
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin

Miscellaneous set


Glazed Brick Walks

Watertown Republican, 06 12 1900


Albert Koci, street commissioner of Jefferson, and other officials of that place, recently inspected the glazed brick walks here and were so favorably impressed with their durability and appearance that they will recommend building them in Jefferson.  There the construction of sidewalks is under the direction of the municipal authorities, .the city meeting half of the cost.


LaFollette Tactics

Watertown Republican, 06 05 1900


Evidently Mr. LaFollette intends to pursue different tactics this year than those which marked his two preceding efforts to secure the gubernatorial nomination.  He evinces a desire to be on friendly terms with his opponents and much of the bitterness formerly exhibited by him and his supporters will find no place in the present campaign.  This is the proper spirit.  Had “Bob” always acted in this way issues would no doubt have been better for him.


A Terrible Explosive

Watertown Republican, 06 16 1900


A retired artillery officer of the Belgian army has invited a number of officers and engineers to an exhibition at Antwerp of an invention he contends will revolutionize warfare.  The inventor, a Mr. Reuling says that his invention is so deadly that the army against which it is directed will be entirely destroyed in a few minutes.  It’s a species of bomb, loaded with a terrible explosive, the name of which the inventor has not yet divulged.  He has promised to give incontestable proof of the destructive powers of the invention before experts.


Adlai Ewing Stevenson

Watertown Gazette, 07 13 1900


Although the nomination of Adlai Ewing Stevenson was not anticipated by many, here is a peculiar appropriateness in calling out for a leader in the present struggle for the reassertion of American principles a man who made his first political fight against the heresy of no-nothingism.  Though but a boy at the time, not having attained his majority, his eloquent protests against the proscriptive and un- American policy won him many lasting friends in his district.  The same broad American spirit that made him the true champion of America, the hope of the oppressed of all nations at that time, makes him a fitting champion now of keeping America distinct in character from its older nations whose people have been attracted to us.


Political Situation in this State

Watertown Gazette, 07 13 1900


The republicans are somewhat alarmed over the political situation in this state, caused by what one of their leading papers called “the ominous silence among the Germans.”  The imperialist plunge of the administration does not rest easy on the German mind.  The “silence” of the Germans is declared to resemble the situation at the outset of the campaign over the Bennett school law of some years ago, which drove the Germans in a body to the democrats and carried the state against the republicans.


Tour of the Horicon Marsh

Watertown Republican, 06 12 1900


G. Fred Schwarz, a government expert from the United States Forestry department at Washington, was here last week and in company with Judge Bachhuber made an investigating tour of the Horicon marsh.  The government officials object was to ascertain from personal investigations the causes of the diminution of the water supply of Rock river.  He took photographs of several points in the big marsh and vicinity which would be used to illustrate his report to the department.  The government is paying much attention to the future supply of water in the Rock river valley.  The official has traveled all over the Rock river this spring in pursuit of information on the subject.


First Horseless Carriage Long Distance Trip

in Wisconsin passed through Watertown


Watertown Republican, 06 12 1900


Profs. R. W. Wood and Joseph Jastrow of the state university made a trip by automobile from Madison to Milwaukee last Friday, returning on Saturday.  Their route both ways took them through this city, and thus Watertown was given its first opportunity of seeing the horseless carriage— the most modern means of locomotion.  The professors’ conveyance was a Stanley locomobile, steam being used for the motive power and gasoline for fuel.  The outward journey of eighty-five miles was made in five hours and thirty minutes, actual running time, which is considered very good. 


The only accident marring the trip occurred near this city – the packing of the chest blew out, which, however, was soon supplied by stripping off the rubber from the carriage step and fitting it into position.  So far as known this run is the first long-distance trip made by automobile in the state.


Cross Reference:

The Locomobile Company of America was an automobile manufacturer founded in 1899. For the first two years it was located in Watertown, Massachusetts, but production was transferred to Bridgeport, Connecticut, during 1900, where it remained until the company's demise in 1929. The company manufactured affordable, small steam cars until 1903, then production switched entirely to internal combustion-powered luxury automobiles. Locomobile was taken over in 1922 by Durant Motors and went out of business in 1929. The cars were always sold under the brand name Locomobile.



Miss Meta Werner

Watertown Gazette, 07 13 1900


Miss Meta Werner has been granted a diploma in stenography, which she studied for the last year at the Academy of Our Lady, Chicago.  In the office of the Smith-Premier Typewriter Co., Chicago, she passed a successful examination, and received a most flattering endorsement for her ability in that line.


Brought in by a band of gypsies

Watertown Republican, 06 19 1900


On fair day a man about 30 years of age, supposed to be of unsound mind, was brought into town by a band of gypsies, and given in charge of the police.  He had visited the gypsies’ camp and was without hat or shoes.  From the little information obtained from him it was learned that his name is Peter Franzen and his home in Minnesota.  While confined in the lockup he became violent and was with difficulty subdued, after which he was locked in a cell by himself.  Wednesday he was taken to Jefferson to be examined as to his sanity.


Bill Sizer's Find

Watertown Gazette, 04 08 1915


On April Fool’s Day, last Thursday, a pocket book laid on the sidewalk for several hours in front of a Main street business house and many a person going by looked at it and smiled and others gave it a kick and passed on, but not so with Bill Sizer.  Bill says he can see clean through a pocket book if it has money in it — he has a regular X-ray eye — so he says, but others think differently.  He picked up the pocket book, however, and passed it over to Mrs. Reinhold Schott, requesting her to open it and count the money.  When opened all concerned were certainly “April fooled,” for it contained $20 in greenbacks and a certificate of deposit for a large amount of money in favor of Pat Lyons of Clyman.  Pat shortly appeared on the scene, claimed his property, gave Mrs. Schott a dollar bill for her honesty and “Bill” a two dollar bill for his good eye sight.


