ebook History of Watertown, Wisconsin
Albert J. Weis
20 Apr 1857 - 14
Jan 1904 (aged 46)
Republican, January 20, 1904
Popular Watertown
Citizen Passes Away
Albert J.
Weis died at his late residence, 111 North Montgomery Street, Thursday evening
at 6 o’clock after an illness which began last June when he was attacked with
heart disease, which before death was complicated with Bright’s disease. His death, while not wholly unexpected, will
be a shock to his many friends who hoped for his ultimate recovery. He suffered but little during his illness and
the end came peacefully.
Mr. Weis
was born in this city April 19, 1857 and was therefore almost 47 years of
age. He attended the local schools until
nearly manhood when he entered the employ of his brother in-law, William Buchheit, as a grain
buyer and salesman, later entering the employ of the A. Fuermann Brewing Company as a
salesman, which he followed until the firm went out of existence.
In 1896 he
was nominated for register of deeds of Jefferson county by the Republican
party, although he had previously been a Democrat, and was elected, serving one
term, having failed of election the second time. After a short time spent in the employ of a
Jefferson concern he accepted a position with the Mutual Life Insurance Company
of New York as special agent and was following that line of work when taken
He was
married twenty years ago to Hattie Fuermann, daughter of the late August Fuermann, who survives
him, together with one son, Herbert Weis.
Mr., Weis
was a genial, whole souled man with a kindly feeling for all and was endowed
with those characteristics which readily won him friends wherever he went. He possessed a wide acquaintance throughout
the state and was always a welcome addition to any social gathering. In a business way he was progressive and
enterprising and always tried to lead, not follow. He was strictly honest in his dealings and
possessed a remarkable business ability, quick to and act accordingly. In this city where he was so well known his
presence will be missed by the whole community and his friends everywhere will
be pained to learn of his death. Mr.
Weiss was fond of music and himself possessed a good voice. He was one of the original members of the Concordia
society and took an active interest in the society. He was also a member of the
Watertown Liederkranz and the Plattdeutscher verein.
funeral took place Sunday afternoon and was largely attended. Many friends called at the home to view the
remains for the last time. The services
at the home were conducted by Rev, T C. Eglin of St. Paul’s Episcopal church,
assisted by a quartet composed of Messrs. Julius Wiggenhorn, Edward L. Schempf,
Max Rohr and Fred Lehmann. The floral
tributes were many and beautiful. The
interment took place at Oak Hill cemetery [1] [2] where
the body was consigned to mother earth while Rev Eglin read the beautiful and
impressive ritual for the dead.
pallbearers were Messrs. W. F. Brandt, F. H. Buffmeier, John C. Gruel, Gustav
Zemke, C. Huenefeld, J, P. Holland.
Cross reference
Son Herbert became policeman
History of Watertown, Wisconsin