
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Theological Seminary - Wisconsin Synod

Wisconsin University

Northwestern University

Northwestern College


Luther Preparatory School



   Richards’ Estate

      Watertown Cemetery


The site of Northwestern is property that originally was owned by John Richards (Octagon House builder) and that was also the location of Watertown’s first cemetery.



1.       Traveling by St. Mark’s Pastor (and Synod President) Johannes Bading to Germany and Russia to gather funds for establishing of Northwestern College.  The Theological Seminary of the Wisconsin Synod was formally opened in the fall of 1863 in Watertown.  Instruction was initially given by Professor Edward Moldehnke, Ph.D., in the school building of St. Mark's congregation.  On September 14, 1865, the Synod's college, first known as "Wisconsin University" and then as "Northwestern University" opened its doors, and for five years the seminary was operated in conjunction with it.  In 1870, the students of the theological department were transferred to Concordia Seminary at St. Louis, Missouri in accordance with an arrangement made with the Missouri Synod to conduct a seminary jointly



We learn that subscriptions are rapidly being made towards the fund for the erection of the Seminary and College.  There should be no difficulty in raising the required amount, and we trust that it will be done.  If the people of Watertown let this opportunity slip for securing such school advantages as are now offered them, and if her business men and property holders do not take interest enough in the matter to secure the location of institutions here which must prove of such immense advantage to them, pecuniarily as the proposed Seminary and College, the city may as well be fenced in, and her monied men may be regarded as blind to their own interests.  For every dollar they give towards the location and erection of these schools here, they will reap ten in the enhanced value of their property and the increased attractions which the city will present to new comers in our state who are seeking homes in Wisconsin.  There are but two drawbacks to the prosperity of Watertown, and but for these she would today number at least ten thousand inhabitants.  We allude to the bonds issued for railroad purposes and the lack of educational facilities.   WR



A vigorous effort is now being made to organize permanently and establish a Theological College in this city.  No educational enterprise is more important than this.  A liberally endowed and well-organized Seminary of the highest class, such as this is designed to be, will confer on our city a character and reputation that will be beneficial in every respect.  A popular and flourishing Theological Seminary, attended by students from all parts of the northwest, favorably located here, will bring the place prominently before the public and associate its name with the sacred and classic literature of the world.  But aside from these more elevated considerations, in a business point of view, the success of this effort is highly desirable.  It is now easily within the reach of our citizens to secure a prize which will be a credit to their liberality and a benefit to the community . . .    WD



01 14       Hon. E. D. Holton of Milwaukee is now traveling in Russia and was in Moscow on the 13th of last November.  The Sentinel publishes an interesting letter from him and among other curious items is the following:  Strange to relate, I met a clergyman here of the Reformed Lutheran Church, soliciting funds to build a Theological Seminary at Watertown, Wisconsin.  I could but smile and say ‘Well, I’ll give it up!  Wisconsin out here in the heart of Russia, solicits fund to build up her seminaries!’”  If the proposed institution is ever built it will be an interesting inquiry as to ascertain which will have done the most for it – the city of Moscow or Watertown.   WD



The foundations of the buildings of the Watertown Theological Seminary and College [Northwestern] are now being laid.  The main building, now being erected, will be 65 feet long, 55 deep and three stories high, with a basement, the whole surmounted with an astronomical observatory.  The foundations will be stone and the walls brick.  The halls, lecture and tuition rooms are conveniently arranged and will be amply furnished.  Mr. Louis Charbeneau of this city is the architect and the work is being done under his supervision.  The main building will be completed this fall and be immediately put in readiness for the receptions of students.  Two wings are to be added as soon as they may be needed.


This institution, which will be a great advantage and credit to our city, will be under the care and superintendence of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.  That it will be successful and prove a benefit and blessings to thousands who will here find the means and facilities for pursuing studies in all the various departments of learning – theological, classical or scientific – cannot now admit of a doubt.  The services of distinguished and experienced professors will be employed and everything done to render the institution worthy of public confidence and support.   WD


Daniel Kusel Sr. helps establish Northwestern College



Northwestern College was founded in Watertown, Wisconsin, in 1865.  It was later merged with Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN, in 1995 to form the new Martin Luther College, based in New Ulm.


-- --           AUGUST GAMM

In securing and retaining the Northwestern University for Watertown, August Gamm took an active part and he has held various positions of trust for the Lutheran Synod, working in its interest and extensive soliciting tours in the years 1868-69.



This institution, situated at Watertown, Wis. will open for the reception of students on the 2nd Thursday in September, with a full corps of able professors and tutors.  It will embrace two classes of students — one in the preparatory department and grammar school and the other those pursuing a collegiate course.  The College year is divided into three terms, the first of 14 weeks beginning on the said 2nd Thursday in Sept., and the other two varying between 13 and 14 weeks, as may be found most convenient.  The tuition in the preparatory department is 10 dollars per term and in the collegiate course 12 dollars per term.  Board room, light and fuel in the institution, including tuition, $50 per term, music and fine arts extra.  Special advantages are afforded in the study of the German language; recitations will be heard and instruction given altogether in English and German.  The institution is under the auspices of the Evang. Lutheran Church intended to be religious in the tone of its discipline, mild yet firm, strict but not severe, not sectarian in its requirements, teaching or influence.  It is designed by the founders and directors of this institution to combine in its systems of education German depth and thoroughness with American practicability.  And they think that they have reason to hope that very soon this institution will acquire a fame equal to that of any college in our country and afford advantages inferior to none.


The buildings are pleasant and commodious, situated in a most healthful location and on an elevation affording a very fine prospect.


The opening day of the College — Sept. 14th, 1865 — will be occupied with a celebration suitable to the occasion and addresses will be delivered by different speakers in both English and German at 9 o’clock a.m. Exercises will begin at 11 o’clock a.m.


For further particulars address Rev. E. Moldehuke, Watertown, Wis.    WD



This Scientific Institution, but recently formed and situated in Watertown, will be opened on the second Thursday of September next, with a sufficient number of professors and teachers, and is hereby recommended to parents as an easy and sure opportunity to give to their children a thorough scientific education.


The aim which the Board of Trustees of this Institution have in view is to qualify the pupils which are entrusted to them for any higher position in life through the most complete and thorough instruction.  It is for their interest to conduct and manage the institution so that as regards thoroughness of instruction, etc., it can be ranked with the best institutions of this country.


It depends wholly upon the support of the inhabitants of this state to soon reach this aim which is solely for the interests of the people.  Special care shall be given to the German language, aside from the leading studies in the English language.


In branches where it is possible, both the English and German language will be used; in short, the tendency of the institution will be to combine German thoroughness with English practicability.


The institution is designed and suited for all who wish to enjoy a higher education than the common high schools and academies afford, and shall at first consist of two classes until the number of scholars and their progress render it possible to arrange a four year course in four classes.  This guarantee to parents for the moral growth of their children is offered, that the Institution shall be conducted wholly in a Christian spirit, and shall offer as much as possible, especially to pupils from abroad, the advantages of a well regulated family life.


Although it is under the jurisdiction of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Wisconsin, there is no endeavor of persuasion to this or that confession; but simply to offer the above named advantages of education in a truly Christian manner.


The tuition for the lower class, is $10.00, for the upper $12.00 per term.  Instruction in music and drawing will be charged extra.  Board, room and fuel in the building of the institution, exclusive tuition, will be $50.00 per term.  Payment in advance will be required in all cases.


Scholars should report themselves at least one week before the commencement, in order to enable a suitable division into classes.  It is desired that all scholars enter at the commencement of the term.  Such scholars as enter after the commencement but before the middle of the term, the whole tuition will be charged; those entering after the middle of the term pay half the tuition of a full term. 


At first only male scholars are admitted.  In the future arrangements will be made for female classes.  The building of the institution is beautifully and agreeably situated, and arranged suitably for all requirements.  A beautiful view is afforded from the cupola of the four story building.   WD



The dedication ceremonies preparatory to the opening of the College and Seminary of the Lutheran Synod of Wisconsin took place at the college buildings in this city last Thursday forenoon, commencing at 9 o’clock.


The exercises began with prayer and singing, followed by an opening address by Rev. J. Bading, at the close of which Luther’s hymn was chanted.  Prof. E. Maldehuke then delivered an address in German, choosing for his subject “The influence of religion in history.”  After singing another hymn in German, Prof. A. Martin delivered an address in English, his subject being “The College and the Man, the 4th College and the State, the College and the Church.” The exercises were concluded with singing, prayer and benediction.


Of Prof. Maldehuke’s address we can only say that he spoke with earnestness and fervor, and was listened to with great attention by those familiar with his language.


Prof. Martin's address was an able and finished production, admirably written, eloquent and practical in its bearings.  It was much above the ordinary merits of addresses on such occasions.  He treated each branch of his comprehensive theme quite fully, and showed the influence of education on the individual, the State and the Church, and it is only just to say that his effort was brilliant and successful.  He is a remarkably pleasant and impressive speaker, and displays fine oratorical talents.


The event we have recorded forms a new era in the educational history of this community.  An institution of learning — a school for the education of youth – has been started here which may, in the future, become the most distinguishing feature of our city.  In almost any other place, an occasion of such importance and interest would have called together the whole community.  All would have felt a pride and pleasure in being anxious and gratified spectators of the scene. 


How many Americans were present to exhibit their interest in the prosperity of the College that is just commencing its career in their midst and where their children can receive the benefits of a thorough and practical education? 


We write it with feelings of mortification — just exactly four—two gentlemen, one lady, and a boy.  In reality, this was all the audience Prof. Martin had to hear and appreciate the most instructive and admirable address ever made before any assemblage in this city, and on an occasion that should have been publicly celebrated as peculiarly fortunate and memorable, for the rest of those there [the Germans] speak and write in another tongue. 


However, we do not know but this neglect or indifference is in harmony with other things, and it might not be in good taste to have any exceptions or irregularities.  As the means of establishing this college here were chiefly obtained elsewhere, perhaps it should be left to others to feel the liviest concern in its welfare, which has been the case thus far.


The chapel in which the exercises took place was well filled with an attentive and intelligent audience of Germans residing here and from the country.   WD



From the announcement in this paper it will be seen the Wisconsin University and Grammar School in this city will commence.  All preliminary departments of this college have been arranged and the faculty well chosen and well qualified for the discharge of their respective duties as teachers.  This University should receive all the patronage and favor our citizens can bestow upon it.  The opening of such an institution of learning as this is designed to be is an important and auspicious event to our city.  If successfully managed, as we have no doubt it will be, this college will soon take its place among the best in the country and be an honor to the place where it has been founded.  Our citizens, who have sons and daughters to educate, can now secure for them the advantages of the most liberal and extensive course of study, without the expense of sending them abroad; and we trust all will avail themselves of this precious and valuable privilege.   WD



[same date] The second term of this institution, situated at Watertown, Wisconsin, will open on the first Thursday in January, 1866.  The University offers opportunities for a thorough and complete course of collegiate education equal to any in the land.  The course, like that of all colleges, is divided into four classes.


The Grammar School of Academic Department extends its privileges equally to ladies and gentlemen.


The Academic Course is regularly three years, designed to prepare the student for any business station, or entering any college in the country . . .


The buildings of the institution are situated in a most desirable location and afford decidedly elegant accommodations.


Students boarding in the institution are expected to furnish their own beds, bedding, towels, etc.  Washing charged extra.  Lessons in drawing and music also charged extra.  The year is divided into three terms.


A chief feature of the institution is the rare advantage afforded for the acquirement of a knowledge of the German language.  While it is the design and shall be the effort of the trustees and faculty that the facilities for the education of English scholars shall be second to none of our best colleges, the German department shall be of an equally high standard.  In short, they hope to make it as good an English college as if there were not a word of German spoken in it, and as good a German institution as if there were no English connected with it – and to combine German depth and thoroughness with American practicability in its entire system of mental training.


For particulars inquire of


Rev. A. Martin, A.M., President

Prof. E. Holdehnke, PhD.


1866-67 Watertown City Directory


1866 - 1870

Adolf Hoenecke (1835-1908) received his theological training at the University of Halle in Germany.  He served as pastor of Wisconsin Synod congregations in Farmington, Watertown, and Milwaukee.  His learning and confessionalism made him the natural choice to head the Wisconsin Synod seminary, first from 1866 to 1870 in Watertown, and then again from 1878 to 1908, first in Milwaukee and then in Wauwatosa.



08 14       John Kaltenbrumm, a teacher at Northwestern, appointed Principal of Union School No. 2   WD





The man in the buggy is unknown but may very well be Prof. Martin, the first head of the college.  This building was struck by lightning in 1894 and burned to the ground.  Gymnasium was destroyed in a mock battle by the college’s ROTC in the 1960s (?).
















                   Weltburger, 07 26 1890, drawing





01 22       J. DIEDZEL

J. Diedzel, of Marinette, in the ’60's a student in the Northwestern University of this city, has invented a railroad spike for the patent of which he has been offered $30,000.  The spike is made in such a way that it fastens perfectly firm and can be easily extracted from the tie.     WR



The graduating class of Northwestern University has issued invitations to the commencement exercises which will be held at Turner Opera house, Tuesday next, June 17, at 10 o’clock A.M.  The graduates are:  Paul Beck, Julius Gamm, J. Fred. Graeber, Martin Hillemann, O. J. R. Hoenecke, Arthur Hoermann, Edward Lembcke, T. S. Mayerhoff, John Plocher, F. L. E. Schumann, C. J. H. Schwartz, C. H. Sieker, Fred. Will, A. F. W. Zich.


06 18       LUTHERAN WEEK

This is Lutheran week here.  Representatives of the laity and ministers of this body of religionists are in Watertown in large numbers, every portion of the state sending its quota to swell the ranks of the followers of Martin Luther, the great apostle of the Reformation in Germany.  The celebration opened yesterday morning, at Turner Opera House with the commencement exercises of the Northwestern university.  The auditorium was filled to overflowing with a fine assemblage, in which the fair sex more than divided the honors in point of numbers with the sterner sex.  On the stage were seated President Ernst and the faculty of the Northwestern, with Rev. P. von Rohr, of Winona, Minn., and other prominent figures in the Lutheran church of the West.    WR



RICHARD HARDEGE, Professor of Music



07 04       Democratic candidate for governor, talk regarding President A. F. Ernst   WG


07 30       MAIN BUILDING FIRE (the Kaffeemuehle)

At 10:30 in the evening lightning struck the flagstaff on the belfry of the Main building of the Northwestern University and within a short time the entire building was in flames.


Then came the disaster of 1894.  During a thunder storm a bolt of lightning sought the flagpole on the cupola of the old college building as an object of its fury; the fire left nothing but the naked walls, rent and blackened.  It was a sore trial, and if the men that saw so much of their work laid low by this turn of fate would have shown their dejection no one could have blamed them.  But, as is often the case, the hour of need calls up resources that are unsuspected in the placid times of unbroken serenity.  One short year passed and the synod had replaced the building with a modern structure erected at a cost of $18,000.  The new recitation hall in almost every way is superior to the old one if one considers the uses to which it is put, though the older students will not have it that any building can be quite as fine and splendid as the one which typified their alma mater.  The new hall contains nine class rooms, the faculty room, the chemical and physical laboratories, the assembly hall and chapel on the third floor, and the library room, which has ceased to be adequate to the increasing demands of the expanding library.

Soli Deo Gloria, 1865-1915.  By Arthur Hoermann and Hans Koller Moussa.  Northwestern Publishing House, Milwaukee, p 61.



The Main Building of the University Group Struck by Lightning. 

Shortly after 10 o clock Monday night, during the storm which had set in just previously, the terrific electric bolt which was so generally noticed for its severity struck the flag-staff on the belfry of the main building of the Northwestern University, and in hardly less time than it takes to tell it the belfry and the entire roof were completely enveloped in a sheet of flames.


The fire department bustled to the scene of action as soon as possible, but was unable to render effective assistance in subduing the flames until an hour later, owing to the distance of the steamers from the burning building which was fully a half mile, at the cistern on the corner of Main Street and College Avenue.  This made it difficult for the engines to force water through the hose with sufficient strength to be of any aid.  Finally a good stream was secured by placing one of the streamers half way between the cistern and the building and forcing the water from that point when it was received from the other engine.


