring the guilty party to justice.    WG



A Milwaukee concern agrees to place a signalphone system in the city, the same to include thirty fire alarm boxes and a central station, for the sum of $300.  The proposition has been referred to the council committees on fire department and finance.  It is fast becoming the general opinion that a system of this sort is needed here.   WRep



No. 2 Hose Wagon Runs Down a Little Girl, but She Luckily Escapes Serious Injury.


The 10-year-old daughter of Fredrich Behling, of 414 North Warren Street, had a narrow escape from serious injury, and perhaps death, last Friday morning shortly before 9 o'clock.  An alarm of fire was turned in from the plant of the American Malting Company and the department responded promptly.


No.1 hose wagon was the first to start, going south on First Street [from the Pioneer Fire Engine House].  The hook and ladder truck followed in its wake, but as it was about to cross Main Street, there appeared to be danger lurking. for just at that moment No. 2 hose wagon [from the Phoenix Fire Engine House], driven by Will Spear, came rapidly along Main street from the west side. 


A dray stood in the way at the southwest corner of Main and First streets.


Spear was convinced that he could not make a short turn of the corner without colliding with the dray, and he also saw that if he continued straight up Main Street, he could not clear the hook and ladder truck. 


So he swung his team to the north and in so doing drove onto the sidewalk at the Merchants' Bank corner.  Here a crowd of people had congregated and although Spear applied the brake, the hose wagon could not be stopped before it had struck the fire hydrant.  In the scurrying to and fro of the people, the little girl above mentioned was thrown into contact with the horses and drawn under them.  She fell beside the curbing and it was by the merest chance that she was not trampled to death.


In less time, however, than it takes to tell it, she was extricated from her perilous position, and it was ascertained that aside from a bad scare and a few slight bruises she was unharmed.  One of the horses had stepped on her hair and cut off a portion, while her jacket was also severed from her person.  She was taken to Dr. Werner's office and cared for.


It seems that Spear did not know where the fire was, so concluded to follow other hose wagon.


Had he known the exact location, no doubt all trouble would have been averted, for he would then have chosen a different course.


The fire at the malting plant was of hardly any consequence and only slight damage was done.  It originated in the basement and was extinguished by the workmen employed there.     WR



Monday evening the Ahrens engine was taken to Main Street bridge for the purpose of testing the new fire hose recently purchased.  The engine has been out of service for some time, and could not draw water from the river.  On examination, the cylinders of one of the engine were found to be clogged with several large stones, and how they got there is unknown.  They were too large to be drawn through the hose, and must have been placed there by someone.  As long as this engine is used by the city, it should be properly looked after, for it may be needed in an emergency.  All fire apparatus in the city should be thoroughly inspected by the proper authorities at certain stated intervals during the year.    WG


10 24       TEST OF NEW HOSE

Five hundred feet of new hose assigned to the Phoenix Fire company was given a test Thursday evening and Main Street bridge, the Silsby engine being brought into service.  The hose stood the strain of 240 pounds of pressure and was pronounced satisfactory.   WR


___ 1901 __________________


At 11 o’clock last night an alarm of fire called the department to the stock yards of the Milwaukee road near the Third street crossing, where a blaze had in some manner started.  The firemen extinguished it promptly, with but slight damage resulting.  Had the fire gained headway the loss might have been considerable, as Theodore Huber’s lumberyard is in close proximity. (401 Clyman)   WR



Jos. Jentzen, who has operated sprinkling wagon in this city for the past nineteen years, has sold his outfit, including horses, to Louis Griep.


For the next season of six months the Board of Public Works has let the sprinkling of streets in this city to T. J. Euper, the lowest bidder for $2520.  The probabilities are that Mr. Euper will sublet the sprinkling, one district to James Burke, one to each of the parties owning the fire department teams, and will retain one district for himself.   WG


05 24       DENT HOME FIRE

At 12 30 o’clock last Saturday morning the fire department was called to the home of Robert Dent, where the summer kitchen, about three feet from his residence was on fire.  R. Dent was awakened by the blaze and telephoned to the police station.  Before the fire department arrived Mr. Dent, with the assistance of his neighbor, Joe Harvey, succeeded in keeping the fire from doing much damage to the residence.  The fire department responded promptly, and put the fire out before much damage was done.  The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary.   WG



The Fourth of July celebration of 1901 . . . . In the evening a fire run will be given on Main Street by the local department, followed by fireworks and a sham a battle on the river. . .   WG


06 21       OUTHOUSE FIRE

[same date] During the noon hour last Monday a fire in an outhouse in the rear of Herman Dobbratz’s brought out the fire department.  It was promptly extinguished.  Edward Rimestead, while trying to board the hook and ladder truck at the corner of Main and First streets, fell and narrowly escaped death, being flung against the wheel of the truck with terrific force.  He was taken to Dr. Werner’s office and medical attention given him at once.  He was badly shaken up and bruised, and his injuries will lay him up for several days.  He is employed as a teamster by Wm. Hartig.  


Cross Reference note:  Herman Dobbratz had a saloon and residence at 109 S. Third


07 19       NO WASTE OF WATER

Users of city water are hereby requested not to waste any water during this dry weather.  This appeal to consumers is made necessary because the flow of the well is limited, and to keep a sufficient supply of water on hand for the protection of property against fire must be the first consideration, and should appeal to the justice of every fair-minded citizen.   WG



Thursday afternoon September 5 ,1901, our neighboring city of Jefferson suffered the greatest fire in its history, and at one time during the day it looked as though the entire manufacturing and business portion of the city would be wiped out, as well as the county jail and courthouse.  Aid was telegraphed for to this city and the Silsby engine and Hose Cart No. 2 were taken to Jefferson and rendered favorable assistance.  A staff correspondent of The Milwaukee Sentinel said of the fire:” A stiff southwest wind, fanned what looked like a significant blaze into a raging conflagration, threw the entire city in a pandemonium, brought under control at 6 o’clock only after damage of $10,350 had been done.”


Aid from Fort Atkinson, Johnson Creek, Janesville and Watertown was requested about half an hour after the fire was discovered about 12:10.  The origin of the fire is not known although Superintendent Lewis M. Smith of the chair manufactory, where it was first found, believes that sparks from a passing train at noon flew into the open windows of the comparatively new brick factory building.  At 12:10, after every man of the fifty employees had left the place for lunch, smoke was seen issuing from the windows of the third floor nearest the tracks.  A single stream could not hold the flames in check and it spread to the paint shops and offices.  No call to outside cities was made even then, but when St. Mary’s church caught fire the appeal, which was quickly responded to, was sent.   WG



Another of Watertown’s old and respected citizens, Wm. Dobbratz, passed peacefully from earth Thursday night of last week at his home, 913 N. Fourth Street, aged 68 years.  His death came rather sudden, as it was only last Monday that he became ill, the cause of it being a cholera orbus.  Mr. Dobbratz was born March 8,1833, in Sternin in Kreise Coerlin, Prussia and came to Watertown when he was 10 years of age, and has ever since made this city his home, during most of which time he was engaged in the boot and shoe business.  He served his ward several times in the city council, was one of the founders of St. John’s Lutheran church in this city, was a member of the old Watertown fire department, and a member of the Watertown Arbeiter verein.



At 9 o’clock last week Thursday night the fire department was called out by a blaze in Carroll’s bookstore in Main Street.  A pile of paper in the rear part of the store in some unaccountable manner caught fire, and for a time it looked as though the fire would prove serious.  The loss is a small one and is fully covered by insurance.   WG


___ 1902 __________________

01 10       PRACTICE

Chief Doerr called out the fire department Sunday afternoon for practice, having received the consent of the committee on fire department.   WG



The city clerk was instructed to advertise for sealed proposals for hauling the hook and ladder truck.



(same date)  A resolution passed to the effect that the engineer of the fire engine be released from the duty of running the steam road roller but he is required to keep in order the Ahrens fire engine and clean and oil the steam roller.


03 07       MONOTONOUS

Saturday night a false fire alarm was turned in shortly before 12 o'clock.  This false alarm business is getting to be monotonous, and the next one who turns in a false alarm deserves a horse-whipping.  It is about time was stopped.   WG



At the annual meeting of the fire department George P. Gates was elected chief and Albert Borchart assistant chief.  The following named fire wardens were also selected:  First and Seventh wards, Ed Riemstead; Second and Sixth wards, John Guetzlaff; Third and Fourth wands, Fred Harsh; Fifth ward, Louis Schulz.   WR



[same date] At 2:25 Tuesday afternoon the fire department again responded to a telephone call to extinguish a blaze at the residence of Dennis Powers, corner Montgomery and West Madison streets, Third ward.  A boy who happened to pass by noticed smoke coming from the house and notified Berth Smith a neighbor, who telephoned to one of the fire department stations, but before they arrived Wm. Ardie and Albert Will who were passing by broke open a door and extinguished the flames which had started near the kitchen stove.  The damage was small.   WR


05 31       LOUIS VOGEL

Louis Vogel, aged 33 years, died Saturday morning of consumption with which he had been afflicted for several years.  He was a member of the Anchor Hose company No. 1.  The funeral took place from the home of his mother, Mrs. Emilie Vogel, 926 North Fourth Street, Tuesday afternoon to St. John’s church.   WR



The fire run by the department was a grand feature [in the Watertown Fourth of July parade] and was in itself an object lesson, not as an example of what our fire laddies might do in an emergency, but what they do time and time again without hardly attracting even a casual word of praise.


It was fine, even the horses seemed to enter into the spirit of the occasion.  With ears laid back, distended nostrils and eager, flashing eyes, and every muscle in active play, they needed no urging to make them beat the devil’s tattoo with their iron-shod hoofs on the brick pavement as they swung into view and out of sight between two long drawn breaths.


Every man was in his place, the engines under a under a full head of steam, flying sparks and clatter of horses’ feet, one by one, engines, hook and ladder trucks and hose carts passed in flying review, and as the people saw it they might well realize how much they are dependent upon the efficiency of our fire department for the safety of life and property.


Hurrah for the fire boys; their show was fine because it was real.       Watertown Republican, 07 12 1902.  



During the heavy wind and rain storm that passed over our city Monday afternoon lightning struck and set on fire the Watertown grain elevator near NorthWestern depot, but the prompt response of the fire department saved the building and contents.    WR


___ 1903 __________________

                CHRISTIAN BECKER

Secretary of the Fire Department and Treasurer of the Pioneer Fire Company. 



The Committee on Fire Department was given power to hire men to keep the ice open at Silver Creek and Boughton bridges for the use of the fire department.


CROSS REFERENCE NOTE:  The 150-year history book on the Watertown Fire Department mentions a spot underneath the Oconomowoc Avenue bridge where the Rock River was kept open during the winter by inserting a barrel in the ice and piling manure on top of it.  In a fire emergency a hose could be lowered into the water through the opening.


The Committee on Fire Department reported that they purchased 500 feet of Paragon hose from the Eureka Fire Hose company of Chicago at 90 cents a foot and 500 feet of Gold Seal hose from the Goodyear Rubber company at 75 cents a foot.



The annual meeting of the Watertown Fire Department for the election of chief, assistant chief and four fire wardens was called to order at the city hall Monday night by Vice President Edward Boyne in the absence of President M. Hurtubise who removed from the city.  Secretary Gus Gloger kept the minutes.  As there was no opposition to the reelection of George P. Gates for chief of the department he was elected by acclamation.  For assistant chief John Kehr was a candidate and secured 48 votes out of 82 cast.  The retiring assistant chief is Albert Borchardt of the No. 2 company.  The newly elected assistant belongs to Hook and Ladder Co. No, 1.   The old fire wardens were again elected as follows:  First and seventh wards, Edward Rimested; Second and Sixth wards, John Guetzlaff; Third and Fourth wards, Fred Harsh; Fifth ward Louis Schultz.


03 21       FACTORY OF F. C. JAEGER

[same date]  The wood working factory of F. C. Jaeger in Seventh street narrowly escaped burning Sunday morning shortly after 1 o’clock.  An alarm was turned in and the department arrived on the scene in a short time and promptly extinguished the flames.  The fire started in the boiler room and when the firemen arrived was burning briskly.   The building and contents suffered.  The building is insured.



Peter J. Euper, a well-known business man and contractor.  A member of the Department almost from the time of its organization, being a member of Phoenix Hose Cos. No. 2.  The flags on the city hall and Phoenix Engine house were placed at half-mast out of respect to his memory. 



Upon resolution of Alderman Mayer, the mayor appointed the following committee to investigate the merits of an electric fire alarm invented by Joseph A. Salick, H. C. Mayer C. Mulberger, J. F. Prentiss, R. H. Radtke, H. C. Fredrich.



The Common Council of the city of Watertown, do ordain as follows:


Section 1.  That the city of Watertown establish and maintain an Emergency Hospital, and for that purpose make use of the second story of the brick building, on First street, which is owned by said city, and located on a part of lot number two (2), in block number twelve (12), in the First ward of Watertown, Wisconsin according to Cole Bailey & Co s plat of the village of Watertown, now City of Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin.  Said building being also known as old No. 1 Engine House.


Section 3.  That the equipment and care of said hospital become the duty of the Commissioner of Public Health of said city, who shall be responsible to the city for the care of said hospital and shall take charge of all surgical instruments, appliances, medicines and supplies, and attend to the proper cleaning of said hospital, fixtures, surgical instruments and appliances, as often as required, in order to keep the same in good sanitary condition and cause the hospital rooms to be properly heated, whenever necessary.   WDT, 04 19 1903



At 5 o’clock Wednesday afternoon the Fire Department was called to fight a fire at the James Forncrook Box Factory in Third Street [same as 1000 S. Second]. 


It proved to be one of the fiercest fights the firemen have had in years. 


Owing to the strong wind blowing from the south it was a question for a time if the whole neighborhood could be saved from the flames, but by the persistent efforts of the department the neighboring buildings were well guarded until the fire was under control. 


The factory had shut down at 4:30 o’clock and Mr. Forncrook and the workmen had left.  The loss is in the neighborhood of $9000, there being $1500 insurance.  A large number of men are also thrown out of employment. 


The residence property just north of the factory was in great danger and in evidence of this and in gratitude to the firemen, the owner, Dudley Fitzgerald, presented them with $25.  


1899-1900 Watertown City Directory



Section 1. No person shall keep for safe or for any other purpose, within the corporate limits of the City of Watertown, Wisconsin, any gunpowder, dynamite, nitro glycerin or any other substance of whatsoever name, which will explode from concussion or friction, or fire, except the same be kept in tin or metal canisters containing not to exceed five pounds each; and not more than five canisters all be kept in or about any one building or place within said limits at the same time. 


Any person who shall keep or store more than five pounds of dynamite shall keep the same in a fire proof vault, located outside of any building, and which location must first be approved by the Common Council. 


This section is not to be construed to prevent any person from keeping or selling any common matches.



The Phoenix engine house No. 2 on North Water Street received a thorough repairing the present week.  A new floor has been laid and at the rear of the room where the horse barn is annexed the partition has been removed.  This will make it more convenient in getting the horses out of the barn.  Instead of taking them out through the engine room when going to work they will be led out on the north side where a door has been fixed for that purpose.  Besides several other changes a new sidewall has been laid in front of the house.      WR



      Northwestern Passenger and Freight Depot almost Totally Destroyed


A disastrous fire occurred in this city early Monday morning, in which the C.&N.W. Railroad depot was almost totally destroyed.  The night operator, it appears, had been excused at 11:30 and during his absence, or near 1 o’clock, the blaze was discovered and the alarm turned in.  The fire department immediately responded, but by the time of their arrival the fire had gained such headway that it was impossible to do much, although they succeeded in saving the lime warehouse on the south and the waiting rooms and north shed roof.


Owing to the fact that the freight room had been pretty well cleared out on Saturday there was not much loss in that quarter.  However, the office was completely destroyed.  Among the ruins may be seen the charred remains of books, freight bills, tickets, etc., in a useless condition.


As to how the fire started is a question which will probably not be known, although it is reported that a freight train passed through shortly before the blaze was discovered, and it is thought that a spark from the engine might have started the fire.  It is evident, at any rate, that the conflagration started in the freight department by all appearances which remain.


The telegraph office has been temporarily located under the roof at the north of the waiting rooms, where a temporary office has been enclosed with rough boards.  A large force of men have been engaged in tearing away and burning the debris for the past two days, and although nothing definite has been learned, it is altogether probable that the railroad company will soon commence the erection of a new depot.  The business of the company is being conducted as usual without interruption and all freight shipments are accepted.


During the fire, Louis Griep, driver of hose cart No. 1, was injured, but was able to attend to his duties the next day, however.   It is estimated that the total loss to the railroad company is about $5,000.          The Watertown News, 29 Jul 1903


12 30       THE IROQUOIS THEATRE FIRE occurred on December 30, 1903, in Chicago.  It is the deadliest theater fire and the deadliest single-building fire in United States history.  At least 605 people died as a result of the fire but not all the deaths were reported, as some of the bodies were removed from the scene.  The remains of the Misses Orlena and Anna Moak of Watertown, victims of the Iroquois theatre fire in Chicago, were laid at rest in Oak Hill Cemetery.


___ 1905 __________________


The Silsby fire engine which was sent to Seneca Falls, N.Y. some time ago to be repaired arrived back Thursday, and was tested Saturday by Chief Glaser and assistants and found to be all right, and is hoped that its service will not be needed.  


05 18       A trial of old fire engine No. 1 was made yesterday afternoon, the scene being on the river bank back of the old brewery.  The trial was under the direction of Otto Biefeld, former chief, and was for the purpose of instructing the new engineer of fire engines, August Schmidt with the duties of the position to which he was recently elected by the council, which was formerly held by Mr. Biefeld.  Despite the fact that the engine has been in service in Watertown for a period of thirty years this summer, the former chief declares that it does just as good work as ever and that during the trial yesterday, it threw a stream across the river. It is said Mr. Schmidt takes hold of the work with much credit to himself. The first engineer was Ferdinand Bursinger and the first chief William Schuette.  


06 22       F. Kahlpacker of Cincinnati, Ohio, in the employ of the LaFrance Fire Engine Company, with headquarters at Chicago, reached here yesterday morning and put a new pump on the fire engine Phoenix No. 2, which was repaired by said company and received back about four months ago. After the new pump was attached the engine was tested by the chief and assistants and furnished the required quantity of water and it appeared to be serviceable, throwing a strong, steady stream of water without the aid of parts, with which it keeps the boilers supplied with water. Mr. Kahlpacker took his departure last night, feeling quite confident that the engine would be accepted by the city council at the regular meeting tonight.  



The fire department was called on Friday noon by the burning of four stacks of grain near Tivoli island.  How the stacks took fire is a mystery yet to be solved.  Shortly after its return, a false alarm was turned in and the department given another run for exercise and to get warmed up so as to use hot drivers.



The final test of the Silsby engine was made yesterday afternoon, perched on the river bank near the Cady Street bridge and subsequently on the Main Street bridge. The first test was based with three lengths of hose and water was thrown nearly if not quite across the river at that point.   Afterward with the Siamese twin coupling, water was sent across the river without any trouble. The engine was then taken to the Main Street bridge and a further test made, which was as satisfactory as the first. The tests showed that with the new cylinder and the adjustment made by Mr. Langdon, the representative of the American Fire Engine company, the work was accomplished with less than half of the coal formerly used, a stronger and more uniform water pressure maintained and a gain of one three quarter inch stream secured.  The old machine is now better than when it was new and good for thirty years more of service.  



