ebook History of Watertown, Wisconsin
Cyclists throughout the state are interested in the bicycle gymkhana and race meet which will be one of the leading attractions of carnival week. The meet will be held at the National park track on the last day of the carnival, June 30, and as an elaborate program been arranged, the meet should prove to be a great success. The star event will be the series of match races between Walter Sanger, of Milwaukee, and Johnnie Johnson, the well-known racer. Besides this race, a three-cornered event between Nat McDougal, Orlando Weber and Ben Hindeman, the three fastest amateur riders in the state, will be run off and the interest in this event promises to be as great as that of the Sanger-Johnson race. Besides these match races a program of ten events has arranged. A big prize list will be hung up for the various events, the entry list promises to be one of the largest ever secured for any meet in the state. WR
carnival (to be held in September) is bound to be a big show. Those who are working for its success are
very much encouraged over it. There is
no doubt that there will be a sufficiency of visitors to gladden the hearts and
fill the purses of the most enthusiastic projectors of the affair. Watertown people are patriotic; they honestly
believe that they can make this great show the best ever
exhibited in this section. The
attraction will be of varied and diverse character, with only one intent, which
is to satisfy the hosts of visitors and bring out from them a universal
expression of gratification. Yesterday
the committee on publicity and promotion selected the official designs for the
carnival . . . The designs will be used on the carnival advertising matter and
There is proposed to have a grand
illuminated pageant one of the nights, and also a bicycle
parade. . . The electric fountain will be one of the main features of the
carnival. It will be stationed under an
arch on Main Street bridge and will perhaps be constructed so
as to be permanent. WR
there are any more citizens who are opposed to the carnival
they had better take a vacation for several months a trip to the Klondike just
now would do them good, for nearly everyone here is red hot getting ready for
the days of jubilee.
a week past Jas. E. Killian, who represents the Carnival committee on promotion
and publicity, has been soliciting the order of businessmen for envelopes
containing the official carnival design.
He is meeting with good success, as all realize that this is a good way
to advertise the affair. WG
07 18 WHO
executive committee of the carnival has completed the program of the three
days' fete to be held here in September.
The committees in charge are working zealously and everything seems to
be in favor with the exception of the dates, which are
the same as the state fair. Much
interest is already awakened as to who shall be queen of the carnival. The executive committee has arranged a scheme
whereby the public will be privileged to decide this important question.
will be sold at 5 cents each, and on them the purchaser may write the name of
any young lady he may choose. The
contest opened yesterday and the ballots are on sale
at different places downtown.
ballot box is stationed at Gamm's drug store.
It is predicted that a spirited contest will be had between several of
our popular girls. The standing of the
contestants will be announced each week through the newspapers. WR
07 21 VOTING
voting for the "queen of the carnival" is becoming quite spirited and
most of our young men are putting all their spare nickels to the account of
their favorites. Even the older gallants
of the city have a few dollars to spare which they seem very anxious to invest
in the interests of the one whom they favor for "queen of the
carnival." Several of the most
beautiful young ladies in the city are being supported for that honor, and a
very lively race is expected between them.
Sept. 13, 14 and 15 carnival dates.
can state with every assurance that a most agreeable surprise awaits all who
shall have the good fortune to witness the historical pageant on the last night
of the carnival, September 15. The
floats now being made are magnificent conceptions and when brightly illuminated
will dazzle the most critical eye with their beauty and splendor. No one from miles around should miss this
grand spectacle.