The firemen worked all night and until noon yesterday over the ruins.   After the fire had gained a good foot hold on the roof it spread rapidly to the inside of the building and completely gutted it.  Nothing but the massive brick walls are left, and these may possibly have to be torn down for safety.  The rainfall in progress at the time no doubt prevented the fire from touching the adjoining buildings and making it even more destructive than it was.   Some good work was done in saving the contents of the building.  A portion of the furniture and a considerable part of the valuable library were removed by willing hands.


Some insurance was carried, but how much cannot be exactly ascertained as yet. The board of trustees had charge of this and it was carried in Milwaukee agencies.  It is thought it does not amount to over $5,000 or $8,000, which is very small in comparison to the whole loss.  This is conservatively estimated to be at least $25,000 above the insurance.  Nothing can be said at this writing of the plans of the board of trustees, of which Rev. Mr. Bading, of Milwaukee, is president, as to replacing the building.



Duke & Schroeder, of Milwaukee, secured the contract for the new building of the Northwestern University, their bid being $11,800, about $3000 lower than any of their competitors, there being over 20 in all.  O. C. Uehling, of Milwaukee, is the architect.  WG


10 17       BASEBALL:  Sacred Heart vs. Northwestern

Last Wednesday afternoon the Sacred Heart College team defeated the Northwestern University boys at the city ball park by a score of 20 to 8.  The battery was Connors and Murphy for the former, and Kronitz, Weimar Frederick and Redlin for the latter.   Connors struck out ten men, and the three N.W.U. pitchers twelve.   WR


10 24       Cornerstone ceremony for new addition to building    WR



Rev. O. H. Koch (of Columbus) collected the handsome sum of $600 from the members of his congregation to aid in the reconstruction of the Northwestern University building at Watertown, recently destroyed by fire.  WR


11 28       FOOTBALL:  Sacred Heart vs. Northwestern

The first matched game of football between the Northwestern University and Sacred Heart College eleven was played yesterday afternoon on the former's campus.  Although the weather was extremely cold and a strong northwest wind prevailed, the teams put up a fairly good game and showed numerous strong points in the individual work of the players.  As the elevens came on the field it was seen that the Sacred Hearts averaged heavier by several pounds than their opponents . . . The features of the game were the sprinting of Farrell and Quinlen, the tackling of Stuehm, and the work of Krafft and Brand back of the line, although the latter was open to criticism for not better guarding his goal.  The time of each half of the game was cut from the customary thirty-five minutes to twenty minutes.  The Northwesterners play the Milwaukee Athletic Society eleven tomorrow at Milwaukee.   WR


11 30       An account of the football game between Northwestern and Sacred Heart.  Interesting statements like "it proves that rugby is a manly sport and when played by gentlemen is not so utterly bad after all."


12 05       On account of objections by the faculty of the university, the Northwester football eleven were obliged to cancel their game in Milwaukee for last Thursday.   WR




The teams for Northwestern University and the St. John Military Academy of Delafield played ball on the university campus in this city last Saturday afternoon, the latter winning by a score of 15 to 6.  The weather was unfavorable to good playing, being cold with a high wind prevailing, and in consequence the game was not as good as it might have been.  However, the lively hitting indulged in by both tearns and the brilliant fielding of Sweeney and Riddel, of the St. John’s, rendered the contest quite interesting.  The academy boys won the game on their merits, playing better ball all around than the opponents.  They have one of the most capable collegiate teams in the state and have not yet been defeated this season.  The home team would no doubt have held the score down considerably had it not been for the poor work of the short-stop, who refused most of the chances given him.


05 29       NEW BELL IN BELFRY

The 300-pound bell which occupies the belfry in the new Northwestern University building was dedicated last Wednesday afternoon, President A. F. Ernst, Prof. Notz and Rev. J. H. Brockmann leading in the ceremonies.  In the evening the festivities terminated with a banquet for the students in the university dining hall.  The bell was donated by the ladies’ society of St. Mark's church.  It is expected that the university will soon enjoy a complete electric bell system, the same to be a gift from Prof. Weimar, of the faculty.   WR



A conference of clergymen from neighboring churches belonging to the Wisconsin Lutheran synod began today at the Northwestern University and will continue through tomorrow.  Some thirty divines are in attendance.  Rev. J. H. Brockmann, of St. Mark's Church, is president of the conference, while Profs. Ernst and Notz, of the university, officiate as referees.  Interesting topics are on the program for discussion and the meeting will no doubt prove of much value to the participants.  WR



At the special meeting of the common council Saturday evening a resolution was adopted directing the board of public works to have a survey taken of the eastern end of Western Avenue, from College Avenue to Concord Avenue, and to serve notices on lot owners thereafter to place their fences on the correct street lines.  A new wire fence recently erected by the Northwestern University, it is thought by some, encroaches on the street.   WR



Football has been prohibited as a pastime at the Northwestern University by the faculty, at least, so far as games with outside teams is concerned.  The management of the club was in hopes of securing permission for a Thanksgiving Day game, if nothing more, but this even was refused.  The objection of the faculty arises over the roughness which sometimes characterizes the sport and the consequent injury of the players.  The banishment of football from the university field causes considerable disappointment among the student-body, as well as among the devotees of the game in the city.   WR


11 27       NEW FLAG POLE

A new flag pole, ninety feet in height, is to be raised at the Northwestern University, standing midway between the two main buildings. It will be furnished by a Michigan firm.   WR






IS NOW A LAW - The local measure providing for the vacating of the cemetery near the Northwestern University is now a law, having passed both branches of the legislature and receiving the governor’s approval.


Following is a copy of the law:




An act to vacate a cemetery in the First ward of the city of Watertown, Wisconsin.


The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:


Section 1 - The cemetery consisting of about two acres of land near the east end of and on the north side of Western Avenue in the First ward of the city of Watertown, having been for many years past and now being in a ruinous and abandoned condition, no persons or association having any charge or care thereof for the past twenty years, all the remains having been removed therefrom but a very few, and being in the neighborhood of private residences, and said city having prohibited interments therein as being against the public health, the same is hereby vacated and said city is authorized to take charge of the grounds therein, and after six months from the passage of this act to remove all the remains to suitable lots in Oak Hill cemetery, situated in the northeast quarter of section three in township eight north, of range fifteen east, in the city of Watertown, in Jefferson county, state of Wisconsin.


Section 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.


Approved March 17, 1897. No. 510 A.  Published March 18,1897.


To what use this property will now be put is a matter of interest.  The site is an ideal one for a park, especially as it lies adjacent to the water tower.  We understand that when the new council is seated the aldermen of the First ward will make a proposition to convert the property into a city park.       The Watertown News 24 Mar 1897



By an act passed at the biennial session of the legislature of 1897, the old cemetery on Richard’s hill [Northwestern College grounds on Western Ave] is vacated and the grounds revert to the city on condition that all the remains interred there be removed to Oak Hill cemetery after six months from the passage of the act.  I commend a furtherance of the provision and hope the grounds will be converted into a beautiful park in the near future, surrounded so bountifully by romantic scenery nature provided.  - Mayor Racek        The Watertown News, 21 Apr 1897




The announcement that the Northwestern University cadets would engage in a sham battle on the university campus Friday afternoon last attracted a large number of spectators to witness the war-like proceedings.  Two companies of regularly uniformed and equipped cadets, inspired by music of the military band, were pitted against one company of misfit soldiers rigged out in a sort of guerilla style.  The former of course were the United States forces, while the latter was supposed to represent the Spaniards.  From the start there was no doubt as to who would be the victors, and after a liberal exchange of volleys of blank cartridges the Spanish contingent was forced to retire, much to the delight and satisfaction of the lookers.  The "battle" seemed to be of considerable interest and the cadets showed very creditable proficiency in the manual of arms and general military maneuvers.   WR







05 30       College Band, Military Company and faculty at dedication of the soldiers' monument, Veteran’s Park.  WG



The Northwestern University football team opened the season on its home ground Saturday afternoon by giving the Lake Mills high school eleven a severe drubbing, the score being 50 to 0.  The teams average about the same in weight, but Northwestern was far more experienced.  Guse, the star halfback, covered himself with glory by running the entire length of the field twice for touchdowns.  Pieper also did wonderful work.



06 19       CLASS OF 1900

The class of 1900 was graduated from the Northwestern University this morning, the exercises taking place in the chapel.  There was one graduate in the academic course, George Yahr, of Princeton — while in the classical course nineteen finished . . . the Latin, English and German orations were delivered, respectively by Mr. Sprengling, Mr. Hauschild and Mr. Ernst . . . This afternoon the students of the university are holding a field meet, and a sham battle between two sections of the military company is also on the program.   WR




      William Bethke pictured (assumed)




In all that is said at university commencements this year nothing will merit more serious attention than the references to coeducation which occurs in the annual report read by Dr. Bonbright at Northwestern. . . .  In ten years, for example, the girls’ attendance at Northwestern has increased from 36 per cent to nearly 50 per cent, and this year there are more young women than young men in the graduating class.  The general tendency has been increased by the policy of encouraging gifts for dormitories for the young women in preference to the young men, and Dr. Bonbright suggests that the girls’ enrollment should be limited by the capacity of the dormitories.   WG






The game of football between the Northwestern University team and the Marquette college team, of Milwaukee, which took place on the grounds of the latter in this city last week Thursday afternoon terminated in a tie — score 0 to 0.   WG



On Monday last Northwestern University and Wayland Academy closed contracts for a game of football to be played at Watertown on Saturday next, October 26th.  Wayland academy is represented by a strong eleven and a good game may be looked for.  Last year the game ended in the score 18 to 12 in favor of Northwestern.  The fact that coach Schwendener, of Chicago, has been up at Northwestern for a few weeks is making itself felt in the playing of the eleven.  He laid a fine foundation and as the men are willing, and the captain competent, the edges are being worn away and the eleven rounding into a speedy team.  All who wish to see a speedy and scientific game of football will not be disappointed if they take a walk up to the Northwestern University campus next Saturday.   WG



     from Picturesque Watertown booklet


     College Champions






MARTIN EICKMANN / The need for a good Inspector


With his arrival student life improved drastically.  It did not take long for Inspector Eickmann, along with President Ernst, to prod the synod into doing something about the inadequate housing for the students.  Colds, sore throat, and other sicknesses in the dorms the last few years gave a strong case to their argument (Kowalke, 141).  On May 30, 1905, Northwestern dedicated a $51,000 dormitory.  This building would house Northwestern students for 60 years.


Professor Eickmann served the Northwestern flock for 10 more years after the new dormitory was built.  During those years he dealt with the smallpox plague of 1906 and 1907.  During those years he spoke up on behalf of the students, bringing football back to NWC and enthusiastically supporting the move among Milwaukee alumni to provide for a gymnasium for the college.


During all 12 years of his ministry at Northwestern, Professor Eickmann was like a father to the students--in every sense of the word.  He conscientiously did all the duties of dorm supervision.  He made the rounds at 6:00 AM every morning.  He took care of the sick.  He conducted chapel every evening and was the monitor on all three floors during the study periods.  His night ended when the last person was safely and quietly in bed.  In addition to this he taught classes.  His description in the 50 year anniversary booklet in 1915: "Prof. Eickmann, (Inspector; Latin, Religion, German, with Fourth-Year Prep = 12 periods)"(Hoermann, 69).


Every indication is that the students respected and loved their inspector.  Serious infractions were as limited as they can be among several hundred students.  These years saw also the completion and dedication of the new gymnasium in 1912.  The campus had seen many changes since the turn of the century.  As World War I was starting in Europe, those on the Northwestern Campus in Watertown were thinking ahead to the following year when they would be celebrating 50 years of God’s blessing on that campus.


See 1915 section for death of Prof. Martin Eickmann



Teacher of piano and harmony  




Members of the Wisconsin synod met at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in this city, about 225 ministers and laymen being present.  The matter up for consideration at the meeting was the erection of a $50,000 addition to Northwestern University.  The matter of looking after the construction of the building was left in the hands of fifteen members, composing the board of trustees, three of whom reside in Watertown, being, Rev. Julius Klingmann, Fred. W. Gamm and John Schlueter.  Plans are now being drawn, and it is expected that the contract will be let and work on the building begun early next spring.


Daniel Kusel, Sr. instrumental in founding of Northwestern


1905, 05 07


Northwestern University is planning to celebrate the laying of the cornerstone of the new dormitory on Sunday, May 14.  The event will be an important one in the history of the institution and is looked forward to with much interest.


The fifth annual concert of the N. W. U. band and orchestra will be held at Turner Opera House on Friday evening, May 12. The popularity of these concerts in the past years leaves no doubt but that the event will again this season be a success in every particular. Besides the instrumental selections by the band and orchestra, solos will be considered, also songs by the N. W. U. Glee Club. Tickets are 35 and 25 cents and reserve seats are on sale at G. Gamm’s drug store.


1905, 05 12


The faculty of Northwestern University takes this opportunity of extending to the people of Watertown and vicinity an invitation to participate in the ceremony of the cornerstone laying of the new dormitory Sunday, May 28.  Mayor Wertheimer and the city council will be present as well as visiting clergy and alumni.  The ceremony will begin at 2 o'clock.  The erection of the $50,000 building at the University indicates the growing popularity of this institution and our citizens should show by their presence on the above occasion that the untiring efforts of the faculty and others in charge who have made possible this work are appreciated.


1905, 05 18


Owing to delay in work, the ceremony of laying the cornerstone for the dormitory at Northwestern University has been postponed until Tuesday afternoon, May 30, Memorial Day. Arrangements are being perfected to make the occasion a memorable one. At least one, possibly two excursion trains will be used to bring the hundreds of Milwaukee visitors here.  A choir of several hundred voices from Milwaukee is also expected to take part.


1905, 05 23


The cornerstone laying of the new N.W.U. dormitory will take place next Tuesday afternoon.  This important event in the history of the University will be marked by interesting and impressive ceremonies.  The committee on arrangements reports that thousands of visitors will come to Watertown on this occasion. Excursion trains will arrive during the forenoon from Milwaukee and from points on the Northwestern road.  The visitors will be escorted from the depots to the University by the college band, military company, and reception committee.  The ceremonies will begin at 2 o'clock. Prof. A. F. Ernst, president of N.W.U., will deliver an address of welcome while the main address will be made by Rev. Christian Dowidat of Oshkosh.  The cornerstone will be laid by Rev. Ph. von Rohr, president of the Wisconsin synod. Musical selections will be rendered by the N. W. U. Band, a mass choir of 200 voices from Milwaukee and St. Mark's mixed choir.


1905, 06 03


The ceremony of the laying of the cornerstone of the new N.W.U. dormitory Tuesday afternoon was witnessed by an immense crowd of visitors and home people. It was an ideal day for this important event and nearly 2500 people were present. A special train of twelve coaches brought many of the visitors from Milwaukee, but other neighboring cities were also represented by good-sized delegations. The visitors arrived at about 11 a.m. and were escorted to the N.W.U. by the college band and the reception committee


A collection for the building fund amounted to several hundred dollars. In this connection it might also be stated that the institution has been exceedingly fortunate in securing liberal subscriptions from people all over the state, and the committee in charge anticipates no difficulty in securing all the funds needed to pay the new dormitory, which will cost completed $50,000.


1905, 08 09


The fall Semester of the Northwestern University will begin September 6. The indications are that the student body will be very large the coming year, much more than heretofore, as there will be greater accommodations for the students. The work on the new dormitory is nearing completion, the masons are engaged in plastering the same, which is no small job, as it is a very large building and when occupied, will be a credit, not only to the University, but the city as well, and a monument in brick testifying to the energy and industry of the president and his assistants.


