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Seriously Injured

Watertown Gazette, 12 04 1908


Wednesday evening of last week H. E. Bradley was seriously injured by running against a switch near the west end of the platform at the C.M.&St.P. depot.  Mr. Bradley has law offices in the Majestic building, Milwaukee, and was en route to a family gathering at his parents' home in Madison on Thanksgiving, where his wife was on a visit.  He had a package for his mother-in-law, Mrs. A. C. Bittner, Clyman Street, and as he left the train at the depot a gust of wind blew his hat off.  He called to the brakeman to hold the train till he regained his hat, and after getting it he started for the train on a run, thinking it had started, and ran against the switch at the end of the platform.  As he boarded the train the passengers noticed the blood streaming from his forehead and a deep gash therein.  When the train reached the Junction [just down the tracks] he was taken from it to a carriage and conveyed to the Bittner home on Clyman Street, where Dr. Moulding found it necessary to use five stitches in sewing up the wound.  He is getting along nicely under the doctor's treatment and will be all right again in a short time.



Watertown Gazette, 12 04 1908


VERY FEW CASES OF DIPHTHERIA IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS.  As president of the board of education of the city of Watertown, the undersigned has made it his official business to communicate with the superintendent and principals of the public schools of this city regarding the number of pupils who have been attending the public schools and are at present down with the disease diphtheria, and they say that all told only eight cases have been reported to them.  One in the High School, four in No. 2 School, two in No. 3 School and one in No. 4 School.  Many false rumors have been set afloat to the contrary, hence it is well that the public know the correct state of affairs.  James W. Moore, President Board of Education. Watertown, Wis., December 2, 1908.


Mr. and Mrs. James Duffy

Watertown Gazette, 12 04 1908

25th Wedding Anniversary.


Mr. and Mrs. James Duffy of the town of Clyman were most agreeably reminded last Friday evening of an important event in their lives which took place on Nov. 28th, 1883.  Just 25 years have passed since they became life partners, and a number of their intimate friends invaded their hospitable home last Friday evening to remind them of that happy event.  The "bride and groom" received their friends cordially, and quickly discovering the cause of the invasion, tendered an unconditional surrender which the "enemy" accepted.  The visitors were very hospitably entertained and wedding festivities quite as real as those of '83 followed, to the enjoyment and delight of all present.  At a very late hour the guests reluctantly departed for their respective homes leaving after them the pleasant memory of neighborly friendship, as well as sincerely expressed wishes for the continued happiness of one of Clyman's most worthy and respected households.  [Juneau Telephone]


John I. Beggs line to Beaver Dam


Watertown Gazette, 12 04 1908


W. C. Stone of Watertown Here Yesterday in Interest of Road.

Road to be here January 1, 1910.


Beaver Dam Citizen:  W. C. Stone of Watertown was in the city yesterday in the interest of the Milwaukee Electric and Light Company, who propose to build an electric railway into Beaver Dam next year.  The road is now completed from Milwaukee to Watertown and is equipped with cars that are models for interurban travel.


Mr. Stone said: "The plans of the company are to build a line from Watertown to Fond du Lac, and thus connect with the Fox River Valley lines, which the company owns.  When this line is completed cars will be run from Green Bay direct to Chicago.  We will run sleeping and dining cars and make quick time, too.


"We are getting ready to build our road into Beaver Dam, having purchased property for right of way in Watertown and toward Beaver Dam.  We will use the very best materials in the construction of the road.  We use 80 and 90 pound rails, and concrete foundations.  We do not build roads to sell, but build them to operate and benefit the towns that we go through.


"I believe that the first road that builds into Beaver Dam should be the one to be granted the franchise.  We are going to build from Watertown to Fond du Lac, thus making a trunk line from Green Bay to Chicago, and will have the road in operation by January 1, 1910.  The line will go through Waupun and other towns north of there.  All we ask is fair treatment, but of course if Beaver Dam don't want us to come we will build around your city."


Mr. Stone left on the 4:57 train yesterday afternoon, and will return here in a few days to take the matter up with the council.


Continuous Advertising

Watertown Gazette, 12 04 1908


Advertising must be continuous, for the generations are changing and people today are not taking any patent medicines advertised 30 years ago, unless the advertising has been kept up.  Proof of the forgetfulness of the changing generations is seen in the fact that clowns and minstrels do not have to change jokes, counting on the certainty that the audience is changed.  To advertise a big Christmas sale and not follow it up with a reduction sale would be to let the public forget you.


Annual Conference

Watertown Gazette, 12 04 1908


The annual conference of the Advent Christian churches of Wisconsin convened at the Moravian Church Tuesday evening and will continue over Sunday.  There will be preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. each day.  A number of minister delegates and visitors are in attendance.  There will be a song service at 7:80 o'clock and preaching at 8 o'clock.  The business sessions of the conference began Thursday at 9 a. m.  The public is cordially invited to attend all the sessions of this conference.


Rev. D. C. Meinert

Watertown Gazette, 12 04 1908


Rev. C. Kreider, principal of the Moravian seminary at Lititz, Pa., visited in the city on Monday, and while here announced that Rev. D. C. Meinert, of Nazareth, Pa., formerly pastor of the Moravian church in Watertown, has been appointed assistant principal of Linden Hall seminary at Lititz.


Robbed in Chicago

Watertown Gazette, 12 11 1908


John Borchardt of Watertown was robbed of a wallet containing $975 by pickpockets on a West Madison street car while returning to the home of relatives at 597 Homan Avenue from the stock show in Chicago last week.  He formerly worked at the meat market of Nowack & Meyer in West Main Street [223 W Main, Watertown] and is at present stopping at R. Woelffer's  in this city [Robert Woelffer ran a boarding house at 717 W Main].  His overcoat pocket was cut with a knife and the pocketbook containing the money taken therefrom.  He had been conducting a meat market in Chicago and had recently sold his interest to his partner.


Public School No. 2 / Lincoln School

Watertown Gazette, 12 11 1908


Public School No. 2, about which we heard so much of late, was built 40 years ago.  It has never been remodeled as some are inclined to think, but shortly after water works and sewage were introduced in this city, the old vault‘s in the rear of the school were condemned and toilet rooms provided for in the basement of the school.  A small addition in front of the school was built to provide suitable entrance to these toilet rooms, but no alterations were made inside of the school other than changing the stairway.  If the plans of the Board of Education are carried out, a school will be built to take the place No. 2 that will be a credit to the city, and a school large enough for many years to come, unless our city's population will increase faster than any of our people anticipate, and even should it do so, the plans of this school will be such that extra rooms can readily be added without in any way marring its exterior appearance or detracting from the interior arrangement.  [School No. 2 was replaced by Lincoln School the following year; the 1909 Lincoln building was gutted by fire in 1946]

  More on new Lincoln School 

Will Build New Public School

Watertown Gazette, 12 11 1908


At a regular meeting of the Board of Education held last Wednesday evening, the Board took official action to erect a public school in place of No. 2 School in the 4th ward.  For several mouths past this matter has been discussed unofficially by the Board and members thereof have visited several of the new schools in Madison, seeking information of the latest school buildings, and have had architects Claude of Madison and Uehling of Milwaukee here looking over No. 2 school to ascertain if anything could be saved to the taxpayers by having it enlarged and remodeled.  Both architects decided that it would be cheaper and better to build an entire new school building, hence on Wednesday night the Board passed preambles and resolutions deciding to build a new school on the same plans as the Doty School at Madison. 


This is an eight room building for school purposes proper, including a kindergarten room, and besides, has a teachers' room, and in the large basement, a domestic science room and a manual training room.  The building is heated by steam and its ventilating system changes the air every seven minutes.  It is fitted out with all modern improvements, every room is well lighted and its sanitary features most carefully planned.


The building cost, complete with furniture, is $25,000.  The Board of Education will present a communication to the city council at its next regular meeting requesting it to provide ways and means for raising the funds for the erection of this building. The taxpayers of Watertown in general are in favor of this new building, and we believe the council also and mayor are enthusiastic for the improvement.  Plans and specifications will be drawn at once, and as soon as the ways and means are settled for the payment of the building, the contract will be let, and work commenced as soon as the weather will permit in the spring.

  More on new Lincoln School 

Lincoln School Plans Readied

Watertown Gazette, 02 05 1909


The plans have been ready for some time for the new school house which the Board of Education contemplates building to take the place of the old one in the Fourth Ward, known as No. 2, which long since has “outlived” its usefulness.


Many parents of children attending this school have for months past urged the necessity of a new school building, and the Board of Education has time and again been told that the State Board of Health would be called in to condemn the building if some action was not speedily taken for the erection of a new building.  The Board has for months been at work formulating plans for a new building, after first having considered the question of enlarging and remodeling the old one, but two competent architects consulted by the board declared it would cost nearly as much to remodel the old one as to build a new one—and then it would only be a "patched-up" building.  The new school building contemplated will accommodate about three-eighths more pupils than the old one, and the Board of Education, which has given this matter its close attention, declares the new building is just what the situation demands and for many years in the future will suffice the needs of that section of the city.  At the meeting of the council last Tuesday evening the following communication was submitted:


To the Hon. the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Watertown, Wis.


Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Board of Education, Dec. 2, 1908, a resolution that it is necessary to erect a new school building in place of the present school building No. 2, in the Fourth Ward of this city, was unanimously adopted.


The probable cost of such proposed building will be thirty thousand dollars ($30,000).  At a special meeting of said Board of Education January 21, 1909, the plans herewith submitted for your approval were duly adapted.


The material in said old school building may be used in the erection of a new school building, and it would be advisable to authorize and instruct said Board of Education to offer the same for sale in the call for sealed proposals for a new building to contractors, the proceeds which may be derived therefrom to be applied on the contract price for such new building.


Watertown, Wis., Feb. 2, 1909.  By order of the Board, Carl R. Feld, Clerk.


The matter was laid over for further consideration by the committees having the matter in charge.


The Board of Education is now ready to proceed in this matter and has been for some time—it is now up to the council to hurry the matter along—the school board cannot be held responsible for further delay and the people must now deal with the City Council if this matter is not speedily disposed of.


The Board of Education believes the council should hold a special meeting forthwith and settle this matter.  On this question The Daily Times of Wednesday evening says when it came up before the council Tuesday evening:


"The proposition for a new school to replace the present No. 2 school was debated and after all was said the matter was laid over for two weeks.  It was evident that the members agree to disagree on the school question, but it would be much wiser it they got together on this point.  A new school is badly needed and no patchwork will go with the city.  But some of the aldermen evidently believe that they can play horse with the people and children's health.  There should be no baby play in this matter.  It is something which concerns the health of the children attending school.  It can very easily be taken out of the hands of the school board and city council when a question of health is involved, which is the status of the matter at present."


Robbed of Clothes and Money

Watertown Gazette, 12 11 1908


Last Sunday night Frank C. Blakely, employed by the Southern Wisconsin Power Co. erecting towers for the electric cables in this vicinity, was robbed of clothing valued at $28.75 and $4.45 in money.  He has been boarding at the Buena Vista House in North Fourth Street and had for a roommate, Wm. Daw, who was also employed by the power company.  When he discovered his loss, he also found that Daw was missing, but it is not known whether he took Blakely's property or not.


X Ray at St. Mary's Hospital

Watertown Gazette, 12 11 1908


An X-Ray machine has just been installed at St. Mary’s Hospital in this city.  This machine adds greatly to the already fine equipment at St. Mary’s Hospital and the management are doing all in their power to make it the equal of any hospital in the state and in this good work are entitled to the hearty support of all our people.


Hook and Ladder Co. No 1

Watertown Gazette, 12 11 1908

Elect Officers


At a meeting of Hook and Ladder Co. No 1 held last week the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

President—Arthur Goeldner.

Vice President—Arthur Doerr.

Secretary—A. A. Hardie.

Treasurer—George J. Weber.

Foreman —George Schmechel.

Assistant Foreman—Wenzel Kunert.

Trustee three years—L. Mollart.


Watertown Chapter No. 11, R. A. M.

Watertown Gazette, 12 11 1908


At a meeting of Watertown Chapter No. 11, R. A. M., the following officers were elected last week:

E. H. P.—William H. Woodard.

K.—George P. Traeumer.

Secretary—Emil Orenz

Treasurer—William D. Sproesser.


Watertown Lodge No. 49, F. & A. M

Watertown Gazette, 12 11 1908


At the annual meeting of Watertown Lodge No. 49, F. & A. M., the following officers were elected:

W. M.—Emil Tanck.

S. W.—William Halfpap.

J. W.—John Schatz.

Secretary—F. M Eaton.

Treasurer—William F. Voss.

Trustee three years—S. M. Eaton.



Watertown Gazette, 12 18 1908

Eminent Critic Praises Work

of Local Author


In answer to a request for an impartial criticism on his new book, entitled “Telepah," Joseph A. Salick is in receipt of a communication dictated by Charles H. Cochrane, who has under his charge the department of literary revision of the Cochrane Publishing Co. of New York City.


Cochrane is noted as one of the most able and fair of literary critics.  The Boston Globe says of him:  "Mr. Cochrane is well-known as a careful and a skillful manipulator of good English."  Among many others endorsing Mr. Cochrane's abilities in this connection are The Washington Post, Boston Journal of Education, Review of Books, New York Times, New York World, Broadway Magazine, Van Norden Magazine, etc.


In reporting on the review Mr. Cochrane says, in part:  "This (Telepah) is an exceedingly strong production.  It appeals to the very best class of readers, but goes away over the heads of the herd.  One of the benefits to the author would be a recognition of his literary ability, giving him entrance to the best literary circles, and creating a demand for his work among high-grade magazines.”


In view of this extraordinary splendid recognition and endorsement of "Telepah” by so eminent a literary critic and so undoubted an authority as Mr. Cochrane, Watertown, the birthplace of the author, will, through its citizens, undoubtedly extend to Mr. Salick the substantial encouragement which his literary work deserves.


The editor, who has read "Telepah" with absorbing interest, would suggest that our citizens individually purchase liberally the still remaining books of the first edition, and reserving a copy for themselves, use the remaining ones as holiday gifts.


Telepah: A Dramatic Poem

By Joseph Aloysius Salick

Published by Press of the Times Pub. Co., 1907

166 pages


TELEPAH BOARD.  Design on wood.  Looks like someone spilled alphabet soup right in the center of this board from Salem, MA. Instructions on the back claim that the Telepah is "a medium for the purpose of thought transference or materialization, and is believed to be one of the most successful and practical instruments for this purpose."


Cross Reference:  Telepah, full text


Mrs. William Lister

Watertown Gazette, 12 18 1908


The old pioneers of Watertown are fast passing away and this week it is our sad duty to record the death of one of Watertown’s oldest and most esteemed ladies, Mrs. Wm. Lister, who died at her home, 631 Milford Street, Friday evening, Dec. 11, 1908.  She had been in poor health for over two years past, and gradually grew weaker till death relieved her.  Deceased's maiden name was Sarah A. Johnson; she was born at Isington, England, July 12, 1831, and shortly after being married came to America in 1856, settling in this city, where she has ever since resided.  No lady who has ever resided in Watertown was better known or better liked than was Mrs. Lister.  She possessed a cheerful and frank disposition and all who knew her prized her dearly as a friend and neighbor.


She was a most charitable lady and ever strove to aid and assist all who were less fortunate than herself and her many good deeds have been the cause of much good in the world, hence it may be well said of her that she well and faithfully carried out the will of her Creator.


She was an old and esteemed friend of the editor, being one of the very first ladies and neighbors we met when coming to Watertown away back in November, 1861.  During all the years since, from our childhood on, she has ever been our friend, and now that she has passed to the great beyond, we, with her many other friends, mourn her death as that of a true and faithful friend and neighbor.


Her husband and four children, seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren survive her.  Her children are: Mrs. Martha Weissert of this city, Mrs. G. J. Wilbur and W. E. Lister of Chicago, and Alfred P. Lister of Seattle, Washington.  Monday afternoon at two o'clock her funeral took place from St Paul's Episcopal Church, and her remains were laid at rest in Oak Hill Cemetery.  Among those from out of town . . .


Saloon Back Rooms

Watertown Gazette, 12 18 1908



A person has written to me as the city’s executive in which is described a most villainous offense which the writer alleges was actually committed in this city last Sunday night.  The letter lacks the force it should have because it is without proper and identifying signature, but owing to its terrific impeachment of order, law and decency, it must be considered.


From its nature, it appears to me as perhaps genuine [and] if so the writer has but one recourse and that is to acquaint the officials with the names of the alleged offenders and their alleged victim.  If a bona fied charge, the law will be in behalf of such outraged person.


On the other hand, if the facts of this pitiful and prayerful anonymous letter is [are] not substantiated by some responsible person within a few days, it will be treated as a "hoax."


Now writer; be brave and make good but, if a joker, forever hold your silence.


December 16, 1908

Yours truly,

Arthur Mulberger, Mayor.


Mayor Mulbergar has caused the above notice to be published, and it is hoped the matter complained of therein will be thoroughly sifted.


The Ietter referred to in the mayor's notice as read by him before the city council last Tuesday night.  The writer says she is the mother of a young girl who came home last Sunday night in an intoxicated condition, and if what the mother says she told her is true, a crime has been committed that "cries to heaven for vengeance."  A committee of the retail liquor dealers association was before the council Tuesday night and its spokesman told the mayor that he understood things of an unsavory nature were being carried on in some saloon back rooms and they should be suppressed.  The mayor appointed Aldermen Humphrey, Tetzlaff, Strauss, Hartwig and Klemann to confer with the saloon keepers’ committee on the subject and report at a special meeting Friday evening.