of the advertising matter for the carnival is now ready and in the hands of the
distributors. Soon the posters and
lithographs will adorn every available place in the surrounding country and the
world will be advised of the great amusement event which Watertown is to offer
on September 13, 14 and 15. It is
expected to issue the official program the latter part of August WR
ARCH (The Triumphal Arch) COMPLETED
[same date] On Saturday contractor F. C. Jaeger
finished erecting the carnival arch on Main Street bridge and it is now ready
for the decorator's brush. The arch is
of artistic proportions and substantially built. WR
08 22 THE
date] A visit
to the carnival "den" near Hartig's brewery
is convincing proof to even the most skeptical that dazzling splendor and
brilliant beauty will characterize the grand historical and allegorical pageant
announced as the closing feature of the September carnival. The floats thus far completed are emphatsical1y
the creations of artful hands and it is evident that the best ideas have
conspired in the building of these handsome representations. When set off in the night time by myriads of
colored lights and wending their way through a mass of pyrotechnics and red, green and yellow fire, the effect is sure to be wonderful to
the eye of the beholder and a sight not soon to be forgotten. No one should miss this grand pageant on the
night of September 15. WR
09 05 AGNES
evening at 8 o’clock, as announced, the contest for queen of the carnival was
closed, and considerable interest in the result was manifested by the gathering
of a large crowd at Gamm’s drug store.
The final count showed that some 1,800 votes had been cast, with Miss
Agnes Chapman practically the only candidate in the hunt at the finish. She received 1,202 votes and her nearest
competitor was Miss Jennie Kusel with 138 votes. Miss Chapman's supporters worked
enthusiastically for her and succeeded in giving her a handsome
endorsement. All will agree that her
selection is a happy one and that she will most gracefully bear the honors of
the position and most creditably fulfill whatever duties are demanded. WR
To the People of the City of Watertown:
Whereas, it is confidently expected that the carnival to be held in this city on the 13th, 14th and 15th of this month will attract large crowds of people, and it is highly important to all our people that our beautiful city during said three days shall put on its prettiest attire;
Now, therefore, I, H. G. Grube, mayor of the city of Watertown, hereby respectfully request that all owners and occupants of buildings and lots in this city take especial care to see and know that their respective buildings and lots and the stands abutting thereon appear as clean and neat as possible and that each owner or occupant of a home or dwelling or any other building within the limits of this city decorate and keep the same decorated beautifully and tastefully during said three days, so that at the close of the carnival our visitors may say that Watertown is one of the cleanest and prettiest cities in the state.
at the office of the mayor of the city of Watertown, Wis., this 5th day of
September, 1899. H. G. Grube, Mayor. Watertown
09 08 AGNES
week will mark an important event in the history of Watertown when the Harvest
Jubilee and Carnival which has been arranged for will take place. The festivities will occupy three days,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 13, 14 and 15. All details have been arranged and it is
expected that one of the largest crowds ever brought together in an inland city
in Wisconsin will be present to participate.
All necessary arrangements for the care and comfort of the visitors have
been made and the carnival promises to be a huge success an event long to be
remembered. . .
Agnes Chapman has been chosen queen of the carnival. WG
The Arrangements Are Nearly Complete
lndications Point to a Great Amusement Event
The Program in Detail
time for the holding of the first annual Harvest Jubilee and Carnival is
drawing near, and with the finishing touches to be put on the preparations
within the ensuing week, everything will be in readiness for the great
amusement event. The indications are
that our city will, on September 13, 14 and 15, enjoy a festival of fun and
entertainment such as has never before been
experienced. The committees having the
arrangements in hand are working tirelessly to attain that end, and it is very
probable that their fondest hopes will be realized. It would seem that all
that is now necessary for complete success is favorable weather and if this is
accorded nothing further can be asked.
splendid program has been arranged and there will be plenty of attractions to
amuse the hosts of visitors who are expected within our gates. Every citizen should do his utmost to assist
in the entertainment of these guests and lend his cheerful aid in gaining an
enviable reputation for Watertown in the line of hospitality and good
cheer. Mayor Grube will see to it that
the gates of the city are thrown wide open and that
all due freedom shall prevail. We want
to make the carnival a crowning event, so that the future affairs of a like
nature may attract even greater numbers than are expected next week.
