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Watertown Police Department website
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1900-1949 SECTION
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History of the
Watertown Police Department
Serving the
community since 1853
The Watertown Daily Times publishes an
article in which it says: "It is
openly charged by police officers and at least one justice of the peace in this
city that men who are sent to the county jail at Jefferson as tramps are in
some cases, it is alleged, allowed their liberty before the expiration of the
sentence imposed.” Sheriff Jaehnke, when
shown the above, denied the charge that he ever willingly allowed a tramp or
other person in his custody to leave the jail before the time for which he
sentenced expired. He said that it is
possible that one may have escaped from the stockade, as it is a difficult
matter to prevent one from securing his freedom if he so desires, but if so it was not with his consent. We know that Sheriff Jaehnke is endeavoring
to faithfully discharge the duties of his office, and when he made the above statement we believe it to be true. Jefferson Banner. WR
The trial of Henry Saum
and Edward Gruel, of this city, charged with assaulting Policeman Lucius
Bruegger on West Main Street, September 17, last, was begun in the circuit
court at Jefferson last Thursday.
Attorney C. H. Gardner appeared for the defendants, while the district
attorney prosecuted. A
number of witnesses from this city testified and the case went to the
jury Friday afternoon, a verdict of guilty being rendered. Judge Dunwiddie imposed a sentence of one
year in the state prison for each defendant, the 17th of September to be spent
in solitary confinement. The prisoners
were taken to Waupun yesterday. It will
be remembered that during the fracas of which this case was the outcome, a
companion of the sentenced men, Gustave Dumpke, was shot dead by Officer
Bruegger. The assault occurred while
Bruegger was in the pursuit of his duties and was apparently without
Saturday afternoon a young man, a stranger in these parts, entered the hardware store of Wm. Weber & Co. and
represented that he wanted to buy a bicycle.
He picked out the wheel he wanted and asked if he could try it before
completing the bargain to buy. He was
granted permission, mounted the wheel and rode
east. He did not return within a
reasonable time, and Mr. Weber notified the police. Chiefs Block informed the law officers of the
surrounding towns and then went to the Junction accompanied by Oscar Weber, and
got on a freight train going east, the train men of which agreed to slow up the
train if anyone riding a wheel was seen on the track ahead. When the train got about two miles this side
of Oconomowoc the engineer saw two men on the track, one of whom had a wheel;
the train was slowed up and Messrs. Block and Weber got off,
and found the fellow with the wheel was the one wanted. He gave his name as Harry Barnes and was
brought back to this city and placed in jail.
Monday morning he was taken before Justice
Stacy, District Attorney Rogers being present and prosecuting. He was bound over to the circuit court for
trial, his bonds being placed at $300.
Not being able to furnish bail, he was taken to the county jail. WG
Monday evening the police were called upon
to quell a disturbance near the Junction which was being carried on by four
tramps who were badly polluted with liquor. The tramps were very boisterous and
daring, and made matters extremely unpleasant to the
people of that vicinity. Chief Block and
Officer Bruegger responded to the call for help and upon arriving on the scene
found the “hoboes” all ready to fight for their
liberty. Nothing daunted, the minions of
the law warmed up to their task and in short order had two of the disturbers
who seemed particularly anxious to battle in complete subjection. The remaining two were also captured with the
aid of other police. Yesterday morning
the tramps were brought into justice court and given county jail
sentences. WR
Last Monday evening a tramp made things
quite lively on the west side for police officers. Officer Butzler ordered him out of town, and
refusing to go, he was taken in charge by the officer. At the corner of West Main and Montgomery
streets, without warnings or provocation, he struck
the officer in the mouth, inflicting an ugly cut, and then followed this up
with another punch in the face. Officer
Butzler thought it about time to retaliate,
and knocked foe fellow down. The
tramp then refused to go further, and Chief Block was sent for. His persuasive powers had no more effect on
his trampship than Butzler’s, and the unruly fellow was given a ride to foe
city jail in a wheelbarrow. On Tuesday
morning Justice Stacy sentenced him to 15 days in the county jail. Nine years ago our
officers had the same kind of trouble with the same tramp, and he did not visit
our city again until last week. Such
fellows deserve harsh treatment. Chief
Block says he is the most utterly ugly fellow that has ever visited our city. WG
01 07 Must Have Sleigh Bells
Notice is hereby given
the public that Section 5 of Ordinance 162 of the City of Watertown relating to
the placing of sleigh bells on horses or sleds will be enforced, as there is
danger when it is not complied with.
The section reads:
Section 5. No person shall drive any horse
before a sleigh or sled or other vehicle upon runners, upon or through any
streets, avenues or highways of the City of Watertown unless there shall be
sufficient numbered bells attached to the horses or such horse or other sleigh
or sled or other vehicle to warn persons of the approach of such horse and
vehicle, under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense, to be paid by the
driver, owner or person having charge.
H. C. Block Chief of Police.
Chief of Police Block, having been
informed that a man had been held up and robbed near Fond du Lac, was more than
ever alert and on the watch for suspicious characters, and on Saturday about
noon his attention was attracted to two strangers, apparently tramps, and he
deemed it advisable to learn something of their antecedents, and so he invited
them to accompany him to his office in the City Hall.
They went along quietly enough until near
their destination when one struck the Chief a hard blow in the face that
somewhat stunned him, meanwhile the other drew a revolver from an inside
pocket. As soon as the Chief saw the
revolver he grabbed and broke it so as to throw out
the cartridges. But that the assailant
meant to kill the officer is evident from the fact that pressing the revolver
almost against the person of the Chief he pulled the trigger several times but
fortunately the quick action of the latter in breaking the revolver saved his
The Chief called on the bystanders to
assist in the arresting the would-be murderer. Attorney W.
H. Woodard and Robert Kulen being at hand responded and the fellow was
secured and disarmed.
Meanwhile his comrade had sought to escape
by running north. Undersheriff O’Byne, of Jefferson, and others turned their attention to his
capture. The fugitive was finally found
in an out building near St Henry’s church and was brought back.
The prisoners gave their names as James
Francis and Edward Hays. Hays, Chief
Block’s assailant, was taken before Justice Stacy Saturday evening and was held
for assault with intent to commit murder and in default of bail was committed
to the county jail to await examination next Monday. His partner was sent up for ninety days in
the County Jail.
The coolness and prompt action of the
Chief undoubtedly saved his life. It was
a daring thing to do but was done promptly and successfully and he is entitled
to much credit for making the arrest.