Nearly Killed by Electric Wire

Watertown Gazette, 12 18 1908


Last Tuesday afternoon C. H. Pfeiffer of Milton, who has been but a short time employed here by the Watertown Gas and Electric Co., came near being killed while at work on an electric light pole in Western Avenue.  He was working on a lead wire from the power house at the dam and he placed his arm on another wire, making a complete circuit, voltage of 2300 passing through his body.  He was rendered unconscious and was held suspended from the wires.  A fellow workman went to his rescue and jerked him from the wires.  His hand and arm were terribly burned.  At this writing it is thought he will recover from his injuries.


Picture of D. W. Ballou

Watertown Gazette, 12 18 1908


An excellent life-size picture of D. W. Ballou, editor of The Watertown Democrat from 1854 to 1876, has recently been placed in the gentlemen's room at the public library.  Mr. Ballou was one of the most noted editors in the west in his time, and articles from his paper were always read with a great deal of interest.


Firemen's Ball

Watertown Gazette, 12 18 1908


The Phoenix Fire Co. will give a grand ball at Turner opera house on Saturday evening, January 30, 1909, to which the public is cordially invited.  Tickets 50 cents.  A good time is promised all who attend.


Red Cross Stamps

Watertown Gazette, 12 18 1908


Ein Watertowner Soll Immer Dabei Sein


In the American National Red Cross campaign against tuberculosis Wisconsin is doing her part.  And Watertown is a credit to the state.  Let all native sons of Watertown, far and near, make an effort to maintain this enviable reputation.  This city has, up-to-date, had a consignment of 8,000 Red Cross stamps, of which number 2,000 have been sold outright.


Help the good work along.  Elsewhere in this issue we publish an interesting article on this subject from The Ladies Home Journal.  It should be read by all patrons of The Gazette.


The Saturday Club has pledged itself for 1,000 stamps.  The Board of Education sanctions this movement and 1,400 stamps have been placed in the schools.  The teachers are glad to interest the children in this charity, because of its educational value, realizing that an evil of this kind can best be “stamped out” through the younger generations.


Our neighbor, Johnson Creek, goes on record for 1,000 Red Cross stamps in one day, for three leading producers.


Notice to Subscribers

Watertown Gazette, 12 18 1908


Subscribers to The Gazette are earnestly requested to keep in mind the regulations of the post office department regarding newspapers and keep their subscriptions paid up.  While the amount of annual subscriptions is a small item to the subscriber, it is of considerable importance to the publishers under the present rule of the government.



Christmas No Fast Day

Watertown Gazette, 12 18 1908


Although Catholics are expected to observe every Friday as a fast day they will not be called upon to abstain from meat on Friday, Dec. 25, as that is Christmas day.  Through all the centuries when Christmas has fallen on Friday, a general dispensation for a feast day has been granted.  New Year's Day will be observed as a fast day, however.

  More on New Year’s Day fasting 

Catholics May Eat Meat New Years Day

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


Throughout the entire world on Friday next, New Year's day, Catholics may eat meat, the pope having granted a special dispensation on that day.  Notice of said dispensation was read in all the Catholic churches last Sunday.


Branch Undertaking Parlor

Watertown Gazette, 12 18 1908


Brooks & Boyle, the West Main Street undertakers, have opened a branch of their business in that line at Waterloo.  They are experts in the undertaking business and any one in Waterloo or vicinity requiring their services will find them first-class people to deal with.


Sold Bowling Alleys

Watertown Gazette, 12 18 1908


John C. Gruel has sold his bowling alleys in Madison Street [202-204, where M&I Bank is today] to Edw. Schultz, traveling salesman for Wiggenhorn Bros.  Mr. Gruel contemplates locating on the Pacific coast.

  More on bowling 

State Bowling Tourney

Watertown Gazette, 12 25 1908

Great Interest in Meet


Watertown will enter three and possibly five teams in the state bowling tourney, which will be held here next month, according to John Gruel, the well known Watertown knight, who was in Milwaukee yesterday visiting Secretary Woodbury of the Wisconsin State Bowling Association.


"Interest in the tourney is at a fever heat in Watertown," said Gruel, "and I expect that at least three teams will enter.  Several other bowlers are also talking of coming so it is not unlikely that five teams will represent Watertown.  The game is booming out there and tourney prospects look especially bright."


Charles F. Moll, president of the Wisconsin-Illinois Baseball league and a former official of the state bowling association, who has just returned from a trip around the state, says that the tourney is attracting attention all over Wisconsin.  "The bowlers all over the state are talking of the event," said Matt, "and if a record is ever to be established, now is the time.” [Milwaukee Sentinel, Dec 18]


At the Water Works Station

Watertown Gazette, 12 25 1908


There is a rumor current that the report of the Water Works Commission will show marked progress in more ways than one.  The amount of water pumped was enormous on account of the Van Camp Company taking such large quantities, perhaps $300.00 worth each month, and it is claimed that the saving in fuel amounts to four-fifths of a cent less on each 1000 gallons pumped as compared with the work done at the pumping station the year preceding the management by Albert Donner.  We await the arrival of matter to be published concerning progress at the pumping station, and hope that rumors of economy there are true, for we are informed that all the employees in the water works department have been very watchful.

  More on Water Works Station 

Improvements at the

City Water Works Plant

Watertown Gazette, 03 05 1909


Since it has become an open secret, as well as a patent fact, that there has been notable improvements going on at the water works plant during the past year, we frequently hear words of approval on every hand; not a few who have noticed minor matters for several months, now recall little incidents that would have gone by practically a dead letter or unnoticed.  In several places water pressure gauges have been put on and there has been no disposition to growl if taxpayers and firemen desired to know if the pressure was up to the point promised or required; all are satisfied that the men at the pumping station do not go to sleep or neglect their duty. 


The great saving in fuel may in some way explain why the large, dense volume of black smoke has been cut down.  It belched forth from the chimney years ago in quantities large enough and for periods long enough when the wind was right to completely envelop a long train of freight cars; and would the writer be wide of the mark in saying that it was as safe to walk upon.  We opine that one could have ambulated thereof as safely as on the grimy black clotheslines in the neighborhood, in other words it cast a gloom that shrouded our beautiful city in streaks of darkness, after causing taxpayers not inclined to be profane to disobey the commandment "Thou Shalt Not Swear."  This, it is safe to say, was not confined to the breadwinner alone, but to the housekeeper as well. 


Now that the men who ride the hose wagons praise the pressure, and that the amount of water pumped was increased thirty-two million gallons last year, and to help this along the fuel saved has amounted to nearly $500, resulting in cutting down the smoke fully one-half, we would very naturally infer that the boys in charge of the pumping plant have done their best and arrived at the end of the rope. 


However, if there is any opening to go farther with this good work, that meets with the hearty approval of our trusty city officials, and residents in general, we are of the opinion, that it would be a mistake to block the way of progression or improvement in the plant at the foot of First Street, and that the ones on the city pay rolls employed therein should be applauded for past efforts, and encouraged if they can go further with improvements. 


Not a murmur of disapproval have we heard of the above action of the City Council on Jan. 19th when the pay of employees at the power house was raised and it is on record that "sober and reliable men" are at the helm. 


During the year past water was pumped for 2 and 67-100 cents per 1000 gallons; under former management it cost 3 and 37-100 cents per 1000 gallons.


When Mr. Donner took charge at the plant the boilers were badly "scaled," or in other words the incrustations on the flues were so thick and heavy that the distance between the flues had been closed so much as to hardly admit of the passage of a lead pencil between them.  Therefore the cutting down of the coal bills might perhaps be charged up to the removal of incrustations and careful firing, which means better combustion; resulting invariably to less dense, black smoke, thereby reducing the fuel expense as well as the dirt, soot, work, worry and waste.


Mr. Donner has proven to our people that he is not and does not intend to be one of the swivel-chair breed of hybrids who sometimes travel on a record that might have been incubated at or near Paducah, Kentucky.  The hammer heads and yellow hammers will have something to do to keep up with our superintendent and his aides at the waterworks.


Horse Shot

Watertown Gazette, 12 25 1908


During the noon hour on Monday a team of horses owned by John C. Schumann, who resides east of this city, became frightened by a street car while they were standing in front of Neuman & Kerr's commission store in West Main Street [217-219 W Main] and ran away.  The driver was about to get in his rig when an interurban car came from the west and the horses whirled around and ran east, running into Val. West's sleigh in front of Kusels' Hardware store and making a wreck of it; they continued east and ran with great force against an iron post of the street car company on Main Street bridge and finally came to a halt on the Merchant's National Bank corner, where they ran into another iron post, one of the horses breaking its leg.  In order to relieve it of its misery Chief of Police Block shot it.  The horse was valued at $150.


Out-Door Art Association

Watertown Gazette, 12 25 1908


A meeting of the Out-Door Art Association was held at the Public Library last Wednesday evening.  President H. Wertheimer presided and Supt. P. Roseman awarded the prizes.  The report of the committee on out-door art prizes was as follows:


To the Officers and Members of the Watertown Out-Door Art Association:


Your committee appointed to pass judgment upon the work of contestants for prizes offered for best work done in beautifying unsightly places beg leave to report that on or about June 20 they visited twenty two sites and that Sept 19 or a few days later they again visited the same sites for the purpose of deciding upon the best work done.


The committee was surprised at the results achieved and it is after careful consideration, point by point, that a decision has been reached.


To Reginald Humphrey, ten years of age, has been awarded first place, because he effected the greatest transformation.  His grounds at 602 Lafayette Street were in a crude state—some parts even ugly—and out at them he evolved an attractive surrounding, suggestive of beauty.


Gerhardt Trachte, 813 Third Street, is awarded second place because his work was specially good in design.  It could almost rank with that of a professional landscape gardener in this particular.


Arthur Krebs, fourteen years of age, improved upon and rounded out his work of last year so that this year his grounds at 217 Seventh Street could be called beautiful.  To him is awarded third place.


Adolph Stiemke is entitled to fourth place because of the unity and harmony in this work.  His work is a good example of what the society intended to accomplish by offering a prize, viz:  to make and keep beautiful a spot whose utility is a necessity. 


Herman Kohlbry, 511 North Church Street, also had much to overcome in the way of necessary hindrances, but showed considerable ingenuity in overcoming them and presented an attractive back yard, as well as an improved lawn and boulevard.  To him is given fifth place. 


At Ellsworth Miller’s 302 Ninth Street we found a model back yard in regard to neatness; the result of persistent and careful attention.  To him is given sixth place.


The committee also wishes to make honorable mention of John Keck, 800 Second Street; Freddie Wolf, 512 North Montgomery Street; Arthur Buege, 706 Market Street; Fred Hollenbeck, 408 Washington Street, and Harold Cruger, 416 Washington Street, all of whom worked well and did their part toward beautifying our city


Respectfully submitted,

Idaline Stone,

Ella Wilder,

William J. Stuebe.


Christmas Day 1908

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


Christmas was an ideal day in Watertown in every respect.  The weather was delightful and everybody seemed to be happy and well provided for.  There are very few real poor people in our city and the few that are here were well provided for by charitably inclined people.  Large congregations attended the religious services, and special musical programs were rendered at all the churches - the music at St. Bernard’s, St. Henry's, St. Paul's, St. John's, St. Mark's and the Congregational churches being particularly good.


Christmas Celebration Cancelled

Watertown Daily Times, 10 20 1993


Watertown’s annual Old-Fashioned Christmas parade and holiday kickoff celebration has been cancelled, according to Jack Erdmann, executive director of the Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce, sponsor of the event.  The parade has been cancelled because of a lack of a chairman to oversee the parade which has been the main event of the celebration, Erdmann explained.  “We are disappointed that no one would step forward to chair or co-chair the parade this year, but a few people have expressed interest in doing it next year,” he said, adding that he did not feel a change in date had any bearing on the lack of a chairman.  Old-Fashioned Christmas celebration has traditionally been held on the first Sunday of December, but last year the parade committee decided to change the date to the last Sunday of November.


Cinch Party

Watertown Gazette, 11 20 1908


A large crowd attended the cinch party at St. Henry's school hall last Monday evening given by the Young Ladies' Society of St. Henry's Church.  Frank Kehr, Leo Koser and Frank Butzler were awarded the prizes.


EMS Contracts

Watertown Daily Times, 10 20 2008


A resolution entering EMS contracts with the villages of Lowell and Reeseville will be on the agenda of the council. The 2009 contract with Lowell is for $5,708 and the contract with Reeseville is $11,254.


The Watertown Fire Department will provide EMS coverage to Reeseville and Lowell by providing one ambulance staffed with two firefighters or paramedics.


All patients, except those who are critically ill or injured, will be taken to Watertown Regional Medical Center.


In the event that the fire department is committed to previously received requests for service and is unable to respond, mutual aid agencies will be contacted and dispatched to the call. These circumstances would not be considered a breach of contract.



School Breakfast Program

Watertown Daily Times, 10 18 1998


Half of the schools in the Watertown Unified School District participate in the federally subsidized school breakfast program and, by the end of the year, all are expected to take part.  Three elementary schools in the district and the middle school have breakfast programs, food service supervisor Armando Martinez said.  On Monday, Watertown High School will join the initiative.  The remaining three elementary schools are expected to begin programs before the end of the school year, he added.


Doug Dupre

Watertown Daily Times, 10 17 1983


Doug Dupre knew he was doing the right thing back in May when he turned over an envelope of money to San Francisco police.  Being honest has now paid off for the Maranatha Baptist Bible College sophomore.  He received a check this week for about $6,400 for the unclaimed cash.  Dupre discovered the booty on the bus trip home from school last spring.  After his first year of college here, Dupre boarded a bus the evening of Friday, May 27, for what would normally be an uneventful trip across country.  The mundane turned exciting when Dupre heard a man, who boarded with another in Salt Lake City, crying about a lost envelope.  He says the pair were trying to scare the people on the bus with their yelling, but never mentioned the brown paper envelope contained money.  Dozing off to sleep like other passengers, Dupre woke early Monday, May 30, and decided to clean up. That's when he found the package next to his shaving kit.


Polka Fanatic

Watertown Daily Times, 10 17 1998


A Watertown man who has been keeping time with the polka since discovering his talent as a youngster is still going strong after more than two decades.  Merlin Schwartz has been living the life of a musician while working a day job and raising seven children with his wife, Betty, since he was 21 years old.  Along with his family, which now includes 16 grandchildren, it's the polka he loves.  The strong, steady beat of Wisconsin's state song seems to follow him everywhere.  It's in the background when he talks on the telephone.  It plays in his kitchen and echoes through the walls of his Meadow Street home.  He even carries four cases of polka tapes with him on the road as a salesman for Berres Brothers Coffee of Watertown.


Ed Rindfleisch

Watertown Daily Times, 10 14 1958


At the plenary board meeting of the Bethesda Lutheran Home Association this morning, Dr. Otto F. Dierker, board member for the last 15 years and board president for the last 10 years, announced his retirement.  Dr. Dierker was an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist in Watertown for 29 years, having retired from active practice in December, 1953.  Since his retirement, Dr. Dierker has been active in representing the cause of the Bethesda Lutheran Home at conventions throughout the U.S. and Canada.

  More on Bethesda 

Watertown Daily Times, 10 16 1958


The Bethesda Lutheran Home Association in its annual meeting Oct. 21 elected as its new president Ed Rindfleisch of Jefferson, well known in Watertown business circles through his association with the local Rindfleisch Farm Hatchery Store.  Until yesterday he was the secretary of the association and a member of the plenary board.  He succeeds Dr. Otto F. Dierker who announced his retirement earlier this week.


Goes to Sheboygan


Prof. W. P. Roseman Elected School Superintendent

03 31 1916


Prof. W. P. Roseman of LaCrosse, formerly of Watertown, was elected superintendent of the public schools of Sheboygan last week at a special meeting of the board of education, and will assume the duties of his office as soon as he can arrange his private affairs.  Prof. Roseman is a native of Wisconsin, and has given practically all of his life to educational work.  He is a graduate of the state normal school at Platteville and of the University of Wisconsin and has done extensive graduate work in both the Universities of Wisconsin and Chicago, especially along the lines of vocational training.  He served as superintendent of the public schools of Reedsburg for six years and at Watertown for seven years.


Wisconsin Telephone Co.

Expansion Plans

Watertown Daily Times, 10 23 1958


Reports which have been in circulation for some time relative to expansion plans of the Wisconsin Telephone Co. for Watertown, including introduction of a dial system, were revealed to members of the City Council at their committee meeting yesterday afternoon.  The company revealed plans for construction of an addition to its present building which is directly west of the Market Street parking lot.  In order to carry out such a plan the company would need the parking lot and has offered to purchase it from the city.  The addition would conform in color and design with the present building and would be two stories high.  It would be approximately 100 by 100 feet.

  More on parking lot matter 

Watertown Daily Times, 11 06 1958


Councilman George Shephard said this morning that he believes the City Council will give favorable consideration to any proposal the Wisconsin Telephone Co. presents to the City Council relative to the proposed purchase of the Fifth Street parking lot for future expansion purposes by the telephone company.  The plan for a 100 by 100 building addition to the present telephone building, which adjoins the lot, was conveyed to the Council at a recent meeting but a definite plan and proposal are still to be given the councilmen.