1905, 08 30


It is expected that the registration at the Northwestern University for the First semester beginning September 6, will be much larger than last year and may possibly reach three hundred.  The rooms in the third story of the new dormitory at the Northwestern University have been plastered and the masons are now at work on the walls of the rooms in the second story. The way the work is progressing the masons will be through by September 5th. It is expected that the building will be occupied at a much earlier date than was anticipated in the early summer.   WR


1905, 09 02


It is expected that the registration at the Northwestern University for the First semester beginning September 6, will be much larger than last year and may possibly reach three hundred. The rooms in the third story of the new dormitory at the Northwestern University have been plastered and the masons are now at work on the walls of the rooms in the second story. The way the work is progressing the masons will be through by September 5th. It is expected that the building will be occupied at a much earlier date than was anticipated in the early summer.


1905, 09 06


The faculty, and the hundreds of N. W. U. students who arrived for the opening of the new school year, were greatly shocked Monday evening by the unexpected and sudden death of one of the younger students, Fred Braamstadt, whose home is at north La Crosse. It appears that the young man had been confined to a hospital for some weeks; he was convalescent, however, and returned home, full of hopes and plans for his studies at the University. He had been advised not to resume his studies at once, but finally obtained permission to be here with his fellow students on the opening day. He arrived on the 5:20. The journey to Watertown proved much however, for the unfortunate - he was only seventeen - and at 10:30 p.m., five hours after his arrival, he succumbed to heart failure. The deceased was popular and esteemed by is fellow students, and his death has cast a gloom over all.


1905, 09 21


The enrollment of the Northwestern University beginning of the present semester was the largest in the history of the institution. Nearly 300 students are enrolled and in attendance and the prospects for the University were never brighter than at the present time, which is certainly gratifying to those who have worked hard to build up the school and make it a successful educational center. The costs to the students in the Northwestern is so moderate and the advantages so great, there should be and undoubtedly will be, in time, twice as many students in attendance, for the expenses of the entire four year course will hardly exceed the cost of one year in many of the other institutions of learning in the state and the instruction imparted is not more solid and important than in the Northwestern, except in special lines.


The faculty is composed of able men who are enthusiastically devoted to their work and the students come under their personal supervision, which tends to give them moral stamina and nobleness of character and prepare them for the higher and better ideals of life.


1905, 10 17


Great was the joy of the friends, students and professors of the Northwestern University on Sunday, the 15th inst., for on that day they were permitted to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the old dormitory and at the same time the dedication of the new dormitory which replaces the old one destroyed by fire.


Early in the morning a goodly number of visitors arrived from the neighboring villages and cities and the surrounding country. They spent the morning hours in going through the several buildings used for educational purposes. For the accommodations of the visitors dinner, was served in the spacious dining hall.  There are now 250 students in the school, and for some those accommodations have been much too small. In 1894 lightning struck the building, which burned down and was supplanted by a modern structure. This temporarily may relieve the pressing need for more room. In 1904 this synod decided to erect the building which was dedicated Sunday.


1905, 11 02


There was a unique and attractive advertising device Friday evening and Saturday in one of the front windows of Gamm's drug store, representing a fire, and was very realistic, over which there was a frying pan in which there were several little figures representing football players being roasted to a turn, who were supposed to portray members of the Marquette College team who played the N. W. U. Team in this Saturday afternoon, the game resulting in a victory for the home team by a score of 18 to a goose egg.


1905, 11 10


In spite of a snow-covered field the Northwestern University appeared on the checkerboard today and yesterday, running through hard practice for the Lawrence game which will be played at Appleton Saturday for the state college championship. All men are in good condition with the exception of Kumm and Pankow, but who will most likely be in trim by Saturday. A scrimmage took place between the first and second team today and Capt. Wendland paid special attention to speed and pulling the man along carrying the ball.


1905, 11 16


On Saturday, Nov. 11, the N. W. U. football team met an overwhelming defeat at the hands of the Lawrence team at Appleton. After the first few minutes of play Lawrence had everything its own way and their goal was never in danger. Several inexcusable fumbles on the part of Northwestern helped to bring up the score. Lawrence is surely the best small College teams we have ever met, their interference being well nigh perfect. We have no excuses whatever to offer, we were simply beaten because we met our superiors


1906, 01 24


Dr. Wenth takes the place in the faculty at Northwestern University made vacant by the passing away of the late Prof. Otto D. Hoyer. The Doctor is a native of Germany where he was educated having attended the gymnasium. After completing his studies there, he served one year in the German navy. Then he came to this country and studied English in an American college, afterward attending the Lutheran Seminary at St. Louis for three years and was then sent as a missionary to Canada where he labored for some time and then returned to Germany and was honored with the degree of Ph. D. at the University at Rostock. He then returned to this country and became pastor of the Lutheran congregation at Halfway where he remained until called to take the professorship at the University.


1906, 05 30


Under direction of Dr. Ott, F. H. Ullerich acted as chef at the big picnic dinner at the Northwestern University Wednesday. He understands the business, never missed a cog, the multitude was fed and yet there was plenty left. They don't do things in a small way up at the university and the people of this city are beginning to appreciate the institution for only words of praise are heard, relative to the faculty and students.


1906, 07 11


The fire department was called out shortly before 6 o'clock last evening having been summoned to the Northwestern University grounds.  In some unknown manner a fire started burning a small barn and chicken coop.  It was a stubborn fight on the part of the fire laddies for the reason that there was very weak water pressure.  Considerable criticism of the water works system was heard.  Superintendent Fix offered a plausible excuse in the fact that hundreds of lawns were being sprinkled about that time of the day, which has a great tendency to lessen the pressure, which it is said at the time yesterday, would hardly permit throwing a stream up to a second story window.


To some of the members of the fire department and interested citizens outside the companies, it was another excellent illustration of the fact that the fire engines should not be sold, as is being advocated by some.  The hold that the engines should be kept in possession of the city and in good repair in case of calls to the outlying districts, where the service of the engines are necessary, owing to the defective pressure or the absence of water mains.  Such a position is well taken and that both engines are absolutely necessary to give all necessary fire protection.


1906, 08 31


Tod`ay marks the opening of another school year at Northwestern, it being the forty-sixth year of the institution. Entrance examinations for new students were held yesterday morning at 8 o’clock. The old dormitory has been repaired, so that it may now be compared with the new dormitory and give the students better accommodations. The entire old part has been replastered with adamant and hard finish and all the wood work repainted and more window light has also been added, so as to make it more pleasant and sanitary. All the old boys are well pleased with the repairs made and hope that the old Northwestern University will enjoy another successful school year, as it has enjoyed the many in the past.     Watertown Weekly Leader, 08 31, 1906



Northwestern University is again alive and students have taken hold of their books after two weeks of vacation.  Recitations commenced Thursday morning at the usual time 8:30 o'clock with appropriate ceremonies . . . Nearly all students had returned punctually being present for the chapel exercises.  While the boys were gone the recitation building and the dormitory received a general cleaning and minor things were repaired.  The halls and stairways were oiled in the recitation hall.  The students' reading room, which has so far been in one of the lower rooms of the main, building was taken over to the dormitory, where a special room had been made for it when the building was erected, but which had not been finished and arranged for its purpose until during this Christmas vacation.  This room is also fitted with many reference books for studies . . . therefore serves at the same time for a reference room.  The former reading room has been turned into an assembly room for the city boys, where they may leave their books etc., and study during free periods.  Quite an innovation is the table in Mr. Boll's class room for the business department.  It's so arranged that academy students can perform actual business now.   01 08


1.       Yesterday was a day of joy for the Northwestern University, that the quarantine was raised after two weeks of almost isolation.  It is true, students were permitted to walk about on the college grounds, but in the course of time that became rather monotonous, and as the hour and minutes when they again would be declared at liberty could hardly be waited for.  After doing a hard day's work studying and then not take a little outdoor exercise will probably not be noticed very much for one day but to be cut off the world for two whole weeks, work hard mentally and take no more exercise than a walk around the Northwestern university campus would soon be enough for any young man.   02 06



-- --         Class of, Otto Emil Plath, father of Sylvia Plath

01 25       SMALL POX

Every possible effort is being made by the health authorities of the city to curb the small pox at the Northwestern University and confine it to the individual case, also to prevent its spread in the city.  As The Leader announced yesterday, the university was quarantined yesterday morning and the students are not permitted to leave the buildings.  Health Commissioner C. R. Feld is taking every precaution to prevent an epidemic and yesterday was in consultation with Dr. Harper of Madison, secretary of the state board of health.  The health department of the city has ordered a vaccination of all the students at the school and yesterday afternoon about thirty of them were vaccinated, while in the evening doctors were at the university completing the task.  Some of the students were opposed to the order and voiced their objections at a mass meeting of students yesterday afternoon, which lasted about an hour.  It seems, however, that most of the students have yielded and are “taking their medicine.”  There were but two periods (two hours) of recitations yesterday morning, the same having been abandoned the balance of the day.



03 20       The reference room in the new dormitory of Northwestern University has recently been equipped with a fine oak book shelf.  During a recent visit to the Varsity; Rev. Machmueller noticed the dilapidated condition of the shelves and immediately acquainted the Ladies' Aid Society of his congregation with the facts on returning home.  In a comparatively short time Alexander Sitz, president of the Senior class, received a check for thirty-five dollars from the treasurer of the society with the aid of which the improvement was made possible.  The reference room now presents a neat and inviting appearance.  However, there is still room for other societies to give proof of their interest in Northwestern as the many rows of empty shelves will testify.  Dr. Ott for his part has contributed his share in placing all works of reference that could be spared in the library at the disposal of the boys.


03 27       Repairing the tennis courts

With the return of spring active work has again been begun in repairing the tennis courts of Northwestern.  While tennis has been played at the 'varsity for many years it was not until last season that definite arrangements for the accommodation of every player of the club were made.  A schedule of games for the entire season has been drawn up, the playing of which induced the keenest rivalry, and some remarkably skillful players were developed in consequence. . . . At the close of the season . . . officers were elected for the present year. . . . In these men the club has a corps of officers well able to prove themselves worthy of the confidence placed in them.  Its president is determined to make tennis more than a mere secondary branch of athletics at Northwestern. . . . To accommodate the increased membership, which will probably number twenty-five or more, sod will be skinned for a fourth court.  The old ones will be slightly elevated.   WL


04 10       Senior class not obliged to complete the entire year

Recitations at the seminary came to a close on April 9 and will be continued on April 22.  Owing to the fact that a number of congregations have been without pastors for many months, the senior class at the seminary, instead of being obliged to complete the entire year's work, will be graduated at the end of the second semester.


The examinations took place on April 9 and today the Mission Commission meets with the purpose of assigning parishes to the different candidates.  As has been the case for years past, the demand for ministers again greatly exceeds the supply.  Eleven congregations have sent in applications while only seven graduates are ready to enter the ministry immediately.  Mr. Koehler, the eighth, intends to continue his studies, presumably at St. Louis.   WL


05 13       Military company drilling daily in preparation for the sham battle   WL


06 17       Seniors smoke the pipe of peace; end of seven years war at Northwestern   WL


06 26       1908 Commencement  /  Farewell to the Senior of 1908!

Northwestern University celebrated its commencement at the university chapel yesterday forenoon, the exercises commencing at 10:00 o'clock.  Many relatives and friends of the graduating class and of the institution were present, the chapel being filled to its capacity.


The decorations for the occasion were neat and appropriate and consisted of the college colors as the college colors, black and red, and of the graduating class colors, purple and gold, above the stage was placed the motto of the class reading “Poscimur '08.”  The letters were in gold on a purple background. 


The exercises consisted of three orations by members of the graduating class, selections by the band, orchestra, choir and quartette of the university, addresses by Prof. A. F. Ernst, prayer by Rev. O. Hoenecke of Milwaukee and the hymn, “A mighty fortress is our God,” sung by the assembly.  All the numbers were listed to with intense interest by the audience and were a credit to the institution.    Watertown Weekly Leader


08 14       Schlueter and Mouffa appointed professors.   WG


10 16       Fourth artillery, US Army camped on campus   WG


10 23       Northwestern University football team defeated Sacred Heart College   WG


11 27       Banquet for football team






   University building, 1909


02 15       Lincoln Day Celebration, cadets and band take part in   WG


04 02       Annual banquet of university paper, ''Black and Red"   WG


05 07       Marchout at Lake Mills; band and military company    WG


05 14       Interurban excursion to Watertown on Memorial Day, Milwaukee Northwestern University Club   WG


05 28       Memorial Day observance, University Band, Cadets and Students    WG


06 04       Students injured; explosion of powder while loading shells for a sham battle   WG


06 04       University Co. and band gave a fine drill and a sham battle    WG


07 02       Northwestern University to be renamed; purchase land for professors’ residences    WG


08 20       Enrollment, number of alumni   WG


09 24       President William H. Taft stops at depot and speaks; students on hand   WG


---                  Male Chorus, 1909



02 11       New gymnasium, campaign to raise $25,000 for    WG


02 25       Students celebrated Washington’s birthday; auspices of Lyceum and Philomathian societies   WG


06 03       Decoration Day observance, band, cadets and students, Oak Hill Cemetery   WG


06 03       Cadets and band marched to Juneau   WG


06 24       Dr. John Henry Ott, 25 years of professional activity in educational fields


07 15       Prof. William Notz declines call   WG



       Dining hall



 Former students of Northwestern College, Watertown, will hold their fifth annual reunion in the Republican House on Feb. 28.  Invitations have been extended this year not alone [only] to the “grads” but also to those who attended the institution for a number of years only.  The college faculty will be represented and the Northwestern Club of Chicago will also send a delegation.    WG


03 02       Dr. F. W. NOTZ IS 70

Dr. F. W. Notz, professor of Greek at Northwestern College, observed his 70th birthday anniversary Saturday.  Receiving his degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Tuebingen in 1863, he later accepted the chair of ancient languages with Pennsylvania College, and a few years thereafter with Muehlenberg College of the same state.  He will have completed fifty years of work in pedagogical fields at the close of this year.  Former students of Northwestern, now residing in Milwaukee, gave him a special reception at their annual reunion at the Republican House Milwaukee, on February 28.    WG


04 29       ARBOR DAY

One especially striking article about Arbor Day really showed the close connection between 1911 and today [1992].  Has arbor day changed at all in eighty years?  In a section called "College Notes," we read:  On the morning of April 21st (Arbor Day of 1911) the president of the Junior class had ordered the boys to be out in the park and on the campus with spades, axes, and rakes, to straighten out whatever autumn and winter had left in disorder.  With a jolly mood, as though such work were delightful, everybody set to work except the Seniors; for everybody was to work on the day except the "fathers," who did the jollying, while the Juniors had charge of inspection.  At ten o’clock refreshments were served from the kitchen.  Every one had exerted himself very much and showed great appetite.  Even the Seniors thought a good appetite a very essential part of their enjoyment.  Strengthened by the refreshments, every one picked up his tools and set to work again, until 12:30 when everything was neat and clean.  Much attention was also paid to the baseball diamond by the freshman class.  (The Black and Red, May, 1911, 35-36)   



The Bee-Dee Co. team opened the season with a victory by defeating the strong North Western College team on the college campus by the score of 6 to 3.  George Richards did the twirling for the Bee-Dees and pitched first class ball while Miller did good work behind the bat.  Berg, Masch and Mahnke were the batteries for the college boys.  Unfortunately the stunt Creuz tried to perform and pick up the ball with his teeth turned out to be a fizzle and allowed the N.W.C. team their runs, who might have left the diamond with but one run to their credit had it not been for this incident.   




06 22       Last Friday evening Prof. J. H. Ott very hospitably entertained the senior class of the Northwestern College at a 6 o'clock dinner.   WG







Cadets March to Jefferson

The cadets and military band of Northwestern College, this city, marched to Jefferson Wednesday morning on their annual “hike'' where they were the guests of St. John's Lutheran Church congregation Wednesday and Thursday.  Wednesday afternoon was devoted to outdoor exercises at the county fairgrounds.  Following is the program for that afternoon.


1:30 ball game, Jefferson vs. Northwestern.

3:15 dress parade and drill, cadets. 

3:45 sham battle, cadets.

Band concert afternoon and evening.