The men were each armed with a 38-caliber revolver and had some
money. It Is known that one of the
parties is an old time criminal and has served a sentence in prison. The Watertown Republican, 17
May 1902
The following proclamation was issued
Saturday and the slot devices have disappeared.
The use and operation of slot machines and
all other forms of devices received and practices,
used for the purpose of playing games of chance for money or other property is
strictly prohibited in the city of Watertown.
The police of the city are hereby notified to enforce the law by seizing
or causing to be seized all forms of machines, implements and devices which may
be used in the playing of such games of chance and causes their destruction
according to law; and by prosecuting all persons playing such machines,
implements or other devices and those in whose charge such machines, implements
or other devices may be found, or who may be found to be the owners bear out.
Mayor. WRep
A farmer living near
the city came to the city Saturday and “tanked up” and in the afternoon when he
started for home lost his bearings and was driving his team upon the sidewalks
and trying to drive into residences.
Policeman Bruegger gathered him in and he was
detained until he was sober, escorted into court and informed that he must dig
up $1 and costs and then go straight home which he did. It was lucky for him that he was arrested,
for if he had not been, he and his team might have wound up on the railroad
track upon which he was driving when arrested.
He got off cheap and being a pretty good fellow, we will not mention his
name but caution him not to mix drinks hereafter. WR
10 22 DEATH
John Reichert, one of Watertown's best known and most esteemed
residents died suddenly last Sunday at his home, 1129 Third Street. While eating his supper he complained of a
choking sensation and died a moment afterwards in his wife’s arms. Deceased was born in Germany, January 15,
1837, and came to America in 1853, residing for two years in New York, he then
located at Fond du Lac in this state, and removed from there to this city in
1869, and has ever since made it his home.
He was an auctioneer by profession and was quite prominent here
in his younger days in politics, being city
marshal and deputy city marshal a number of times, and
was also chief of the fire department and founder of the hook and ladder
company. During the war of the rebellion he enlisted from Fond du
Lac August 15, 1862, in Co. E, 26th Wisconsin regiment, being discharged for
disability March 23m, 1863.
Jerry Butzler, the
policeman, found a “drunk” near the corner of Main and Third streets. He hunted up a patrol wagon consisting of one
wheel and two sighting rods and loaded his find and started for the city jail
down Main St. accompanied on his journey by a hundred or more interested spectators
who encouraged him on the way and spit in their hands whenever Jerry became
tired and great beads of perspiration trickled down his face. When he reached the jail, the patrol wagon,
being provided with an automatic dumping arrangement, the “drunk” dumped
himself upon the ground while Jerry was busy unlocking the door of the bastille
and endeavored to crawl away on his one leg and hands. The crowd aided him in the effort, but the
officer finally landed his man and is entitled to praise for his humanity, for
the “drunk” would have frozen had he not been taken care of by the officer.
Saturday afternoon, a
drunk and disorderly was waltzed up before Judge Henze by Chief of Police Block
who had given him lodging during the previous night. The complaint being read to him and it being
impossible for him to plead otherwise, he informed the court that he was
guilty, and thereupon the court fined him $1., the price of twenty beers, and
the costs, $5.45, one hundred and nine more beers, which are gone forever. He paid the fine and costs and departed a sad
and dry man.
Harry Kerwin, who is
not a Frenchman, as his name will not indicate, was introduced to Judge
Henze. He was charged with carrying
around more booze than was good for his system and good order,
and pleaded guilty. The court
informed him that he must dig up $6.45 fine and costs
or go down to the Jefferson county jail and break rock for five days. His appetite for intoxicants having absorbed
all his wealth he took the journey to Jefferson.
Monday forenoon a civil
case was disposed of, Mrs. Matilda Klein suing John
Altwardt for rent. C. A. Kading appeared
for the plaintiff and Skinner & Thauer for the defendant. After hearing the evidence of the parties interested,
the action was dismissed for the reason that the
contract was made on Sunday and consequently was void.
Wednesday of last week
Louis Brumm, of Hubbleton, was taken before Justice Henze on complaint
of Chas. Becker, a cigar manufacturer of this city, who claimed that Brumm
relieved him of $260 while he was in Hubbleton the day previous. Brumm confessed to Chief of Police Block
that he had taken the money and he accompanied Mr. Block to Hubbleton, where
they recovered $205 of the money. Brumm
claims another man took some money from Becker also. Brumm waived examination and Justice Henze
placed him under $200 bail, in default of which he was committed to the
Jefferson county jail for trial at the next term of the circuit court. Mr. Becker missed his train at Hubbleton on
the day he was relieved of his money, and had Brumm
drive him to his home in this city. He
did not miss the loss of money until next day. WG
Sunday evening a man by
the name of John Hoffmann, who was wanted by the Columbus police authorities
was picked up in this city by officer Butzler.
Upon being searched at police headquarters, there
was found on his person the sum of $63.25, four razors, two lady’s watch
chains, a lady’s gold watch, a pair of spectacles and a pair of gold cuff
buttons which he had taken from four residences, which he had burglarized in
the city of Columbus and then skidooed.
Yesterday, the chief of police of Columbus and a gentleman whose home
had been burglarized came to this city and identified a part of the things
found upon the person of Hoffmann and the Columbus chief of police took him
back to answer for his foolishness for breaking into houses and going to
Watertown to fall into the hands of officer Butzler who has his eyes open for
offenders against the law. The fellow
created a disturbance in a couple of saloons while in company with a negro and
during an altercation is said to have pulled a revolver which was taken away
from him by the negro. This is what is
said to have led to the arrest by Officer Butzler. Those who witnessed the trouble claim that it
was a case where the negro was the white man and the white man the
“nigger”. They claimed to be connected with the carnival.
The mayor means
business. The following proclamation was
issued Saturday and the slot devices have disappeared:
The use and operation
of slot machines and all other forms of devices received and practices,
used for the purpose of playing games of chance for money or other property is
strictly prohibited in the city of Watertown.
The police of the city are hereby notified to enforce the law by seizing
or causing to be seized all forms of machines, implements and devices which may
be used in the playing of such games of chance and causes their destruction
according to law; and by prosecuting all persons playing such machines,
implements or other devices and those in whose charge such machines, implements
or other devices may be found, or who may be found to be the owners bear out.