  More on parking lot matter 

Watertown Daily Times, 11 14 1958


The property of St. Luke's Lutheran Church in North Fourth Street, running through to North Fifth Street, is one of the sites that has been proposed as an alternate city off-street parking lot to take the place of the South Fifth Street lot in the event the latter is purchased by the Wisconsin Telephone Co. to enable the utility to carry out its recently announced expansion program.  That was reported to the City Council last night by the City Plan Commission which has been making a preliminary survey of possible sites to replace the present parking lot.

  More on parking lot matter and St. Luke’s 

Watertown Daily Times, 01 06 1959


The Wisconsin Telephone Co. failed to have a representative at yesterday afternoon's City council committee meeting to outline a proposal relative to replacing the South Fifth Street parking lot in the event it is sold to the company for its announced expansion program.  City manager C C. Congdon in his letter to the Council outlining the agenda for discussion had stated that the company representative would be present.  But he did not appear and as a result the Council did not get information for which it has been waiting.

  More on parking lot matter and St. Luke’s 

Watertown Daily Times, 01 23 1959


It was announced today at the office of City Manager C. C. Congdon, that the Wisconsin Telephone Co. now plans not to begin expansion work on its Watertown facilities until about April of 1960.  The telephone company is seeking to purchase the present South Fifth Street parking lot from the city for its expansion project.  Since it does not propose to begin expansion until 1960, the company will have ample opportunity to prepare plans and specifications for a new parking lot which it proposes to furnish the city on the present St. Luke’s property in North Fourth Street. 

  More on North Fourth Street parking lot matter 

Watertown Daily Times, 09 01 1960


Informal negotiations for at least two more property purchases to eventually extend the parking facilities in the North Fourth Street parking lot, recently opened, have been underway here.  One involves the Grabow property, north of the present lot, fronting on North Fourth Street, and the other is the Hesse property in North Fifth Street.  Prices have been secured on both properties and Councilman George Shephard is preparing to bring the matter into the open at next week's council meeting. The Grabow property would permit the extension of Madison Street through to North Fifth Street.

  More on North Fourth Street parking lot matter 

Watertown Daily Times, 10 08 1960


Indications are that nothing further will be done, at least for the time being, on the question of acquiring a North Fourth Street property and a North Fifth Street property in order to extend Madison Street from North Fourth to North Fifth Streets.  At this week's council meeting, the council was informed that the price tag on the Theodore Grabow property, located at 123 North Fourth Street, is $15,000 and the tag on the John Hesse property, located at 120 North Fifth Street, is $14,000, making a total of $29,000.  This report, made by Acting City Manager Glenn Ferry disclosed that both property owners were willing to enter into a 90 day option at these figures, on the condition that they could retain the properties until July.  The price, in each instance, far exceeds assessed valuation.


1858 Tax List

Watertown Democrat, 12 30 1858


Treasurer’s Notice.  Notice is hereby given that the Tax List of the city of Watertown for the year 1858 has been delivered to me for collection, and that taxes on personal property must be paid within twenty days from the first publication of this notice, to wit: the 23d day of December instant, and taxes and assessments or real estate before the fourth Monday of January next and that all tracts and parcels of land specified in such tax list upon which the taxes and assessments shall not be paid by that day will be sold at the office of the City Treasurer on Second Street, in said city, commencing on Monday, the 24th day of January next, at 10 o’clock a.m., and continuing from day to day until all of said lands are sold.  D. S. Chadwick, City Treasurer.  December 13, 1858.


Mr. Cyrus Whitney

Watertown Democrat, 01 06 1859


BARN BURNING.  Last Thursday night, the 23d inst., about 7 o’clock, the barn of Mr. Cyrus Whitney, whose farm and residence lies about a mile south of this village, was discovered to be on fire.  The barn being filled with hay, corn stalks and unthrashed rye, burned with fearful rapidity and in less than two hours it was a smoldering heap of ruins.  It was supposed to be the work of an incendiary and suspicion was at once fastened upon a man named Patrick Tearney, a day laborer upon the Wisconsin Central Railroad, who had, prior to the barn burning, boarded at Mr. Whitney’s house, where a difficulty arose between Patrick and his wife, which resulted in his expulsion from the house and his wife being retained as a servant by Mrs. Whitney.  Patrick’s treatment of his wife was of so gross a nature that the sympathies of Mr. Whitney’s family were enlisted in her behalf, and upon two occasions, when her husband came to annoy her, he was forcibly thrust out of doors.  Patrick, not relishing the unceremonious treatment, made threats of having satisfaction upon Mr. Whitney, which resulted in his being arrested upon suspicion.  He was examined before Justices Bird and Savage last Thursday; District Attorney Hall on part of the State and Daniel F. Weymouth, for defendant.  The testimony for the defense all tended to show the Patrick was home on the night of the fire, which was about three-fourths of a mile from Mr. Whitney’s barn.  He was accordingly acquitted.


There is no doubt but that the barn was set on fire by some evil-disposed person, as no one belonging to the farm had been near the barn later than between five and six o’clock.  The loss sustained in barn and produce cannot be less than $1,000.  Mr. George L. Chaplin, who owns the farm adjoining Mr. Whitney, had 159 bushels of barley stored in the barn, which was also burned up. – Jeffersonian of the 30th inst.


Debate on Spiritualism

Watertown Democrat, 01 06 1859


To the Editor of the Watertown Democrat:


A few evenings since, the following resolution was laid before the Young Men’s Association of this city for discussion:


“Resolved, That Modern Spiritualism is contrary to Nature and Revelation.”


At first it was accepted and arrangements were made to debate the question involved, but for some reason best known to themselves the majority have seen fit to “back out” after the opposite party had engaged a gentleman from abroad to meet them.  Notwithstanding this rather cool and unfair treatment the resolution will be discussed—at least one side of it—next Tuesday evening, January 11th, at Cole’s Hall, by Ira Porter, Esq., of Waukegan, Illinois, at which time if there are any who feel disposed to express their views on this question they will have an opportunity to do so.  A special invitation is extended to the clergymen of this city to come and hear Mr. Porter.  The lecture will be free.  All who may dissent from the opinions promulgated will be at liberty to refute them if they can.  There will be no choking or dodging.  The doctrines of Modern Spiritualism are either true or false—it is the fact that is wanted, no matter what it is or where founded.



January 5th, 1859

  More on Spiritualism   

Watertown Democrat, 01 27 1859


To the Editor of the Watertown Democrat:  Dear Sir—A kind friend has transmitted to me your published notice of my late effort in Watertown to demonstrate that Modern Spiritualism is not contrary to Nature and Revelation and has requested me to reply through your paper.  I desire to make no reply further than to thank you for the tone and temper of your criticism.  You have good naturedly given me credit for sincerity and the formation and expression of my opinions on that occasion and have dismissed me with the very harmless brand—“A HUMBUG.”  This is a concise and easy way of disposing of the subject and I am pleased with it because it gives me reason to infer, from the fact that that epithet had been applied to other men on the occasions and proved harmless, that in this case also you knew it would do no hurt.  If you had turned up your hypocritical nose and cried humbug with an air of seriousness I should have been half displeased with the imputation, but the style in which you wielded that harmless old weapon is as much to say—“Mr. Porter, you know my bread and butter requires that I must thrash you a little—I hope you will excuse me while I call you ‘A humbug.’”  


Ira Porter / Waukegan, January 15th, 1859.


Rev. Mr. Kaltenbrunn

Watertown Democrat, 01 06 1859


DWELLING HOUSE BURNED.  Last Thursday night, the 30th ult, about three miles south on Jefferson Road, the dwelling of Rev. Mr. Kaltenburn [Kaltenbrunn], pastor of the Moravian Church, was entirely destroyed by fire.  We have not learned whether any contents were saved or whether it was insured.


1958 Watertown High Football Squad

Watertown Daily Times, 10 27 1958


Frank Schmitt, aggressive tackle and linebacker, has been named most valuable player on the 1958 Watertown High School football squad and the four seniors on the club, Ralph Krueger, Tom Justman, Joe Rhodes and Schmitt were elected co-captains at a squad meeting.  Sixteen gridders and four managers were awarded letters for their season's efforts.  The gridders were Schmitt, Krueger, Justman, Rhodes, Dick Rohde, Ed Twesme, Tom Theder, Art Parson, Paul Fernholz, Kent Karberg, Rich Crupi, Jim Pirkel, John Mooney, Jim Cahoon, Leo Checkai and Mike Schuenemann.  The managers honored were Dick Plenge, Allan Krause, Tom Hornickle and Richard Leiknes.

  Watertown Football 

Watertown High Football Awards

Watertown Daily Times, 11 29 1958


“Wisconsin's 1959 football team probably will wind up with a 5-4 record,” Lavern Van Dyke, an aide in the University of Wisconsin's grid coaching camp, told Watertown High School's gridders at their dinner at the high school Monday night.  Coach Bob Buel of Watertown High distributed football awards to 16 players and four managers.  Russ Twesme, junior high principal, was master of ceremonies.  Members of the board of education were guests at the dinner.  Letter awards went to Frank Schmitt, Ralph Krueger, Tom Justman, Joe Rhodes, Dick Rohde, Ed Twesme, Kent Karberg, Paul Fernholz, Dick Crupi, Art Parson, Tom Theder, Jim Pirkel, Jim Cahoon, John Mooney, Mike Schuenemann and Leo Checkai. Manager awards went to Dick Plenge, Dick Leiknes, Al Krause and Tom Hornickle.


Market and Emmet Street Bridge Proposed

Watertown Daily Times, 10 27 1983


A proposal to reroute east-west through traffic in downtown Watertown from Main Street onto Madison and Market streets received mixed reviews during a public informational meeting and hearing Wednesday before the Community Development Committee.  The plan was developed by the committee with professional assistance from the Madison engineering firm of Donahue and Associates.  Major projects include construction of a bridge over the Rock River connecting Market and Emmet streets and extension of Market Street east to Main Street through purchase of all or portions of properties at 115 and 205 College Avenue and 921 Main Street.  [File on bridges]

  More on Proposed Market and Emmet Street Bridge 

Watertown Daily Times, 02 21 1984


Failing to receive a single vote, plans to begin design work on a Rock River bridge connecting Market and Emmet streets were scrapped Tuesday night by the Watertown Common Council.  In addition, the council rejected a resolution authorizing plans on the development of a one-way loop system using Market and Madison streets.  The loop system would have used Market Street as the eastern route from First Street to about Tenth and Main streets through the purchase of all or portions of properties of 115 and 205 College Avenue and 921 Main Street.


Chief Reviews Work of Fire Department

Watertown Daily Times, 10 28 2008


Watertown Fire Chief Henry Butts talked about the current role of the city's fire department during the seventh annual state of the community luncheon sponsored by the Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce.


The Watertown Fire Department is responsible for providing fire and emergency medical services to the entire city of Watertown and portions of the townships of Emmet, Milford, Shields and Watertown.  The fire department also provides emergency medical services to the villages of Lowell and Reeseville.  The entire area the fire department supplies services to is approximately 101 square miles.  The fire department responded to 2,083 calls in 2007.


The Watertown Fire Department also provides a number of other services, including paramedic intercepts and mutual aid responses.  The fire department only responds to vehicle crashes in the city that include injuries or creates a hazardous situation. 


The fire department has a budget of $2,186,348 in 2008, which is up about $21,000 from 2007's total of $2,165,587.


As of Nov. 14, The Watertown Fire Department will consist of a fire chief, five assistant fire chiefs, 24 full-time firefighters or paramedics and 15 paid on-call firefighters.


The firefighters and paramedics work 24-hour shifts, averaging 56 hours per week.  They come in at 7 in the morning and they go home 7 o'clock the next morning.


The training division handles the monthly training for the full-time and paid on-call firefighters and the goal for each firefighter is 20 training hours per month.


The fire department also provides several fire prevention and public education programs, which includes station tours, school visits, fire prevention contests and presentations of the Survive Alive House, a miniature dwelling built on a trailer that gives students the opportunity to practice lessons they learned from a brief, prior lecture.


Firefighter/Paramedic Jim Acker also took some time during the luncheon to discuss the duties of Watertown Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 877, the union that represents the city's fire lieutenants and full-time firefighters.  Acker, who serves as the group's president, said the Watertown Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 877 is run like any business and its members conduct a meeting every month.


Complete article on Watertown Daily Times website:


Rich Block

Watertown Daily Times, 11 01 1998


HORICON - Six new inductees were admitted to the Rock River Baseball League Oldtimer's Association Hall of Fame Saturday.  Rich Block of Watertown was recognized for more than four decades of work with the Watertown Cardinals.  “If it weren't for Rich Block, I don't think that there would be much baseball in Watertown,” said banquet emcee Will Eske.  Block and his wife, Sue, have four sons and one daughter, all of whom had a lasting interest in baseball.  Much of the family remains active in the sport.  Block is currently the Watertown Cardinals' business manager.


Gen. Romulo

Watertown Daily Times, 10 31 1958


Mr. John W. Keck and family were dinner guests of Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, ambassador to the United States from the Philippines, in Milwaukee this week where he was one of the principal speakers at the annual convention of the Wisconsin Education Association.  He addressed the first day's session.  Gen. Romulo, who spoke in Watertown under Rotary Club auspices during the darkest days of World War II appearing at Northwestern College gymnasium, asked Mrs. Keck to convey his greetings to all the friends he made in Watertown on the occasion of his visit here.  Among those at the dinner in Milwaukee were Attorney and Mrs. John A. Keck, Attorney and Mrs. Herbert Brickson, Jim and Virginia Keck and Attorney John Tuttle and Mrs. Keck.


Immanuel School

Watertown Daily Times, 10 30 1983


Construction of a school at Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, 211 North Ninth Street, was discussed this week at the meeting of the Watertown Planning Commission.  The Rev. Orlo Espeland, Immanuel pastor, said plans are to build a school on two lots of church property along 10th Street.  The old schoolhouse and a house directly to the south would be torn down for the new school.  Espeland noted that the church has been considering a school since an initial architectural study was done in 1976.


Watertown Airport

Watertown Aviation Co

Watertown Daily Times, 10 28 1958


The Watertown Airport and the Watertown Aviation Co., which operates a flight school at the airport, recently underwent two separate inspections and both have won new official state approval.  Inspections were made by the Wisconsin State Aeronautics Commission and the Governor's Education Advisory Committee.  Carl Guel of the aeronautics commission was here for one of the inspections while the governor's committee was represented by Laurin P. Gordon who conducted the inspection here.

  More on Wisconsin Aviation 

Wisconsin Aviation Moves Madison Department

Watertown Daily Times, 10 28 2008


Wisconsin Aviation Inc., which is headquartered in Watertown, has recently relocated the aircraft avionics department of its Madison location into a new 10,800-square-foot facility on the east side of the Dane County Regional Airport.  The new avionics hangar is co-located with two other hangars that now comprise the Technical Service Complex.  In the complex, aircraft maintenance and avionics are side by side, providing one-stop service for any technical need.


Wisconsin Aviation has been involved with the aviation industry since 1981 and has grown to be the largest fixed-base operator in Wisconsin with over 150 employees.


Wisconsin Aviation manages a fleet of more than 50 aircraft, which together average more than 19,000 flight hours and 3 million miles annually.

  More on Wisconsin Aviation 

With the opening of a new 10,800-sq-ft avionics facility, all of Wisconsin Aviation’s maintenance operations at Dane County Regional Airport in Madison are consolidated in one set of buildings called the Technical Service Complex.  Now avionics and aircraft maintenance services are all done in co-located buildings, according to Wisconsin Aviation, “providing one-stop service for any technical need.


Wisconsin Aviation has operations at three airports–Dane County, Watertown Municipal and Dodge County in Juneau.  At Madison 21 technicians offer factory-authorized maintenance on Cessna, Cirrus, Piper and Socata aircraft, and Wisconsin Aviation is a dealer and installation center for avionics manufacturers Garmin, Honeywell, S-Tec/Meggitt, L-3, Avidyne, Aspen Avionics and others.


Wisconsin Aviation is also an FBO, offering a flight school, aircraft sales, charter and aircraft interior refurbishment.  The Watertown location is Wisconsin Aviation’s headquarters and also provides maintenance, avionics and interior services.


Beverly Terrace

Watertown Daily Times, 08 25 1983


Watertown Skilled Care Center will change its name to Beverly Terrace on Thursday, Administrator Sally Schroeder announced today.  Beverly Enterprises, a California-based firm that operates many nursing homes in the Midwest, has owned Skilled Care since May 1982.  Schroeder said the employees suggested the name change, and, along with residents of the facility, petitioned Beverly’s Northern District office for the change.  The residents and employees selected the name in a vote, said Schroeder.  The nursing home at 122 Hospital Drive is undergoing a $60,000 redecorating project.  The entire facility, including patients’ rooms, the lobby, restrooms and dining room, will get new paint, carpet and wallpaper.

  More on Beverly Terrace 

Watertown Daily Times, 11 05 1983


“Our main goal is to make Beverly Terrace as much like home as possible. Our environment is different here but there are lots of things we can do to make our residents feel as at home as possible,” stated Duane Floyd, new administrator of the skilled care nursing home facility. Floyd, who became administrator of the 130-bed home a month ago, has several programs in mind to enhance the homey atmosphere. A $175,000 remodeling project is underway and will be completed early in 1984. An open house for the public will be scheduled when the remodeling is completed.