There was an alarm of fire sounded late Wednesday night and the department was out with its usual promptness and made a run over the sixth ward to extinguish a blaze in a chicken house.  It is a mystery as to how the chickens started the fire.   WR


10 05       FIRE AT IXONIA

Mayor Wertheimer received a telephone message Monday afternoon that the village of Ixonia was burning up and send help.  He at once ordered steamer No. 1, and a hose wagon up to the St. Paul depot where these were placed on a flat car and started for the village mentioned.  The fire started in the elevator owned by H. C. Humphrey and destroyed the same; also the Milwaukee railway stock sheds. The loss of the former was $3,000, and the latter $50, both were covered with insurance.



The work of constructing the long talked of fire cistern in the Meckelberger settlement was started yesterday by the contractors.  The construction of this means of fire protection was in compliance with the urgent demands of the residents in that section of the city for better protection.  It is a step in the right direction and is prompted by the fact that the city is spread over nine square miles, leaving some of the residents and taxpayers in the outlying district without ample protection.  The work, which was started yesterday, is the first step toward giving effective protection in the districts that are not protected by water mains.  The city will endeavor to furnish protection to other districts similarly situated from time to time and as fast as the finances of the city will permit.  The new cistern is to be 35 feet long and about 11 feet high.  It is a recognition that is due the citizens in that section of the city and the mayor and city councilmen are to be commended in the action taken.   WDT



The fire department was called out yesterday noon to extinguish a fire in the residence of Robert Brennecke, 813 Western Ave., which caught from a Christmas tree, the candle upon which it had been lighted. The blaze was put out by the use of chemicals after quick work by the department. The wall paper was badly scorched, furniture blistered by the heat and two costly rugs ruined. Mr. Brennecke has reason to congratulate himself that he escaped with so small a loss.   WR


___ 1906 __________________


It is reported that at the time of the fire at the residence of Robert Brennecke [813 Western Ave] a lady living in the neighborhood discovering the fire by the reflection of the flames through a window, telephoned to the central office asking that the fire department be notified.  She was told to go to an alarm box and turn in an alarm which would have required several minutes, even if she had known where the alarm box was located. If the report is true, it is to be regretted, for every person in the city is anxious that an alarm of fire should reach the department at the earliest possible moment, and as the city has given the telephone company a valuable franchise and its employees go upon the roofs of buildings at all times to string wires leaving wire and nail holes in the roofs, it certainly would be but a simple matter of courtesy to aid in the preservation of property from destruction by fire. The writer does not wish to be captious nor critical in the matter and only refers to it that the company in the future may cooperate with other citizens in extending all possible aid in case of fire.  



Three weeks ago, the Republican in the issue following the fire at the Brennecke residence contained a gentle criticism of the Telephone Company for not turning in the alarm to the fire department telephoned to the central office.  Immediately following the appearance of the article in the Republican, the Daily Times January 6th contained the following “Explanation.”


As an erroneous impression has gone abroad regarding the turning in of a fire alarm at the time of the Brennecke fire, the telephone manager wishes it corrected.  He says that since the introduction of the fire alarm system the telephone central has never been requested by the authorities to turn in fire alarms as previously done.  On the day in question, however, one of the operators was called up and told to turn in an alarm.  The manager claims the girl tried the west side house but got no response and she then notified the person calling that it might be quicker to turn in the alarm from the box and not wait.  If this be true the published statements regarding the affair are unjust to the operator.  Just censure is always admissible but unjust censure harms innocent people.


And on the 17th inst., the following local appeared in the Daily Times:


Telephone Fire Alarms.


Hereafter when persons wish to send in an alarm in case of fire and when the fire alarm box is not in the immediate vicinity they may send the alarm by telephone to the central station, giving the location of the fire and central will notify the fire department at both houses simultaneously.  This matter has been arranged with the telephone management by Chief Glaser, who requested that the public be notified through the press of the change.  Since the introduction of the fire alarm system but little attention has been paid to the method of notifying the department, but good service in this respect is now promised at the central telephone station.


The Republican does not claim that it brought about the change — but has a sort of a suspicion that it set the ball in motion which has resulted in good.


01 31       SMOKE HOUSE FIRE

The fire department was called out Saturday morning at 3 o’clock by a fire at 1000 Vine Street, the home of Theodore Wiese, by the burning of a smoke house on his premises, which was destroyed.  In the evening there were five large hams and two shoulders in the smoke house and when the fire was extinguished the remains of but one ham and the two shoulders were found which leads to the suspicion that four hams were taken by thieves and the house set on fire to conceal the theft of the hams.



         Beyond Water Works Protection


The fire department was called out about 11 o’clock last night, the alarm having been turned in from box No. 72.  The fire laddies were called to the residence in the Seventh ward near the fairgrounds owned by Mrs. Herman Knick and occupied by Charles Riemer and family.  The property is located on Kansas Street, between Utah and Nashotah streets, considerable distance from the last fire hydrant.


An effort was made to stretch hose from the nearest hydrant, but it was found to be considerably short and after a fruitless attempt it was found necessary to send for one of the fire engines, which arrived on the scene about an hour and twenty minutes after the alarm had been turned in and at a time that its presence was of no use.  The fire started in a barn adjoining the residence in some mysterious manner and was not long in spreading to residence, which is one of the old landmarks of the city.


Mr. Riemer and one of his neighbors sat visiting on the porch till 10 o’clock, when the first mentioned retired for the night.  As stated, the fire started in the barn, which was soon a mass of flames and owing to the inability to secure water, soon spread to the house, which was also soon enveloped in flames and was at the mercy of the elements and all that the assembled crowd could do was to stand by and watch the work of destruction.


The contents of the barn consisted of a quantity of hay, about 200 pounds of feed, which had just been purchased, and three pigs.  The latter were driven out of the barn and were saved, but the balance were consumed by the fire.  The household goods were practically all saved, a fact that is lucky, for no insurance was carried on the goods.  It is understood that Mrs. Knick carried a small insurance, although it was not positively known last night whether the policy had lapsed or not.


There were at least a couple of fortunate features in connection with the fire and that was that there were no buildings in close proximity and that it had been raining, otherwise there would have been more of a fire loss.


Mrs. Knick, the owner of the building, is the mother of Alderman Knick and other children and naturally they felt badly to see the old structure that marked the place of their birth go up in smoke.  For many years they had played about the premises and were familiar with every foot of the ground.


Despite the lateness of the hour and the inclemency of the weather, there was a large crowd at the scene of the fire.  A number of young ladies in party costume made the trip out through rain and mud and they must have been a sight when they returned to the scene of the gaieties of the evening.                    The Watertown Weekly Leader, 20 Jul 1906



A 1906 Gamewell automatic system, on display at the Hall of Flame Fire Museum and the National Firefighting Hall of Heroes, located in Phoenix, AZ, is believed to be that of Watertown.


___ 1907 __________________

04 16       The fire department was called out yesterday afternoon about 3:30 o’clock the scene being at S. Molzahn’s building, corner Third and Madison streets.  The fire started in some mysterious manner in the cupola on the building.  It is a mystery for the reason that the cupola is shut off from the building.  There are no chimneys or electric wires therein, a fact that is causing considerable speculation as to the origin.  Fortunately the flames were extinguished before much damage was done.   WDT

10 20       Steam heating plant; Phoenix engine house   WL

11 02       Twenty crates of matches source of fire   WL

11 06       Proposed new building for storage of city property including the No. 1 fire engine   WL


___ 1908 __________________

04 22       No. 1 fire engine was taken out of its storage and tested  

05 20       Lehmann & Schroeder fire 

06 27       Wisconsin State Fireman's Assn, Lake Mills

08 07       Beals & Torey false fire alarm.   WG

08 07       Letter of Nic Bruegger on his time with H&L Co.

10 16       Gus Neitzel recollection

11 27       Fire insurance agents of city elect officers   WG

12 11       Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1 elected officers for the ensuing year   WG

12 18       Phoenix Fire Co. grand ball at Turner opera house    WG


___ 1909 __________________

01 01       Anchor Volunteer Hose Co. No. 1 elected for the ensuing year; Phoenix Fire Co. grand ball   WG

01 08       Copeland-Roach Motor Co purchased former fire engine house/emergency hospital   WG

01 15       Officers elected   WG

02 05       Winter storm shuts down fire alarm system    WG

02 05       Reeseville nearly wiped out by fire; Watertown Fire Dept arrives by train   WG

02 12       William Schimmel Residence Wrecked by a Gas Explosion

02 26       Fire at L. H. Cordes’ home on Third Street    WG

03 05       Improvements at Water Works Plant; pressure increased for fire fighting   WG

03 19       JOHN GLASER Elected Chief

Last Monday evening the Watertown Fire Department elected the following officers.  John Glaser receiving 53 to 32 votes for chief over George Kunert.  The new chief has been a member of the Phoenix Fire Co. for over 20 years, and has served as chief of the department heretofore.


Chief—John Glaser.

Assistant Chief—A. A. Hardie.

Fire Wardens—First ward, Edwin Kohl; Second and Sixth wards—John A. Gruel; Third and Fourth wards—Chas. E. Kerr ; Fifth ward, Albert Borchardt.   WG

03 19       Hose team of c.1895 remembered   WG

04 02       Clyman Fire Company organized   WG

04 30       Circus performance to benefit volunteer firemen   WG

05 14       Bids for hauling fire apparatus    WG

05 29       Officers elected, Phoenix Hose Co No. 2    WG

06 04       Amoskeag fire engine owned by city of Columbus, Dornfeld-Kunert secured contract for new boiler on   WG

07 09       Elevator at Richwood destroyed   WG

09 03       Names of Fire Companies:  For the benefit of an inquiring subscriber in Milwaukee we will state that the names of the Watertown Fire companies are:

Anchor Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1.

Anchor Hose Co. No. 1.

Phoenix Fire Co. No. 2.   WG

09 03       Overhauling Waterloo’s Silsby steamer   WG

09 10       Alarm of fire test   WG

10 01       Letter from Ernst Wood; Phoenix Fire Co recollections   WG


___ 1910 __________________

01 07       You are invited to the Phoenix Fire Co’s ball at Turner Opera House Saturday evening, Jan. 29, 1910.   WG

01 14       Officers re-elected   WG

03 11       Wisconsin House fire   WG

03 11       Fire Dept elections, Glaser reelected chief   WG

04 05       Money receive from insurance companies   WG

          - Phoenix Co, 35 men; Anchor Hose Co, 34; Hook and Ladder Co, 33 men.

04 22       Robert Kerstell, Engineer Fire Engine; Standing committee, William Schimmel, John Kehr, Charles Kohn

04 29       Statement on condition of dept by Mayor Grube   WG

06 17       Brandt-Dent factory fire   WG

07 08       Max Naatz electrocuted, employed fixing fire alarm wires   WG

07 29       Carl F. Otto elected treasurer, in place of George Weber, deceased.   WG

08 12       Homecoming celebration, fire apparatus parade part of   WG

08 19       Louis C. Ullrich [1850-1910], former member of old Pioneer Fire Co.   WG

10 15       Signage, Anchor Hose Co. No. 1. dance


___ 1911 __________________


The fire department, through Chief John Glaser, expresses its thanks to Mr. George Hawkins for a generous supply of cigars in recognition of the prompt response of the department when called to his place recently.   WG


03 23       False Fire Alarm.  Watertown—At 9:50 o’clock Monday a false fire alarm was turned in from box 13 and the fire department responded promptly, several firemen narrowly escaping serious injury by the hook and ladder truck crashing into hose wagon No. 2.  False alarms are periodically turned in here and sooner or later the guilty party will be caught and severely punished.   WG


07 28       Fire at the New Commercial Hotel


08 24       Jaeger wood working plant totally destroyed by fire.  WG



The Volunteer Fire Co. of this city met last week and elected the following officers:

President – Justin Wallace

Vice President – Wenzel Kunert

Secretary – Walter Kuenzi

Treasurer – Charles Gruel

The treasurer was placed under bonds of $500 to be furnished by the department.  The regular meeting date was fixed at the third Tuesday in each month.  A committee of three, Fred McLaughlin, William Kasten and R. Traeumer was appointed to petition the city council to purchase badges for the members.  The total enlistment of men was 42, divided into three companies.   WG


-- --           Fire Engines, popular iron toys of 1911 


___ 1912 __________________


The Watertown fire department at its annual meeting held in the city hall last Monday evening elected the following officers:


President—J. Wallace.

Vice President—W. Kunert.

Secretary—W. Kuenzi.

Treasurer—C. Gruel.



First Lieutenant—E. Schumann.

Second Lieutenant—M. Justman.

Hose Captain—T. Bergmann.

Assistant Hose Captain—J. Gruel.



First Lieutenant—H. Leschinger.

Second Lieutenant—E. Peters,

Hose Captain—A. Glaser.

Assistant Hose Captain—L. Arndt.



First Lieutenant—E. Kohl.

Second Lieutenant—E. Reichart.



First Ward—Wm. Hilgendorf.

Second Ward—A. Bursinger.

Third Ward—Roy F. McLaughlin.

Fourth Ward—William Kasten.

Fifth Ward—C. Sprenger

Sixth Ward—F. Lemke.

Seventh Ward—J. O’Brien.


10 04       CHARLES STRAW, 1851-1912





12 19       FIRE ALARM CALL

From this date parties discovering a fire and notifying “central” at the telephone station, must state the exact location of the fire.  It is then the duty of “central” to at once notify both engine houses as well as the waterworks station.  – John Glazer, Chief.   WG


_____      LOUIS E. DORNFELD

From 1912 to 1917 Louis E. Dornfeld drove the Hook and Ladder for the North First Street fire station.  The care of his horses was always a great concern and on the icy, wintry night of the Carl Schurz home fire one of his horses took cold and the team needed to be replaced.


___ 1913 __________________


Some years ago when the steam fire engine drawn by horses came into use its effectiveness was so far superior to the hand pump and bucket brigade of a previous era that many firemen believed the very pinnacle of progress had been reached in fire fighting.  But since that time has come the motor age.  We are purchasing no fire horses this year.  In fact, I do not believe we will ever purchase fire horses again for the department.  The days of service of these noble animals are drawing to a close.  The fire horse will soon be a memory in New York.  They have served their purpose well but in the future of fire fighting the horse plays no part.  The gasoline motor has usurped his place


___ 1914 __________________


About 7:30 o'clock last Sunday evening the fire department was called to the home of Mrs. Herman Korban, 1138 River Drive, by a small fire started by a defective chimney. Hand chemicals put out the fire before much damage was done.   WG


02 05       SALARIES

[same date] The engineer of the fire engine is to receive $700 instead of $660; the fire chief will receive $100 per year instead of $60.   WG



Last Friday fire at Hubbleton destroyed the feed mill owned by R. Elliott of Madison.  The fire communicated to the lumber yard nearby and destroyed a quantity of shingles.  The loss is about $2800, partially covered by insurance.  Assistance was asked from Watertown and the Silsby engine and a hose cart were taken to the depot to be shipped to the fire, when word came that the fire was under control and it was unnecessary to send aid.  WG


05 03       A SEVERE STORM

From 6 till 9 o'clock a severe rain, thunder and lightning storm visited this section of the state and did considerable damage.  The Watertown Grain Elevator in North Water Street was struck by lightning, fire taking place in the cupola and extending downward.  The fire department responded to an alarm promptly and did good work in putting out the fire.  The loss to building, grain and machinery is between $3000 and $4000, covered by insurance.


Wm. Huebner's barn, town of Watertown, was struck by lightning and a loss of $1200 sustained.


Other farmers in the country about lost considerable stock by being struck by lightning.



Sunday evening the fire department was called to the corner of Market and Second streets, where a fire was in full headway at the barn of Henry Guse.  The firemen had scarcely returned to their stations when another alarm called them to the barn in the rear of Rudolph Meade’s hotel and saloon at First and Milwaukee streets, which was ablaze.  At this place a man was seen leaving the barn shortly before the fire was discovered by Mrs. Erdman, who resides on the Milford Road, and was waiting for her husband when she noticed the barn on fire.  Across the street from Mr. Meade’s place the firemen discovered a fire in the rear of the Racek warehouse.  A pile of kindling had been arranged and set on fire and a torch was found nearby.  The same evening Mrs. John Guetzlaff saw a man striking matches in a barn in the rear of the Guetzlaff saloon in North Third Street and she called to him what he was doing and he replied “can’t a fellow light a cigar,” and beat a hasty retreat.  It looks very much as though a systematic effort was made Sunday evening to have fires by the wholesale, and no doubt the “fire bug” is still in the city and it might be well for our citizens to exercise a little extra watchfulness till the fellow is found out and put where he will not do any harm.  WG



Shortly after nine o’clock and again shortly after 12 o’clock Tuesday night false alarms of fire were turned in from boxes 63 at Hancock and North Fourth streets, and from box 51 at North Montgomery and West Green streets.  John Glaser, chief of the fire department, while trying to mount the hose wagon as it was leaving the Phoenix engine house, slipped and one wheel of the wagon ran over his foot, injuring it quite severely.  WG



While the family of Peter West, 1320 Boomer Street, was up town last Saturday morning, fire destroyed the barn on the premises and its contents.  WG


09 03       JOHN SOLON FIRE

The fire department was called Sunday afternoon to the premises of John Solon, West Main Street, where a small blaze in a barn threatened to destroy considerable property. The damage was slight, covered by insurance.  WG


11 12       FIREMEN’S BALL

A large crowd attended the Firemen’s ball at Masonic Temple hall last Saturday evening.  WG


12 10       FIRE AT CLYMAN

Early last Thursday evening fire destroyed about $20,000 worth of property at Clyman, nine miles north of this city on the C.&N.W. Ry.  This city was called on for assistance to help fight the fire, which threatened to destroy all the business portion of Clyman.  A number of our firemen and one of our fire engines and hose carts were sent to the scene of the fire on the C.&N.W. Ry. and Juneau also sent their fire apparatus.  The engines were not unloaded at Clyman, owing to there being no water available.  The hose, however, was attached to a standpipe reservoir there and put into service as long as the water lasted.  The firemen, however, with the assistance of residents of Clyman, controlled the fire in a short time and confined it to the vicinity where it originated.  The double store building owned by Mrs. G. Coler and occupied by H. Lekachman Mercantile Co. was totally destroyed, with contents, and the saloon and hotel building adjoining, owned by Wm. Hartwig [Hartig assumed] of this city, and occupied by Emil Kressine, was also badly damaged.  The fire is said to have originated by the explosion of the gasoline lighting system in the Lekachman store while the proprietor was lighting it.  He was badly burned about the face and neck.  WG  /   Google book citation 



At 5:30 o’clock Sunday morning fire at the home of George Schleicher, 608 North Church Street, caused by an overheated furnace, destroyed the home and contents to the extent of $1000 worth before it was put out.  It was partially covered by insurance.  WG 


___ 1915 __________________

01 07       FIRES IN CITY IN 1914

During the year ending December 31, 1914, the fire department answered thirteen calls in the city, according to records at the No. 1 engine house and were as follows:


Feb. 1—Korban chimney.

Feb. 23—Irving’s chimney.

March 8—Guse barn.

March 8—Maede barn.

April 24—Watertown Grain Co. elevator.

May 2—Peter West barn.

June 10—Krahmer’s barn.

July 4—Kraft house, Ninth ward.

Aug. 30—Robinson barn.

Nov. 4—Kraft barn, Seventh ward.

Nov. 23—Leo Jurck house.

Nov. 24—Kostjal house.

Dec. 19—Schleicher house.


Mr. Schleicher sustained the heaviest loss, which amounted to about $1000.