Thursday, Ascension Day, the young men attended services at St John's Lutheran Church in a body and will arrive home this evening.   WG



The cadets and the military band of the Northwestern College at Watertown were the guests of the local Lutheran congregation last Wednesday and Thursday.  With very few exceptions they all started on the march from Watertown at about five o'clock in the morning and arrived here shortly after ten o'clock.  The cadets numbered 64, the band 31 members, and besides these there were also some ball players here, all told over 100 guests from Watertown, who found a royal welcome at the homes of the members of St. John's congregation . . .   WG



The laying of the corner stone of the new gymnasium at Northwestern College took place today, and hundreds of visitors are in the city for the celebration.  The program opened at 10 a.m. with speeches, chorus singing and music by the college band and the laying of the corner stone.  Luncheon was served in the college refectory. 


In the afternoon the military company gave a parade, drill and sham battle at 1:15.  Following this a double header baseball game, the first one between Northwestern College and St. Mark's young men of Milwaukee and the second one between Northwestern and Watertown.  The ball games were followed by a series of athletic events.   WG


-- --           1912 COLLEGE CHAMPS





Band and Military Company


Watertown Was Visited by the Largest Crowds in the History of the City 

The band convention held in the city on Saturday and Sunday was a marked success in every particular.  It was pronounced the best and most largely attended band convention ever held in southern Wisconsin.  The weather throughout the two days was ideal.  Business places and many residences were decorated for the occasion and Main Street presented a beautiful spectacle in its gala attire.  The first big event of the convention was the automobile floral parade Saturday afternoon.  The bands participating were the T.M.E.R.&L. Cos., Milwaukee; Imperial, Northwestern College and military company, Watertown.


A feature of the parade was the military aspect furnished by the Northwestern College military company in uniform and carrying arms.  The boys were given generous cheers and plaudits, which was shared by their band which accompanied them.




07 18       APPOINTMENTS at N. W. C.

Prof. Edmund Bliefernicht of the Lutheran seminary of New Ulm, Minn., and formerly of this city, has been appointed to fill the vacancy left by Dr. F. W. A. Notz, retired, at the Northwestern College.  The Rev. Hermam Gieschen of Wauwatosa has received the call to fill the vacancy left by Prof. M. Sprengling, who will go to Harvard University as an instructor.  They will teach the ancient languages.  The above appointments were made at a meeting of the board of regents held in Milwaukee Tuesday, of which William Gorder, Sr., Fred Gamm and John Schlueter of this city are members.   WG


08 15       BUSINESS EDUCATION   [paid advertisement]

Why go to a different city for a business education when you can get it in your home town for less money?


The Commercial Department of the Northwestern College offers a thorough and up-to-date business education.  Thorough courses in Shorthand (Gregg System), Touch Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Spelling, Geography, Banking, Business Law, Political Economy and Civics.


Students in the Commercial Department may also take courses in such branches as Mathematics, Natural Sciences, History, German, French and English.



This school is open to young men and young women

Catalogues will be sent on application by


519 College Ave., Watertown, Wis.   WG


08 15       GYMNASIUM – A gymnasium which is being erected at a cost of $30,000 will be finished Sept. 1st   WG



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The dedication exercises of the Northwestern College gymnasium at Watertown, Sunday afternoon, were opened by the reading of a telegram of congratulation from President William Howard Taft to President August F. Ernst of the college, commending the work and wishing the Lutherans of the Wisconsin Synod success in their undertaking.


The message was received with enthusiasm by the 3,000 people who had gathered to witness the dedication of the new gymnasium, which was presented by the Northwestern College Club of Milwaukee, and the unveiling of the statue presented by the congregation of St. Mathew’s Lutheran church, Milwaukee. 


The services opened at 2 o’clock.  Leading Lutherans from all parts of southern Wisconsin were present.  A delegation of 500 Milwaukee alumni of the college, their wives and friends, left the Public Service building, Milwaukee, at 7:45 o’clock Sunday morning to attend the exercises.  Delegations also attended from Kenosha, Racine, Jefferson, Juneau and other Wisconsin cities.


The unveiling ceremony took place in front of the gymnasium.  President Taft’s telegram was handed to the Rev. August C. Bindler, pastor of St. Mathew’s congregation, Milwaukee, who had charge of the ceremonies.


The message read:


Beverly, Mass., Oct. 20, 1912.

To the Rev. August F. Ernst, President of Northwestern College, Watertown, Wis.


“I congratulate you and your association on the occasion of the dedication of the new gymnasium of Northwestern college.  From my boyhood, I have been on terms of intimacy with men of your church, for in my home town more than one-third of our people are German, a great majority of whom are Lutherans.  I cannot too highly commend their sturdy character and reliance for the great part they have taken in our civilization.  Those whom I knew best were the leaders of those Germans who went into the Civil War to uphold the union, vindicate freedom and eradicate slavery.  I understand that your college strives for religion, liberal education and good health.  I wish you every success and feel sure that your efforts will be for the good of the church, the people of the church and the country.


William Howard Taft.”


We deeply appreciate the interest taken in our school by President Taft and his thoughtful expression of good wishes,” said President Ernst in response to the telegram.  “We all know that President Taft is greatly interested in all that pertains to education and progress and we will cherish this greeting from the highest official in the land.


The Milwaukee alumni of Northwestern thank President Taft sincerely for his expression of good wishes,” said the Rev. August O. Bindler, president of the Northwestern College club of Milwaukee in response to the telegram.  “It is highly gratifying to find that our chief executive so greatly concerns himself with every movement forward among the educational institutions of our country.


The statue presented to the college by St. Mathew’s church stands directly in front of the new gymnasium.  It depicts a young athlete “on his mark” all ready for the race.  After remarks by the Rev. Mr. Bindler, the veil was withdrawn by Irene Bindler while the college band played “The Star Spangled Banner.”


A black and white photo of a person sitting on a tombstone

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After the unveiling of the statue, E. A. Wurster, Milwaukee, chairman of the committee which financed the gymnasium, presented the keys of the new building to the president of the club that was responsible for its erection.  Mr. Wurster told of the first turn [turner?] hall that was built over thirty years ago, when he and Mr. Bindler were students at the college, and of the efforts that were necessary to raise the $600 spent in its erection.  He compared the new building with the old and told of the quick response made by alumni and friends of Northwestern college when the committee started to raise the $30,000 that the new gymnasium cost.


Mr. Wurster said:


“We all know that when we first talked of the probable cost of the new structure we never dreamed we would be able to gather together a sum sufficient to defray the cost of such a building as now stands before us, equal in every way to the best the country affords.  And while a few thousand dollars are still necessary to settle all bills, our committee has assumed the difference and will finish its undertaking so that your synod is safe and held absolutely harmless for any expense connected therewith when it accepts this building from our hands.”


President Ernst expressed his thanks on behalf of the college to the Northwestern College club of Milwaukee for its donation.


“It is encouraging to us in our work here,” he said, “to find that our alumni who have gone out into the world will still remember us with kindly thoughts.  And when their interest in their alma mater takes concrete expression in such useful and bountiful manner, we are tenfold gratified.”


After the conclusion of the outdoor ceremonies, the doors were opened and the crowd filed in.  The college band and mixed choirs opened the services of the afternoon with music.  The Rev. P. G. Bergeman, Fond du Lac, president of the Wisconsin synod, preached.  The dedication speech was made by the Rev. H. H. Ebert, Milwaukee.


President Ernst delivered an address on the significance of labor and the necessity of having strong bodies to do a man’s work in the world.  The gymnasium is a place for work, he said, where the young men fit themselves for the physical side of their life work, no matter where their callings should lead them.


At the close of the service, the student body and the alumni gathered informally in the gymnasium, singing the songs of the college and renewing acquaintances.  The Milwaukee delegation left Watertown for home at 6 o’clock.


The new gymnasium was made possible through the efforts of the Northwestern College club of Milwaukee, composed of alumni and former students of the college.  When the work first started it was thought that a modest building would be erected.  But the response for funds was so gratifying that it was decided to put up the present structure, which is one of the finest small college gymnasiums in the west.



Northwestern College is to be congratulated on the splendid new gymnasium presented by the Milwaukee alumni.  The handsome building pictured and described in the current issue of Black and Red, the college periodical, cannot but add to the attractions of the college, and what means far more, to its usefulness, to its equipment for meeting all the needs of the young men who go there to fit themselves for the work they will have to do.  So universal is the recognition today of the need of real physical training and development that one does not have to argue for athletics in college.  The function of the college today is to develop every side of a man that it is able to reach, and only as it does this will it earn its right to appeal as a place that fits men for life.   WG



Rev. Christians attended Northwestern, graduating in 1913. 




Irvin Gamm is standing fourth from the right in the second row from back.



02 12       GRAND CONCERT  /  Greatest Event of the Season

Northwestern College boys to render exceptionally fine program on Thursday evening, February 26, 1914, at the college auditorium.  At least everything tends to turn that way.  Anyone who has heard of Mr. Duetzmann of Milwaukee will surely agree as to the magnificence of this concert.  The college organizations, which, as everyone knows, consist of three bodies, namely, band, orchestra and chorus, with a few sub-divisions, feel themselves capable of rendering a good program much earlier in the season than was formerly their wont.  The orchestra will first appear for two consecutive numbers, after which will follow a piano solo by Miss Ernst, a very able musician.  Then the college quartette will make its appearance.  After that the chorus will delight us with several selections.  The Girl’s Glee Club of the college, under the guidance of Miss Ernst, will also appear, and last but not least the band.  This concert is expected to be a success in every respect.  Everyone is cordially invited to attend.   WG





06 11       GRAND COMMENCEMENT Concert - Will Outclass All Previous Presentations

      PROF. H. B. DUETZMANN Violin Solo.

The boys at Northwestern College, being well aware of their success in their last annual concert and their prestige among the musicians of Watertown, have decided to give them another treat on the evening of the 18th of June.  This concert will be one of the great features of commencement day and for this very reason the boys have entered the work with extraordinary zeal; they feel assured of success in every respect.  The band, orchestra and chorus have now had a full year of systematic practice and training and are now in an ideal condition for a concert.  Their selections are something entirely new, something that will “take” with all music lovers.  The quartette and Girls’ Glee club will also appear again with “snap and catch” to cheer the audience and give the right flavor to the evening’s program.  The main feature of the program, however, will be a violin solo by the director, Prof. Duetzmann.  He will give you a real treat in violin music, and all who were fortunate in hearing him at the last concert will surely come again.  Miss Eichrodt of Milwaukee, a professional pianist, will accompany him.  Judging from the enthusiasm awakened at their last concert, there will, no doubt, be a very large audience present.  Tickets will therefore be on sale at Gamm’s Corner Drug Store.   WG



01 28       FIFTEENTH ANNUAL CONCERT of various musical organizations

A rare musical treat is in store for the music-loving public of Watertown and vicinity, for on Thursday, Feb. 11, they will be able to hear the well-known virtuoso, Mr. Hugo Bach of Milwaukee perform on his favorite instrument, the violin cello.  He will appear in two numbers in the fifteenth annual concert of the various musical organizations of Northwestern College.  Another feature of this concert will be a tenor solo by Prof. Hans B. A. Duetzmann of Milwaukee, who for the last two years has been director of the musical organizations at Northwestern College.  Both Mr. Bach and Mr. Duetzmann are already very favorably known in this city, so that much comment is not necessary.  Miss Else M. Eichrodt, pianist, of Milwaukee, will accompany both soloists on the piano.  The fact alone that these two men will appear on the program vouches for an excellent concert, one that will be well worth attending.


Besides this, the band will play two selections.  The orchestra will appear three times, twice with independent selections and once playing the accompaniment for the “Soldiers’ Chorus” from “Faust,” which will be sung by the male chorus.  The latter organization will also sing two other selections.  And the male quartette, which has always been so popular at these concerts, will sing.  The quartet has been making excellent progress and is better than ever this year.  The Girls’ Glee Club has practiced a beautiful little song by Schubert, which they will sing that evening.


It is safe to say that this concert at the Northwestern College Auditorium on the evening of Feb. 11 will be one that should not be missed by every true friend of music, and that no one will be disappointed in attending it.


The doors of the auditorium will be open at 7:15 o’clock, and the concert will begin at 8 o’clock p.m. sharp.  Admission is 50 cents for reserved seats and 35 cents for seats in the balcony.  Tickets may be bought from a number of students.  Seats may be reserved without extra charge after 9 a.m. on Feb. 4th at Gamm’s Corner Drug Store.


Let’s go!     WG



A large audience was present last Thursday evening in the auditorium at Northwestern College to enjoy the concert given by the musical organizations of the college.  The program was made up of orchestra, band and vocal numbers; the girl’s glee club under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Ernst was a feature of the evening, rendering in a first-class manner “Gypsy Life.”  The concert was of a very high order and a better pleased audience never attended a like entertainment in the city.  Following was the program in full . . .   WG



Northwestern’s Big Jubilee

Northwestern College will Celebrate Fiftieth Anniversary on the 19th and 20th of June.


Excursion Trains Will Run


Rev. Chr. Saner attended the meeting of the Northwestern College Board at Watertown of which he is a member, last week.  In addition to the regular routine work, the board discussed at some length the program for the fiftieth anniversary celebration of the well-known institution of learning, which is to occur in June of this year.  The exact date for this jubilee has been set on the 19th and 20th days of June.  The details of the program will be arranged by the committee of the synod will be published later.  A later attendance at the celebration from all parts of the state is expected.  Excursion trains from Milwaukee and other large cities will, in all probability, carry the crowds to the city, whose inhabitants will consider this a gala occasion, looked for with great pride.





The sudden death of Prof. Martin Eickmann, the inspector, threw a pall over preparations for the celebration. He passed away in his sleep on the night of June 2. Students had the first inkling that something was amiss the next morning when one after the other awoke and looking at his watch noticed that the time was long past six o’clock when the inspector made his rounds to summon sleepers from dreamland with his bright call "Aufstehnl" and the inevitable rap of his keys on the iron bedsteads (Kiessling, 67).


Many attributed the death of the inspector not to the wide variety of problems that come with dorm supervision, but rather the "constant pinpricks, the deadly routine, and the lack of rest." Kowalke writes: "What helped him to carry on for twelve years without assistance was his understanding of boys and his sympathy with their problems, his sense of humor, and above all his unwavering confidence that the Word of God, which was so much a part of the student’s life, would work its wonders on their hearts and minds" (155). 


The Black and Red, NWS, 06 1917


Prof. Martin Christian Eickmann was born in Fredersdorf, Ukermark, Prussia Sept. 21, 1859.  With this parents he came to America in the year 1866 and settled in Fond Du Lac.  While at Fond Du Lac he attended the parochial school and later enrolled as a student of Northwestern, 1872.  He completed his course at Northwestern in the year 1879 and entered the Seminary, then situated in Milwaukee.  On account of scarcity of ministers, he was graduated from the Seminary in March 1882 and immediately accepted a call to Center, Outagamie Co., Wis.  At Center he was active until 1890.  Then he was called to Menomonee and resided there as pastor until Oct. 1903 when he received a call to perform as inspector and professor at his Alma Mater.  Here he was an active and interested member of the faculty.  His work was to care for the boys in the dormitory and with one voice all who had lived under his care say his work was done well.  Thus he was employed until he was suddenly called to his Lord and Saviour June 2, 1915.  His sudden and unexpected death plunged the entire school in deepest sorrow. The loss to the school is an irretrievable one.  The faculty has lost an earnest and conscientious co-worker, the student body a fatherly advisor and guide.  He died as he had lived, quietly, gently.  He had never forsaken his post of duty until grim death itself relieved him.  His body is dead and buried, but a warm memory of him lives and will continue to live.



Gray-haired ministers and retired business men and farmers who were graduated from Northwestern college nearly fifty years ago met Saturday at the golden jubilee celebration of the college here.


It was a joyous reunion, the biggest thing of its kind in Northwestern’s history.  There was pathos, too, in the mutual acknowledgement of high hopes of college days still unrealized or other misfortunes suffered.  It was a big day in every sense; big with the feeling of chums and friends long separated; big in plans for the future for individuals and for the college; it was big, too, in the sense of numbers, for graduates and friends of the institution came from many parts of the Middle West.