Brinkman Dairy


The Brinkman Dairy was located on Third St. in Watertown and was in operation from the 1920s through the end of WWII.  Their milk boxes, for home delivery, were painted with a large diamond shape and the name of the firm around the edges.  They also issued milk glass salt and pepper shakers as advertising gimmicks.


Miss Zayda Weber

Watertown Gazette, 04 08 1915


Miss Zayda Weber, the charming little lady of Watertown, Wis., who has won a place in the hearts of local theatre-goers by her dancing and who has been dancing to the delight of thousands in Chicago during the past ten months, returned with her mother, Mrs. Emidoe Weber, to their Watertown home last week.  Although she will enjoy a well-earned rest till the season opens in the fall, the Lyric theatre of this city will seek her services soon.  Miss Weber is a general favorite in Chicago and has been in great demand to entertain theatregoers there.  Local people who saw her at the Lyric about a year ago and in Chicago this fall say that she has made wonderful improvement in the art of dancing.  She has been under the tutelage of Madame Jung of the Chicago Musical Academy.— Ft. Atkinson Union.


Drivers of Sprinkling Wagons

Watertown Gazette, 05 25 1900


Drivers of sprinkling wagons should be more careful when taking water from hydrants.  In some places where they take water from the hydrants they allow the water to flood the street, making pools of mud and breeding places for all kinds of insects.

IMAGE:  Capture85.jpg


1919 Profile of Watertown


Population, 10,000. An incorporated city on the line of Jefferson and Dodge counties, five of its seven wards being in the former and the other two in the latter county.  It is located on Rock river, which furnishes fine water power, and is a station on the C. M. & St. P. Ry. and the C. & N. W. Ry. (depots 500 yards apart), 14 miles north of Jefferson, the judicial seat, 44 east of Madison. It is also on the Milwaukee Electric Ry. & Light Co. line, connecting it with Milwaukee. It has 2 flouring mills, brewery, malt house, machine and boiler manufactory, an automatic cashier factory, extension table slide factory, gas and electric lighting fixture factory, brush factory, 2 shoe factories, a paper box factory, apiarists’ supply factories, gas and electric light and power plant, supplies factory, a cutlery, cigar factories, large milk condensing plant and other industries giving evidence of the prosperity of the city. Churches of the Adventist, Baptist, Catholic, Christian Scientist, Congregational, Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal, Lutheran, Evangelical, Moravian and Welsh Methodist denominations, a high and 3 ward schools, thoroughly equipped with modern appliances for the comfort, health, convenience and educational advantage of the children of the city, supplemented by 5 parochial schools, the Sacred Heart College under control of the Fathers of the Holy Cross, and the Northwestern College, a Lutheran institution. Watertown is located in a rich agricultural region. The city is lighted by gas and electricity, has well organized fire department with a station on each side of the river; police department, a thorough system of sewerage, water works, well paved and shaded streets, local and long distance telephone facilities, a hospital, an opera house and 3 smaller theatres, an ably-edited daily newspaper, the Watertown Times, 2 weekly and 1 tri-weekly newspapers, a free public library and 4 banks. Telegraph, express and telephone connection.


Polk’s Wisconsin State Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1919-1920


Ripon College

Watertown Democrat, 04 27 1865


This is a young institution but is already a vigorous and flourishing one and deserves to be better known to the people of this vicinity.  Ripon is one of the most pleasant places in the state.  The college has two three-story buildings in a commanding and beautiful location.


The institution has both preparatory and collegiate departments and students of both sexes are educated together.  They may enter at any stage of preparation, beginning where they leave off at the public schools.  The faculty consists of three male and three female instructors, besides teachers in music and drawing.


The expenses are very low, board $2 a week, and tuition and other expenses lower than in most institutions of a similar character.


Petroleum Wells in Watertown

Oil Drilling

Watertown Democrat, 05 18 1865


Watertown Petroleum Company – We understand that preliminary steps have been taken to organize a petroleum company in this city.  The movement is in the hands of several active and enterprising business men.  We hope they will “strike oil” the first time and get rich.


Watertown Democrat, 06 01 1865


Petroleum Wells – Parties who have recently been “prospecting” in this city and vicinity inform us they have discovered the most favorable indications that oil exists here.  And why should not this be so, if oil wells are found all around us?  We learn that experiments will be made in sinking wells here shortly.  Already agents are around trying to lease the lands where the signs are best.  We should not be surprised if the oil fever raged here before long.  We hope all the adventurers will succeed, but we rather suspect that in the end the losers will outnumber the winners ten to one.  This is about the proportion even in Pennsylvania, where oil is most surely found.



Watertown Democrat, 05 18 1865


Last week this region of the country was visited with a gentle, warm and copious shower, which continued to pour down nearly a whole day and night.  Its effect on vegetation has been marvelous and beneficent.  The forests and fields now wear a brighter and more beautiful appearance.  Everything seems to have taken a fresh start and is growing with wonderful vigor and rapidity.  The fruit trees are thickly covered with blossoms and the present now promises to be a highly favorable year for fruit of all kinds.  Both winter and spring wheat are looking remarkably well.  If no reverses come over them, a heavy and splendid grain crop will be harvested this summer.  Most of the corn is already planted and we are told it is coming up finely.  On the whole, the farmers have cheering prospects before them


W. H. Clark

Watertown Democrat, 05 18 1865


It is a well-known fact that real estate is cheaper in Watertown than any other city of its size in the Union.  This will not last always and he is a wise and prudent man who provides a home while he can.