The department responded to one outside call, which came from Clyman on Dec. 4.  The damage at the Clyman fire was about $11,000.   WG 



Elevator, Coal and Lumber Yard Destroyed by $30,000.00 Fire.   WG        Portfolio of images  



Members of the Watertown Fire Department enjoyed their annual outing in the woods alongside Rock river, just past of the city limits, last Sunday.  All report having had a delightful time.   WG





The main building of the Watertown Creamery Company plant, at the SE corner of First Street and Western Avenue, was practically destroyed by fire.  Robert Duthie, president of the company, had built dwelling rooms into the west wing of the plant, and was sleeping in the building, until awakened by heat and smoke.  Leaping from his bed, he discovered that he was cut off from the telephone.  He reportedly threw his clothing out the window and fled in his night clothing to the power house of the waterworks, from where the fire alarm was turned in.  The buildings and machinery were formerly the property of the Jahnke Creamery Company.  Not long after the Jahnke company went into bankruptcy they were purchased by Mr. Duthie’s company from the George Koenig trust for $5,000.  Later this site was the location of the Steinhorst egg plant and Berres Bros. coffee.  Now (2016) the Watertown Street Department garage.  House on left stood at Western and S. Second, facing Second (i.e., 800 S. Second) and demolished when garage was built.


___ 1916 __________________


               Home of Matthew and John Lutovsky damaged today


Fire which broke out about nine o’clock this morning practically destroyed the upper story of the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lutovsky and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Lutovsky, 1413 [ should be 1412 ] Oconomowoc Avenue.  The residence is the first east of the Rough and Ready bridge on the north side of the street.


The Lutovsky family were notified of the fact that their house was on fire by Anton-Prochaska, a neighbor, who had called at their home and was leaving the premises when he glanced back and saw smoke coming through the roof.  Mr. Prochaska and John Lutovsky attempted to put the fire out, and for a time had hopes of succeeding but the flames got into a partition and a telephone alarm was sent in by Mrs. L. W. Moldenhauer from her home across the street.


Matthew Lutovsky, who was sick in bed with la grippe, was removed to the Prochaska home, and later to the Moldenhauer home.  He became thoroughly chilled and it is feared that his condition is serious.


The records of the fire department show that the alarm was received at 9:15 o’clock.  The hook and ladder truck and the hose wagons from both fire companies answered the call, but all the chemicals on the wagons were used without success in checking the flames and the fire engines were called for.  The nearest water plug is at the hospital, about half a mile distant from the bridge.


The engine from the east side was hauled to the fire by Emil Roth, and the Phoenix company engine was hauled by William Spear.  The Phoenix engine did not arrive until about a minute after the other, but being in charge of Engineer Kerstell, was well steamed up and two streams of water were on the flames within five minutes.


When water was thrown on the fire just before 10 o’clock part of the roof and part of the second floor ceilings had fallen in and the balance of the roof was blazing.  Under the restraining influence of the two streams of water the fire made practically no further headway and was soon under control.  Practically all the upper story will have to be torn away, and there is considerable damage to the first floor in both fire and water.  The loss on the building will be covered by insurance.  All the household furnishings were removed before any water was thrown on the fire.


The need of a chemical engine was clearly demonstrated at this fire.  An apparatus of this kind can reach a fire quickly and is ready to operate the moment it arrives on the scene.         WD Times, 01-08-1916


02 19       MASONIC TEMPLE FIRE, 2-6 East Main

Chapter on Masonic Temple.     Masonic Temple image set  



Chief 1886-1887, Death Of


___ 1917 __________________





The city’s new triple combination pumping engine, hose cart and chemical engine motor truck has arrived at the city hall fire station.  It is a mammoth gray bodied affair with the Watertown goose painted in various portions upon the sides of the driving seat.  The truck was built by the Seagrave Company of Columbus, Ohio, and represents an expenditure of $8,150. 


It is equipped with a six-cylinder enclosed gear water cooled motor officially rated at 79.3 h.p., and a Westinghouse electric starter makes it possible to make a quick “get away.”  The gasoline tank holds 30 gallons. 


The body is built of sheet steel, substantially braced, and is of sufficient size to carry 1200 to 2000 feet of 2 1/2-inch hose.  The hand rails and standards are of brass.  There are side steps between the wheel fenders and rear step fifteen inches deep.  The chemical engine is made of heavy hammered Lake Superior copper.  This equipment includes a 50-gallon tank - 200 feet of best quality 1-inch hose and two 3-gallon Fire Department extinguishers.


City Clerk Frank S. Weber wrote the Seagrave Company Saturday asking them to send their demonstrators at once. As soon as these men have tested the truck and the new driver has been taught to handle it, the horses will be removed from the city hall and the truck will take their place. No changes will be made at the Phoenix station.      Watertown Daily Times, 04 09 1917



But for the fact that Edward Leschinger was on the river bank between O’Connell and Cady streets Thursday morning the little child of Otto Biefeid, Jr. (*) would have been drowned in the river.  The little tot tumbled off the bank into the water and Mr. Leschinger, who was watching the test of the new motor truck (**), saw the accident and went into the river and brought the little one to shore in safety.    Watertown Weekly Leader, April 25, 1917


Webmaster’s notes:

(*)  g-grandfather of Watertown’s current Fire Chief, Kraig Biefeld.  There were 3 Ottos, the above-mentioned SON of Otto Jr. (therefore Otto III).  The Otto Jr. family resided on the lot where Johnson Arms is currently standing on N. Water St.  The Otto Sr. house was on O’Connell St., right behind the old Otto Biefeld factory on N. Water.

(**)  This incident aligns with the April 1917 arrival of the city's new triple combination pumping engine, cited on page 198 of the book on the 150-year history of the Watertown Fire Department.




A 50-year-old bell from the first motorized fire truck in 1917 was donated to the missions in 1967. 



The Watertown Fire Department now contains twenty-one members, twenty besides the chief, John Glaser.  The membership was reduced at the request of the police and fire commission, who also organized the present body.  Formerly there were thirty-six members and it was thought that a smaller force of firefighters under present conditions would be preferable.


The new membership is as follows:

John Glaser, chief.

Emil Schumann.

Al Preusse

Harry Schlueter.

Walter Kuenzi.

Edward Leschinger.

Otto Kohlhoff.

Leonard Arndt,

Jack Kuenzie.

Arthur Glaser.

John A. Gruel.

William Hilgendorf.

Robert Donner.

Max Justmann.

William Wendt.

Edward Carey.

John Dillon.

Edwin Kohl.

Edward Reichart.

Ernie Kuehn.

Julius Arndt.


At the meeting of the fire department Tuesday evening the annual dividend was given the men.  This “divvy” included all the members before the reorganization, and the sum of $34 was given each man.  This money comes from a return of two percent on all fire insurance premiums paid in the city, but for several years the dividend has been under control of the state.  It formerly was under control of the city and is given to volunteer firemen in lieu of any pay.  Hereafter as the force is reduced in membership, the annual dividend will be larger per man.



Fires, like time and tide, wait for no man, and when there is a fire in Watertown, the firemen are supposed to knock off work at the closest convenient point and not to stop to finish a glass of lemonade or complete the hilling up of a cabbage plant before responding to duty’s call.


Tuesday the whistle blew and the gong rang, and there was supposed by all rules to be a fire —therefore the fire laddies began to respond.  One of the members of the department, unlike some of the rest, possesses an automobile.  Into this auto the owner climbed and started in the general direction of the alleged conflagration.  On the way the autoist encountered Chief Glaser, and invited him to hop in and get there instantly.


Chief Glaser suspecting that the river was on fire from the direction the bunch was heading, jumped into the auto, and all was merry for a block or so—and then the auto, with a grunt somewhere in it’s innards, stopped still.


No amount of lever pulling or reciting of Latin had any effect on the car, and the auto driver, with rare presence of mind, suggested that they get out and run.


Under the circumstances, this was a bright idea, and was at once acted upon, and after the fire was squelched, which proved to be no fire, ribald jokes were indulged in as to the speed made by Chief Glaser in his sprint, it was also discovered that the cause of the stopping of the auto was caused by the lack of gasoline in the tank, as it has been found at times that gasoline is almost indispensable when running an auto, except in cases where Kansas and Oklahoma autoists have used bootleg whiskey for motive power.  Bootleg whiskey is erratic, however, when taken internally by the driver of a car or used for motive power, and has been known to make an auto climb a pecan tree backwards, hence the expression, “nutty as a pecan tree” used much in that section.


Certain persons have suggested that the driver of the Watertown auto to yesterday’s fire simply wanted to see how fast Chief Glaser could run, but the lack of gasoline was proven beyond a doubt.  The name of the autoist is not divulged . . . and we do not want to turn the joke on anyone.                The Watertown News, 18 Jul 1917


-- --           FIRE SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR 1917

  Addition of a motor truck an improvement over the horse drawn hose wagons


The year just closed was remarkably free from disastrous fires according to Fire Chief John Glaser.  In fact, during the last half of the year 1917 there were but few blazes and these of little consequence. 


During the year, however, the equipment of the fire department was greatly improved by the addition of a motor truck.  This is a great improvement over the horse drawn hose wagons and reduces considerably the chances of fire gaining headway.


The Watertown Fire Department has been reduced in membership, the total now being twenty-one.  It is claimed that the reduction has added to the efficiency and the well-earned reputation of the past [and] seems assured in the future, although but a volunteer organization.


During the year there were seven false fire alarms and six still alarms, and three of the fire calls were to extinguish a on railroad property.


There were but eleven fires during the year as follows:


Jan. 7 —C.M.&St.P. box car.

Jan. 16—Muller house.

April 6—Berg's barn.

April 22 —Killian house.

April 24—McDonald house.

May 15 —Immanuel church.

July —Tool house, C.M.&St.P. Ry.

July 18 —Zoelle house, North Second Street.

Aug. 15 —Kuhn’s grocery.

Sept. 4 —Gilbert’s house.

Dec. 9 —C.M.&St.P. box car.                                     01 02 1918


___ c.1917 __________________




___ 1918 __________________


Charles A. Gamm today tendered his resignation as a member of the Police and Fire Commission.  He gave as a reason that he expects to be absent from the city considerably owing to poor health.  His term expires in 1922.  His successor will be appointed by Mayor Mulberger and under the rule will be a republican in politics.  Confirmation by the council is necessary.  Mr. Gamm was appointed a member of the commission when it was first organized, by Mayor H. G. Grube, and has served continuously since.



Have you made up your mind to attend the Firemen’s mask ball to be held in Turner Opera house Saturday, January 26?  If not, you had better, for it will be the first mask ball of the season.  It will be the largest social affair staged here. 


There is $114 in cash to be offered as prizes, the largest amount ever offered in cash at any mask ball ever held in this city.  The merchants have contributed prizes to the amount of $141.  Better buy that ticket now as you will regret it later if perchance you find the tickets all gone.


The Weber-Stube orchestra will furnish the music.  They guarantee to last as long as the dancers do.


The firemen protect you, make you feel secure in your homes, work hard for you when you are in distress.  They are going to help you in the way of amusing yourself on Saturday evening, January 26.  Your cooperation is all that is necessary.  Artistic ability on your part may mean that you will go home richer than you came.  For the prizes will not be stinted.  The merchandise premiums are too numerous to mention.



The elite of the east mingled with the brawn of the west, courteous southern chivalry rubbed elbows with the orient, old world costumes and clothes of modern but past days were commandeered for the Firemen’s mask ball in Turner Opera house Saturday evening. 


Everybody knows the story which has been handed down from the earliest peoples as a heritage of joy to the present day.  Aladdin and his wonderful lamp presided for the brief space of one evening of unlimited joy in this, the century of activities.


Both lower floor and balcony were crowded to capacity.  The grand march played by the Weber-Stube orchestra started promptly at 9:30 o’clock and was led by Jack Glaser and Jack Kuenzi.  The judges, Charles W. Harte, Frank P. McAdams, Emil Creuz, Mrs. Harry Stube and Miss Gertrude Schatz then picked the winners as they passed in review.


The first prize of $25 was won by "Old Glory group” composed of six girls dressed in red. white and blue with white stars.  The Misses Hattie Krueger, Alma Sterwald, Hilda Siebort, Bertha Fleuter, Josie Loukota and Jeanette Hoeffner made up the group.  The second best costumed group prize of $18 was awarded the fairies, comprising Misses Josephine and Grace Collins, Margaret Nellins and Meta Buske, dressed in ballet costumes.  Five coons copped the comic group prize of $10.  The color scheme consisted of red, green and black.  Messrs. Leonard Johnson, Max Schultz, Hugo Vogel, Ewald Radtke and Lawrence Brown made up this group.


Misses Zayda Weber and Elsie Schwendke, dressed in colonial costumes, were awarded the $10 prize for the best dressed couple.  Fatty Arbuckle and wife, Ray Schmedel and Lorraine Ott, won the $6 prize for the best comic couple.  Misses Ella Knoll and Helen Hoeffner were awarded $5 for the second best dressed couple.  They wore colonial costumes.  Edward Buske was given $5 best Uncle Sam.  August Henschel of Oconomowoc received $5 for the gents best costume.


Herbert Schatz and Miss Martha Knoll won the $5 special prize offered for the best tango by Gruel & Glaser, and Ernst Leschinger and Miss Winifred Lange won the $5 special waltz prize offered by “Nig" Preusse.  Paul Borchert and Walter Weihert won the $3 prize for second best comic costumes.  Miss Tillie Kaercher was awarded $2 with a jockey costume.  Roy Ditttmann took a $2 prize for carrying the best electrical outfit.  Clarence Peters and Miss Pearl O'Brien won $2 in the turkey fox trot. 


The following were awarded merchandise prizes:


Elmer Donner and Viola Buege, best American couple; Mrs. Edward Buske, flower girl: Ernest Brill, best original makeup; E. Krueger, fireman; Ruth Johnson, best school girl; J. Weihert, Happy Hooligan; Minnie Rebahn, Goddess of Liberty; Howard Krueger, beat workingman; Ferd. Dittmann, hod carrier; Walter Potter, painter; Norman Glatzel, Jew; Richard Hilgendorf, Chinaman; Fred Block, clown; Gust Boehm, clown; Edward Kehoe, Irishman; William Kohls, clown; Harry Davenport, cook; Meta Korff, best chauffeur; Pat Riley, policeman; Della Johnson, schoolboy; Hugo Zillmer, farmer; Max Wolff, tramp; S. M. Lord, negro; R. Budewitz, yellow kid; A. R. Bahr, tramp.     The Watertown News, 01 28 1918



The city fire truck will have a license this year according to advice received from Madison.


The “Old Baby” according to Collie, or “What’s the matter with it now” by the chief, will cost the city an additional $10 this year as heretofore no license tag was necessary.  Attorney General Haven on Friday advised Secretary of State Hull that the law providing for the licensing of automobiles and other similar motor vehicles applies to all such vehicles owned by municipalities.  This ruling means that all cities owning motor fire apparatus, fire patrols, police patrols and motorcycles will have to take out state licenses for such vehicles, the same as they do for motor vehicles used by city officials.    The Watertown News



Under unfinished business Alderman Glatzel asked if many fire hydrants were frozen.  Chief Jack Glaser stated that a man had been hired without his knowledge to keep the hydrants clear of snow, but that he had found in Western Avenue that the work was not satisfactorily done.  In other years he had looked after the matter and had packed the hydrants to keep them from freezing.  The mayor then advised that the committee on fire department and the chief to get together and untangle their differences.



Alderman Beurhaus asked if any of the28 ½ tons of coal put into the Phoenix Engine house was left or what had become of it.  Chairman Harte of the buildings committee said the greater part of it should still be in the bins.  In answer to Mr. Beurhaus’ question, Mr. Harte said in 1916 the house had used 32 ½ tons and in 1917 39 tons, but this year a saving was effected by storm windows and conserving the supply in other ways.  He said the present supply at the Phoenix house would last through the year and the surplus, if any, could be used in the city hall, where the supply was sufficient for only three weeks.




The Carol O’Donnell residence, 1119 Breckenridge Street [continuation of So. Twelfth St from RR tracks to city limit], was damaged by fire Tuesday morning.  The flames had a good start before the fire apparatus reached the scene and was extinguished only after the building had been nearly destroyed.  The origin of the fire is unknown and its probable cause is assigned to either a spark from a passing locomotive or a poor chimney.  The loss is but partially covered by insurance.


In making the run the fire truck [1917 Seagrave assumed] started out good but went dead between Third and Fourth streets on Main.  It was necessary to use the hand crank before it could be started.  It continued to buck all the way out.  As a result, the Phoenix horse-drawn hose cart arrived on the scene of the fire and had a stream playing on the blaze before the engine truck arrived.


After control of the fire had been gained it was necessary to cut the hose in order to allow a passenger and freight train on the Milwaukee Road, which had been waiting an hour to pass.  The fire gained a fresh start before the trains had passed and the coupling replaced.  It was noon before the blaze was extinguished.  A barn in the rear of the residence was the only building threatened by flames.


Shortly after the fire truck had been housed after its bucking run to the O’Donnell fire, Engineer Schumann thoroughly inspected all working parts.  His attention came finally to the magneto.  When taken apart it showed two flaws, a crack on the right side and a long crack on the left side.  The magnet was taken out and will be replaced.


Chief Glaser ordered the truck out for a test at 5 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, running on the batteries as the machine is equipped with double ignition.  On Main Street the truck hit in the neighborhood of 35 miles an hour.  It made the [Sacred Heart] college hill in West Main Street at 45 miles.  It was in fine working order and the accident was an unavoidable one as a magneto very seldom goes wrong.     The Watertown News





___ 1919 __________________

-- --           BELL FROM 1919 FIRE TRUCK

A 50-year-old bell which served on the first motorized fire truck in 1919 was destined to Ghana, Africa.  The brass bell which was used to herald fire runs on the Fire Department’s first fire truck is being reactivated and will start a new “career” in Africa.  A Watertown couple, engaged in mission work for the Assemblies of God, is taking the bell with them when they return to their mission field following a 13-months furlough “at home.”  They are the Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Ziemann whose residence in Watertown during the furlough has been at 501 Division Street.


___ 1920 __________________


Drivers of automobiles are hereby warned not to interfere in any way while the fire department is answering a call.  Racing to a fire in a manner to hold up or stop the motor truck by getting in the way will not be tolerated and any further action of this kind on the part of auto drivers will be prosecuted.  Cutting off the truck at crossings so as to compel the driver to stop to avoid collision will result in prosecution.


John Glaser, Fire Chief.



Mr. and Mrs. Herman Doerr and son and Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Schroeder and son of Baraboo motored here Saturday morning and remained until Sunday evening, the guests of the former’s mother, Mrs. Julius Doerr in this city, and his brothers, Emil, Arthur and Robert Doerr, and sister, Mrs. Gust Sillmer.  Mr. Doerr conducts a tailoring establishment in Baraboo, where he has been in business for the past sixteen years.  He left Watertown thirty-one years ago, first locating in Mazomanie, and then removing to Two Rapids, Iowa, where he was in business until coming to Baraboo.


In talking over his boyhood days in Watertown, Mr. Doerr became reminiscent and told about how the youngsters were thrilled with the work of the fire company, recounting a number of big blazes of that period, including the Tremont House fire.  While driving the truck to that fire the horses became uncontrollable and the apparatus was upset in Main Street, injuring a number of the men. 


The party started back Sunday evening.  Mr. Doerr pointed out many civic and business improvements in Watertown during the past ten years. 



