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Dr. G. Shamberg



08 19          Pulling teeth made easy is an art that will be particularly pleasing to all who have to submit to that always unwelcome and painful operation.  Dr. Shamberg this city—who is one of the best and most successful dentists in the State - has a way of doing this, as he has of everything else connected with his profession, so as to cause the least trouble to those who are obliged to part with their teeth.  He has an electric battery by means of which he can extract teeth so as almost entirely to avoid hurting.  And what is more and better, after he has disposed of the old ones, he has the skill to supply their places with others, which are the very next best things to natural ones.  We have recently been shown specimens of his workmanship, and we must say that for beauty, finish, durability and perfection, we have never seen them surpassed.  Preserve your own teeth if you can, but if you cannot, we are sure Dr. Shamberg will furnish you with as good a set as art and experience can do.   WD


Dec             Dr. G. Shamberg has located himself permanently at Watertown and is now prepared to wait upon all who may require his services.  Office:  In Pritchard’s Block, over the Watertown Bank. References given if required.



04 07       The tide of emigration to Pike’s Peak has set in with full force.  Every day trains of wagons, loaded with every mentionable variety of utensils and instruments of work, pass through our streets.  Today as fine a lot of fellows left our city as can be found on the road to the land of promise and gold, viz:  Stephen Stimpson, Jesse Moulton, E. C. Tompkins, Dr. G. Shamberg, and George Breckenridge.  On the Tuesday previous N. Nettleton, Charles Gilman, Edward Gilman, H. Moak, R. B. Bassford, Thomas Spencer and some others, whose names we do not now remember, took their departure.  We sincerely hope they will all return to wife, children and friends—those of them who possess these transcendent blessings—with all their high expectations fully realized.   WD


04 10       Dr. Shamberg, who has been a resident of this city during the past year and within that time gained a wide reputation as a skillful and practical operator of dentistry, left this city this morning [for Pike’s Peak to search for gold], during which time Dr. William Potter of Fond du Lac, who has justly gained as favorable a reputation in his profession in that city, is prepared to attend to the wants of all who may require the services of a practical dentist.  Dr. S. intends to return home early in the fall and resume his professional labors.   WD



07 28       Got Back—Dr. G. Shamberg and Calvin Cheney—two Pike’s Peak adventurers from this city—have returned to their homes.  We believe neither of them have actually been to the mountains, but both have seen gold that has been taken from them.  They freely tell what they have heard and observed—cheerfully give others the benefit of their experience—but when we get down to elements of what they have really found out from actual examination in the mines themselves, it amounts to just about as much as the observation of hundreds of others who have been very near the auriferous ranges, but never reached them quite—that is nothing very definite, nothing very certain, nothing very encouraging—only they would advise others to keep away.  Good, bad, indifferent, doubtful, and slightly on the fence.   WD



1860, Fourth of July celebration participant



02 06       Dr. G. Shamberg of this city deservedly enjoys a reputation, of being an accomplished and successful dentist.  He keeps a close watch on all the discoveries made in his profession, and if valuable, never fails to promptly introduce them in his practice.  He has recently made an addition to the furniture of his office in the shape of a new chair so constructed so as to enable him, with the greatest ease, to change the position of the sitter to suit the nature of the operation he wishes to perform.  The doctor always makes a point to do his work with as little pain or inconvenience to his patrons as possible.  We do not know that occupying this chair will make teeth pulling much more delightful than it now is, but once seated there, the thing is done before you think of it, and then you have a most charming place in which to enjoy the luxury of recovering your former placid temper, and congratulate yourself that a dreadful job has been so skillfully performed.  We do not advise any, even with the advantage of such a chair, to go through the trial just for the fun of it, but if the aching tooth must come out, it is something to have it extracted in the best possible style, and that the doctor can do.   WD


02 08       Easy, if Painful—This paradox is verified relating to dental operations performed in a chair we saw a few days since in Dr. Shamberg’s office.  Who would think of a patient’s chair costing $150, or imagine either, that the mere position of the patient was matter of sufficient importance to warrant so large expense in securing what was desirable in this respect; but both seem to be verities.


We think this chair is ahead of anything of the kind in this region.  It is indeed all that its price and object would warrant, and although we should not select dental operations as a subject of pleasing associations, still, if we must submit to them, it would be some consolation to occupy such a seat.


The whole structure rests upon a large cast iron central ball and is so adjusted that any desirable position can be assumed and easily continued.  In addition to this the seat, pillow and the stool can be elevated or depressed at pleasure, thus perfectly adapting them to the size of the patient, the part of the mouth to be operated upon and the mode of sitting most proper to the case.  These improvements and adjustments are effected in the simplest manner by means of screws and cranks and the whole machinery and apparatus are most superbly mounted and gorgeously cushioned.  It is unnecessary to add that all this gentleman’s furniture and professional apparatus is in correspondence with this chair, rendering his rooms the most complete of any in this region, if indeed they are unsurpassed in the state.   WR