Still, as ever wishing to benefit the public, I am going to sell at half its real value ten acres within forty rods of the Milwaukee & Watertown depot, in lots to suit purchasers.


Four lots on Clyman Street are now for sale.  The best resident property in the city.


Who wants a single lumber wagon, nearly new?  I have got one for sale.


– W. H. Clark.


1863 Harvest

Watertown Democrat, 08 27 1863


The harvest in this region is now about over and the grain well secured.  The crops, both in quantity and quality, will fully average those usually raised.  The fact that a much greater breadth of land was sowed in this state the past season renders it pretty certain there is more wheat today in Wisconsin than there ever was before.  Good prices are all that is wanting to reward the farmers for their labor.  The other crops growing are promising finely and fruit, corn and potatoes will be abundant, good and cheap.


Schools at Waterloo

Watertown Democrat, 08 27 1863


The Waterloo Village School, I am free to say, is second to no mixed school in the county.  I have watched the success of this school with peculiar interest, fearing that the establishment in the village of the Waterloo Academy and the Waterloo Institute – both well calculated to draw, more or less, upon the public schools – would detract from the high character which it had acquired, under the able and thorough discipline of Mr. Squire, who, for several terms had taught the school with unequalled success.  But I am glad to be able to say, through the action of an efficient board and the enlightened appreciation of the people, the character of the school has for the most part been sustained.  – Alonzo Wing, Supt. Schools, Jefferson County.



Watertown Democrat, 08 13 1863


Among a large variety of fine green fruit now to be found at F. P. Brook’s establishment are watermelons, fully ripe, of great size and very choice.  By the way, we notice that the best apples yet brought here for sale this season have been Wisconsin grown and raised in this vicinity.  The yield of fruit has never been better than it promises to be this year.  With proper care this will be a profitable fruit growing state.


Liggett and Myers Tobacco CO.



Watertown Daily Times, 04 11 1965


The tobacco leaf warehouse of the Liggett and Myers Tobacco Company, located at 314 South First Street, will be closed eventually, and the tobacco stored here will be housed in expanded facilities to be constructed at Stoughton, which is in the center of the tobacco growing area.  The company plans have been made known by Fred W. Kehl, manager of the Watertown leaf department.  Kehl, and his wife, Josephine, who reside at 829 Richards Avenue, will move to Stoughton in the near future.  Plans do not call for the immediate abandonment of the local facility.  It is expected, Kehl said, that the change will be gradual, and that up to three years may pass before the local warehouse no longer will be used.


D. T. Lindley

Watertown Democrat, 08 13 1863


COMMON COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.  Ald. Dennis, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported in favor of allowing the account of D. T. Lindley, $30.50, for printing and binding city order books.  Report adopted, account allowed and the Clerk directed to issue an order for the amount on the city general fund.


Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Piper

Married Fifty Years.

Watertown Gazette, 02 25 1915


Nearly fifty friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Piper, Long Beach, Cal., gathered at the home of their son, Bruce, in Kenosha Friday night to celebrate with the aged couple their golden wedding anniversary.


The home was beautifully decorated with jonquils and daffodils, the color scheme being entirely yellow.  Many presents were received by the couple.


Mr. Piper, while born in New York, lived in this state for over half a century.  With his father he ran a general store in Pipersville for over half a century, and was also postmaster during that time.  He was elected to the legislature in 1882 from Jefferson county.  He retired from business in 1900, since then residing with Mrs. Piper, who was Julia Burns of Pipersville, in California.


The four surviving children were present at the reunion. They are Myron Piper, Milwaukee; Bruce Piper, Kenosha; Asa Piper of Galveston, Tex., and Mrs. Herbert M. Haskell of Long Beach.


Lots for Sale

Watertown Gazette, 02 18 1915


Two good lots, North East corner of Lafayette and Monroe streets [313 S Monroe].  Terms reasonable.  City sewer on both streets.  Apply at Gazette office.



Wood Choppers Wanted

Watertown Democrat, 12 03 1863


Mr. A. J. Snell advertises in this paper for a large number of wood choppers, to whom he can give steady employment, at good wages, during the winter.  Those wanting work have now a good opportunity to get it.


Bishop & Son

Watertown Democrat, 02 01 1865  


New Picture Gallery.  Messrs. Bishop & Son have recently established a new picture gallery in this city and are now ready to furnish all who desire them with photographs in the highest style of the art.  The pictures they take, in beauty, finish and fidelity, are equal to those found anywhere and must give the most entire satisfaction.  They understand their art thoroughly and never fail to please.




Paper from Corn Husks and Leaves

Watertown Democrat, 02 01 1865


To Farmers.  A company organizing for the purpose of manufacturing paper from corn husks and leaves desires information as to the amount of these articles that can be delivered at railroad stations and steamboat landings, packed in bales, during the months of March and April.  Here is an opportunity for farmers to find a profitable market for articles heretofore of comparatively little value.


The Chinch Bug

Watertown Democrat, 07 14 1864 


Chintz [chinch] Bug – Farmers in this vicinity are pretty generally complaining of the ravages of the chintz bug in spring wheat.  Some fields are alive with this pestilent and destructive insect and there is no doubt that they are doing much injury to the already short and damaged crop. 


Destruction of Chinch Bugs

Watertown Democrat, 02 01 1865  


We learn that Mr. H. B. Hawley of Milford, Jefferson County, has nearly ready for publication his work on the new means he has discovered and practiced of destroying the chinch bug, now so destructive of the grain crops in the west.  We understand he has explained his method to a number of the most extensive and intelligent farmers in the state and they all, without exception, express the opinion that he has hit upon a plan both practical and effectual.  If this is so, a general knowledge of his system is of great importance and its adoption will be an immense benefit to the wide region annually visited by the ravages of this insect.  At all events, it would seem to be worth knowing and trying.


