
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin



Sophie (Neumann) Linger

1896 - 1947


Mrs. Bruno Linger, 509 Cole Street, died January 17, 1947, at St. Mary’s Hospital. Her death followed an illness of three weeks.


Her maiden name was Sophie Neumann and she was born March 17, 1896 in Germany. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neumann. She came to this country at the age of one year and since that time had been a resident of Watertown.


Mrs. Linger was a member of St. Henry's and Branch 120, Catholic Knights of Wisconsin.


The Rev. Mark Mueller officiated at the funeral and burial was in St. Henry’s Cemetery.





Daughter                Helen, Watertown

Son                     Kenneth, Watertown

One grandchild

Sister                  Mrs. Joseph Engelhardt, Watertown

Sister                  Mrs. Michael Modl, Watertown

Sister                  Mrs. Daniel Coughlin, Watertown

Sister                  Mrs. Carl Neidham, Stockton, Calif

Sister                  Agnes Brunner, Jefferson

Brother                 Bernard Neumann, Watertown




Two sisters