
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Fountain Drug


New Drug Store


06 30       Messrs. Fountain & Co. will open a drug store in this village about the first of August next.  If medicine will prevent it, we see not why the inhabitants of the Upper Rock River Country need in the future shake with the ague, or be troubled with any of the other “ills to which flesh is heir;" for in addition to the facilities about to be offered them to obtain that article, Mr. Johnson, one of the oldest druggists in the country, constantly keeps a good supply on hand.   WC





Watertown Chronicle, 07 07 1847


DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicine Wines, (pure! for medical uses only) Paints, Oils, Dye-stuff, Perfumery, etc., will open a store for the sale of above articles in WATERTOWN on or about the first of August next.


Physicians, Druggists, Merchants and all others interested, will please take notice that the subscribers are PRACTICAL MANUFACTURING APOTHECARIES, and will give their personal attention to business.  Their Drugs, Chemicals, etc., are carefully selected from the largest importing houses in the Atlantic cities, and being purchased for cash, can be sold at such prices as will




Prescriptions and medicines for family use put up with special care, and furnished at all hours, day or night, and no medicine will be sent from the store without being correctly and legibly labeled


Country merchants who deal in drugs and medicines will find it to their interest to give us a call, and we will save them the trouble and expense of going to Milwaukee.





1848, Louis Schulz, early druggist, employed by Fountain Durg?



Watertown Democrat, 11 24 1859




Watertown Democrat, 05 24 1860



04 12          Cash Paid for Rags

Printing paper exchanged for rags.  Wrapping paper exchanged for rags.  Stationery exchanged for rags.  Drugs and medicine exchanged for rags.  Paints and oils exchanged for rags.  Highest price paid for rags at Fountain’s Central Drug Store, Main Street bridge, W. C. Fountain, Druggist.   WD


05 24      

Dye Stuffs

For Sale At

Fountain’s Central Drug Store

Main Street Bridge

Alam, Annatts, Muriate of Tin, Blue Vitriol, Cochineal, Camwood, Cudbear, Fastic,

Cream of Tartar, Copperas, Extract of Logwood, Madder Prussiate of Potash,

Bi-chromate of Potash, Prussian Blue, Ore of Vitriol    WD


08 23       S. E. Curtiss, Photographic Artist; “rooms over Fountain’s Store, near the bridge, on Main Street.”   WD



03 21       Mr. W. C. Fountain has removed [moved] his drug establishment one door east from his old store, in the same block.  He has neatly fitted up his store and filled it with a large stock of drugs and medicines.   WD


1863      Civil War token, head and tail




03 17       William C. Fountain has just received a fresh supply of wall paper consisting of all styles and prices.    WD


08 25       To Ministers and Lawyers.  Constant use of the lungs surely injures them.  Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers can be carried in your pocket, neat, handy and soothing to the irritated lungs.  Try them.  25 cents a box, at W. C. Fountain.   WD



1866-67, Watertown City Directory, pg 23


Cross References:

1975?, Druggist and bookseller, 1866, 108 Main St, signage, right side of image, WHS_005_275   

1980s late, early 90's, Ghost sign for Fountain's Drug Store, WHS_006_976 

Dr. Edward Johnson, Watertown’s first druggist

    Watertown Historical Society Collection