  More on Beverly Terrace 

Watertown Daily Times, 09 14 2005


“Beverly Enterprises, of Fort Smith, Ark., owner and operator of Beverly Terrace Nursing Home, 121 Hospital Drive, of Watertown, is in the process of being sold.  North American Senior Care Inc., a group of private investors formed specifically to acquire the Beverly group, is in the process of purchasing the company.  Beverly Enterprises owns and operates 345 nursing homes throughout 23 states. Blair Jackson, vice president of corporate communications, said at the beginning of the year there was a hostile takeover attempt of the Beverly Enterprises by another company.  Jackson said the stockholder base changed from investors with a long term orientation to investors with a short term orientation.


Watertown Splits on School Referendums


Watertown Daily Times, 11 05 2008


[abstract] The Watertown School Board will finally be able to alleviate space issues within the district elementary schools, but may have a difficult time funding additional teachers and staff for that space, according to the outcome of Tuesday's vote.


The $22,385,000 referendum was approved Tuesday with 7,536 residents voting in favor of the proposed additions and renovations, and 6,465 residents voting against it.


The second question asking for approval to exceed revenue limits by $560,000 for seven years was defeated by 918 votes with 6,475 residents voting in favor of the additional funds, and 7,393, voting against it.


Plans are for additions which include constructing 11 new classrooms to Douglas School, a new gym to Webster School, seven additional classrooms and a cafeteria at Schurz School, an elevator at Lincoln School, and a secure entryway at Lebanon School.  The funds will also be used to purchase new equipment, furnishings and fixtures.


Each elementary school will have windows and floors replaced and updated security systems and doors. Heating, ventilation and air condition systems will also be replaced at all elementary schools.


The Watertown High School will have windows and boilers replaced and the security system will be upgraded.


The Riverside Middle School will have outdoor lighting, entryways, air controls for the HVAC all replaced. Upgrades will be made to the restrooms, the emergency generator and the front driveway.


Construction on the additional classrooms, cafeteria and gym will begin in June 2009. Work on the additions will continue through the school year and renovations will take place the next summer.  Projected to be complete by August 2010.


Complete article on Watertown Daily Times website: 


Dr. Frederick Lemke's Legacy

Watertown Daily Times, 05 26 2001


[abstract] Dr. Frederick Lemke left in his will over $2.5 million to be used for scholarships for Watertown High School students.


Ruth Lemke, sister of Dr. Frederick Lemke was a treasure chest full of stories about herself and her brother, and especially the profound influence their parents had on them and their educational pursuits.


The vast majority of her brother's estate was given for the scholarship program to honor their parents, the Rev. F. W. and Ruth Lemke. Rev. Lemke was the pastor of what is now Watertown Moravian Church at Fifth and Cole streets.  He served that congregation from 1912 to 1936 when he retired.


Reflecting on the large role their parents played in getting their children to understand the value of higher education, she told the group, "I remember the many years of guidance and the vision we received from them.  Our parents were committed to education."  She said it was because of that commitment from her parents that her brother, Dr. Frederick, decided to leave the large estate for scholarships to Watertown High School students so they too could have quality educations.


In his early years Dr. Lemke was a paper carrier for the Watertown Daily Times, delivering newspapers in the North Fourth Street area.  Later, at the age of 14, he worked at Village Blacksmith.  By the time he graduated from Watertown High School in 1922 he was valedictorian of his class.  He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1926, and a year later received his Master of Arts degree, and by 1933 he had received his doctorate and began a lifelong career at Heidelberg College in Tiffin, Ohio.  It was the college his father had recommended because of its quality education and religious connections.


2001 scholarship recipients were Ellen Coughlin, Heidi Pennel, Roberta Massuch, Christopher Spoehr and Lance Fischer.


The Watertown Area Community Foundation, a tax exempt organization, is managing the Lemke funds.


The Lemke scholarship has eclipsed the Joseph E. Davies scholarship in both dollar value and number of awards.


Catherine Eagen Called By Death


Passed Away At Watertown

Last Friday Morning, January 8, 1915


Mrs. Catherine Eagen, widow of the late Mr. William Eagen of the town of Shields, died at her home in Washington Street, Watertown, at 3:45 o’clock last Friday morning.  Death followed an illness with bronchitis of nine days duration, though she had been in failing health suffering from a general breakdown for the past three years.


Only one daughter and one brother of the immediate family survive, but her loss will be mourned by a large circle of friends who recognized those fine qualities of motherhood and womanhood which were hers and which made her one of the best loved women of the community.


Mrs. Eagan was born in New York City October 31, 1887.  With her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. John Driscoll, she came to this vicinity when in her tenth year.  The family became pioneer residents of the town of Shields near the village of Richwood.  She married Mr. William Eagen when she was 19 years of age, and had she lived until January 19, she could have celebrated the fifty-eighth anniversary of her wedding.


The home which herself and husband occupied was but a mile and a half from the home of her parents.  Mr. Eagen died January 18, 1886.  With her daughter, Miss Mary A. Eagen, Mrs. Eagen continued to reside on the farm for a few years, but in 1891 they moved to Watertown.  The daughter survives as does one brother, Mr. John Driscoll, Peoria, Arizona.


William Eagen, the husband, who died in 1886, was a brother of Peter Eagen of Richwood and of the late Thomas Eagen of this city.


The funeral of Mrs. Eagen was held at St. Bernard’s Church, Watertown, last Monday morning, Jan. 11, 1915.  Interment in St. Bernard’s Cemetery.


Downtown Hours

Watertown Daily Times, 11 13 1983


Beginning Sunday, downtown merchants will be open on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. year around.  The decision was made earlier this week by the Downtown Watertown Business Association and is voluntary for each downtown business.  Some individual stores will not be open on Sundays, but most retail outlets were receptive to the additional store hours.  Expanding hours for businesses was done for several reasons.  The first was to allow business people a better opportunity to shop.  The association's vote to support more shopping hours was also based on national studies which indicate Sunday is one of the peak shopping times of the entire week.


New Tracks

Watertown Daily Times, 11 13 1998


Building railroads has always been slow, backbreaking work but it's becoming more efficient with the development of new technology in the past decade.  Much of that new technology is at work in Watertown this week, as Canadian Pacific Railway installs new track from the city west to Columbus.  The new track will allow for faster, safer and smoother runs for the approximately 20 cargo and passenger trains which use the rails each day.  “The old clickety-clack is gone,” said Don McCall, project manager, as he watched an Amtrak train slowly roll by Tuesday afternoon.  “The railroad industry is changing.  There's so much technology compared to 20 years ago.”


American Red Cross - Watertown Chapter





E. Chas. Doerr


G. H. Lehrkind


Mrs. H. C. Whitmore

Mrs. Floyd Shaefer


E. G. Hubb


Dr. T. C. H. Abelmann


Mrs. Elizabeth Haukohl


Ella Heim


John D. Clifford


E. Chas. Doerr


Cl. H. Wetter


Mrs. A. P. Hinkes


Mrs. F. J. Kaercher


Mrs. J. J. Christopher


Mrs. B. H. Thauer

Mrs. W. S. Waite


Miss Hilma V. Fondell


Gladys Mollart


Ramona Hackbarth

Watertown Daily Times, 11 14 1983


Watertown's Ramona Hackbarth was elected president of the Wisconsin Women's State Golf Association at the annual fall meeting at Watertown Country Club Saturday.  Hackbarth was first vice president the past season and served as chairman of the state match play tournament at Ville du Parc Country Club in Mequon.  As second vice president the previous year she chaired the mother-daughter tournament at Tuscumbia Country Club in Green Lake.


Adams hired by Watertown Fire Department

Watertown Daily Times, 11 13 2008


Bill Adams has been hired as a firefighter/paramedic with the Watertown Fire Department.


Adams is replacing firefighter/paramedic Jude Redenbaugh, who resigned in July.


Adams received his paramedic training at Gateway Technical College and all of his Wisconsin state fire certifications through Fox Valley Technical College.


He graduated from the Academy in 2006 and went on to complete an internship with the Oshkosh Fire Department. He also worked for the Fort Atkinson Fire Department as a paid on-call firefighter and with Ryan Brothers Ambulance Services as a paramedic tor the past year.


Adams is originally from Oshkosh and currently lives in Fort Atkinson where his wife, Kaaren, works as a second grade teacher.


“I am grateful for the opportunity to work for the Watertown Fire Department and I am eager to fulfill my responsibilities as fighter paramedic." Adams said.


Manke hired by Watertown Fire Department


Watertown Daily Times, 11 14 2008


Tanya Manke has been hired by the Watertown Fire Department as a firefighter/paramedic.


Manke fills the position that was left void when Kraig Biefeld was promoted to assistant fire chief in August.

Manke is expected to graduate from Waukesha County Technical College in January 2009 with an associate's degree in fire science. She also holds state certifications as firefighter I, firefighter II, fire inspector and fire officer.


She received her paramedic schooling from city of Brookfield paramedic training department in June 2007.


Manke started out volunteering with the Stone Bank Fire Department in November of 2004.  She has also worked as a firefighter/paramedic with the town of Brookfield Fire Department since May of 2006.


Manke, 22, is a resident of Stone Bank and will soon be moving to Oconomowoc.



Nearly Drowned

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


Fred Block, aged 20 years, son of Rudolph Block skated into an air hole in the ice on Rock River under Main Street bridge last Sunday evening and would have drowned only for Almond Eaton who rescued him by putting his own life in danger.  Martha Kelm, aged 15 years, skated into a hole nearby where Block went in and was rescued by her companions.  There are so many holes under and around Main Street bridge and near the Masonic Temple in the ice that it is very dangerous to skate in that vicinity.  The policemen have chased skaters away from these places time after time, and warning has been given in the newspapers but it seems to do no good and these are just the places some skaters like to be around.  It would seem that they court danger, and do not fear death by the drowning route . . . Jack Peterson, a singer at the Lyric Theatre, skated into an opening in the ice near Main Street bridge last Tuesday morning and came near drowning.  Charles A. Salick heard his cries for assistance and was the first on the scene to help rescue him.  Frank B. Weber was also quickly on the scene and with the assistance of Joseph Hoeffler and R. H. Radtke they succeeded in rescuing the young man.  He had a very narrow escape from a watery grave.


Watertown City of Homes

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


"Watertown is growing slowly but steadily," said F. E. Woodard at the Plankinton.  "There is no city in the state better situated for manufacturing than Watertown, and this fact has been recognized by the manufacturing interests.  Labor is plentiful and steady employment appreciated.  There are more people owning their own homes in Watertown than any other city in the state, or northwest, for that matter.  The last census puts Watertown third in the list of cities of the country in that respect.  Baltimore ranks first, the second city I do not remember, but we are third.  More homes were built there last year than in any year before, which shows that the home spirit is not decreasing. 


The time is not far distant when Watertown will become a great center for interurban traffic.  With the extension of the interurban lines north and south, as planned by the Beggs interests, our city will become the junction point.  Eventually a Iine will be built west to Madison, which will add to the importance of the city as a railroad center.  That this will be of material benefit to the business interests has already been shown through the line which was built through from Milwaukee to Watertown.  It brings business to the city, and when the other lines are built these benefits will be increased.  Preparations are being made for the extension north, which will be built, I understand, as soon as franchises are secured.  There is an opposition company in the field, but we favor the Beggs company, as we believe this promises the best for Watertown’s interests.  It looks now as though, when the census is taken in 1910, the city will have about 12,000 inhabitants, which is a satisfactory increase in the decade elapsing since the census of 1900.—[Milwaukee Sentinel, Dec. 27]


A Fine Orchestra

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


Monday evening a large audience was at Turner opera house to hear the famous Schildkret Hungarian Orchestra under the auspices of the Men's Club of the Congregational Church.  The music furnished was of a high order and was greatly appreciated by all present.  Three violins, a cello, a bass violin, piccolo, clarinet, flute and dulcimer constituted the orchestra, and each was an artist in his particular line.


John B. Ratto, in character studies from life, on January 25th will be the last of the series of entertainments by the Men's Club.

  More on Congregational Church 

Repeat Christmas Music

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


The special musical program prepared by the choir of the Congregational Church and rendered with marked success last Sunday will be given again January 3 in the morning.  Mrs. Feld will again sing the Message of the Angels.  The three anthems contain solos by Miss Alma Feldschneider and Messrs. William Richards, Wolfram, Exner and John Schempf.  At the vesper services at 4 p.m. the Junior Choir will repeat two anthems, which include several solo parts.  Miss Alma Feldschneider will sing and Frank Sloan will contribute a violin solo.  In the morning the pastor's subject is "Time, a False Standard;" in the afternoon the theme is "If the New Year Were Your Last."


Juvenile Band at Richwood

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


Ed. Boch, William Thauer, Irving Schoeberle, Herbert Lange, Percy Volkert, Raymond Volkert, Winfield McCall, Francis McCall, Edward McCall, Vernon Etscheid, Raymond Carroll, Bennie Carroll, Freddie Ihde, Arthur Seibel, Oscar Lemmerhirt, Edw. Giese, Leo Zoellick, Theo. Hoefs and Oscar Hoefs have organized a juvenile band at Richwood, with Herbert Schroeder as instructor.  Shortly after organizing, the band paraded around Richwood, headed by Peter Thauer, John Scheberle, John Carroll, H. F. Lange and F. J. McCall.  H. F. Lange officiated as drum major and F. J. McCall as sergeant at-arms.

  More on bands in Richwood 

Old-Time Richwood Band

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


The Juneau Telephone of last week says:


And once upon a time, in the dim and distant past, there was another band in Richwood.  It was organized in 1869 or 1870, with Prof. John Miller of Watertown as instructor.  The band consisted of twelve members, as follows:  John Driscol, leader; Jerry Driscol, John Kelley, John Carroll, John McCall, William Hanley, Philip Riley, John Kerr, Henry Bergen, Michael Quinn, James J. Solon and Stephen White.  The rehearsals, once or twice a week, were held in the old red school house at Richwood and the meetings were a source of considerable pleasure to the members, as they greatly relieved an otherwise monotonous life.  The first time the band attempted to march and play, at the same time, there was a "parting of the ways."  The great feat was attempted at a picnic in Adam Schneider's grove.  Each player had his eyes glued to his little book and, with red face and bulging cheeks, he proceeded on his journey over sticks, stones and logs.  When the "tune” was finished two of the boys were in Norton's marsh, one fell down and the other nine were scattered through the brush, several rods apart.  The marked feature of the selection were explosive notes caused by high stepping.  Later on, however, the boys learned how to play some and in 1872 came right to the front in the Greeley campaign [Horace Greeley, an unsuccessful candidate for President in 1872].  About the year 1874, some of the original members began to drop out and others took their places.  The organization continued to exist until the instruments were sold to the Sacred Heart College boys in Watertown about 1877 or 1878.  Of the twelve original members, all are living except Bill Hanley, who died many years ago.  John Discoll lives in Janesville, Jerry Driscoll resides at Superior . . .


William Williams

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


William Williams has sold his 200 acre farm in the town of Emmet to his neighbor Christian Weisenberg, the consideration being $26,000.  This is one of the finest farms in Wisconsin, and $130 an acre is certainly a fancy price.  Mr. Williams will remove to this city about April 1st.


Paul Thom's Dancing Social

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


A large crowd attended Paul Thom's dancing social at Turner opera house last Tuesday evening and as usual at Mr. Thom's socials all in attendance had a fine time.  The music was fine and the dancing program a most excellent one.


William Zier

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


Seriously Injured.  Last Tuesday at Fort Atkinson William Zier of this city was seriously injured.  He was employed by the Dornfeld-Kunert Co., placing a fire escape on a building in that city and fell a distance of 18 feet to the ice on the river below where he was working.  The same evening he was brought to his home in this city and it is hoped that he will shortly recover from his accident.


Firemen Hold Meeting

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


Anchor Volunteer Hose Co. No. 1 elected the following officers last Tuesday evening for the ensuing year:


President—Charles Kohn

Vice President—George Kunert

Secretary—Albert Schebstadt

Treasurer—Carl F. Otto

Foreman—Edward Kaercher

Assistant Foreman—William Kuester

Hose Captain—Emil Doerr

Assistant Hose Captain—Frank Meyer

Trustee 2 years—George Kunert

Standing Committee—Emil Doerr, William Kueuster, Theodore Bergmann



Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


The Phoenix Fire Co. will give a grand ball at Turner opera house on Saturday evening, January 30, 1909, to which the public is cordially invited.  Tickets 50 cents.  A good time is promised all who attend.


Which can, and when?

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


Grocers in trouble!  Red can for gasoline used for kerosene oil in the winter months or out of gasoline season is unlawful.  There is a large fine for using a red can for kerosene oil or a plain can for gasoline.  The only remedy, two cans, one red for gasoline the other plain for kerosene.


Superintendent W. P. Bingham

Watertown Gazette, 01 01 1909


A Fine Christmas Gift.  The employees of the Van Camp Packing Co., this city, presented Superintendent W. P. Bingham with an elegant mission clock as a Christmas gift.  The gift was most worthily bestowed and Mr. Bingham appreciates it very much.


Rev. Father Boland

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


Rev. Father Boland, pastor of St. Bernard's Church, gave a complimentary banquet last Wednesday evening at Masonic Temple hall to the altar boys of St. Bernard's and St. Henry's churches, about 60 being present.  Rev. Fathers Boland, Schweitzer and O'Connor of this city, and McBride of Oconomowoc, were also present.


New Year Ball

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


Thursday evening of last week about 40 couples attended the New Year ball at Masonic Temple hall given by the local lodge of Elks.  The decorations were Alabama smilax [a climbing plant that is admired for its foliage rather than its bloom] and Christmas bells.  All present pronounced it a delightfully pleasant social.