The “smooth
individual’’ who committed the robbery of poultry and seed at the farm of Henry
F. Achilles at an early hour Friday morning demonstrated the fact that he was
somewhat on the “sandpaper” order, despite the fact that
the robbery was quite cleverly planned and executed. The thief laid a snare for his own capture
and fell into the trap at Madison yesterday morning, when Chief of Police Block
placed the fellow under the strong arm of the law, as the party appeared at the
NorthWestern depot to claim the clover seed, which he had shipped from here the
previous day. Here was where the fellow
showed decidedly poor judgment. From the
description given of the man wanted, the chief found no difficulty in detecting
the much wanted individual. Chief Block returned yesterday afternoon with
Edward Williams, alias Fred Kock, who was arraigned in Justice Henze’s court
yesterday afternoon. The prisoner
apparently has a good stock of aliases, as in court he first gave a third name,
but later decided that it might be more convenient to disclaim it. The examination was adjourned to December
31st, and in default of $500 bail, the alleged chicken thief was remanded to
jail to await the time of explanation.
12 31 SUMMARY OF WORK OF POLICE FORCE for calendar year
following is a summary of the work performed during the year ending December
31, 1907, by the police force of this city.
Burglary . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Arrested on telegram instructions . . . 3
Drunks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 26
Larceny . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Assault and Battery . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 3
Abandonment . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 1
Forgery . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Non-Support . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 1
Arson . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 45
During the year, the
number of persons furnished lodging at the city jail was 89.
During the year the
city has been phenomenally free from crime and the police force alert and
active in preserving the peace and preventing the committing of violations of
the laws against person and property and each member of the force is entitled
to the thanks of the community.
The fact
that so large a number of unfortunates were provided
with lodging during the year demonstrates one of two conditions; either
tramping is a profession or that the times have been hard and many men out of
John Walitz of Shields
has learned by experience that it does not pay to talk back to an officer. The fellow was ushered into Justice Henze's
court yesterday afternoon, charged with recklessly driving a horse on Main
Street. Despite the
fact that Walitz was requested by chief of Police Block to stop, the
fellow disregarded the appeal and answered in an impertinent manner, whereupon
the chief concluded that it was time that patience ceased to be a virtue and
the “wise guy” was taken before the bar of justice with the result that he was
given a small fine. The chief “opened
his heart” and interceded to have the $5 fine remitted, not taking his own
fees, saving the party a good little sum.
Walitz showed that he was destitute of appreciation when he “read the
riot act” to Chief Block, after luckily escaping with only the justice costs.
Chief of Police: H. C. Block
Policemen: Lucius Bruegger,
Charles Pieritz,
Gerhardt Butzler,
Charles Kerr
Special Policemen: Carl Beduhn,
Bert W. Smith
The mayor should
suggest to the policemen on the night force, to get off of
Main Street occasionally to see what is going on in other parts of the
city. It is pleasant, of course, to walk
up and down the street and show themselves, but they should remember that but little crime is committed on Main Street. WLeader
Editor Gazette:
Complaints are being made that police officers are making use of their
authority to gratify personal spite or to "get even" for political
reasons. One or two officers in particular seem to have it in for certain parties and
never lose an opportunity to insult them.
Indeed, they seem to go out of their way in their efforts to provoke a
quarrel. They evidently take great
delight in sneering at persons of different political belief than themselves,
and in hurling low, cheap witticisms at them, which they perhaps read in the
comic supplements and try to pass off as original, while others are allowed to
loaf in doorways and on corners, undisturbed as long as
they wish. They appear to be under the protecting wing of these officers, and no doubt they are, since it was voters of this brand who had much to do
with electing the present administration.
It is indeed cowardly
for officers to shield themselves behind their stars so that people can give no
back talk to their insults. Such
officers generally hold office through political "pull" and are unfit
for the position.
When it is necessary to
censure persons for loitering, etc., it should be done in a gentlemanly
manner. For instance
the other evening a group of young men were standing in front of a candy store. One of the older policemen came along and said “They want you inside boys." The boys took the hint and moved along
laughing. The officer's words had no
sting or insult in them to provoke anger.
– A Minor WG
TIMES MIGHT TAKE OWN ADVICE Before "Rushing Into Print"
Editor Gazette:—The Daily Times of Saturday evening calls an
unsigned article in The Gazette
against members of the police force "cowardly," that it “cast odium
upon the whole department."
…………. The Times says "Of late it seems to
be the fad to discredit everybody connected with the conduct of city affairs,
and the police of course come in for their share." On the contrary, it seems to be the fad for
some of those connected with the city administration to insult everyone with
any claim to respectability, and the police can expect nothing else than to be
discredited if they follow the lead of some of their superiors. – A Minor.
On Tuesday Charles Kerr
resigned from the police force of this city.
He was appointed to the force about 26 years ago, and for a number of years was city marshal and head of the police
force, the office of chief then being designated as marshal. He was night patrolman for 16 years. During all his years in the service of the
city he was ever faithful to his duties and was popular with all classes of
citizens. He was faithful to his duties
and carried them out courageously and was regarded one of the very best police
officers this city has ever had. Our
people regret his resignation, but his wife has been in poor health for several
months past and she needs Mr. Kerr’s care at home.
Police officers' salaries hereafter will
be regulated upon the class in which they are placed. In accordance with a governing statute, four
classes of policemen were established by the ordinance as follows: Class A $900, Class B $720, Class C $660,
Class D $540. At present all patrolmen
are receiving $720 per year. WG
On March 1st Gerhard Butzler, who has been
for the past 13 years a member of the Watertown police
force, resigned from the force and he will in a short time move to Fond du Lac
to make his home with his daughters. Mr.
Butzler has suffered greatly for some time with an
affliction of one of his limbs and he finally decided to retire and take life
easy. Jerry was always a favorite on the
police force, and we believe did not have an enemy in the city. His many friends will regret his departure
from the city very much and all wish him happiness wherever he may reside in
the future. His place is being
temporarily filled by William Murphy, proprietor of the Belvidere Hotel. WG
At an adjourned meeting of the police and
fire commission held last week Herbert Weis was appointed on the police force,
adding another policeman to the present number.
He entered on his duties on June 14.
His hours of duty will be from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Charles Mulberger
was elected president of the board, and Frank W. McAdams secretary, Robert Dent
declining re-election.
Policeman Herbie Weis
evidently is the “right man in the right place.” Monday evening he
found a man prowling in the rear of Schempf Bros. store, who acted as if he was
endeavoring to effect an entrance to the store.
He was placed in the city lockup overnight and next morning Justice Rohr
gave him thirty days in the county jail.
The same evening
Policeman Weis rounded up a negro near the Junction. The colored gentleman used abusive language
to the policeman and refused to move on.
The officer took him in tow and was leading him to the city jail when
the fellow broke away from the officer and refused to halt even after the
officer fired after him to scare him. A
second shot from the officer, however, hit the fellow in the ball of the foot
and he is now receiving treatment at St. Mary’s Hospital. Herbie evidently is not afraid to go after
either white or colored criminals.