Besides the features of entertainment given in the program below there will be numerous side attractions, and it is expected there will not be a single idle hour in the entire three days and that the visitor in quest of wholesome enjoyment will be supplied to his fullest capacity. Bicycle races for Wednesday are being arranged, and there will be a first-class ball game each day. There will also be numerous individual shows and performances along the streets, and the city will present the gayest holiday aspect.
for decoration and illumination nothing will be wanting. An imposing plan has been provided by the
proper committee, and citizens generally have adopted it. The effect will be very pretty and
attractive. The flower parade, to judge
from the carriages being made ready for it, will be one of the prettiest ever
seen in this state. The labor expended
in preparing this event has been enormous, and the women of the city have shown
commendable enterprise. The historical pageant,
too, will be a big surprise and a decided feast for the eyes. The floats are truly wonderful creations and
the individuals who will represent the characters depicted will be richly and
appropriately attired.
fact, it may well be advised that Watertown should prepare for the biggest
amusement event in her history. The
indications truly warrant this statement.
Following is the official program:
At 9 a. m.—Formal Opening of the Carnival. Signal for the beginning of the three days’ festival by the ringing of bells and the blowing of whistles. Reception of guests of honor and visitors generally at the Triumphal Arch and Mystic Fountain by the executive committee. Coronation of the Queen of the Carnival. Opening of all business houses and grand display of fall goods, ordered expressly for this festive occasion. Music throughout the day by the Sinnissippi, Oconomowoc and Lake Mills bands. At intervals during the day acrobatic performances will be given at different points along Main Street by specially engaged troupes of high-class artists.
At 2 p. m.—lndustrial Parade and Agricultural Display. Dr. A. H. Hartwig, chief marshal. Aides—Gen. A. Solliday,
Capt. F. C. Moulding, G. Buchheit,
Charles Mulberger, H. J. Traeumer,
Dr. A. Buchheit, O. Jaedecke.
Wm. Kubow, Emil Seibel. This parade will be composed of 100 floats
representing the industries of Watertown and the products of the surrounding country.
Formation of Divisions.—First division, on First street, facing north. Second division, on North First street, facing south. Third division, on Water street, facing north. Fourth division, on North Water street, facing south.
Line of March.—From starting point, corner Main and First streets, east on Main to Fourth, north on Fourth to Cady, west on Cady and West Cady to North Washington, north on North Washington to Rock, west on Rock to North Church, south on North Church and Church to West Madison, east on West Madison to Washington, north on Washington to West Main, east on West Main and Main to College avenue, south on College avenue to Market, west on Market to Seventh, south on Seventh to Milwaukee, west on Milwaukee to Second, north on Second to Main, and disband.
$20.00 in gold for the best display of farm products. $15.00 in gold for the second best display of farm products. $10.00 in gold for the third best display of farm products. $5. 00 in gold for the most comical get-up.
All displays to be placed on wagons in an artistic manner.
At 8 p. m.—llluminated and Decorated Bicycle Parade. Charles J. Salick, chief marshal. To be composed of 75 riders in costume on brilliantly illuminated and handsomely decorated wheels.
Line of March.—Parade will form on Montgomery and North Montgomery streets and move east on West Main and Main streets to Seventh, thence south to Market, east to College Avenue, north to Main, west on Main and West Main to Fountain square, and disband.
Best decorated and illuminated group, $12; second prize, $5; third prize, $3. Best decorated and illuminated tandem, $5. Best decorated single wheel, $8; second prize, $5; third prize. $3. Best comic single wheel, $5; second prize. $3; third prize, $1. Special lady’s prize for single bicycle representing Watertown and the Carnival, en masque. $5. Best decorated wheel for children under 12 years, $3; second prize, $2.
The Electric Fountain, on Main street bridge, will play during every evening of the Carnival, throwing jets of sparkling water in all colors of the rainbow,
Music throughout the day by the Sinnissippi, Oconomowoc and Columbus bands. At intervals during the day acrobatic performances will be given at different points along Main Street by specially engaged troupes of high-class artists.
