
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Father Edward Hertel

First Mass at St. Henry’s, June 1917


(Denninger Studio, Watertown, Wis.)


(l. to r.) Helen Molzahn, Dorothy Molzahn (Coogan), Father Edward Hertel, Frank Kellerman


According to a custom symbolizing the union of the young priest with the Church, Miss Dorothy Molzahn was selected as the bride, Miss Helen Molzahn as the flower girl, and Master Frank Kellerman the flower boy.


Father HertelFather Edward Hertel


The Reverend Edward Hertel celebrated this first Mass at St. Henry’s in June of 1917. 


Among those assisting were Father Joseph La Boule, Gerald Feisst, Fred Kreuziger and Herbert Littel.  The sermon was preached by Father Philip Schweitzer of Bristol.


Hertel was born in Watertown in 1892 and was a student at the parish school until age 14, at which time he entered St. Francis Seminary.  He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hertel and his father was a prominent merchant, for many years operated a clothing store as a member of the firm of Hertel and Hoffman.


Watertown Daily Times, 06 20 1917