
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


A. Buckland Griswold

1843- 1864

Death of Young Griswold

Watertown Democrat, 01 14 1864


We publish in another column the particulars of the recent railroad accident at Milton Junction on the 4th of January, 1864, which, among other fatal casualties, caused the sudden death of A. Buckland Griswold of this city.


He had just completed a holiday visit to his parents and friends here and started on his return to Chicago to resume the course of medical lectures he was attending in that city.  Arrived at Milton Junction, he remained seated in a car of the train, which stopped by the side of the engine that exploded with a force so terrific as to inflict such severe injuries on his head and person as to render his recovery impossible.


Immediately on receiving intelligence of his critical condition, his parents and relatives, accompanied by Dr. James Cody, hastened to his relief, but it was evident that all that could be done for him was to mitigate and alleviate his sufferings.  During some hours he was fully conscious, clearly comprehending his dangerous situation, and with remarkable presence of mind gave directions as to what should be done by those who tried to help him.  He sustained the distressing pain of his wounds and burns with unyielding fortitude, and after lingering till about 4 o‘clock in the afternoon, expired on Tuesday, the next day.


Mr. Griswold was a native of Connecticut, a son of Mrs. Walter Pease of this city, and twenty-one years of age.  With his parents, he came to Wisconsin some twelve years ago, and has been here most of that period since.  After pursuing a course of classical studies and graduating at the State University in Madison, he returned home.  Choosing the medical profession as a pursuit, he entered Dr. Cody’s office, and staying there about a year, engaged in preliminary studies, he repaired to Rush College at Chicago last October to avail himself of the benefits at that institution, and had already passed to the second class with marked credit, when his career was suddenly arrested.


Buried in Oak Hill cemetery 




Table of Contents 

History of Watertown, Wisconsin
