ebook History of Watertown, Wisconsin
Steven C. Parks
1915 - 1952
Steven C. Parks Stricken Here / Heart Attack is Cause
Funeral services will be held
Monday morning in St. Paul's Episcopal church for Steven C. Parks, 37, sales manager and assistant general manager
of the G. B. Lewis Company, who died at 3 o'clock this morning at his home,
302 North Water Street from a heart attack.
There will be a service at 10:30 a.m. at the church, the Rev. James R. DeGolier officiating. Prior to that, at 9 a.m., there will be a requiem eucharist for the family members and friends.
Mr. Parks, in addition to his position with the Lewis Company, was secretary and a director of the corporation.
He was a native of Watertown and was born May 23, 1915. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Parks. His father, who was for years head of the Lewis Company, died on Jan. 21 of this year.
On April 9, 1943, Mr. Parks married Miss Mary Glocke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glocke. The wedding took place in Norfolk, Va., while Mr. Parks was in the service. He was a veteran of World War II, serving from 1941 to 1945, part of the time in the European theatre of operations. He was a major in the U. S. Army Air Force.
Surviving are his wife, his mother, two sons, Steven C. Parks Jr., and Lewis W. Parks; and one sister, Mrs. Frank Baumgardner, Lancaster, Ohio.
Mr. Parks attended Watertown High School, Lawrence College and the University of Wisconsin. He was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal church and was active in the parish. He was a secretary to the vestrymen of the congregation. He was a member of Watertown lodge No. 666, B.P.O. Elks, and the Watertown Country club. He served as a member of the Watertown Airport Commission and today the flag flew at half-staff at the City Hall and also the Elks Club.
Active Golfer
Mr. Parks was rated a good golfer and was a former club. champion here. Only recently he had won his first round in the East Central Golf Association at Edgerton and was scheduled to play in the tournament there on Sunday.
He was a young man of considerable promise in the community and had a host of friends. News of his death this morning shocked the community, for he had not been known to be ill and upon retiring last night was in the best of spirits and appeared in good health. Coroner Carroll Schulz of Jefferson County reported that a post mortem today had revealed a coronary condition and said that death resulted from it.
Friends may call at the Schmutzler Funeral home Sunday afternoon and evening to pay their respects.
History of Watertown, Wisconsin