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Daily Times, 04 16 1999
Bob and Anne
Krystyniak, owners of Watertown Ace Hardware, are recipients of the Rotary
Community Achievement Award for their many contributions to the community
through work, civic activities and other means.
It is the first year for this award which is being presented in conjunction
with the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Watertown Rotary Club.
Daily Times, 04 20 1959
Fred Kehl
last night was elected president of the city council at the council's
organization meeting. He succeeds
Attorney Charles Kading, who was not a candidate for re-election to the
council. Kehl received five votes and
Councilman Shephard, two votes. Andrew
McFarland, new council member, placed Kehl's name in nomination. Shephard was nominated by Ray Franz, also a
new council member. Councilman Ed
Hinterberg was unanimously elected vice president.
Daily Times, 04 18 1984
- Karma Corporation of Watertown was
named the Opportunities Inc. Employer of the Year during the seventh annual
recognition banquet Thursday evening at The Fireside in Fort Atkinson. Formerly a division of Brandt Inc., Karma was
purchased last year by its management group.
It has been in Watertown since 1970, currently occupying a
36,000-square-foot building on Milford Street and employing about 30
people. In addition to hiring
Opportunities graduates, the firm also helps with interviews and job tryouts.
Suit against the State
Daily Times, 04 06 1984
Watertown Memorial Hospital's board of directors
is tentatively planning to join in a suit against the state of Wisconsin which
has ordered the hospital to cease offering mobile CT scans, effective April
16. The mobile CT scanning service has
been available in Watertown since Oct. 4, 1983.
Hospital officials checked with the state prior to that time to
determine if a certificate of need was required by the hospital because it was
not purchasing the equipment. State
officials told the hospital board that it did not have to make application for
the certificate. On Jan. 1 of this year,
the state changed its rules and now requires the provider to make application
for approval of a certificate. As a
result, Leo Bargielski, president of the hospital association, said the state
has ordered the mobile scanning service stopped in Watertown, effective April
16, and it cannot be resumed until MCIC (Medical Consultants Imaging Corp. of
Cleveland, Ohio) makes application for a certificate of need and it is approved
by the state.
Daily Times, 03 25 1959
W. F. (Joe)
Simon last night was elected exalted ruler of the Watertown
Elks Lodge, No. 666. He succeeds
Earl Maas. Glenn Ferry, city clerk, was
elected Leading Knight; William Lloyd Meyer, Lecturing Knight Fitzgerald Jr., Loyal
Knight; Lloyd Meyer, Lecturing Knight; and Frank Semon, Tyler. Christie Coogan
and E. F. Lemmerhirt were re-elected secretary and treasurer,
respectively. The new exalted ruler is
fifth grade teacher at Douglas School.
Daily Times, 03 25 1999
It's after
school on a Thursday and two dozen Riverside
Middle School students head out their classroom doors - and continue on to
the cafeteria. It's not the typical
after-school exit for young teens, but one that's becoming more common with the
help of a student-designed program called Feed Your Brain. Using food as a lure to the students, Feed
Your Brain offers a place to do homework, as well as volunteers to offer
help. While after-school homework often
mixes with just as much after-school conversation, it's a safe and supervised
place for students to hang out while waiting for parents to come home from
work. Or for some students with large
families, it's much quieter than home.
on Watertown High
School Land
Daily Times, 04 03 1999
The Watertown
Common Council approved an option Monday that would allow construction of a new
police facility at the southwest corner of the Watertown
High School land. Under the transfer
agreement with the school district, the city has the option to use the 8
1/2-acre parcel for a police department.
That option expires in 2002. If nothing is done with the parcel by then,
it reverts back to the school district.
Age Mother (SAM) Program
Daily Times, 04 29 1984
A child care
center at Watertown High School would have to be
self-supporting or Principal W. Charles Dill wouldn't even consider it. Dill is seeking permission from the Watertown
School Board to investigate the possibility of operating a School Age Mother
(SAM) program which would include a day care center for children of student
mothers. He is concerned about the 20
pregnant girls currently at the high school.
He believes a SAM program at Watertown High School could serve an
important role in dealing with problems associated with teenage pregnancy such
a dropouts, failed marriages, child abuse and increased welfare costs. The SAM program would consist of the child
care center and a required instructional program for school age mothers and
fathers. It would help keep these
students in school, where required instruction in music skills and vocational
training would prepare them to become successful members rather than wards of
the community and where they would learn how to deal with the traumas of child
care and parenting. The center would
also provide hands-on experience for students in regular child care
classes. Dill stressed that he is asking
the school board for approval to investigate, not to implement, a SAM program.
Daily Times, 05 01 1959
The largest single
building permit to be approved in the city in April and the first major
building project so far this year, calls for an estimated expenditure of
$170,000. The permit has been granted to
St. Luke's Lutheran congregation which is
constructing a new church and parsonage in the Seventh Ward. The application was signed by Arthur W.
Griebenow, acting as agent. Ground for
the new church edifice was broken at ceremonies recently. The Wisconsin Telephone Co., which has an
option to purchase St. Luke's present property in North Fourth Street for a
city parking lot site and which proposes to acquire from the city the present
South Fifth Street parking lot so it can expand its adjacent telephone plant,
is due to submit a plan and sketches for the use of St. Luke's property with
city council members at their committee meeting next Monday.
Daily Times, 05 01 1999
Watertown High School's junior prom held Saturday
at the school drew 461 young people, many of whom followed the evening's dance
with a party at the Watertown Elks Club.
At prom, parents crowded the commons area to watch the grand march,
where the court was introduced. Queen
this year was Abby Kuehl, escorted by King Justin Munzel. Court members were
Mark Simon, Cody Stratman, Andrew Aschenbrenner, Mike Jaquet, Brittani
Phillips, Krista Ewert, Angela Martin, Shaun Finley, Mindy Busshardt, Katie
Krueger, Sara Cahoon and Jonah Salas.
Watertown Democrat, 06 02 1859
A regular
meeting of the Young Men’s Association
was held at the Reading Room. The
propriety of celebrating the 4th of July next was
discussed and after due consideration the following resolutions are adopted
That the Young Men’s Association celebrate the approaching anniversary of our
National Independence by reading of the Declaration, oration and music, or in
such manner as may be determined upon by the Association, or a committee
appointed for that purpose.
That the committee consist of the following named gentlemen: F. E. Shandrew, T. Moore, Amos Baum, Henry
Bertram and Myron H. Reed.
Resolved, That the committee be requested to invite Hiram
Barber, Jr., of this city, to deliver the oration on the Fourth of July next,
at such time and place as the committee may designate.
↓ More on Fourth of July, 1859 ↓
Watertown Democrat, 06 16 1859
COUNCIL: Ald. Shandrew presented a
communication from the Young Men’s Association in regard to the approaching
anniversary of our national independence and offered the following resolution: Resolved, That this Council appropriate and
place at the disposed of the Committee of Arrangements the sum of $200.00 to
aid in defraying the expense of celebrating the coming 4th of July. Ald. Davis moved to insert $100.00 in place
of $200.00. Ald. Rogan moved that the
aldermen pay the amount out of their own pockets. The ayes and nays having been called for,
those who voted in the affirmative were 4, nays 5.
↓ More on Fourth of July, 1859 ↓
Watertown Democrat, 06 30 1859
INDEPENDENCE BALL: July 4th, 1859, Cole’s Hall. The undersigned has made arrangements for a
grand entertainment to which he invites all who desire to close the celebration
of our National Anniversary by a supper and ball. He has engaged the Washington Band of
Milwaukee (twelve instruments) and will furnish a good supper in the long room
below the ball room. Ball will open at 8
o’clock P.M. Supper from 10 to 12
o’clock. Ball tickets including supper
$1.25. C. B. Baumann, Proprietor.
↓ More on Fourth of July, 1859 ↓
“Hail Columbia, Happy
Watertown Democrat, 06 30 1859
The arrangements for the celebration of
the coming Fourth of July in this city are all completed and the prospects are
that we will have “a high old time.” The
committee having the matter in charge, have been indefatigable in their efforts
to complete such a program that everybody should be satisfied and old-fashioned
jollification the result. We hope to see
the people from the surrounding towns turn out and join us in celebrating, in
an appropriate manner, the day whose anniversary all patriotic citizens delight
to honor . . . The orators of the day are Hiram Barber, Jr., and John B.
Engleman—both of them capable of entertaining any audience and depicting in
glowing colors the trials and tribulations through which our forefathers
passed, for the purpose of gaining the liberty we now enjoy. Let us all turn out and show by our acts that
we appreciate the priceless boon we have thus inherited.
Election to Office of
Commissioner of
Watertown Democrat, 06 02 1859
To the Mayor
and Common Council: On being officially
notified of my election to the office of Commissioner of Schools [2nd ward] . .
. I immediately filed with the city clerk my oath of office. At the first regular meeting of the Board of Education after my appointment [I
claimed] the right to take part in the proceedings of said Board by virtue of
my appointment, which the Board refused.
The action of the Board presents the important question to the electors
and taxpayers of the city; whether you, upon whom the law imposes the duty, or
the Board itself, are to determine who shall be its members. In other words, can the Board of Education,
in defiance of law, so perpetuate their power until such time as they choose to
relinquish it? . . . Your Obedient
Servant, J. J. Enos.
COUNCIL: Resolved, believing the said
Board acted hastily and without sufficient consideration, that their President
be requested to immediately convene said Board and to admit the said Jacob J.
Enos to his seat therein, as a matter of justice.
↓ More on Board of Education ↓
Watertown Democrat, 06 02 1859
It is to be
regretted that this difference [to admit J. J. Enos to the Board of Education]
exists between the Common Council and a majority of the members of the Board of
Education; it is unpleasant as well as detrimental to the interests of the city
to have one of its departments arrayed against the other. The prosperity of our schools and the
educational interests of the city generally suffer by it . . . A board thus
constituted, their own members not harmonizing in order to effect the objects
of their creation, can be of little service to the city, or to the cause of
education, and the sooner a reorganization of its members takes place, the more
prosperous will be our schools and the satisfactory it will be to our citizens.
The committee
therefore recommend that charges be preferred against all members of the Board
of Education that composed the Board ending April, 1859 (and who are still in
office) for neglecting or refusing to report to the Common Council as provided
by law; also for not presenting the contingent expenses of the Board to the
Common Council to be audited before payment.
↓ More on Board of Education ↓
Watertown Democrat, 06 09 1859
The last two
numbers of our paper have been so largely occupied with the controversy which
has unfortunately arisen between the Common Council and the Board of Education,
as to who is the rightful School Commissioner of Second Ward, that almost
everything else has been excluded. There
any many subjects, general and local, which should find a place in our columns
today, which we are compelled to pass by.
We shall attend to them hereafter.
Having now, at some inconvenience, given both sides an impartial
hearing, we hope neither party will have occasion to claim any more or our
space in officially discussing a question that seems to have been pretty
thoroughly investigated. Whatever of
principle is involved in this difference of opinion and action must be settled
elsewhere; the sooner the better for all concerned. --Watertown Democrat.
↓ More on Board of Education ↓
Watertown Democrat, 06 09 1859
It seems as if
[the Common Council] had studiously endeavored to make the taxpayers of this
city believe that we [Board of Education] have been squandering the money
devoted to the instruction of the youth.
Figures do not lie. The books
show that the expenses of this Board during the last school year were $449.53
less than those of the preceding year, while the average attendance of scholars
upon the school during the last year is over a hundred more. This reduction in the expenditures has been
effected in part by paying less wages to some of the primary teachers but
principally by an economical management of our contingent expenses. We have purchased no carpeting nor linen
towels with the people’s money, nor appropriated $25.00, nor any other sum, to
defray the expenses of an institute for the benefit of teachers, nor have we
appropriated it to the Superintendent to pay the expenses of taking the
teachers to a distant place to attend a convention for their own benefit and
amusement . . . The present Superintendent has also furnished his own
stationary and that for the Board at his own expense; nor has any charge been
made for wood, lights or rent furnished to the Board.
↓ More on Board of Education ↓
Removed from Office
Watertown Democrat, 06 23 1859
PUBLIC MEETING: Whereas a spirit of malice and vindictiveness
has been evinced by a majority of the Common Council in waging a warfare
against the School Board of this city and particularly against Charles R. Gill,
the Superintendent of Schools, in unlawfully and unjustly removing him from
that office . . . Resolved, That William M. Dennis, Patrick Rogan and Calvin B.
Skinner, Mayor of the city, in presenting and causing to be published the
charges preferred against the Board of Education before they had an opportunity
of defending themselves against them, were actuated by malicious and vindictive
motives and caused the same to be published for the purpose of prejudicing the
public against the School Board; and said proceedings instead of being
instituted for the public good were designed to make in favor of themselves,
political capital, by injuring the character of the members of the School
Resolved, That
the official conduct of Charles R. Gill meets with unqualified approval—that he
has done no act which called for his removal from office and that we regard
said removal as being unjust, unlawful . . .
