ebook History of Watertown, Wisconsin
Riedeman-Thompson Post
No. 35
Post No. 35 was first organized in 1947 and named in the memory of two young soldiers who died as Prisoners of War (POW) during World War II, Harvey Riedemann and George Thompson, both from Watertown.
Riedemann died in a Japanese POW camp and Thompson died in a Nazi POW camp. Thus the post is named after one Pacific and one European war theatre victim from Watertown to preserve their memories through the years to come.
Erie Allais, Clinton, la., national vice commander, was the principal speaker here last night at the closing session and banquet of the mid-winter conference of Wisconsin Amvets. The affair took place in Turner Hall and was attended by more than 200 persons, many of them from state cities. Mr. Allais reaffirmed the determination of the Amvet membership to stand for Americanism and national and community service and said all Amvets, collectively and as individuals, are adamant to carry out the program of Americanism and service which the Amvets have laid out as their goal. He said every Amvet can be relied upon to do his part to achieve that end.
< set of four images, scroll through
Sponsored by Riedeman-Thompson Post No. 35, Amvets.
Hunt had been scheduled for April 12 but was postponed for one week due to bad weather.
Amvets welfare, hospital and rehabilitation efforts
Mrs. Ralph Volkert, Mrs. William Dittman, City Manager
Dean Van Ness, Mrs. Al Stengel, , Mrs
10 29 A beautiful plaque has been presented to Mr. and Mrs. Al Stengel of 221 William Street by the American Veterans, Amvets of World War II in recognition of the many years of service and devotion they have given to veterans in the Madison Hospital where T-B patients are taken care of. Mr. and Mrs. Stengel, either alone or together, have traveled some 6,000 miles in their visits to patients and in work on behalf of the hospital.
09 19 The Riedeman Thompson Post No. 35, Amvets will hold a joint installation ceremony at its club rooms Saturday night with the Amvets Auxiliary. To be installed are: Auxiliary - Beatrice Kresinske, president; Rita Mohr, senior vice president; Gladys Wendt, junior vice president; Dorothy Watson, secretary; Delta Stengel, treasurer; Dorothy Volkert, chaplain; Clare Peterson, sergeant-at-arms; Ida Kube, public relations officer and historian. Post Officers - Lorence Watson, commander; Robert Krueger, vice commander; John Kube, adjutant; Donald Haznow, finance officer; Laverne Marshall, provost marshal; Walter Hornickle, chaplain; Jacob Burbach, quartermaster; Albert Tobalske, historian; Paul Hibbard, judge advocate; Walter Wendt, Alfred Stengel and Robert Zimmermann, trustees respectively for one, two and three years.
09 19 A joint installation ceremony with the Amvets Auxiliary will be held Saturday evening by the Riedemann Thompson Post, No. 35, Amvets. The affair will be held in the club rooms. The following will be installed: Robert Krueger, commander; Lorence Watson, vice commander; Donald Haznow. Installing officer will be Department Commander Donald Chamberlain. Other appointments will be announced later by the commander. Auxiliary—Dorothy Watson, president; Lee Hornickle, senior vice-president; Gladys Wendt, secretary; Delta Stengel, treasurer; Marie Jurick, parliamentarian; Dorothy Volkert, historian and public relations officer, and Ida Kube, chaplain.
09 26 The Riedeman-Thompson Post No. 35, Amvets has honored three of its members who have made outstanding records in service to the organization and veterans in general. The three men honored include Gerald Schubert who recently resigned as Jefferson County service officer in order to accept a position in Milwaukee with Wisconsin Veterans Affairs Administration. He received the Amvets National Certificate of Merit Award, signed by national officers of the Amvets. The other two men honored are Robert W. Krueger and Donald A. Haznaw.
The Amvets of Riedemann-Thompson Post No. 35 will hold its annual joint installation of officers Saturday night, Oct. 21 in the club rooms. The officers are as follows: Commander, Donald Haznaw. Vice commanders, Robert Krueger and Alfred Stengel. Finance officer, Ralph Volkert. Judge advocate, Paul Hibbard. Provost marshal, Walter Wendt. Public relations officer, Lorence Watson. Historian, Al Tobalske. Quartermaster, Leo Checkai. Adjutant, John Kube. Trustee one year, Lorence Watson. Trustee two years, Robert Krueger. Trustee three years, Alfred Stengel. State S.E.C., Alfred Stengel. Alternate S.E.C., John Kube.