That the fire truck must be taken out often and attention given to the recharging of batteries was stated by Chief John Glaser to the council last evening when criticism was offered that the truck was out on the street too often.


The chief said that he took it out to determine its running order a couple of times a week, only for short drives, and that such a course was in conformity with careful regard for the service.  The matter came up when two small claims were filed for damages alleged to have been done by the truck in running into automobiles lately.


Alderman Henze of the fire committee corroborated the stand of the chief.  Alderman Gruetzmacher mentioned that reports had come to him that the truck was driven at too great a speed when out on these trial drives.  Chief Glaser replied that the speed on such occasions never exceeded ten miles per hour.


Alderman Block informed the council that many complaints were made, that the truck was away from the engine house too often, and that many times it was taken out too far from the center of the city, a thing that would be dangerous in case of fire.


Settlement of the claims was referred to a joint committee consisting of the finance committee and the committee on fire department.






Fire in big wind destroys elevator of malting company


The elevator of the American Grain and Malting Company, near the Milwaukee depot, was almost entirely destroyed by fire in a blaze that raged all forenoon.  Officials of the fire department say this was the worst fire since the Masonic temple fire four years ago.  A high wind prevailed and the fire department had that difficulty in combatting the flames.


The call came in by telephone from the office of the Beals-Pratt Shoe Company, which has an uninterrupted view of the building, shortly after 9 a.m.   The auto truck made a quick “get out” and was soon at the scene of action and the whole fire fighting force was quickly marshaled and put in action under the command of Chief John Glaser.


Origin of Fire


The origin of the fire is not quite clear but the general belief is that the fire started from sparks emitted from a railway engine.


It was reported that a lady crossing the tracks just before the 9:05 passenger, observed sparks from the engine blowing in that direction.  There was a strong wind from the southwest and the fire was first discovered on what is known as the second highest part of the southwest corner of the elevator.  Carl E. Emmerling, manager of the American Malting Company, the owner, stated that about 9:15 he was in his office and looked out the window.  The fire alarm sounded at about the same time and he looked about and saw a blaze about three feet wide on the edge of shingles on the southwest roof mentioned.  The fire department reached there soon after. 


The flames seemed to have made terrific headway, and in a few moments the whole building was becoming enveloped.  It was discovered when the hose were attached that the city pressure was very feeble, and the auto truck engine and the Ahrens were both brought into service to increase the pressure.  There was no hitch in the work of the fire department, steady streams being directed against the rapidly burning structure and the fire kept confined thereto.


The wind was so brisk that it was feared that buildings in a northeasterly direction were in danger.  Every precaution was taken to prevent sparks from taking hold.  Despite the vigilance, a large hole was burned in the roof of the H. Uehling barn, 809 Clyman Street.  It was put out with chemicals in short order.


Residence owners were quick to invoke the law of self defense and put their garden hoses in operation.  The roofs were manned and the wooden surfaces of the building kept drenched until the danger period was passed.


The elevator building was owned by the American Grain and Malt Company, which is the successor through reorganization of the American Malting Company.


Early History


The building was erected over sixty years ago, according to the statements of old residents of the city, but during its history changed hands but few times.


Its first owners were Jonas and Silas Sleeper, who conducted it for many years, being among the pioneer grain buyers of this vicinity.  It was considered one of the biggest elevators in the state, having a storage capacity of 24,000 bushels of grain.  The lumber used in its erection is said to have been of the very best and it was considered yesterday as good as new.  The cost at the time was $7300, according to a record kept and transmitted to the successors of the original owners.  The first building was built south of the present depot and about thirty years ago, on becoming the property of the late William Buchheit, was moved to its present location.  It passed from him to the American Malting Company.


Large Storage of Tobacco


For the past six months the lower floor of the elevator has been stored with stemming-tobacco from the plant of the Ligget-Mayer Company of this city.  We were unable to ascertain the extent of this loss, but it is supposed to be quite large.  The tobacco was almost entirely destroyed or ruined.


Building Complete Loss


The building and its equipment is a complete loss, but is partially covered by insurance.  For sometime the elevator has been out of use for grain storage and the probability is that it will never be rebuilt.      WDTimes, 9-15-1920


Cross Reference note:  The mill burned in 1946 and again in 1959.



The Junction House served the public until it was destroyed by fire at high noon on Friday, Oct. 9, 1920.  It was never rebuilt.


___ 1921 __________________

01 22       FIRE AT KOSER’S

After two weeks enforced rest from baking, the Koser Bakery, 111 S. Second Street, is now prepared to resume.  The baking room which was badly damaged by fire on Sunday, January 9, has been fully repaired and in a manner that makes it one of the best and most serviceable departments of its kind in any bakery.  The ceiling and walls are now entirely of steel and painted a pure white which gives it the appearance of ideal sanitary conditions.  The fire started in the “proof box,” a wooden structure which was destroyed in the blaze.  The new box is made entirely of steel and is much more serviceable.  The baking room is very spacious and well arranged.  Bakers who have looked it over say that it can hardly be improved upon. 


On account of the improvements made necessary, the Koser bakery had to suspend baking in its plant, but through Herbert Pagel of the West Side bakery, they were able to turn out barely enough to keep up with the trade.


The bakery, recognized as one of the best and most up-to-date to be found anywhere, is now better prepared than ever to serve its large and growing trade.  Mr. Koser went in business here 23 years ago and has been at the present location, 111 Second Street for the past 14 years.


The building is splendidly adapted to the bakery and confectionary business on a large scale and under the present efficient management of Mr. and Mrs. Koser and their children, the business has grown to large proportions.


The Koser Bakery is the manufacturer of the celebrated “Golden Crust Bread,” and specializes in rolls, pies and cakes.  The result has been a large shipping for foreign trade as is evidenced by the fact that numerous school girls are employed after school in wrapping food parcels to be forwarded to distant points.


The improvements just made as a result of the fire have added materially to the value of the bakery, which will commence to operate the ovens Monday morning.


___ 1924 __________________




    Watertown Wis, June __24


___ 1925 __________________


      June 17, 18 & 19, 1925

Admission Ticket, Drawing for $1,000 in Gold



A picture containing text, building, old, outdoor

Description automatically generated       Held in Watertown on June 18, 1925



The fire department responded to a call from the residence of Mrs. Pauline Goeldner, 310 N. Church Street, Sunday afternoon, 12/27/25.  The roof of the house caught fire while an effort was being made to thaw out a frozen water pipe.  According to the firemen, birds had built a nest under the roof and this is believed to have started to burn when the flames from a candle reached it.  Through a misunderstanding over the telephone, the department went first to N. 3rd Street instead of N. Church Street.  The damage was not very great.



The story and a half frame residence at 217 North Third street occupied by Mrs. Ernestine Karge was gutted by flames during an early morning blaze today. The house was badly damaged by the fire and by water.  Furnishings on the first floor were carried to safety; but most of the furnishings on the second floor were destroyed or damaged in the blaze.  The origin of the fire is unknown but it is believed to have started in the basement.  The fire spread rapidly and blazed through the roof and windows when members of the fire department arrived.


The fire alarm was sounded at 2:20 o'clock this morning.  At the city hall information was given to the effect that the fire was at a Third Street address instead of on North Third Street.  This resulted in the first alarm giving box 12 as the location of the fire.  A trip was made to that section of the city by the fire department but the error was soon discovered and the department hurried to the scene of the blaze.  The building is owned by Milwaukee parties.


___ 1926 __________________


Emil Hell, Church Street, was appointed a fire truck driver by the police and fire commission at a special meeting held at the city hall Tuesday night.


Mr. Hell was appointed in place of Charles Schumann who did not accept his appointment made by the commission last Friday night.  The appointment is to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Edward Radloff Jr., who will leave Watertown on April first to engage in business at Lake Mills.


Mr. Schumann, in tendering his resignation from the appointment, stated he would remain at the Walter J. Booth Shoe Co., where he is engaged as engineer.  He was the first driver of the fire truck in Watertown and his appointment met with the approval of the businessmen and others, according to a statement made by the police and fire commission.


Mr. Schumann, according to his resignation, stated that, owing to the fact that his appointment did not seem to meet with the approval of the fire department, he would rather turn down the appointment so that the work of the fire department would go unruffled.


Mr. Hell is at present a truck driver for the Kraeft Cheese Co. of this city [1]


[1] Assumed to be Kraft Bros. Cheese Co., 122-124 N. First (Jossi Cheese Co, cheese mfg & dlr-wholesale previously at this address)


Mr. Hell is well known in this community and no doubt will take up his duties in an able manner.  He has not been a member of the fire department.



A picture containing grass, outdoor, building, house

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The Becker home at 302 North Water Street, stands in ruin today as the result of a most disastrous fire which swept most of the structure and brought ruin to the building and its furnishings.  The home is occupied by Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Becker, Mrs. Catherine Becker, mother of the physician, and by Miss Catherine Becker, his sister.


The fire was discovered at about 1:15 o'clock this morning by the elder Mrs. Becker who lives on the second floor of the building.  The origin of the fire had not been determined but it started in the attic.  Members of the Becker family had returned home shortly before midnight and Dr. Becker tended to the furnace in the basement before retiring.  Sometime later the fire was discovered and the fire department responded to the call.


The flames laid waste to most of the upper part of the building, the roof being completely ruined.  Flames swept the building for three hours.  Most of the furniture and furnishings on the main floor were saved while the upper floor today contained the remains of the furniture and furnishings.  Water did a great deal of damage too and today it was still dripping in many places throughout the building and a great deal of the woodwork had begun to warp.  Smoke has also had a share in causing damage.  The upper floor had just been redecorated.  The fire attracted a great many people and the flames soared high into the darkness.  The firemen used every effort to keep the flames from spreading.  Luckily, they did not reach other nearby dwellings.


At the home it was stated today that the damage had not been estimated, but it will run high.  A visit to the place disclosed that. Insurance will help to offset the loss but the amount of insurance was not made known.



Watertown merchants and other businessmen and leading professional men in the city who realize the value of the farmers of this community to the welfare of Watertown, are heartily in favor of the plan whereby the city is to become a part owner in a suburban fire truck.


The entire matter of purchasing such a truck is now up to the city council and it is expected that the council committee will report on the proposition in the near future and that the matter of purchasing a suburban fire truck will be up for consideration by the council at an early date.


It is pointed out by businessmen that, since the plan for such a truck for this community originated in the city itself, it is up to the city to carefully consider the matter and to give it proper support.  The plan has been readily accepted by the various town boards of this section and the sum of $6,500 has already been voted by three boards toward the purchase of such a truck.


Watertown business life depends, in a large measure, upon the farmers of this section and the city now has an opportunity to work for closer harmony and personal interests with the farmers in the surrounding townships. It is an opportunity that should not be passed up without due consideration, it is pointed out by various business men and other citizens, who see in the suburban fire truck a necessity that is becoming more apparent in all communities such as Watertown.


Businessmen of Watertown are becoming actively interested in the proposition of such a truck and the farmers, who have done their part toward securing such a truck, are waiting to see what the city is going to do about it.



A large barn on the premises of Michael Modl, 1300 Theresa Street, was destroyed by fire Sunday night.  The origin of the fire has not yet been determined and an inspector from the state fire marshall's office at Madison was in the city today investigating the case.


The fire department responded to an alarm shortly before 10 o'clock last night and upon arrival the structure was a mass of flames.  Firemen managed to save the house and other buildings located near the barn. The blaze was spectacular and the flames illuminated the entire neighborhood and attracted a throng of people.  Most of the contents of the barn were destroyed in the blaze.  Mr. Modl was being held by police today for questioning.  This afternoon no definite announcement about the case could be made as the investigation had not been completed.



Fire, said to be of unknown origin, destroyed a row of sheds at the Monarch Tractor plant early this morning.  The fire was discovered shortly before 2 o'clock and an alarm was sent to the fire department which responded.  When firemen arrived on the scene the sheds were a mass of flames and three automobiles and a snow plow, stored in the sheds, were destroyed in the flames.  A second alarm was turned in at 2:15 o' clock and practically every fireman in the city was on the scene.  The fire raged for more than two hours.  The sheds were located at the rear of the assembly building of the plant.


___ 1927 __________________


A person and person standing next to a large tank

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Blaze Sweeps Oil Company Sheds and Tanks Here.  Fire believed to have started when a gasoline truck backfired Tuesday night, 9/13/27, swept the sheds and storage tanks of the Bartles-McQuire Oil Company located at 1117 Tenth Street and destroyed the coal sheds of the Watertown Fuel Company located nearby and resulted in the most spectacular blaze Watertown has had in several years.  Two men were burned, one of them seriously, Harry G. Marshall and O. L. Diest. . . .


___ 1928 __________________


It was a sad day in Watertown, when, on March 9, 1928, Turner Opera House caught fire and burned down


___ 1929 __________________


An old photo of a horse carriage

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The old brick building next to the Wethonkitha Club has been razed to the ground.  It had quite a history in its day, being at one and the same time the city council room on the 2nd floor, the fire department on the ground floor and the city jail in the basement.



[same date] The city's lone relic of the old days when the horse drawn fire engine was the "big noise" was moved from its resting place in the old machine shed opposite Memorial Park and taken to a place in the new municipal shed near the waterworks plant.  The old engine has gathered the dust these many years but is being kept as a sort of relic and who knows, some day it may even be put back into service.


___ 1933 __________________

11 17       FORMER HABHEGGER SALOON Consumed.  Habhegger’s Sommergarten 


___ 1934 __________________


Watertown's city hall will be closed from top to bottom all day tomorrow and warning signs will be placed at all entrances to keep the public out or risk death.


The reason for this step is that the drive to exterminate bedbugs which have made their entrance via the jail through the admission of transients who sleep there is to be launched as authorized by the city council.  The deadly fumes which will fill the lower quarters of the building will prevent anyone from entering unless they wish to risk certain death.


The fire department and the police department will move headquarters to the Krueger garage next to the city hall.  A special telephone wire was run in there today to handle all calls in both departments tomorrow.  Fire trucks will be kept out of doors while the department headquarters are closed.


The city jail quarters were cleaned up some time ago, but some of the vermin got into the sleeping quarters occupied by the firemen and since then it has become necessary to give the entire first floor of the building a thorough cleanup.  The deadly fumes will penetrate the upper portions of the building and for that reason it will be necessary to close the entire building while the work is under way.


Firemen took a number of pigeons from the tower to save them from death.  One pigeon which flew into the tower Sunday was overcome and toppled to the ground but was revived.  A hornets' nest located above one of the doors on the exterior of the building had all of its inmates destroyed by the gas, the hornets falling dead on the sidewalk.



The Evans Block [101, 103 and 105 E Main], a three story structure housing the Princess Confectionery and the Main Cafe, as well as living quarters was swept by fire the Saturday morning of 12/1/34 to such an extent that the eastern half of the building will have to be almost completely reconstructed . . .   WTribune


___ 1936 __________________

Feb          Emil Luther funeral; volunteer fire dept, tribute paid    WDT


___ 1937 __________________


A disastrous fire the first of the week at Watertown destroyed the auto paint shop of Chas. David Sons, on Madison Street, entailing a loss of $4000 to $5000.  The blaze, which started in the shop, was discovered shortly after 1 o'clock, and an alarm was turned in.  The entire fire department force was called out and battled the blaze for four and a half hours.  Several automobiles, huge quantities of oils and paints were destroyed, the oils adding to the fierceness of the blaze.  Several firemen were overcome by the fumes.  They revived when taken out. of doors.  Firemen were able to keep the blaze within the confines of thee shop proper, preventing its spread to the store at the front of the -establishment and from nearly buildings.


___ 1939 __________________


An explosion in the basement of the Anton Branz home, 304 Spaulding Street, this afternoon started a fire which sent all three fire trucks to the scene.  The basement was filled with smoke when the firemen arrived.  They reported they found a still in the basement which had blown up and set the place afire.  Damage was kept to a minimum.  The remains of the still were brought to the city hall.


___ 1940 __________________


The [former] west side [Phoenix] engine house [no longer used by the city] is to be cleaned up so basement quarters can also be turned over to the project and make additional room.  The city has instructed the committee in charge to have William Spear's horses which have been kept in the basement stalls moved and Mr. Spear is to be so informed.  Under his agreement with the city he agreed to move the horses from the building any time the city made such a request.  He will take them to a barn which he owns.


02 19       Former Phoenix Engine House returned to Christian Becker estate    WDT


___ 1941 __________________




___ 1944 __________________


Robert G. Kerstell, chief of the Watertown Fire Department, died Saturday night at his home, 216 College Avenue.   Death was due to a heart attack which came after a short illness.  He had been confined to his home for three days, but his condition was not regarded as serious and he planned to report back to work this week.


Mr. Kerstell was 62 years old and was a native of Omro, Wis., where he was born Oct. 3, 1881.  He was a son of the late Frederick and Elizabeth Kerstell.  Before coming to Watertown he had worked as a member of the staff of the Wisconsin State prison at Waupun where a brother of his was for many years a guard.


He had been a member of the fire department here for 32 years and for the past ten years had served as chief, having previous to that been assistant chief.


Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Clara Kerstell, and a son, T/Sgt. Edward Kerstell, now on duty in Northern Ireland; a daughter, Marguerite, Madison; a stepson, Harris Evans, this city ; a stepdaughter, Jeanette Evans, Milwaukee; and one brother, Andrew Kerstell, Berlin, Wis.  A daughter passed away in infancy.


Mr. Kerstell was an active member of Lincoln lodge No. 20, Knights of Pythias and a past chancellor of the lodge.  He was also a member of the Calanthie club.  He was a member of Immanuel Lutheran church.


He had a lot of friends here and elsewhere and for years was active in the affairs of the Wisconsin State Association of Fire Chiefs and regularly attended its conventions and meetings.


The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon.  There will be a service at 1:30 o’clock at the Schmutzler funeral home and at 2 o’clock a service will be held in the Immanuel Lutheran church, North Ninth street.  The Rev. O. H. Wonn will officiate.  Burial will be in Oak Hill cemetery.


Friends may call at the funeral home to pay their respects Tuesday from 3 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday up to the time of the service.  The casket is not to be opened at the church.


Members of the fire department will meet at the city hall Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock to go in a delegation to pay their respects.



Department booklet (pdf file)


___ 1945 __________________


      Destroyed by fire in 1945


A building with a sign on it

Description automatically generated with low confidence     < 1920     A black and white photo of a building

Description automatically generated with medium confidence    < 1930s


A picture containing grass, train, outdoor, track

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I. L. Henry Box Factory Fire, 04 11 1945


___ 1946 __________________



A picture containing text, building, old, stone

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Chapter on the mill 



     116 East Main

Chapter on Bittner and Tetzlaff  


___ 1947 __________________

01 22       Fire at King-Hintz  /  216 South Third Street

A group of people outside a building

Description automatically generated with medium confidence      A group of people in front of a building

Description automatically generated with low confidence      A picture containing text, white, old

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A picture containing text, outdoor, old

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       < pdf file



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Harry H. Schlueter retired as fire chief in 1947.


Mr. Schlueter had been a member of the city’s fire department for 32 years. 


He served seven years as assistant chief under the late Robert Kerstell who was then fire chief, and later served four years as chief, retiring in 1947.


Mr. Schlueter had a great many friends throughout this area and was well liked.  His services to the city, both as a member and a chief of the department were marked by devotion to his duties and maintaining a high standard in the department.