↓ More on Board of Education ↓
Watertown Democrat, 06 23 1859
MEETING: Resolved, that the Aldermen who
voted for the removal of Charles R. Gill from the office of Superintendent of
Schools are unworthy of the confidence and respect of the citizens and unfit to
hold the office or to represent the citizens in said Council, and that by
resigning said office it would meet the approval of the citizens
Resolved, That
Peter Seaburg, Charles Beckman, Charles Jacobi and Myron B. Williams, in the
discharge of their duties as members of the School Board, are worthy of the
unqualified approval of the citizens.
Resolved, That
those members of the Common Council who voted against the removal of said
Superintendent evinced thereby a disinterested fairness which entitles them to
the respect and confidence of the citizens.
↓ More on Board of Education ↓
Watertown Democrat, 06 23 1859
COUNCIL: By Ald. Rogan. Whereas charges having been preferred to the
Common Council of the City of Watertown against Charles R. Gill, Superintendent
of Schools of said City, and due notice and opportunity having been given to
said Gill to appear before said Council and make his defense, and whereas in
the opinion of this Council due cause exists for the removal of said Gill from
said office for official misconduct.
Resolved that the said Charles R. Gill be and he is hereby removed from the
office of Superintendent of Schools of the City of Watertown and said office of
Superintendent of Schools is hereby declared to be vacant, whereupon the ayes and nays having been called for, those voting in
the affirmative were 10, those voting in the negative were 5.
↓ More on Charles Gill ↓
09 08 1859
COMMON COUNCIL: The clerk read a mandamus from the Supreme
Court reinstating Chas. R. Gill to the office of School Superintendent for the
city of Watertown. Resolved, That the
proceedings of the Common Council of the 18th of June last, removing Charles R.
Gill from the office of School Superintendent of the city of Watertown, be and
the same are hereby rescinded.
↓ More on Charles Gill ↓
08 18 1859
School Superintendent. By a telegraphic dispatch received in this
city yesterday from Madison we learn that the Supreme Court have decided
against the legality of the proceedings of the [Watertown] Common Council in
removing Charles R. Gill, Esq., from the office of City Superintendent of
Schools. This puts at rest a much vexed
question and one over which a good deal of feeling and excitement has been
Watertown Democrat, 06 02 1859
The ice cream
season has at last arrived, and as was to be expected, Peter
F. Brook is ready with a full supply of this delicate and agreeable evening
repast, made and flavored as he well knows how to prepare it, that is in the
best style. This evening he commences
the summer entertainment, by offering to the public the first installment of
the choice and good things he has in preparation for them. We bespeak for him hosts of customers in his
cool and pleasant rooms over the river, who will duly appreciate his efforts to
gratify their taste. If he cannot please
we do not know who can, for he makes it a point to have the first and choicest
of everything.
or Night Watch
Watertown Democrat, 06 02 1859
COUNCIL: Resolved, That the Mayor be and
he is requested to appoint a Special Police, or night watch, if he shall think
it best for the safety of the city, in such numbers as he may think proper, at
not more than one dollar for each person, per night, for said services. Adopted
↓ More on Special Police ↓
08 11 1859
Our city is now infested with a gang of
night prowlers whose business is stealing while honest people are
sleeping. Several houses have recently
been entered by small parties, clothes rifled and money taken. Almost every day we hear of depredations
being committed by these gentry. A special watch has been appointed to
look after them, but it would be a good idea for those exposed to these
intrusions to be prepared to give these untimely visitors such a reception as
will prevent their coming again. One or
two doses from Colt’s revolvers will effectually put an end to these
↓ More on Special Police ↓
09 08 1859
John Haines, for
services as special policeman, from August 3, 1859, to Aug. 29, 1859, 25
nights, $25.00.
Watertown Democrat, 06 16 1859
Until the 26th day of June, 1859, the
undersigned will receive proposals for carrying the
mails from the post office in this city to the railroad depot, for one
year. Particulars as to the amount of
service may be obtained by application to me at the Post Office. –James Potter, P.M.
Pickerel from the
Crawfish River
Watertown Democrat, 06 16 1859
Mr. O. P. Cox presented us the other
day with a fine specimen of fish they take out of the Crawfish River in the
shape of a very large and very nice pickerel, weighing over ten pounds. Of course we took the stranger in, gave it a
warm reception, and we are bound to say, it served us well and did what all
good fishes do, giving the amplest satisfaction.
Watertown Democrat, 06 23 1859
The Editor [of the Watertown
Democrat] is out of town. He
left Monday last for Green Bay, contemplating an absence of a couple of
weeks. We commend him to the fatherly
care of Charley Robinson of the [Green Bay] Advocate
and wish, when he thinks he has rusticated enough, he would send him home. It may be well enough to add that in the
meantime the Democrat “machine” is
running itself with an occasional turn of the crank by our infernal imp, alias the devil. Should our columns this week and next contain
anything particularly bright or be uncommonly dull, the praise or blame, as the
case may be, should be visited upon his head.
The editor will be at his post again in a few days, flourishing, no
doubt, “like a Green Bay tree” and feeling all the better for his brief respite
from editorial labors.
Accident at Depot
Watertown Democrat, 06 30 1859
Almost an accident occurred a few days
since at the depot, which but for a timely discovery, might have been attended
with serious results. As the train for
Columbus was standing there smoke was seen to issue from one of the baggage
cars and upon investigation it turned out that a bale of batts [cotton or wool
wadded into rolls or sheets, used for stuffing furniture and mattresses or for
insulation] was on fire and partially consumed.
Two kegs of powder were standing near the same in the car and probably
had not the fire been discovered as it was, an explosion would have been the
consequence. If the train had once got
under motion before the fire was noticed we hardly think it would have reached
Columbus that night on time.
Biting Frost in June
Watertown Democrat, 06 09 1859
A biting frost
in June is a rare occurrence but on the morning of the 4th we had one which did
considerable damage to the gardens and fields.
Most everything liable to injury that had been planted and was up was
withered and killed. Fruit must have
suffered considerably and the bright prospects of an abundant yield are very
seriously impaired. This frost has
extended over a wide area of the county, east and west . . . all have been
touched and blighted by its destroying power and what is singular, it appears
to have been severest much further south than we are. But all is not by any means lost. We are glad to observe that everyone
immediately went to work to repair as far as possible the injury that had been
done. Though the buds and blossoms
cannot be restored, new seeds can be sown and there is time enough for them to
grow and produce sufficient for our wants and give us something to spare.
Watertown Democrat, 06 02 1859
Successor to
Moak & Peabody
Dealer in Dry
Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, etc, etc. In Schempf’s Block, Main Street, has
constantly on hand a full and varied assortment of Goods, to which he invites
the attention of Cash or Ready Pay Customers.
↓ More on W. T. Moak ↓
03 29 1860
It is hardly
necessary, we presume, to call attention to the advertisement of W. T. Moak in
another column. It occupies considerable
space, but none too much to set forth all the attractive features of his new
stock of spring and summer goods, just received by express. His store is literally crammed and we have no
doubt that he can supply any article usually found in such establishments. His dress goods are certainly as elegant as
any we ever saw in this market and the quantity as large. So with shawls, mantillas, bonnets and other
articles that our lady friends so much delight to look at as well as wear. Our readers will do well to look in and
examine for themselves, and if they want anything in Moak’s line they probably
can get it on as favorable terms as they can elsewhere. We have always noticed that merchants who
have the good sense to use printer’s ink freely and advertise what they have to
sell as though they wanted people to know it, are whole-souled, generous
fellows and always proper, because people will patronize them.
Moak is one of
this class of men. He pays as much for
advertising every year as a good clerk would cost him, and yet he finds it a
profitable investment. He tells us that
there is no item in his expense account so freely incurred as his printers
bill—and none the equivalent of which is so satisfactory.
Watertown Democrat, 06 02 1859
and Watertown Democrat, 06 06 1861
Attorneys at
Law. Office in Peterson and Maldaner’s
Block, corner of Main and Second streets.
M. B. Williams. I. E. Leonard
06 18 1909
I have on
display an exquisite collection of over 100 stylish models of Ladies, Misses’
and Children’s Hats at popular prices; also fancy Goods and Embroidery Silks,
Stamping done to order.
Watertown Democrat, 06 30 1859
The Baptist Church and Society hereafter will meet for
worship in their new room on Second Street.
Services to commence at the usual hour Sabbath morning, also at two
o’clock in the afternoon.
Reference: Baptist Church, East Side Second bet Spring
and Wisconsin. Watertown City Directory, 1866-67.
↓ More on Baptist Church ↓
07 14 1859
We are glad that the Baptist Society of
this city—which has been so long destitute of a house of worship—are now
occupying their new edifice on Second St., which will be , when completed,
neat, tasty and comfortable. We are
informed by the Trustees that as soon as everything is in readiness the seats
will be rented at a low price to those wishing to secure them for themselves
and families. Wednesday of next week is
set apart for Dedication services, which will be held morning, afternoon and
evening, commencing at the usual hours.
All are cordially invited to attend.
Ministers from abroad are expected to be present on the occasion and the
services will undoubtedly be profitable and interesting to all who may
attend. In consequence of painting and
graining seats, there will be no services held next Sabbath. We also learn that Rev. J. B. Patch is the
pastor of this congregation and will hereafter preach regularly at this new
house of worship. The chapel is
pleasantly located on Second St., and considering the numbers and means of the
Baptist denomination in this city, is certainly creditable to their liberality
and enterprise.
↓ More on Baptist Church ↓
Democrat, 01 12 1860
We are informed that a series of
meetings are now in progress at the Baptist church in this city. The Pastor Rev. J. B. Patch is assisted by
the well known evangelist, Rev. W. W. Moore, who by the candid, forcible and
convincing manner in which he presents his subjects, is attracting public
attention and is listened to by large audiences of interested hearers. He preaches every evening during the present
↓ More on Rev. Patch ↓
Rev. Patch Leaves Parish
07 19 1860
The Rev. J. B. Patch, for the
year past the pastor of the Baptist church of this city, left with his family
yesterday for the village of Baraboo, the field of his future labors. Earnest and active in the discharge of all
his duties, an able writer and fluent speaker, he carries with him the best
wishes of this community for his future welfare and success.
↓ More on Rev. Patch ↓
Rev. J. J. McIntyre
06 14 1860
Baptist Church. The Rev. J. J. McIntyre, formerly of Berlin,
Wis., has succeeded Rev. J. B. Patch, as pastor of the Baptist congregation of
this city. Mr. McIntyre is a clergyman devoted
to the cause to which he has consecrated his life and will labor to spread
religious truth in the community. Mr.
Patch, having aided in organizing and establishing a new church in this city,
leaves with the confidence of all, and carries with him the consciousness of
having laid the foundation of a church that hereafter may be strong in numbers
and useful in its influence. We invoke
for the new minister abundant success in his efforts—the departing one carries
with him the best regards of all who know his sincerity and zeal, for his
future happiness and prosperity.
↓ More on Baptist Church ↓
Baptist Sabbath School
Watertown Democrat, 08 09 1860
evening the members of the Baptist Sunday School of this city enjoyed one of
those pleasant times which make children so happy. A festival was given in the church and all
they had to do was to make the most of it, which they did to the full
extent. There was nothing to mar their
pleasures but everything to make them think themselves the most fortunate
company in the world. We have no doubt
but they will hereafter be more regular in attendance, get their lessons
better, learn faster, and by their good behavior, induce their teachers to get
up another festival some other time, and make them more thankful still. That is the way to have more such delightful
↓ More on Baptist Church ↓
Donation Visit
Watertown Democrat, 12 13 1860
A notice will
be found in another place of a Donation to be given to the Pastor of the
Baptist Church, Rev. J. J. McIntire on Wednesday evening, the 19th, at Cole’s
Hall. We are glad the Baptist Society is
placing itself in a position when other denominations will have an opportunity
to reciprocate the favors heretofore received from them. This is the first occasion for such a
manifestation that they have afforded others, and we hope this opportunity will
be improved by the older societies that have received their contributions, on
that occasion. We like to see a
disposition to sustain the several pastors of the city develop itself in contributions
to them of the substantial benefits they so much need to cheer and encourage
their hearts in their labors of love. It
is a sure index of the religious Spirit of the people, and we hope to see good
results flowing from such worthy efforts.
Honorable John Hughes
to the Rescue
06 04 1909
Last Saturday
afternoon at 2:24 o’clock, as the Madison train was
pulling out of the station here, a lady with a baby in her arms attempted to
get off the train and was sliding down the steps when Assemblyman John Hughes
of Reeseville and one of the brakemen caught them in time. The woman fainted but was restored
shortly. She and her baby had a narrow
Real Estate
06 04 1909
W. W. Owen has
sold the blacksmith shop building and lot at 208 [South assumed] First Street
to George Sell, who has occupied it for some time. The property consists of a two story brick
building and real estate 20 by 120 feet.
06 04 1909
The Dornfeld-Kunert Co. of this city has secured a
contract for a new boiler on the Amoskeag fire engine owned by the city of
Columbus and the work on same will commence as soon as the steamer arrives,
which will be in about a week. This writer
assures the citizens of our neighboring city that they will get a good job,
prompt and efficient work, by as good a bunch of mechanics as can be located in
Wisconsin. “Looking for the blow” is a
thing of the past here and the name at the head of this article insures
Columbus that they will not be compelled to endure the trials and
mortifications brought on us here by parties who set things right, corrected
defects and did the square thing when they were compelled to do so not many
years ago. Remember the Silsby [of the
Watertown Fire Department]. [The
Columbus fire engine was hauled overland to Watertown by team].