Formal exercises started with religious services on the college campus at 10 a.m.  There were sermons by the Rt. Rev. G. Bergemann of Fond du Lac, and by the Rt. Rev. Carl Gausewitz of Grace church, Milwaukee.  At 3 p.m. the official reunion commenced.  Special cars brought many delegations from surrounding towns.  Milwaukee was represented by a big excursion.   WG


06 24       CONFER DEGREES DURING JUBILEE / Professor Ernst Receives His Doctorate.

The joyful spirit that prevailed at the opening of the session of the Lutheran synod in this city Friday was not subdued in the evening by the cold and rain.  The large auditorium of the new gymnasium where the grand concert was given was filled.  About 1000 attended.  Orchestra, male chorus, ladies’ glee club, N. W. C. quartet and band, all under the leadership of Prof. Hans Duetzmann, Milwaukee, presented their numbers in a masterly way.  Very pleasing was the violin solo of Prof. Deutzmann.


The first excursion from Milwaukee brought a large crowd just in time to take part in the commencement.  Faculty, graduates and jubilee committee were seated on the stage.  The Rev. Hans Moussa, Jefferson, Wis., gave the invocation.  Prof. A. Ernst, president of the institution, conferred the degrees and diplomas.   WG






Six Thousand at Services


Last Sunday, June 20th, 1915, the Northwestern College at Watertown celebrated its fiftieth anniversary or golden jubilee.


This well-known school was established fifty years ago, on a small scale from which it has grown to be one of the largest and best known Lutheran Theological Colleges in the United States.


When the school was first established it had, in connection with its theological department, a school of secular instruction for the teaching of academic subjects, and many young men who desired to become teachers in the public schools of the state were found among the student enrollment.  This was before the days of state normal schools, or at least at a time when there were only three normal schools in the state.


In later years this department, we understand, was discontinued and the school became known, primarily, as a Lutheran Theological college.


The jubilee exercises of last Sunday were attended by not less than 10,000 people all told.  Special trains were run on the Northwestern Road from Janesville and Fond du Lac to Watertown and excursion trains were run on the St. Paul Road from Milwaukee and Portage to Watertown bringing thousands of people to the big jubilee.  In speaking of the celebration the Watertown Daily Times in a column write-up, said, among other things:


“The religious exercises on the shaded grounds at 10:30 Sunday morning were attended by at least 6,000 persons.  The congregational singing of the Southern Wisconsin Sangerbund, that large body of men and women who had been taught to thus mingle their voices in that branch of worship, was something worthy of a place firmly stamped upon memory’s plates.  Added to that were several selections by the combined female and male choruses.”


The sermon in German was by the Rev. Gustav Bergemann of Fond du Lac, president of the Wisconsin synod.  The sermon in English was by Pastor C. Gausewitz, president of the joint synod.  In both there was that deep religious thought which characterizes the teachings of the denomination.  But instruction in love for the free country that is their home - the need of abiding patriotism - was not lacking.


The afternoon was given over to an informal reunion of former students on the grounds, friends of the institution also participating.  The exercises were presided over by the Rev. H. H. Ebert of Milwaukee, chairman of the committee which arranged the jubilee celebration.



A meeting of the board of trustees of Northwestern College will be held in Watertown on Wednesday when the matter of selecting a successor to Prof. Martin Eichman will be considered.  At this meeting it is proposed to devise a scheme whereby the duties of inspector will be lessened and it is with the probabilities that the former onerous duties will be divided.    WDT



In a runaway accident on Monday Anton von Heiden, employed at Northwestern college, was thrown from his wagon and had one of his legs broken.    WG


Campus map  




A Milwaukee contingent of 350 Lutherans of twenty-eight churches took two special trains on the electric road and added to the 6,000 that had already gathered from this city, Jefferson and Fort Atkinson.  The party was escorted to the Bethesda home by the St. John’s band and the morning service in German which followed immediately was led by the Rev. Clarence Sheuer of Lowell, Mass.  The afternoon program was in English being featured by a sermon by the Rev. H. C. Jans and a talk to the children by Prof. Theodore Schlueter of the Northwestern college.


Dinner and supper were served in one of the buildings by the ladies of St. Mark’s church.  Choir numbers were given by the Watertown members on the lawns surrounding the buildings which were specially decorated for the occasion.   WL



NWC CLASS OF 1907, 10th class reunion




11 18       CLOSING ORDER

The Spanish influenza, which at the present time is affecting a considerable portion of the population of Watertown, has also acquainted itself with our students. 


The first victims, the Messrs. Pautz, Hein, Boettcher and Degner, were at once removed to the sick room where with the aid of medical care will soon regain their health.  Miss Doris Ott is the first co-ed to be affected with the influenza.       Watertown News 10 18 1918




The local guards were formerly using old rifles which were loaned to Northwestern college. 



PROF. E. E. KOWALKE appointed president of the college.



The Black and Red [Northwestern College], 01 1919

Although everyone enjoys the warm weather and the bright sunshine, about three weeks before Christmas we all began to wish for snow, so that Santa Claus could bring our presents in his reindeer sled.  Then one Sunday afternoon Mother Goose shook her feather-bed and our wish was granted.  We awoke the next morning to find the ground covered with a beautiful mantle of white.  Of course to the collegiate [students at NorthWestern College] this was a pleasing sight, but for the students of the Preparatory Department it meant, “Get the snow shovels out!”  How much nicer everything appeared in its new coat of white.  The college park is especially picturesque in the evening.  The many lights in the dormitory cause the tall pine trees to throw dark shadows on the white background, bringing out a beautiful contrast.  Beyond the college hill the dark waters of the Rock River flow between banks of white, winding among the trees above the banks.  Already the students are awaiting the time when the ice will be solid enough for skating. 


The campus also makes a much better impression now, with the new hospital in the back ground [St. Mary’s hospital].  This building is three stories high, built of red brick, and is a decided improvement over the old frame structure.  At night it looks especially nice with the many lights shining out on the snow covered earth. But for all its beauty I do not believe there is one of us who would like to be taken there.      The Black and Red, 01 1919






Sickness laid its hands on two members of the faculty, Dr. A. F. Ernst and Professor H. A. Frank.  For the first time in forty-nine years Dr. Ernst could not attend commencement exercises as he was in a hospital at Milwaukee.  Professor Frank had been able to be with us during the morning, but had left early in the afternoon to be gone on a leave of absence which the Board of Trustees had granted him with the hope that with God's help he might regain his health.    The Black And Red, 04 1919.  








       Ice Skating on the Rock at Riverside Park


All lovers of skating are surely indebted to the weatherman for the winter has been ideal for ice sports, since the absence of snow places the entire river at the students' disposal, and the agreeable temperature makes the outdoor exercise a pleasure.  Many students take interest in skating, and during free time many youngsters are seen strolling toward the river with a pair of skates under their arms.  Again, we see them at the supper table with glowing cheeks, thus proving to us that above all skating develops a good appetite.  Action taken by the city, especially by the Chamber of Commerce, increased the local interest for winter sports very much.


The wide bend of the river at Riverside Park offers a well adapted place for an ice rink, which is cleared from snow, whenever necessary and is illuminated in the evening by electric lights.  A clubhouse is also at the skater's disposal, where skates are rented, clothes are checked, refreshments and confectionery offered for sale, and which affords rest and warmth to those who are tired and cold.  These improvements in Watertown are certainly appreciated by the students and young people of the city.   Derived from The Black and Red, Norhtwestern College publication of 02 1921






                W. H. Graebner, Northwestern College Board of Trustees, 26 years.




Northwestern College, rich in musical tradition in the community has contributed to the Watertown musical history exhibit, which is now in process at the public library.  The exhibit is sponsored by the Watertown Historical Society in cooperation with the Euterpe club and will be open daily from now till June 1.


The college contribution to the exhibit is a collection of programs of musical events in Watertown, notably at the college, which has been complied by Walter E. Ott, son of Dr. J. H. Ott, veteran member of the college faculty.


There is a section from the history of the college which was written in 1915 by Dr. Arthur Hoermann.  This relates especially to the part the college has played in musical circles in the community.


Included also in the collection are copies of programs, past and present, of musical events.  There is one program of the eight annual concert by the college band and orchestra given in 1908.  There were then 23 band members and 21 members in the orchestra.  There also are copies of the programs presented in the college auditorium by such world-famous artists such as Ernestine Schumann-Heink, Fritz Kreisler, Muscha Elman, Alberto Salvi, Anna Case, Ley Weston and others.


There are also programs from the Minneapolis Symphony concert which was directed by the late Henri Verbrugghen, St. Olaf’s choir of New Ulm, Minn., which appeared here under the leadership of the renowned F. Melius Christiansen and programs from many other of the renowned organizations in music which have either been sponsored locally by the college or which were given in the college auditorium.


That Watertown’s musical history would have been far less brilliant had the college not been active in the art is evident from the collection of programs it now contributes to the exhibition.  And the college record is by no means complete, because many of the programs are missing.  Until Mr. Ott set to work to compile and prepare some sort of record there was no organized collection of such historical data.  He is planning to make the scrapbook even more complete and to add additional records to it as he comes across them in his search of the college files and records.




A painting by the late Dr. F.W.A. Notz, professor of Greek at Northwestern College and a painter of note, has been donated to the Watertown Historical Society by the daughters of Dr. Notz, it was announced by Dr. E. C. Kiessling of Northwestern College.


The picture arrived Sunday morning and the announcement of its arrival was made during the Pioneer Day program at the Octagon House by Dr. Kiessling.  It was he who suggested to the daughters that they contribute one of their father’s works to the society. This suggestion was made some months ago during the exhibit of paintings by Watertown artists which was held at the Elks Club.


The daughters at that time agreed to the suggestion and made a special effort to get it here on Sunday.  The painting is entitled "Rock River at Watertown."  It is a water color and is to be placed permanently in the Octagon House.


Dr. Notz and his family used to live in Western Avenue.  Dr. Notz, who is still remembered here by a great many people, taught at the college more than 40 years and painted numerous Watertown scenes.


The 3 daughters now reside in Washington where one of them, Mrs. Cornelia, is one of the head departmental librarians of the Congressional library.  Getting this painting by the man who distinguished himself in the field of education here is something every member of the historical society will appreciate, and it is certainly worth preserving in the permanent collection of objects at the Octagon House. 




   College Band





                Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, ambassador from the Philippines, spoke at College during the darkest days of World War II    WDT




     Now Luther Prep East Campus Center



The former Library Science building.  This building was dedicated for use in 1950.  There have been some changes.  The top floor now [2019] contains a conference room, a classroom and the Art room.  The middle floor has three classrooms, the nurse's office, the librarians' office and the main entrance to the library.  The bottom floor has classrooms as well as the Prep Shop, network services' storage area and the lower level of the library.





Born in New Ulm, Minnesota, in 1907, Prof. Hilton attended St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran School, Martin Luther Academy, Northwestern College, and graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1932.  After teaching as tutor and professor at Northwestern Lutheran Academy in Mobridge, South Dakota, he accepted a call in 1939 to become professor of music at Northwestern College and Preparatory School.  He taught the numerous music classes, directed the choirs and the band in both departments, and taught college Latin.  When a need arose at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1944, Prof. Oswald rendered willing assistance and traveled once a week to Mequon to rehearse the Seminary choir and to teach classes in hymnology and church music.  In 1963 he accepted an offer to do literary work at Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, and soon became house editor.  In this position he aided the completion of the American Edition of Luther’s works.  After he retired from this position, he became editor of the Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly, the official publication of the Concordia Historical Institute.  In 1979 Concordia Seminary conferred upon him the honorary degree, Doctor of Letters.


Cross Reference:

Studies in Lutheran Chorales, Scholarly publication by Prof. Oswald (98 pages).




Son, Paul E. Eickmann, joined NWC faculty in 1966, replacing Prof. Kowalke, as instructor in Hebrew.  The elder Eickmann has long been a faculty member as instructor in science.





Northwestern College Male Chorus.  The male chorus has prepared for the annual Easter concert of the choral groups of the college at college gymnasium.  Prof. H. C. Oswald is the director.



07 22             

Laying the Corner Stone.  Rev. Prof. H. Oswald, guest speaker


12 01       COLLEGE CAGERS

The Cagers put on their running shoes Friday night and galloped to a 104-86 victory over the Thiensville Seminary in a game played on the college court here.  The 104 points set a new record for the school gym and was also a new high total for a Northwestern team.  The NWC 1953-54 team hit 103 points against Aurora in a game at Aurora and a 99 point mark set two years ago was the high for the gym here.  The game was close only to the opening minutes when the Sem, paced by Rich Winter, George Rothe and Dan Habeck, all former NWC cagers, stayed with the collegians in the chase for the bucket.  However, Northwestern began to pull away as the half wore on and the collegians were out in front at the intermission, 55 to 41.




On the other side of our fair city stands another institution of learning which is known to us as Sacred Heart College.  We, the students of Northwestern College know very little about it, and whenever it is mentioned it is spoken of as something almost mysterious.  I would like to throw a little light on the subject of Sacred Heart, to give the students up here a better understanding of it.  My comments in this article are all personal observations and are correct so far as I know.  I made no attempt to dig down into the Catholic doctrines, but only observed what they do without asking for explanations.


The first thing I noticed was that there are few students at S. H. C.  At the time of my last visit there were less than thirty.  The students ranged in age from about 14 to 21.  They stay at Sacred Heart only six months, before they transfer to another school in Indiana, after which they transfer either to Notre Dame or Texas.  In other words two different groups of students come to Sacred Heart each year.  They come from all parts of the country, from New York to Hollywood.


None of the students at Sacred Heart are studying for the priesthood, but rather will become brothers, the duties of which are not clearly known to me.  I suppose one might compare them to our parochial school teachers.


Studies are not stressed nearly so much at Sacred Heart as they are here at Northwestern.  There is a short study period in the evening (shorter than ours by half).  There are no free afternoons such as those we have here.  The day is divided up and scheduled in such a way as to keep the student busy from morning till night.  I believe in this way a genuine interest is developed in the student's work, making his life truly peaceful and free from worry.  No one may leave the grounds except on very special occasions.  There is no thought of going out at night; rather the students retire already at 9:30, since they must arise about 5:00 a.m.  To a Lutheran's eye there appears to be much self-denial, and yet one must admire a person who can give so many things up; no smoking is allowed.  As far as I know no letters are written or received.  At least such was the case during Lent.


I spoke especially to a young fellow from Michigan.  His high school days had been much the same as those of any average American boy's as far as smoking, drinking, girls, dates, and dancing were concerned.  He said it did not seem hard at all to give up these things, because he was kept busy enough and was truly interested in his life and work at Sacred Heart.


Each student has a special duty assigned to him, which is his obedience.  Some work in the barn, others have other jobs.  The students have quite a number of cattle and chickens, which must be cared for, and they also raise a large amount of their own garden food.  They have a cook but nevertheless help out in the kitchen themselves.


Much of the space is not used at Sacred Heart, and it is not at all crowded as it is here.   


The students make beads and statues of Christ and the Saints as sort of a hobby or pastime.  They have a recreation room, but they cannot listen to the radio just any time they want to, nor are they allowed to read any newspapers.


They have a chapel which is more beautiful than ours with its statues and stained glass.


At every door they have a little container with holy water, in which the students and teachers dip their fingers and then cross themselves, which gives them an indulgence of a certain number of days in purgatory.


Any student who is interested I am sure would be welcome to visit Sacred H. C. on some Sunday afternoon where he could get an inside view of the school and its activities; my visits to this school were very interesting, and I know there are many more things to learn.