The Amvets, Riedeman-Thompson Post No. 35 and Auxiliary of Watertown held a joint installation of new officers following a dinner at the Amvets clubrooms. Newly installed officers of the Post are: Commander, Robert Krueger; vice commander, Alfred Stengel; adjutant, Walter Wendt; finance officer, Ralph Volkert; historian, Albert Tobalske; judge advocate, Attorney Roland Dierker; public relations, Lorence Watson; chaplain and service officer, Leo Checkai; quartermaster, Don Haznaw; sergeant-at-arms, Truman Talledge; trustee, Alfred Stengel. Auxiliary officers newly installed are: President, Jacqueline Kube; senior vice president, Beatrice Kresinske; junior vice president, Mary Krueger; secretary, Dorothy Watson; treasurer, Dorothy Volkert; public relations, Gladys Wendt; parliamentarian, Helen Checkai; sergeant-at-arms, Clara Peterson; chaplain, Ida Kube; committeewomen, Beatrice Kresinske and Marie Jurick; hospital representative Marie Jurick.
11 07 Chapter on
Veteran’s Park
Mrs. Robert W. Krueger has been re-elected president of the Riedeman-Thompson Post No. 35, Amvets Auxiliary at a meeting held recently. Other officers are as follows: senior vice president, Mrs. Dorothy Volkert; junior vice president, Mrs. Helen Checkai; secretary, Mrs. Marie Jurick; treasurer, Mrs. Dorothy Watson; public relations officer and historian, Mrs. Jacqueline Kube; parliamentarian, Mrs. Elaine Lehmann; chaplain, Mrs. Beatrice Kresinske; sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Clara Peterson; hospital chairman, Mrs. Jacqueline Kube; committee women, Mrs. Beatrice Kresinske and Mrs. Marie Jurick.
AI Stengel, head of
the Shoes for the Shoeless campaign, which was conducted here by the Amvets,
looks at one of the 2,100 pairs of shoes donated for the campaign. The shoes
collected weighed over 2,500 pounds.
Watertown Riedemann-Thompson American Veterans (AMVETS) Post #35 participated in the 66th Annual Wisconsin AMVETS bowling tournament held in Manitowoc. Bowling team members, left to right: Bruce Thompson, Les (Tom) Kaklinski, Larry Ready , Dennis Berg and Ted Sterletske (AMVETS State of Wisconsin Commander). Bruce Thompson’s doubles team won second place in the tournament. Avon Hi-Life of Johnson Creek sponsored the team.
Watertown Riedemann-Thompson American Veterans (AMVETS) Post No. 35 met on Saturday, June 14, to place a Legacy Stone on behalf of the post name and its past, present and future members at the Highground Veterans Memorial Park in Neillsville. The Highground is a memorial park which pays tribute to the fallen soldiers, honors survivors for their service and sacrifices and pays tribute to the people who supported soldiers while they were serving and upon their return.
Display windows of Schempf Building
Watertown’s Riedemann-Thompson American Veterans (AMVETS) Post #35 Color Guard unit, with the Milwaukee Brewers Famous Sausage Runners, after the Fourth of July parade. Members of the Color Guard unit included left to right; Frank Braatz, Danny Bauer, Larry Ready, Al Zabel, Dennis Berg and Clancy Zabel (Sons of AMVETS).
Watertown American Veterans (AMVETS) Post No. 35 recently received a monetary donation from Steve’s South Side Citgo Service Station in Watertown to help defray costs associated with putting on their annual Easter Egg Hunt for children in the Watertown area. AMVETS has sponsored this event in Watertown since 1948. This year’s hunt will be held Saturday, March 19, at 1 p.m. at Riverside Park.
Watertown’s Riedemann-Thompson American Veterans Post No. 35 recently elected officers for 2017-18. The officers are Mark Kottwitz, commander; Danny Bauer, first vice commander; Allen Zabel, second vice commander; Eric Gerard, finance officer; Mike English, adjutant; Dan Beer, provost marshal; Gary Winkler, chaplain; and Patrick Bergman, second vice commander. Interested veterans are welcome to attend post meetings, which are held the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Silver Eagle Saloon, 207 S. Second St.