Cold Weather

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


Tuesday reminded one of a balmy day in spring, and as the snow and ice melted the water ran in tiny brooks into Rock River, but within a few short hours that same evening the thermometer dropped to 24 below zero, and Wednesday we experienced one of the coldest days ever known in this vicinity.  All day long Wednesday and Wednesday night the thermometer registered below zero and, at this writing, Thursday a.m., the mercury is still hovering around the zero mark.  A change of over 75 degrees less in than 24 hours is the pace in the weather that kills the sickly and weak ones of the human race and almost freezes the marrow in the bones of the strongest mortal, and even the ice man exclaims:  Hold, I have enough!

  More on Winter of 1908-1909   

A Terrible Storm

Watertown Gazette, 02 05 1909


One of the worst storms that has ever visited this section of the country set in here last Thursday night.  It started with a strong wind, accompanied with wet snow and sleet and finally wound up with a terrific blizzard.  Nearly two feet of snow fell during the night and the following day, and since then Watertown might well be styled the white city.  Ice and snow stuck to everything—trees, shrubbery, telegraph, telephone and electric light poles and wires, buildings of every description, fences and in fact everything out of doors, and the weather having remained cold for several days the winter scenes were charmingly beautiful.  The scenes in the city park and on the West side of the river on Washington, Church and Montgomery streets were particularly grand.  This is the pleasant side of the storm.  Great damage was done throughout the city to trees and shrubbery of all kinds, the telephone and electric services.  Over 400 telephones were put out of service for nearly a week, and for twenty-four hours the electric service was rendered useless.  The rural mail service was badly crippled, only one carrier making his complete route on Friday.  The Interurban railway service between Watertown and Milwaukee was at a standstill from Thursday evening till 6 o'clock Sunday evening, when a car was started from here to Milwaukee.  Monday morning the street car tracks were cleared of ice and snow from the terminus at the C.&N.W. depot to the limits of the city, and the service is once more on schedule time.  The fire alarm system is still demoralized and it will take some time before the lines can be repaired.  From Thursday night till Monday morning the weather was quite severe, ranging from zero to 10 below.


Wright - Rogan

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


Edward L. Rogan and Miss Caroline R. Wright were married at 8 o'clock Thursday morning, January 7, 1909, by Rev. Father Schweitzer in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives.  Charles Kehr and wife, brother-in-law and sister of the bride, attended them.  After partaking of a wedding feast at the home of the bride's parents in [504] Clyman Street, the groom and his bride left on a brief wedding tour, at the conclusion of which they will return to this city.  They will be at home to their friends after January 14th at 205 Church Street.  The groom is manager of the Western Union Telegraph office in this city, and is a grandson of the late Hon. Patrick Rogan, one of Watertown's first citizens.  He is one of Watertown's most esteemed young men and has secured for a bride an amiable and accomplished young lady.  She is a daughter of Joseph Wright and wife, Clyman Street, and a member of one of Watertown's oldest and best known families.  The Gazette joins their many friends in extending hearty congratulations.


Dr. T. F. Shinnick

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


Owing to the necessity of having a larger office room and modern conveniences, Dr. T. F. Shinnick has found it necessary to remove from his present location to the suite of rooms over Feurhaus-Gloger's store.  He has now one of the best equipped offices in the state and welcomes everybody to his new quarters.


New Motor Co - Copeland-Roach Motor Co

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909

Old Engine House Sold


The Copeland-Roach Motor Co., incorporated, of this city, has purchased from the city the property in [108-110 South] First Street which was formerly used for fire engine purposes and more recently for an emergency hospital.  It has a frontage of 40 feet on First Street and extends 120 feet back to Rock River.  The above named company will erect an up-to-date garage and automobile livery business thereon and will carry a full line of automobiles and supplies in stock.  Work on the garage will be commenced as early as possible in the spring.  It will be 40x100 feet, two stories high.  The company will handle the Rambler, the Mitchell and the Reliable Dayton machines.  Mr. Roach was formerly a resident of Waterloo and while a resident of that village was elected in 1896 sheriff of this county, but for several years past he has been engaged in the automobile business in Milwaukee.  Mr. Copeland has been for many years the C.&N.W.Ry. agent at Jefferson Junction, and is well and most favorably known hereabouts.  Mr. Roach resides at 502 North Church Street.  Our citizens heartily welcome this new enterprise to our city, and will give the proprietors thereof every encouragement.

  More on new motor companies   

Buroff Garage

Watertown Gazette, 12 25 1908


Edward G. Buroff has disposed of his garage in North Third Street [211-215 N Third] to F. A. Tuschen and H. C. Tuschen, former residents of Sun Prairie, the consideration be $8,000.  They will take possession January 15, 1909.  [Frank and Henry Tuschen]

  More on Buroff 

Edward G. Buroff

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


Edward G. Buroff has purchased of Herman Hilgendorf the 23 feet front property at the northwest corner of Main and North Fifth streets [418 E Main] and will erect a garage thereon in the spring.

  More on Tuschen Brothers 

Tuschen Brothers

An Enterprising Firm

Watertown Gazette, 04 16 1909


Tuscher Brothers, dealers in high-grade automobiles, gasoline engines, steam engines and threshers, 211-217 North Third Street, are meeting with great success in their line of business since establishing themselves here a few weeks ago, having already made many good sales. They are enterprising and honorable gentlemen and when in need of anything in their line don't fail to call at their place of business and look over their different lines.

  More on new motor companies   

New Motor Co

Knick-Wegemann Motor Co

Watertown Gazette, 01 22 1909


Paul Knick and Albert Wegemann have formed the Knick-Wegemann Motor Co. and will occupy the building at 206 Second Street [?] on February first [ad of 04 02 1909 has address as 108 Second].  They will handle motor cycles, motor boats and bicycles, automobiles and supplies.

  More on new motor companies   

Reference note

The Model T was introduced on October 1, 1908.  The car was very simple to drive, and easy and cheap to repair.  It was so cheap at $825 in 1908 (the price fell every year) that by the 1920s a majority of American drivers learned to drive on the Model T.


Ford created a massive publicity machine in Detroit to ensure every newspaper carried stories and ads about the new product.  Ford's network of local dealers made the car ubiquitous in virtually every city in North America.  As independent dealers, the franchises grew rich and publicized not just the Ford but the very concept of automobiling; local motor clubs sprang up to help new drivers and to explore the countryside.  Always on the hunt for more efficiency and lower costs, in 1913 Ford introduced the moving assembly belts into his plants.

  More on Wegemann Garage 

Wegemann Garage Sold

Watertown Gazette, 09 17 1909


Albert Wegemann has sold his automobile garage at 108 Second Street to R. A. Fuller of Sturgeon Bay and Edward Bellman of Milwaukee.


Jim Spear Drives a Fliyer (*)

(*) Believed to be Flyer.  The Flyer was an automobile

manufactured by the Flyer Motor Car Company from 1913-1914.

Watertown Gazette, 05 17 1923


Jim Spear took out a fliyer on the route Thursday.  He has used the old nags in delivering mail for better than twenty five years and at last gave up the struggle and want to gas.  Jim was the first mail carrier appointed from the Watertown post office and probably one of the first appointed in Wisconsin where rural delivery was instituted.  The first delivery of rural mail in the United States was made from the post office at Sun Prairie as an experiment.  Jim Spear took the only route from Watertown at that time which was known as number one up through the west side of the town of Emmet and later was transferred to number three.  He is probably the oldest rural carrier in point of service in the United States.  And he is not so awfully old at that.—[Daily Times]


The editor of The Gazette hopes Jim Spear will live 25 more years, and live to enjoy his fliver on his rural route unless Uncle Samuel retires him on a good big pension.  Jim is well liked by every man, woman and child on his route, and is especially liked by all the young ladies.  He is thorough in his work, obliging to his patrons and is a regular encyclopedia of the route's doings, the past the present and on future events.  During the Gazette editor's administration as postmaster in the Watertown post office there is nothing we enjoyed so well as a ride with Jim Spear over Jim's 27 mile route—it was a real treat and Jim kept one royally entertained from start to finish and at the same time never failed to call our attention to all the good and bad things on his route relative to the delivery of and collection of mail.


Watertown Advancement Assn

Banquet at New Commercial Hotel

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


On Friday evening of this week the Watertown Advancement Association will hold a banquet at the New Commercial Hotel, at which a few from outside the city will be present.  Aside from the banquet matters of general interest to the city will be discussed and means taken to still further advance our enterprising little city.  The officers and executive committee of this association since its organization several years ago have done a great deal to advance the city's interests, and they have been ably assisted in their good work by the majority of our business men.   It can be truly said that the Watertown Advancement Association has done more towards the welfare of its home town than any like association in the west.  An annual event of the kind to be held at the New Commercial Friday evening would be a good thing and help to keep up an interest in the good work being done by the association.

  More on Advancement Association 

Music at Advancement Association Banquet

Watertown Gazette, 01 22 1909


The music rendered at the Advancement Association banquet at the New Commercial Hotel last week was furnished by Frank Bremer and Miss Edna Goeldner of this city, and John Heubner of Oconomowoc.  It was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.

More on Advancement Association 


John I. Beggs Guest of Honor

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


Advancement Association Banquet at New Commercial Hotel

John I. Beggs Guest of Honor


The Advancement Association of this city gave a banquet at the New Commercial Hotel last Friday evening, the guest of honor being John I. Beggs, president of the Milwaukee Heat, Light and Traction Co., 62 in all being seated at the banquet table.  It was nearly 9:30 o'clock when all were seated at the table ready to partake of the good things prepared by Mrs. Brandenburg, the proprietor of this popular hotel.  Nothing was left undone by her to make the affair a success—in the parlor to the west of the dining room the Weber-Stube orchestra dispersed an excellent musical program during the progress of the banquet.  The banquet room decorations were in red, white and blue, old glory occupying a conspicuous place to one side, and the table decorations were in green and red stringers of smilax being stretched the entire length of the two long tables and beautiful red and green shaded candelabra, with red and green candles, added beauty to the elegantly arranged tables.  The menu served was delicious and the promptness with which one course followed the other was indeed a credit to the pretty waiters and the proprietor of the hotel.  A better satisfied crowd of people never sat down to a banquet and all complimented Mrs. Brandenburg on its excellence.  It would do credit to some of the famed caterers of the larger cities.


When the inner man had been completely satisfied, then the flow of wit and reason followed.  Ex-Mayor Herman Wertheimer, president of the Advancement Association, presided as toastmaster and certainly filled the roll well.  Mayor Arthur Mulberger was the first to respond to a toast, and he eloquently referred to the building of the interurban railway into our city and extended a most hearty welcome to the guest of honor, John I. Beggs.  Mr. Beggs responded, prefacing his remarks by saying:


“When a town is so provincial that it cannot see any benefits from a railway line, let it sleep and pass into the chaos which its people want.  If a city is progressive, lines of railway will come and help it, but there is no inducement for capital to invest when the people oppose or obstruct.  You may think this is only talk, but how many people in this section will put their money into it with all the franchises we have?"


He stated that with proper encouragement from the citizens of Watertown, it would become the hub of a great system of interurban railways extending to all quarters of the compass.  He called on the people of our city to get together on all questions tending to the city's welfare, cast aside all petty differences and success would certainly crown their efforts.  He said a short time ago representatives of the Inter-County Fair called on him to ascertain if it were not possible to build the interurban railway this year as far south as the fairgrounds so that it could be of use in time for the 1909 annual fair.  In response to this wish he said the railway would be built as far as the fairgrounds in time for the fair, but it seems there is a proviso attached—he wants a right of way in Second Street south to the fairgrounds, and thence the line would be continued to Johnson Creek, Jefferson and Janesville, the old survey as granted by the franchise south in Montgomery Street to be abandoned.


H. W. Heinrich, vice president of the M. D. Wells Shoe Co., was called on for a few remarks and he stated that Watertown is an ideal spot for factory purposes.  He said his factory started here five years ago with about 37 employees and that now 178 find employment, and that in the near future the capacity would be doubled; that he never in all his experience found a more contended lot of workers . . . that whereas he did not get all he asked from the people in the way of financial encouragement, he was well satisfied with his treatment. 


Should Mr. Beggs not get all he asks, we hope he will be also well satisfied with his treatment, as we believe the rank and file of our people appreciate his efforts bringing his railway into our city and are willing to extend him every encouragement that does not tend to the detriment of the city.


W. D. Sproesser, William F. Voss, Drs. Whyte and Werner, Fred Kusel, Gordon Bacon, H. G. Grube, Supt. W. V. Roseman and Gustav Buchheit also made a few interesting remarks.  On the motion of Mr. Buchheit, J. I. Beggs and H. W. Heinrich were voted honorary members of the Watertown Advancement Association, the motion being carried by a rising vote, and thus ended at 2 a.m. Saturday one of the most enjoyable banquets ever held in Watertown.


Following is a list of those present at the banquet:


H. Mulberger, H. Wertheimer, O. C. Wertheimer, Max Kusel, Dr.  F. C. Werner, E. B. Parsons, F Kusel, J. W. Moore, Eugene Meyer, C. F. Viebahn, J. W. Wiggenhorn, G. E. Bacon, C. A. Skinner, H. T. Eberle, W. C. Stone, G. J. Nichols, W. E. Brandt, C. E. Frey, C. R. Blumenfeld, C. D. Wiggenhorn, A. R. Eberle, Harry Beurhaus, George P. Koenig, Louis Cordes, C. A. Comstock, W. G. Pritzlaff, W. F. Voss, William Hartig, Gustav Buchheit, E. F. Wieinan, W. Sproesser, E. Faber, Ferdinand Schmutzler, E. Fischer, A. Baumann, E. A. Pratt, W. P. Roseman, W. C. Raue, F. H. Hoffmann, H. O. Volkmann, F. S. Weber, W. F. Brandt, C. Mulberger, W. H. Woodard,  H. G. Grube, Dr. W. F Whyte, W. F. Earle, J. W. Schempf, J. F. Prentiss,  Dr. C. J. Habhegger, F. E. Woodard, Edward J. Brandt, W. D. Sproesser, E. L. Bartlett, Max Rohr, F. H. Lehmann, F. G. Keck, M. H. Gaebler, Arthur Mulberger,  Otto R. Krueger, Edward L. Schempf, H. W. Heinrichs.


It might be of interest to the people of Watertown to know that since the organization of the Watertown Advancement Association here some nine years ago, about $32000 has been contributed by our business men toward establishing and encouraging factories to locate here.  The officers of the association are as follows: 


President—Herman Wertheimer

Vice-President—Jas. W. Moore

Secretary—William H. Woodard

Treasurer—Edward L. Schempf

Board of Directors, with officers included: Ferd. Schmutzler, Fred. H. Hoffmann, Henry Mulberger, Eugene Meyer, Herman Grube, Fred. Keck and Max Kusel.

  More on the Interurban and route to fairgrounds 

We Uphold the Franchise

And Call on the City Officials to do Likewise

Watertown Gazette, 01 22 1909


The Gazette is a friend of the Milwaukee, Light, Heat and Traction Co.  That is just where we stand; it is also a friend of the city of Watertown, first, last and all the time.  Our representatives in the city council gave that company a franchise.  All we have to say just now is:  The Milwaukee Light, Heat and Traction Co. received the franchise asked for—now let it be carried out!  The Gazette is progressive—not a knocker, it has always advocated public improvements, its editor has contributed liberally to all public enterprises beyond his means, he is frank in his expressions, and never tries to carry water on both shoulders—no man has ever started a public enterprise during our residence in Watertown of 46 years for his health—the people of Watertown are not here for their health, but are working together for their interests, and in the present case we believe the majority of the people of Watertown want to see the franchise as granted to the Milwaukee Light, Heat and Traction Co. carried out before any more concessions are granted. 


Boost! Boost! Boost your city!  Hurry up the building of the Inter-Urban Railway to the fairgrounds via of the route the franchise given this railway calls for!  Under the franchise, as we see it, it must be built within a few months! 


Mayor Mulberger and the city council, no doubt, will do their duty in seeing that the franchise is lived up to.


Rev. Harold Wicke

Wisconsin State Jour, 11 03 2008


Rev. Harold Wicke passed away peacefully on Saturday Nov. 1, 2008, at the Sterling House in Sun Prairie.  He was born July 12, 1912, in Kirchhaeyn, Town of Jackson, the son of Henry and Eleonora (Toepel) Wicke.  Pastor Wicke was united in marriage to Thekla Hanke on Oct. 23, 1940, in Hortonville.  He was called and ordained minister for the Wisconsin Evan. Lutheran Synod and served WELS churches as minister in Hortonville, Weyauwega, and Watertown.  He also served the synod as an editor at the Northwestern Publishing House in Milwaukee.  He was a resident of Sun Prairie since his retirement in 1981.  After his retirement he served as interim and substitute pastor at various WELS churches.  Pastor Wicke is survived by Thekla, his wife of 68 years, his daughter, Ann (Robert) Swanson; and a son, Timothy (Judy) Wicke, all of Sun Prairie; his grandchildren, Kara (Jon) Sieg of Madison, David Swanson (Jennifer Koves) of Jeffersonville, IN., Amelia (Alan) Bogle of  New Berlin, and Matthew Wicke of Sun Prairie; nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends.  He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Roland, and Hugo; and sisters, Veronica and Cornelia. Funeral services will be held on Wed. Nov., 5, at 12 p.m. at Eastside Lutheran Church with the Rev. Glen F. Schmiege officiating. Burial will be at the Lutheran Cemetery in Watertown. Visitation will be held Wed. from 11 a.m. until the time of service.