WERE                  (The Black and Red, April, 1954)




Northwestern College will begin razing two buildings on its campus Monday to make room for scheduled further expansion of the college.  The two buildings to be removed are the old classroom building and the residence at 1300 Western Avenue, which many persons identify as the "old Dr. John H. Ott residence."  The late Dr. Ott was for many years a member of the college faculty.  The home has not been occupied for some time.  The two buildings will provide the site for a new classroom and chapel building.  Plans for this project were announced some time ago, but no starting date has been set.  However, the site is being cleared and it is hoped work on the new structure can be started perhaps before the end of this year   WDT




Northwestern College, now in the midst of its biggest building project since the college was founded, is making plans for the formal dedication of its three newest buildings sometime next summer or early autumn. Excavation work on the latest of the three new units was completed some time ago. It is the new classroom-chapel building. Footing for the classroom hall has been poured and form setting for the walls was started recently.   WDT



11 30       The new classroom-chapel building to be erected on the Campus of Northwestern College will cost an estimated $360,000. Work on the new building has started and it is to be completed in August of 1956 at which time dedicatory services are being planned for the unit, together with that of two other new buildings constructed on the campus, the refectory and the dormitory. In addition to the permit for the classroom-chapel building, college authorities have been granted a building permit for a new $16,000 residence for faculty use. Construction of the new classroom-chapel building will bring the Northwestern College new building outlay on its campus to well over one million dollars.   WDT



03 02       The cornerstone for the new chapel and classroom building now under construction at Northwestern College will be laid at a ceremony to be held at the college gym next Sunday afternoon, March 11, at 3 o'clock. Construction of the building got underway last fall after the old building which stood on the site was razed. It will be erected at a cost of $360,486.46, exclusive of furnishings and is scheduled to be completed in August of this year.   WDT



05 08       When the Wisconsin Synod of the Lutheran Church meets in Watertown Aug. 21 to 23 for a recessed convention session a final decision on the long and controversial issue of breaking ties with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is due to be taken, according to press dispatches from Milwaukee today. The sessions here will be at Northwestern College Gymnasium and the program as now prepared will include the dedication of new college buildings including the refectory, dormitory, class building and chapel. The Wisconsin Synod has been marking time since it passed its resolution at Saginaw Aug. 17, 1955, threatening to break with the Missouri Group over its long-standing doctrinal disagreements. At that time, most delegates thought it better not to sever relations until the Missouri Synod had discussed Wisconsin's attitude in its national convention.   WDT




Gerhard ‘Gerry’ W. Franzmann, 1918-2016  


02 18       Prof. E. E. Kowalke resigned his office as president of the college effective next July 1.  President since 1919   WDT


02 20       Prof. Carleton A. Toppe expected to accept the call to become president of the college   WDT


08 25       1959-60 term began; Prof. Carleton Toppe, new president    WDT



                REV. PAUL KUEHL

Joins faculty; taught Greek in the college department and Latin in the prep department.


09 19       Molding football teams out of players who often have only the slightest idea of what the game is about has been the lot of Coach Len Umnus for a full 24 seasons at Northwestern College.  The veteran mentor will be sending his 25th into combat Saturday in a nonconference opener at Elmhurst, Ill., and any intelligent bettor would wager that the Trojans will win.  He’d have solid backing from history.  Over the 24 years Umnus has been at the helm “up on the hill” the Trojans (formerly the Goslings) have won 115 games, tied 7 and lost only 36.  Records hardly come any better than that.   WDT


10 26       Northwestern College, an original member of the Badger-Gopher Conference which was formed in 1957 with eight teams from Wisconsin and Minnesota, is leaving that league to join a new 12 team circuit that includes colleges in Wisconsin and Illinois. Dropping out of conference competition will be Northland of Ashland, Wis., Bethel of St. Paul and Northwestern of Minneapolis.   WDT



02 27       UNCERTAIN FUTURE  /  Study to determine future

Northwestern College, due to observe its centennial in 1964-65, faces an uncertain future as it nears its 100th birthday. Late last year the Daily Times learned that there would probably be major developments affecting the college, with a study being proposed which would, in a large measure, play a part in determining the future of the institution. Any decisions to be made, as a result of the study, will not be made on the local level but will be determined at a synodical conference level. The development since last year’s reports is now in the open. It has been announced that an educational consultant has begun a study of the entire educational set-up of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod which owns, maintains and operates Northwestern College.




A new pipe organ for the chapel was delivered by truck from Buffalo, New York.  Technicians from the factory of the builders of the instrument will begin the installation immediately.  The organ is a two-manual and pedal pipe organ of twenty-one ranks containing a total of 1,152 pipes.  Its acquisition has been made possible through the gifts and bequests received from friends of the college over a period of years.   WDT


03 05       Arnold O. Lehmann, a professor at Northwestern College, has been awarded an Aid Association for Lutherans Faculty Fellowship to do additional graduate work during the 1963-64 school year.  He will also study during the 1963 summer session.  Prof. Lehmann will study for his doctor of philosophy degree at Western Reserve University, Cleveland.   WDT



Northwestern College at a special service held last night in the college chapel dedicated its newly installed organ.  The rite of dedication was pronounced by Prof. Hilton C. Oswald, who also served as liturgist.  The sermon was delivered by Prof. Carleton Toppe, president of the college, and Prof. Arnold O. Lehman was at the organ.  The two-manual organ which was recently installed consists of 19 stops, and 20 ranks of pipe.  It was designed as an instrument to accompany hymns and play worship service music.   WDT



Named an award winner recently by the Sports Trail Century Club, an organization maintained by the Kendall Company, to recognize the contributions of dedicated coaches throughout the nation.  Coach Umnus was made a member of the Sports Trail Century Club for his record of 143 victories in football.   WDT



06 04       ARNOLD LEHMANN named conductor of Municipal Band

Prof. Arnold O. Lehmann, director of music at Northwestern College, has been named conductor of the Watertown Municipal Band and will make his first public appearance in his new capacity at Thursday night’s opening concert of the summer series at Riverside Park.  Announcement of Prof. Lehmann’s acceptance of the offer to conduct the band was made today.  He succeeds Gerald Stich of Waterloo who resigned because he will be attending a summer school.  Since coming to Watertown to take over his duties at Northwestern College, Prof. Lehmann has developed an outstanding musical activities program and has presented, as part of his duties, numerous college concerts, many of them for the public.  WDT



                   1965, aerial view of campus


05 11       GUTENBERG BIBLE REPLICA, Kowalke centennial gift

A rare edition of the Bible has been added to the Northwestern College Library.  It is a gift, made during the college’s centennial year, by Prof. and Mrs. E. E. Kowalke.  Prof. Kowalke, who served as president of the college from 1919 to 1959, became head of the college six years after he joined the faculty.  He is now president emeritus and still teaches Hebrew as part of the college course.  In its 100 years, the college has had only four presidents, the present head being Prof. Carleton Toppe who succeeded Prof. Kowalke.  The Bible presented to the college is a replica of the famed Gutenberg Bible, first published in 1455-56.   WDT



Plans for the observance of Northwestern College Centennial Day to be held on Monday, May 31, in connection with the centennial year which the college has been observing, are moving ahead, and it promises to be one of the outstanding events in the hundred year history of the college.  What began as a college in the house at 814 North Fourth Street with one professor and three students in September, 1963 has grown to a 14-acre campus with over 400 students and a large faculty today.  The college will hold its annual commencement exercises on Thursday, June 3.   WDT



Despite inclement weather throughout the day which sent spectators scurrying for shelter at various times during the day's festivities, over 2,200 people were on hand on the college campus Monday to help Northwestern College celebrate its special Northwestern Day in observance of its centennial.  The hardiness and spirit of the large crowd present added much to make the day a success.   WDT


05 28       SENIOR CENTENNIAL CLASSES / Prof. Kowalke’s Book

Much of the credit for the success of the centennial observances on the Northwestern College campus this year belongs to members of the senior Centennial Classes and their imaginative officers.  Monday’s Northwestern Day is no exception.  Each senior class, to a man, has put an enormous amount of time and effort into the planning and execution of this special celebration.


Already last year the college senior class formed a voluntary fraternity, Tau Delta Theta, for the purpose of making Centennial Year a year to remember.  The fraternity has served its purpose well.  One of its major projects was the complete indexing of Prof. E. E. Kowalke’s history, “Centennial Story.”   WDT



Delegates to the 38th biennial convention of the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod, meeting here at Northwestern College, will formally celebrate the centennial of the college at a special service on Sunday afternoon beginning at 3 o’clock. The speaker for the service will be the Rev. Prof. E. E. Kowalke, president emeritus of the college. Prof. Kowalke served as president from 1919-1959, and is the author of a recently published centennial history of the college.   WDT



One of the most challenging schedules in recent years faces the Northwestern College Trojans in 1965 as football mania — Umnus style — takes over once again on the college campus.  Four conference foes and three non-conference opponents make up a seven game schedule which opens this Saturday at Eureka, Ill.  Coach Len Umnus is heading into his 30th anniversary year at Northwestern.  Since his arrival on the Northwestern campus in the winter of 1935 he has built a sports tradition second to none.   WDT




Northwestern College, which is to conduct its 95th annual commencement exercises Thursday morning at 10 o’clock, will graduate a 1966 class of 35 seniors from the college and 43 seniors from the college high school department.  The exercises will be held in the college gymnasium-auditorium.  There will be two orations on the program this year, in addition to the commencement address which Prof. Carlton Toppe, the college president, will deliver.



A request by Northwestern College authorities that it be permitted to widen an alley, also known as Hill Street, is headed for additional study and consideration following a public hearing last night during the opening period of the council meeting during which the college’s plan was outlined by Attorney Roland F. Dierker after which three residents of the area entered objection.  The City Planning Commission, which already has had the matter under study, said the college wishes to dedicate a portion of the college property to the street to assist in the proposed widening plan.  The alley will be approximately 24 feet wide.  Curb and gutter construction will be supplied by the college, but the city is to eliminate the “dip” at the intersection of College Avenue.



Announcement of an expansion program by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, which will include construction of a residence hall at Northwestern College in Watertown, was made today.  It was reported by the Daily Times some time ago that plans for new construction on the college campus here were under consideration.  Today’s announcement followed the report that yesterday the synod had reached its $4,000,000 goal for expanding its educational facilities.


08 24       PROF. KOWALKE Ending 53 Years of Teaching

Closes Career as Instructor; Still President Emeritus.

Although he’ll remain a popular figure on the campus, Prof. E. E. Kowalke, for many years president of Northwestern College and now president emeritus, will not be teaching when the institution begins its new term next month.  Prof. Kowalke, who taught Hebrew has given up teaching but will remain as president emeritus.


In 1963 Prof. Kowalke completed a half century of classroom teaching at the college.  In his time he has taught five languages, English, German, Latin, Greek and Hebrew.


His more than half century of teaching began in 1913 with the reopening of the college year following the annual Christmas recess that year.  It continued without interruption until the close of the 1965-66 college year last June.


Hebrew classes have claimed place on his teaching schedule ever since his arrival 53 years ago. Throughout most of these years he also taught a class in English literature.


As a practitioner of j the art of teaching, Prof. Kowalke clearly demonstrated his ability to impart subject matter effectively to his classes.   At the same time he considered it his obligation to place all of his teaching into the context of Christian faith and life.  Aside from communicating to his students the facts and skills his courses called for, he also sought to give them a Christian philosophy of life.


During forty of the past 53 years he also served as president of Northwestern College.  He retired from his administration responsibilities in 1959.


After 53 years in the classroom Professor Kowalke still retains such vigor of mind and body that those who know him feel he will continue to be a campus figure for years to come, spending his golden years amid the familiar surroundings where the greatest share of his life has been spent and where he helped guide and influence the lives of thousands of young people who studied under him.


Prof Kowalke, a native of Kaukauna, Wis., attended and graduated from Northwestern College.  He is a member of the class of 1908.  After completing theological studies he was ordained to: the ministry and served as pastor at Tomahawk, Wis., and a number of other places.


In 1913: he accepted a call here to become associated with the college and taught there since January of that year.


In 1919 he succeeded the late Prof. A. F. Ernst as president of the institution and had held that office until his resignation when he was succeeded in the presidency by Prof. Carleton Toppe on July 1, 1959.


In its more than one hundred years, North Western College has had only four presidents.  The first to hold the office was Adam Martin.  He was succeeded by Prof. A. F. Ernst, with Prof. Kowalke the third to hold the position.


When Prof. Kowalke resigned as president he was named president emeritus, thus the present head of the college, Prof. Toppe is the fourth man to hold the office, certainly a record for an institution of learning that goes back more than a century.


During the many years he has been associated with the college, Prof. Kowalke has observed and supervised its growth. During his presidency a vast building and expansion program was carried out on the campus.


Among the new buildings constructed in recent years during his administration have been the library and office building, the refectory and dormitory and a new chapel.


The college gymnasium, which dates back to 1912, was constructed the year before he became a faculty member of the college.


Prof. Kowalke has earned the respect of the students who have passed their college years here while his associates, friends and acquaintances have shared a mutual esteem and regard for him as an individual, friend and educator.


Replacing Prof. Kowalke on the college faculty as instructor in Hebrew will be Paul E. Eickmann, son of Prof. and Mrs. Paul G. Eickmann.  The elder Eickmann has long been a faculty member as instructor in science.



Two Lutheran clergymen, the Rev. James Thrams and the Rev. Paul E. Eickmann, have been named to the faculty of Northwestern College and will begin their teaching careers when the college opens for the 1966-67 term on Wednesday, Sept. 7.  Prof. Thrams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Thrams of 907 Dodge Street and Prof. Eickmann is the son of Prof. and Mrs. Paul G. Eickmann of 511 Tower Road.  The elder Thrams is president of the Wisconsin National Bank while Prof. Eickmann’s father has long been a member of the Northwestern College faculty.  Both of the new faculty members were born in Watertown.




The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, through its Milwaukee office, today announced that the offerings for the expansion of its educational system, which includes the construction of a new residence hall, or dormitory on the campus of Northwestern College in Watertown, has “gone over the top.”  As of March 3, when the latest returns were compiled, the offerings stood at $5.5 million.  This exceeds the $4 million goal established by the synod at its convention in 1965 by 37 percent.



The Rev. Prof. Walter Schumann, a longtime member of the Northwestern College faculty, has closed his career as a college instructor, with the end of the college year.


Prof. Schumann is 75.  He was born in Watertown, attended Northwestern College, studied at the Lutheran Seminary, which was then located in Wauwatosa.  In addition to his teaching, he has held several pastorates.  One of the three Schumann children is pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Watertown.  He is the Rev. Walter A. Schumann.  There is another son, the Rev. Robert Schumann of Kenosha and the third child is the wife of a pastor, the Rev. Norman Barenz of Zion, Ill.


Prof. Schumann has devoted 37 years to the classroom and 14 years to pastorates.  His devotion and service to both has been proverbial.


May he enjoy many more years of happiness, contentment and useful service in whatever he undertakes in his years of retirement.




After spending a little over five months in Vietnam as a service-pastor, Professor Erwin Scharf of the Northwestern College faculty was scheduled to leave Saigon today.  His replacement, the Rev. Frederic Gilbert, of West Allis, arrived there on Jan. 4.  Prof. Scharf was expected to spend a week helping him become acquainted with the area and the nature of the assignment.  Professor Scharf left Watertown on Aug. 4 of this past year and arrived in Saigon on Aug. 7, having made stops in Anchorage, Tokyo and Manila on the way.  For the past five months he has served as civilian chaplain for the servicemen of the Wisconsin Evangelical Synod.  He travelled, in most cases by military plane of helicopter, through the republic, visiting many of the bases and hospitals at which the men of his church happened to be stationed.  When he leaves Saigon today he is scheduled to fly to Bangkok.  From that center he will visit several United States bases in Thailand at which men of the synod are presently located.  On Sunday morning he will conduct a service in Bangkok.  On Monday he will travel to Hong Kong where he will spend a night with missionaries of his church.  On the evening of Jan. 15 he has arranged to hold a service in Taipei for men stationed at a number of United States airbases on Taiwan.



Dr. E. C. Kiessling, a member of the faculty of Northwestern College, has been elected president of the board of library commissioners of the Watertown Free Public Library.  Dr. Kiessling replaces L. J. Lange who has retired after serving on the board for 21 years, 15 of which he spent as its president.  P. E. Burkhalter was named vice president and Mrs. E. James Quirk was elected secretary. Attorney Roland F. Dierker is financial secretary.


08 23       104th YEAR

Northwestern College is preparing for the start of its 104th year, with classes due to begin the 1968-69 term on Monday, Sept. 9 with an opening service at 2 p.m., according to announcement made today by President Carleton Toppe.  A capacity enrollment is looked for, with students coming from several states in addition to Wisconsin communities.  Both the college and high school departments will start at the same time.  Northwestern College is owned and maintained by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and is situated on a 38-acre campus, with seven major campus buildings, several of which were constructed in recent years.