The department grew in manpower and with the coming of Chief Linde a complete and efficient reorganization took place. Bigger and Better Linde was born in Milwaukee in 1894.  In 1954 he married the former Gladys Wolfe in Jefferson.  Upon his transfer to Watertown in August of 1947 embarked upon his 23 years of service as Fire Chief, retiring in November, 1970.  Prior to accepting the position in Watertown he had served 25 years on the Milwaukee Fire Department before retiring with the rank of Captain.  Following his retirement from the Milwaukee department and before coming to Watertown he had accepted a position with the A. O. Smith Company in Milwaukee as its Assistant Fire Chief. 


Linde died in 1975.  Milwaukee Under Fire Chief Alfred Linde’s regime the fire department underwent a Rules intensive training course, the same course given to Milwaukee firemen.  Linde also introduced a rescue and lifesaving unit.



Roland Thiede was first appointed to the Watertown Fire Department on Aug. 4, 1947


___ c.1947 __________________



___ 1948 __________________


      Wendt and Nuernberg; initial training, paid fire department. 

Brings the paid department to full strength — 14 firemen, seven on duty on each of two shifts.


___ 1949 __________________

05 21       2,000-GALLON WATER TANK


Firemen painting and making necessary additions to 2,000-gallon water tank.  Tank purchased by the townships of Watertown, Farmington, Milford and Shields.  Tank can be filled in 5 minutes at a city water main.  Plans call for equipping of the tank with ladders.  A motor unit is being secured to haul the tank to rural areas.  Purchased from government surplus for $900.


View is that of NW corner of engine house in City Hall on N. First St.





The 62-year old N. Second Street bridge had been posted against loads of more than three tons for some time.  Property owners north of the bridge protested that posted structure necessitates that fire trucks must therefore cross the North Fourth Street bridge, delaying response time.


___ 1950 __________________


Attorney Kenneth Kolberg

Leonard Kramp, president

R. F. McLaughlin

T. J. Koerner

Ralph Busse


-- --         JAEGER HOME

Fire caused minor damage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Jaeger, 808 Cady Street, the blaze starting in the attic wiring.  Firemen were called to the scene and soon had the fire extinguished.  There was some smoke damage and the smell of rubber, due to wire insulation burning, was evident in the area.  The house is being insulated at the present time.  The fire started about 1:30 p.m.  Three fire trucks responded to the alarm.   WDT




Watertown yesterday welcomed a replica of the Liberty Bell, one of 49 such bells now touring the nation in connection with the U. S. bonds - Independence campaign.


The above picture was taken shortly after the bell reached here, when it stopped in front of the Hornburg Motors building.


Roy Pfeiffer, president of the Watertown Association of Commerce, is shown standing atop the truck on which the bell is mounted, just before he struck the bell. 


During the day its tones were heard many times as it made stops in the downtown section of the city and at local schools and industrial plants.  In the forefront are, left to right:  Leonard G. Braunschweig of the local police department, Capt. Joseph Checkai of the local fire inspection bureau, City Manager Dean Van Ness and Mrs. John W. Keck, general chairman of the bond day program. 


Newell Parker of the Hornburg Motor organization was the chairman of the day.


The Ford Motor Co. is providing all of the transportation for the 49 bells now on tour.



                 chapter on the Savoy 



Fishermen proudly display their catch


Holding the fish are Ronald Kapheim, 14, and Daniel Higgins.


Young Kapheim baited the hook with a piece of hot dog provided by Higgins.  However, that appeared to be about the extent of. the assistance young Higgins could provide his fishing companion.  When it definitely appeared that there was a pretty big fish on the light, three-pound line, the boys, fearing that the line might break, attracted the attention of a passing policeman, who in turn contacted the fire department.


A couple of firemen played the role of good samaritans, jumped in their fire department boat behind city hall, and rowed over to Main Street bridge to help the lads land their fish.


The boys, in their efforts to land their catch, attracted quite a crowd around the bridge.








Fire Chief Al Linde has been named director of civilian defense for Watertown, according to announcement made at the city hall this morning by City Manager Dean Van Ness.


The city manager said that he believes the civilian defense setup in Watertown will be in good hands as a result of Mr. Linde’s acceptance of the appointment.  He has had thorough training in dealing with fires and emergencies and with people.


The manager said that the setup here will be formulated within the next few weeks, following additional information and data from the office of the state adjutant general which is expected any day.


It will be up to Chief Linde to form his organization here and make whatever preparations will be required by state and federal agencies in lining up a home front defense program.



Several hundred persons last night watched firemen fight a stubborn blaze which swept the two-apartment residence at 419 Emerald Street causing damage estimated at between $3,500 and $4,000.


The house is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Gruetzmacher who occupy the lower floor, while the upstairs apartment is occupied by Mr. and Ms. John C. Newsom.


The fire started in electrical wiring near a switch in the lower hall and was due to a short circuit.  The fire spread between the walls to the upper floor and then mushroomed across the attic.  It was discovered sometime after 8 o’clock and firemen responded to an alarm.  Dense smoke poured from the attic and upper portion but fire damage was confined chiefly to the inside of the house.


Greatest damage was on the second floor and attic.  The floor was burned through and part of it was burned away.  Second floor furnishings and furniture were destroyed to a large extent or damaged by fire and water.  The main floor also suffered some damage.


The house was for many years the home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Willenbockel.  Mr. Willenbockel was a widely known carpenter contractor here for many years.


10 07       GERBER BARN FIRE


Description automatically generated  



A picture containing text, indoor, old, kitchen appliance

Description automatically generated        Window display at Keck’s

Arranged by the Watertown Fire Dept. and its Fire Prevention Bureau



Frank W. Newbouer, City Engineer Vaso Bjelajac, Neil McMurry, Allen Anderson and Fire Chief Al Linde, civilian defense director for Watertown.



Ministers and others who are in charge of Christmas eve programs and services in Watertown churches during the holidays are reminded not to permit the churches to be over-crowded.  It is better to turn people away than permit overcrowding.  So says the Watertown fire department's fire prevention bureau.  No crowding into aisles and no placing of extra chairs to provide for overflow groups where they impede safety lanes will be permitted.  And, above all, church janitors should see to it that all safety doors are unlocked and that all exits are open.  In case of fire this precaution cannot be too strongly stressed.


___ 1952 __________________


The Watertown Fire Department will now be equipped to buck snowdrifts when answering calls during snowstorms or in heavy drifts.  A snow plow is being attached to one of the fire trucks.  Firemen are doing the work and have constructed the frame necessary to attach the plow blade to the front of the truck.


The plow to be used is one which the city street department has discarded and which it is replacing with a new plow from the Otto Biefeld Co.  The new plow was recently authorized by the city council which stipulated that the price is not to exceed $400.


Firemen decided to use the old plow and make use of it.  Fire Chief Al Linde said that Milwaukee and other departments have trucks with snow plows and that they have proven their value in reaching fires through blocked streets and roads during snowstorms.  He said he saw no reason why the fire department here shouldn’t follow suit and equip at least one truck with a plow.  The firemen decided to pitch in and help and yesterday afternoon the work was well underway to equip the truck.




Located at rear of its milk and ice cream sales division building, 1012 S. Third St.  Four trucks, tools and equipment destroyed.  Fire started while mechanic Harold Ladwig was working with an acetylene torch to remove a fender from a truck.  Gasoline escaped from one of the tanks and immediately caught fire.  Building owned by the Morris Shimon estate and leased by Dairy Lane



       Improve the Engine House

The fire department has made a new hose rack which has been placed in the center of the department quarters making hose supplies readily available when extra loads are needed.  The work on the rack, made of metal pipe, was done by firemen who welded the various parts into a compact and solid unit.  Rolled hose can be kept on the two “shelves” and can be pulled out from either side as needed.


Fire Chief Al Linde said that making this rack is another fine example of the cooperation of his men in his efforts to improve the fire department’s facilities.  The new arrangement will save a lot of time in loading and unloading extra hose.


Firemen have also recently removed a long row of wooden cabinets at the rear of the department’s main headquarters which were used for storing various tools and equipment.  These have been transferred to the basement.  Firemen have also done some cleaning and painting of their headquarters in recent weeks.



The $621 claim filed against the city by the law firm of Thiel and Allen of Mayville on behalf of Donald Ferry, resulting from an accident in which Ferry's car was struck and damaged by a fire truck, has been turned over to an insurance company by Watertown city officials.  The accident took place here on Oct. 11, 1949.  Ferry's car, along; with several others was parked in South Ninth Street, near the high; school, when a city fire truck crashed into it while enroute to a fire.  The report of the accident at the time stated that the driver of the fire truck swerved to the side to avoid what would have been a serious or even fatal accident with another fire truck traveling directly ahead.



Fire which late yesterday destroyed a barn, together with a huge quantity of baled hay and straw on the farm occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Busch, route 6, was under investigation today by Henry Dalby, state deputy fire marshal who came here at the request of Fire Chief Al Linde and Captain Joseph Checkai of the fire department’s inspection bureau.  The Busch fire was the latest in a-series of rural fires in the area.  All have been of undetermined origin and vague rumors have hinted at a possible firebug.  He said that thus far these reports have not yielded anything definite, but the rumors persist.  In an effort to broaden the investigation and uncover any possible, leads, it was decided to call in Dalby.  Mr. Busch was away at work when the fire started and his wife, who called the fire department, said she saw the whole bam ablaze when she looked out of a window at her home.  She said fire was blazing from both ends of, the barn.


___ 1953 __________________

                FIRE PREVENTION WEEK


Joe Checkai and Cecil Granger, high school student, honorary fire chief, elected by fellow classmates.  Fire Dept inherited police paddy wagon and used it as an equipment truck.



      to help identify and locate properties


Jefferson County Board of Supervisors moving forward with 3,000 signs.  Supervisor Fred McLaughlin, Watertown, Committee Chairman.



Fire Chief Al Linde is going to serve broiled walleye pike tonight.  He caught one last night that is apt to remain a record for some time to come.  He caught it in Rock Lake at Lake Mills, while fishing from a boat about 200 feet from the shoreline.  Estimates of the size and weight vary, but those who saw it confirmed the report that it’s “a mighty big fish.”



Firemen were called upon this forenoon to rescue a pig from the Rock river.  The porker, consigned for sale at the monthly stock fair, broke away while being unloaded from a truck, made a beeline for the river and went in.  Firemen gave chase in a boat and with John Gruel at the oars and Glenn Sutton twirling a rope, the latter lassoed it and brought it safely to shore.  Firemen said the pig belonged to a Delafield farmer.




[same date]  Home on route 6, 7 ½ miles west of Watertown.  Fire Chief Al Linde dispatched a truck and ten firemen to the scene.  A second tanker of water was also rushed from the city.


___ 1954 __________________


32nd Division Band, presented by the Watertown Fire Department

A group of soldiers marching

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The 32nd Division March, recorded by the 32nd Army Band, Wisconsin Army National Guard.


10 31       SELL’S LIQUOR FIRE

116 S. Third St.


___ c.1955 __________________

         Gay Theder, Asst Fire Chief, Herb Vehlow, Police Chief, Dean Van Ness, City Manager, Al Linde, Fire Chief.


___ 1956 __________________


Thirty-four city employees, including 15 members of the Police Department, 16 members of the Fire Department, the Street Department superintendent and his assistant and the city electrical inspector are due to receive an additional $240 per year salary each starting Feb. 1. The total increase will amount to $8,160 per year.  The new salary schedules, if approved, will be as follows:


For policemen and firemen, first year men, $3,840

. . . second year, $3,960

. . . . . . third year and thereafter, $4,200

. . . . . . . . . chiefs, $5,160

. . . . . . . . . . . . assistant chiefs, $4,560


. street superintendent, $5,160

. . assistant, $4,360

. . . electrical superintendent, $3,480


INFLATION ADJUSTER:    $1000 in 1956 = $10, 235 today (2021)





11 08       EMIL DOERR, 1879-1956

City Hall flag flown at half-staff for Mr. Doerr; had been a member of the old Watertown Volunteer Fire Department   WDT


___ 1957 __________________

05 14       DEATH OF ED KAERCHER, member Volunteer Anchor Hose Co. No. 1

Edward F. Kaercher, 85.  Was born Jan. 16, 1866, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kaercher and lived all of his life in Watertown.  He had worked at the Hartig Co. plant for 40 years, retiring at the age of 77.  He was also, a former fireman here, being for 25 years a member of the Volunteer Anchor Hose Co. No. 1.  Mr. Kaercher was a member of the Plattdeutscher Verein.



Walter H. Schuenemann, 720 Emmet Street, has been promoted to the rank of captain in the fire department. 


His new rank takes effect tomorrow. 


He was named to the rank to replace Leonard Arndt, veteran fireman, who has retired from the department. 


Donald L. Asmus, 814 Cady Street, has been named to the fire department to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Arndt’s retirement. 


He will not take over his position until June 1, however.


07 11       SCHNAPPSIE

Schnappsie, the dachshund mascot, has a birthday   WDT


12 15       TOY PROJECT

Members of the Watertown Fire Department have completed ‘‘Toy Project 1957” and many shelves of toys which have been put in condition for further use to delight youngsters are ready for distribution.  The toys will be distributed to children in needy families through the Watertown Family Welfare Association which cooperates closely with the firemen in the annual toy program.  Firemen said that this year’s assortment of toys is larger than in many recent years and that they appreciate the cooperation of the public which again helped make it possible.


12 31       FIRE LOSSES IN 1957

Watertown fire losses in 1957 were up over figures in 1955 and 1956, but they were still low for a city this size, the annual report of Fire Chief Al Linde today showed. The year 1957 did not see a single major disastrous fire in the city. Fire losses for the year were estimated at $24,700. In 1956 the loss here was $9,744.17 and in 1955 it was $14,772.42.   A total of 184 alarms was responded to in the city this year. In 1956 there were 161 alarms. Rural losses in the area which the department serves were higher than in the city this year. Estimated damage was $34,515 and 55 alarms were answered in the rural sections. In 1956 rural losses were $8,225 and there were 36 alarms. In 1955 rural losses were $20,565.   WDT



2017 note:  Don Peters later owned this fire engine for 20 years.  Originally Watertown Fire Department Engine One.  We have a set of 8 pics taken in 2017 (WHS_013_380A-380H)


The city’s first motorized fire truck was a 1917 Seagrave.  The second was obtained in 1928.  Both were in service into the 1940s, with the 1928 Seagrave in use until 1957. (p 198 of fire history book)


___ 1958 __________________

08 14       Fire protection of rural townships, first steps toward new contracts   WDT


09 02       New fire station proposed . . . again   WDT


09 27       Safety conditions at City Hall; special emphasis on the Fire Department's quarters   WDT


09 29       Christmas toy project preparation   WDT


09 30       Question of a future fire station; City Council   WDT


10 21       Schnappsie, the dachshund mascot, banished from City Hall   WDT


11 26       Family Welfare Assn, Fire Department repairs and turns over toys for distribution   WDT


___ 1959 __________________

04 29       OLD ELM MILL FIRE

The old Elm Mills plant fire resulted in a loss of $250,000.

    The sub-headline in the Watertown Daily Times said it all: 

“Holocaust Destroys Huge Plant in City”


^ Click to link to portfolio of images


The heaviest concentration of the firefighting equipment used in the city since the 1946 Fleischmann Malting Company fire was thrown into operation the morning of April 29, 1957, to battle a quarter-million-dollar blaze which again destroyed the plant, this time operated under the name of Old Elm Mills.


The plant, which sprawled over an entire block between South Eighth and South Ninth Streets, and Station Street and the Milwaukee Road Railroad tracks, was doomed within an hour after the fire was discovered.  The Old Elm Mills office across the street was untouched.


The Watertown Fire Department sent all of its equipment to the scene within moments after the alarm came in and was joined later by departments from out of town, including Oconomowoc, Juneau, Ixonia, Jefferson, Johnson Creek and Lebanon.


The fire produced intense heat.  Cars jammed the area for blocks and thousands of per-sons visited the scene and watched the fire, there being a steady coming and going during the day.  Many school children who "skipped" classes were in the crowds that surged about the place.  Police kept the crowds at safe distances.


Firemen fought the blaze at many points, concentrating their efforts to prevent damage or destruction to nearby homes and buildings.  At least two homes were wetted down by owners to prevent fires destroying or damaging them.  One of the businesses whose property was in danger for a time from the raging fire is that of the Sinclair Refining, which has a bulk plant at 1108 South Eighth Street.  Firemen maintained a steady watch on the progress of the fire and prevented it from spreading to the oil installations.


One of the city's large industrial plants, the Mid-States Shoe Company, had some of its men on its roof with water and wet bags to prevent fire from starting on their property.


Captain Paul Buchholz suffered a foot injury when he was struck by a piece of metal when a cupola broke from its moorings and tumbled to the ground. 


Only the lower floor of the huge brick building was used for storage.  The big metal build-ing part of the plant was used for storage of grain and the grain bins, built of wood, and was quickly consumed by the flames. 


Old Elm Mills came to Watertown in 1949 from Elm Grove.  The Old Elm Mills plant, formerly the Fleischmann Malting property, was the scene of a previous disastrous fire.  That was on March 1, 1946, when one half of the structure was destroyed.  Before the Fleischmann Malting acquired and operated the property it was known as the William Buchheit Malting Company.


The "Old Malt House," had long been regarded as a potential fire hazard by neighbors and other citizens regarded the structure as a source of danger if a fire got started in it.  It had been erected and added to over many years and was built at a time when there were few houses nearby.


CROSS REFERENCE:   The mill was the site of a previous fire, that of the Fleischmann Malt House, in 1946.


  Video clip   


11 13       1959 CHRISTMAS TOY PROJECT

Some of the boys which the members of the fire department have completed thus far in their 1959 Christmas toy project have been taken from the fire department’s workshop and placed in storage for use at Christmas time when the toys will be distributed through the channels of the Family Welfare Association.  Meanwhile the firemen are at work on the balance of the toys that have been contributed to their project.  These will be completed well ahead of time, making them good as new, placing some in repair and painting or brightening others.  Firemen could use some more toys but if anyone has toys to contribute they should be brought to the department without delay, since the men hope to complete their project well ahead of Christmas.   WDT


12 07       1959 CHRISTMAS TOY PROJECT

The Watertown Fire Department's 1959 Christmas toy project has been completed and no further toys are being accepted for the program until next year.  The firemen spent busy hours in their spare time in their toy repair shop and have made a large number of toys which were contributed available for youngsters of the city at Christmas time.  The toys have been stored and will be distributed through the Family Welfare Association of Watertown just before Christmas.   WDT


___ 1950s __________________




___ 1960 __________________

06 17       Watertown Civic Center, Fire Dept station would be part of plan   WDT



      City Plan Commission Ignored


The proposal for the construction of a new fire station on the grounds of the recreation building ran into a new snag last night.


The city council, at its regular meeting, voted down, 4 to 3, a resolution to engage architects to prepare plans for a new fire station and police department quarters.  Some councilmen wanted to proceed only with a fire station at this time.


The final vote was:

Yes: Shephard, Moser and Kehl.

No: Franz, McFarland, Shaefer and Hinterberg.


The issue, as a result of last night's vote, is not dead and has been placed on the next committee agenda at which time the councilmen hope to clarify their views and bring in a new resolution.


During last night's debate on the issue, Councilman Floyd Shaefer suggested that councilmen give consideration to the City Plan Commission.  He said the commissioners are too often ignored and that it is an insult to competent men who spend hours on a matter to have their views shunted aside without giving them proper consideration.  The commission has opposed the recreation building site.


Council President Edward Hinterberg said he wanted more time to study different phases of the fire station plan, such as location, etc., and that he was not ready to vote on the matter, even to the extent of engaging an architect.


