
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Schwab & Co

Moses B. Schwab, 79 Main Street

Dave W. Schwab



Moses Schwab

Bashford & Co's Block, next to Planter's Hotel

Watertown Democrat, 10 21 1858


just received and on hand at the extensive

Clothing Emporium,

In Bashford & Co's Brick Block, next to Planter's Hotel.


The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of this city and surrounding country,

that he has just received the largest and best selected assortment of Winter Clothing

ever brought to this city—consisting in part of ready-made

Over and Under Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Collars, etc., for men's and boy's wear.


Our Custom Department.


We invite particular attention to our large stock of Fine and Heavy Over-coatings,

Broadcloths, Doeskins, Cassimeres and Plush, Velvets and Silk Vestings.


Having an experienced cutter, who has catered to the tastes of the most fastidious for many years,

we feel confident of suiting all who may favor us with their orders.


Our assortment of Gents Finding Goods is complete,

comprising every article necessary for the winter season.


To those requiring goods in our line, we say come—give us a call—as we are determined all shall be suited.


M. B. SCHWAB   [Moses]     /     Watertown, October 20, 1858



Watertown Democrat, 12 03 1863

(advertisement) B. Schwab has just received a new and splendid stock of fashionable dress goods consisting of ready-made clothing, piece goods and trimmings, furnishing materials, underclothes of all kinds, and hats and caps of every description, size and quality.


The Custom Department is under the charge of William G. Crawford, who has had large experience and possess a skill and taste the never fails to please.


Don’t mistake the place – one door east of the Robinson House and directly opposite the Exchange.



   Cavanaugh, John W, Tailor for D W Schwab & Co.


D. W. Schwab & Co


Watertown Gazette, 06 15 1894


Two men entered the store of D. W. Schwab & Co., on last Monday night, disrobed themselves, and redressed in a new outfit, leaving their old garbs after them.  Messrs. Schwab and Co's loss is about $20.

  More on Schwab & Co   

Watertown Gazette, 07 13 1894


"Dave" Schwab, the old stand-by clothing man of Watertown, was in Juneau Monday.  This was "Dave’s" last business trip to that city, as he is soon to leave for Cincinnati where he intends to locate permanently.  For thirty-seven years the well-known clothing firm of D. Schwab & Co., of Watertown, has been a household word among lovers of fine clothing, and has always been synonymous with good material, good work and good fit.  For thirteen years "Dave" has been the responsible head of the establishment and there is no businessman of our acquaintance outside of our own city, who will be more thoroughly missed than he.  A regular solicitor for the best grades of Gents' Furnishing Goods, his old time patrons as well as his new ones will scarcely feel that perfect confidence in other firms that they have in his.  But successor Mr. Andrew Hertel has been a trusty and trusted employee of the firm for years, and probably understands the tastes and demands of this section nearly as well as Mr. Schwab himself, while the veteran cutter, A. W. Cavanath, will still handle the shears, and in the future, as in the past, will "give the people perfect fit.  He was square in business, a genial good fellow to associate with, could tell a rousing story, and was everybody's friend.  We join with hosts of others in wishing him “God speed” wherever he may be.




Table of Contents 

History of Watertown, Wisconsin