Daily Times, 05 05 1959
A. E. Bentzin
last night was elected president of the Watertown
Board of Education at the board's organization meeting. He succeeds George W. Block, who retired from
the board last month. Bentzin had been
vice president. Henry O. Winogrond was
elected vice president and Mrs. Joyce Semon will continue to serve as board
clerk and secretary. Five new board
members took their seats last night. All
were elected on April 7. They are: Royal
F. Shepard Jr., who replaces George W. Block in the First Ward. Neil McMurry who replaces Lester Rehbaum in
the Third Ward. Donald Lenius who
replaces Herbert F. Schauer in the Seventh Ward. Theodore Koerner Jr., who replaces John Verg
in the Eleventh Ward. George L. Wolff
who replaces Dr. L.H. Nowack in the Thirteenth Ward. None of the five board members replaced
sought another term in the April election.
Daily Times, 05 05 1984
Ralph Adams,
manager of Kline's Department Store in Watertown since
1968, has retired, and is being succeeded by Norman Weirick, a member of the
Kline's management team for the past 18 years.
The firm also announced that on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of
this week a special grand opening sale will be held at the store, heralding
completion of the remodeled and expanded store at its new location. The new store, completely remodeled and
redecorated, now encompasses the entire locations of the former JC Penney Store and the SS Kresge
Store. Kresge's has left the city
and Penney's is now located in the ShopKo building complex.
Maranatha Baptist
Bible College
Daily Times, 05 05 1999
Dr. David
Jaspers will be inaugurated tonight as the third president in the history of Maranatha Baptist Bible College. Jaspers is 1976 graduate of Maranatha, where
he received a bachelor's degree in Bible and pastoral studies. He replaces Dr. Arno Q. Weniger, who resigned
in 1998.
↓ More on Maranatha ↓
Growth of Maranatha
Baptist Bible College
Watertown Daily Times, 08 25 1999
The growth of Maranatha Baptist Bible
College over the past 31 years has had a positive impact on the community in
several ways, President Dr. Dave Jaspers told representatives of local
businesses this morning. Jaspers gave an
update on Maranatha at a breakfast on campus held in appreciation of the
continuing partnership formed over the years by the college and the
community. Jaspers said the college
benefits from the job opportunities for students provided by Watertown
businesses, and the community benefits from dollars spent in the city by the
college which is growing each year.
Training and Drawing Exhibit
06 11 1909
On Friday and
Saturday of this week an exhibit of the work done during the year in manual
training and drawing will be shown at the High
School. In the Manual Training
department will be seen many models representing the bench course as it has
taken up this year. This is a new
department and the careful workmanship of the boys will be a pleasant surprise. The drawing in the grades has been developed
somewhat differently this year than in former years and the progress is very
marked. The work includes drawing and
painting from objects, fruits and plant forms, original compositions, designs
in wall paper, tapestry, stained glass windows, linoleum, stencil cutting and
mechanical drawing. Many of the pupils
have shown excellent natural ability in this work. The construction work in the grades includes
basketry, paper weaving, paper machete, models for log cabins, relief maps,
etc. The public is most cordially
invited to visit this exhibit and in this way encourage the pupils and
teachers. The rooms will be open both
during the day and evenings.
for Clerks and Carriers
06 11 1909
The United
States Civil Service Commission announces that on June 25, 1909, at Watertown,
Wis., an examination will be held for the positions of clerk and carrier in the
post office service . . . Age limits, all
positions, 18 to 45 years. The age
limits are waived, however, in the cases of persons honorably discharged from
the military or naval service by reason of disability resulting from wounds or
sickness incurred in the line of duty.
Male applicants must be at least 5 feet 4 inches in height in bare feet
and 125 pounds in weight without overcoat and hat. Female applicants are not required to be of
any specific height or weight. No person
who is defective in any of the following named particulars will be appointed in
the post office service: Hunchbacks, persons
having defective hearing, sight or speech; persons blind in one eye; one-armed,
one-handed or one-legged persons, or those having crippled arms or legs or
those suffering from asthma or hernia . . .
Northwestern University Co. and Band Gave a Fine Drill and a Sham Battle
06 04 1909
The cadet
military company of the Northwestern
University of Watertown, nearly 70 strong, accompanied by the University
band, reached the city yesterday in the forenoon and were distributed as per
prearrangement among the citizens and hotels for entertainment. As they entered the city keeping step to the
time set by the music of the band their appearance was truly military and made
an excellent impression on our citizens.
In their uniforms, both soldiers and bandmen, erect and regular in
movement, they gave evidence of drill and military instruction a credit to
their instructors and to their own sense of soldierly deportment. The program for the afternoon was a company
of drill in which all company evolutions were splendidly executed; a sham
battle between the first and second platoons of the company, which was an
exciting contest and was kept lively until the second platoon surrendered,
proved highly interesting to the large crowd of spectators. During intervals the band rendered
appropriate music. In the evening the
band gave an open air concert in the park, which was highly enjoyed. It was an enjoyable day for our citizens and
furnished proof that the Northwestern University has an excellent military
company and a splendid band. –Lake Mills
“Doll’s House”
06 11 1909
Nielson, who is to appear here in Henry Ibsen’s masterpiece “A Doll’s House” at
Turner Opera House, will undoubtedly draw a large
and appreciative audience. Miss Nielson
has long been one of the favorites of the local theatre-going public and her
appearance here on Tuesday evening, June 15, will be a signal for a round of
applause. The Doll’s House does not end
as some people would have it, but it is one of the most powerful dramas on
domestic life and contains many startling truths. [In the play] Thorvald Helmer remarks that
honorable men refuse to trade their honor of another’s sake and his girl-wife
answers “millions of women have done so,” one of the strongest parts of the
play . . .
Moved to High School Gymnasium
Daily Times, 05 04 1999
Citing safety
issues, the Watertown Unified Board of Education on Monday voted unanimously to
support moving graduation ceremonies from Riverside Park into the Watertown
High School gymnasium. But Watertown
High School seniors this morning opposed the move, many leaving school grounds
in protest. Administrators requested
moving the ceremony because of ongoing safety concerns in the school
system. The board took action on the change
of location after it met in closed session to discuss student disciplinary
↓ More on Move of Graduation Site ↓
Daily Times,
05 13 1999
For the first time in the history of the Watertown Unified
School District, two graduation ceremonies will be held.
On the morning of June 5, commencement exercises will begin at the same
time, honoring the same students, but at two separate locations. Senior class president Zach Lowe announced on
Friday afternoon that 183 of the nearly 300 graduates have indicated they would
attend a ceremony at Riverside Park if it were planned. In a questionnaire circulated by class
officers 14 said they will attend the school-sanctioned event in the gymnasium.
↓ More on Move of Graduation Site ↓
1999 Graduation
Watertown High School
Daily Times, 06 06 1999
300 young adults graduated from Watertown High
School on Saturday in a ceremony held in the school gymnasium. Thousands of people filed into the school for
the event, which was threatened last month after students protested the move of
the site from Riverside Park to the school in response to safety issues. While the scene at the school was not as
picturesque as the park setting, graduation went off without a hitch. Security was on the site in the form of
Watertown police, auxiliary officers and school officials, but remained
inconspicuous. A few added touches,
including a senior slide show and air conditioning on an 80 degree-plus day,
helped make the graduation's location a smooth one, many in attendance said.
↓ More on Move of Graduation Site ↓
Daily Times,
10 31 1999
Watertown High School students are
vocally opposing a policy under consideration by the Watertown Unified Board of
Education to permanently move the graduation ceremony indoors at the
school. The policy, approved on its
first reading Tuesday night, sets the location of the ceremony and gives the
board the sole right to make any change to the location of the graduation
exercises. The current policy, developed
in 1995, allows seniors to vote on the location. Board member Mark Uttech moved to table the
first reading of the policy Tuesday in order to consider comments brought up at
the meeting. But his motion failed for
lack of a second. Members voted 7-0 to
approve the policy, with Uttech abstaining.
06 11 1909
Rev. Thomas P.
Irving, C.S.C., son of Richard Irving and wife town of Emmet, and Rev. Joseph
H. Burke, C.S.C., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Burke of Richwood, will be
ordained to the holy priesthood in Sacred Heart Church, Notre Dame, Indiana, on
Saturday, June 16th, 1909. The former
will say his first Solemn High Mass at St. Bernard’s [in Watertown] on Sunday,
July 4th, and the latter will celebrate his first Solemn High Mass at St.
Joseph’s, Richwood, on the same date.
They will hold a joint reception at 12 o’clock noon on July 4th at Sacred Heart College, for which a large number of
invitations have been issued.
Rev. Rehm Writes Song
06 11 1909
The Rev. Henry Charles
Rehm, pastor of the First Congregational
Church, has lately written a song which had been set to music by
Christopher Bach –[Milwaukee Free Press]
06 11 1909
Sixteen hundred
howling fans yelled themselves hoarse on Sunday at one of the most spectacular games seen at Watertown in many a day,
when the Kosciuskos of Milwaukee and the home team batted for first place. The game went eleven innings, the Kosciuskos
winning out 5 to 3. After neither team
tallied since the fourth inning, Koppling opened up the eleventh with a
beautiful three base drive and the Kosciuskz crown went wild. Batutha was hit with a pitched ball, then
Klappa laid down a pretty bunt and Koppling scored. Brokowski lined one at Berigan, who erred and
another tally resulted, which was enough to win the game. Watertown was unable to score in their half.
First Canine Passed
Daily Times, 05 05 2009
Bakko, the Watertown Police Department’s first police
canine, died in his sleep. He was just
over 12 years old.
Bakko was born
in Germany and served the Watertown community faithfully for five years prior
to his retirement in April of 2005, according to police Chief Tim Roets.
Bakko began his
service with the Watertown Police Department in March of 2000. The original Watertown K-9 program was started
from seed money provided by the disbanded Watertown Kennel Club in late 1999.
Trained as a
“dual-purpose” dog, Bakko was an accomplished drug dog and tracker with
specialized training in building searches and officer protection.
↓ More on Bakko ↓
“Schutzhund 1”
Watertown Daily Times, 06 14 2000
Watertown Police Department has added a new member to its staff - an aggressive but tempered dog that responds to commands spoken only in German. The dog is named Bakko and he's familiar with the Romance language. Five months ago he left Germany for the first time when he was flown into Wisconsin. Back in his native country, Bakko was deemed a “Schutzhund 1,” a prestigious championship title judges award to dogs that prove they can perform various areas of police patrol work, such as apprehension of criminals and building searches.
Daily Times, 04 09 1999
Almost 100
units of senior housing are on the way this fall in Watertown. Watertown Area Health Services (WAHS), a
division of Watertown Memorial Hospital
Association, met with the Watertown Site Plan Review Committee Wednesday
and took some steps towards obtaining proper zoning permits while discussing
sewer and water facilities before building can commence.
The committee recommended the project go before the
Watertown Plan Commission. In the its
first phase, Health Services will work with Horizon Investment and Development
group to build a 48-unit, three-story assisted living center for seniors
adjacent to the Watertown Memorial Hospital (WMH).
Last Days of School
06 04 1909
June is the
last month of school before the summer vacation, but it is also the last month
of school that many boys and girls will ever enjoy. These will have to begin to earn their daily
bread when school closes and many of them, in spite of this handicap, will be
more successful at the age of 30 than the boy who is able to continue in school
but cares nothing about trying to improve his mind.
06 18 1909
Corby Hall at Sacred Heart College was crowded with people last
Thursday morning to witness the 37th annual commencement of that famous
educational institution. The program was
a very interesting one, each young gentleman participating doing credit to
himself as well as to Sacred Heart College and its efficient faculty. [Among the graduates were the following
Watertown residents:] Peter Brooks, Henry Brusenbach and Thomas O’Connell . .
. The Stone Gold Medal for General History, donated by William
C. Stone, Watertown, was awarded to Herbert Weidner of Chicago . . .
06 18 1909
Last Friday
while Dr. Albert E. Voss [dentist] was at dinner someone entered his office over
Heismann’s grocery store in Main Street and stole four tubes of gold foil and
some gold plate. He estimates his loss
at $35. His office door lock had been
picked and the thief evidently did his work in a hurry. During the noon hour a man wearing a brown
coat was seen going up the stairway and though he was a stranger in these
parts, nothing was thought of it till the robbery was reported.
06 18 1909
The two frame
buildings at 202 and 204 West Main Street were torn down last week and Charles
E. Sommerfeld, who has purchased the property, will erect two store buildings
on the site. One of the buildings will
be occupied by himself as a barber shop and the other will be for rental
purposes. The frame buildings torn down
were old landmarks in the city, having been erected in the 1840’s and for many
years were occupied by the last city assessor, M. J. Gallagher. In the west building he and his family
resided and in the other he conducted a general store.