At 2 p.m. Floral Parade. Charles Mulberger, chief marshal. First section, form on North Montgomery Street, facing south. Second section, immediately after first section. Third section, form on Montgomery Street, facing north.
Line of March—On West Main Street to Church, south to Lafayette, east to Washington, north to West Main, east on West Main and Main to Eighth, south to Clyman, west to Fifth, north to Main, west to North Water, north to West Cady, west to North Washington, north to West Green and North Church streets, and disband.
Among those who will have turnouts in the parade are: The committee, Mesdames W. D. Sproesser, C. K. Feld and F. E. Woodard; Mrs. H. G. Grube, Mrs. Jesse Stone, Mrs. H. Wertheimer, Mrs. Albert Solliday, Mrs. William Hartig, Colonel Daniel Jones, Mrs. W. F. Whyte, Mrs. G. A. Stallman, Mrs. Emil Seibel, Mrs. Marshall Woodard, Mrs. W. D. Sproesser, Mrs. John Habbegger, Mrs. Ernst Kunert, Mrs. Ferdinand Hartwig, the Misses Smith, Mrs. G. W. Evans, Mrs. Frank Eaton, Mrs. Carl Manz, Mrs. Emil Seibel, Mrs. E. J. Brandt, Mrs. Louisa Lotz, Messrs. Tetzlaff and Traeumer, Mrs. J. P. Herzog, Mrs. F. W. Lehmann.
At 7:30 p. m.—Thrilling run by the Watertown Fire Department, Fire Chief H. Conrad, director. Three companies to participate. Run will be from corner of West Main and Church streets to corner of Main Street and College Avenue.
At 8 p.m.—Tableaux and Plastic Groupings, August Henze, director. Members of the Watertown Turner society will participate.
At 9 p.m.—Summer Night’s Festival and Carnival Ball, at Turner park and opera house. Music by the Oconomowoc band and the Metropolitan orchestra.
Grand Carnival Day. Music throughout the day by the Sinnissippi, Oconomowoc and Fort Atkinson bands. At intervals during the day acrobatic performances will be given at different points along Main and West Main streets by specially engaged troupes of high-class artists. Also comical performances on the streets all day as a special feature. All should be en masque.
At 2 p.m.—Distribution of prizes to the successful competitors in the prize parades.
At 3 p.m.—Prize Cake Walk. Richard Emerson, director. White and colored walkers admitted to compete for prizes, consisting of a twenty-five pound cake in which will be found a diamond ring as lady’s first prize and a gold watch as gentleman’s first prize. All participants must be masked.
At 8 p.m.—Historical and Allegorical Pageant. Gustav Buchheit, chief marshal. This will be the grandest and most gorgeous attempt at pageantry ever seen in Watertown or vicinity. It will consist of about twenty handsomely conceived floats depicting familiar stories of allegory and historical events. Among the representations will be Admirals Dewey and Diedrichs, Princess Carnival’s chariot. Jupiter, a group of Philippinos, Liederkranz Singing society in “Saengers Fluch,” Snow White and the Seven Gnomes, Neptune, Lohengrin and Elsa, Birth of Venus, Summer, Protection, Watertown Turners in plastic groupings, Mephisto, Mother Goose, and others.
Line of March. —Starting from West Main and North Church streets, south on Church to West Madison, east to Washington, north to West Main, east to Eighth, south to Market, west to Seventh, north to Main, west to North First, north to Concordia Opera house, and disband. Watertown Republican
first attempt in the Carnival line has thus far been grand success – the
weather is ideal, the crowds are large, and the programme
is being carried out to the satisfaction of everyone. The colors of the first annual Harvest
Jubilee and Carnival in flaming red, white and blue float from nearly every
residence and business house in the city, starry U.S. flags wave in great
numbers everywhere, flags of all nations and various other attractive
decorations help to beautify the place and please the eye. The show windows of the business houses
contain elaborate displays of goods, and interiors thereof are very tastefully
and elaborately decorated and the clerks in a number of
the stores are attired in special costumes for the occasion. WG
FAMOUS BAND / Harvest Jubilee
Instruments are all made of cardboard, and also note the various music titles. The two gents on the floor are wearing
uniforms of the Sinnissippi Band. This was obviously a joke or comic band created during the
Harvest Jubilee. Image taken inside the
office of Fuermann brewery on N. First and Jones.