John Driscoll

Watertown Republican, 01 02 1895


John Driscoll, aged about 55 years, was sentenced by Justice Stacy on last Friday morning to serve fifteen days in the county jail.  And thereby hangs a tale.  Thursday morning he was found by the section men on the St. Paul road near the Junction with both feet frozen, he having laid out all night in the cold.  The chief of police was notified of the man’s condition and an effort was made to have him sent to the county house at Jefferson, but this, the district poor master said, was out of the question, as the place was already overcrowded.  It was then suggested that Driscoll be taken to some Milwaukee hospital for care, but this plan was also not feasible.  Meanwhile, the unfortunate man remained, without any medical aid all day Thursday in the round house at the Junction, where the section men had brought him, until Thursday evening, when he was confined in the police station.  As a last recourse he was sentenced as a vagrant to the county jail.


Charles Gilman Letter

Watertown Democrat, 02 01 1865  


From the Plains.  Mr. E. Gilman of this city has shown us a letter just received from his son, Charles Gilman, now at Denver, Colorado, from which we are permitted to copy the following paragraph:


“There are more Indian troubles on the plains.  After Col. Chivington attacked and cleaned out a large band of them, killing about 500 of the murderers, he was called to Washington to be court marshalled and now the Indians have full sway over the route.  I have talked with Fred Willard, the driver of the stage when it was attacked last Thursday by about 800 Indians at Julesburg.  They pressed the stage so hard that the passengers had to spring out, cut loose and run at the top of their speed to get clear, leaving all the Government funds on board, amounting to nearly three millions of dollars, all of which the Indians took away.  I cannot come down to the river and you had better stay where you are at present.”


Pickle Warehouse

Watertown Republican, 02 27 1895


F. Roth of Milwaukee, proprietor of the pickle warehouse at the St. Paul depot, contemplates the erection, the coming season, of a refrigerator for making and storing sauerkraut.  Mr. Roth would then purchase large quantities cabbages here, and farmers are urged to grow them more extensively.  It is said the profit per acre amounts to about $80.


Two Prisoners Escape

Watertown Republican, 12 12 1894


Monday night two prisoners at the county jail at Jefferson made their escape.  They were Patrick Lynch, who was sent up from this city last Saturday to await trial before the circuit court on a charge of obtaining money by false pretenses, and James Sears, who was serving six months’ sentence for an attempted criminal assault, having been convicted at the September term of court.  The escape was made by passing through an opening two feet long by seven inches wide beneath the floor, the opening being covered by an iron grate, which they removed.  Under the floor a large hole was dug and a wagon load of dirt removed in order to get under the wall.  A piece of lath and a small piece of hoop iron were the only tools used.


The work was evidently done for the most part by Sears, as Lynch was in jail only since Monday noon.  There is no clue yet to the fugitives.


Watertown as a Desirable Shopping Place

Watertown Republican, 11 28 1894


Watertown is acquiring an enviable reputation as a desirable shopping place where people come from the surrounding smaller cities, all due, no doubt, to the legitimate business methods of most of our merchants and to sensible advertising.


And now there is a clothing war among our merchants, all caused by the advent of a transient firm.  The dealers seem to be having lots of fun, with a display of numerous gaudily-painted signs, and one even offers a plump turkey with every purchase amounting to $15.


George Ziemer

Watertown Gazette, 11 12 1914


Farmer Injured.   George Ziemer, a farmer who was moving to a farm on the West Road, while driving on Second Street last week, fell from his wagon and one of his shoulders was broken and also his skull cracked.  He was taken to St. Mary’s hospital, where he is being treated by Dr. Ralph Kayson.  The wagon on which he was seated was loaded with stove wood, and one of the wheels it is thought caught in the street car tracks, causing the accident.  He is 40 years of age and has a wife and six children.  It is thought his injuries will not prove fatal.


Larry Wallace Barber Shop

Watertown Daily Times, 07 17,1962


When Friday the 13th rolls around tomorrow one man in Watertown will consider it not a day of the jinx but a day of luck as far as he is concerned.


That man is Larry Wallace who operates a barber shop at No. 1027 North Fourth Street, in the VFW Club building.  It was just 16 years ago tomorrow that Mr. Wallace threw open the doors of his shop at that location, despite the fact that most of his friends kept telling him he was making a mistake to locate “way out there.”  One old friend told him, “You’re nuts opening a barber shop out in the sticks.”  He persisted in his plans, went ahead and opened the shop.


Slot Machines

Watertown Gazette, 05 25 1900


All slot machines and gambling devices have been ordered to be discontinued in this city by the mayor, and all who have been operating them have obeyed his order.


Jas. P. McGolrick

Watertown Gazette, 05 25 1900


While Jas. P. McGolrick was out riding last Monday evening his horse became frightened at a locomotive near Milford Street crossing and shied to one side breaking one of the shafts of the buggy.  Mr. McGolrick got out of the buggy to tie up the shaft, when the horse started on a run and threw the buggy against an electric light pole, smashing everything buts the wheels.  The horse and Mr. McGolrick escaped injury.


Homing Pigeons

Watertown Republican, 05 29 1900


Five baskets of homing pigeons belonging to a club at Green Bay were liberated at the rear of the city hall Sunday morning by C. A. Judd, agent of the American Express company.  After circling about for a few minutes most of the birds started on their homeward course.


First Annual Convention and Bundesfest

The German Military societies of Wisconsin.