Wednesday afternoon a
hobo and railway detective got into an alteration at the Junction and the
police department was notified. Herbie
chartered an auto, made the Junction in double-quick time
and placed the hobo in the jail. Next
day he was given a term in the county jail.
Married. Herbert A. Weis and
Miss Marguerite S. Nabel of Madison were married at Waukegan, Ills., last
week Wednesday by Rev. Mr. Gangster at the Episcopal church. Clarence A. Schimmel and wife
of this city attended them. The groom is
one of Watertown’s popular policemen and his bride has been connected as a
pianist for some time with one of our moving
picture theatres. She is a most
excellent young lady and both she and her husband have the well wishes of all
our people in the life they have just entered.
They will make their home at the Washington House. WG
07 01 BARKER LUMBER FIRE, police presence at
3:40 am alarm turned in by Patrolman Arthur Doerr
Olympian Trail Bandits Thought Arrested
Police of Watertown Engage in Midnight
Revolver Fight with Three Desperados.
The three desperados
suspected of having held up and robbed the Olympian train of the Milwaukee Road
in Washington last week escaped from officials in Watertown early at 1 o’clock
Wednesday morning by keeping up an incessant fire from their automatic
Only the fortunate
failure of a cartridge to explode probably saved the life of Patrolman Arthur
Doerr and Lucius Bruegger of the Watertown force. With an automatic revolver leveled at their
heads, when taken by surprise, they would have been killed by the train
bandits. The shot failed to explore, but
the click of the trigger warned Doerr and he dropped
to the ground in darkness. Fully fifty
shots were exchanged in the fight that followed.
The Milwaukee police
were warned to be on the alert for the bandits and two suspects were arrested
early Wednesday morning. They were found
in a box car on an incoming rain. Chief Herman Block of Watertown and Patrolman
Doerr arrived in Milwaukee later in the day and saw the suspects in the central
police station. Block and Doerr were
unable to identify them.
The Milwaukee police
have every reason to believe that the men who tried to take the life of
Bruegger and Doerr are the same men who held up the train near the Pacific
Since the Olympian was
heId up, three men, who tally to the description of the train robbers, have
been working their way east, robbing station agents and citizens along the way
in a manner which showed them to be desperate and dangerous. Three stations west of Madison were ransacked
in the past two nights.
In Portage early
Tuesday night a citizen was held up and robbed, and
according to word received here two patrolmen in that city tried to arrest the
armed robbers. Instead
the officers were backed up against a barn and were disarmed of their weapons
and released by their captors under threat of being murdered if they gave any
alarm before the robbers would escape.
The police in Portage
wired to Watertown, requesting that all incoming trains be searched. Patrolmen Doerr, Bruegger and Weis and C. D.
Lapham, night operator at the Junction, went to search a freight train which
had arrived. They found the quarry in
the first car. Not knowing that the men
were in the car, Doerr took his flashlight and in the illumination saw the
three men.
“What are you doing
here?” he asked. Without saying a word,
one of the suspects drew an automatic revolver and pressed it against the nose
of the officer. A click of the trigger
followed, but there was no explosion of the cartridge.
Doerr dropped to the
ground to save himself. The suspects
jumped back into the boxcar, while Doerr began firing at them until his
revolver was empty. The suspects, every
time the officer fired, answered the shots and bullets went over the officer’s
head, but none of them found their mark.
Officers Bruegger and
Weis took a hand in the game and a running fire of revolver play ensued. The operator agent and Officer Weis followed
one of the suspects along the track, but the suspect held them at bay by
frequent shots from his revolver and escaped.
“I have learned my
lesson,” said Doerr this morning. “Next
time I will be better armed and have enough shots with me.”
Doerr attributes the
escape of the train robbers to the fact that they were better armed and
provided with several rounds of ammunition.
At noon on Wednesday the police department
of this city received word from Johnson Creek that a man had sought surgical
aid there and that a bullet had been removed from the fleshy part of his
arm. He was brought here in the
afternoon and Officer Weis identified him as the man who shot at Lapham. The fellow claims he was in the railroad
yards at the time of the gun play between Watertown police force and the bandits, but was not one of them. He says he was working his way to Chicago
from the harvest fields of South Dakota.
Says he would be
willing to apply the lash on some offenders
The special meeting of the
Watertown city council was enlivened last Tuesday evening by Alderman Glatzel,
who expressed regret that Watertown does not maintain a public whipping post.
He even selected the
exact spot he wanted it located — in front of city hall.
Mr. Glatzel, in his
enthusiasm for the establishment of the flogging pillar, even offered to donate
his service free to the city if he could be appointed the official wielder of
the “cat ’o nine tails.”
The incident which
inspired Alderman Glatzel to his speech was the fact that one of his
constituents started to “rough house” his home.
The story goes that a Sixth ward citizen in a frenzy beat his wife,
leaving evidences on her face of violent handling,
after which a policeman was called in.
When the officer arrived the wife protested an arrest, saying her husband was
sleeping, and did not think arrest would serve any good purpose. The officer acceded to her request and left
the husband peacefully sleeping.
The alderman did not
feel that justice had been properly handled and felt that he would be justified
in making the arrest himself in order to jail the
Mayor Kading felt that, inasmuch as the wife
requested the officer not to make the arrest, probably all interests had been
fairly served by not stacking up court costs, and this ended the whipping post
incident in the council. The Watertown Weekly Leader, 21
Dec 1915
Following the action of
the police and fire commission in passing a resolution prohibiting the Chief of
Police to leave the city without consent of either the president or secretary
of the commission, Chief of Police Herman C. Block tendered
his resignation. This action was
taken by Mr. Block as he could not see his way clear
to the proper exercise of his duties if restrictions were to be enforced similar to the one adopted by the police and fire
commission. Chief Block was a member of
the Watertown police department 23 years and was at
the head of the department for 21 years.
1916 Rules and
Board of Police and
Fire Commissioners
Regarding Watertown
Police and Fire Departments
City of Watertown
Selected portions of Rules and Regulations: Adopted
July 3, 1916.
Sec. 959-45. 1. The
Chief of Police and the Chief of the Fire Department shall hold their
respective offices during good behavior, subject, however, to suspension or
removal as herein provided, at any time for cause. In suspending a chief officer the board may act on its own initiative or upon
written charges made by any qualified elector of said city and filed with the
president of the board. Pending the investigation of any such charges, the
board may, in its discretion, suspend any such chief officer . . .