Nash Gas Engine Installed
06 18 1909
The Dornfeld-Kunert Co’s shop at the foot of First Street
belted their shafting, or the “line shaft” of their shop was attached by belt
to a “Nash Gas Engine,” 60 horse-power, and was “touched off with a button”
same as the Seattle fair, on Monday of last week. The power furnished was satisfactory and the
engine used the gas produced in the Atkinson gas-producing apparatus, which was
manufactured by said company. One of
these power plants operated the Fifth Street shop during the winter past. A ten horse-power engine was a consumer of
gas from a similar producer, which required only thirty-five cents worth of
soft coal once a day and ran 11 hours daily for such a pittance and at the same
time the waste heat was utilized to heat the building. Here is a complete revolution of the power
and heating situation and Mr. Atkinson and his invention is in the minds and
mouths of many who daily ponder how they can put their best foot forward and
make both ends meet. We welcome an
improvement that is destined to work wonders and increase activity at the foot
of First Street.
06 11 1909
[Madison] The Sunday barber shop closing bill has been
signed by the governor and published and is now a law. Next Sunday the new statute will be tried out
by the tonsorial artists. Notwithstanding
that some Milwaukee barbers do not approve the act, the majority of barbers
throughout the state welcome it as a great relief and will be only too willing
to comply with its provisions.
06 18 1909
Emil Gruel has
purchased the Wilson residence property at 418 North Church Street, the
consideration being $3500. The sale was
made through the real estate agency of Connor & Speigelhoff.
06 25 1909
people have began to realize that there is no finer amusement resort in this
section of the country than Waukesha Beach and many are daily taking the interurban cars for that famous resort. It is only 1 1/2 hour’s ride from here and
all of the many who have already this season visited this resort speak highly
of its improvement. Over $25,000 has
been expended in improving the buildings—the rest room is large and
comfortable, the roller skating building has 8,000 square feet of skating
surface and is of steel construction and the refreshment pavilion is one of the
largest and most comfortable in the country; the grounds are beautifully
illuminated at night with a mammoth electric tower bearing thousands of lights
and beautiful electric arches. There is
an excellent baseball park, fine picnic grounds, roller skating, dancing,
boating, fishing, bathing and in fact every kind of sport and amusement to
attract and entertain visitors. Large
outdoor attractions will be added in the near future.
Brandt Automatic
705 South Twelfth Street
Daily Times, 06 27 1959
The Brandt Automatic Cashier Co. today announced
the completion of its new factory and said an open house will be held for the public
on Monday evening, June 29. All persons
over 18 years of age are invited to visit the new plant. Group tours will be made through the new
plant showing the various manufacturing processes used in building Brandt
machines from the raw material to the finished product. Type of construction used in the new plant
will be explained and a display of Brandt machines will be shown. The Brandt Automatic Cashier Company has
recently completed the construction of this most modern manufacturing
plant. Located at 705 South Twelfth
Street, this 71,087 square foot building will house all of the manufacturing
options except the manufacture of coin wrappers and bill straps which is
carried on in another building of 30,608 square feet located in North Water
William Kwapil Sr.
Daily Times, 06 27 1984
marshal for this year's Fourth of July Parade
will be William Kwapil Sr. of 225 Concord Avenue, well known Watertown
businessman. The parade will begin at
9:30 a.m. at the intersection of Washington and Main streets. Kwapil is chairman of the board of Seven Up
Bottling Co. at 410 South First Street.
He has been associated with the business for 46 years. The honorary parade marshal annually leads
the parade in recognition of his accomplishments and dedication to the
Watertown Country Club
Daily Times, 06 25 1959
Plans to speed
the development of an additional nine holes will be discussed at a special
meeting of members of the Watertown Country Club Thursday evening at 7:30 at
the club. Tentative plans for the
construction of the additional nine holes to be located north of the present
layout have been approved by the new course committee of the club and the
club's board of directors. The directors
and the committee now are seeking the approval of the plans from the club's
full membership. Additionally, a
projected operating statement measuring the potential of the expanded
operations will be presented to the members for study.
↓ More on Watertown Country Club ↓
Daily Times, 06 29 1959
The additional
nine holes at the Watertown Country Club will be ready for play by July of next
year, providing the weather this fall and spring is favorable. At last night's
membership meeting of the club, held at the clubhouse, unanimous approval was
given to the proposed layout, and unanimous approval was given to a new finance
plan which has been worked out by the finance committee and the board of
directors of the club. The added nine will be located directly north of the
present nine hole layout, and will be built on a 70 acre site which has been
part of the Hinze farm. The site was acquired from Country Club Estates, Inc.,
which purchased 115 acres from the Hinze family. The remaining 45 acres is
being turned into a real estate development. The club bought the 70 acres for
$18,000, of which $1,000 has been paid, with a promissory note issued for the
remaining $17,000.
↓ More on Watertown Country Club ↓
Daily Times,
01 14 1961
Mel Damrow
is the new president of the Watertown Country Club. He was chosen by the new board of directors
who were elected at the club's annual meeting held Sunday at the Elks
Club. Other directors chosen by the
members and their chairmanships are: Floyd Shaefer, vice president and house
chairman; Roland Freitag, secretary-treasurer; Del Hinze, greens chairman; Jim
Wade, sports chairman; Ken Usher, grievance chairman; and Lee Block, public
relations and membership chairman.
Damrow succeeds Clark Derleth as president. Derleth headed the club during the recent
years of its course expansion.
Hired as Officer by Police Department
Daily Times, 06 25 2009
Jeremy Lingle
has been hired by the Watertown Police
Department to fill a vacant officer position.
Lingle, 27,
previously worked as an auxiliary officer for the city police department and is
a graduate of Maranatha Academy. He has
a bachelors degree in humanities from Maranatha Baptist Bible College and
graduated from Madison Area Technical College’s Basic Law Enforcement Academy
in 2009. Lingle is currently assigned to
the department’s field training program for four months. After successfully completing the field
training program, Lingle will be assigned to one of the three shifts in the
patrol division.
Daily Times, 05 09 1959
Landsverk, 57, widely known and popular Watertown
High School physical education instructor and athletic director and former
coach, is resigning at the close of the current school term. His future plans are indefinite but he plans
to remain in Watertown. Landsverk, one of the most successful coaches in the
state of Wisconsin in football and basketball, gave up his coaching career in
1951 on advice of his physician after being troubled by a stomach ailment. He had to leave the grid team during the 1950
season, coaching it during the week but staying away from games. The popular educator has been in the Watertown
school system since 1929.
He started his
coaching career at Lake Mills after graduating from Carroll College and then
came to Watertown.
Watertown Fire Dept
Daily Times, 06 25 2009
Common Council Meeting of June 16.
The following
reports were presented and contained the following items: FINANCE COMMITTEE— JUNE 8, 2009. 1. & 2.
Closed Session per Wis. Stats. 19.85 (1)(E) to Discuss Purchase of Property. 3.
Lifepak 12-Heart Monitor for Watertown Fire Dept.
The committee reviewed the proposal to purchase a Lifepak monitor with the bulk
of the proceeds coming from private donations. 4. Auxiliary Paid-On-Call
Firefighters. The item will be reviewed throughout the year to see if
paid-on-call can be used more extensively to augment the fire services. 5.
Township Fire Contracts. After review of a proposal from the townships, a
motion was made and carried to treat the EMS revenues differently which would
slightly affect the 2010 contracts.
EXHIBIT #7499, would
authorize the purchase of a Lifepak 12 cardiac defibrillator at a cost of
$20,031.16 to be charged as follows: $14,390.00 to be taken from the donated
monies and $5,640.43 be taken from the Funding Assistance Program Account
#1-58-11-18, was presented. Sponsor: Mayor Krueger. From: Finance Committee.
Alderperson Arnett moved for the adoption of this Resolution, seconded by
Alderperson Zgonc and carried on a roll call vote: Yes-6. No-0.
Daily Times,
10 02 1957
Ray Ryan,
Watertown-born oil and hotel man, who recently returned from a trip to Russia,
telephoned from Los Angeles to Watertown yesterday and invited Erwin R. Sell of
the Feisst Liquor Co. to join him on a tr`ip to New York to attend the World
Series. Ryan was flying with a party of
friends in his private plane and asked Sell to meet him in Chicago and join him
on the trip to the series. He did. Recently, while en route to Russia and before
the pennant races had been decided, Ryan sent a postcard to the Times from Germany stating that he was
going to Russia but that he would be back “in time to see the World Series
games in Milwaukee.”
↓ More on Ray Ryan ↓
Daily Times, 07 09 1959
Africa, once
the Dark Continent, is being discovered by more and more people who can afford
it as a place to vacation, relax, enjoy the dangers of the jungle under the
most comfortable circumstances. Among
the men who are investing in the future of Africa is Watertown-born Ray Ryan,
oilman-financier of Palm Springs, Calif.
He has teamed up with Movie Star William Holden and the Swiss
millionaire-industrialist, Carl Hirschman, in taking over a ritzy African hotel
and converting it into a plus safari club for millionaires and people with
lesser but adequate means. The three
have organized the Mount Kenya Safari Club six miles outside Nanyuki in Kenya,
British East Africa. They bought the
hotel in February and are about to embark on their first season.
↓ More on Ray Ryan ↓
Daily Times,
09 30 1960
Ray Ryan, Texas
oil man and hotel owner, has purchased complete control and ownership of the
famous El Mirador Hotel in Palm Springs, Calif., according to a press dispatch
today. Ryan, who was part owner and who served as managing director, paid in
excess of one million dollars to acquire the other shares.
Ryan, who has
been spending considerable time in Kenya, Africa, where he is part owner and
director of the famed Mt. Kenya Safari Club, including a hotel, announced he
intends to spend more of his time the next few years in Palm Springs to direct
the El Mirador, with occasional flying trips to Africa.
Daily Times, 07 09 1999
In its day, the old mill on South Water Street was the hub of activity
for a farming community. Hundreds of
gears turned as grain was pulverized into flour, generated by power from the
Rock River. The fate of the historic
landmark was sealed late last year when 70 mph winds whipped through the area,
taking with them an entire wall of brick along the east side of the mill facing
the river. What was a central supporting
wall of the mill is now a massive pile on the shore. Owner Larry Mistele, who renovated a former
lumber mill to create The Market across the street, said the loss of the wall
made the building unsafe. Heavy
equipment was on site this morning to tear down the old mill.
Daily Times, 07 03 1959
Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Block of 604 Werner Street today took over the ownership and operation
of Archie's Market at 503 North Fourth Street and began operating it today as
the A and M Grocery. Mrs. Block is the
former Marion Haney whose father was the late Dr. F. C. Haney, for many years
city commissioner of health here. The
new owners are now open for business but plan to increase their stock and make
other changes. They plan to add a fresh
meat department and will also add a delicatessen with special Sunday
hours. At present the store will be open
each Sunday from 9 a.m. to noon and later will add the Sunday afternoon
business hours from 4 to 6 p.m. when the delicatessen department is ready.
Note: This was at one
time [e.g., 1913] the location of Fred Bittner,
grocer, flour & feed
Daily Times, 07 03 1984
Don Richards,
president of Richards Insurance Agency, 111 West Main Street, and Don Knick,
president of Knick Insurance Agency, 818 East Main Street, have announced that
their agencies have merged under the Richards name as of July 1. The Richards Insurance Agency is one of the
largest agencies in Wisconsin with offices in Beaver Dam, Hartford, Columbus,
Oshkosh, West Bend and Watertown. The
Knick Insurance Agency was established in Watertown by Louis A. Knick in 1913
and has been operated by members of the Knick family since that time.
Daily Times, 07 03 1999
In 1979, Ginny
Dobbratz drove by a sign anchored in front of an empty lot on Highway 26 that
read, “Future Home of Highway 26 Cleaners.”
Shortly after, she moved in that home and became manager. Two decades have passed and she's moving
out. Dobbratz, who has been known as the
solid foundation of the Laundromat, is saying goodbye this week to the
countless customers who have used her washers and dryers she calls the cleanest
in town. A few days ago, a mother and
son came in for one last spin. They've
been using the Laundromat for 20 years.
They told Dobbratz in a moment of sorrow that they would probably never
seen her again. The son cried and told
her, “We are going to miss your cheerful smile.”
Daily Times, 07 20 1984
Judy Christian,
an employee of the advertising staff of the Watertown Daily Times, has been named
advertising manager of the firm, according to James M. Clifford, associate
publisher and general manager. She
succeeds Phil Strunz in that position. Strunz
will leave the Daily Times on Aug. 4
after 16 years with the firm. He has
accepted a new position as a district sales manager for Dairyland Seeds.
Daily Times, 07 23 1959
Jack's Arcade, located
at 111 West Main Street, will formally open its doors on Friday of this
week. Owned and operated by Jack
Zimmermann, the arcade has been equipped with a variety of games. There is also a juke box and ice cream and a
great variety of candy bars will be available.