Watertown Republican, 06 18 1900


For the past two days Watertown has been alive with sturdy looking Germans attired in the uniform of the Fatherland’s soldiery who came here to attend the first annual convention and bundesfest of the German Military societies of Wisconsin.  In honor of the event the city was dressed in holiday attire, the buildings along Main Street being adorned with flags and bunting and several residences showing a like manner of respect.  On Sunday, the opening day of the fest, excursion trains on both the Milwaukee and Northwestern roads brought a stream of visitors to the town, the number including not alone the veterans organizations, but many pleasure seekers.  Each excursion party was met at the depot by the Sinnisippi band and a detail from the Watertown Krieger and escorted to Turner house, which was the headquarters.  Nearly every German Military society in the state was represented at the fest and in point of attendance the gathering was a great success.

= more relating to the above =

Watertown Republican, 06 19 1900


Sunday night four delegates to the German veterans' convention occupying a double room at the Commercial hotel blew out the gas and retired, perfectly oblivious of the danger from asphyxiation.  Luckily their carelessness was discovered in time to save them, the hotel people smelling the escaping gas and, gaining entrance to the room, aroused the slumbereas. (sic)


Macadamizing Washington Street

Watertown Republican, 05 29 1900


The board of public works received but one bid on the proposed macadamizing and improving of Washington Street, and that was offered by ex-Alderman Henry C. Mayer.  It seems strange that no outside contractors should compete, as the job ought to be a good thing for parties looking for such sort of work.  Action on the single bid was postponed for a few days.


Mr. Mayer in his proposal agreed to use either Milwaukee or Utica cement . . . . According to the computations of the City Engineer Stanchfield the approximate cost of the improvement to the property owners affected will be, under this bid, $2.32 per lineal foot on either side of the street.  The total length of the street to be macadamized, extending from West Main to West streets, is 1,960 feet and the total frontage on each side and including the street intersections is 3,330 feet.


Holz GMC

Watertown Daily Times, 07 01 1985


Nick Petros, owner of Petros Oldsmobile, Cadillac, GMC, Inc of Watertown since 1980, has sold the south side car dealership to car sales veteran Jerome Holz.  The Watertown dealership, located at 1717 Utah Street, will be the second one for Holz, 57, who also operates Holz Motors in Hales Comers.  Petros will continue to own the dealership property, he said, but Holz has signed a long-term lease for its use.  The Holz Hales Comers’ dealership dates back to 1914 when it opened under the ownership of Holz’s father, Rudolph.  During the first year of operations, the business sold exactly seven cars. Last year, Holz sold 1,338 new cars and 1,012 used vehicles.


Collapse of 515-517 Main St.

Watertown Republican, 06 12 1900


Saturday afternoon while workmen were engaged in raising the double frame store building at 515-517 Main Street, owned by Ulrich Habhegger and occupied by Theodore Lotz as a saloon and dwelling, the structure suddenly collapsed, resulting in its total demolition.  The middle portion caved in and the sides bulged out, the fact being at once evident that it was beyond repaired.  One would have supposed from a glimpse of the wreck that a cyclone or earthquake had visited the locality.  The work of raising the building preparatory to remodeling it was being done under the direction of contractor C. Huenefeld . . . . Mr. Huenefeld ascribes the cave-in to faulty construction in the second story.  Luckily when the accident happened the workmen were all outside . . . . The building was an old one, having been moved from another location over thirty years ago.  It will probably be replaced with a new brick structure.


1899-1900 Watertown City Dir lists Fred Kowalski, 515-515 Main, Saloon


Miss Esther Goetsch Injured

Watertown Republican, 08 15 1900


Miss Esther Goetsch, daughter of Wm. Goetsch, of the town of Ixonia, while driving a horse on Main Street, last Saturday, was seriously injured.  The horse started to run at a furious rate and slipped on the brick paving near Third Street, the sudden stop throwing Miss Goetsch out of the buggy, and by the fall she was very seriously injured about the head and face.  Blood flowed freely from her ear, and for a time it was thought she was fatally injured.  She was taken to the home of Chas. Goetsch in this city, and medical aid summoned.  Dr. Shinnick, who has been attending her, says she is getting along nicely and will be all right in a short time.


Ward’s Candles and Gift Shop Sold

Watertown Daily Times, 11 01 1964


Ward’s Candles and Gift Shop, 300 Main Street, has been acquired by Mr. and Mrs. John Himrich of Selby, S.D.  The new owners are now operating the business under Himrich’s Card°s, Candles and Gift Shop.  A wide line of gift cards, candles and gifts will continue to be offered at the store.  Himrich is a graduate of the University of South Dakota.  His wife, Helen, attended Huron, S.D., College at Huron, S.D., and has taught school for four years.


First Long-Distance Trip made by Automobile in the State

Stanley Locomobile

Watertown Republican, 06 12 1900


Profs. R. W. Wood and Joseph Jastrow, of the state university, made a trip by automobile from Madison to Milwaukee last Friday, returning on Saturday.  Their route both ways took them through this city, and,thus Watertown was given its first opportunity of seeing the horseless carriage — the most modern means of locomotion.  The professors' conveyance was a Stanley locomobile, steam being used for the motive power and gasoline for fuel.  The outward journey of eighty-five miles was made in five hours and thirty minutes, actual running time, which is considered very good.  The only accident marring the trip occurred near this city, was the packing of the chest blew out, which, however, was soon supplied by stripping off the rubber from the carriage step and fitting it into position.  So far as known this run is the first long-distance trip made by automobile in the state.


Macadamizing and Improving Washington Street

Watertown Republican, 06 12 1900


The work of macadamizing and improving Washington Street is not to be done at present, this decision having been arrived at by the common council at its regular meeting last Tuesday evening.  The board of public works was directed to proceed with the paving of the square at the intersection of West Main and Montgomery streets, with material owned by the city and at an estimated costs of $180.