Sec. 959-45. 2. Every
other officer or member of either department shall be subject to suspension,
for cause, by the chief of the department or by said board. If suspension is
made by the chief officer he shall immediately report
the same with the cause of such suspension to the president of the board, and
the board shall thereupon proceed to examine the charges against such suspended
person, giving him an opportunity to be heard in his defense. After hearing the
evidence the board shall determine whether said
charges are sustained . . . Riedl, Ken, Watertown Fire Department: 1858-2007,
2007, pg 194
Police and fire commissions date back to a time, more
than a century ago, when the Wisconsin Legislature enacted a measure
establishing such commissions as municipal bodies. Recognizing the critical role of police
officers and firefighters in assuring the public's safety, the Legislature
believed that by creating an independent body, one that no political party
could come to dominate, the selection and removal of police officers and fire
fighters would be insulated from the vagaries of partisan politics.
When Commissions Must Be Created: Under Wisconsin law, cities with a population
of 4,000 or more must create police and fire commissions. Cities with a
population of under 4,000 may, by ordinance, create a police and fire
commission, but are not required to do so. (Section 62.13(2), Wisconsin Statutes.)
Villages are treated differently under state law and in a manner that is
sometimes confusing. Riedl, Ken, Watertown Fire Department: 1858-2007,
2007, pg 428
CHARLES PIERITZ: Chief from Dec. 1, 1916 to his retirement in Dec. 31, 1930.
There is no
question but what a patrol wagon for the use of the policy department is a
needed requirement, and some sort of vehicle should be provided if better
service is of any consequence, as we believe it is in this age of rapid
transportation. At present when a call
for the police comes from a remote part of the city the officer is compelled to
walk, which requires considerable time and in many cases
defeats the end sought and required of that official. It is claimed that in cities smaller than
Watertown a police patrol is maintained.
An automobile is a popular vehicle and is one which would meet the
requirements and can be purchased at a small cost; it seems that the investment should be made. Watertown
The record of the
police department for 1917 shows a total of 119 arrests, of which 38 were sent
to jail. The police answered 152 phone
calls and found 44 doors unlocked in the business district at night. The lodgers enumerated were mostly credited
to the winter months of a year ago, as tramps have been scarce in this section the past six months.
Arrests during year —
Lodgers — 634
Doors found open — 44
Phone calls — 152
Fines paid — 81
Sent to jail — 38. > > 01 02 1918
William Grossert joins dept, substitute officer
Indian enthusiasts
gathered in the store of Schmutzler & Schlueter last night to welcome the first
1918 Powerplus to arrive in this city.
The new machine had been ordered by the city of Watertown for the use of
the motorcycle policeman. The agency had
a busy time of it, the doors being closed only at a late hour, in order not to
disappoint the late comers and to give all hands a chance to study the machine
to their satisfaction.
The new model is a
classy machine in all respects, being strong, light
and durable. It is a government model and is painted a khaki color. The machine is fitted with electric lighting
and an electric signal. The current for
the lamps and horn is furnished by a battery, kept charged by a neat and
inconspicuous generator mounted in front of the motor. This electric generator is driven directly
from the motor by a wire belt which runs in a casing. All parts are thoroughly
weatherproof and operate without attention from the rider.
The headlight is fitted with a powerful main bulb and a small pilot bulb,
the latter being for use in city riding, where a strong light is
undesirable. The horn can be regulated
in sound, being amply powerful for any kind of traffic conditions or soft enough
to give a pleasant warning at close quarters.
The Watertown News, 01 09
reference: Link to online photo of 1918 Powerplus
11 C. A.
Charles A. Gamm today tendered
his resignation as a member of the Police and Fire Commission. He gave as a reason that he expects to be
absent from the city considerably owing to poor health. His term expires in 1922. His successor will be appointed by Mayor
Mulberger and under the rule will be a republican in politics. Confirmation by the council is
necessary. Mr. Gamm was appointed a
member of the commission when it was first organized, by Mayor H. G. Grube, and
has served continuously since.
All German aliens over
14 years of age in the city of Watertown must register with the Chief of Police
at the city hall between February 4, 1918 and up to and including February 9,
1918. The office will be open between
the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. each day.
Failure to register
will mean arrest and possible confinement during the war, and in severe cases,
deportation from the country after the war.
And it is made the duty of every American citizen to notify the Chief of
Police of any alien that he knows so that proper registration can be made. Any person born in Germany who has not taken
out his full second papers is an alien enemy.
Notice to the above
effect has been received from the United States marshal’s office at Madison by
Chief of
Police. The Watertown News, January 18,
Unless the police and
fire commission and city council grants an increase in
pay to the present police patrolmen they will tender their resignations. This in effect the action taken at a meeting
of the four patrolmen held on Thursday, and their action was conveyed to the
police and fire commission and the city council in communications sent to those
bodies today.
The men who have signed
the petition are Officers Bruegger, Doerr, Rutz and Zimmermann, and they ask
that their pay be raised to three dollars a day, little enough they claim under
present conditions and a rate of wage which common labor is receiving. They ask that the council take
action at its first meeting, and a reasonable time will be given the
city in which to fill their places, provided the council refuses their request.
At present they are receiving
$2.50 a day, which they consider altogether too small in these days of high cost of living.
The Watertown
November 18, 1918
Mr. Charles Pieritz,
Chief of Police,
Dear Sir: In view of
the recurrence of epidemic influenza in a serious form, the Department of
Health, acting under instructions from the State Board of Health, has found it
necessary to institute the following measures in order to
prevent its further spread:
All schools and
churches in the city must be closed.
All theatres, movies,
pool rooms, bowling alleys and other places of amusement must be closed.
All public meetings of
any character are prohibited.
All funerals must be
Saloons to be open from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m., and no free lunch to
be served.
No loitering or
congregating in saloons or on the streets.
Will you kindly see
that above regulations are strictly enforced at once
until further notice.
Very truly yours,
C. J. Habhegger,
Health Commissioner.
William Grossert given rank of patrolman
At the city council
meeting the matter of spending $225 for a police signal system was voted
on. The police signal system is
necessary, Alderman Gruetzmacher stated, because the present system, whereby
the mushroom lights are used, cannot be relied upon due to the snow which often
covers them. Under the new plan, red
lights will be suspended from the trolley wires at the intersection of West
Main and Church streets and West Main and Water streets and on Main Street at
First, Third, Fifth and Eighth streets.
The signal system will be operated from a switch at the city hall. When calls come for police at night and the
officers are out on the street the lights are turned on and give the signal
that they are to report at the city hall.