Delegates to the 40th biennial convention of the WIsconsin Ev. Luthearn Synod Thursday approved the construction of a new gymnasium at Northwestern College here as part of a $2.5 million budget for building projects.  Carlton Toppe, president of the college, told that the release of funds for the project cannot be made until the educational planning board for the synod establishes the priority list.  If the local project is number one on the list, work on the project may begin.  The project was second on the priority list last year.




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Had been approved in 1969 by delegates to the 40th biennial convention of the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod


-- -- Athletic Director Lloyd Thompson hired   WDT



                Franklin Frederick Zabell accepted the call to teach music and direct choir, 1972-1995.




Northwestern Professor Edgar Pieper has announced his retirement after 21 years of coaching and classroom work.  Pieper was called to NWC in 1960 primarily to share the coaching load with Professor Emeritus Leonard Umnus, who at that time had sole responsibility for both the college and prep athletic programs.  Since then, Pieper's schedule has included coaching college baseball for 21 years, college basketball for 10 years, college wrestling for 11 years, prep football for 15 years and serving as assistant college football coach since 1974.  He has taught mathematics on both the college and prep levels as well as geography at the prep school.  Pieper was born near Juneau Aug. 6, 1915 and graduated from Beaver Dam High School.  He attended Iowa State University and La Crosse State Teachers College where he participated in football and baseball.  He served in the U.S. Navy during the Second World War and, in 1951, received a M.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin.  WDT




A pops concert at 2:30 p.m. Sunday will highlight Northwestern College’s Winter Carnival activities.  The concert will be held in the music auditorium.  It will be open to the public and a freewill offering will be taken to defray expenses.  Carnival activities included broom hockey games and tug-o-wars this week.  A brunch is planned for 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.  Saturday a dress up banquet and talent show are set for Saturday evening.  Students will be allowed to bring guests to the events.  The prep school and college each will build a snow sculpture.  Usually there is a sculpture competition, but unfavorable conditions early in the week put a damper on that activity. WDT



08 25       120th year opening service; new faculty announced   WDT


10 28       Professors honored; Gerhard Franzmann, Paul Kuehl and Richard Strobel   WDT



Northwestern College Athletic Director Lloyd Thompson will close the book on a varied career of teaching and coaching when his retirement becomes official at the end of the current school year.  Prof. Thompson has overseen the NWC athletic program since 1970.  During that time he has served as track coach (1970 to 1981), basketball coach (1971-1982), baseball coach (1982-1983) and football coach from 1972 until last season. His Trojan football teams brought home four conference championships.  In addition to the coaching duties, Thompson established a wide-ranging intramural program, which he considers one of his “proudest” achievements.   WDT




Phil Sievert poured in 20 points to lead Northwestern Prep School to a 62-45 victory over University School of Milwaukee and the private schools' Class B state championship Saturday.  The Preps wasted no time as they quickly broke into the lead, converting three steals into driving lay-ups.  With three minutes played, Phil Sievert picked off a Wildcat pass and drove the length of the court for a stuff attempt that bounced off the bracket as his legs were swept away by Mike Grebe of University School.  Sievert picked himself off the floor and sank both free throws to put the Preps ahead 9-0.  Assistant coach Bill Limmer explained the early steals.  “We had studied their offense so thoroughly on film we knew where the passes would be.”   WDT


1986       CARLETON TOPPE Resigns

07 11       The sign attached to the door in the administration office proclaims, “Northwestern College President — Carleton Toppe.”  Since 1959, the words between those quotation marks have been linked together.  But at the conclusion of the 1986-87 school year, those words will be severed.  An era will end when Toppe resigns in 1986.  The American society has changed exponentially since 1959, and Northwestern College has also changed.  But with Toppe at the helm, Northwestern’s changes have been implemented at a “controlled pace.”  Toppe has been affiliated with Northwestern in one way or another since he enrolled in its prep school in 1926.  After four years in the prep school, he attended the college, graduating in 1934.  He attended the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon from 1934-37, before beginning a pastoral career in 1939.  He eventually accepted a call to join the faculty at Northwestern in 1948.  As a teacher, he mainly instructed courses in Latin, Greek, English and religion, before beginning his tenure as president of the college.   WDT


10 29       PASTOR ROBERT J. VOSS will succeed Prof. Carleton Toppe as the president of Northwestern College.  Voss, who currently serves as the executive secretary of the Board for Worker Training, will assume duties at Northwestern on July 1, 1987.  Toppe has been president of the college since 1959.  Voss graduated from Northwestern College in 1947.  He graduated from the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon in 1950.  After graduating from the seminary, Voss taught history and Latin at Northwestern for one year before entering the parish ministry at Faith, Fond du Lac.  He accepted a call to Siloah, Milwaukee in 1955, and became president of Wisconsin Lutheran College in 1963.  Wisconsin Lutheran College was merged with Dr. Martin Luther College in 1970, when Voss was called to become executive secretary of the Board for Worker Training.  Voss completed his doctorate work at Marquette University   WDT




Robert J. Voss can’t help but wink and smile when he speaks about his father.  “My dad was what I guess you would call a ‘man’s man.’  But inside, he was so soft that it was funny,” Voss said of his elder, the late Rev. Luther Voss.  Robert Voss and his father share a lot of the same qualities, including vocations.  Voss will be installed as the new president of Northwestern College at a service Tuesday night.  At the age of 61, he will become only the fourth Northwestern president in the past 116 years.   WDT


1989       REV. MARK SCHROEDER New President

10 29       When the Rev. Mark Schroeder takes over as president at Watertown Northwestern Preparatory School, he’ll be younger than any of the school’s faculty members.  Schroeder has accepted the call to be president of the school, which is operated by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.  The Schroeders are no strangers to Watertown.  Mark’s parents, Erwin and Selma, still reside in the city, as do Andrea’s parents, Donald and Dorothy Kuester.  The son of a former Northwestern College professor, Schroeder graduated from Northwestern Prep in 1972.  He graduated from Northwestern College in 1977 and from the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1981.  WDT



02 28       A $750,000 bequest from the estate of a Wausau man has moved Northwestern College another step closer to its goal of a new library facility.  The Rev. Robert J. Voss, president of Northwestern College, said the bequest came from the estate of the late Walter J. Kurth, 81, who had operated an insurance and real estate business in Wausau for many years.  He stipulated in his will that the money be used for building, furnishing and equipping a new library.  The bequest is the largest ever received by Northwestern, and brings to nearly $1.5 million the amount contributed for a new library.  That amounts to about one-half of the estimated $3 million needed for the new building.  WDT



Northwestern Prep School professor Ron Hahm believes he’s found a way to relieve stress, maintain physical fitness and earn a little cash on the side.  What’s his secret activity? — He shears sheep.  “It’s an excellent way to keep in shape,” Hahm said about his sideline, a hobby he has cultivated since his childhood.  “It taxes all parts of the body, so it’s excellent for maintaining physical fitness.”  With the start of the Jefferson County Junior Fair Wednesday, Hahm’s skills have been in demand lately from youths who want their prize sheep and lambs to look their best for competition.  Hahm himself entered sheep in fairs throughout the Midwest when he was younger, the reason he learned how to shear in the first place.  WDT


09 15       125th ANNIVERSARY

The paths of Northwestern College and the city of Watertown have been intertwined for the past 125 years. This week, Northwestern College and Prep schools are celebrating their 125th anniversary in the city by the Rock River.  The Northwestern schools were formed in 1865, just twenty-nine years after the first settler arrived in Watertown.  The relationship between the schools and the city has been mutually beneficial, according to Robert J. Voss, president of Northwestern College.  “It’s very positive. I think it’s a good college setting. It’s a good stable community,” Voss said. Northwestern College prepares men for the ministry in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.  WDT



Robert J. Voss, president of Northwestern College since 1987, recently observed the 40th anniversary of his ordination.  After graduating from the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1950, he served Northwestern as a tutor and prep football coach.  In 1951, he became pastor of Faith Lutheran Church in Fond du Lac.  Siloah Lutheran Church of Milwaukee called him to serve from 1955 to 1970, when he became president of Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee.  During the 1960s, Voss attended graduate school at Marquette University, where he completed the course work for a doctor’s degree.  When the synod closed its Wisconsin Lutheran College in 1970, Voss became administrator of the synod’s board for worker training.  He accepted the call to become the sixth president of Northwestern College in the fall of 1986 and began his work in Watertown in July of 1987.   WDT



Watertown is well known for its rich German heritage and many of the traditions carried on today continue to bring joy, peace and goodwill.  One of those traditions is carried on each year by an all-male group of pastors and professors who gather together annually just before Christmas to sing carols in German to the aged and ill.  The group started 25 years ago with an octet, but has now grown to over 30 members.  The songs bring cheer to all those who hear, but also occasionally cause a tear or two to fall when they bring back fond memories of Christmases past.  The caroling group is made up of professors from Northwestern and pastors from the city’s Wisconsin Synod churches who have been singing the German carols for years.   WDT




NEW ULM, Minn. — Plans for a new library at Northwestern College, and a proposal for consolidation of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod school system, were put on hold for two years as the result of action taken by delegates on Friday.  The big question of whether or not to reduce the school system to four campuses from the present five was not resolved, but instead delegates decided to have an independent committee study that feasibility.  A suggested plan would move Northwestern College in Watertown to the campus of Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, and combine Martin Luther Preparatory School in Prairie du Chien, Wis., with Northwestern Preparatory School in the Watertown campus.   WDT




The Rev. Robert J. Voss, president of Northwestern College, will retire at the end of the current school year.  Voss said he believes this is the time for a new person to assume the presidency, and cited two reasons for his decision.  First, the future location of Northwestern College still is not clear, and, “It appears doubtful whether this entire matter will be settled by decisive action at the 1993 synod convention.”  And second, the college has already begun a self-study which will conclude in January of 1994.  Voss noted, “Since the self-study will focus on the curriculum, in particular a curriculum that will train pastors for the 21st century, there will be many significant questions considered with far reaching impact.”  Voss said, “I believe it is the best course of action to make it possible for Northwestern’s next president to be on the scene as these issues unfold.”  WDT




Northwestern College is conducting an extensive search throughout the nation for students who would like to start a second career.  Married students currently enrolled at the college met for brunch at the Brandt-Quirk Bed and Breakfast Sunday to discuss a retreat planned for older students on June 11-13.  The retreat will provide information and advice about Northwestern College and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod to older students.  Currently, the college has 14 older students, a number that is expected to increase because of the new program.     WDT



Professor John Braun, a member of the staff of Northwestern College, has accepted the call to become the new president of the college.  He was called by the college’s board of control.  Braun, who will become the seventh president of Northwestern on July 1, will succeed the Rev. Robert Voss who is retiring.  Northwestern College is the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod’s pre-seminary school.  Students receiving their bachelor’s degree from the college generally move to Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon where they graduate ministers in the synod.  Braun said this morning there will be many challenges for the college as it enters an uncertain period in its long history.  One of the primary issues at the present time is the uncertainty of the location of the synod’s educational facilities.  A synod committee is currently studying the possibility of creating a joint teacher and pastor training school in one location. Currently the teacher training school is Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn., and the pastoral training school is Northwestern College in Watertown.   WDT



Northwestern College will be moved from Watertown, but in its place will be an expanded Northwestern Preparatory School, delegates to the 52nd biennial convention of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod in Saginaw, Mich., voted this morning. The vote was 195 to 176 to merge Northwestern College, the synod’s pastor training college, with its teacher training college, Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn., on the Minnesota campus. The resolution also calls for Martin Luther Preparatory School, Prairie du Chien, to be merged into Northwestern Prep School at the Watertown campus. The decision came after a two-hour hearing Monday evening, three hours of debate on the convention floor on Thursday and another hour of debate today.   WDT



Northwestern College will install John A. Braun as the seventh president in its 128-year history in a special service on Sunday at 7 p.m.  The service will be in the auditorium, and an informal reception will follow in the cafeteria.  As President Braun is installed to head the undergraduate training of pastors for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Rev. Kenneth Gawrisch, secretary for Northwestern’s Board of Control, will give the sermon, and Rev. David Tiarks, board chairman, will conduct the liturgy.  President Braun, a native of St. Paul, Minn., brings to his office 24 years of experience in both the parish ministry and in education.  After he graduated from NWC and the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, he served as a pastor in Tomahawk, Milwaukee and Zion, Ill.  In 1984 Braun came to NWC as a professor of English and later was also called to be director of admissions and recruitment.  During his years at NWC Braun has earned a master of arts degree in English from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and has begun Ph.D. work in rhetoric and composition.    WDT



Plans for the merger of Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod schools are moving ahead at a rapid pace.  The synod voted earlier this year to consolidate Northwestern College of Watertown and Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN, into one college at the New Ulm campus and to consolidate Northwestern Prep School of Watertown and Dr. Martin Luther Prep School of Prairie du Chien into one high school at the Watertown campus.  WDT



Plans for the merger of Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod schools are moving ahead at a rapid pace.  The synod voted earlier this year to consolidate Northwestern College of Watertown and Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn., into one college at the New Ulm campus and to consolidate Northwestern Prep School of Watertown and Dr. Martin Luther Prep School of Prairie du Chien into one high school at the Watertown campus.  The Prairie du Chien campus is to be closed and sold by the start of the 1995-96 school year.  The Rev. Mark Schroeder, president of Northwestern Prep School in Watertown, said a facilities planning committee has been appointed and is meeting regularly.  It has been charged with planning facility needs at the two campuses, making arrangements for the move and providing necessary housing for students and faculty alike.



Professor Bob Bock stands near the door of a classroom crowded with computers.  A single student sits peering into the screen at the far end of the room.  This room, Bock says proudly, is usually bursting with pupils.  And as if to underline his statement, young adults begin filing into the room, taking their places quietly in front of the machines.  Here, Bock says, making a sweeping motion with his arm, is the future of education at Northwestern Preparatory School.  The school has begun a thrust toward integrating computers into all subject areas.  For instance, several classes use textbooks which come with their own software.  Assignments and exams can be completed on computer disc.




A regional accrediting agency will recommend that Northwestern College's accreditation continue for 10 years.  A team of educators from the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools decided to make the recommendation after reviewing Northwestern's programs.  The continuation, which would last through the school year 2003-4, is the longest allowable period between comprehensive reviews.  The visit was the culmination of a long self-study by Northwestern.  Over the past year, the college has reviewed its organization, faculty, curriculum, instruction, library and student services.  Professor James Korthals organized the study and prepared the 195-page report, which was the basis of the visit.



The president of Northwestern Preparatory School has accepted a call to serve as the president of the new prep school to be created on the Northwestern campus beginning in 1995.  Rev. Mark G. Schroeder announced this morning in a press release that he accepted the call given to him a couple weeks ago by the Board of Control for the new prep school.  The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) decided last summer to close Martin Luther Prep School in Prairie du Chien and merge its operations with Northwestern Prep.  Schroeder, who has been president of the Watertown school since 1989, will head a school nearly double the enrollment size of the current institution.




Beginning in the fall of 1995, Northwestern Prep School will be known as Luther Preparatory School. The board of control for the school recently selected the name change for the school, which was mandated by a synod resolution. “I guess the board of control felt the name Luther did a number of things,” said Northwestern president, Rev. Mark Schroeder. “It basically describes who we are and what we do and it ties us to the Lutheran heritage that we have as a church body. And it’s easy to say and remember.” The name change is just one in a number of changes for the Prep school, which will be a consolidation of the current Northwestern Prep and Prairie du Chien Martin Luther prep schools. A building project on the campus will begin this May immediately after classes at both the prep school and Northwestern College conclude.



The Watertown Planning Commission Monday approved a conditional use permit for an expansion project at Northwestern Prep School.  The commission gave its unanimous approval for the $4.4 million building project following a public hearing, at which no one opposed the proposal.  Changes at the campus are necessary to accommodate the expansion of the prep school in Watertown.  Recently, Northwestern announced plans to move the local college at the end of the 1994-95 school year to make way for a larger prep school, which will open in the fall of 1995.  The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod will merge Northwestern College with its sister school, Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn.  The synod also plans to close its Martin Luther Prep School in Prairie du Chien and form an expanded prep school in Watertown.