Cracking and Rifling of Safes

Watertown Republican, 06 12 1900


Last Tuesday night two bungling attempts at cracking and rifling safes were made in the city by parties who evidently were not well skilled in such undertakings.  The first place visited was Theodore Huber’s lumber office at Clyman and Fourth streets, and failing of success there the would-be thieves proceeded to the flouring mill office of R. P. Koenig & Co. on First Street, where their efforts were also futile.  In each instance the combination lock was hammered and the door pried with a chisel, but to no avail.  The tools used were secured from the shops of the E. Kunert Manufacturing company.  Considerable damage was done to the safes, but otherwise no loss was reported from either case.


Charles Meyer Escaped

Watertown Republican, 12 19 1894


Monday noon Charles Meyer escaped from the county jail at Jefferson, where he was confined pending examination for an alleged attempt at highway robbery in this city last Thursday night.  He was lodged in a cell on the lower corridor with another prisoner, and when the turnkey brought them their dinner the latter was granted permission to get some water from the well in the corridor.  The cell door was left open and the turnkey passed on to the upper corridor to feed the prisoners there.  With nothing to interfere Meyer boldly walked out of the open cell and has since made good his escape.  It was no doubt a pre-concerted arrangement by the two prisoners.  The turnkey's sensed of duty seems to be handicapped by a large degree of negligence.


Watertown:  Popular Resort for Criminals

Watertown Republican, 12 19 1894


Watertown seems at present to be a very popular resort for criminals of most any class.  Hardly an evening passes but what reports are made of old tramps holding up citizens and demanding their money or other possessions, but thus far no very material losses have followed.  Last Thursday evening in the bright moonlight two unusually bold exploits on the west side are reported.  About eight o’clock someone entered the home of William Wurtwzler, on Washington Street, and stole an overcoat and a loaded revolver, which was in one of the pockets.  None of the family was home except the little girl, Mr. Wurtzler being engaged in his duties of the night force at the Empire mill and Mrs. Wurtzler being absent at the neighbor's.  Later in the evening Charles Meyer, living at Fond du Lac, and somewhat known here, was arrested by the police for complicity in the affair and also for an alleged attempt at highway robbery.


Eugene Killian Robbed

Watertown Republican, 12 19 1894


Saturday evening last, as the freight train, due in Juneau at 8:30 P.M. from the south, was leaving Watertown, a gang of tramps concealed in a box car, seized Eugene Killian, a resident of Watertown, pulled him into the car, and robbed him of what money he had, a dollar and eighty-five cents, and his overcoat.


Mr. Killian was unable to make his escape until the train reached Clyman when he jumped out of the car and at once telegraphed to Juneau to have the tramps arrested.  City Marshal Warner and Constable Roefeler searched the train to no avail.  The conductor, however, informed them that four tramps had got off the train about a half-mile south of the station.  The officers started down the track and soon arrested them.  The next day the overcoat was found hidden in Bilke’s marsh.


On Tuesday Mr. Killian was up and identified his assailants and their examination was held before Justice End who bound them over to the circuit court in the sum of $300 each, which they were unable to furnish.  They gave their names as "Pat" Burns, John Quinn, Jas. Bennet and "Jim" Williams.


Ernst A. Kehr

Watertown Republican, 12 26 1894


Ernst A. Kehr, a former Watertown boy, now of the law firm of McVicker & Kehr, of Milwaukee, was in town Monday on a mission as council for R. J. Wilson, the Milwaukee sewer builder whose contract with the board of public works to construct some sewerage in this city failed of ratification by the common council.  Mr. Kehr left a communication in the city clerk's office, addressed to the council, in which is presented Mr. Wilson's claim against the city of Watertown for "work done, expenses incurred, time lost and materials furnished."  The amount desired is $727.19.  The matter will come before the next meeting of the council.


Ice on the River


Watertown Republican, 01 02 1895


The ice on the river has been in excellent condition for a week past and the young people have turned out en masse to enjoy the fine skating.


Attempted Boodlery

Watertown Republican, 01 02 1895


Pursuant to appointment, the special committee of the common council appointed to investigate the charge of attempted boodlery by Alderman E. A. Heck met last Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the council chamber . . .  The first party placed on the stand was Mr. Wilson, who upon being asked by the committee to sustain his charge, made the following statement:  "On a certain morning, while on the way to St. Paul depot, on or near the corner of Sixth and Clyman streets, I happened to meet Mr. Heck, while putting in a house drain.  We had talked of different matters, and finally, when leaving, Mr. Heck made the proposition that for the sum of $200 he would be quiet.”


This referred to the matter Mr. Wilson’s contract for sewerage then pending before the council, which, was subsequent rejected . . . His principal statements were in exact contradiction to those of Alderman Heck, who was later sworn and strenuously denied having ever made any such proposition as his accuser claims . . . The case seems to stand about as it did on the evening the charges were openly made by Mr. Wilson on the council floor, and the testimony as given is perhaps not very satisfactory or convincing.  After sitting three hours the committee adjourned to Saturday evening, when the evidence was reviewed and the form of the report to be given the council at its next meeting was decided upon.


After adjournment on Wednesday, Mr. Wilson was served with a summons by Deputy Sheriff Krebs, signed by Mr. Gardner as attorney, to appear within twenty days from the date of service before the circuit court and defend himself in an action brought by Mr. Heck.  A suit for slander, it is supposed, will be the culmination.