David J. McDonald

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


David J. McDonald, an old Watertown boy, now employed in the office of the Samuel Binghams Sons, manufacturers of printers' rollers, Chicago, writes as follows to his old friend, the editor:


Chicago, Dec. 30, 1908.


Dear Friend: Enclosed please find check for subscription to Gazette.  I am pleased to see that Watertown is alive and doing something to push herself along.  Too bad it did not start twenty years sooner and there would not have been so many of her people scattered around the world, for no matter where you go, you can find someone that had to leave home because there was nothing for them to do in their native city.


Albert Fuermann

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


Albert Fuermann has gone on the road as travelling salesman for Wiggenhorn Bros.  He is one of the most popular travelling salesmen in Wisconsin and with Wiggenhorn Bros. fine line of goods he will certainly add to his popularity.


August Stoppenbach

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


August Stoppenbach of Jefferson, an old friend of the editor, was a pleasant caller at The Gazette office on Monday.  Mr. Stoppenbach and his son-in-law are erecting an up-to-date wool carding factory at Jefferson and will in a few weeks have everything in shape to handle that line of business.


Yawkey Crowley Lumber Co

Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


Julius Podolske in Charge of Lumber Business at Waupun


Manager Cole of the Yawkey Crowley Lumber Co. at Waupun left the country three weeks ago and a warrant has been sworn out for his arrest on the charge of having embezzled $4000 of the company's money.  Julius Podolske of this city is at present in charge of the company business in that city.  Mr. Podolske is a most trustworthy and capable young man and would make a good manager for the Waupun office.  For several years past he has been employed in the office of the company in this city.


Holstein Cattle Purchased in Dodge County

for Notre Dame University

Watertown Daily Times, 02 01 1923


George O'Connor of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, was here last week and assisted the Dodge County Holstein Association in purchasing 85 head of pure-bred Holstein cattle for Notre Dame University.  The cattle were purchased in Watertown, Hustisford and Burnett.  The cattle were shipped last Friday to Notre Dame.  Francis Darcey aided Mr. O'Connor greatly in selecting a fine line of stock.


Stage Equipment for High School

Watertown Daily Times, 11 17 1958


The Board of Education at its meeting last night voted approval of stage equipment for the High School totaling $25,985.  The contract went to the Metropolitan Stage Equipment Co. of Omaha, Neb., which filed the lowest of four bids.  The next lowest bid was $5,000 higher than the Omaha concern's.  The equipment represents basic stage facilities.  Much of it is electrical equipment, lights, spots, etc., as well as wiring.


Lincoln Elementary School

Watertown Daily Times, 11 17 1998


A school bell rang out Friday morning as a silent crowd sat in anticipation at Lincoln Elementary School.  "Our school is now in session," called out Dorothy Strayer-Zuck.  Strayer-Zuck, who used to teach at the school, joined dozens of other former staff members and students in celebrating the building's rededication.  It's been 50 years since Lincoln school was erected after the original building burned down.


Automatic Gate

Watertown Daily Times, 11 18 1958


A completely automatic gate which will be of considerable interest to farmers and others has been invented and patented by Carl Piper and Eugene Kotlarz, both of Watertown.  The gate is so constructed that no electric power or battery is needed to operate it.  It is the first gate of its type.  Mr. Piper, speaking for himself and his partner in the invention and patenting of the gate, said that they are not in the manufacturing end of it; that the manufacturing and sales distribution rights have been assigned by them to Farmrite Sprayer, Inc., of Juneau.


Watertown Community Child Care

Watertown Daily Times, 11 18 1998


A conditional use permit approved Monday afternoon by the Watertown Plan Commission could clear the way for the expansion of a child-care center in the city.  While the commission OK'd a possible move for Watertown Community Child Care to a portion of the Bethesda Lutheran Homes facility, the child-care board has yet to decide whether to move ahead. That board will meet next week to consider the move.


Dr. Louis W. Nowack

Watertown Daily Times, 11 19 1983


Dr. Louis W. Nowack, a retired Watertown physician, will leave his position as health commissioner for the city, effective Dec. 30 of this year.  Mayor Kenneth Thiel announced Nowack's resignation at Tuesday evening's meeting of the Watertown City Council.  Dr. Nowack will continue as medical director of Marquardt Memorial Manor.


Watertown City Clerk


Watertown Daily Times, 11 20 1958


Mrs. Ralph O. Ertl, 36, of 1311 River Drive, has been named Watertown's new deputy city clerk and will begin her duties on Dec. 8, City Manager C.C. Congdon announced this morning after he had dispatched letters announcing his appointment to members of the City Council yesterday afternoon.  Mrs. Ertl was chosen from a list of some 11 applicants who were under consideration.  She worked in the office of the city clerk as an assistant at the time of the death of Arthur W. Duffy, city clerk.  She is at present employed in the office of the Sears Roebuck Co. store here.


Jeremy Wesemann

Dan Herbst

Watertown Daily Times, 11 20 1998


Watertown senior receiver Jeremy Wesemann earned one more honor, and Watertown head football coach Dan Herbst earned one more chance to coach a game.  Wesemann, who finished with 906 receiving yards this season, was named to the Wisconsin Football Coaches Association's all-state first team offense.  Herbst, who recently retired as Watertown head football coach after 29 seasons, was named to coach the South team in the Shrine Game next summer.


North Church Street

Reconstruction Project

Watertown Daily Times, 11 14 2008


North Church Street to open Monday, November 17, 2008


The end of a six-month reconstruction effort on North Church Street approaches.  A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held Monday at 2 p.m. to celebrate the reopening of North Church Street.


North Church Street, from West Main Street to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks just south of Spaulding Street, has been closed since the reconstruction project started at the end of April.


The work included the installation of new underground utilities and storm sewer, and new concrete pavement, sidewalks and decorative lighting.  The rehabilitation project called for a two-lane urban roadway with curb and gutter on both sides.  There is still going to be one through lane in each direction and there is still going to be parking the whole length.


The width of North Church Street has remained the same.  North Church varies in width and around Main Street it is 61 feet from curb to curb. North Church Street from O'Connell Street to Cady Street is 48 feet wide, from Rock Street to Union Street is 44 feet wide and from Union Street to the railroad tracks is 42 wide.


All of the crosswalks on the new stretch of road are red in color, similar to those that were part of the South Church Street project that occurred earlier in 2003. All of the new light poles and bulbs are also similar to the ones on South Church Street.


The total cost for the project is $3.19 million.


Full article on Watertown Daily Times website:


Dale Schultz

Watertown Daily Times, 11 21 1998


When Dale Schultz couldn't find the special gift he wanted to give his father, he started surfing the Internet.  “At first, I didn't know how to turn on a computer but I learned in a hurry,” said the Watertown man, adding that he now has all the information he needs - but he still doesn't have the gift, and may never get it.  Dale, son of Lawrence and Marcella Schultz of Watertown, spent hours researching and documenting that this father is entitled to two bronze stars, five battle stars, two medals and a presidential citation ribbon.  The awards were earned while Lawrence was serving in the U.S. Navy in World War II in 1944 and 1945 in Asiatic-Pacific and Philippines operations.


John Hertel

Watertown Daily Times, 08 10 1983


Dan Brandenstein went around the world a few times last month, but when it comes down to local boys ranging far and wide, John Hertel has been doing it for years.  Since 1977, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Hertel, 308 O'Connell Street, has lived in Pakistan and China, has worked in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Singapore and Thailand, has vacationed regularly in Hong Kong and Indonesia and recently has married a beautiful wife from the Philippines.  He's been a long way from home for a long time, and during his vacation visit to Watertown last week, he said he will stay in southeast Asia for at least the next couple of years.


Old Fashioned Revival Meeting

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


Commencing Monday evening January the 18th there will be held an old fashioned revival meeting in the Sunday school parlor of the new Methodist church.   The pastor and congregation will be assisted by Miss May Gibson, conference Deaconess.  The services begin every evening at 7:30 o'clock p.m. promptly. The public it most cordially invited.  This is a cozy, homelike church.


O. E. Scherer

Fire Causes $8,000 Loss


Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


Palmyra—The store building of O. E. Scherer was destroyed by fire, including three automobiles.  The Gospel brigade of seven persons, which temporarily occupied the apartment over the store, barely escaped.  The loss is estimated at $8,000.


Mayflower Sewing Circle

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


The Mayflower Sewing Circle was entertained last Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Gustav Doerr at her home in North Water Street.


Watertown Building Trades Council

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


Last week Thursday evening the Watertown Building Trades Council at its annual meeting elected the following officers:


President—Edward Simdars

Vice President—Henry Schlueter

Recording Secretary—Hugo Laabs

Financial Secretary—William L. Ellis

Treasurer—William E. Nienow

Business Agent—Fred Schurr

Trustee 18 months—Henry Schlueter

Trustee 12 months—William Gruenert

Trustee 6 months—Arthur Kusel



Watertown Daily Times, 11 10 1997


Innerpak, Inc. will construct a 16,000-square-foot addition to its plant at 411 Dayton St., according to Joseph Rhodes, president. Rhodes said construction on the addition will begin Monday and will be completed next spring. Innerpak is a division of the Rhodes Group.  The firm employs about 50 people and that is expected to increase by about 30 next year, Rhodes said. He said, “We have approvals and permits from all necessary government agencies.  We’re anxious to get started next week.” When completed Innerpak’s building will consist of over 43,000 square feet. Most of the addition will be used for additional manufacturing space.


Watertown Daily Times, 11 22 1998


The Watertown Common Council on Tuesday approved an economic revolving loan for Innerpak to expand its building and purchase machinery.  Innerpak, 411 Dayton St., expects that an additional 20 to 30 full-time equivalent positions will be created by the expansion within about two years.  Terms of the loan specify that the city would loan Innerpak $124,716 at 4 percent interest to be amortized over 10 years.


Tilden Cheese Factory Officers

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


At a meeting of stockholders of the Tilden Cheese Factory in Emmet the following officers were chosen:


President—Frank Meitner

Secretary—Frank Klecker

Treasurer—I. Pitterle

Directors—Bernard Zeiner, Ferdinand Pitterle, Theo. Lehmann.


The factory was again leased to Michael Casey for another year.


Wonderful Sauerkraut Men

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


The habitual eater of sauerkraut is invariably a man of extraordinary vigor, both physical and mental.  Did you ever hear of a lunatic or a puny, shaking invalid who liked the incomparable viand [a choice or delicious dish]?  Did you ever hear of an athlete or a philosopher who disdained it?  Of course not!  Find a man with a plate of sauerkraut before him and you have found a man who thinks clearly and powerfully, loves his wife and children, fights for his country, succors the indigent, sleeps soundly and snores all night like a freeman and a patriot.  Palates attuned to the transcendent flavor of the emperor of all victuals are palates that never tremble to a lie.  Eyes that sparkle as the trencher of steaming kraut comes on are eyes that look ever to the front, as the eyes of brave men should.—[Baltimore Sun]


Will Build New Congregational Church

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


At the annual greeting of the Congregational Church last Monday evening it was decided to build a new church, much enthusiasm prevailing at the meeting on this subject.  About $7500 has already been subscribed, and the Clover Club promises a generous donation.  The new church as planned will cost about $12,000.  It will be of pressed brick 60x70 feet, and will seat about 200, and besides will contain a Sunday school room 30x36 feet, a pastor’s study, a primary room and a choir room.  There will be a well arranged choir loft and a classroom in the second story.  In the basement there will be a gymnasium or dining room 60x30 feet, a kitchen 20x16 feet, shower baths, toilet rooms, etc.  Van Ryn & De Gellecke of Milwaukee are the architects.  Work on the new building will begin as early as possible in the spring.  The financial report read at the meeting showed  that over $1800 had been paid out last year, all expenses had been paid and there was a balance of $1991 in the treasury—more than at any time in the church's history.  The Clover Club donated $800 during the year to the church treasury. 


At the meeting Alex Platz was elected treasurer and clerk for the ensuing year and F. E. Woodard, John W. Schempf, B. W. Schultz and E. A. Pratt were elected trustees.   The ladies of the Clover Club served luncheon at the meeting and all present thoroughly enjoyed it.

  More on New Congregational Church 

New Church Plans

Watertown Gazette, 02 19 1909


The new Congregational Church plans and specifications are now ready to be submitted to the contractors for bids.  The architects are Van Ryan & Gelecke of Milwaukee.  The old edifice will be at auction Saturday, February 27; the framework and pews will be disposed of.  The brick will be used in the new building.  The old structure is to be moved or wrecked some time in March and building operations will begin at once.  It is hoped to dedicate in September.

  More on New Congregational Church 

Watertown Gazette, 03 12 1909


The plans for the new Congregational Church have been received and bids for the building of the church will be opened on March 15th.  The church will have all modern improvements.  A special feature of the building will be the large gymnasium in the basement, 30 x 52 feet, in which basketball, football and athletics of all kinds can be indulged in.

Thursday evening of last week a large crowd of people attended the supper given at the church parlors by the Clover Club of the Congregational Church.  The menu served was most excellent and the Clover Club certainly furnished a very pleasant evening for all present.  This was the last social gathering at the old church as it will soon be torn down for a modern structure.

  More on New Congregational Church 

Congregational Church Contract

Watertown Gazette, 03 26 1909


The contract for the erection of the new Congregational Church has been let to Ferdinand Behlke and will cost about $12,000.  It is expected that the church will be ready for dedication by Sept. 1st.

  More on New Congregational Church 

Trustees Will Sell Old Church

Watertown Gazette, 03 19 1909


The old Congregational Church building which is now over fifty-eight years old will be sold to the highest bidder on March 24.  Sealed proposals will be opened in W. C. Stone's office at 3 p.m., instead of holding a public auction.  This will give prospective buyers sufficient time to look over the old edifice.  The framework of the building, the pews, the furnaces and gas fixtures will be sold separately, so as to give all an opportunity of buying just what they want.  The brick will be cleaned by the church and used in the new building.


It has been suggested that the auditorium of the [old] church would make an ideal gymnasium for the public school children.  It could be moved to the First ward park and with few alterations would make a very attractive gymnasium.

  More on New Congregational Church 

Auction Saturday 11 a.m.

Watertown Gazette, 03 26 1909


Congregation [Church] building as a whole or in part.  Fine timbers for barns.  Would make a good house.  Name your price.

  More on New Congregational Church 

Edward Racek Buys Old Church

Watertown Gazette, 04 02 1909


Edward Racek purchased the Congregational Church building last week, and has removed it to his lots in Second Street, where he will have it fitted up as a double flat residence building.


Euterpe Club Donates $15.00

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


The Euterpe Club has donated $15.00 towards fixing up the grounds in the rear of the library building.  This is very commendable and it is hoped other generously inclined clubs and residents of Watertown will quickly follow suit for the Library Board would like to beautify the park in the rear of the public library as early as possible in the spring.


Mrs. Edward C. Baumann

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


The Janesville Gazette — Mrs. Edward C. Baumann passed away Sunday morning shortly after 10 o'clock at her home, 14 North Wisconsin Street, after a prolonged illness of typhoid fever.  Her husband, Edward C. Baumann, is still in a critical condition from the same disease and two children, Harold, aged three, and Loraine, aged five, are slowly recovering.  A third infant, Franklin, passed away from the same trouble a month ago.  Funeral services were held this afternoon at the chapel in Oak Hill Cemetery (Janesville) at ten o'clock, a prayer being read by the Rev. John Koerner, and the remains will rest in the vault until her husband is able to attend the regular funeral services.  He has not yet been informed of his wife's death owing to his own critical condition.


Mrs. Baumann was born in Watertown July 28, 1875, and is a daughter of Mrs. Wilhelmine Zahn, who resides 915 North Second Street.


Elects Officers

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


At the annual meeting of the Watertown Fire Department held last Monday evening, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:


President— August Henze

Vice President—Arthur Doerr

Secretary—Charles A. Kohn

Treasurer—George Weber


The election of chief, assistant chief and fire wardens will take place at the annual meeting in March.


Cigarmakers' Benevolent Association

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


The Cigarmakers' Benevolent Association elected the following officers last Tuesday evening:


President—F. A. Krueger

Vice-President—Albert Borchart

Recording Secretary—Henry Moser

Financial Secretary—John Kessler

Treasurer—Gus Exner


Public Lecture on Greece

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


A public lecture will be given in the chapel of Northwestern University on Friday, Jan. 15, at 7:30 p m., by Dr. A. Cooley of Armondale, Mass.  His subject will be "A Tour through Greece," and will be illustrated by stereoptical views of the most interesting localities in modern Greece.  Dr. Coolly, who is a well-known educator in this country, is personally acquainted with the localities on which he lectures and his Iantern slides are masterpieces of art.  The public are cordially invited.  Tickets 25 cents.