All will be coin operated. This
is the first arcade of its kind in Watertown and Mr. Zimmermann extends an
invitation to the public to drop in for some relaxing entertainment and
High School Football Team
Daily Times, 07 24 1959
Football poked
its oval shape onto the Watertown sports scene Wednesday night as 24 Watertown High School juniors and seniors reported
to Coach Bob Buel's home to be measured for new helmets. Boys who reported for headgear fitting last
night were Jim Oestreich, Bill Mullen, Jim Cahoon, Jim Pirkel, Chuck Hrobsky,
Dick Schumann, Doug Lamp, Chuck Kelm, Tom Podolske, Henry Winogrond, Kent
Karberg, Mike Schuenemann, John Mooney, Phil Strunz, Ed Twesme, John Twesme,
Tom Theder, Paul Fernholz, Red Schleicher, Vic Miller, Ron Knope, Neal
Butenhoff, Dick Tornow, Leo Checkai and Dick Rohde.
Municipal Band Concert
Daily Times, 07 21 1959
The Watertown Municipal Band Concert which was
dedicated to the 105th Cavalry last evening
at Riverside Park proved to be a most successful event. A large crowd was in attendance and the
concert was outstanding in its renditions.
Chester McGuire narrated the program and Ted Koerner played the trumpet
calls. Other soloists included Carl A.
Hobus who sang the “105th Cavalry March” and “I'll Take You Home Again
Kathleen”; George Shepard sang the march song, “Tim Toolan”; and Lorenz
Wesemann played the baritone solo in “I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen.” Guest conductor Floyd Bordsen directed
several numbers. Others called upon to
direct were Art Rupnow, Ray Fredrich and Bill Kehl.
Water Street Bridge
Daily Times, 07 25 1984
The Watertown
Public Works Committee recommended Tuesday to go ahead with plans to
extensively rehabilitate the North Fourth Street bridge and resurface the North
Water Street bridge at a cost of $63,525.
If approved by the council, work on the Fourth Street bridge will begin
on or about Aug. 13 and extend for approximately 75 days. File on bridges.
Seven Day Class Period
Daily Times, 07 18 1959
Starting with
the new school term in the fall, the Watertown High
School will introduce a new daily seven day class period, changing from the
daily six class period which has been the rule in the past. First details of the plan were outlined to
members of the Watertown Board of Education last night by the school
administrators, headed by Superintendent Eugene Tornow. The new plan has been under study following a
petition by some 200 high school students circulated and petitioned for earlier
this year. They requested school
authorities to consider increasing the daily class day by one study period.
Trinity Lutheran
Daily Times, 07 10 1999
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church will welcome
its fifth full time pastor in its 83-year history on Sunday. An installation service for the Rev. James A.
Mattek will be held at 4:30 p.m. The
theme for the sermon to be preached by Mattek's brother, Professor John Mattek
of Luther Preparatory School, will be “Cherished Truths That Make This Day
Special,” based on John 13:12-20. The
installing pastor will be the Rev. Robert J. Voss, who has served Trinity since
Feb. 1 as interim pastor. Special music
will be provided by Trinity Choir, who will sing “Forever Blest Is He.” The choir is under the direction of Professor
Steven Biedenbender.
Daily Times, 07 07 1959
Dr. John M.
Wagner, a veterinarian, has located in Watertown and has opened a general
veterinarian practice here. He and his
family, which includes five children, have moved into a home at 122 South
Montgomery Street, and he will have his office there. Dr. Wagner, a native of Chicago, moved to
Michigan and graduated from Michigan State University, receiving both his
bachelor of science and his doctor of veterinary medicine degrees from that
university. He is a veteran of World War
II, having served with the U.S. Air Force.
Cross Reference: 122 Montgomery; Seen in distance, Mary Wagner prop, former
convent, WHS_005_901
Daily Times, 07 07 1984
Reuben A. Feld
[Feld, Ben [Rueben)] was honored at a surprise retirement reception at the
Welcome Inn. The event was hosted by his
children. The guest list included former
students and their parents. Feld
completed 34 years of public school teaching,
beginning his professional career in Ohio prior to moving to Stevens Point, and
then to Watertown where he served as administrator and classroom teacher in the
elementary schools for the past 25 years.
Daily Times, 07 11 1959
Rich Block, Watertown Cardinal shortstop, was the lone Watertown
player named to the Central Wisconsin League's northern division all-star squad
at a meeting of managers held at Jefferson Wednesday night. The annual north-south star game will be
played at Edgerton on July 19. Jerry
Moldenhauer of Johnson Creek was named manager of the squad automatically by
virtue of Creek's first place finish in the division last year. Don Hein of Lake Mills and Bob Klement of
Fort Atkinson were selected to assist him.
Creek players named to the starting team were Chuck Braunschweig at
first base and Cliff Moldenhauer in center field. Chuck Shannon of Jefferson was named a
starting pitcher.
Daily Times, 07 11 1999
Industries, Inc. is expanding for a fifth time in its two-decade history after
receiving a state bond designed to help companies recruit workers and develop
new projects. Ad-Tech, 110 S. Votech
Drive, is adding 33,000 square feet and 45 new jobs to its plant with help from
a $1.75 million industrial revenue bond it received from the state Department
of Commerce. Besides the bond, the
company is putting $1.75 million of its own money into expansion and
recruitment. The company has already
hired 10 new employees, general manager Bill Neeman said. Over the next three years, 35 more will be
hired at starting wages averaging $10.50 an hour. Construction of the addition is under way.
Railway Express Agency
Daily Times, 06 19 1959
The Wisconsin
Division office in Milwaukee of the Railway
Express Agency, Inc., has filed a petition with the State Public Service
Commission of Wisconsin for permission to discontinue agency service in
Watertown, Ixonia, Jefferson, Jefferson Junction, Lake Mills, Sullivan, all
areas in either Dodge and Jefferson counties as well as agencies located in
several Walworth and Dane County localities.
The commission has set a hearing on the petition at the Jefferson County
courthouse in Jefferson on July 15 starting at 10 a.m. at which time it will
hear any persons who wish to appear for or against the petition.
first year of
Daily Times, 07 29 2009
Watertown Regional Medical Center celebrated the
first anniversary of its affiliation with University of Wisconsin Health.
The local
health care facility, formerly known as Watertown Memorial Hospital, officially
changed its name to UW Health Partners Watertown Regional Medical Center on
Aug. 1, 2008.
To help
commemorate the first anniversary, Watertown Regional Medical Center will be
hosting a Concert on the Lawn celebration on Thursday.
complimentary event will start at 6 p.m. with a performance by the Wisconsin
Singers. Children's entertainment will
begin at 6:30 p.m. and the UW Band will give its famous fifth quarter
performance at 7 p.m.
Since its
partnership with UW Health last year, Watertown Regional Medical Center has
gone through a number of changes to increase access to specialty patient
services and bring world class care to the area. The hospital recently rolled out Wisconsin's
first Telestroke program, which uses telemedicine to provide regional residents
with 24/7 access to physician stroke specialists at UW Health. This program's advanced telemedicine
technology allows UW Health neurologists to interact with patients at the
Watertown hospital and provide specialist consultation and care for stroke
patients and their families.
Regional Medical Center has also expanded its heart and vascular center. UW Hospital and Clinics is one of the
nation's top heart and vascular providers.
The development of the heart and vascular center resulted in the
region's first full-time community cardiologist as well as a state-of-the-art
cardiovascular catheterization lab.
Other enhanced
specialty services at Watertown Regional Medical Center include maternal and
fetal medicine, spine care, a neurology center and advanced pain management
interventional services.
Regional Medical Center was recently recognized as one of the nation's most
wired small and rural hospitals by Hospitals & Health Networks Magazine,
the official publication of the American Hospital Association.
Information and Management Systems Society Analytics has also recognized the
local health care organization for “stage 6 electronic medical record
integration,” which has only been accomplished by 1 percent of hospitals
UW Health
Partners Watertown Regional Medical Center has other health campuses in Lake
Mills, Waterloo, Juneau and Ixonia. The health care organization also operates
the UW Cancer Care Center in Johnson Creek.
On the local
level, UW Health Partners Watertown Regional Medical Center provides 716 jobs
and directly brings nearly $76 million in revenue to the community.
Daily Times, 07 29 1999
Residents will
be able to comment on a plan for a one-stop health and wellness center to be
located at the former high school, 415 S. Eighth
St., during a public hearing before the Watertown Common Council Tuesday at 7
p.m. The one-stop center would be a
community-run, nonprofit organization called the Health and Wellness Center of
Watertown. The high school's owners,
Bill Ehlinger, Bob Long, Bill O'Brien and Dan Rullman, are proposing to raze
the old portion of the building to create space for a parking lot, playground
and indoor lap pool. The south section
is the original red brick high school building.
↓ More on Old High School ↓
Daily Times, 07 29 1999
visitors have been paying last tributes to the original Watertown High School
building as the owners make plans to raze the structure. Over the weekend, Bill Ehlinger, who owns the
building with Bob Long, Bill O'Brien and Dan Rullman, acted as greeter at the
Eighth Street entrance. He saw hundreds
of former teachers and students taking one final stroll through the historic
halls. “It was an interesting couple of
days,” Ehlinger said this morning as he
prepared to go back to the school to let some teachers go through old textbooks
left there when the school district shifted to its new building in 1994. While Ehlinger never attended Watertown High
School, all four of his children did.
And the looks on the faces of residents who toured the building over the
weekend told the story.
↓ More on Old High School ↓
Daily Times, 08 01 1999
voiced concerns about parking and loss of tax base when a public hearing on the
proposed development of the former high school was held Tuesday before the
Watertown Common Council. The school,
located at 415 S. Eighth St., is owned by Bill Ehlinger, Bob Long, Bill O'Brien
and Dan Rullman. The owners are planning
to develop a one-stop health and wellness center at the site. They plan to raze the south section of the
complex, or the original red brick school, and construct a 65-vehicle parking
lot in part of that space. The center's
owners would attempt to file under nonprofit corporate status after three
nonprofit organizations move into the north portion of the building.
↓ More on Old High School ↓
Daily Times,
12 08 1999
Having a debilitating illness is never
a good thing, but Bill Ehlinger always manages to keep a positive outlook
during his battle with Parkinson's disease.
His forced retirement from his dental practice six years ago has given
him more time to carry out a vision he hopes will become an important legacy to
the community. He is committed to
transforming the Watertown Athletic Club and its facility from a for-profit
enterprise into a unique nonprofit center.
The facility will house 10 organizations which serve area residents in a
variety of ways. To highlight his
commitment to the Health and Wellness Center
located in the former Watertown High School, he recently donated $150,000 to
help finance the project. His goal is to
raise $1.5 million to get the center started and provide it with funds to
become self-sustaining.
↓ More on Wellness Center ↓
Daily Times,
01 28 2001
William “Bill” Ehlinger, president of
the Health and Wellness Center (HAWC), is stepping down from the day-to-day
operations of the center. John Bardenwerper of Pewaukee has been hired as
director of the facility which is home to several community organizations.
He has currently served as senior
district executive of the Boy Scouts of America for the past four years. He has
had extensive experience with the YMCA.
Watertown Airport
Daily Times, 07 27 1959
first major fly-in at the Watertown Airport on Sunday
drew large numbers of visitors to the scene.
The fly-in was participated in by fliers from many different parts of
the state and at one time there were between 35 and 40 different planes on the
field. Between 400 and 500 chicken
barbecue dinners were served during the noon and early afternoon hours. Pilots gave rides to many visitors, taking
them on spins over the city and surrounding areas. For many it was the first airplane ride. All seemed thrilled when they stepped out of
the craft. Rides continued throughout
the afternoon and early evening.
for School Food Service
Daily Times, 07 22 1999
A $1.4 million budget
for the Watertown school food service was introduced to the board of education
Thursday. After reviewing the proposed
budget, the board approved an increase in lunch and breakfast prices for the middle and high school. The 10 cent increase will also be applied to
adult lunches and breakfasts. The daily
price for lunches in 1999-2000 will be $1.60 at the middle school; $1.65 at the
high school; and $2.85 for adults.
Breakfast prices will be $1.20 at the middle school; $1.25 at the high
school; and $1.60 for adults. There is
no price change for elementary students.
Proposed for
Daily Times, 05 15 1959
The Watertown
Turners are ready to build a new Turner Hall in
the event the sale of the present Turner property is consummated following
yesterday's overwhelming vote to dispose of the present Turner Hall and
property on South Fourth Street. That was
the announcement made today by Harley Lehmann, president of the Turners, who
announced the vote tabulated yesterday afternoon as 120 to 21 for the
sale. Completion of the sale is subject
to further negotiations. The property is
being sought by a nationally known food chain for a supermarket.
↓ More on Turner Hall and Supermarket ↓
A & P Store
Daily Times, 07 30 1959
steps for the construction of a new supermarket [A&P] in South Second and
South First Streets is now underway. Present structures on the site are being
removed and the new site will be cleared as soon as possible so work can
begin. The site was acquired some weeks
ago by a Milwaukee realty concern which will construct the new market and then
lease it to a nationally known food concern.
This new supermarket is separate from the one reported as a possibility
some weeks ago on the site of the present Turner Hall
Daily Times, 08 01 1959
Col. Clarence
F. Golisch, a chaplain in the United States Army Reserve and executive director
of Bethesda Lutheran Home, Watertown, has received
orders to report for duty for two weeks with the Denver United States Army
Reserve School at Camp Sparta, Wis., Aug. 16.