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Watertown Republican, 01 09 1895


After the matter hanging fire for several weeks, Alderman E. A. Heck, of the Second ward, has met with exoneration by his colleagues of the common council as to the charge preferred against him of offering to sell his vote and influence on public question.  At the meeting of the council last Wednesday evening the special investigating committee handed in the report, the same being unanimously adopted.

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Watertown Gazette, 01 18 1895


The case of R. J. Wilson, of Milwaukee, of $727.19 against the city for work said to have been done and expenses incurred under a contract to lay sewers here entered into last October with the Board of Public Works, was disallowed by the common council.  E. A. Kehr, of the law firm of McVickers & Kehr, of Milwuakee, Wilson's attorneys, was here on Tuesday evening and argued with the judiciary committee to recommend payment of the bill, but failed in his purpose.


New May Creamery Building

Watertown Republican, 01 23 1895


C. May & Sons are nicely located in their new creamery building at the foot of Western Avenue, the machinery from the older plant having been removed there.  Everything is in first-class trim, and the firm no doubt has one of the most complete and best arranged creameries in the state.  A. C. Shapton has been appointed manager and butter-maker as successor to John Enright, who resigned recently, it being his intention to locate further West.

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Pasteurized Milk

Watertown Republican, 05 13 1896


C. May & Sons are now furnishing pasteurized milk and cream to customers.  This branch of the creamery is in charge of Edward May, son of C. May, who took a course in pasteurization at the state dairy school, Madison.  The outfit was furnished by Cornish, Curtis & Greene, of Fort Atkinson.  Pasteurized milk is becoming quite a fad in many cities, and it is considered a very healthy commodity.

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Watertown Republican, 01 25 1899


Monday afternoon a deal was entered into whereby the property interests in the business of May’s Creamery passed into the hands of Merchant’s Bank.  The transfer includes the business done at the several skimmers and creameries in the country held heretofore by the company as well as the plant located at First Street and Western Avenue.  It is the intention of the bank to continue the business without interruption and notice has been given that all patrons and other creditors of the concern will be paid in full.


Youths and Cigarettes

Watertown Republican, 01 02 1895


An interesting spectacle met the gaze of passengers on the St. Paul's train No. 5 at Watertown Junction last Friday noon; namely, three youths scarcely old enough to be out of their swaddling clothes, smoking cigarettes!  Each wore the uniform donned by pupils attending the Delafield Military School.  Is the practice which they were guilty of to be understood as an acquisition growing out of absence from home and want of parental government, or does it form a part of their otherwise sadly neglected early education?


Sheriff William Krebs

Watertown Republican, 02 13 1895


Sheriff William Krebs had an exciting experience at the Jefferson depot Tuesday.  He caught the north bound afternoon passenger just as it was pulling out.  In making the landing his foot slipped and he was dragged until the train stopped at the tank for water.  Had he let go his hold he would probably have been thrown under the wheels.  As it was he escaped with a severe shock to his nervous system.


New Year's Day 1895

Watertown Republican, 01 02 1895


New Year's Day was a bright and cheerful one, but it was rather quietly spent.  A few of the young men devoted the afternoon to calling, and were hospitably received by their young lady friends, but this seems to be one of the almost departed customs.


Radtke Saloon

Watertown Gazette, 01 29 1899


The saloon at 113 West Main Street, presided over by Wm. Radtke, is one of the neatest in the city.  Everything is first-class, and a fine business lunch is served every morning.  A fine pool table has been placed therein for the use of those who enjoy that sport.  Mr. Radtke is one of the most popular young men in the city, and he is being well patronized.


Frederick Phinney Concert Band

Watertown Republican, 01 02 1895


Frederick Phinney and his celebrated concert band will give a concert at Turner Opera house Thursday evening of this week.  Mr. Phinney's repertoire is so extensive that each concert he gives is a model of excellence and is bound to suit the most fastidious and exacting auditor, for he has a large field upon which to build his programs.  It was by his knowledge of just what class of music causes the most genuine pleasure, and his effort to please, that Mr. Phinney placed the United States band in the first rank of the world's great bands.  He knows just what the people like and gives it to them without solicitation.  The great band was never in superb condition as at present, some few changes in the personnel having materially improved the ensemble.



Watertown Gazette, 08 03 1900


Wednesday morning a team owned by Joseph Miller, who works the Hartwig farm in the 5th ward, ran away on the west side and made the streets lively for a time.  They were attached to a water tank, and as they were being driven down the hill near the Cody residence on O’Connell street, the wagon tongue dropped down and the horses dashed downhill at a furious rate, turning south on North Water street and running as far as Weber’s lumber yard, where one of the animals dropped down and laid in the street for nearly ten minutes as if dead.  The animal, after laying in the street for a time, was able to get up again, and appeared to be all right.  The damage was slight.  About an hour afterwards John Sleicher’s team, started from in front of the E. Kunert Mfg. Co.’s plant, where they were standing as hay was being unloaded from the wagon to which they were attached.  They ran north on First street as far as Evans’ livery barn, where Frank Mansfield, of Johnson Creek tried to stop them and narrowly escaped injury.  The horses ran east on Madison Street, then south on Second Street to Main, then west on Main Street.  When nearing the U. S. Express office Frank Kerr grabbed one of the lines and almost succeeded in stopping them at Salick’s jewelry store, when fearing they would crush in the glass front he let go the lines, and they again ran at full speed to the comer of West Main and North Water streets.  While turning the corner one of the horses fell, and they were taken in charge by bystanders.  The morning was indeed a lively one for runaways.


Edward Robinson

The wonder of physicians

Watertown Gazette, 06 29 1900


Edward Robinson, a ten-year-old boy of Lone Tree, Iowa, is exciting the wonder of physicians.  Two weeks ago he became ill and his parents put him to bed.  When he became ill he was four feet five inches tall.  Saturday he appeared on the street and many of his boyfriends did not know him.  He had grown nine inches during the two weeks he was in bed.  He is now five feet nine inches tall and still growing.