first annual Harvest Jubilee and Carnival is a thing of the past and it has
truly left pleasant memories. The
general opinion seems to be that our city did itself immensely proud in
undertaking and carrying out so successfully this great amusement
enterprise. None of the thousands of
visitors who lent their presence has been heard to complain of the
entertainment provided and only cheerful words of commendation have been
every way the carnival was a splendid achievement. It opened wide our hospitable gates and
allowed the stranger free scope to inspect our resources and become acquainted
with our good people. In this respect,
surely, its value must have been appreciated and our business men feel
satisfied that material results will follow.
Thus one of the paramount purposes has been
fulfilled. And again, it showed to the
world that Watertown has existence and when her people attempt anything they do
not do it by halves. In a word, the
carnival created a very favorable impression, amused our visitors
and rendered the city of valued importance in the state. Some of the features will be long talked of
and no doubt form incentives for other cities desirous of entertaining in the
years to come.
weather favored us each day and undoubtedly assisted in making the crowds so
large. The utmost good order prevailed,
and hardly an accident occurred to mar the proceedings. Everybody was good natured and waited
patiently in the jammed streets for the different events on the program,
apparently glad to be here and enjoying the wholesome fun with evident
relish. It is estimated that at least
15,000 people were on the streets Wednesday afternoon, 25,000 Thursday
afternoon and as many more Friday night.
Perhaps 30,000 strangers visited the city during the three days. There is no doubt whatever that the carnival
was an unqualified success, and the promoters are entitled to high credit for
their untiring efforts in making it such.
Of course there were discrepancies, but
experience is always the best teacher, and these can mainly be remedied at a
second attempt. Let us look forward to
another affair of the sort a year hence and hope that it may be even more
pleasing and successful than the one just closed.
the sun arose last Wednesday morning the city presented an unusually attractive
appearance. Main and West Main streets
were radiant in flaming streamers and festoons of red, white
and blue—the carnival colors—hung from every business house, while along the
side streets and in the residence sections the decorating idea was also quite
general. Such a lavish display of
bunting and flags never before met the eye here, most
of the decorations being very elaborate and costly.
Along about 9 o’clock the sound of martial music was heard and the carnival was then on in earnest. The crowds thickened and by 9:45 there was a perfect jam.
At this time the queen of the carnival, Miss Agnes Chapman, in her golden chariot, was seen coming down the hill on West Main Street.
Slowly she was conveyed along the crowded thoroughfare until the corner of Main and First streets was reached, where she was met by the executive and reception committees, who came from the east end.
The committees left their carriages and Hon. Herman G. Grube, as mayor of the city and president of the Carnival association, addressed her majesty, tendering her the freedom of the city for the carnival visitors and handing her a bunch of huge keys, bedecked with carnival ribbons. Briefly and appropriately the queen accepted the proffer and the carnival was thus formally opened.
The queen’s chariot was drawn by twelve Shetland ponies, loaned by Emil Seibel, and each led by a page in blue and white uniform. Behind the queen were her two court jesters, Ned Evans and Fred McLaughlin, while in the front of the chariot was seated little Helen Stapleton. Miss Chapman was attired in a rich gown of white satin, trimmed with jewels and gold lace, and from her shoulders hung a crimson satin train. She wore a jeweled crown and carried a gilded scepter. She was the central figure of the carnival and at all times was heartily received and created great interest.
