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Neitzel Saloon
1913, 1000 S Fifth,
Oct. 17, 1906
That he was beastly intoxicated and did not know what he was doing, is the only excuse offered by Dan Schulber for forging a check of $12 and passing the same on Albert Neitzel who conducts a saloon near the C. N. & St. Paul depot. The check was cashed by a Milwaukee liquor agent and was drawn on the Wisconsin National bank.
The affair is one that leads many to believe that Schulber was telling the truth as far as being under the influence of “red eye,” or that he is weak in the upper story. The fellow had a good position with the inter-urban railway company, from which concern it is said he had money coming.
He returned to Watertown Sunday night from Milwaukee, claiming that he beat his way a portion of the distance walking a good share of the way. The prisoner was taken before Justice Henze yesterday afternoon. He waived examination and was held to the circuit courts under the bonds of $500, in default of which he was placed in the strong box and was taken to Jefferson to await his trial, unless the bail is forthcoming.
When he left the city, Schulber also took a valuable dog belonging to W. J. Beach. The missing canine was brought back to town, Schulber evidently getting wind of the fact that he was being looked for. The worthless document was signed by W. Thomson, but looked as if the party who signed it was either in the condition he said he was, or an ignoramus.
In court yesterday afternoon, the fellow begged piteously for mercy. It is said that Schulber comes from a good family whom he visited after leaving here, but he did not remain long.