Renovations at the Northwestern campus topped the list of building projects in Watertown in June.  The school is preparing for an expanded preparatory school here for the fall of 1995.  The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod plans to close Martin Luther Prep School in Prairie du Chien and merge it with Northwestern Prep School.  The new school will be known as Luther Preparatory School.  To make room for the expanded prep school in Watertown, Northwestern College will be moved to New Ulm, Minn., and merged with its sister school, Dr. Martin Luther College.  The school received a building permit for the project in June with an estimated value of construction of $2.5 million. However, school officials have estimated the total cost of the building project will reach $4.4 million by the time it’s completed.




Students flocked to their first day of classes at Luther Preparatory School this morning, marking a new era at the campus.  Rev. Mark Schroeder is president of the school.  Once the home of Northwestern College and Preparatory School, Luther Prep now serves high school-age students. The transition to the preparatory school was finalized during a ceremony in the school's gymnasium which included the school's opening service, dedication of the expanded facility, installation of the staff and ordination of several staff members.   WDT




The proposed vacation of streets near Luther Preparatory School was recommended by the Watertown Planning Commission.  The vacation of College Circle, the public alley east of 417-433 College Avenue and a portion of Campus Street, was sent to the Watertown Common Council for final approval.  The school is seeking vacation of the streets to provide an area for athletic facilities, including a soccer field and track.  Planning commission members said the vacation, if approved, will not authorize the expansion of athletic facilities on the campus.  An existing conditional use permit will need to be modified by the commission to allow additional uses on the property.   WDT



03 06       Professor Ron Hahm, Latin instructor, also for Watertown High School   WDT



03 08       HEDY GNEWUCH

A local teacher will be trading in her school books for a uniform to proudly serve her country.  Hedy Gnewuch, 26, a teacher at Luther Prep in Watertown, is also a member of the 1158th Transportation Company of the Army National Guard in Black River Falls which has been called to active duty.  She has been ordered to report to Fort McCoy in Black River Falls on March 15.  After spending a week receiving shots and new uniforms, her unit will be deployed but the destination of the deployment is classified information.  “We won’t know until the plane lands.  So as far as leaving my family and friends in the dark, they will be for awhile,” Gnewuch said, adding she could be gone a minimum of one year to a maximum of two years.   WDT




Fifteen students and two teachers from Goeppingen, Germany, arrived in Watertown Oct. 14 and will be staying with families of Luther Preparatory School students until Nov. 4.  The students are 11th-graders from Moerike Gymnasium, a college-bound high school.  This is the first year Luther Preparatory School is participating in the German American Partnership Program, which pairs the German students with American students.  The Germans are living with families in the city and attend class every day.    WDT




NEW ULM, Minn. — The Rev. Mark Schroeder, 53, has accepted the call to be the next president of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, the third largest Lutheran church body in the United States.  Schroeder was elected Tuesday after four ballots and asked the convention to give him overnight to consider the call.  The runner-up was the Rev. Paul Janke, 51, of Modesto, Calif.  Schroeder succeeds the Rev. Karl Gurgel, 65, of Lake Mills, Wis. who is stepping down after 14 years in office.  Schroeder currently serves as president of Luther Preparatory School in Watertown, Wis.  He has previously served as a pastor at congregations in Fond du Lac, Wis., and Maitland, Fla. 



[WHS_005_553]   A new press box, concession and rest room facility is the centerpiece of an ongoing upgrade to the athletic facilities at Luther Preparatory School.  On September 17 Luther Prep dedicated the football complex.  WDT



Leonard Umnus considered a football field the best classroom for teaching character to his students.  On Saturday afternoon, his favorite classroom was officially given his name.  A dedication ceremony for Luther Preparatory School’s newly renovated football complex was held during halftime of Luther Prep’s varsity football game against the Lodi Blue Devils.  The new complex, which includes new bleachers, a new press box, a lighted field for the first time and other amenities, will be known as “Umnus Field — Home of the Phoenix.”  Umnus served as a staff member and athletic director at the school formerly known as Northwestern Prep from 1936-1974.  He coached football, basketball, baseball and wrestling, and had winners in all sports.



03 26       PROFESSOR/REV. CYRIL SPAUDE, 1930-2008. 

He served as professor of Greek and Hebrew at Northwestern College from 1966 to 1995.  Upon retirement from NWC served in WELS ministries including St. Mark's  WDT



For the first time, Luther Prep’s homecoming football game will be played on a Friday night, under the lights.  Another “first” will be held Friday with a kick-off of a “Come Home on Homecoming” alumni weekend for Luther Prep.  Luther Prep is the alma mater for its own alumni and for the five predecessor schools including Dr. Martin Luther High School in New Ulm, Minn., (1884-1968), Northwestern Lutheran Academy in Mobridge, S.D., (1928-79), Martin Luther Academy in New Ulm, (1968-79), Martin Luther Preparatory School in Prairie du Chien, (1979-95) and Northwestern Preparatory School in Watertown (1865-1995) who have all relocated or closed to form the present day Luther Preparatory School (1995-present).


10 01       Homecoming game played on a Friday night and under the lights, for the first time    WDT




Members of the Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce learned a little bit more about the roles and functions of Luther Preparatory School this morning during a breakfast gathering sponsored by the local chamber.  According to Matthew Crass, president of Luther Preparatory School, a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod preparatory school has existed on the Watertown campus since 1865.  Luther Preparatory School, formerly known as Northwestern University and Northwestern Prep, was created in 1995 after the merger of Northwestern Prep and Martin Luther Prep, he added.


-- --         Daniel M. Deutschlander:  The Theology of the Cross:  Reflections on His Cross and Ours


02 20       Luther Prep String Ensemble participated in St. Mark’s dedication of new school, music center   WDT



While many public schools are concerned with a decrease in funds, Luther Preparatory School is also facing the same funding shortfall.  Last week nine positions at the school were eliminated.


Luther Prep is owned by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod which funds 50 percent of the school's budget.  The rest of the budget is made up in tuition.  At the end of April administrators at Luther Prep were told the school would have to reduce the budget by over half a million dollars.


Positions that were eliminated included four full-time teachers, one part-time teacher and four other staff members which included maintenance, clerical and the school's business manager. No cuts were made to the curriculum, extracurricular activities or any other services the school offers. Tuition also remained the same and did not increase.


08 24       2009-10 school year registration; total of 353 students in the 9th through 12th grade college preparatory high school   WDT


08 27       “GROOVIN’ MOVE-IN” CREW

The 40-acre campus of Luther Preparatory School was buzzing with excitement this past weekend as students throughout the country began arriving for the school year.  Registration and opening activities took place all weekend long.  The “Groovin’ Move-In” Crew was in full force Friday and Saturday helping all the students move into the dorms.  Volunteer parents and friends of LPS staffed the “hospitality tent” offering lemonade, coffee, treats and directions to local stores.


10 31       Ron Hahm to be inducted into hall of fame; former Northwestern Prep and Luther Prep head football coach   WDT



04 10       Meinhardt Raabe, famous munchkin, NWC grad, dead at 94   WDT




Held on campus; 400 delegates attended   WDT




Milwaukee-native Fricke, the cousin of Trinity-St. Luke’s Principal Jim Moeller and the late Watertown Rev. Jim Fricke, will lead the performance, which features show tunes from productions that graced the Luther Prep auditorium stage.  The performance will happen on Sunday, Oct. 21, 100 years and one day after the Luther Prep auditorium was dedicated.   WDTimes article



06 15         


08 24       NATHAN SCHARF

Professor Nathan Scharf is a professor at Luther Preparatory School.  Scharf serves as recruitment director at Luther Prep.  He is a West Allis native but attended Luther Prep as a high school student to study for the ministry before attending Martin Luther College and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.  He and his wife, Hannah, live in Watertown with their three children.  Scharf’s family has a deep heritage in the city of Watertown.  He and his father, Ralph, worked at the Watertown pool before entering the ministry.  His grandfather, Erwin, taught at Northwestern College and Prep until his retirement. His grandmother, Irene, worked at Bethesda Lutheran Homes for many years before her retirement.   WDT






Luther Preparatory School traces its history back to 1865 as the prep department of Northwestern College and this year marks the school’s 150th anniversary.  The actual anniversary is Sept. 14 and will be celebrated with a service at the school’s chapel on Nov. 15 at 3 p.m. with former Luther Prep president, the Rev. Mark Schroeder and current Wisconsin Lutheran Synod president, officiating the service.


The school started as a prep school, a college and a seminary all in one.  The seminary left in 1870 and moved to Milwaukee and is now in Mequon.  The college, known as Northwestern College, was in Watertown until 1995.  It was merged with Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn., to form the new Martin Luther College.


The four-year secondary school known as Luther Prep around town is owned and operated by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and offers college preparatory curriculum in grades nine through 12.  The school was founded with the purpose of nurturing and training pastors and teachers, and that remains to be one of the school’s most important goals.


Luther Prep is the oldest Lutheran high school in the United States.


To celebrate the anniversary, the school’s chapel will be remodeled and rededicated over the next year beginning in March of 2016.  The school’s organ, which was installed in 1963 according to the Watertown Historical Society, has already been removed to start its restoration process, which will take up to a year to complete.  Crass mentioned Luther Prep graduates more organists than any other high school in the country.


The Luther Preparatory School Chapel was dedicated on Aug. 21, 1956.  The chapel was built in the 1950s and nothing has really been done with it and it’s showing its age.


New flooring, altar, pulpit and sound system will all be installed. A baptismal font will also be added to the chapel thanks to the Northwestern College Alumni Society. The font will be made of stained glass from when the chapel was redone in 1995.  Since 1956, the chapel has undergone the addition of a small balcony, a new entryway and more pews to accommodate the larger enrollment of Luther Prep.  The school centers its students’ education around worship, which they do two times per school day.


In 2014, Luther Prep had 442 students enrolled from 23 states and nine foreign countries including Antigua, Canada, China, Germany, Korea, Malawi, St. Lucia, Ukraine and Zambia. The students came from 187 congregations and 396 students lived in three dorms. This school year Crass says he expects there will be about 435 students.


The school has 30 professors and instructors, nine tutors and nine piano teachers and has active sports teams on campus.


The continuing mission and purpose of Luther Preparatory School is to prepare and encourage young men and women for the full-time ministry in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.  Over half of the students in the last 20 years have gone on to Martin Luther College.  Luther Prep produces one third of the pastors in the Wisconsin Lutheran Synod.



Luther Preparatory School will celebrate its 150th anniversary with a service Sunday, Nov. 15, at 3 p.m. in the school's gymnasium.  Former Luther Prep president and current Wisconsin Lutheran Synod president, the Rev. Mark Schroeder will officiate the service, which will feature choirs from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Martin Luther College, Michigan Lutheran Seminary and Luther Preparatory School.


The school's actual anniversary was Sept. 14.  "Our Northwestern College the Story of its Origin and Growth," written by Dr. Arthur Hoermann was translated into English by Hans Koller Moussa of Jefferson for the school's 50th anniversary in 1915.


The first paragraph of the text states, "The 14th of September, 1865, is a memorable day in the annals of our Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Wisconsin.  On this day pastors and parishioners of the Synod gathered at Watertown to witness the realization of a hope long deferred.  Since 1850, when the Wisconsin Synod was founded, there had been a strong desire to possess a seminary and college in a building expressly devoted to that purpose.  And now, on Sept. 14, 1865, a building was consecrated at Watertown to serve that very purpose."


Referring to that first celebration Dr. Hoermann wrote, "The editor of a local paper felt quite lost when he came to report the proceedings; everything seemed strange and foreign to him, -- 'they speak and write in another tongue,' he wrote.  Continuing, he says, that the third speaker, who spoke English, only had an audience of four 'Americans' - two gentlemen, a lady and a boy.  This is undoubtedly an exaggeration, but it is interesting to note that this third speaker, the first president of the college, Professor Adam Martin, A. M., addressed his audience in the English language."


At the time of the establishment of the school, it was often simply referred to in the media as the Lutheran College.  Professor Martin suggested to the board of the school that the official designation be Wisconsin University.  That name remained until negotiations for the charter commenced and then the name was changed to Northwestern University to avoid confusion with the new University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Sometime later the name was changed again to Northwestern College. 


Northwestern College continued on its Watertown campus until 1995.  At that time the Wisconsin Synod saw fit to amalgamate Northwestern College with Dr. Martin Luther College on its campus in New Ulm, Minn.  Amalgamated that same year were Northwestern Preparatory School and Martin Luther Preparatory School of Prairie du Chien on the Watertown campus.



10 14       RENOVATED CHAPEL / NEW $500,000 ORGAN

Luther Preparatory School is the home of a refurbished and enhanced $500,000 organ this school year, as well as a newly renovated chapel.  The organ was removed from the school in August 2015 and the new and improved instrument was installed this summer in time for the new school year.  The chapel is used daily for a service every morning at 9 o’clock for the student body and faculty.  There is also an informal chapel service for students at 9:35 every evening.


Workers from Berghaus Pipe Organ Builders disassembled the organ which was replaced in celebration of the school’s 150th anniversary.


The chapel, which seats about 525, was also renovated for the first time since 1995. The renovation includes new flooring, pews, a new pulpit and altar, and an expanded area in the front of the church that can fit full choirs.


Outside the chapel, a tower, which is the highest point on campus, is the home of a baptismal font donated by the Northwestern College Alumni Society.  The tower features four stained glass windows that were removed when the chapel was renovated in 1995. The windows were refurbished for the first time since the 1950s.


The total cost of the renovations was $900,000 and was received entirely from gifts from members of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.


The school started as a prep school, a college and a seminary all in one. The seminary left in 1870 and moved to Milwaukee and is now in Mequon. The college, known as Northwestern College, was in Watertown until 1995. It was merged with Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota, to form the new Martin Luther College.


The four-year secondary school known as Luther Prep is owned and operated by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and offers college preparatory curriculum in grades nine through 12. The school was founded with the purpose of nurturing and training pastors and teachers, and that remains to be one of the school’s most important goals. Luther Prep is the oldest Lutheran high school in the United States.



06 08       CLASS OF 2019

Link to pdf file  






WELS Synod Convention delegates re-elected the Rev. Mark Schroeder as synod president.  Schroeder was first elected as president in 2007.  This will be his fourth four-year term.  Prior to serving as WELS president, Schroeder was the president of Luther Preparatory School in Watertown.  WELS is the third largest Lutheran church body in the U.S. with about 1,300 churches in 49 states and 390,000 members, and it conducts gospel outreach in 40 countries around the world.




Luther Preparatory School desires to build a music center that will have a performing arts theater with sloped seating and 100 additional seats, designated band and choir rooms, right-sized classrooms with the latest technology, piano studios, practice rooms, adequate restrooms, etc.

The estimated cost at this time ranges between $10-$15 million.

Plans include a modest repurposing of the 112-year-old current music auditorium to its original purpose as a much-needed second gym.


   Image Portfolio        



Cross reference:

WELS article on refurbished chapel  

Over the years the Watertown chapel of Luther Prep (former Northwestern College) began to show her age.


"With a proposal in hand for partially-new chancel furnishings, with another proposal for organ maintenance under discussion, with acoustical enhancements being proposed that would alter the look of the chapel, and with the 150th anniversary of the Watertown campus on the horizon, the LPS administration decided to seek some independent counsel. With two sons enrolled at LPS, I was asked to serve as chapel consultant."


The Watertown campus has been a blessing to WELS for 150 years.










Cross References

                Schoenike home at 423 College Ave torn down during expansion (WHS00003)

                Max Gaebler, one of the first three students to enter Northwestern College

                College seal

                Prof. John Henry Ott

                Weltbuerger Printing Co. printed the Northwestern College monthly magazine, The Black and Red, as well as the college high school paper.

The Tutors of Northwestern College, 31 pgs, Document WHS_001_003_PDF, available upon request.





Table of Contents 

History of Watertown, Wisconsin
