
     ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Louis E. Kronitz

1873 - 1941


Kronitz Building


206 E Main


A person standing on the sidewalk

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Louis E. Kronitz is the proprietor of the Buena Vista Hotel, a well-kept and modern hostelry, at the corner of Fourth and Jones streets, Watertown, and his able management of its affairs has placed him among the leading business men of the city.


He was born in Portland Township, Jefferson County, February 2, 1873, a son of Frederick and Amelia (Gorder) Kronitz, the former a native of Dodge County and the latter of Germany.  The father of our subject was reared upon a farm and was identified with agricultural interests in Portland and Lebanon townships for many years.  In the latter section he owned one hundred and twenty acres of land, which he improved and developed along systematic and practical lines, making his farm one of the finest in the township.


Father Frederick bought Washington Hotel

Managed by son Henry W.

When he abandoned agricultural pursuits he moved to Watertown and bought the Washington Hotel, which he operated until 1904, when he retired. He makes his home in Watertown. His wife came to America with her parents when she was only a year old and grew to womanhood in Dodge County.  In their family were four children: Albert, who died in infancy; Louis E., of this review; Ida, the widow of Otto H. Novack, of Watertown; and Henry W., proprietor of the Washington Hotel in Watertown. 


Cross Reference:

Fred Kronitz Obit  /  07 09 1915


Fred Kronitz, a prominent citizen of Watertown for many years and a former resident of the town of Lebanon, died at his home in Watertown Tuesday evening, June 29, 1915, at the age of 69 years.


Mr. Kronitz was born in the town of Lebanon, March 29, 1846 and having lived in Dodge and Jefferson counties during his life of more than sixty-nine years, he was one of the oldest citizens of this section in point of residence.  He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kronitz of the town of Lebanon.


On June 23, 1870, Mr. Kronitz took Miss Minnie Gorder as his bride, the wedding taking place at the home of the bride’s parents in town of Waterloo.  For the next year the young people resided in the town of Lebanon and spent four years on the old Gorder homestead in the town of Waterloo.


It was in October, 1875 that Mr. and Mrs. Kronitz moved to Watertown and purchased the Washington House, and Mr. Kronitz conducted a hotel at the present site, corner of Main and North Sixth streets for the next twenty-seven years, retiring thirteen years ago.


The surviving relatives are two sons and one daughter, the widow and one brother.  The sons are Louis Kronitz and Henry W. Kronitz and the daughter is Mrs. Ida Nowack all of Watertown.  The brother is Mr. Carl Kronitz.  Six grandchildren also survive.


Louis E. Kronitz was a small boy when his parents moved to Watertown and consequently his education was begun in the public schools of this city.  When he had completed the high school course he entered the Northwestern College and attended that institution for one year. After laying aside his books he learned the shoemaker's trade but never followed it. He enlisted as a musician in the Seventh Regiment, United States Army, and was stationed with his company at Fort Logan, Colorado, and served for three months. At the end of that time he was discharged for disability.


Returning to Watertown, he went to Clyman and there bought a hotel and saloon, which he conducted for thirteen years, gaining distinct success by his ability. When he sold out his holdings in Clyman he bought the Buena Vista Hotel in Watertown, which he is conducting at the present time.  Long familiarity with the details of hotel management and a distinct business ability have made him successful in the direction of this enterprise.  He is active and progressive and has made good use of his many opportunities with the result that he is ranked among the substantial and important men of Watertown.


On the 8th of April, 1896, Mr. Kronitz married Miss Ida Hose, a daughter of Henry and Maria Hose, natives of Germany and early settlers in Jefferson County.  The father was a soldier in the Civil war and after his discharge farmed in Wisconsin for a number of years, dying in Jefferson County at the age of eighty-two. His wife passed away when she was eighty-four years of age. They had six children, Fred, Henry, Margaret, Ida, Emma, and a child who died in infancy.


Mr. and Mrs. Kronitz became the parents of two children: Gretchen; and Ada, who died when she was five years of age. The family are members of St. Mark's Lutheran church. Mr. Kronitz is a democrat but is not active in political circles. He gives most of his time to the management of his hotel, his only other business interest being his connection with the Citizens & Farmers Bank. He deserves great credit for what he has accomplished during his connection with business interests in Watertown and his work has had its influence upon the growth of commercial activity of the city.


Burials in Oak Hill Cemetery:

Kronitz, Ada, b. May 5, 1903, d. Aug 27, 1907

Kronitz, Emma, b. Dec 3, 1879, d. Mar 5, 1970

Kronitz, Fred, b. Mar 29, 1846, d. Jun 29, 1915

Kronitz, Henry W., b. May 24, 1878, d. Apr 20, 1956

Kronitz, Ida E., b. Sep 16, 1867, d. Mar 17, 1955

Kronitz, Louise E., b. Feb 2, 1873, d. Jun 24, 1941

Kronitz, Minnie, b. Apr 4, 1852, d. Apr 30, 1920

Kronitz/Hose, Father, b. May 15, 1831, d. May 5, 1913

Kronitz/Hose, Mother, b. Oct 28, 1829, d. Jun 4, 1916



1895       Dollar-and-a-haIf Shoe Store     206 Main St

03 27       A. B. Weigly, proprietor of the dollar-and-a-haIf shoe store at 206 Main Street    WR


1906       The Kronitz Building / Launching of “The New Store”     206 Main St

03 07       Watertown is soon to have a new commercial institution that promises to be an important factor in the commercial activities of the city.  Reference is made to the launching of “The New Store” by E. E. Keukanf of Racine, in the Kronitz building, 206 Main Street.  Mr. Keukanf stated to a representative of The Republican yesterday that he would throw the doors of his place of business open to the public on March 24.


“The New Store” will offer a new and attractive line of crockery, chinaware, glassware, tinware, shelf hardware, notions, toys and novelties.  The new concern will deal extensively in 5 and 10 cent goods, in fact will make a specialty of that class of goods.  One of the leaders will be a large assortment of candies, all grades of which will sell at 10 cents per pound.  The proprietor is interested in several other stores in the state.  He impresses one as a very affable gentleman and thorough business man and will undoubtedly make a winner of it in Watertown.