
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin



The First School



This first church building, built on the “Church Block” and in the middle of the span of Cady Street between Third and Fourth Streets, also served as the first parochial school from 1854 until 1857.  In 1855 an addition was added to the north side of the first church frame building so that the parish school could also be accommodated in the new addition attached to the church in the year 1857, the year the School Sisters of Notre Dame arrived. 


When the first portion of the present church building was built in 1862, alongside the first (1850) church with its attached school, these older two buildings were converted over to a single school building and it was used as such until 1879 when the “old” school (the school before the present school) was built immediately to the west.


School Sisters

of Notre Dame


St. Henry’s has conducted a parish school ever since 1854 and, except for a few years, the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) conducted its class-es up until relatively recent years.




It is uncertain as to who taught the few students comprising the school during its first three years of existence (1854-1857), as the first documented SSND sister-teachers did not arrive until December of 1857.


Watertown Daily Times, 12 03 1957 


One hundred years ago (in 1857) the School Sisters of Notre Dame came to the city of Watertown. Two sisters and a candidate composed the little community which arrived on Dec. 3, 1957. The first school was staffed by two members - the sister superior and a candidate. Another sister who was charged with the domestic work for the small group was the third member. Eighty-six pupils enrolled in St. Henry's School on the first day.





The SSND teaching sisters, arriving in Water-town in late 1857 to carry out the educational mission of the new parish, were a religious community devoted primarily to education.  In the United States they have conducted parish schools and orphanages in numerous archdioceses and dioceses.








The School Sisters of Notre Dame are a branch of the Congregation of Notre Dame founded in France, by St. Peter Fouier in 1597.  In 1833 the SSND congregation began in Bavaria.


To train members for their future religious life the School Sisters have a candidature and a novitiate.

The age for admission into the candidature was sixteen to twenty-seven.  After a two year probation and study period, the candidate enters the novitiate, and two years later makes temporal vows and becomes a professed sister.


Most prominent among the sisters in America was Mother M. Caroline Friess, who died in 1892, after being superioress of the congregation for forty-two years.  She was born near Paris in 1824.  As a child she was brought to Eichstadt, Bavaria, under the tutelage of her uncle, Monsignor Michael Friess.  She was one of the first to volunteer for the missionary work in the New World and emigrated to America.



Acting upon an invitation from Bishop Henni, Mother Friess decided to establish the Mother House of the SSND congregation in Milwaukee in 1850.  The superioress selected sisters from Baltimore and Pittsburgh and they set out on their merry way for Milwaukee. 


Between Chicago and Milwaukee their stage broke down and the passengers were thrown into the snow.  After a journey of two days and three nights by sleigh, they reached Milwaukee and occupied a little brick house bought for them by Bishop Henni with money donated to him for the purpose by King Louis of Bavaria.[1]


Henni would prove to be their generous friend and supporter.


Such was the beginning of the pioneer work of the Notre Dame Sisters in the Middle West, a labor of love in the service of their God.








The School Sisters of Notre Dame are considered an Augustinian order and the spiritual writings of St. Augustine form part of their charisma. 


Augustinian spirituality for the SSND is one word, “God,” and they strive to live in a community modeled on the Trinity’s unity in diversity, bonded in love.


It was for the children of the immigrants that Mother M. Caroline opened St. Henry’s School on December 3, 1857.  This was the fifth such learn-ing institution in the Milwaukee province.  When the school opened that year, it fulfilled the dreams of two people who probably never met: Reverend Gaertner, the early missionary to Watertown’s German Catholics in 1847-49, and Mother Caro-line, who arrived in America in 1847.


Since Watertown is just 45 miles west of Milwaukee, there were many comings and goings between St. Henry’s and the motherhouse.  The early chronicles record visits from Mother Caroline.  One can imagine her setting out in a carriage from the old motherhouse on Milwaukee Street and traveling along the Watertown Plank Road as far as the convent at Elm Grove.  After an overnight stop she would continue to Watertown, passing the toll house on the eastern outskirts of the city, crossing East Main Street bridge over the Rock River, and finally arriving at the sister’s convent on Cady Street. 


The sisters from St. Henry’s made the same trip, in reverse, each summer for their annual retreat in Milwaukee.[2]


When the SSND arrived in 1857 to staff the parish school, two sisters and a candidate for the sisterhood composed the small community.[3]  Father Frank Uhlemeyer prepared a hearty reception for the sisters.  Only two of the three members of this religious community were assigned to teaching, as the third sister was charged with the domestic work. 


Around 1866 the SSND left St. Henry’s and the Franciscan Sisters from LaCrosse took charge of parish school.  By 1877 Watertown was the only mission the Franciscan sisters had in the Milwaukee Diocese and the Reverend Mother of LaCrosse was not in favor of staffing it any longer.  So, in 1877, the SSND’s were requested by Father Etschmann to return to Watertown and on August 31, 1877, two sisters and two candidates arrived in time for the beginning of the new school year. 


At the time, a number of children were kept at home or on the farm by their parents so to work, yet 86 pupils were enrolled.[4]


Father P. M. Abbelen, SSND motherhouse chap-lain, was a visitor to St. Henry’s in the early days.  When he was asked to bless the church bells in 1897, he probably came via the railways, known then as the “Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul.”[5]



The school is under the leadership of the well-known Sisters of Notre Dame of Milwaukee.  Since 1854 they have worked here loyally and eagerly with only a short break.  They have shared the burdens and deprivations of the parish and performed their duties both within and without the congregation with little compensation.  Thus they too have earned thanks for the growth of the parish. 


Today (1903), many a well-raised young Watertownian, many parents, still speak proudly of their experiences in St. Henry’s School and thank their good school sisters “from those long ago times” for their solid education.


The current and very able mayor of the city, Mr. Johann Brusenbach, is a graduate of this school. 


As their parents did in the past decade, today’s young parents adhere willingly to the following principle:  We want a good, and when possible, free Catholic school.  We’ll stand for that!  


Of not slight proof of the positive influence of the school in the community is the fact that a number of priests and nuns have come from the parish.[6]



In summary, except for the 1854-1857 and 1866-1877 intervals, the parish school was staffed by the SSND from its inception until recent decades when, in 1953, the staff began to consist of a mix of lay and religious teachers, and then eventually all lay and no religious.


they were allowed only two home visits during their lifetimes, upon the deaths of



The frame church initially also served as a school house; later an addition to this church was the parish school.  The priests Moder and his successor, Francis Spath, made the building of a new school a reality.  Moder ordered plans and began the building project in 1879, while Spath took over the project and led it to a successful completion.  A large, roomy, well-suited building, it brought pride to both the parishioners and the builders. [7]



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[1] Bittle, Celestine, “Three Flags, One Faith,” Catholic Herald.  “300 Years of Catholic History in Wisconsin, 1634-1934,” Wisconsin Catholic Publishing Co. (Milwaukee), 1934.

[2] Kathleen, Sister Mary, “Watertown, Wisconsin:  At The End of the Plank Road” (from unidentified source), 1964.

[3] School Sisters of Notre Dame archives.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Kathleen, Sister Mary, Op. Cit.

[6] La Boule, Father Joseph S., Op. Cit.

[7] La Boule, Father Joseph S., Op. Cit.