
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin





Another school classroom   c. 1910





Believed to be Grades 5 - 8, 1913


Guardian Angel statue in school yard, 1915



The Cady Street frontage area between the church and school was enhanced in 1908 by means of the placement a cast-iron guardian angel statue on the playgrounds of the school.  The statue was over six feet in height and rested on a three-foot base.  The guardian angel pointed to heaven with one hand while casting its eyes to the small child at its side.



Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here.  Ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide.


Those early students were certainly taught well by the nuns.  Grades on report cards were not wide-ranging A’s, B’s, C’s and so on, nor was there grading “on a curve,” but more specific 98’s, 92’s, 88’s, etc.  An updated report card was handed out to a student each month and it was required to be soon returned by them with the signature of one’s parents.




The Catholic hierarchy of the United States prescribed it as a duty for every congregation to establish and support Catholic schools.


Catholic parents are bound to send their children to parochial schools, unless they provide fully and sufficiently for their Christian education at home or at other Catholic schools.

On this matter there is to be no variance of practice.


The Church has at much expense brought the Catholic school within easy access of the Catholic family.  It has sought out good teachers and aimed sedulously to make its schools attain to the highest standard. 


Now at the beginning of another school year it is well for Catholic parents to seriously consider these injunctions of the pastors who are ordained for their spiritual guidance.[384]






Graduation class, 1915.  Old hall in background

The parochial school system always benchmarked itself against that of the state in matter of education and personal welfare of the students en-trusted to its care.  A plan of extending the public school medical inspection program to the parochial schools of the state received the endorsement of the chief medical inspector in 1911.


An addition was built onto the school in the fall of 1914, filling in the “L” at the southeast corner of the building.  The addition contained separate in-door bathroom facilities for the boys and girls of the school, replacing the outdoor bathroom facilities in use up to that time.  The two-story addition with basement was of brick construction with bathrooms on both the first and second floors.


Daily Mass was part of each school day.  Each class sat as a group during church services, with the teacher nuns using a clicker to signal the students when to sit, kneel, and stand; and at all times and in every way to be respectful in the “house where God lived.”



Vivid recollections and treasured memories of St. Henry’s old school building were recorded by this writer’s father, Clarence Riedl, and they were as follows:[385]


St. Henry’s School was on the corner of Third and Cady Streets, the same place where the new school built in 1952 now is.  This old school had four rooms with two grades in each room.  On the bottom level was first and second grades in one room and the third and fourth in the second.  Upstairs were the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades.  There was one sister for two grades and one cook sister for a total of five.  There were twenty kids in my grade. 


The stairway was at least eight feet wide and halfway up was the girls’ bathroom.  The boys’ was right below.  Then it made a 180 degree turn and up to the two classrooms.  Also on the first floor was a narrow room about ten or twelve feet wide and maybe forty feet long.  This was used for the sisters to go from the school to the sisters house and was all connected.  Also this room had tables on both sides and on it were pictures, statues, rosaries, prayer books, and samples of veils the girls could order for their First Communion.  Reminds me of all the things at Holy Hill. 

The first and second grade room had shelving which looked like bleachers and about four shelves and maybe twenty five feet long, and on these shelves were ferns, about five feet from those large west windows.  The sisters used these ferns in church on the old altar which had a lot of shelves, and they would be in church awhile and then brought back and new ones taken to church.  They sure had a lot of beautiful ferns.  I would guess they had close to one hundred ferns.  Some were small and they must have started them.


There were fire escape steps along one end of the building and one could get out on it from the seventh and eighth grade room and also from the first and second grade room.  These upper and lower rooms were separated by a hall about 10 feet wide and each side of it was used for hanging up our coats, caps, and overshoes.  The rooms also had doors at each end so if you had to get out for a fire you could go from one room to another or through the hall or just down the steps.  The sisters would surprise you once a week at anytime by ringing the fire bell and then they would tell you which way to go.  Sometimes down the steps or through the next room and then the fire escape. 


From the back porch of the sister’s house, which was screened, there was a wide sidewalk about six feet wide and forty feet long and it had benches on both sides.  That went from the sisters’ house to the hall.  This sidewalk was completely covered, sides and top, with grape vines. 


Once a week at one o’clock before we went in school we would all line up in rows on the school ground and Sister Superior would stand on the steps of the school and do exercises, and we had to do the same.  The school ground was between the school and the church and it was about seventy-five feet wide. 


The boys had a good half of the playground and in good weather always played ball.  Others just watched or played other games.  I generally played ball as those that carried lunch were playing before a lot of the others came to school.   Every once in a while someone would break a window in school.  So everyone playing at that time would have to pay.  I don’t remember but it was not very much.  The girls jumped rope and played other games.


One thing I remember is that boys and girls did not mix in games or even talk together.  Also in the classroom, the girls sat on one side of the room and the boys on the other side of the room.  When I was in seventh grade the first thing we did after one o’clock was sing some songs.  It would go real nice for a while and then there were two boys who would start to sing so loud it was almost like screaming.  Then Sister would clap her hands to stop and we had to do arithmetic. 