11 15 Police Flivver Patrol
is Wrecked in Crash
Watertown's flivver
[slang for an automobile] police patrol was wrecked at 1:30 a. m. Sunday at the
intersection of Third and Milwaukee streets when it collided with a touring car
and trailer carrying Harold Menning and members of his orchestra from Appleton
who were enroute from Fort Atkinson where they had played at a dance.
In the police car at
the time of the accident were Captain Michael Bolger and Officer William
Grossert who were making their nightly rounds in that part of the city.
The Appleton car was
not badly damaged. The police car
received a damaged radiator and a broken fender and light. Captain Bolger escaped without a scratch but Officer Grossert was bruised about the
head. The damage to the patrol was
repaired Sunday and Sunday evening the flivver was back on the job.
11 18 HERMAN C. BLOCK, 1860-1926
Herman C. Block, former
chief of police here, died of a heart attack at his home, 117 North Washington
Street, at 10:20 o'clock Thursday night.
Mr. Block's death was sudden and came unexpected. He had not been feeling well for several
months but was not confined to his home and during the day yesterday he was up
and about the city and when he retired last night there was no indication that
death was near.
Mr. Block was appointed
to the police department as a night man on May 1, 1893 and was elected chief of
police on May 1, 1895 and served as chief until his resignation on December 1,
1916 when he accepted a position with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Mr. Block was born in
Germany on July 31, 1860 and came to Watertown at the age of 9 years. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William
Block and he made his home in Watertown ever since
coming to this city.
On March 26, 1883 he
married Miss Ida Krebs of this city. She
survives him as do one daughter and three sons, Mrs. F. W. Borth of Milwaukee,
George C. Block, William H. Block and Fred W. Block of Milwaukee. There are six grandchildren and Mr. Block is
also survived by three sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Frank Steffen, Mrs.
Albert Guetzlaff of Watertown, Mrs. Fred Borth who resides four miles north of
Watertown, John Block and Charles Block of Watertown and Albert Block of
Mr. Block was a member
of the Masons, the Plattdeutscher Verein and of the Wisconsin Association of
Police Chiefs.
The death of Herman C.
Block removes a well-known citizen and one of the best-known police officials
in Wisconsin. In Watertown where he was
so well known the news of his death will be learned with deepest regret by his
many. warm friends, who knew him for a man of fine character with a kindly
nature which was exercised many times during his long career as a police
officer and chief of police. Although
with full authority to act as he saw fit in cases which called for police intervention he was always the peacemaker and used his good
offices to keep people out of the courts.
But he was [always] the police official when crime was involved and
relentlessly pursued the criminal with an unerring judgment which brought him
to justice.
A few years ago he resigned as chief of police and entered the employ of
the Milwaukee road where he became lieutenant of police and proved to be a most
valuable and able official who held the confidence and respect of his superiors
who always found in him a dependable man and one who could be thoroughly relied
upon. He died in the harness with the
consciousness of duty well performed.
The funeral will be
held on Sunday afternoon with services at the home at 2:30 o'clock, the Rev.
William E. Berger officiating. Services
at the grave will be under Masonic auspices.
Interment is to be in Oak Hill
1927 DEPARTMENT consisted
of H. A. Weis,
A. J. Doerr, Arthur Glaser, William Grossert, H. Rutz, and W. Zimmermann. Seated: Chief of Police C. H. Pieritz, and Assistant
Chief M. H. Bolger.
Watertown’s new police patrol,
purchased through the C. H. Tidd Co., arrived in the city
was placed on exhibition at the City Hall.
The council consigned the patrol to quarters that are being prepared for
it in the basement by the committee on public buildings.
Opposition to placing the
patrol in the basement, at the extreme northwest end of the building, has
arisen and protests were launched in the council by some aldermen who said that
a more convenient place should be secured.
It was decided, however, to continue the plans as undertaken by the
committee on public buildings and give the basement quarters a trial. Remodeling of the place, the city engineer
said, is not costly, and he said he felt the plan will work out alright.
Captain Bolger, in charge of
the night police force, said that it was up to the council to decide where the
patrol is to be housed, but he said that in his estimation, and in the
estimation of some other officials, the basement quarters are in an out of the
way place.
“The police patrol should be
just as handy and ready for service as are the fire trucks,” he said. “When people call the police, especially at
night they want quick service and at time there will be delay in getting the
patrol from its quarters, especially if the alleyways about the building are
covered with snow or coated with ice. At
times, I venture to say, it will be wholly impossible to get out with the
machine. We have had experience along
this line and even with the Ford car we used so long it was impossible at times
to mount the hill.
It must be remembered that there is no chance of getting a start from
the bottom end of the city hall, because the incline starts at once.”
Must Be Quartered
It was pointed out that the new
machine is one that will not be allowed to stand out in any kind of weather,
ready for use when needed as was the old car, but that it must be quartered
between calls for its use.
The police get far more calls
at night than people are aware of and the patrol goes
out time after time and even the slightest delay at times will result in
protest from the public requiring the services of officers.
The city engineer said that he
was operating under the orders of the committee on public buildings and had no
voice in the matter, but that he felt the plans of the committee would work out
Following the suggestion of
Alderman Stacy, the new patrol will be kept ready at all times and is to be
oiled, cleaned and maintained in serviceable condition by a member of the fire
department whose duty it will be to see that the car is fit for use whenever required by
the police. Present plans are to turn
this work over to Emil Luther, janitor of the city and a member of the fire
department. The service will be paid for
in addition to the regular salary received by him.
A test was to be made this
afternoon of the patrol in an effort to find out how
the proposed new quarters will serve the convenience of drivers. It was to be conducted by members of the
department under the direction of Joseph M. Solon of the C. H. Tidd Co. who
negotiated the deal for the purchase of the vehicle with the city. WDT
Charles Pieritz, Chief of
Police for 35 years, was suspended for 30 days without pay by the police and
fire commission for non-performance of duties.
His suspension will begin Aug 10.
Capt. Michael Bolger named acting chief. Milw Jour
Retirement of Chief Pieritz.
(obit mistakenly gave 1932 as year of
Pieritz was succeeded by Quest on Jan. 1, 1931.
Mr. Quest was a retired Milwaukee police officer and his tenure here
resulted in a complete overhauling of the Police Department, bringing it up to
a new high standard and organization. He
was stricken with a heart attack and died on June 11, 1944.
Reports that the board of police and fire
commissioners had reached a decision on the two new policemen who are to be
appointed to the department were denied today and it will be at least another
week before the examinations are completed and the board makes its
decision. The examinations by Dr. F. C.
Haney, city commissioner of health, have not been completed. The reports on the Wassermann tests made
Monday are due from Madison and after they are received the balance of the
physical examinations will be made. At
least another week will be required before a decision can be reached.