AMVETS LEASE / Resolution #8901
Theodore Frank, 219 Summit Ave., spoke regarding Resolution #8901. Mr. Frank quoted various State of WI statutes in regards to solidifying terms of use of 727 E. Cady St. Mr. Frank feels that Watertown is in a unique position to grant a favorable lease to support veterans. He also discussed the benefits of encouraging military veterans to work and live in Watertown.
Eric Gerard, 902 Clyman St., spoke regarding Resolution #8901. Mr. Gerard read a letter from School Superintendent Cassandra Schug thanking the AmVets for donations to Watertown Unified School District. Mr. Gerard said the AmVets would not be able to donate to local organizations without storage space for their rummage sale items.
Brandon Kaulitz, 24 Park View Ln., spoke regarding Resolution #8901. He thanked the Council for taking time to hear the AmVets and believes the community is supportive to veterans’ organizations and provided examples of local memorials and celebrations. He also described positive work that AmVets does which are largely funded by their rummage sales. He asked that the Council not remove the AmVets from the storage space on Cady Street.
Laurie Hoffmann, 1009 N. Second St., spoke regarding Resolution #8901. Laurie stated the City has allowed a number of non-profits to use the Cady Street building over the years, but recently learned the City is in need of storage for equipment which is developing maintenance issues due to weather exposure. Laurie said she is a veteran herself and understands fundraising is challenging. Laurie urged the AmVets to reach out to the public for an alternate location for storage and if not possible to improvise, adapt and overcome.
Jennifer Thorman, 902 N. Fourth St., spoke regarding Resolution #8901. Jennifer stated that her grandfather was a WWII Vet. Jennifer said that her home and belongings were lost in a fire in 2013 and the AmVets rummage sale allowed her to recoup many household items in exchange for a donation. She said this made her feel like she was helping other people and not just taking. Jennifer supports the AmVets rummage sale and asked the Council for time for them to find a new storage location before displacing them.
Jim Romlein, 1042 Richards Ave., thanked Ald. Larsen for bringing forward Resolution #8901. He feels the resolution proposes a solution for the AmVets. Mr. Romlein spoke of the impact of this space on the City, referencing
Mayor McFarland’s memo of Oct. 17, 2019, listing the cost, liability exposure and direct impact on the budget. Mr. Romlein stated that this building’s location has a strategic value and the AmVets space is the heart of the complex. Mr. Romlein stated his support for veterans and said the AmVets are a great organization but the Cady Street building is critical space and the AmVets need to find another space.
Yvonne Duesterhoeft, Jefferson County Veterans Services Officer, spoke regarding Resolution #8901. She said she appreciated the honorable intentions of everyone in the room. Yvonne stated her job is to advocate/connect
resources with veterans and AmVets steps up to help often. She said she understands the balance of trying to govern fairly and asked if we can support the AmVets in another location.
Allen Zabel, 701 N. Church St., spoke regarding Resolution #8901. He informed the Council that AmVets donate items without cost, including delivery. Mr. Zabel stated that they spend over 100 days picking up items, as well as delivering items for sale or to those in need. He feels this helps the City itself, because it keeps these items out of landfills. Mr. Zabel stated that AmVets not only supports veterans, but the community as well.
Misti Hawn, 118 Lynn St., spoke regarding Resolution #8901. Ms. Hawn thanked the Mayor for her work with the Heroes Café and bringing the moving wall to the City. Ms. Hawn feels that Mayor McFarland’s work for veterans has been undermined by this issue and doesn’t feel this issue means the Council and Mayor lack support for veterans. She asked that everyone look at the facts and not allow emotion to make the decision and to cease name calling.
Rhiannon Lucente, PO Box 302, spoke regarding Resolution #8901. Ms. Lucente read a thank you letter regarding the AmVets blood drive. She said the City has many parcels of land and needs to house equipment and asked
what the City can do to accommodate the AmVets need for space.