During the balance
of the forenoon there were band concerts and acrobatic performances on the
streets, while the fakirs and venders plied their games and sold their wares
with vim. Music throughout the day was
furnished by the Sinnissippi, Oconomowoc and Lake
Mills bands.
At 2 o'clock the industrial parade and agricultural display took place. It started from Main and First streets and traversed a long line of march over the east and west sides. Dr. A. H. Hartwig was marshal and his aides were Captain F. C. Moulding, Charles Mulberger, G. Buchheit, H. J. Traeumer, Dr. A. Buchheit, Emil Seibel, O. Jaedecke and W. Kubow. The queen’s chariot led the parade, followed by the Sinnissippi band and the following: A. Kramp. display of farm implements; F. Specht, harness and trappings; P. H. Kinick, water cycle; Stallmann Bros., fruits. Bell’s coffee; Oconomowoc band; Emil Seibel, ponies and trick pony; William Gorder company, boots and shoes; Clara Weiss, millinery; Woelffer & Kresenski, farm implements; William Trachte, musical instruments; Mrs. Louise Lotz, floral display; William Hartig, brewing design; Lake Mills band; Badger State Bottling company, soda water; Fie Bros., merry-go-round; Julius Schoechert, flour and feed; Otto Biefeld & Cos., machinery; Woodard-Stone factory, candies and confectionery; Leo Ruesch, boots and shoes; Wiggenhorn Bros., cigars; the Press of Watertown; Schempf Bros. company, dry goods; D. & F. Kusel company, hardware. Agricultural displays by farmers: John Brockman, Henry Scholz, A. Moldenhauer, D. J. Evans, Otto Hildemann, E. O. Moldenhauer.
Mayor W. C. Leitsch, of Columbus; Mayor G. Meissner, of Oconomowoc, and Hon. Jesse Stone, who were selected as judges, made the following awards in the agricultural display; H. Scholz, first prize, $20; D. J. Evans, second prize, $15; John Brockman, third prize, $10. The $5 prize for the most comical get-up was divided between C. Butler and Valentine West.
Wednesday evening occurred the illuminated bicycle parade, after which there was a display of fireworks and the electric fountain was put in operation. The latter worked perfectly and lent a very pretty effect. Water was thrown from countless jets and the different colored lights thrown on it made an imposing eight. In the bicycle parade the following were awarded the prizes:
Illuminated group First prize, William Jones and Bert Shearer. Second, Oscar Weber and Adis Schoenlaub.
Best illuminated tandem Lettie and Charles Salick, Jr.
Best decorated single wheel—First, Ella Martch; second, Frank Wetter; third, Max Whiting.
Best comic wheel—First, Clarence Tercinski; second, Leon Tercinski; third, divided between Arthur Kusel and John Norbert.
Special ladies’ prize—Mrs. Herman Kuehn.
Best decorated wheel for children under twelve years—First, Don Salick; second, William Allen.
The weather conditions Thursday were even more favorable than the first day, the afternoon being warmer. Aside from the acrobatic features and music by the Sinnissippi, Oconomowoc and Columbus bands, there was no set program for the forenoon, the large crowds waiting in patience for the much-heralded flower parade, scheduled for 2 p.m. This was without doubt the strongest feature of the carnival and an achievement of its sort that has never been excelled in the North. Many Milwaukeeans who witnessed it admitted it to have been the equal of their flower parade last June, and in some respects even better. An excellent account of it will be found under a separate head in this issue.
Thursday evening a fire run by the local department was on the program, and it proved a most agreeable surprise. Eight pieces of apparatus, including the wagon carrying the chief and assistant chief, were used and the run was a most exciting and thrilling feature. It was cleverly conceived and carried out without a hitch.
The day’s festivities closed with a ball in Turner Opera house, which was very largely attended.
The cakewalk Friday afternoon was a novel and most interesting attraction. It was held on a raised platform at the corner of Main and First streets and drew an immense crowd, who filled the streets and secured places of vantage on roofs and in windows. Frank Schwenger, of Milwaukee, led the walkers, and a dozen couples participated.