Mayor Lutovsky today vetoed the city
council's resolution calling for the purchase of a new Indian motorcycle for
the police department. The resolution
was adopted last week by a vote of 8 to 4. The mayor vetoed the resolution because the
procedure of purchase was held illegal.
Bids were not advertised for as provided by law
when the amount involved exceeds $500.
The mayor said he had no alternative but to veto the measure. The question of legality
of the council's action was raised several days ago and the mayor asked an
opinion. The city attorney held the
measure was illegal. The mayor’s veto
will he presented to the council at its next meeting,
together with his message.
Chief of Police Puts
Stop to One Man Campaign Drive
It didn't take Chief of Police
Albert N. Quest long Saturday evening to break up a campaign fund for the “Lone
Star Mission” which a solicitor for the mission was carrying on here, after he
got word over the telephone that a religions racketeer was in the city begging
funds for the mission.
The chief was sitting in his
office with a reporter Saturday evening when he received a telephone call from
Theo. Koerner of the Kopp & Koerner hardware store that a man who claimed
to be a solicitor for the Lone Star Mission was operating in that section. Mr. Koerner said he was suspicious of the
man, since he could show no permit and asked the chief to investigate. This he did.
At the corner of North Second and
Madison streets, the chief halted while a familiar figure shuffled up. He carried a tray on which was a card and
$1.50 in change which he had collected from mission-minded Christians along the
street. The chief stopped him. He questioned him about his credentials, but
all he could show was a printed card giving the name of The Lone Star Mission. The chief eyed him and then said:
“You don’t remember me, do you,
old timer? But I remember you. You’ve worked this racket in Milwaukee, but
you can’t work it here. Mission work is
alright, but not when fellows like you come around to collect funds. And right now we
have in this city enough work to be done by people who are charitably inclined
and we don't want outsiders like you butting in. especially when you have no
permit to operate here. Do you want me
to pick you up and have you get 90 days for soliciting on our streets without a
permit, or do you want to get out of town quietly?"
By this time the face of the
chief had become familiar to the solicitor and he
recognized him as a former Milwaukee officer.
But the chief had recognized him the minute he shuffled up with his
tray. The man agreed to leave town. He pocketed his cash and promised not to
solicit here in the future.
The chief went back to bis
office. Mr. Koerner went back to his
store. The one man
campaign committee went to his hotel to pick up an extra pair of sox and his
toothbrush with only one thought in mind—to get out of town as fast as he
could. WDTimes
Harley motorcycle operated by Officer Raymond Brier. Attempted to capture Rock River Sea Monster.
Police this
afternoon started a drive against hobo camps located in
the “jungles” along the Milwaukee and North Western railroad tracks,
following complaints that an unusually large number of men were making their
headquarters there, doing their cooking and establishing sleeping
quarters. A number of
police left the city hall in a car shortly before 2 o’clock to open the
drive. They will order as many men as
possible out of the city, it is said.
The police were equipped with tear gas in case of trouble and were
prepared to bring the leaders to jail if necessary.
“jungles” have long been the favorite hangout for hobo hordes and a drive is
carried on every so often to rid the place of the most undesirable types. Complaints about tramps becoming abusive when
begging food and clothing have been coming in to
police lately and in neighborhoods which never before
were visited by tramps are reporting them in recent weeks. WDTimes, 09 02 1933
Police Justice
This city is
no longer a municipality with a police force to arrest violators of ordinances
but no place to try the cases of the offenders.
The peculiar status of a city without a police
justice and advisability of immediate action was stressed at the council
meeting by City Atty. Harold Hartwig, with the result that the office of police
justice was created. Previously all
cases were tried by justices of the peace but a recent opinion by the attorney
general relative to the legality of such practice in third class cities left
Watertown without a court in which to try violators of ordinances. Milw
Department Report
for 1934: Chief Quest and eight
officers. The daytime detail consists of
Sergeant Zimmerman, in charge, and Officer Weiss. The night detail is in
charge of Capt. Grossest, night chief, and Sergeant Doerr, in charge of
the night street patrol. The night
patrol consists of the following four officers, Glaser, Novotny, Viogt, and
Brier. A patrol car has been
furnished the department to facilitate its work.
Ports in windshield and shields mounted on
Zimmermann, William Voss [murderer], Harry O'Brien, Harold Dakin
The enormous
crowds which the city entertained during the festivities could not have been
handled as they were without an efficiently organized and directed police force
and special police assistants. It is to
the credit of the department that the traffic was handled to
ably and that the enormous throngs of people were taken care of without mishap
and in so orderly a manner. Chief of
Police Albert N. Quest today acknowledged the help and cooperation of the
departments of Sheriff Joseph T. Lange and Walter Buschkopf and the fireman and
other special officers, including American Legion members who assisted in
police duty. He also took occasion to
thank the public for its cooperation in reducing traffic hazards and traffic
tie-ups and for the general cooperation which the department received.
CARS. Car on right believed to be a 1938 or 39 Plymouth
Park, today municipal bldg. Hartig Brewery in
business men are still-neglecting the matter of
locking the doors of their stores at night: . . . Nearly every night members of the police department in making their rounds in the business section
come across doors that are unlocked after the last person in the business
places have gone home. . . . In some cases the
keys are left in the door, some business men being either that careless or so
forgetful. WDT
Joined department in 1916; one of the first
motorcycle policemen.
Watertown has the oldest police auxiliary group in the state. The Watertown Police Reserve, originally known
as the Watertown Auxiliary Police group, has been ongoing consecutively from
1942. The Milwaukee Police Auxiliary is
the next oldest organization, having been formed after World War II. The American Legion was founded in 1919 and
since there was no group to give the veterans of World War I military honors, a
firing squad was started to provide the duty.
The squad was composed of members that could easily get away from work
for funerals. WDT
The Watertown Auxiliary Police force,
not to be confused with the Watertown
Special Police, was formed in 1942 as a Civil Defense Corps during World
War II under the direction of a County Defense Chairman. The primary function of the organization at
that time was to assist residents in the event of an attack by a foreign
country. Upon conclusion of World War
II, then Police Chief Theodore Voigt asked the group to become an Auxiliary
Police squadron. The group became the
Watertown Auxiliary Police and have been assisting
sworn officers at special events and major incidents demanding prolonged law
enforcement services ever since. Riedl, Ken, Watertown Fire Department: 1858-2007,
2007, pg 87
WEIS (d.1946)
First Watertown policeman to ride a motorcycle
Joined Department in June of 1914
Sergt. Herbert A. Weis,
702 Western Avenue, will retire from the Watertown police department.
He submitted his
resignation to Chief of Police Albert N. Quest today. He has been eligible for retirement for some
time and will receive a police pension.