Colonel Golisch will be an instructor with the school and is qualified
to teach in any of four series of command and general staff subjects. This will be his fifth summer term as
Daily Times, 08 07 1984
Due to the lack
of personnel, the Watertown Library will not be open
on Thursdays when the expanded 100 South Water Street facility begins
operations Sept. 24. The Watertown
Library Board approved the reduction in hours Thursday evening after
considering several options including a scattered hours schedule. A cut in hours is necessary, said City
Librarian Mary Carol Powers, because the current amount of staff simply is not
sufficient to operate the new facility on a six-day-a-week basis.
for old section of
Daily Times, 06 13 1984
Opting for
complete replacement instead of the previously budgeted repairs, the Watertown Library Board recommended Tuesday the purchase
of $53,000 worth of ornamental sheet metal for the old section of Watertown
Library. Eighty-two feet of ornamental
sheet metal has already been installed around the new section of the
library. Thursday's recommendation calls
for the purchase of 149 feet of the metal for the old Carnegie building. The initial board plan to repair the
deteriorating metal, including sanding and patching, has an estimated cost of
Good Shepherd Lutheran
Daily Times, 06 13 1999
Members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church celebrated the completion
of their new educational facility over the weekend. Hosting a Good Neighbors Festival, the church
invited people of the Watertown area to share in the celebration with
activities including a dedication service on Sunday, a congregation picnic and
a concert by a nationally known Christian recording artist. In addition, a high flying outreach ministry
called “Lift High the Cross” featured a 70-foot-tall hot air balloon with two
40-foot crosses as its focal point. The
balloon met with a mishap Friday when an unexpected storm ripped the
lighter-than-air craft. Temporary repair
efforts allowed the balloon to be inflated briefly Sunday afternoon.
Citizen Police Academy
Daily Times, 08 06 2009
The Watertown Police Department is now mailing out
applications for the Fall 2009 Citizen Police Academy. The 10- to 12-week academy is scheduled to
start Sept. 3 and run through Nov. 12.
The Citizen
Police Academy provides citizens an educational opportunity to learn more about
the role of the Watertown Police Department.
It promotes a
better understanding of the expectations the community has of our department,
and it promotes citizen involvement in helping to keep our community safe. It also allows an opportunity for officers
and citizens to meet and exchange ideas in a relaxed, nonthreatening
environment. Classes will include
lecture, demonstrations and workshops.
Class topics
include: facility tour, patrol tactics, duties and equipment of the
telecommunicator, investigations, evidence collection, laser and radar use,
firearms training, crime prevention and community relations, arrest procedures
and other classes covering a wide range of police functions and operations. It
also includes one very popular Saturday session in which the citizens can
experience hands-on training in areas such as firearms and traffic stops.
This training
is not designed to certify citizens to perform law enforcement services. Its
purpose is simply to enhance community relations and provide citizens with
insights into the criminal justice system.
This will be
our 10th year facilitating the Citizen Police Academy. There have been over 180
graduates from the CPA Program.
Daily Times, 08 06 1959
was made on July 1 that the Henszey Company of Watertown, manufacturers of
dairy, food, and chemical processing equipment, with worldwide distribution,
had been sold to interests represented by Pieter W. Schipper. The previous announcement of the sale was
carried in the Times last month. Mr.
Schipper, a mechanical engineer with an extensive background of administration
and production experience in this country and abroad, will be president of the
newly formed company, which will be known as The Henszey Company, Inc.
Daily Times, 06 06 1984
The fact that
Miss Eileen Scott has contributed much to the betterment of Watertown and many
of its citizens was emphasized many times Wednesday evening, but she countered,
“I have received far more than I have given.”
The occasion was a dinner honoring Miss Scott, area coordinator for the
Watertown Area campus of Madison Area Technical College. She is retiring at the close of this term at
MATC. A large crowd attended the dinner
which was held at Watertown Country Club.
D. and F. Kusel Co
Daily Times, 06 05 1959
The D. and F. Kusel Co., West Main Street, is observing its
110th anniversary of business operations in Watertown and to commemorate the
event has announced plans for a major anniversary sale which will begin
Wednesday and continue through Saturday. In its 110 years the widely known hardware
establishment has been in the hands of the same family and is now owned and
operated by the fourth generation. What
is now the D. and F. Kusel Co. was founded here in June of 1849, the year after
Wisconsin was admitted into the Union.
It and its name have been identified with the history and progress of
Watertown, dating back over a century.
The first Kusel store was opened just 13 years after the first white
settler, Timothy Johnson, arrived in Watertown.
Daily Times, 06 02 1959
Carl V.
Kolata has been re-elected grand knight for the golden jubilee year of
Watertown Council No. 1478, Knights of Columbus. The local group will celebrate its 50th year
of operation in 1960. Other officers
elected include: Edward Wurst, deputy grand knight; Dr. H. Magnan, Jr., warden;
Joseph McFarland, chancellor; Lester Herro, advocate; Al Gamroth, treasurer;
Joseph Podolske, recording secretary; Harold Allerman, inside guard; Andrew
Boyum, outside guard. Elected for another term as trustee was Frank Markl.
for new Post Office Building
or Improve Present
Daily Times, 05 22 1959
The question
of whether it would be better in the long run, from an economical standpoint,
to make an effort to secure a new post office building
for Watertown or spend money to refurnish and improve the present building has
recently been raised and today Congressman Robert W. Kastenmeier put the
question to the citizens of Watertown in a letter he sent to the Daily Times. The present post office building is in need
of repairs and changes, and beyond that it cannot be expanded for future needs
and any sums spent on reconditioning it would be for a temporary period only,
it is pointed out. The post office has,
in recent years, undergone several inspections with a view to make certain
changes and improvements. The most
recent inspection was made a few weeks ago.
Watertown Gazette, 09 03 1909
The wedding of Miss Marguerite Cunningham of Princeton, Ill, to Lewis W. Parks, of Watertown, took place Saturday morning, August 28, 1909, at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. E. S. Bridge, Milwaukee, Wis. The Rev. H. C. Rehm of this city officiated. They were unattended. Only relatives were present. Those present from this city were: Mrs. L. L. Parks, Miss Olive Parks, Clifton Parks, and Mrs. George B. Lewis (mother, sister, brother and grandmother of the groom). At the conclusion of a brief wedding trip they will reside at 506 Washington Street, this city. The groom is a member of one of Watertown’s best and oldest families and a young man of most excellent character and is popular here with a large acquaintance. He is a member of the G. B. Lewis Co., beeware manufacturers, and no one in Watertown has ever entered married life with more well-wishes. His bride is quite well known here, at one time being a student at our public library [intern?]. She is an amiable and accomplished young lady and will be a most welcome addition to Watertown society.
Watertown Gazette, 07 23 1909
Last Monday evening Frank M. Eaton and sons Almond and Myron left for the west, and if they find a suitable business location will locate there. They will visit Denver, Pueblo, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and other Pacific Coast cities.
↓ More on Frank M. Eaton and sons ↓
Watertown Gazette, 08 06 1909
Boise, Idaho, July 30, 1909
Editor, Gazette:
Last Thursday July 27th, Frank M. Eaton, two sons, and a Mr. Peters of my native city, Watertown, Wis., were here in Boise to see me. I certainly was glad to see some old-timers from my old home town. I took them around and introduced them to some of the old-timers here. They seemed to be quite favorably impressed with this city and our people. We had a nice time while he was here chatting about the congenial people of Watertown, as one does not find them quite so plentiful in other cities. Mr. Eaton and his party were on their way to Spokane and Seattle, and I certainly appreciated their short visit here. I want to thank you, Mr. Moore, for reminding them about coming to Boise.
Yours truly,
Frank J. Roffeis.
Back from the West
Watertown Gazette, 09 03 1909
Frank M. Eaton and son Almond and Arthur Peters returned on Monday from their trip to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Eaton’s son Myron remained at Medford, Oregon, at the home of Charles Dierelein, where he will make his headquarters for a time. Mr. Eaton traveled through Idaho, Washington, Oregon and California, meeting Watertown people most everywhere he went, all doing well—Frank Roffies at Boise City, Idaho, Herman Lange, Alex Wiesemann, Henry C. Meyer and son at Spokane Falls; D. H. Beurhaus at Tacoma; H. Herbst and C. H. Sprague at Los Angeles; and Chas. Dierelein at Medford, Oregon. Mr. Eaton is not very favorably impressed with the west for business purposes, except in Oregon. California is all right for climate—the finest under the sun, but he thinks all lines of business are overdone there. He still has the western fever and says he may possibly locate in the state of Oregon.
Conference Held
Watertown Gazette, 09 03 1909
The fourth quarterly conference of the First Methodist Church was held last Friday at the church parlors, the Rev. J. Reynolds of Janesville, district superintendent, presiding. A large attendance was present and new members were introduced. The business of the church was carefully reviewed and officers were elected and committees were appointed for the new conference year. Superintendent Reynolds spoke words of highest appreciation. The Rev. M. L. Eversz, the pastor, was unanimously invited to continue for the sixth year. Delicious refreshments were served by the Ladies’ Society and a most enjoyable church meeting was held.
Watertown Gazette, 09 03 1909
In honor of his 60th birthday anniversary Ex-Mayor Herman Wertheimer was the guest of honor at a banquet given last Saturday evening at the New Commercial Hotel by H. W. Heinrichs, vice-president of the M. D. Wells Shoe Co., complimentary to his efforts in the interest of a greater Watertown. Mr. Heinrichs and his sister, Miss C. Heinrichs of Milwaukee, assisted by Mrs. H. Wertheimer, received the guests in the hotel parlor.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sproesser, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Voss, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wertheimer, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wertheimer, Mrs. L. Brandenburg, Miss C. Heinrichs, Milwaukee, Joseph Terbrueggen, Fred Kusel, John Schmahl, Edward Broennimann, New York City.
The menu served was as follows:
Dry Martini
Salted Almonds
Iced Cantaloupe
St. Julian
Individual Planked Whitefish
Potatoes Border
Sweetbread Patties
Squab in Casserolle
Moet and Clandon White Seal
Parsley Potatoes
Stuffed Tomato Mayonaisse
Harlequin Ice Cream
Newchattle Cheese
Toaster Wafers
Crème de Menthe
The menu was well served and the management of the New Commercial was complimented on all sides for its excellence. Mr. Heinrichs officiated as the toastmaster and paid a fine compliment to Watertown and its citizens and to the management of the New Commercial Hotel. Many happy responses were given to the toasts and a very pleasant feature of the evening’s program was the presentation of a gold-headed cane by citizens of Watertown to Mr. Wertheimer, Mr. Heinrichs delivering the presentation speech.
The following letter accompanied the gift:
Hon. Herman Wertheimer, President, Watertown Advancement Association.
Dear Friend:
We, the undersigned citizens and business men of Watertown, do hereby petition your acceptance of the accompanied gift as a slight token of our esteem for you as an associate and our of appreciation of your praiseworthy efforts for the advancement of the business interests of our city.
The gift was cordially accepted by Mr. Wertheimer in a few happy words that told very effectively how highly he appreciated the compliment extended him. At about 10 o’clock that evening the Watertown Military Band serenaded Mr. Wertheimer and the other guests at the banquet. Mr. Wertheimer is one of Watertown’s most progressive citizens—he is president of the Watertown Advancement Association, of the Inter-County Fair Association, Out-Door Art Association, and Home-Coming Club. His time and money have always been most generously given to advance the interests of this city, hence the compliment extended him last Saturday evening was most worthily bestowed.
↓ More on Herman Wertheimer Recognition ↓
Thanks for Remembrance
Watertown Gazette, 09 03 1909
Editor Gazette—I wish to express through the columns of The Gazette my grateful thanks for the kind remembrance by the citizens and businessmen of Watertown on the occasion of my birthday anniversary and to express to them the most kindly feeling for their appreciation of my efforts in conjunction with the other officers of the Watertown Advancement Association for a greater industrial Watertown and I assure them that it will always be my aim to merit their approval in like matters in the future. With the aid and assistance of the people in the future, so generously given in the past, there seems no good reason why Watertown should not take front rank with her sister cities in Wisconsin.
Again thanking you, I am
Herman Werthheimer
Watertown Gazette, 09 10 1909
At Waukesha on Sunday the Watertown and Waukesha baseball teams were the opposing clubs. In the second inning the Watertown team left the field on what they considered a very rank decision of the umpire . . . We [Ft. Atkinson Democrat] can say for the Watertown boys that they are a gentlemanly lot of players and while here in two games abided by every decision without protest.
John Goodnetter
Watertown Gazette, 09 10 1909
Edward L. Schempf of Schempf Bros. Co. and John Goodnetter, one of their salesmen, returned on Saturday from New York where they had been for three weeks selecting fall and winter goods for Schempf Bros. Co.
Watertown Gazette, 09 17 1909
One of the finest plate glass show windows in the state has just been placed in the store of Charles Fischer & Son in West Main Street, giving an opportunity to that popular general merchandise store to make a good display of goods on sale at its store. A fine pillar mirror to one side of the window adds to its attractiveness.
↓ More on Charles Fischer & Son ↓
Charles Fischer & Son Co.