Some of the performers were well-known society young men, who blackened their faces, donned fanciful costumes and entered into spirit of the occasion with true zest. The judges, Paul Thom, G. W. Hill and H. Wertheimer, awarded the prize cake to Richard Emerson and Miss Josie Kolinski, who entered as _?_ walkers.
The carnival came to a conclusion Friday night in a blaze of glory, the crowning feature being the allegorical and historical parade. Main and West Main streets were literally packed with people, and the varicolored lights and elaborate decorations along these thoroughfares, coupled with the brilliance and gorgeousness of the pageant, made the scene one long to be remembered. A score of handsome floats traversed the pathway of fire, each shown off to the best advantage by pyrotechnics and torches. Gaily coparisoned horses drew the floats, and the characters represented were correctly and richly attired. The parade was headed by the queen of the carnival and the other floats were in the parade as advertised. Gustave Buchheit was chief marshal.
As the float of the William Hartig Brewing company, one of the last in the parade, neared Main Street bridge, it caught fire from the burning of red light and had to be taken out of the line of march. The fire alarm was sounded and the department promptly extinguished the blaze. This was the only accident that occurred to mar any of the three days’ proceedings.
After the parade, high carnival reigned supreme. Groups of maskers in the most comical attire paraded the streets and carried out the carnival spirit to perfection. The bands provided all sorts of music, the noise being deafening. Everybody was showered with confetti, and everybody took everything good naturedly. The fun was wholesome and within reasonable bounds, so no injury was done anybody. It was a great sight and a fitting close to Watertown’s first carnival. Watertown Republican
1899, cont.
Hartig Brewing Co. float as entered in the
Harvest Carnival, Sept. 1899. The man on
the far left wearing a hat is thought to be William Hartig. This image was taken at the intersection of
Jones and North First Streets. The Fuermann Brewery
office can be seen on the far left.
09 15 KRAMP FLOAT in Harvest Jubilee & Carnival of September 13, 14, 15, 1899
09 22 FIRST
Watertown's first attempt in the carnival line last week was a great success, a success as regards attendance, entertainment and a good time for the thousands of visitors. The weather was delightful throughout, and a larger or better-pleased crowd was never attracted to any interior city of the state, and the visitors were provided for in a manner that speaks well for our citizens.
One pleasant feature of the carnival was that it was not necessary to make a single arrest for unruly conduct, and the immense crowds of people behaved themselves admirably well . . . The float of Wm. Hartig Brewing Co. (see below) in the latter part of the parade took fire as it reached Main Street from red fire sticks carried by attendants. The alarm of fire was sounded, the float was drawn to First Street when the department put the fire out. This was the only accident during the entire carnival.
Many persons have speculated as to whether all that was seen here during carnival week was the product of Watertown genius, some professing to believe it to be impossible. To all those we desire to assure them that no outside help was sought or accepted, and that what was seen in our parades or otherwise was not in the least taken with borrowed plumage. Watertown Gazette
At the meeting of the executive committee at the residence of the chairman, Carl Manz, last Tuesday evening, the affairs of the recent carnival were wound up, the different committees handing in their reports and the statement of the treasurer being received. It was shown that every obligation acquired by the carnival association has been met and that there was a balance on the right side of the ledger. This is an excellent showing and a high credit to the management, who surmounted innumerable difficulties in attaining the results. WR
1899-1900, winter of
03 27 NO
The directors of the Watertown Carnival Association have finally concluded not to hold a carnival this year, owing to other public enterprises calling for liberal subscriptions from our citizens. It was thought best to give up the idea entirely rather than to attempt an affair that would in all probability be on a smaller scale and generally inferior to the standard established by last year’s splendid event. Plans will be laid, however for an elaborate fete in the summer of 1901, and the directors are already nursing idea for a most attractive and unique program of entertainment. WR
History of Watertown, Wisconsin