In point of service,
Sergt. Weis is one of the veterans of the department here, having joined the
force on June 14, 1914. He has served
under three police chiefs, the late Herman C. Block, the late Charles Pieritz and the present chief of police. He was named
sergeant two years ago upon recommendation of Chief Quest.
Sergt. Weis was the
first Watertown policeman to ride a motorcycle.
In fact, when he joined the department he
bought his first machine, later selling it to the city under an arrangement
that was worked out at that time.
(N.B. Harley motorcycle operated
by Officer Brier noted in 1930s section)
Chief Quest said today
that he had accepted the Weis resignation with regret, but that it was no
surprise to him, because the sergeant had talked over his plans with him
several days ago and had announced his intention of retiring from the
department several times in the past year or so. Nevertheless, the chief said, when he was
handed the resignation today he was reluctant to
accept it.
"Sergeant Weis has
been an asset to this department and has turned in good work. His record over the years speaks for itself,”
the chief said. "I don’t think
there is a man on the department who has had so many friends among the children
of the city as has Herb Weis. They are
going to miss him. He has served as an
escort for school children on dangerous crossings for years and hundreds of
children came to know him and like him.
He has had the respect of the men on .his
department and has been a most co-operative worker. We are losing a mighty good man and we hate
to see him go. I know every man on the
department joins me in this expression and that they also join me in wishing
him years of good health and happiness.”
07 17 JOHN BENTHEIMER joins force
01 01 WILLIAM GROSSERT, retirement of
Captain William Grossert
Retired from Force
01 04 THEODORE VOIGT, succeeded Grossert
Promoted sergeant to captain, succeeding
William Grossert, retired. Former U.S.
Marine in charge of the night force.
06 12 ALBERT QUEST, 1885-1944
Funeral services for
Albert Quest, Chief of Police, who died on Sunday at St. Mary’s hospital, will
be held at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at St. Henry’s church. A former detective with the Milwaukee police
force, Quest accepted the post of Watertown chief in 1932 and reorganized the
local force. He was born in
Jefferson. Milw Jour
ISFELDT, appointed patrolman
Hilbert C. Eisfeldt,
Watertown’s newest police officer. He
was appointed to the position of patrolman by the board of police and fire
commissioners at a recent meeting to fill one of the vacancies in the
department (deceased
1966). Two vacancies still exist,
one due to the retirement of Captain William Grossert last Jan. 1 and the other
due to the death of Chief of Police Albert N. Quest, whose office has been
assigned to Theodore C. Voigt, former police captain. A third vacancy on the department is of a
temporary nature, due to the leave of absence granted Clarence Daily who is now
serving in the United States navy.
Eisfeldt was the last man on the eligible list for appointment. Officials say it is virtually impossible to establish a new eligible list at this time, due to war-time conditions and selective
service which makes men of minimum police age eligible for induction.
Chief Theodore C. Voigt
took over his duties on July 1, 1944.
The chief rose from the ranks of the Police Department. A former member of the U. S. Marine Corps,
Voigt, joined the department in 1932, serving as patrolman until 1939. On March 25, 1939 he was named sergeant and
served in that capacity until Jan. 3, 1944, when he became captain, succeeding
Capt. William Grossert when the latter retired from the department.
On Sept. 20, 1950 Voigt
was named a special agent of the FBI and was granted a leave of absence by the
city council to accept the position. He
served until July of 1953 when his service with the FBI terminated
and he returned to his duties as chief.
During his absence
Herbert Vehlow served as acting Chief of Police. Since Voigt's return, Vehlow has held the
rank of police inspector.
Under Chief Quest and
Chief Voigt the department has made its greatest
strides toward modern police methods.
Its men have attended special schools for police training, some of them
conducted by the FBI. It has modernized
its equipment, a police radio system has been installed and modern
fingerprinting, photography and modern filing systems have been
introduced. The old police patrol was
abandoned with the advent of the modern automobile and now the department uses
squad cars and motorcycles in its work.
Through radio the department is in constant touch with sheriff's
departments and police authorities in other cities.
10 31
Herbert W. Tessman [l] and Wilbur F. Wollin
[r], began their duties November 1. Both
were veterans of World War II and were appointed to their new positions
following examinations. Tessman was a
platoon sergeant in the U. S. Marines and saw duty in the Pacific; Wollin was a
lieutenant in the Army and served in Europe.
The two men replaced George Helmke who resigned and Arthur Glaser who
had recently retired from the department.
Exterior view
of old City Hall. When one walked in the
main entrance of City Hall the police department was straight ahead. A door to the Fire Department was off the
right. The jail was on the first floor,
behind the police dept. Originally
consisted of 3 cells, but later on was used for
storage. Stairway
to left upon entering led to offices of mayor, city clerk and city treasurer
located on second floor. City nurse and
Army and Navy recruiter were on third floor. . . .
01 09
Gordon Gerth,
23, son of Alderman and Mrs. Herman Gerth [*], took over his duties as
patrolman with the local police department.
Officer Gerth was a graduate of the Watertown
High School, where he played football, and attended Ripon College for two
years. WDT Chapter on
Gordon Gerth
[*] Herman Gerth: 1956,
Last Man’s Club, Company E; 1958, G B Lewis 25 year club; member of Auxiliary Police in
01 10 Herbert Weis,
Said to be first Watertown policeman to ride a motorcycle; it was his
own. (Harley motorcycle operated by
Officer Brier noted in 1930s section)
Believed to be Herbert Weiss. Year
Braunschweig on motorcycle
Palmer Freres,
Raymond Berg, Edward Hoppe, Melvin Wendt
Clarence Tessmann
joined the department on July 1, 1947.
11 07 ARTHUR GLASER, 1888-1949
Birth: Mar. 4, 1888, Death: Nov. 6, 1949, Note: Pfc 325 Guard & Fir Co QWC WW I
Known for uncanny ability to remember license plate numbers that had been
relayed in reports seeking the recovery of stolen cars. Policeman for 22 years, retiring in
1945. Worked in the plant of the
Brandt-Dent Co. before joining the department.
WDT obit includes picture at time of
retirement. Burial in Oak Hill
Cemetery, Plot: Sec 11
Rudolph Hoermann (Renata nee Mueller) had one son, Harold Mueller,
who was killed in an automobile accident (c.1920) at the age of ten years. Following this the city put policemen on all
corners near the schools for the lad was returning home from school when struck
by the machine causing his death.
1842-1899 section Other Segments
History of Watertown, Wisconsin