Joseph Farmer, 900 Oak St., spoke regarding Resolution #8901. Mr. Farmer said he is a veteran and does not feel entitled, but wants to work with the City to resolve this issue. Mr. Farmer stated the bashing is not coming from the AmVets. He feels AmVets are being good stewards by taking items the City would have to pay to dispose of and giving items and money from their sales back to the community. Mr. Farmer told the Council he joined the AmVets because they give so much to the community. He asked the Council to help find the AmVets another location if they must leave.
Jorge Monterrey, 500 A Bernard St., spoke regarding Resolution #8901. Mr. Monterrey stated that he was a Marine, having served two tours and has also served as a firefighter and EMT. Mr. Monterrey feels the AmVets are doing a great job, but this issue should not be a veterans versus civilians issue. Mr. Monterrey reiterated the sentiment of an earlier speaker, “adapt, improvise, overcome”. Mr. Monterrey suggested, when we come across something we can’t handle, find a way to fix it and stated that no one joined the military for freebies and handouts. He stated this is a matter of what is best for the City and a precedent should be set.
Exh. #8901, to authorize leasing of storage space to AmVets of Watertown was presented. Sponsor: Ald. Larsen. Ald. Larsen moved for adoption, seconded by Ald. Kilps. Ald. Raether stated he supports veterans and current military and believes we owe the AmVets some time, but need to look at effect to taxpayers and liabilities. He stated he is not in favor of a 5-year lease but would like a one-year deal to give AmVets and the City time to review. Ald. Raether moved to amend Resolution #8901 to a 1-year lease, seconded by Ald. Tortomasi and carried by roll call vote: Yes-8; No 0.
Ald. Ruetten stated he agreed with the amendment and that it is good to formalize the agreement with terms that are favorable to both parties. Ald. Maron stated he was also in favor of a one-year lease with the hope that the community may bring forth another opportunity for space. Ald. Mudler stated this is a happy medium at this time. He said he sees passion in the AmVets mission and can live with a one-year lease while the City and AmVets work together towards a more sustainable solution for both parties. Ald. Raether suggested that there be review with every lease renewal. Ald. Schmid said he agrees with the one-year lease. He feels it is in the best interest of the City, long term, to house our equipment in the space. He questioned whether the AmVets could work with the County Veterans Office to get grants for space to use. Motion was made by Ald. Maron to amend Resolution #8901 making the renewability clause also for one year instead of 5 year terms, motion was seconded by Ald. Larsen and carried by roll call vote: Yes-8; No-0. Motion to approve Resolution #8901 as amended carried by roll call vote: Yes-7, No-1 (Mudler).
The City Attorney will draft a lease.
Mayor McFarland stated this resolution does not supersede ordinance and there is a need for further discussion because the ordinance that delegates authority of property management to the Mayor supersedes the resolution. She questioned if it is the position of the Council to allow these same terms to other groups. Ald. Mudler responded right now he feels the answer is no. Ald. Raether stated he is willing to offer this resolution to AmVets to give time but does not recommend anyone else be allowed to use the building. Zoning Administrator, Jacob Maas, pointed out that by City Code, Chapter 550, storage use of the building would require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Mayor McFarland reported she had given groups using the Cady Street building until November 15, 2019 to vacate the premises and to let her know if this was not workable, receiving no input or request for extension from the AmVets. She stated that she will in the future have to ask for more money to build storage for equipment that should not be out in the elements, shortening the expected life span of the equipment. Mayor McFarland stated that she had taken inventory of all other City buildings and found space for only one piece of equipment. She did this assessment to be sure there is no other place for this equipment. She added the building needs to be rekeyed as there are areas the public should not have access to. She stated that she has done her best to resolve this matter amicably by offering extensions that were not requested.
Mayor McFarland said she appreciates the AmVets and considers them an asset to the community.
Watertown AMVETS Post 35, a veteran’s group that has served the city since 1947, will be able to maintain its 1,640-squarefoot space used to house goods for its annual rummage sale within a city storage facility following a council vote. The space is housed within a 24,000 square-foot taxpayer- owned storage facility, 727 W. Cady St. and 722 O’Connell St., which is used to store some city equipment.
11 19 HAUS
AMVETS Post 35 of Watertown recently made a donation of appliances and other items to the Haus of Peace, a shelter for women.
History of Watertown, Wisconsin