
 ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin

     Also part of History of Watertown Fire Dept

Watertown Fire Department

Commemorates 150 Years


1857 - 2007


Current and former fire department personnel celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Watertown Fire Department the following year, on July 16, 2008.  A reception was held at the Watertown Elks Lodge and was a time for reminiscing and storytelling. 




[1] Mike Meyer, [2] Kraig Biefeld, [3] Josh Reichert, [4] Brad Fox, [5] Chad Butzine, [6] Chad Butler, [7] John David (former Mayor), [8] Ralph Wandersee, [9] Todd Christian, [10] Nick Albanese, [11] Dave Weber, [12] Rich Nienow, [13] Bill Schwenkner, [14] Brian Hoida, [15] Burt Christenson, [16] Layne Fohr, [17] Forrest “Woodsy” Melius Jr., [18] Mike Craig, [19] John “Jack” Nass, [20] Brent Kurtz, [21] Steve Rein, [22] Dave Pederson, [23] Christine Butzine, [24] Henry Butts (Chief), [25] George “Soapy” Oestreich, [26] Ken Peterson, [27] Ken “Barney” Grugel, [28] Joel Edwards, [29] Keith Becken, [30] John Duvernell, [31] Scott Umland, [32] Kyle Esmeier, [33] John “Jack” Erdmann, [34] Dwain Trewyn, [35] Ron Krueger (Mayor), [36] Ken Riedl (Historian), [37] Mark Kuehl, [38] John Meyers, [39] Ken Thiede, [40] Paul Noe, [41] Earl Nienow, [42] Dennis Schramm, [43] Rube Henning, [44] Lou Checkai,


Fire department personnel and honored guests received a commemorative mug denoting the 150th.

