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St. Henry’s Honor Roll

First quarter of 2005-06 school year

11 17 2005


St. Henry’s Catholic School has announced its honor roll and high honor roll for the first quarter.




Grade Four: Kristina Bellows, Angela Breunig, Sara Hogan, Jessica Mallow and Kristin Miller.

Grade Five: Anthony Bacchi and John Wagner.

Grade Six: Kasey Garity, Francis Hertel, Jared Keller and Alicia Strupp.

Grade Seven: Alexander Beltz, Jarrett Beal, Cassandra Caine, Megan McPherson, Andrew Ready, Hayden Searcy and Natalie Sims.

Grade Eight: Brian Caine, Erin Caine and Thomas Peirick.




Grade Four: Danielle Caine, Justin Drebenstedt and Tommy Poff.

Grade Five: Kelli Green, Juliena Herritz, Isabel Kemp, Patricia Ready and Patrick Roche.

Grade Six: Kara Denault, Devin Herritz and Jacob Jurgella.

Grade Seven: Megan Feilbach, Catherine O'Connor and Taylor Wagner.

Grade Eight: Josh Caine.