Wisconsin National Bank

Directors and Officers Reelected

Watertown Gazette, 01 15 1909


At the annual mating of stockholders of the Wisconsin National Bank held Tuesday, January 19, 1909, the old board of directors were reelected, vis: Fred Miller, H. G. Grube, A. Solliday, Charles A. Feisst, M. Carroll, Henry Mulberger, William F. Voss.  The above named directors met on Thursday, January 14, 1909, and elected the following officers for the ensuing year:


William F. Voss—President

A. Solliday—Vice President

H. Mulberger—Cashier.

A. D. Platz—Asst. Cashier

R. M. Hahn—Teller


Sharp Corner Saloon

Watertown Gazette, 09 21 1894


Chas. Raabe is now fully prepared to serve his many customers in fine style in his new quarters at 823 Main Street, formerly known as the “Sharp Corner."  One of the finest business spots in the city has just been erected on that corner, and it is finished and arranged in fine style.  Mr. Raabe occupies the entire building for residence and saloon purposes.  The bar room proper is large, well ventilated and lighted, and presents a most inviting appearance, with its elegant metallic ceiling, hard wood and tile flooring, elegant bar fixtures, etc.  In the rear of the bar room is a nicely finished card room, and to the right a finely furnished room, in which refreshments are served to ladies.  The building contains fine toilet rooms for ladies and gents, and many other accommodations not to be found in any other resort in the city.


Herman Ziemer and family

Watertown Gazette, 01 22 1909


A Close Call From Death.  At about 7:30 o'clock on Thursday evening of last week Herman Ziemer and family, who reside north of this city on route 1, came near being killed at the corner of Main and North Fourth streets in this city.  They were driving south on North Fourth Street when their team became frightened and started to run away—a west bound street car was approaching and Mr. Ziemer, with wonderful presence of mind, turned his horses to the right, where they slipped and were caught by the car and were dragged a few feet westward.  Little damage was done, but had Mr. Ziemer not altered the course to cross the track no doubt all would have been killed or seriously hurt.


Students at Public Library

Watertown Gazette, 01 22 1909


Miss Winifred Bucklin of Brodhead and Miss Bertha Rogers of Reedsburg, students in the state library school at Madison, have been assigned to the Watertown Public Library for the months of February and March.  The library is one of six cooperating libraries in the state connected with the state library school to which its students are sent for practical training and experience.  Miss Bucklin assumes her duties February 1 and Miss Rogers March 1.


Bank Elects Officers

Watertown Gazette, 01 22 1909


At the regular monthly meeting of the directors of the Merchants National Bank held Thursday of last week the following officers were chosen for the current year:


President—W. D. Sproesser

Vice President—Joseph Terbrueggen

Vice President—D. H. Kusel

Cashier—Charles E. Frey

Assistant Cashier—Max Rohr

Judges of election—John G. Conway, U. Habhegger, Fred Kusel

Examining Committee—John Habhegger, W. A. Beurhaus, F. Schmutzler, Fred Kusel, L. H. Cordes


Elect Officers

Watertown Gazette, 01 22 1909


At the regular meeting of the Webster Debating Society held last week at the High School the following officers were elected:


President—Alex Hardie

Vice President—Cyrus Casey

Secretary—Zeno Walthers

Assistant Secretary—John Seager

Treasurer—Henry W. Krause


Weigly Shoe Store

Watertown Republican, 03 27 1895


Monday A. B. Weigly, proprietor of the dollar-and-a-haIf shoe store at 206 Main Street, appeared in Justice Henze’s court in answer to a summons to defend an action brought by the city of Watertown through its attorney, Harlow Pease.  The city's complaint says:  "Said defendant is indebted to said plaintiff in the sum of $200 for penalties incurred in violation of an ordinance of said city of Watertown, entitled “An ordinance to provide for licensing transient merchants, traders or dealers, in the city of Watertown” passed June 10, 1889, between the 12th day of February 1895 and the term of the commencement of this action; therefore said plaintiff demands judgment against said defendant for the sum of $200 damages, and the costs of said action."  Upon request of the defendant, the case was postponed until April 5, when he expects to have able counsel from Richland Center.


Charles Crangle

Watertown Republican, 03 27 1895


About 5 o'clock last Wednesday afternoon, while handling an old revolver in his home on Milford Street, Third ward, Charles Crangle, the 24-year-old son of Robert Crangle, shot himself in the left side.  The shooting was apparently accidental.  The revolver was only a 22-calibre and the wound therefore not very serious.  Drs. Masterson and Feld attended the case and on Saturday the bullet was located and extracted.


St. Bernard's Card Party

Watertown Gazette, 01 22 1909


A large crowd attended the card party given at Masonic Temple Wednesday evening by the young ladies' of St. Bernard's congregation.  Josephine Moore was given the half ton of coal donated by Edward O'Byrne and Mrs. James P. McGolrick and Mrs. M. Reilly, the $2.00 book donated by John T. Ryan.


Telephone Pay Station

Watertown Gazette, 01 22 1909


A telephone pay station has been established in the Deutsches Dorf Cafe, Main and North Third streets, where long distance telephoning can be done without going to the general office by depositing the charges in the phone receptacle.

  More on Telephone Company 

Wisconsin Telephone Exchange

Watertown Republican, 08 21 1895


The Wisconsin Telephone exchange is now permanently located in the Post Office block.  The service throughout the city has been rebuilt and improved, notable change being the substitution of the "return" system for the old method of ground circuits.  A new switchboard holding 100 wires adorns the central station, and is used to nearly its full capacity.  The wires enter the station in cables, which overcomes the great network of wires formerly in evidence.  With the most modern devices in electrical appliances in operation here, the company claims Watertown now enjoys the very best telephone service obtainable.


Miss Jennie Kusel

Watertown Republican, 12 18 1895


Miss Jennie Kusel gave a dancing party Saturday evening at her home on North Church Street [216 N Church, 1899 City Dir] . . . A myriad  of Japanese lanterns gave the party a pretty an inviting appearance, while on the canvassed floors of the spacious  parlors the "giddy mazes" furnished unlimited pleasure for the company.  Light refreshments were served in the dining room.  An unusually happy and congenial evening was passed by all.


Judge Wm. J. Mooney killed at sea


His Body Sank With The Ship

Formerly Resided Here

Brother of Miss Annie Mooney, 401 Church Street


Watertown Gazette, 01 29 1909


Our people were horrified last Monday morning on reading the daily papers to learn that Judge Wm. J. Mooney of Langdon, North Dakota, was killed on board the ocean steamship Republic of the White Star Line, which was rammed by the Italian steamer Florida early Saturday morning and sank Sunday evening.  Mr. Mooney and his wife and Mr. Mooney's partner in business M. M. Murphy, and wife were on their way to Europe, intending to pass several months visiting the cities bordering on the Mediterranean Sea.  Mrs. Murphy was seriously injured, and Mrs. Lynch of Boston was the only other passenger killed outright and the latter's husband was fatally injured and died after reaching the hospital in New York.  Four of the boiler room help of the Florida were also killed.  The Republic was about 120 miles from New York when she was struck by the Italian steamer Florida. 


Mr. Mooney was one of the most prominent citizens of North Dakota.  He was owner of the Mooney State Bank in Langdon, and half owner with M. Murphy, whose wife was seriously injured on the Republic, in the new bank at International Falls, Minn.  H. B. Bendok, a friend of Mr. Mooney, is Norwegian counsel in North Dak., and is at present stopping at the Hotel Knickerbocker, New York.  "The Mooney's and the Murphy's were making the voyage to the Mediterranean together.  I am agent for the White Star line in North Dakota and I made their arrangements for them,” he said.  Just before going aboard the Republic Mrs. Murphy, who is a rather timid woman, remarked that she felt afraid of crossing the ocean.  I introduced her to Capt. Sealby, whom I knew as a good seaman, and what I told her of him restored her confidence somewhat."


Mr. Mooney was born in Watertown September 29, 1857, and was educated in the public schools and Sacred Heart College, this city, graduating from the latter institution in 1878, shortly after going to Langdon, North Dakota, where he was elected clerk of the circuit court and later county judge.  Retiring from the latter office he engaged in the banking and real estate business and amassed a fortune, being one of the wealthiest men in the northwest.  He was a whole-souled, progressive man; he had a word of good cheer for everybody and always looked on the bright side of life.  His hosts of friends all over this section of the country and especially his old neighbors in Watertown heard of his sad ending with sincere sorrow.  Mr. Mooney was twice married, his second wife and one son by his first wife, cashier of  his father's bank at International Falls, Minn., and one sister, Miss Annie Mooney of this city survive him, to whom the heartfelt sympathy of all our people is extended.  Shortly after the accident the bodies of Mr. Mooney and Mrs. Lynch were placed in coffins and went down with the ship, hence their funerals will not be held until the recovery of the bodies.


Miss Maude Macpherson Resigns

Watertown Gazette, 01 29 1909


Miss Maude R. Macpherson, who has been librarian at the public library here since its establishment over six years ago, has handed in her resignation, to take effect April 1st and possibly March 1st.  She has accepted a similar position at Hoquiam, Washington, at a salary of $1200 a year, considerably more than she has been receiving here.  Miss Macpherson is one of the very best librarians in the country and she is well worth this splendid recognition of her services.  The people of Watertown will regret her departure very much, especially the Board of Library Commissioners.  It was under her supervision that the library was opened here, and it is owing quite materially to her individual efforts that we have such a fine library building, and such a well managed library.  She is possessed of good executive ability and took the initiative in many things that tended to the betterment of the service at the library.  She has the hearty good wishes of the Public Library Board and of the entire community wherever she may reside in the future.

  More on Librarian position 

New Librarian Appointed

Watertown Gazette, 02 12 1909


Miss Gabriella Ackley of Oconomowoc, at a regular meeting of the Library Board held last Tuesday evening, was appointed librarian at the public library to succeed Miss Maude Macpherson, resigned, the appointment to take effect April 1.  Miss Ackley was very highly recommended by Mr. Legeler, secretary of the State Library Commission, and both being present at the meeting of the Library Board Tuesday evening, the board thought it advisable to engage her services at once.  She has had considerable experience as librarian at Oconomowoc, Brodhead and Oconto, resigning her position at the latter place some time since on account of the illness of her mother at Oconomowoc.  She is considered one of the best librarians in the state and is a most worthy successor to our present efficient librarian, Miss Macpherson.

  More on Maude R. Macpherson 

Reception for Miss MacPherson

Watertown Gazette, 02 26 1909


The members of the Saturday Club were hostesses at a very pretty reception tendered to Miss Maude MacPherson last Thursday evening in the assembly room of the public library.  Under the skillful hands of the ladies the rooms were made very pretty and “homey” with rugs, potted plants and cut flowers, with a plentiful supply of easy chairs.  Each member of the club was privileged to bring one guest; the members of the library board and their wives were also invited to be present, so the “goodlie companie” numbered about sixty five.  Invitations were to Miss Lutie B. Stearns, Mr. Henry Legler and Mr. F. A. Hutchins of the state library commission to be present, but very much to the regret of all, previous engagements prevented them from accepting the invitation.  The receiving party consisted of the officers of club, the guest of honor and Miss Hilgendorf, our very efficient and obliging assistant librarian.  After the guests were assembled a short musical program was given, consisting of vocal numbers given by Miss Anna Smith and Mrs. C. R. Feld, both ladies were in fine voice and their numbers were greatly enjoyed.  Mrs. S. S. Feld, Mrs. William Sproesser and Miss Lydia Pease followed with instrumental numbers which were finely executed and secured a round of applause.  Later Mr. S. S. Mullen gave several piano selections in his very pleasing manner.  Shortly before 10 o’clock the guests were invited into the men’s reading room, where light refreshments, consisting of coffee, ice cream and cake were served.  This room had been made to look cozy, red shades over the electric lights cast a warm, pretty glow over the room while broad bands of red descended from the ceiling to the four corners of the room; on the table was a large bouquet of red carnations and ferns which gave the needed touch of beauty and spicy fragrance.  A very pleasing feature of the evening was the fine tribute paid to Miss MacPherson by Prof. Ott on behalf of the library board, telling how much we feel she has done for us in the six years she has been with us and voicing the feeling of all when he mentioned how much we regretted her going from among us . . .

  More on Maude R. Macpherson 

Gone to Washington

Watertown Gazette, 04 02 1909


On Sunday last Miss Maud R. Macpherson left here for Hoquiam, Washington, where she has been appointed public librarian at a salary of $1200 a year. The library over which she will preside will be opened under her supervision. . The people of Hoquiam have secured one of the very best librarians in the United States; she is efficient in every respect, being well versed in book lore and she uses admirable judgment in her selection of books.  She is also an expert in conducting the affairs of a library, and possesses good executive ability and fine tact and judgment in dealing with patrons of a library.  The Watertown library was established under her supervision about six years ago, and during all that time she has been a favorite in our city.  The Watertown library board accepted her resignation with much regret, for it was not within their means to retain her at the fine salary she has secured at Hoquiam.  The citizens of Watertown, and the library board especially, wish her success and happiness in her new field of usefulness.

  More on Maude R. Macpherson 

Letter from Miss Macpherson

Watertown Gazette, 07 23 1909


Miss Maud R. Macpherson, formerly public librarian in Watertown, writes as follows to the editor from Hoquiam, Washington, where she is librarian at the public library.  The people of Watertown in general will be interested in hearing from her.


Editor Gazette:


I have neglected “paying up” my subscription to The Gazette with the hope that I might find a convenient moment in which to write you something of interest concerning my library and my impressions of the Pacific Northwest.  However it looks as though that convenient season would never arrive, for I am busy every moment of the day and every night in the week . . .


. . . Hoquiam is truly the most unpicturesque city one could possibly imagine.  Nowhere is civic improvement more necessary.  Why I believe this stupendous task of improving its appearance would discourage even the energetic Watertown Outdoor Art Association . . .


New Librarian in Charge

  More on Librarian position 

Watertown Gazette, 04 09 1909


Miss Gabriella Ackley, of Oconomowoc, recently appointed librarian at the public library, entered upon her duties last week Thursday, and is taking hold of the work in fine shape.  Miss Ackley is experienced in her line of work and is considered one of the best librarians in the state.  We predict for her success at the Watertown library.


O. F. Goeslin

Athletic Exhibition

Watertown Gazette, 01 29 1909


There was a good-sized crowd at Turner opera house last Tuesday evening to witness the catch as-catch-can wrestling match between O. F. Goeslin, the Canadian barber employed at J. C. Seager's barber shop, and Johnny Hayslip of Milwaukee.  Hayslip was to throw Gosslin three times in 90 minutes.  He threw him once in 68 minutes and 38 seconds, but failed to get another down inside of 90 minutes.  B. W. Smith was referee and H. W. Kronitz timekeeper.  Previous to the wrestling match Conant and Weichert gave a one round boxing bout, and Harry Zoelle and Henry Clausen tried their skill at wrestling, the former winning two falls in succession in 3:51 and 3:03 minutes.

  More on O. F. Goeslin 

O. F. Goeslin

A Hold-Up

Watertown Gazette, 04 23 1909


As O. F. Goeslin, a knight of the razor employed in J. C. Seager's barber shop, was going home last Saturday night to the Bursinger Hotel in North First Street, he heard some one calling for help in the vicinity of Madison Street and on investigation he saw three men trying to pick the pockets of another man whom he thought was under the influence of liquor.  One of the fellows threatened to hit Goeslin with a bottle, but he knocked the fellow down and all four ran away.


Eagles Initiated

Watertown Gazette, 01 29 1909


Last Monday evening a class was initiated into Old Abe Aerie No. 1242 Fraternal Order of Eagles at their aerie in Main Street, after which a luncheon was served and a musical program rendered.


Real Estate:  Andrew Mullen

Watertown Gazette, 01 29 1909


On Monday Andrew Mullen purchased at sheriff's rate the Emerson residence property at the corner of Church and West Madison streets [215 S Church], the consideration being $1400.  He will erect a residence thereon in the spring.  Link to image. 


Radtke & Son Sell Out

Watertown Gazette, 01 05 1905


Alderman Radtke & Son are now the sole proprietors of the confectionery, ice cream and restaurant business in West Main Street, formerly conducted by Wm. Magwood.  They will keep up the excellent reputation of the place and give the public first-class service.  If in need of anything in their line you will do well to patronize them.




  More on Radtke & Son 

Watertown Gazette, 01 29 1909


Radtke & Son have sold their ice cream and confectionery business at 107 West Main Street to W. C. Vick of Waterloo, who will take possession the latter part of next month.  Of the new proprietors The Waterloo Democrat of last week says: "Watertown gains one of our best citizens, in W. C. Vick, who last week purchased the restaurant and confectionery of Radtke & Son, possession to be given Feb. 1.  This is the famous old Hawkins [William N., confectioner] place at 107 West Main Street.  "Billy" has a knack of being handy at anything he turns his hand to and will surely make a success of his new line of business.  While we regret to see him and his estimable family leave here, we wish them an abundance of happiness and prosperity in their new home.  We recommend Mr. Vick to the people of our neighboring city as honest and upright in all his dealings and hope they will give him a goodly share of their patronage."  [107 W Main, earlier Marie Vick’s ice cream parlor; later the Bridge Inn, then Bright Spot Cafe; today the Chalet Restaurant]

  More on W. C. Vick 

In Easter Attire

Watertown Gazette, 04 09 1909


W. C. Vick, successor to R. H. Radke, in the confectionery business at 107 West Main Street, has his place of business fitted out in most beautiful Easter attire.  Festoons of white and purple ribbon decorate his place of business from front to rear, and Easter novelties of all kinds are to be seen in every nook and corner of the place.  If inclined to make Easter purchases in the line of confectionery, Easter decorations and novelties, you will find Mr. Vick's, 107 West Main Street, just the place to get them.