When we had spelling in seventh and eighth grade we all had to stand up and as we misspelled a word would have to sit down.  I think sometimes a word was misspelled just so they could sit down.  There was one girl who always seemed to be the last or best speller.  One time in eighth grade we had some program and spelling bee in the hall and all the parents were asked to come.  When you misspelled a word you had to go behind the curtain on the stage.  They were getting less and less all the time and all at once there was this girl and I were left and we each spelled a few words and they were getting harder all the time.  Finally she got a word and missed it and I had to spell it and it was right.  So I won the spelling bee and the first prize was $5.00 but the bad part was it went to the school.



The 7th  and 8th grade students, 1926


Top Row:               Clara Schmidt, Lillian Mutchler, Blanche Hady, Genevieve Pitterle, Stella Stangler, Luella  Mueller,
                              Lorraine Mutchler
, Dorothy Schuch, Eleanor Dowd, Irene West, Helen Huebel

Third Row:           Margaret Sauer, Margaret Engelhart, Ethel West, Esther Schroeder, Clara Scheblak, Dorothy Hippler

Second Row:         Paul Halverson, Andrew Boyum, Albert Hady, Sylvester Scheiber, Leon Stangler

First Row:            Alfred Neis, Edward Boyum, James Novotny, George Nimm, Edwin Schleicher, Harvey Stangler,
                             Joe Giese



Memories of attending pre-school Mass on a school day . . .


We came, in winter, out of the dark into vestibule semi-dark, where peeled-off galoshes spread slush across the floor.   We took off gloves and scarves, hands still too cold to dip them in the holy water font . . . Girls without hats hair- pinned Kleenex to their heads - it fluttered as they strode to the communion rail, like a raffish dove ill-perched on each sharer in the mystery . . . Scapulars like big postage stamps glued here and there on kids in swimming pools.  JMJ [Jesus, Mary, Joseph] at the top of schoolwork.  The sign of the cross before a foul shot.  Fishing pennies and dimes out of pockets pebbled with the fifty-nine beads and assorted medallions of a rosary . . . Nuns who moved in their long habits with stately calm, like statues rocking.  The deferential “ster” pinned to all sentences (“Yester” for “Yes, Sister”) . . .Holy cards of saints with eyes so strenuously upturned as to be almost all white.  The Infant of Prague bulkily packaged in “real” clothes.  The sight, in darkened churches, of a shadowy Virgin with hands held palm-out at the level of her hips, plaster cape flowing down from those hands toward votive lights unsteady under her like troubled water.  Sand under the votive candles for putting out tapers; and a box of large kitchen matches, for lighting tapers, stuck into the sand.  The momentary waxen strangle of St. Blaise day, as crossed candles bless one’s throat.[386]



School children were always involved in extra-curricular activities and contests, expanding their horizons, and testing their skills against their peers. 


In the 1920’s and 30’s the pupils of the school held their annual bazaar at the hall, just prior to the end of the school year.  They offered many trinkets and confections for their parents and friends.

During the summers, the nuns conducted a one week summer vacation school for Catholic boys and girls of the parish who were enrolled in non-Catholic schools during the year.  Children seven years and up, including graduates of the eighth grades, were expected to attend the summer religious education and instruction. 


The sisters themselves attended summer school in Milwaukee, taking classes for advanced degrees.



In 1931 the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin opposed the principle of free textbooks in public schools and urged their representatives in Madison to oppose such legislation.  The logic was as follows:


1. It will greatly increase taxation, already burdensome.


2. It is discriminatory and unjust, penalizing those who send their children to private and parochial schools by obliging them to pay for the books of their own children and to contribute toward the payment of the books of their neighbor’s children.


3. It encourages extravagance and waste.  The principle that what is worth having is worth making a sacrifice for is given the lie.


4. Free textbooks are unsanitary.  Dirt, disease, and obscene pictures are sure to be passed along to destroy the morals of the innocent.


5. The bill is Socialistic.  If the state furnishes free books, why not furnish free clothes, free meals, free shoes and free homes . . . why not take the child away from the influence of his parents and home and turn him over to the state?[387]



Even up until about the mid 1940’s one sister had responsibility for two grades.  For example, in 1931 the teaching staff consisted of:  Sister Eleu-theria, first and second grades; Sister Georgiana, third and fourth; Sister Ludgilla, fifth and sixth; Sister Stabila, seventh and eighth.


Most parishioners readily supported the church school, yet many thought that they were being effectively “doubly taxed” in that, in addition to supporting their religious school, they were also required to support the public school system from which they were of the mind they received no direct advantage.


In January of 1935 Father Patrick Haggerty, pas-tor of St. Bernard’s, was the speaker at a meeting of the Catholic Woman’s Club.


The subject, as reported in the Watertown Daily Times, was “Parochial Schools and Double Taxa-tion,” it being chosen by the speaker, who pointed out the fact that the parent has the natural right to send his children to the school he chooses. 


Catholics and others who believe in Christian education are penalized by the fact that they are obliged to support schools to which they cannot, on religious principles, send their children.  They are required to pay taxes for the support of public schools from which they derive no benefit.


We Catholics do not expect special treatment in this matter but in behalf of all religious sects, maintaining educational institutions, we ask that parents be able to educate their children according to the dictates of their consciences without the burden of double taxation.




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[384] Catholic Citizen, 08 05 1905.

[385] Riedl, Clarence, “Memories and Reflections,” 1995, pp 9-11 (Author’s collection).

[386] Wills, Gary, Bare Ruined Choirs: Doubt, Proph-ecy and Radical Religion, Doubleday, 1972.

[387] Catholic Citizen, 03 05 1931.