Watertown’s Greater West Side Store
Beautiful Souvenirs FREE During Opening Sale
Watertown Gazette, 09 24 1909
This is your invitation to the fall opening sale and to the opening of our enlarged and remodeled store, October 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th.
During the last three months a great many changes have been made in our store; 1250 square feet more floor space have been added to our salesroom—the show window has been enlarged and lowered, making it one of the finest windows in this town for the display of goods.
Our rapidly growing carpet and rug department has been moved to the 2nd floor and given double the floor space it formerly occupied and will be more than ever Watertown’s largest rug stock.
A big department devoted to ladies ready-to-wear goods is a strong feature of the enlarged and remodeled store. The 3rd floor is practically all given to ready-to-wear goods and everything is new in suits, cloaks, furs, skirts, and waists, for fall and winter, is here, and we hope it will be our pleasure to have you visit our 3rd floor during opening sale and inspect this authoritative display.
Beautiful souvenirs will be presented to every person making a purchase $1.00 or more—a souvenir that will surely please you. Bring your friends and come.
Watertown Gazette, 09 17 1909
At a regular meeting of the Public Library Board last Tuesday evening, a salary of $5 per month was voted Miss Lilian Mundt, daughter of John Mundt and wife, North Fourth Street. Miss Mundt was graduated from the Watertown High School last June and is at present serving her apprenticeship at the public library, which does not carry with it a salary, but Miss Mundt, having shown more than ordinary interest in the library, and serving daily more time than is required for an apprentice, the Board thought it was proper to compensate her for this extra work. At the expiration of her apprenticeship in November she will be appointed assistant librarian at the customary monthly salary for newly-appointed assistants.
Watertown Gazette, 09 10 1909
The Watertown Inter-County Fair will be held at Watertown on September 21, 22, 23, and 24. This will be one of the big fairs held in Wisconsin this fall and will be run day and night. The transportation facilities are of the best, as the street cars will run directly to the main gate with only a few minutes for the trip.
There will be free attractions on the grounds during the afternoon and evening and plenty of music. The racing program calls for an outlay of $3600 in purses and everything connected with the 1909 fair will be on a large scale.
There will be train service north on Thursday evening, leaving Watertown about 9:30 o’clock.
↓ More on Inter-County Fair of 1909 ↓
Inter-County Fair
Watertown Gazette, 09 17 1909
The Watertown Fair
The Inter-County Fair will be held on the fairgrounds in this city next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and it promises to be one of the very best fairs held in Wisconsin this year. Over $3600 will be paid out in purses for the races. There will be many free attractions both during the day and at the evening fair and the exhibits promise to be large and excellent in every department.
The first day of the fair will be Children’s Day—free to all children under 18 years of age. Wednesday will be Watertown Day and it is expected that all lines of business will be suspended during the afternoon to help swell the crowd. On Thursday a special train will carry the Beaver Dam visitors and they well be accompanied by the Beaver Dam Brass Band. The Waterloo Cornet band and Waterloo Juvenile Band will furnish music for that day. The Columbus Band will furnish music on Friday. The Watertown Imperial Band will furnish the music on Tuesday and music on Wednesday will be furnished by the Watertown Military Band and the Reeseville Band.
The speed program [horse racing] will be under the charge of William F. Earle and will include the four days . . .
Following are the officers and superintendents of the fair:
President—H. Wertheimer
Vice President—G. M. Gahlmann
Treasurer—C. E. Frey
Secretary—Charles Mulberger
Assistant Secretary—Emil Track
Executive Committee—W. A. Beurhaus, John C. Gruel, H. G. Grube, Albert Cebell, C. A. Vaughan, Simon Molzahn, Charles Kiepert, Concord; C. E. Donovan, Waterloo; John F. Hughes, Reeseville.
Gates and Grounds—C. A. Vaughan
Speed—William Earle
Horses—Ernest Krueger
Cattle—E. E. Randall
Sheep and Swine—Peter Thauer
Poultry—George J. Weber
Farm Implements and Vehicles—E. H. Graeszel
Educational—W. P. Roseman
Art and Floral Hall—W. J. Stube
Farm Products—Simon Molzahn
Privileges—W. A. Beurhaus
Admission to Grounds [fees] . . .
↓ More on Inter-County Fair of 1909 ↓
Inter-County Fair
Watertown Gazette, 09 24 1909
Image PC_256
The Inter-County Fair of 1909 now being held on the fairgrounds in this city is one of the best in its history—the exhibits are large and many of the departments are filled to overflowing. There are many fine free attractions, the horse racing very good, and the attractions along the pike are clean, entertaining and instructive. The attendance thus far has been a record breaker, that of Wednesday being estimated at 15,000. Reeseville sent a delegation of nearly 500 and headed by its brass band and Hon. John Hughes marched from up Main and West Main Street and, before the end of the line came in view, Watertown people began to think all the residents of the western part of the state were pouring into the city. Today Beaver Dam sent a special train load of excursionists headed by its band and large delegations from Jefferson, Ft. Atkinson, Waterloo and Oconomowoc are expected.
Watertown Gazette, 09 24 1909
The Gazette, with most of the other county papers, last week published the death notice of John Sell of Concord. We are pleased to state that Mr. Sell is still alive.
Near Horicon
Watertown Gazette, 07 16 1909
A large inland sea surpassing in extent all the lakes of Wisconsin but Lake Winnebago is the dream of the people of Dodge County.
There has recently been organized the Horicon Lake Association and articles of incorporation will be filed soon. The object is to work with the United States government and as much as possible restore Lake Horicon to its early size and beauty.
It is proposed to restore the old Horicon dam which was torn out nearly a half a century ago. This would create a lake between eighteen and twenty miles long and from six to eight miles wide. There would be an average depth of from five to six feet over 65,000 acres.
The lake would extend from Horicon in Dodge County to Oakfield in Fond du Lac County. It would furnish a splendid reservoir for the upper reaches of Rock River.
Farmers have not made enough out of the hay grown on the marsh to pay taxes and so would be willing to have the lake restored.
Should it be done we
would have one of the finest sheets of water in the state that would furnish
[a] fine fishing ground and be an ideal place for summer homes.
↓ More on Horicon Marsh ↓
Push Rock River Plan
Watertown Gazette, 09 03 1909
Beloit, Wis.: Rock River may be made navigable from the Mississippi to and through the famous Horicon Marsh. The project was given additional impetus at a meeting at Rockford of the executive committee of the Rock River Improvement Association. Citizens of Moline, Dixon, Sterling, Beloit and of the Horicon Marsh district, where it is proposed to make the headwaters by the re-establishment of Horicon Lake, were present and gave assurance of hearty cooperation of their respective communities. It was agreed it would be necessary for the people living along the river to assist in obtaining data which the government engineers can use for an argument to their superiors in Washington and to present to the Rivers and Harbors Committee. All the speakers were of the opinion that the government will not ask for return of land that has been filled in.
Meeting of German-Americans
Watertown Gazette, 11 11 1915
Turner Opera House was packed last Sunday evening
with people to listen to speeches on “Neutrality” by Robert Wild of Milwaukee
and Dr. H. Gerhard of Chicago. A. F.
Ernst, president of the Northwestern College
presided. The resolutions adopted and
published below were prepared by D. J. H. Ott, Dr. Arthur Hoermann and Rev.
George Sandrock. Before the meeting the
Watertown city band played on the streets, and at the meeting music was
furnished by the Northwestern College band.
A feature of the meeting was singing by the audience of “Die Wach am Rhein” and “America.”
was the program and resolutions passed:
Northwestern College Band
Address of Welcome
Dr. A. F. Ernst
German Address
Dr. H. Gerhard, Chicago
Vocal Solos……………………
Heinrich red Vogler…………………Loewe
Vaterlandslied………………….A. Methfessel
William Sproesser
Mrs. William Sproesser, Accompanist
Die Wach am Rhein
Audience, accompanied by N.W. band
English Address………………………..
Robert Wild, Milwaukee
The Star Spangled Banner……………………………..
Mrs. William Sproesser, Accompanist
Reading of
Sung by Audience
We, the
citizens of the United States, in mass meeting assembled at Watertown, Wis., by
a unanimous rising vote adopted the following resolutions referring to our
present international relations.
First. We hold that the American people, being
declared friends of all the belligerents, should treat them all alike and should not suffer any one
of our citizens to do anything detrimental to anyone of the warring nations. We
therefore, condemn most emphatically the present manufacture and shipping of
munitions of war, which have of late assumed such gigantic proportions, as
flagrantly violating the spirit of neutrality, since we thereby become and
active enemy of one group of belligerents.
Second. We are
firmly convinced that the majority of our citizens do not desire this traffic
in arms which makes us an accomplice of this unprecedented slaughter of human
beings , and we, therefore, demand that the president and congress take immediate steps to stop
this infamous traffic.
Third. We also hold
that in furnishing one group of belligerents enormous sums of money we are
identifying ourselves with them and thereby become deeply interested in their
success, an interest that again makes true neutrality impossible.
Fourth. We hold that
the present time is eminently opportune to establish once for all the principle
that “the flag covers the goods,” or that “free ships make free goods;” that
our legitimate trade is not subject to the rules and regulations of any foreign
power. We, therefore, demand that the
entire navel strength of the country be employed to give effect to these, our
Fifth. We consider
ourselves free and independent citizens of the greatest nation of the world,
and we, therefore, condemn as a traitorous act any attempt to make us vassals
of England, the “bully of the ocean.”
Sixth. We
hold further that no distinction ought to be made between American citizens of
non-British extraction and American citizens of British extraction, that any
attempt to disparage one class is against public policy and is sowing the seed
of division in our country, thereby
thwarting the happy assimilation of the various elements of our
Seventh. We deplore the attitude of the greater
part of the American press, whose ignorance and perversity have done much to
bring about the present prostitution of public opinion and the unhappy
dissentions under which we are now laboring.
these views, we hereby publicly declare that we shall not endorse any one for
any office whatsoever who is not in accord with our position and does not
pledge his support.
Lumber Co. Property
Daily Times, 07 16 1959
An offer to
sell to the city of Watertown the Hutson-Braun Lumber Co. property known as 101
West Milwaukee Street was made public today.
The premises
which are the subject of the offer are located between South Water Street and
the Rock River and between West
Milwaukee Street and Frederick Street.
Also included are the east 12 feet, approximately, of South Water
Street, vacated, and lying just west of the subject premises.
Watertown Daily Times, 08 15 1981
Reiss Industries Inc. has announced
plans for expansion of its cold cure methane foam molding facilities at 319
Hart Street, Watertown. The addition of the new custom-designed, high pressure
RIM molding equipment will allow Reiss to double its current production
capacity. The expansion is being undertaken to keep pace with technological
advances and continued sharp annual sales increases. Reiss Industries is a
seven-year-old, custom formulator and molder of cold cured urethane products
such as crash pads, seat cushions and backs, and furniture components. Its
products are distributed nationally through a variety of furniture,
transportation, agricultural and construction equipment manufacturers.
Daily Times, 07 16 1984
The current $2.1 million expansion project of Reiss Industries, 319 Hart Street,
will extend into the recently vacated portion of South Eighth Street. The Watertown Common Council approved the
residential to manufacturing rezoning of the eastern section of the street from
a point 100 feet south of Hart Street and proceeding 340 feet south. The western portion of the street is already
zoned manufacturing.
Auto Accident Sunday
Watertown Gazette, 09 10 1909
Mr. and Mrs. William von Baumbach of Milwaukee started about noon Sunday for a motor car trip to Fox Lake, were they had planned to remain for a week. On the narrow road near the Rosekrans place just west of Oconomowoc the car was turned out to pass another automobile and going rapidly—in returning to the road the machine skidded and went into the ditch, turning a complete somersault and injuring every one of the occupants, though none were baldy [sic] hurt. There were in the car besides Mr. and Mrs. Baumbach, Mrs. Baumbach’s maid and the chauffeur, John von Bergen, the latter sustaining the most serious injuries. All were at once taken to Sanitorium Waldheim, where they were sufficiently recovered to be taken back to Milwaukee the first of the week. The car itself, considering its fall and the momentum which it had at the time, was not badly damaged.
New Reservoir Breaks
Watertown Gazette, 09 17 1909
Johnson Creek—The concrete reservoir of the $15,000 waterworks system just completed by the village was so damaged Wednesday afternoon that the entire reservoir will have to be rebuilt. It is located on a hill and when filled one entire side broke out from the pressure of the water, letting out the water with a rush that did great damage to land adjoining. Pieces of concrete weighing thousands of pounds were carried hundreds of feet by the water.
Native Town Boy
Watertown Gazette, 09 17 1909
The man who grows up in his native town is regarded as a boy by his elders until he is well started down the declivity of life that ends in a hole. The stranger who comes into a place is more often pushed to the front than the young man who has grown up with the town. This is the reason why so many young men become dissatisfied with their home surroundings and long to cast their lot in other quarters.
Jefferson County Fair
Watertown Gazette, 10 01 1909
The Jefferson County and Rock River Valley Agricultural Society is holding its 57th annual fair at Jefferson this week, commencing on Tuesday and continuing until Friday evening, Oct. 1st. From present indications it is safe to predict that the 1909 fair of the society will be the largest in its history. In the speed department [horse racing] there are 98 entries for the nine events, making an average of nearly 11 for each race. Judging from the horses entered the races this year will be even above the high standard of past years.
