ebook History of Watertown, Wisconsin
Edward Racek
Edward Racek was a Bohemian who lived “in the city”. He was a merchant, a banker, and ran a construction business. He purchased the [Richard] Thauer home at 214 South Washington Street and one at 1009 North Fourth Street, where he lived for some time, as well as other houses. He did his business, according to what we read, “with most pleasing and profitable success”. [source]
[1905 note] E. Racek was born October 11th, 1846, in Polna, Austria, came with his parents to this country in 1851 and settled in Watertown, where he has ever since resided. Received his education in the schools of Watertown and Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College, Milwaukee; clerked in a mercantile store during the rebellion; served three years as teller in Wisconsin National Bank of Watertown when first organized; has been engaged in a general mercantile business since 1871; is also engaged in cement stone construction and production of crushed and building stone for the market from a quarry located at Richwood, Wis. In political life has served nine terms as alderman, representing the 3d ward, and two terms as mayor; was elected member of assembly in 1904.
A month or so ago a couple of peddling chaps came into this city having a very handsome hunting dog which they offered for sale. The animal being a very desirable one for a sportsman it was purchased for a good round sum by Mr. Ed. Racek. Mr. Racek was just beginning to realize some pleasure from the ownership of the dog, when the former owner from Burnett, Dodge Co., came along a few days ago, and claimed his dog. It appears that it had been stolen from him a short time before Mr. R. purchased it, and several other good dogs were taken from the same locality at the same time. Mr. Racek was too much of a gentleman to keep the dog under such circumstances, and gave him up to the proper owner. From the tracks these fellows leave behind them they are evidently making a business of dog-stealing, for they had scarcely perfected the sale with Mr. R., when one of our citizens missed a splendid dog, and the animal has not returned home yet. WR / Dogs And Early Days in Watertown
201 E Main, corner of Cole Block /
2015, Part of Lyons Irish Pub
03 20 RACEK
& MALDANER, Richwood stone quarry
The stone quarry on the Uehling farm near Richwood, owned by Racek & Maldaner, is about to begin operations. The necessary machinery to quarry and crush the stone was put in some time ago, and the Milwaukee road has just completed a spur track to the premises, so that now everything is in readiness to fill orders. It is said that the stone is of a very good quality and will be used extensively in street improvements. WR
1899 note
Richwood stone quarry [Racek
& Maldaner], used
in Watertown street construction
03 20 RACEK
& MALDANER, Richwood stone quarry
The stone quarry on the Uehling farm near Richwood, owned by Racek & Maldaner, is about to begin operations. The necessary machinery to quarry and crush the stone was put in some time ago, and the Milwaukee road has just completed a spur track to the premises, so that now everything is in readiness to fill orders. It is said that the stone is of a very good quality and will be used extensively in street improvements. WR
04 20 SEASON’S
The Richwood Crushed Stone Co. has already begun the season’s work. It has received an order of 14 cars of crushed stone from Minneska, Minn., and a very busy season is expected by the company. Edward Racek, of this city, is one of the owners of the quarry. WG
06 29 NIGHT
Messrs. Racek & Maldaner have put a night crew at their quarry at Richwood. This was found necessary to keep up with their orders. About 35 men are now employed at Richwood on this industry. WG
11 23 RACEK
The Richwood stone quarry operated by Racek & Maldaner, closed a very successful season this week, and will reopen next spring with every prospect of an even better success than that enjoyed this year. Some trouble has been experienced in getting labor, most of which was taken to and from this city every morning and evening by team. About 14 hands were employed throughout the season at good wages, and the next year the prospects are that the force will be greatly increased. WG
05 17 RACEK
& MALDANER, Richwood stone quarry
The stone quarry at Racek & Maleander at Richwood began spring operations this week with every prospect of a good season’s business. The C. M. & St. P. has already placed orders for a large amount of stone. The stone will be quarried eight feet deeper this year than heretofore, hence will be of a superior quality. WG
Edward Racek, who has the contract for macadamizing Washington Street, has a large force of men and teams at work on that street, and he is pushing the work with the energy of an old timer at the business, and is handling it in his usual methodical manner. Mr. Racek’s well known reputation of doing things right, insures for the residents of that street a first class piece
1908, Removed home from lot sold for Post Office
Edward Racek purchased the Congregational church building last week, and has removed it to his lots in Second Street, where he will have it fitted up as a double flat residence building. WG
Watertown Gazette, 01 25 1912
The people of Watertown were terribly shocked on Tuesday afternoon, January 23, 1912, when the news spread throughout the city that Ex-Mayor Edward Racek had died suddenly at his home in Washington Street, the cause of his death being apoplexy. Mr. Racek was seated at the family table partaking of the noon-day meal shortly after 1 o'clock, and his wife was called from the table for a few moments and on returning found him lifeless in his chair. She called a physician and some of the neighbors at once, but death had claimed him before their arrival.
Mr. Racek was one of Watertown's most enterprising and best known business men and always took great interest in public affairs, having filled many offices of public trust with ability, honesty and credit to himself and his constituents. He served his ward as alderman for many years, and the city as mayor in 1896-97. He was also a member of the state legislature one term, declining a re-election.
He was a native of Polna, Bohemia, where he was born October 11, 1847, and in 1853 he located with his parents in this city, where he has ever since resided. When a young lad he served an apprenticeship for the dry goods store of the late Robert and Henry S. Howell, and when 19 years of age served as teller in the Wisconsin National Bank, filling the position three years. Retiring from that position, he and his brother Theodore conducted a commission store two years. In 1871 he bought a half interest in the dry goods store of the late Jesse Moulton, and in 1872 bought Mr. Moulton's interest and too as his partner [and selected as his business associate?] one year later the late Robert Jones, the firm for many years being known as Racek & Jones, which retired from business several years ago.
Mr. Racek then engaged in the quarry business at Richwood in company with A. Maldaner, the firm name being Racek & Maldaner. He also was engaged in the street building and cement work for several years.
Every one who knew Mr. Racek was his friend, and although he was very set in his opinions, all respected his honest, frank way of doing business, and no one had a better reputation in the city for honesty of purpose than Mr. Racek.
He was twice married, his second wife and four children survive him, the children being Miss Helen and Ned Racek of California, Harold Racek of Cleveland and Jack Racek of this city. One sister, Mrs. Mary Maldaner of this city, survives him.
His funeral will be held from his late borne Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The interment will be in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Cross reference:
Racek, Edward: Home of, 1009 N Fourth
History of Watertown, Wisconsin