Councilman Fred W. Kehl said he believes the time has come for a definite decision for a new police station, since any money spent on improving the present quarters to meet the objections of state agencies which have condemned the present jail, would be a waste of the taxpayers' money. 


He said he feels that the police are more in need of a new station than is the fire department in need of a new station at this time.  He strongly urged that consideration be given to a one building project.


10 07       Delay is an old story in the city council.  And last night, another chapter was added to what has become a long-running serial.  The council once more delayed action on plans for a new fire station.  A resolution which would have authorized the firm of Riley and Horn, architects, to draw plans for a new fire station at the recreation building site with the understanding that the building is to be expandable for future development, was voted down and the issue has again been put over for two weeks.   WDT



City Assessor Note:  1960-61, Turner Hall offered to city for police & fire station, $75,000


___ c.1960 __________________




___ 1961 __________________


The City Council last night added hundreds of more words to the long standing and running argument over plans for a new fire and police station and when it was over it had approved, by a vote of 3 to 2, to take the next step for the construction of such a building but, which in the end, won't even get off the ground, according to present indications - at least not during the present administration.  The 3 to 2 vote was on a resolution to authorize sample soil borings on the site of the proposed building - the block which now houses the recreation building.  But even now the actual construction has two strikes against it.  Councilman George Shephard and Councilman Raymond F. Franz who have previously declared they will not support the $400,000 bond issue to finance it last night repeated their statements “for the official record.”     WDT



Fire early this morning at the O. J. Goeldner building at 113 Main Street, occupied by Siegel’s Economy Store, caused damage estimated at $20,000.  The building, one of Watertown’s Main Street landmarks, is owned by the O. J. Goeldner Estate, Mrs. Joseph Wimmer of this city and her sister, Mrs. William Bennin of Cambridge.  As a result of the fire, which started in the basement near the stoker-operated boiler, the stock in the store suffered heavy damage and part of the floor in the rear of the building was burned away.   WDT



With only one more regular meeting remaining for the present city council and with the deadline for action on the proposed and long-argued and hotly debated question of a new police and fire department building running out, the issue now will go over into the new administration which is expected to have its share of headaches before it can resolve the proposition one way or another.  At last night’s meeting of the council, an attempt was made to approve a plan calling for a new financing venture but it lost 4 to 2.  Under the original plan, the structure, also known as the safety building, was to be financed with a $400,000 bond issue.  The new plan, contained in a resolution which was introduced last night, would have divided the financing — 50 per cent through a bond issue and the other 50 per cent by means of a ten year loan negotiated through Watertown banks.  The banks had agreed to this plan in the event it was adopted.   WDT



The common council last night set the wheels in motion for a new fire station, possibly on the old Webster School property in Western Avenue.  At the suggestion of Alderman Herman Gerth the mayor named a committee to study the issue and report back.  The alderman said he was bringing up the matter to get the issue started in the present council, that it was an old issue which had been thoroughly explored by the previous administration but that it never reached a definite conclusion.  He said he thought it was time for the present council to turn its attention to the problem and that the logical first step would be for a special committee to “start the ball rolling.”   WDT



A petition signed by 26 residents of the area opposing plans for the location of the city’s new fire station on the site of the old Webster School in Western Avenue was filed with the common council at its meeting last night.    WDT


___ 1962 __________________

01 13       DEATH OF HARRY H. SCHLUETER, former Fire Chief

Harry H. Schlueter retired as fire chief in 1947.


Mr. Schlueter had been a member of the city’s fire department for 32 years.


He served seven years as assistant chief under the late Robert Kerstell who was then fire chief, and later served four years as chief, retiring in 1947.


Mr. Schlueter had a great many friends throughout this area and was well liked.  His services to the city, both as a member and a chief of the department were marked by devotion to his duties and maintaining a high standard in the department.



                By a vote of 12 to 2 and with no debate whatever, the common council last night approved Memorial Park as a site for Watertown’s proposed new city hall, which is to include both fire and police department headquarters.  Last night’s approval had been foreshadowed on Monday when the aldermen held their committee meeting and at which only two aldermen — Erich E. Nuernberg and Kenneth Wilkes — indicated they would oppose the plan.  They cast the only two negative votes on the resolution last night, a resolution which was introduced by Alderman William Wiegand, the council’s president.   WDT






Fire early this morning badly damaged the Schuett feed and grain mill located on old highway 26 about four miles south of Watertown opposite the Ebenezer Moravian Church.  The mill, owned by Wilbert E. Schuett of 1508 Prospect St, was a large building, 135 by 40 feet and was formerly owned by Piper Bros. The mill portion was badly gutted but the part housing the garage and storage utilities was saved by Watertown and Johnson Creek firemen.  Cause of the fire was not immediately determined but the state fire marshal’s office was called to launch an investigation.  A Madison resident, 21, who was found in the nearby Ebenezer Cemetery a short time before the fire has been traced by the license number of the car. Madison police authorities said the suspect has a police record.  Firemen here placed the loss at between $25,000 and $30,000, only partially covered by insurance.  WDT



Members of the Fire Department today issued their first call for help in their annual Christmas toy project.  They appealed to people with old and discarded toys to turn them in at the fire department.  Firemen will take them to their basement toy shop and in their spare time will repair and brighten them up for further use by children who will receive them at Christmas time through the medium of the Watertown Family Welfare Association.  Toys which are damaged or broken beyond repair are not wanted nor are broken plastic toys, since these cannot be repaired.    WDT


12 29       FIRE LOSSES IN 1962

Watertown fire losses were nominal in 1962 and the city was fortunate in not having major fires, the year’s end report made by Fire Chief Al Linde.  The fire department responded to 158 alarms in the city during the year and losses were placed at $23,346.05, estimated and adjusted up to Dec. 28.  Rural fire runs totaled 56 during the year, with losses placed at $50,551, estimated and adjusted up to Dec. 28.  Last year the department responded to 172 alarms in the city and losses were placed at $35,475 while rural fire runs totaled 31, with losses of only $2,835 that year.  WDT


___ 1963 __________________

01 12       JOHN A. GRUEL, Jr., of 120 William Street, who retired as a member of the Fire Department on Dec. 31, was honored by fellow firemen last night at the city hall, in the firemen’s quarters.  A dinner was served at 7 o’clock.  Mr. Gruel was presented with an engraved watch as a memento from fellow firemen.  Mr. Gruel, who is 55 years of age, was born in Watertown, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Gruel and has lived here all of his life.  His father was a member of the old Watertown Volunteer Fire Department.   WDT

    1928 Seagrave decommissioned in 1963; vehicle bell displayed at engine house in 2013.  The city’s first motorized fire truck was a 1917 Seagrave.  The second was obtained in 1928 and decommissioned in 1963


09 16       OLD FIRE ALARM SYSTEM.  The National Historical Fire Department Foundation which maintains the “House of Flame,” at Lake Geneva, Wis., has shown an interest in acquiring the old fire alarm system which now operates in Watertown.  The system may wind up in the flame museum at Lake Geneva.  That was announced last night when it became known that the city will operate under an entirely new and up-to-date alarm system once the fire department moves to its quarters in the new city hall sometime next year.  Mayor Robert P. White announced that a delegation from the foundation has been in the city to look over the present system and has expressed a desire to secure it when it is abandoned by the city.   WDT


11 07       CHRISTMAS TOY PROJECT.  More toys are needed for the Fire Department’s Christmas project on behalf of needy children.  Firemen today repeated their recent appeal that discarded toys be brought to the fire station at the city hall now so they can continue to work on getting them ready for Christmas, making repairs where needed and painting and making them presentable at Christmastime.  Firemen said they are asking for toys at this time because they want to complete their project well in advance of Christmas and keep their toy shop humming with activity.   WDT



The board of police and fire commissioners has created a new rank in the fire department, that of lieutenant.  It proposed two such members.  Each position will carry a $300 a year additional salary.  Last night, after Mayor Robert P. White brought the plan to the attention of the council, pointing out that in view of the fact that the city budget had already been approved, the $600 required could be taken from the contingency fund rather than make a change in the budget, the council agreed.  WDT



Two members of the Watertown Fire Department who have been recommended by the board of police and fire commissioners for promotion to the newly created rank of lieutenant have been named to the positions by Fire Chief Al Linde and will begin their new duties Jan. 1.  The men are Harold Hell and Donald Asmus, two of the members of the department who took the prescribed examinations.  WDT


___ 1964 __________________



Don Nehls, Ken Thiede, Dinty (Lawrence) Meyers, Gus (August) Theder, Art (Arthur) Ebert, Paul Kehrer (Koehler), Ken Krort (Kropf), Rueben Henning, Tom Gillis, Hubie (Hubert) Lenius, Louis Checkai, Paul Schoeneman (Schuenemann).



For the first time in many years, the members of the Watertown Fire Department are not refurbishing old toys and repairing toys for Christmas.  What has been a long-established custom here had to be dropped this year because in the new municipal building there are no shop quarters for the department.  They cannot spray paint, which they often have to do when repairing and brightening up toys, nor can they do other work required for toy repairs because their quarters are such that no such working facilities are available. In the old city hall firemen used a basement area.  There is no such area in the new building for them, so they reluctantly had to abandon the project which for so many years helped bring joy to children in families which could not provide toys.    WDT


___ 1965 __________________

01 28       33 MOBILE RADIO UNITS

A proposal to purchase 33 mobile radio units for use by members of the fire department and the auxiliary firemen will be laid before the common council tonight.  Such units will enable firemen to be called to department headquarters when a fire alarm comes in or they are needed for some other reason, day or night.  The units would be triggered automatically in event of an alarm.  The lowest proposal reported is for $4,298, which includes $825 for batteries.  The highest quotation is for $4,750, which also includes the sum of $825 for batteries.   WDT



Gay Theder, assistant fire chief of Watertown, will retire on July 1, it was announced following a meeting of the firemen’s pension board at which he was granted a disability pension.   WDT

    <    set of 5 images



Two firemen here advanced in rank following the recent announcement that Capt. Walter W. Schuenemann had been appointed assistant fire chief starting July 1.  He succeeds Gay Theder whose retirement, for reasons of health, became effective at midnight.  Lt. Harold Hell today became a captain in the department and Wayne Wendt became a lieutenant.   WDT



Roland Thiede was promoted to the post of captain of the inspection bureau.



Watertown’s auxiliary firemen are an important unit of the city’s fire fighting force and we would not know what to do without them, Fire Chief Al Linde told members of the common council last night after being invited to appear to answer some questions several aldermen had raised the night before at the council committee meeting.  The subject of the auxiliary came up during a discussion of the “small” raise provided for the auxiliary members under terms of the 1966 city budget.  The men now get $400 per year and under the new “raise” would get $416.  However, after Chief Linde appeared last night, it was agreed that at least $500 is to be paid each man and a further study will be made to work out a fair compensation for the members of the auxiliary.  The new salary will be fixed when the complete city salary ordinance for 1966 comes up for adoption in December.  WDT


___ c.1965 __________________



___ 1966 __________________


One of the important factors in keeping down fire losses in any community is rigid and periodic fire inspections which lead to corrective measures in reducing potential hazards.  In Watertown such a program is being ably handled by Capt. Roland Thiede of the fire prevention bureau who took on the duties of fire inspector during the latter part of 1965.  Since then he had been revamping the program and working out a systematic inspection schedule.  He inspects some 520 buildings and institutions every four months within the confines of the city fire limits and two annual inspections are made out of the limits in areas which the fire department of Watertown serves.   WDT



Damage in yesterday’s fire at the Nite-Cap Motel at 760 North Church Street was placed at around $1,000 divided between damage to a portion of the building and its contents.  Firemen fought the blaze in sub-zero temps and as a result one of the firemen, Tom Theder, suffered frost bitten fingers on both hands.  The fire started in some papers near the heating unit in the utility room.


02 19       EMIL G. HELL (1883-1966)

Emil G. Hell, 82, of 405 South Church Street, died of a heart attack yesterday afternoon after being stricken while he was shoveling snow from the driveway at his home.


The fire department’s rescue squad was called to the home at 1 p.m. and administered oxygen after which Mr. Hell was taken to Watertown Memorial Hospital by the Meyer Ambulance Service.  A physician pronounced him dead a short time later.


Mr. Hell was a retired Watertown fireman, having served with the department from 1926 to 1947.  He was a lieutenant in the department at the time and among the first fulltime firemen in the city.  As a member of the department he saw it develop from its earlier firefighting methods and equipment to the modern department it has become.


Interment in Oak Hill Cemetery (link for full obit).



In spite of the newly revised city ordinance governing rubbish fires, the office of the fire inspector, Capt. Roland Thiede, has been kept busy investigating complaints from residents in various parts of the city regarding the odor of smoke and smoldering rubbish fires.  When those complaints are checked out by the fire inspector or other investigating officers they hear such remarks as, “No one else complained,” or, “I know who complained. They are always complaining about something.”  It should be pointed out, the inspector said today, that the prevailing winds are mostly from the west, so neighbors to the west of such fires usually get the smoke and odors from fires and under such conditions they cannot be blamed for complaining or seeking for relief.   WDT


___ 1967 __________________


When the common council meets Feb. 7 it will be asked to provide a better means of apprehending persons who turn in false fire alarms and bringing them to justice. During the past month, there has been a substantial increase in the number of false alarms being turned into the fire department. This not only increases the possibility of a serious accident injuring the fire department personnel and damaging equipment but could seriously affect the efficiency of the department should a real fire occur at the same time.


04 01       PATRICK THEDER joined force.  Filled vacancy by retirement of Jerome (Whitey) Donahue.    WDT

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A 50-year-old bell which served on the first motorized fire truck in 1919 was destined to Ghana, Africa.  The brass bell which was used to herald fire runs on the Fire Department’s first fire truck is being reactivated and will start a new “career” in Africa.  A Watertown couple, engaged in mission work for the Assemblies of God, is taking the bell with them when they return to their mission field following a 13-months furlough “at home.”  They are the Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Ziemann whose residence in Watertown during the furlough has been at 501 Division Street.


05 22       BURNING OF TRASH

You can still burn rubbish in the city of Watertown — if you use an incinerator type rubbish or trash burner and if you use it according to the provisions of the city ordinance, especially the part which requires such a fire to be at least 20 feet away from any building or structure.  A burning permit is not needed for the above type of small rubbish fire, according to Capt. Roland Tiede of the Watertown Fire Prevention Bureau and city fire inspector.  He stressed, however, that a burning permit is required for any outdoor fire not contained in an incinerator, rubbish or trash burner.




Link to chapter on  



11 06               

Link to Green Bowl chapter 


12 09       Two men are to be added to the Watertown Fire Department on January 1.  At last night’s meeting of the police and fire commission Dennis L. Ruegg, 800 South Third Street, and Dennis M. Schramm, 416 South Church Street, were engaged.  Also hired was Michael F. Meyer, 404 East Water Street, as an auxiliary fireman.  Ruegg now is self employed as a trucker, and Schramm is presently engaged by the City Street Department.  Ruegg presently is a member of the auxiliary fire department.  The addition of the two men will bring the total number of full time men in the department up to 20, which includes the chief and inspector.  Two additional men are needed because the work week of each man is being reduced by four hours.   WDT


___ 1968 __________________

                CITY HALL DEMOLISHED




A framed certificate of merit was presented to William Brennan, Watertown High School senior, for his lifesaving efforts during a fire last July 14 at Bethesda Home.  The 1967 award was presented by the Jefferson County Council of the Veterans of Foreign Wars during half-time ceremonies at the Gosling/Oconomowoc basketball game Friday night.  Young Brennan, employed as a ward attendant at Bethesda, was cited for his efforts in evacuating 84 non-ambulatory handicapped patients during the fire.  Presenting the merit award to the youth was Albert Groska, Brookfield, Second District commander of the VFW. Brennan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brennan, 400 South Washington Street.  


___ 1969 __________________



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A fire at the Globe Milling Company early this morning caused an estimated $50,000 in damages to the building and contents.  The fire apparently originated in the ducts of the blower system.


An alarm was received at the Watertown Fire Department at 6:08 a.m. with all firemen and auxiliary firemen called to combat the blaze.   One fireman, Captain Harold E. Hell, was taken to the Watertown Memorial Hospital for back X-rays after he slipped and fell on a stairway.


Gordon Madsen, manager of Globe Milling, stated the malt flour department is not operational.  He estimated that this portion of the plant would not be in operation for a month or possibly longer.  The feed department was not damage and operations will continue.  Madsen stated, “We would have had a total loss without the sprinkler system.”


The power belts running much of the equipment were ruined, and much of the equipment cannot be replaced, it must be repaired.  Water damage was high and a great deal of cleanup work needs to be done because the water mixed with the flour in the building, making a paste.



The Watertown Fire Department has received a letter of congratulations from Marvin H. Olson, fire prevention supervisor of the state of Wisconsin.


Olson praised the fire prevention bureau at the department which is headed by Capt. Roland Thiede.  The letter follows:


Chief Al Linde

Watertown Fire Department


Dear Chief Linde:


It gives me a great deal of pleasure to extend my sincere-congratulations on your-achievements.  Those of us who know you well and who have watched the work of your department know you deserve a great deal of recognition for the excellent fire prevention bureau you have established.


Heartiest congratulations to you and Capt. Thiede for the splendid job you are doing.


Yours truly,

Marvin H. Olson,

Supervisor, Fire Prevention

State of Wisconsin



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No local mail was damaged in the blaze aboard a Milwaukee Road mail car which caught fire early this morning enroute to St. Paul, according to local postmaster Fred Pagel.  He said there was no first class mail destroyed in the fire.  The car was loaded nearly completely with parcel post mail.  The Watertown Fire Department received the call from the Milwaukee Road to extinguish the fire at 1:14 a.m.  When fire-men arrived on the scene, the car had been placed on a siding.  The fire was put out and the burned mail taken out of the car.  There has been no estimate of damage.  Detectives from the railroad and postal inspectors on the scene this morning were not able to determine the cause.  The fire started inside the car while the train was traveling between Milwaukee and Watertown.



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Killed in two-car crash enroute to home in Watertown after visiting his wife, Angeline, at St. Mary’s Hospital in Madison, where she had undergone surgery.



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Home of Paul and Martin Lorenz.  Sparks from chimney was probable cause.



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Lightning caused an estimated $15,000 damage to a barn near Watertown.  The barn is located on a farm on the Shem Road (currently called Provimi Rd) and is owned by George Hoppe, and rented by Marvin Siefert.  Firemen were called to the scene at 2:20 a.m. and the last unit returned to the quarters at 9:23 a.m.   Damage to the building was estimated at $10,000 and the personal property, including three head of livestock and farm equipment, was estimated at $5,000.


09 03       FREIGHT CAR FIRE

A train on the railway tracks

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A freight car fire caused an estimated $12,000 in damages early this morning.  The Watertown Fire Department responded to a call at 4:56 a.m. for the fire at the Milwaukee Road Depot.  Firemen remained at the scene nearly three hours extinguishing the blaze in the boxcar filled with lumber.  All off-duty and auxiliary firemen were called.  It was necessary to cut a hole in the top of the car to contain and extinguish the fire.  The probable cause of the fire was a hotbox.



A train on the railway tracks

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Watertown firemen fight a barn blaze on the Donald Schlender farm on the East Hubbleton Road.  The first call to the department came at 9:09 a.m.  All auxiliary and off duty firemen were called. 