Watertown Gazette, 10 01 1909
The Mission Fest at the Moravian Church last Sunday was largely attended, large delegations being present from Lake Mills, De Forest, Ebenezer, Pipersville and Mamre. Rev. O. E. Ridenbach of Lake Mills delivered the sermon at the morning service; Rev. D. C. Meinert of Nazareth, Pa., and Rev. C. V. Leifert of De Forest spoke at the afternoon services and Rev. Gerhard Franke, pastor of the Moravian Church in this city, delivered the sermon at the evening service. The offerings for the missions amounted to $176.
Watertown Gazette, 10 01 1909
WANTED—a beautiful young lady to fill matrimonial engagement with noble young man, then to start housekeeping with furniture bought at the Central Trading Co. [advertisement]
Frank Boelter Crushed
to Death
at the Electric Light
Watertown Gazette, 04 03 1903
Last Friday morning Frank Boelter, who resided in North Montgomery Street, was killed in the power house of the Watertown Electric Co. at the Rough and Ready Dam. Boelter was employed by the company as a laborer, and with a number of other men had been at work at the power house putting in position a governor for the water wheels.
Some time before the accident Bielter put a strap around the driving shaft and attached it to the governor to see how the governor worked. Superintendent Utley remonstrated with him, stating at the same time that it might damage the machinery. Mr. Utley left Boelter and a short time after the accident occurred.
It is supposed his arm caught in the strap he adjusted and he was revolved around the shaft. One of the workmen, noticing the accident, started to stop the machinery, but Boelter dropped to the floor from the shaft before he could stop the machinery.
A physician was immediately summoned but it was found that nothing could be done for him. His body was badly crushed and one of his legs and an arm were broken. He lived only a short time after the accident.
Friday afternoon an inquest was held before Justice Henze, the verdict being in accordance with the above facts.
Deceased was a brother of John Boelter, who has worked for the Electric company for many years. He leaves a wife, three children and three step-children.
Businesses in the West Terminal Area of
Watertown Municipal
Watertown Daily Times, 08 09 1999
The public works committee of the Watertown Common Council is recommending the city move forward with introductory designs that would lead to development of private businesses in the west terminal area of the Watertown Municipal Airport. The committee Tuesday received a report prepared by MSA Professional Services, Inc. The city hired the firm in May to prepare the introductory development plan at a cost of $28,700. MSA's plan will be forwarded to the airport commission and then to the council, city engineer Joe Radocay said. The committee has talked about development of water mains, sanitary sewers and detention ponds in the west terminal area since 1997.
Watertown Gazette, 10 01 1909
In the color guessing contest at the Inter-County Fair no one guessed exactly though some were very close, and, as many desire a chance when they have more time, we shall continue it for a time at our store and as soon as correct guesses are made, shall show the name and numbers on the color card. All are invited to guess free. Remember there are valuable prizes. The J. B. Murphy Co.
City Sham is not
Found Upon Farms
Watertown Gazette, 10 01 1909
No matter how many houses a man may acquire in time in the city he never has a home. Homes only exist in the country, where one learns to know every tree, every shrub, every stone, and to be able to go away and return years afterwards to find the old landmarks unchanged. There is no sham [deception] on the farm; there is no excuse to live beyond one’s means in order to make an impression upon one’s neighbors. Appearances count for naught there and the diamonds and the silks of the city take the form of clean overalls and fresh calicoes . . . Girls and boys can make love much better in calico dresses and clean overalls in the country than in yellow shoes and high collars in the city.
Most Severe Test
Singer’s Voice Put in Comparison With
Trained Ears Unable To Distinguish Between The
Voice And The Reproduction
Other Tests Are Made
12 08 1916
Saturday evening was the date of the Helen Clark recital at the Turner Opera House, Watertown, when, by previous arrangement, the well known mezzo-soprano consented to sing with the Edison phonograph allowing her voice to be compared with the laboratory re-creation of the wizard’s perfected instrument, the most severe test to which any mechanical tone reproducer was ever subjected.
The curious, the critical and the skeptical were there. All came away convinced that Edison re-creation is as nearly like the original voice as could possibly be imagined. Every test was greeted with hearty applause from the great audience which packed the Turner to the doors. The recital was not only a revelation but a rare musical treat as well.
Miss Clark sang in unison with her own voice. Some of the numbers were “Face to Face” by Johnson; “Nightingale Song” by Keller; “For You” by Montague and “Bells of Lee” by Adams. Except perhaps for the difference in the volume of the tone, one could not be sure when Miss Clark sang and when she did not. It is true, her lips could be watched, but some of those who sat close to the stage are quite sure that at times Miss Clark formed words with her lips but in singing of “Bells of Lee” the lights went out. The volume of tone in creased materially at the end. Perhaps the majority of the audience believe that Miss Clark was adding her voice to that of the instrument, but when the light flashed on again, she was not upon the stage.
Perhaps the most charming
feature of the entertainment was Miss Clark’s “duet with herself”, “Swing High,
Swing Low,” by Bennett. In singing with
this record, she sang a counter melody to that originally recorded in the
laboratory. The duet was a most
remarkable one in many respects, for it would be manifestly
impossible to find any two artists who would be in such complete accord as to
enunciation and interpretation as Miss Clark with herself, or two voices so
alike in quality as the same voice. The
blending of tones was perfect.; the whole effect superb, and a fitting climax
to a most convincing test.
A Happy Man
Democrat, 09 01 1859
Happy is the man who has a
little home and a little angel in it on a Saturday night. A house, no matter how little, no matter how
humbly furnished, provided hope is in it, let the winds blow—close the
curtains. What if they are calico, or
plain white without border, tassel or any such thing. Let the rain come down, heap up the
fire. No matter if you have not a candle
to bless yourself with, for what a beautiful light glowing coal makes,
rendering, clouding, shedding a sunset through the room—just enough to talk
by—not loud as in the highways—nor rapid as in the hurrying world, but softly,
slowly whispering with pauses between, for the storm without and the thoughts
within to fill up. Then wheel the sofa
round before the fire; no matter if the sofa is a settee, uncushioned at that,
if so be it just long enough for two, or say two and a half in it. How sweetly the music of silver bells from
the time to come falls on the listening heart then! How mournfully swells the chimes of “the days
that are no more!”
Gov. Randall
[accepting nomination]
Democrat, 09 08 1859
[Gov. Randall accepting
nomination] I cannot express to you the
obligations I feel for this manifestation of the good will of the Republicans
of the state towards me. I hardly know
what to say on such an occasion and under circumstances as these. As I am a plain talking man you will permit
me to talk plainly. I have been in great
doubt [as to] what was my duty to the Republicans in regard to this nomination. I tell you sincerely I have a much greater
desire for the success of the Republican Party this fall than to be re-elected
to the office of Governor. I must in
view of what has occurred both before the meeting of the Convention and since,
express myself freely and frankly concerning this nomination . . . That I have committed many errors I have no
doubt. “To err is human.” But I wish to say here that when I give up
the keys to my office to my successor there will be a clear record so far as
the integrity of my administration is concerned. I shall fear no investigations. I shall ask a committee of my enemies and not
my friends to examine it . . .
Speakers Planned
Democrat, 09 15 1859
The Citizens of Watertown will have an
opportunity to listen to some good speaking during the present autumn. Among those who will probably come here for
the purpose of addressing the people on the political questions of the day, see
the names of Hon. Harrison C. Horart, Gov. Randall, E. G. Ryan, Louis P.
Harvey, Samuel Crawford, S. D. Hastings, H. S. Palmer, Senator Doolittle and
others who know how to talk well and eloquently and cannot fail to interest,
whether or not they convince. Let all have a fair hearing and courteous
Democrat, 09 01 1859
Mr. W. G. Wedemeyer is agent for several
first class and reliable insurance companies.
He is now ready to issue policies to all who desire to be well and
safely insured against the losses and calamities of fire.
Daily Times, 08 20 1999
By early next year the Watertown Municipal Airport hopes to claim itself as the
first in the nation to use a certified landing system that helps aircraft land
in bad weather. The goal comes five
years after the airport was appointed the world's premier site for testing of
the innovative system, called the Transponder Landing System (TLS). In order for the TLS to be certified, testing
must be done. For the past two weeks, Federal Aviation Administration employees
have been in Watertown testing the TLS.
Last week an FAA pilot was circling the skies above the airport in a
twin-engine King Air airplane, doing flight checks for the system. Along with other tests, the FAA is validating
TLS manuals and making sure the system built matches design drawings.
At Railroad Junction
Watertown Democrat, 08 14 1873
since an artesian well was sank near the Railroad
Junction in this city. It is now
ascertained beyond a doubt, that the subterranean struck supplies a ever
flowing stream of water, pure and clear as crystal perfectly colorless and
almost tasteless, highly magnetic and possessing rare and extraordinary
medicinal properties. Here the water has
been thoroughly tested and tried and has effected several remarkable cures and
found generally beneficial in many cases of chronic disease. Wishing to avoid all statements not strictly
accurate and which facts will not amply sustain, we hazard nothing in saying
that this magnetic well will prove a “fountain
of health” to numerous classes of invalids, and unsurpassed in its curative
qualities by those of any other of the celebrated springs new so widely known
and drank. The slight examination
already made, more than indicates this and when a more exact and searching
analysis shall have been made by skilled and competent-chemists, the claims now
put forth will be fully established. We
are glad to learn that steps are being taken to bring this perennial and
healing fountain into the universal notice and appreciation which it deserves. It ought to be widely known that here is a
sure and available remedy for rheumatic and other complaints which has been
demonstrated useful as a restorative. We
intend to allude to this subject again hereafter.
↓ More on Magnetic Spring at Junction ↓
Watertown Democrat, 08 14 1873
Mr. J. H. Sleeper has been appointed by the
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway company Manager of their wonderful Magnetic
Spring, near the Junction, in this city.
We call attention to his card in another column.
Cross reference: In 1878
there was a Spring Street near the Junction area.
Mile North of Main St
Democrat, 09 08 1859
There are
valuable mineral springs within the limits of this city that deserve far more
attention than they have yet received.
Thorough and repeated trials have already established the fact that
their medicinal qualities are much superior and more beneficial and salutary
than the waters of many other places of higher pretensions, but which have long
been the favorite resort of multitudes merely because they have had the good
fortune to be made fashionable and famous.
About a mile
north from Main Street, in a retired spot, surrounded by a primitive grove, are
three ever-flowing mineral springs, whose waters have been carefully analyzed
by Prof. James Chilton of New York, and ascertained to contain carbonate of
lime, magnesia, soda and iron; chloride of calcium, magnesium and sodium, and
sulphate of zinc, magnesium and soda.
These ingredients have all been discovered in these waters in larger
proportions than they have been found in a majority which are drank elsewhere
by invalids for their invigorating influence on the system.
If these same
springs were bubbling up from the earth and running through the pleasant vales
of some eastern state where money is plentier and enterprise more keenly on the
watch for speculations of this kind, they would years ago have been widely
celebrated for their crystal purity and restorative virtues and thousands would
annually make their pilgrimage to them as to an unfailing Fountain of Health,
and to many they would prove such.
As it is, these
waters gush up from their pebbly sources and only a few who have used them with
the most favorable results know of their existence. They belong to Dr. W. C. Spaulding of this
city and we are glad to learn he is about to make an effort to bring them to
the notice of the public. We hope he
will meet with the encouragement necessary to render the enterprise
successful. The grounds adjoining these
springs are finely situated for such an object.
They are far enough off for quiet and repost, yet near enough to the
business part of the city for all ordinary purposes. From all directions they will be easily
accessible by railroad, and with suitable structures put up with reference to
accommodating the class who generally assemble at such places, we do not see
why a well managed attempt may not succeed.
Here is a
salubrious climate, here are waters possessed of healing qualities, here are
attractions calculated to render a short stay pleasant. With these advantages, if the right measures
are taken, it is not impossible that large numbers may come here and find
relief from many of the ills that flesh is heir to by drinking freely of these
cool, clear, health-giving streams.
reference: On 1855 map there is a Spring
Park in the Spaulding Add, but this would be more than a mile north of Main St.
Springs along Main St.
Several near Main Street bridge
Daily Times, 07 25 1931 and 07 31 1931
excavating in the river at the east approach of Main Street bridge workmen
uncovered a spring at a depth of about 15 feet which old timers will remember
was once an artesian well directly in front of Salick's jewelry store. In fact, there were several such wells along
Main Street in the early days, but were abandoned many years ago. A section of lead pipe was also uncovered at
the same depth but what it was used for no one seems to know.
There were
several flowing wells on Main Street in the early days. One was at Salick's, one at Main & Second
Streets at the Beurhaus corner, and another, if memory serves right, at Gamm's
corner. Besides these there are two on
the first block of W. Main Street and at least two on First Street, at the
Bennett Foundry and at the Mendenhall residence. In fact there were many flowing wells in the
city, one of which, a magnetic water well, was located at the Junction.