Mean Joke on Chess Players

Watertown Gazette, 08 03 1900


Rather a mean joke was played on one of our local chess players on Tuesday.  A gentleman from Watertown was here on business and wanted a game of chess and prevailed upon a local player to accommodate him, the agreement being, so it is claimed, to play three games.  The Watertown player won the first game and then pleaded a pressing engagement, playing no more, and then went about the city telling how he had beaten our player.  Our local player says he can beat the Watertown man for money, marbles or funs, and is very anxious to try conclusions with him again. [Waterloo Democrat]


Farmers’ Elevator Co.

Watertown Gazette, 06 29 1900


The Farmers’ Elevator Co., will give a grand Fourth of July celebration at Uehling’s grove, Richwood, Wis.  Refreshments of various kinds will be furnished and all kinds of amusement will be arranged for.  In the evening a ball will be given at the Cleveland hall, and also a fine supper furnished.  The public in general is invited, and the management [of the] affair assure all patrons that they will be well entertained.  The Farmers’ Elevator Co. always gives the best of entertainments and such of our readers who wish to attend can count on being received in a royal manner.


Klecker Implement on Cady St.

Watertown Daily Times, 05 26 2015


Klecker Implement on Cady Street [103 W. Cady] in Watertown handled the Oliver brand farm equipment from 1940-1957.


Ed Klecker started the business and was assisted by sons Ceryl and Leon and daughter Theresa who served as the bookkeeper for the business. 


Ed Klecker had grown up on the family farm outside Watertown but he never had an interest in farming.  He went to California to work but returned to the family farm when his dad passed away.  As soon as his son, Harold, was able to take over the farm, Ed turned over the reins to him and went on to start the implement business.  Harold eventually bought the farm.


The family used Oliver equipment on the farm, including a self-propelled Oliver combine that the family owned together with the Wanke family.


To Avoid Bloat in Cattle

Watertown Gazette, 06 17 1915


Rank grass and wet green clover or alfalfa are likely to cause bloat in cattle.  Bloat may be avoided if right precautions are taken, says Dr. A. S. Alexander of the College of Agriculture of the University of Wisconsin.


Here are a few of them:


- Prevent indigestion, because indigestion is the direct cause of bloat.

- Feed cows their usual ration of dry hay and grain before turning them out to pasture.

- Keep cows off clover and alfalfa fields until dew or rain has dried off, and never turn them on such fields on moisture-laden “muggy” days.

- Give cattle access to a mixture of salt and slaked lime.

- Visit pastures frequently in early summer and, if possible, take along proper remedies and instruments for relieving bad cases of bloat.


$10 and Costs

Watertown Gazette, 06 03 1915


Robert Kulm was fined $10 and costs in Justice Schmutzler’s court last Thursday afternoon for keeping his saloon at 404 Main Street open after 11 o’clock the night previous.


Charles Trzcinski Dead

Succumbed last Thursday evening at city hospital after illness of six days.

Watertown Gazette, 06 03 1915


At 7 o’clock last Thursday evening, at the city hospital, Charles Trzcinski passed away after an illness of six days from plura pneumonia.  Mr. Trzcinski has not been in good health for some weeks.  During the winter he sustained an injury from a fall and later suffered an attack of the grip, from which he did not recover readily.  When he became ill recently his condition did not seem serious until a couple of days before his death, when he was taken to the hospital.  There he grew worse rapidly until the end.


Charles Trzcinski was born in Thron, Prussia, November 20, 1851, of Polish parents, with whom he came to America at the age of two years.  They made their home at Watertown, Wis., where the deceased grew to manhood.  In March 1877 Mr. Trzcinski came to Decorah and engaged in his trade as a barber.  Gradually he built up a business that became the leading one in his line and remained so until he retired about six or seven years ago.


On May 5, 1879, he was married to Jennie Zuckmayer.  To them five children were born, all of whom survive.  They are J. J. and C. E. of Miles City, Montana, Ethel of Austin, Minn, G. A. of Kenmare, N. D. and Ruth at home.


During the nearly forty years of his life in Decorah Mr. Trzcinski took an active interest in the affairs of the city.  He was a man of positive convictions, open and frank in his dealings.  His business brought him in close relations with a large number of citizens of Decorah and vicinity, all of whom grew to respect him for his manhood and stability of character.  His disposition was one of friendliness and with a large number of citizens of Decorah and vicinity, all of whom grew to respect him for his manhood and stability of character.  His disposition was one of friendliness and good cheer and the qualities that won him respect in his business life were reflected in the love and devotion that surrounded his home.


Mr. Trzcinski was a member of all the local Masonic bodies and also of the Elks lodge, taking a prominent part in each.  These lodges were largely represented at the funeral, which was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, the Masons being in charge of the services.  Rev. Mahlon Willett and Rev. H. H. Green officiated and interment was made in Phelps cemetery.


The death of Mr. Trzcinski makes the first break in his home circle.  Besides his wife and children he is survived by his brother Frank Trzcinski of Watertown, who, with his wife, was present at the funeral.  There were also present Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Jacobs of Clarkville, Frank Hauswirth and Mds. Will Wiess, and M. Farrel of Nashua, Geo. A. Hauswirth of Charles City, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zuckmayer and Mae Zuckmayer of St. Paul. 


The funeral was one of the largest that has been held in some time in Decorah, attesting the high regard that was entertained for the deceased as well as the sympathy that is felt for those who were bereft by his death. [The Decorah Republican]






Table of Contents 

History of Watertown, Wisconsin