  More on W. C. Vick 

William C. Vick

Watertown Gazette, 08 27 1909


William C. Vick died at his home at 107 West Main Street last Wednesday afternoon of nervous troubles.  Deceased was born September 20, 1867, in Milwaukee, and when quite young removed with his parents to Waterloo, where he was a prominent business man and leader of the Waterloo band for years.  In February last he purchased the ice cream and candy business of R. H. Radtke in West Main Street and conducted it up to the time of his death.  He was a most excellent, kindly citizen and his death is learned of with sincere sorrow.  His wife, five sons and one daughter survive him.  His remains will be taken to Waterloo on Friday for interment, services being held here from his home at 1 o’clock.  The burial will take place Saturday afternoon at Waterloo.


Central Labor Union

Watertown Gazette, 01 29 1909


At a regular meeting of Central Labor Union held at Union hall last Friday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:


President—Theodore Zick

Vice President—Frank Kalina

Recording Secretary—Emil Doerr

Financial Secretary—E. J. Seifert

Treasurer—Anton Wyczynski

Sergeant at Arms—Carl Tietz, Jr.

Executive Committee—Fred Hinze, Eugene H. Killian, Arthur Doerr

  More on Central Labor Union 

Union Labor Annual Picnic

Watertown Gazette, 09 03 1909


The members of the Watertown Central Labor Union will hold their 7th annual picnic at Tivoli Island on Monday, September 6th.  Amusements of various kinds will take place on the island during the afternoon and evening, including a dance in the evening.  The Watertown Military Band and the Weber-Stube Orchestra will furnish the music.  The usual parade will take place at 1 o’clock.  E. T. Melms of Milwaukee will deliver the address and Mayor Mulberger will also deliver a short address.


Badly Scalded

Watertown Gazette, 01 29 1909

P. Riley, employed at the power house of the Watertown Gas and Electric Co. in First Street had his hands badly scalded Thursday evening of last week by the blowing out of a steam pipe on the boiler.  His face and neck were also scalded.  Dr. Shinnick attended him and he says he will be all right in a few days.


She is So Now

Watertown Gazette, 01 29 1909


The Watertown Gazette made the surprising statement in its last issue that since the organization of the Watertown Advancement Association nine years ago about $32,000 have been contributed by business men of that city toward establishing and encouraging factories to locate there.  This being true, and we accept the statement, it is not at all strange that Watertown is forging to the front.  Among traveling men it is freely predicted that Watertown will within a few years be one of the liveliest and most up to date cities of the state.  They have a business association there that is certainly a "hummer". [Waterloo Democrat]


Watertown is now one of the liveliest and most up-to-date cities of the state.  During the past ten years she has built more miles of paved streets and cement walks than any city of her size in Wisconsin and has added more miles of water mains and power extensions than any city of 10,000 inhabitants in Wisconsin in the last ten years and has likewise added more manufacturing establishments to the commercial interests of the city than any other city in the state during that time.  Her Advancement Association starts the year 1909 by contributing $3000 to another factory about to be established here which will employ 75 hands.


For Sale

Watertown Democrat, 01 06 1859


A good improved farm of about 175 acres, one mile east of the village of Portland, on the Plank Road leading to Watertown.  The farm is well watered and well fenced; about 45 to 50 acres under the plough, about 40 acres good meadow, and about 25 acres heavy timber, balance openings.  There is a fine lot of apple, pear, plum and cherry trees on the premises, and many of them bearing.  Also two log houses, a good 30 by 40 foot barn, good blacksmith shop and a first rate well.  Part of purchase money can remain on bond and mortgage for 1, 2 and 3 years.  For particulars and terms inquire of Cone & Co., Portland, or of Baird & Skinner, Watertown.  April 1st, 1857.


Abstract Office

Watertown Democrat, 01 06 1859


Having a complete abstract of the records of Jefferson County, including Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and Taxes, the subscriber is prepared to furnish abstract of title to all land lying in said County.  Charge reasonable.  C. B. Skinner, office over the Bank of Watertown.


Charges against Carl Schurz

Watertown Transcript, 01 12 1859


We can liken the editor of the Beaver Dam Democrat to nothing but a certain nameless animal, to which people of ordinary discretion usually give a very wide berth.  We have been at fault perhaps in noticing him at all, for while no sense or shame or friendly counsel can have any effect upon him, his abuse can do no body any harm.  To abuse him would be an utter impossibility, and to notice him, is only to add to that notoriety which he seeks by attacking everybody and everything that has [an ounce of] goodness in them.


The editor of the Democrat has, however, given currency to charges against Mr. [Carl] Schurz which we believe even he would not have thought of.  Somebody must have told him the story he repeats.  In this region, it is thought by many that his informant must be Judge Mertz, of Beaver Dam.  We have a better opinion of the Judge than to believe him guilty of such conduct.  It is due to Mr. Schurz, however, and to the public, that the Editor of the Democrat should give the name of his informant, if he has any.  If he is an honorable man and can prove his statements, he can certainly have no motive for concealment, and if his object is to annihilate Mr. Schurz, he can do it in no better way than to show his hand like a man, and face the music.  The story is either true or false.  If true, why not come out with the whole thing at once?

  More on charges, assumed to be the same 


Watertown Transcript, 01 12 1859


The Weltburger, we are informed, charges that the printing materials with which the German Democrat paper was printed here last summer were bought up by Mr. Billinghurst, Judge Barber, and others in Dodge County, previous to the last election, for the purpose of putting a stop to that paper.  That the printing materials were purchased by the aid of parties in Dodge County is perhaps true; but it was not until after a mortgage against them had been foreclosed and the property was in the hands of another individual.  That individual offered the press, etc., for sale, as he had a right to do, and found purchasers who gave him his price.  If there is anything deserving of censure in that, we are at a loss to see it; and we think it is in very bad taste for the Weltburger to raise such a fuss about the matter, especially as the publishers of that paper could have saved the materials themselves before anybody else knew they were for sale, had they been so disposed.


Fifty Years in Chains

Watertown Transcript, 01 12 1859


[Advertisement]  FIFTY YEARS IN CHAINS or The Life of an American Slave.  Written by Himself.  430 pages.  This is the title of one of the most intensely interesting biographies of the day.  It is the plain history of an American Slave in the far South, who, after two or three escapes and recaptures, finally, an old man, found freedom and rest in one of the Northern States.  Here is a book of fact stranger than fiction, and a thousand-fold more thrilling, a simple tale of life-long oppression, revealing truly the workings of the “peculiar institution” in our country.  To the story loving, we would say, here is a story worth reading.  A thorough canvasser is wanted in each county in the free states to engage in the sale of the above work immediately.


The Next Census

Watertown Transcript, 01 12 1859


In accordance with the constitutional provision, an enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States must be taken next year.  The law under which the last census was taken contains a clause giving it vitality in 1860 . . . In the House of Representatives notice has been given of a new census bill, which seems to have for its object the enumeration of the people, rejecting all statistics in regard to manufactures, agriculture and all the varied branches of industry in which our people are engaged.  Considering the fact that a corps of clerks are still engaged in the departments, compiling and putting into form the statistics of 1850, which will be of no more use when they get them done than an inventory of the catacombs in Egypt, it is not surprising that it may be deemed politic to do away with another collection of statistics.  It would be much better, however, if the statistics were taken and arrangements made for their prompt publication.  Free Democrat.


Horicon Argus Denial

Watertown Transcript, 01 12 1859


The Horicon Argus denies the assertion of the Beaver Dam Democrat that the paper is to be discontinued for want of support and says:  “Did he (the Democrat man) say what he knows to be the truth in regard to the Horicon Argus he would testify to the fact that no local paper in Wisconsin has a better support, or is less likely to be discontinued, and were he honest and possessed of a little human gratitude, he would also acknowledge that the Horicon Argus “once upon a time” afforded him the means of procuring a few day’s sustenance, without which his lying stomach would have been placed in exceeding jeopardy.  We wonder if Beaver Dam relies upon such men for help?” 


Becoming the Custom

Watertown Transcript, 01 12 1859


It is becoming the custom out west for newly married people to send newspaper publishers, along with their marriage notice, the amount of a year’s subscription.  This is a very sensible custom.  Next to a good wife or husband, the greatest earthly blessing is a good newspaper.  The custom has not reached as far as this locality.  Being a sensible custom, however, we have no doubt it will.


Common Council Proceedings

Watertown Democrat, 01 13 1859


Resolved.  That a committee of three be appointed by the Mayor to examine the docket of the police court of this city and report the amount due the city upon said docket, if any, and what amount from each person who has held the same. –Adopted.


Resolved.  That the City Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to receive the money due on the tax certificates in his hands, for the taxes for the years 1856-7, less the interest on the same at any time previous to the 1st day of April next. –Laid on the table.


Resolved.  That a committee be appointed to make inquiry and report to this Council, what relief, if any, can be had, to indemnify the city against the payment of the city bonds issued in aid of the Milwaukee & Watertown Railroad Company. –Adopted.


Ald. Dutcher introduced the following Ordinances, to wit:  An ordinance regulating the mode of procedure in the removal of city officers.  An ordinance regulating the licensing and the duties of Auctioneers.


Resolved.  That the Mayor be authorized to settle with Peter V. Brown for the road plank by the payment by [to] said Brown of the sum of seventy-five dollars. –Adopted.


Resolved.  That the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to purchase for the use of Pioneer Engine Co. [fire dept], four lanterns, provided he can purchase the same at a cost not exceeding five dollars, and that he bring in his bill for the same.   –Adopted.

  More on Pioneer Engine Co 

Watertown Democrat, 01 27 1859

Accounts presented and referred:  F. Gebhardt [Francis] for rent of [Pioneer fire dept] engine room 1 month, $6.50.; W. Volkman & Co., for 4 globe lanterns [for the firefighters], $5.00; W. Bieber & Co., for rent of lock-up to March, 1859, $18.00.


Resolved.  That the Council Room shall not be occupied by any persons other than the Common Council, except by permission, first obtained by resolution of the Board.  –Adopted.


Resolved.  That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Young Men’s Debating Club to occupy the Council Chamber Tuesday night of each week.  Referred to committee on corporations on motion of Ald. Rogan.

  More on Gebhardt and Rent of Engine Room 

Watertown Gazette, 05 05 1859


Common Council.  The account of F. Gebhardt for rent of [volunteer fire company] Engine House was referred to committee on finance [Francis Gebhardt ran the Buena Vista House]

  More on Rent of Engine Room 

Watertown Gazette, 05 26 1859

Resolved, That the Mayor be authorized to enter into contract with Peter Seibel for rent of engine room [for the volunteer fire department] for a term of one year from 19th day of April, 1859; sum not exceeding $3.50 per month.  Adopted.

Watertown Democrat, 09 08 1859

To H. P. Seibel, for rent of engine house for three month, from April 19, 1859, to July 19, 1959, $10.50.  Also, for cleaning engine and greasing hose, $2.50.

  More on Auctioneers 

Ordinance Regulating Auctioneers

Watertown Democrat, 01 27 1859


No person shall hereafter act as Auctioneer and sell or exhibit for sale at public auction or venue or in any other way to evade this act within the City of Watertown, any goods, wares or merchandize unless duly authorized as this ordinance provides.  Any person who shall sell or dispose of any goods, ware or merchandise contrary to provisions of this ordinance shall forfeit to the city ten dollars for each offense besides costs of prosecution.  The Common Council shall appoint a City Auctioneer whose term of office shall be for one year.  Said auctioneer may appoint one or more deputies, for whose acts he shall be responsible.  And the said auctioneer shall keep a book in which he shall enter all sales by him or his deputies made at auction, which shall be open for inspection to all persons interested, a copy of which sales so entered shall be filed with the City Clerk, duly verified by the said Auctioneer to be correct.  At the end of each and every month, shall pay to the City Treasurer two per cent upon all sales by him made during said month. –Henry Bertram, Mayor.


S. S. St. John

Watertown Democrat, 01 13 1859


[Advertisement]  New Store in Cole’s Block.  Third Door East of Second Street [205 E Main].  S. S. St. John would announce to the people of Watertown and the surrounding country that he has just opened a large and well selected stock of goods suitable for the season at the above stand, to which he respectfully invites their attention.  Dry Goods.  Dress Goods.  Groceries, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware.  Cash and Ready Pay only.  And those who buy on that principle will find it to their advantage to give him a call before purchasing. 


Country Produce of all kinds will be taken in exchange for goods and the highest market price allowed.

  More on S. S. St. John   

Watertown Democrat, 01 27 1859


NEW STORE.  Mr. S. S. St. John has recently opened a new store in this city and is now ready to meet the wants and wishes of all who may give him a call.  He has a valuable and extensive stock of every variety of Dry Goods, which he proposes to sell at the very lowest cash prices.  We cheerfully commend him to the patronage of the public as a gentleman who in all his dealings will prove himself a merchant of enterprise and integrity.


Indian Tribes Occupying Territories

Watertown Democrat, 01 13 1859


The progress of civilization in several of the Indian tribes occupying Territories west of the States will soon bring up a new question for the decision of Congress.  What shall be done with the Indian Governments or States that are now fully organized?  Are they to be finally admitted into the Union?  The Cherokees organized a regular government as early as 1839, copying the peculiar features of the Constitution of the United States.  The forms of legislation and the arrangements of the courts of justice so nearly resemble those of the States that, but for the tawny skins around him, the traveler into the Cherokee territory would scarcely find any indication of having passed its boundaries.  The tribe has improved in all the arts of civilization to such a degree that many of its principal men would grace the refined society of any nation.  The Choctaws formed their government, taking the institutions of the United States for their model, in 1834.  Last year they revised their Constitution and adopted even the most minute forms of government and the names of officers which prevail in each of the States of our Confederacy.


Long John

Watertown Democrat, 01 13 1859


Long John, who was a wonder when he was alive, did not cease to be a marvel when he was dead.  Probably the largest hog ever fatted in this market was slaughtered by Mr. J. B. Van Alstine of the Exchange last Thursday.  He weighed seven hundred and fifty-five pounds and was the heaviest pork that has been seen in the Milwaukee market either this winter or last.  When exposed for sale his mammoth dimensions attracted universal notice and envy among dealers in pork.


Howell Chapter No. 11

Watertown Democrat, 01 13 1859


Howell Chapter No. 11—The annual election of this chapter held on the 14th December, A.D. 1858, resulted in the choice of the following officers:


T. R. Mott, H. P.

J. C. Gilman, S.

W. B. Folds, Treas.

Austin Kellogg, P. S.

S. S. Green, M. 3 V.

A. Stein, M. 1 V.

H. Graves, K.

J. A. Hadley, Sec’y

W. Chappell, C. H.

G. W. Austin, R. A. C.

O. P. Coy, M. 2 V.

Jos. Bardwell, G.


Governor’s Message

Watertown Democrat, 01 20 1859


By chapter 75 of the General Laws of A. D. 1858, the Governor was authorized “whenever it appeared to his satisfaction that any person confined in prison in pursuance of the sentence of any of the courts of this State, was not a proper subject of such punishment by reason of insanity, to cause the said insane person to be removed and kept in some safe and convenient asylum, either in or out of the state, where such insane person might receive proper medical treatment, until he should be restored to reason or the term of his imprisonment had expired.”  There being no suitable place in this state for the confinement and treatment of such prisoners I made earnest efforts with the superintendents and officers of a large number of insane asylums of other states but have been unable to procure any place for such prisoners.  The uniform objection has been that while they received and treated insane persons from other states in ordinary cases, yet they could not consent to receive insane criminals.  I have been unable to provide for their keeping and treatment as contemplated by the act.


Public economy advises a short and busy season, and the people expect it.  The curse of local legislation which has heretofore been upon us can now be avoided.  Errors may have been committed by the last Legislature, as errors have always been committed by Legislatures, but with all its faults, it did much that is vastly useful to the State.  If it had faults, it had virtues.  It had labored to perform and public duties.  If it was not always wise, it was honest and bold.  General laws to meet the wants and necessities of associated enterprise and capital were passed, and the people approve them.  There is little in amount in the way of legislation required at your hands.  Let it be done quickly and well.  –Alexander W. Randall


Pike’s Peak Fever

Watertown Transcript, 01 12 1859


PIKE’S PEAK FEVER has broken out in our city with considerable violence, and the indications are that it will carry off a number of our citizens.  There is a party making preparations to leave here about the 1st of March.



The Horicon Argus

Watertown Transcript, 01 12 1859


THE HORICON ARGUS urges the good people of that place to throw up [out] their present form of municipal government and apply for a city charter.  It thinks that they should have a city name as well as Beaver Dam and other places.  We think we speak the minds of a great many Beaver Dam people when we say that they would gladly swop charters with their Horicon neighbors.  These city governments are expensive luxuries for which the honor of the thing is a very poor compensation.


Sabbath School Festival

Watertown Transcript, 01 12 1859


The children of the Sabbath School of the First Congregational Church held a festival in Cole’s Block on Thursday evening.  The attendance was very large, the spacious room being filled with bright and smiling faces and the little ones had a very pleasant time of it.  Addresses were delivered by the pastor of the church and others, to which the children listened very attentively.  The assembling of so many children together on such an occasion is a cheering evidence of the success which is crowning the worthy efforts of the pastor and teachers of this Sabbath School.  The future usefulness and promise of the rising generation are in a correct moral and spiritual training, and they who devote their efforts to impart such instruction will assuredly reap their reward.


Revival Meetings

Watertown Transcript, 01 12 1859


There is a series of meetings now being held in the Methodist Episcopal Church in this city.  Preaching every evening by Rev. A. C. Huntley, pastor of the church.  Quite a number have embraced religion and the interest is increasing.