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Three promotions in the Watertown Fire Department were announced today by the Police and Fire Commission.  The three firemen promoted are Capt. Harold Hell, Lt. Donald Asmus, and Pvt. Joseph Brooks.  Capt. Hell was promoted to assistant fire chief, a position held by the late Walter Schuenemann who was killed-in an auto crash in Madison April 1.  Asmus was promoted to captain, and Pvt. Brooks to lieutenant.


Hell, 58, was appointed to the fire department auxiliary on Nov. 5, 1935, and was appointed full time on Jan. 1, 1947.  He was promoted to lieutenant Jan. 1, 1964, and to captain on July 1. 1965.  Asmus, 41, was appointed to the auxiliary department on Jan. 1, 1951, and on June 1, 1951 he was appointed full time.  He was promoted to lieutenant Jan. 1, 1964, and to alarm supervisor July 1, 1965.  Brooks, 42, was appointed to the department auxiliary on Jan. 5, 1951, and on Feb. 1, 1957, he became full time.


09 25       $30,000 FIRE AT BETHESDA

Fire caused estimated damages of $30,000 to two farm buildings at the Bethesda Lutheran Home Wednesday.  Firemen were called to the scene at 4:24 p.m. to extinguish a blaze to the pig barn and hay stack.  All off duty and auxiliary personnel were called to battle the fire.  The fire was brought under control and extinguished approximately one and one-half hours after the department arrived.  Damage to the building was estimated at $25,000, and the contents of $5,000.  A total of 156 pigs were lost.



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Two Janesville residents killed when single engine plane exploded after striking six high tension wires, crashing in a ball of flames on the Milwaukee Road tracks near Doris Street.  Plane was not based at the municipal airport.  Flames extinguished by the Watertown Fire Department.



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Members of the Watertown Fire Department have as one of their projects the construction of scooters for non-ambulatory children.  They donate the material, such as plywood cut in different sizes, then stained and varnished with the application of special casters that roll over most floor surfaces.  The firemen have donated the scooters for use by handicapped children attending the Pied Piper Nursery.  They are also available for use by any other handicapped youngster in the city.   Shown:  Firemen Patrick Theder and Dennis Ruegg with the latter's son, Chad Ruegg, 3, who attends the Pied Piper Nursery.


12 19       FIRE AT 906 N. SECOND

Fire Thursday evening caused extensive damage to the Roy Wendt home, 906 North Second Street.  Damage to the building has been estimated at $5,000 and to the contents, $1,000.  The fire in first floor a bedroom spread to a stairwell and into the second floor.  There was extensive smoke damage.  An overloaded electrical outlet was the apparent cause of the blaze.  The Watertown Fire Department including off duty firemen and auxiliary firemen were at the scene. The call was received at 10:24 p.m.

Firemen were called again to the home at 9:10 a.m. today after the fire rekindled. The fire was extinguished in minutes.


The fire department answered another call at 6:57 a.m. today to a chimney fire at the George Zimmerman home on county trunk Q in the town of Milford. Smoke damage was reported.


___ 1970 __________________


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Fire caused estimated damages of $6,000 to the Augustine Bermea home at 306 North Monroe early this morning.  No one injured but entire interior was gutted.



Mock explosion at Lindberg Hevi-Duty resulted in simulated injuries to 30 young persons, treated at the scene and then transported to Watertown Memorial Hospital.



James Brady residence.  Front porch, living room and upstairs hallway.   Link to set of 6 images



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Captain Roland Thiede, 56, fire inspector of the Watertown Fire Department, retired 09 11 1970.  Captain Thiede, who resides at 234 Lounsbury Street, was first appointed to the Watertown Fire Department on Aug. 4, 1947, and on Nov. 1, 1965 he was promoted to the post of captain of the inspection bureau.  During his years as head of the inspection bureau, Thiede gave many talks to civic groups, school classes and others on the subject of fire prevention.



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Alfred Linde, chief of the Watertown Fire Department for over 23 years, will retire on Nov. 27.


Linde came to Watertown on Aug. 1, 1947, serving as chief throughout his entire career here.  He succeeded Harry Schlueter who retired.  Linde's appointment as chief was approved by the Watertown City Council on July 15, 1947.


Prior to accepting the position in Watertown Linde served 25 years on the Milwaukee Fire Department before retiring with the rank of captain.  Following his retirement from the Milwaukee department Linde accepted a position with the A. 0. Smith Company in Milwaukee as its assistant fire chief.


A special gathering for Linde will be held tonight at the municipal building, with firefighters, city officials, and friends present.


12 01       DONALD ASMUS BECOMES NEW CHIEF, replaced Al Linde

Donald Asmus has been chief of the department since Dec. 1, 1970; Retired Jan. 2, 1986.  Joined dept in 1950.  Replacing long-time chief Al Linde. 

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Donald Asmus, 42, a member of the Watertown Fire Department for more than 19 years, was named Chief of the Watertown Fire Department.  The appointment is effective Dec. 1.  Asmus succeeds Al Linde who will retire Dec. 1 after over 23 years as fire chief here.


On Jan. 1, 1964 he was appointed to the position of lieutenant, and on Sept. 9, 1969, Asmus was promoted to the rank of captain, the position he presently holds.


The new chief was born in Watertown and has been a resident of the city for his entire life.  He lives with his wife, Evelyn, and five children at 1012 North Fourth Street.


12 09       "HAPPY DAYS CHIEF"

The Lions Club honored Al Linde, who retired Dec. 1 as the chief of the Watertown Fire Department. 


Gerald Mallach and Jerome Brunelle, secretary of the Police and Fire Commission at the time Linde was hired as fire chief.



A snow covered house with a boat and a boat

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When firemen arrived at the scene shortly after 8 a.m. today the basement was fully engulfed and the fire was progressing through the first and second floors and the attic.  The home is owned by Herbert Krakow and is located on highway QQ in the town of Milford.  Damage was estimated at $6,000 to the house and belongings.  Three persons were home at the time but there were no injuries.


___ 1971 __________________


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Three changes in the personnel of the Watertown Fire Department were announced today by Chief Donald Asmus.


The changes are the promotion of Lieutenant Wayne Wendt, 506 North Warren Street, to captain, Firefighter Earl Nienow, 510 Clyman Street, to lieutenant, and the appointment of Joel Edwards, 114 Stimpson Street, to the regular force.


Captain Wendt, 52, was appointed to the fire department auxiliary on Sept. 15, 1947 and was named to the full-time force on Jan. 15, 1948.  He was promoted to lieutenant on July 1, 1965.


Lieutenant Nienow, 40, was appointed to the fire department auxiliary on Sept. 1, 1951 and to the regular force on Feb. 1, 1957.


Firefighter Edwards, 24, was appointed to the fire department auxiliary on Oct. 1, 1970. He is the former manager of the United Building Center, 1001 South Third Street.


When Chief Al Linde retired last year, and Asmus was promoted to Chief, the positions were vacant, and thus the reason for the promotions.


One position on the fire department remains to be filled.  That is the post of fire inspector which has been vacant since the retirement of Captain Roland Thiede last year.


01 15       PAUL BUCHHOLZ (1910-1971 findagrave)

Buchholz was a lifelong resident of Watertown.  He was a member of the Watertown Fire Department for 25 years.  He was appointed a part time member of the fire department auxiliary Aug. 4, 1941 and became a full time member of the department Jan. 1, 1946.  Не was advanced to the rank of captain Jan. 1, 1948.  


___ 1972 __________________



Fire completely gutted the interior of the King’s Shield cocktail lounge, an entertainment bar at 1500 Bridge Street, early this morning, causing heavy smoke and fire damage to the entire interior.  Total damage was estimated at approximately $50,000.  The Watertown Fire Department received a call from a nearby resident at 2:46 a.m. after flames were noticed coming from the structure.  The fire apparently started in an area near the side entrance and then extended up onto the roof area.  All fixtures, chairs, tables, bar equipment and other items were badly damaged in the blaze.  Firemen fought the blaze in sub-zero temperatures for nearly two and one-half hours before returning to their quarters at 5:13 a.m.  The King’s Shield is owned and operated by Rich Etteldorf, 115 1/2 East Main Street.


___ 1976 __________________


The Meyer Ambulance Service of Watertown closed its business at the end of 1976.  Lloyd (Dinty) Meyer operated the service for over 42 years. 


___ 1978 __________________

PATRICK JOHN THEDER was promoted to lieutenant in 1978


___ 1982 __________________

07 06       Flood of 1982, Fire Department pumps water from basements and businesses 

Residents got a precursor of things to come on July 6-7 when 1.63 inches of rain fell.  It was Saturday, July 10, 1982, when the skies opened and deluge of water hit the city.


12 11       Fire truck gets a new engine and transmission to “improve roadability and pumpability.”  Fire Chief Don Asmus.  The Watertown Finance Committee will vote on the $23,000 expenditure.  Mayor Kenneth Thiel said the work has already been approved by the full council as part of the 1983 budget.  A diesel engine and automatic transmission will replace the gas engine and clutch now in the 15-year-old truck.  Asmus said the truck will require less time to warm up and will be easier to drive.   WDT


___ 1983 __________________

01 08    Fire resulted in an estimated $500,000 damage to G.J. Graphics, 602 South Water Street, Saturday night.  The cause of the fire was not determined as of this morning and the state fire marshal has been called in to investigate.  Smoke was pouring from the roof of the one-story wood frame building known as Rock River Court when firefighters arrived.  G.J. Graphics, Neumar Insurance Agency, Wisconsin Analytical and Roll-Rite Products occupy Rock River Court. Neumar, Wisconsin Analytical and Roll-Rite were cleaning up soot today, but their businesses were not otherwise damaged by the fire.


02 05       Transfer trauma patients to Madison and Milwaukee hospitals by EMS   WDT


05 05       Riverview Commons apartment complex to be rebuilt following fire   WDT



[former Dehnert’s, became Bigg’s Bar & Grill]    


Fire broke out at The Office tavern, 1217 River Drive, early today, causing damage to the building and its contents estimated at $100,000.  The fire was reported at 4:12 a.m. by a street department employee plowing the streets.  When firemen arrived at the scene, the building was already fully involved with flames.  Twenty-six firemen battled the blaze which apparently started in the basement and spread vertically into the bar area and then into the attic area.  The first floor caved into the basement, making fighting the blaze difficult.   WDT









___ 1984 __________________

03 24       Watertown Outboarders Club destroyed by fire early   WDT


09 12       Firefighter Robert Ott, a member of the dept since 1957, exercised his option for early retirement.  Initially appointed to the auxiliary in Feb. of 1957, he became a regular of the dept. on Apr 1, 1962.   WDT


___ 1985 __________________

02 03       Pumping capacity of city's wells could be exhausted   WDT


03 26       Duck rescued from river   WDT


06 18       Chief Asmus Resignation.

At the conclusion of 1985, Donald Asmus will no longer be chief of the Watertown Fire Department.  Asmus submitted a letter informing Mayor Kenneth Thiel of his wishes to retire on Jan. 2, 1986, 35 years and one day after he started as an auxiliary fireman at the department.  In the letter, Asmus said: “Having made the most difficult decision I have had to encounter, I hereby tender my formal notice of retirement to become effective Jan. 2, 1986.  “May I take the opportunity to extend my heartfelt appreciation for the courtesies and cooperation that have been afforded to me while an employee of the city of Watertown by the present and past administrations.”  Asmus has been chief of the department since Dec. 1, 1970, replacing long-time chief Al Linde.


07 03       Defibrillation, electric shock treatment in an attempt to restore a halted heart beat, could soon to be part of the Watertown emergency medical service program.  The common council Tuesday evening approved the expenditure of $27,000 to implement the service pending approval from the state Department of Health and Social Services.  The $27,000 amount includes approximately $15,000 for the equipment to be installed in the department’s two EMS vehicles with the remaining amount spent as overtime to train the EMS technicians.    WDT


10 14       Candle Glo Motel restaurant fire  

Fire officials say the cause of a fire which damaged the restaurant at the Candle Glo Motel, 1200 North Fourth Street, Wednesday night may never be ` the blaze with the State Fire Marshal, classified the cause this morning as “undeterminable.”  Asmus said it was unlikely foul play was involved.  Firemen responded to a report of smoke coming from the kitchen of the restaurant at 8:10 p.m.  The fire was discovered by the owner of the motel, Irene Thekan, who was in the basement doing her laundry.   WHS_005_435;    WHS_005_436


10 21       Ronald Weavel New Chief

Ronald E. Weavel, 45, a lieutenant on the Rockford Fire Dept, became the new Watertown Fire Chief on Jan. 1.  The new chief was selected from a field of over 20 candidates, and was the unanimous choice of the commission.  Weavel succeeded Fire Chief Don Asmus who has headed the department for the past 15 years.  Asmus announced his retirement, effective Dec. 31.     WDT


12 11       Ronald Weavel appointed Fire Chief.  The changing of the guard starts Monday, as Watertown's newly appointed fire chief, Ronald Weavel, begins his first day at the 20-employee department.  Weavel is expected to work with current chief Donald Asmus until the first of the year when Asmus will officially retire.  Asmus has been head of the department for the last 15 years and has been affiliated with the department since 1951.  Weavel comes to Watertown from a lieutenant's position at Rockford Fire Department.  In Rockford, the lieutenant's position is equivalent to that of a shift commander.  Weavel was an employee of the Rockford Fire Department since 1966 and has 20 years of firefighting experience.   WDT


___ 1986 __________________

01 01       RONALD WEAVEL Fire Chief 1986-1994 

                Ron Weavel succeeded Don Asmus as Chief, Watertown Fire Dept., 1986-1994.  Ronald E. Weavel, 45, a lieutenant on the Rockford Fire Department, became the new Watertown Fire Chief on January 1, 1986.  The new chief was selected by the Police and Fire Commission from a field of over 20 candidates, and was the unanimous choice of the commission.  Weavel succeeded Fire Chief Don Asmus who headed the department for 15 years.  Asmus retired December 31, 1985.


After eight years as chief of the Watertown Fire Department, Ronald Weavel sought new challenges in 1994.  Weavel announced his resignation effective January 15, 1994, in a letter to the Watertown Police and Fire Commission.  Weavel accepted a position in the private sector, working in inspections, investigations and consulting.  Although the work continued to be in the fire prevention and protection field, he wouldn’t be answering the fire call for the first time in his 30-year career. 


Obit, Ronald E. “Bo” Weavel, 1940-2012


Earl Nienow, firefighter for 29 years, retired in 1986 as lieutenant.


01 07       CARLTON HOTEL FIRE:  Smoke detectors may have saved the lives of 25 persons as fire moderately damaged the Carlton Hotel, 115 South First St.  Both police officials and firemen responded to the hotel at about 4:45 a.m. after a tenant, Fred Long, ran three blocks in near zero degree temperatures to the police department.  “We're very fortunate those fire detectors worked.  If they didn't we could have had a terrific fire, because it could have spread very easily up those pipe chasers.” - Fire Chief Ronald Weavel   WDT


02 15       JOEL EDWARDS.  Announced a promotion and hiring of a new firefighter in the department.  Joel Edwards, 39, 114 Warren Street, has been promoted to lieutenant in the department to replace Earl Nienow, 1323 South Third Street, who retired in December after 34 years of service.  Keith Becken, 27, 1036 Meadow Street, started employment with the department on Jan. 9 to replace Edwards.  Becken, from Milwaukee, was a member of the Greendale Fire Department for 2 1/2 years.  He also is a certified EMT.  He is single.   WDT



                Watertown and town of Lebanon agreed to coincide the boundaries of Emmet EMS district and fire district   WDT


03 05       No one person is running the department.  He may have the title “City of Watertown Fire Chief,” but after two months on the job Ronald Weavel has done more than his share in spreading the responsibility of running the department to his 20-man staff.  “No one person is running the department anymore.  This is a 20-man department,” said Weavel, a Rockford, Ill., fire lieutenant before being named Watertown fire chief last December.  “When I first came here, I told them (the staff) if you want to get involved, you can get involved.  And that's what they've done.  We've got 20 quality guys here, all willing to work.”  What Weavel has done is not reduce his workload.  His day is still filled with administrative duties - conferences with his men, state fire officials and perhaps a neighboring fire department.   WDT


03 16       It sure didn't take long for the Watertown Fire Department's newest piece of equipment to prove its effectiveness.  Firemen Thursday afternoon used a 1,200 gallon per minute water deluge gun to virtually disintegrate an ice jam off the North Second Street bridge, freeing water which was rising at a rate of one foot per hour.  Ice jams continued this morning in the area of the Division Street bridge, City Engineer Edward Bennett said.  With temperatures expected to climb into the 40s today and through the weekend, however, Bennett expected almost all of the jams to break up naturally.   WDT


03 28       Ruling out arson, Watertown fire officials today say they are still unsure on what started a blaze at Loeb Industries' metal processing facility early Saturday evening.  The metal processing plant, one of two Loeb buildings at 1111 South Tenth Street, sustained extensive smoke damage throughout and fire damage to its west side receiving end, where officials believe the fire started.  The plant and adjacent office building were unoccupied at the time of the blaze.   WDT


10 03       It was November 1985 when Ronald Weavel promised progressiveness as he took the helm at the Fire Department.  Almost one year later, the progress may be a little slower than expected but the commitment hasn’t waned.  June 1, 1987, appears to be D-Day for the Watertown Fire Department.  That’s when the insurance service officers are expected to come to the city and see if the fire department, with the water department, deserves a class three fire protection rating.  The class three would mean a two-class jump from the department’s present class five rating.  WDT


___ 1987 __________________

07 31       411 NORTH FIFTH FIRE

Extensive damage to the roof, attic and second story of the home of Gale Uttech.


07 31       SILO FIRE (same date)

Wooden silo on the Harvey Ziemer farm, W7324 Provimi Road.



Members of the Watertown Fire Department may begin an advanced training program next year that would increase the lifesaving abilities of the emergency medical squad.  EMT coordinator Mike Knope said the department has applied for state approval of the training program, which is an intermediate level for emergency medical technicians.  If the state determines that the city has a need for more highly trained EMTs, the instruction probably will begin next spring.  “What this is going to do is give us the authority and capabilities to perform better on the emergency scene,” Fire Chief Ronald Weavel said. The training would be provided by the Madison Area Technical College in conjunction with Watertown Memorial Hospital.  The hospital would serve as the medical control or adviser when fire personnel begin using the advanced techniques, probably next fall.  WDT


12 16       APARTMENT FIRE

Minor fire at a residence at Church of Christ, 943 West Main Street caused by wood-burning stove.


