
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin



Rededication of

newly remodeled

St. Henry’s Church

Watertown, WI

November 2, 2002



Most Reverend William H. Bullock

Bishop of Madison



Reverend Bernard E. Rott




Prelude Music:                      St. Henry Music Ministry

Call to Worship: Shofar Fanfare:    Todd Weissenbom

Welcome:                            Karen Till, Pastoral Associate

Gathering Song:                     "We Gather Together"

Greeting:                           Bishop Bullock

Presentation of Plans:              Tom Gleason Joe Coughlin

Blessing of water in Baptistry;

Sprinkling Rite:                    Bishop Bullock

Gloria:                             Heritage Mass

Opening Prayer:                     Bishop Bullock



First Reading:                      Sharon Hass (Malachi 1: 14b-2:2b, 8-10)

Psalm:                              Missalette p. 84

Second Reading:                     Dale Werner (Thessalonians 2:7b-9,13)

Gospel Acclamation:                 "Alleluia”

Gospel:                             Father Bernie Rott

Homily:                             Bishop Bullock

Profession of Faith:

Litany of the Saints:               Sung



Prayer of Dedication: Bishop Bullock

The bishop prays a prayer of dedication to God.


Anointing of the Altar: Bishop Bullock

The bishop pours the holy oil Chrism on the middle of the altar and each of the four corners. Then spreads it over the whole altar.


Incensation of the Altar: Bishop Bullock

A brazier with burning coals is placed on the altar.  The bishop goes to the altar, places incense into the brazier. He then puts incense into a censer and incenses the altar. Father Bernie then incenses the Bishop and the congregation.


Setting of Altar Table:

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Simon, Romilda Rohr & Pat Geoghegan

The altar is covered with a white altar cloth and decorated with flowers.



Presentation of Gifts:              Mr. And Mrs. Edward Wanke

Presentation Song:                  "City of God "

Holy, Holy, Holy:                   Heritage Mass

Memorial Acclamation


Our Father

Lamb of God:                        Heritage Mass

Blessing and Dismissal:             Bishop Bullock

Closing Song:                       "Joyful, Joyful"



Many people were involved in making this remodeling project a success. Our sincere and heartfelt thanks are extended to all: Bishop Bullock, for his approval; Father Bernie Rott, Pastor; St. Henry’s Staff; E. J. Potente Design Studio; Chris Burgess, Architect; All contractors and subcontractors; and All parishioners who either worked on the project or who have donated to it in some way.