
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Nicholas Bickner

1852 - 1906


At 4 o’clock Wednesday morning, June 13, 1906, Nicholas Bickner died of pneumonia at this home, 807 Sixth Street.  He had been ill only one week, and the suddenness of his death has taken his family and friends by surprise, as he had been enjoying the best of health up to a week previous to his death.


Deceased was born at Granville, Wisconsin, August 11, 1852, and in 1871 came to Watertown, where he have ever since resided.  He was a miller by trade and for the past 25 years he was employed by the Globe Milling Co, and previous to entering the employ of that company he was employed in the old Rough & Ready Mill for Benkendorf & Peters, in which mill he learned his trade.


He was a member of Log Camp No. 401 Modern Woodmen of American.


Friday morning at 9 o’clock his funeral takes place to St. Henry’s Cemetery.


Mr. Brickner was known to most of the people of Watertown, and all held him in very high esteem, for he was a model citizen in every respect, an ideal husband and father.  In his death our city loses on of its very best citizens, and his wife and son, who survive him, a kind and devoted husband and father.




Table of Contents 

History of Watertown, Wisconsin