___ 1988 __________________


Officials at Watertown Memorial Hospital are studying a letter from Mayor David R. Lenz that suggests that the hospital begin a service that would transport patients from Watertown to other hospitals in an emergency.  The Watertown Emergency Medical Service provides transportation within the city to Watertown Memorial Hospital, but does not transport people to hospitals outside of the city, except in life-or-death situations.  In severe cases, Flight for Life from Milwaukee and Med Flight from Madison provide transportation.  Non-emergency transportation is available from Pederson Funeral Home and FISH, a volunteer service for the elderly.  WDT



Fire Chief Ronald Weavel has been named president of the newly formed Jefferson County Fire Chiefs’ Association.  Weavel said the organization hopes to promote coordination among the county’s 13 fire departments to provide more efficient fire protection for Jefferson County.  “What we’re hoping to do is get more involved so that we will be able to advance the service (in the county),” Weavel said.  The association, which held its first meeting in July, will be looking at several areas of cooperation, including cooperative purchasing, standardization of mutual aid system and programs for advance officer training.   WDT


09 10       PLANE CRASH

Emergency personnel remove an injured passenger from a single-engine airplane that crashed just south of Watertown Municipal Airport in a field west of River Drive at approximately noon today.  Preliminary reports indicated that five people were injured and transported to Watertown Memorial Hospital.  The plane was a Piper Cherokee 6.   WDT



Watertown’s emergency medical personnel have started a training program that will allow them to handle a wider variety of emergency situations.  A total of 11 fire department personnel are studying intermediate-level emergency medical techniques, a 22-week program that will greatly enhance the lifesaving skills of the city’s EMS squad.  “I think it’s something that is going to save lives,” said Fire Chief Ronald Weavel.  “It’s a step toward advancing and providing better emergency care for the community.”  Currently, Watertown EMTs are certified to handle basic life support situation.  However, out of 701 EMS runs in 1987, about 498 or 71 percent of the situations called for treatment beyond what the basic life support skills could provide.   WDT


___ 1989 __________________

05 29       D&L PALLET FIRE

TOWN OF WATERTOWN — Firefighters battled strong winds and intense heat while extinguishing a pallet fire just south of the city limits Wednesday.  The fire destroyed about 20,000 pallets at a storage area owned by D&L Pallet Inc. on County Trunk Y, according to plant foreman Bob Vogel.  He said the loss included four trailers used for storage.  Officials from the Watertown Fire Department are investigating the cause of the fire, which was reported by a resident of the area at about 4 p.m.  “When we arrived, the pallets were totally involved (in flames),” said Capt. Dennis Schramm.  “With the wind, the fire was hard to control,” he added.   WDT


12 16       DUN-IN TAVERN FIRE

TOWN OF MILFORD — Fire caused extensive damage to the kitchen of the Dun-In Tavern, N8004 County Trunk A, Tuesday night.  According to a report from the Watertown Fire Department, the fire started from grease in a deep-fat fryer in the kitchen.  Owner Don Schroeder attempted to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher, but was unable to contain the blaze.  Several customers were in the business at the time, but were able to evacuate without incident.  Firefighters battled the fire in bitter-cold temperatures, which dipped to about zero degrees.  When they arrived, flames were visible from the northeast corner of the building.   WDT


___ 1990 __________________


The city’s firefighters’ union has filed a complaint against the city of Watertown over its proposed employee substance abuse policy.  Michael Knope, president of the local firefighters’ union, said the union believes the policy should be negotiated as part of its contract with the city.  The firefighters are serving under the second and final year of their current contract.  “It was a negotiable subject and they failed to negotiate it,” he said.   WDT



In an attempt to alleviate a manpower shortage in the city fire department, the Watertown Common Council voted, 8-1, to hire three additional firefighters/emergency medical technicians.  By hiring additional personnel, the council hopes to substantially reduce the number of overtime wages paid to firefighters.  For example, during the most recent city payroll summary, the department used 198.25 overtime hours from June 14 through June 27.  From May 29 to June 12, firefighters logged 246.75 overtime hours.  Part of the problem is caused by a staff reduced by people on disability leave, retirement, training sessions and vacation.  In addition, the number of calls for assistance, particularly for emergency medical help, has increased steadily in recent years.   WDT



Several acts of vandalism this week have raised some serious concerns among the Watertown water and fire department staffs.  For the past two nights fire hydrants have been opened illegally and left running, according to Michael Olesen, water department manager.  He said, “This is extremely dangerous and puts the city’s fire protection in jeopardy.  It can place us in a situation of not having enough water in the towers for industrial and home use, and certainly not enough to fight a major fire.”


Wednesday between 5:05 a.m. and 6:14 a.m. hydrants at Harvey and Thomas avenues, Sunset and Thomas avenues, Kossuth and Williow streets and Ninth and Clyman streets were opened.  Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. one was opened at West and Dayton streets, and at 1:20 a.m. they were opened at Brian Court, Harvey and Thomas avenues, Sunset and Harvey avenues, two on Twelfth Street in front of Webster School, and one on top of the hill at Richards Avenue. Although the hydrants were open less than half an hour, Olesen said the level of water in the towers dropped by 12 feet and over 150,000 gallons of water were lost.  WDT


___ 1991 __________________


City officials are considering upgrading Watertown’s emergency medical service with paramedic training for nine people.  The firefighters’ union asked the city’s finance committee to authorize the start-up cost of $36,000, spread over the next two years.  The estimate includes $14,000 for equipment, $13,500 for training and $6,720 for overtime.  Local union president Michael Knope said paramedic training would allow emergency medical technicians to provide “top-of-the-line care” to Watertown residents.  “It would undoubtedly save more lives,” he said.  “That’s been proven nationwide with any studies, particularly for cardiac patients.”   WDT



Paramedic service will be provided to Watertown area residents by early 1993 once emergency medical technicians complete training authorized by the Watertown Common Council Monday night.  Council members voted unanimously to authorize training and equipment costs for the program.  The city will pay half of the estimated $40,000 needed for training and equipment and the other half will be paid by the four townships served by the fire department — towns of Emmet, Milford, Shields and Watertown.  The costs will be spread over two years.  Paramedic training will equip emergency medical technicians with the skills necessary to provide more advanced cardiac care to heart patients, including more sophisticated defibrillation.  The equipment costs include the purchase of two new defibrillators.   WDT



The finance committee of the Watertown Common Council is recommending a change in the way fire captains are compensated.  The committee Monday evening recommended that fire captains be allowed to take up to 75 hours a year of comp time and after that point be paid for the overtime on straight time wage levels.  Under the present rules, fire captains are not allowed overtime pay.  As a result, all overtime is taken out as comp time.  This has had two negative effects.  First, in some instances firefighters are receiving more compensation then their supervisors, and second, the supervisors are often not working in their assigned duties because they are off on comp time.   WDT


___ 1992 __________________


Paramedic training for nine members of the Watertown Fire Department will be completed in one year instead of two, thus allowing the service to be provided by the end of this year.  In a special meeting Monday night, the Watertown Common Council voted 9-2 to authorize the additional expense for training all nine members this year instead of spreading the costs out over two years as originally planned.  The resolution was opposed by council members Myron Moldenhauer and Randal Behlke.  Aldermen John Buckley and Gerhard Maron were not present.    WDT



Watertown Fire Chief Ronald Weavel said a proposed reorganization of the department will improve administrative operations without affecting emergency services to the community.  “Our response time (to emergencies) is not going to be any different than what it has been in the past,” Weavel told the Daily Times.  The city’s 1993 budget proposal for the fire department reflects a reorganization of the work force.  Currently, one of the department’s three captains is on duty during a 24-hour shift.  The crew also has one lieutenant and five firefighters/emergency medical technicians.    WDT



Starting today, paramedic service will be available to residents of the Watertown area.  Nine firefighters are starting the last leg of their paramedic training with on-the-job instructors in Watertown.  The training program calls for each student to complete eight 24-hour ride-along shifts under the supervision of an instructor in Watertown.  Previously, the students finished 10 shifts of field training with paramedic instructors at the Madison Fire Department.  With the completion of the paramedic training, the Watertown Fire Department will be able to provide the highest level of emergency medical service available.  Previously, the department offered intermediate emergency medical service.    WDT



The 138-year-old bell of First Congregational United Church of Christ was removed last week in preparation for its installation in the cupola of the congregation’s new facility on the Highway 16 bypass.  Workers from Restoration Specialists and Fredrick Construction eased the bell out of the church tower.  It will be cleaned by Kusel Equipment Company.  The bell, cast in 1854 in East Troy, N.Y., was originally purchased for the church by its women’s sewing group and served as Watertown’s fire bell for several years.


___ 1993 __________________


The Paramedics service officially started on January 13, 1993.  With the completion of the paramedic training, the Watertown Fire Department, under the leadership of Chief Ronald Weavel, was able to provide the highest level of emergency medical service available.  Previously, the department offered intermediate emergency medical service.



The Watertown firefighters union today blasted a finance committee recommendation designed to reduce department overtime.  The finance committee of the Watertown Common Council voted Thursday evening to recommend a policy which would reduce overtime costs to the city.  However, the union claims that policy would be dangerous to the safety of residents served by the department.  Patrick Theder, union president, said, “Union officials present at the finance committee meeting expressed their ongoing concern with dangerously low levels of staffing and for primary responses, both fire and EMS.  In truth, all the Watertown Fire Department has at present staffing levels is a token force that may be incapable of stopping the spread of a major fire in the early minutes when it really counts.”



Watertown Fire Chief Ronald Weavel today announced his resignation from the department, effective Jan. 15, 1994.  The chief submitted his letter of resignation today to Gary Smith, chairman of the Watertown Fire and Police Commission.  Weavel, who became Watertown’s fire chief on Jan. 1, 1986, said he has accepted a position in the private sector.  Previously, he was a lieutenant on the Rockford Fire Department.  Mayor Fred Smith said he anticipates the commission will take a “deliberate and careful approach” to finding a successor to Weavel, similar to its search this summer in hiring Police Chief Charles McGee.



In an attempt to keep overtime costs in line while ensuring safety, the Watertown Finance Committee has recommended changes in the fire department’s call-in policy.  The panel looked at the policy following reorganization of the department during the 1993 budget deliberations last fall. The Watertown Common Council decided not to replace a retiring captain, one of three employed by the department.  The two remaining captains were taken off their 24-hour shifts and placed on the day shift.  During budget discussions, concerns about staffing were expressed by fire union officials, particularly for the night hours when the captains aren’t on duty.



In times of tragedy only one thing matters.  That everyone survives.  Worldly items suddenly don’t matter — the value of human life is paramount.  A local group is spearheading a project designed to ensure that in a house fire, everyone in the family — young and old — gets out alive.  It’s called the Survive Alive Fire Safety House.  The Watertown Kiwanis have been working behind the scenes for months, collecting donations for the miniature home, which is used to simulate a house fire.  The two-story home comes complete with smoke and electricity.



Watertown Fire Captain Dick Gallup has been appointed acting fire chief, effective Jan. 15, according to Mayor Frederick Smith.  Gallup will assume command of the department when Fire Chief Ronald Weavel leaves.  Weavel announced his resignation earlier in December to accept a position in the private sector.  Smith said he appointed Gallup at this time so that he can work with Weavel to familiarize himself with his new duties.  “It will give a sense of continuity to the people who will be working under an acting chief for perhaps several months,” Smith said.  “I think he’ll do a fine job.”  Gallup, who joined the department in October 1970, was appointed captain in January 1992 following the retirement of Capt. Dennis Schramm.  Gallup became lieutenant in April 1984.


___ 1994 __________________

01 15       CHIEF RON WEAVEL SR., CHIEF 1985-1994

ROCKTON, Ill. — Rockton fire Chief Ron Weavel Sr., who has served nearly five decades in fire protection, retired January 12, 2009, from the Ronkton, IL fire department.


Weavel, 68, was the fire chief of the Watertown Fire Department from December of 1985 to January of 1994.


Weavel’s career began in 1958 when he enlisted in the U.S. Navy and was offered the opportunity to work at the Great Lakes Naval Station’s Fire Department in North Chicago.  When Weavel’s military career ended honorably in July 1962, he continued to work at the naval fire station as a civilian worker and was later employed with the Beloit Fire Department in Wisconsin for a short period of time.  He started working with the Rockford Fire Department as a lieutenant in October of 1966.


He then moved to Watertown, Wis., with his family in 1985 to take his first position as chief.  In 1994, he became chief of the Rockton Fire Protection District.


In a January 13, 2009, article in the Watertown Daily Times Weavel said he is proud of his time with the Watertown Fire Department and that he was pleased with the ways relationships were established with the city’s water and police departments.  “With the water department, we improved the insurance services office’s fire defense rating,” Weavel said.  “We accomplished that in a timely fashion.  “The biggest memory I have is being able to see the department take off and really start going into the future,” he added.  “The firefighters took a hold of the department, ran with it and we got the paramedic program established when I was there.”


Weavel said one of the factors that resulted in him leaving Watertown for Rockton was the controversy surrounding a delayed response to an activated fire alarm at Marquardt Manor [1992].  Weavel added if it was not for this incident he probably would have stayed in Watertown until he decided to retire.   WDT



About 70 people have applied for the Watertown fire chief's position, which has been open since Ronald Weavel's resignation in January.  City Clerk-Treasurer Michael Hoppenrath said the city received applications from throughout the country, as far away as Alaska, Florida and California.  Numerous applications were received from people in Wisconsin as well.  The deadline for applications was April 1.  The applications will be copied and distributed to members of the Watertown Police and Fire Commission for their review.  An initial meeting to narrow the candidates has not been scheduled yet.  The commission recently completed a similar search for a new police chief one year ago, hiring Charles McGee.  About 40 people applied for the police chief's position.     WDT



The Survive Alive Fire Safety House will be dedicated to the city of Watertown during a 1:30 p.m. ceremony Sunday in the North First Street parking lot.  Guided tours of the two-story, portable home will be available after the ceremony.  The Watertown Fire Station will be open for tours, also.  Mayor Fredrick Smith and Capt. Ken Peterson of the fire department will be there to receive the keys to the house from the Watertown Kiwanis Club, which oversaw the project.  “We hope all the citizens of Watertown and the surrounding communities will join us,” said chairwoman Dawn McBride of the Kiwanis Club.  “The Kiwanis Club is excited to have the project complete and turn it over to the city.”    WDT



The Watertown Finance Committee is planning to review staffing levels for the fire department following a report from acting fire chief Richard Gallup.  On Tuesday, Gallup told committee members that the current staffing level of 18 full-time shift personnel, consisting of a combination of firefighters, paramedics and emergency medical technicians, is inadequate to handle multiple emergency requests.  Currently, the typical on-duty staffing per shift is five people, Gallup said.  This is enough personnel to man two vehicles at one time, typically one ambulance and one fire engine company.



Watertown’s new fire chief may be a long-time resident of California, but he’s no stranger to the Watertown area.  Richard L. Olson, who was hired by the city’s police and fire commission this week, is a native of Fort Atkinson and a graduate of that city’s high school.  “I have great family roots there,” Olson, 50, told the Daily Times in a telephone interview today.  Gary Smith, chairman of the police and fire commission, said the panel was impressed with Olson, who currently is chief of the Meeks Bay Fire Protection District, based in Tahoma, Calif.  “He is an excellent candidate.  We were very, very pleased,” Smith said.  “The commission was very impressed with his leadership ability and his organizational ability.  Those were two key functions we were looking for.”



Although he’s only been on the job for a few days, Watertown’s new fire chief likes what he sees so far of his new department.  “I’m pleased and proud to be a part of an organization that is as professional as this group is,” Richard Olson said.  “I’m not surprised but I’m pleased.”  Olson, 50, officially started his new duties on Monday.  He said he’s spent his first week getting familiar with the department’s personnel, including members of the auxiliary staff.  A native of Fort Atkinson, Olson has lived in California since the early 1970s, so his return to Watertown is a homecoming of sorts.


___ 1996 __________________

02 10       MICHAEL J. KNOPE, 1960-1996   WDT

Watertown firefighter/paramedic Michael J. Knope, 35, died from injuries suffered in a snowmobile accident in Langlade County.  A member of the department for 11 years, he was instrumental in the development of the paramedic program in the city.



The Watertown Fire Department recently hired four new firefighter/paramedics, including three as part of an expansion of the staff authorized by the Watertown Common Council for 1997.  The other firefighter/paramedic will take the place of firefighter Wayne Kugler, who retired from the department on Jan. 1 after more than 24 years of service.  Kugler began his career in October 1972.  He was a journeyman firefighter and a Wisconsin State Certified Fire Inspector.  His most current duties were apparatus driver/operator and fire inspector.   WDT


08 25       FLOOR OF ENGINE HOUSE   

A report has placed serious doubts on the ability of the fire department’s floor to hold heavy vehicles, especially the two tankers.  In response, fire Chief Richard Olson has removed two tankers from the building.  He also may take other vehicles off the floor, perhaps as early as today.  “We’re really between a rock and a hard place,” Olson said.  The report, prepared by Westbrook Associated Engineers of Spring Green, expresses serious concerns about the structural soundness of the floor due to deterioration.  In addition, the maximum design capacity of the floor may not be adequate for the department’s heavier vehicles, the report indicates.   WDT


-- --           PATRICK JOHN THEDER was promoted to captain in 1995. 


___ 1997 __________________

03 22       WAYNE KUGLER RETIREMENT / Four new Firefighter/Paramedics

The Watertown Fire Department recently hired four new firefighter/paramedics, including three as part of an expansion of the staff authorized by the Watertown Common Council for 1997. The other firefighter/paramedic will take the place of firefighter Wayne Kugler, who retired from the department on Jan. 1 after more than 24 years of service. Kugler began his career in October 1972. He was a journeyman firefighter and a Wisconsin State Certified Fire Inspector. His most current duties were apparatus driver/operator and fire inspector.   WDT



The cost for filling the area underneath a portion of the Watertown Fire Department’s floor is $76,231. If the city proceeds with the project, the public works committee of the Watertown Common Council recommended hiring West Bend/American Building Systems for the work.  The firm submitted the low bid of three received by the city. The other bids, considered by the panel at Tuesday’s meeting, were from Burkel Construction, $78,000; and T.V. John and Sons, $116,400. The city is considering filling the southern portion of the area underneath the fire department with concrete as a way to increase the load carrying capacity of the floor.  WDT



A proposal to fill the area underneath the fire department floor to increase the load carrying capacity of the building was defeated by the Watertown Common Council Tuesday. The council voted 5-3 against hiring West Bend/American Building Systems for $76,231 to fill the portion of the basement underneath the department’s floor. The fire department has not been storing its heaviest vehicles in the fire station since last year, when it was determined that the floor was not designed to hold vehicles weighing more than 30,000 pounds. In addition, deterioration of the floor has led officials to believe that the actual load capacity has been reduced further.   WDT



Expansion of the fire station to the south is the main option being considered for solving the department’s vehicle storage needs. The public works committee of the Watertown Common Council has directed fire Chief Richard Olson to prepare a document to request proposals for possible construction. The document would outline the scope of the work to be done and request bids. Olson said the committee wants more information on this possible solution, which was favored over two other alternatives given to the panel. He noted that a final recommendation has not been made at this point.   WDT



Expansion of the station has been recommended by the public works committee of the Watertown Common Council.  The committee endorsed the construction of a building addition, 28 feet by 60 feet, in the south driveway of the fire station.  The addition will have room for storage of four of the department's largest vehicles.  Currently, the department is unable to store its heaviest equipment in the fire station because the floor's load capacity is inadequate.  The floor, which is deteriorated, wasn't designed to hold the larger fire vehicles being built these days.    WDT



An early morning fire destroyed a building that housed three Watertown businesses on Saturday.  Arthur Lenius, owner of the building at 721 Emmet St., estimated the loss of the building and contents at a minimum of $300,000.  Lenius operated his business, Restoration Specialist Inc., from the building.  Two other businesses leased space from him M & M Auto Body, which is owned by John Meyers, and Jim's Service Center, owned by James Wollinger


___ 1998 __________________

07 11       All fire hydrants sandblasted and repainted   WDT


08 13       Larry E. Sterwald, 1938-1998   WDT


09 30        Henry Butts started as captain in the training division of the WFD   WDT


11 25       A railroad engine spilled more than 2,000 gallons of diesel fuel near a wetlands area    WDT


___ 1999 __________________

02 20       STRUCTURAL FIRE AT 211 E. Cady

A building on fire

Description automatically generated with medium confidence     < Link to portfolio


05 15       Largest volume of calls received since first formed, Q1 1999   WDT






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