
 ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Index to Watertown History Annual, No. 1



     Abele, Genie                                                  119

     Ableman                                                       122

     Alice's Inn, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show              111

     Anger                                                         128


     Bailey, Sawmill co-owner, Cole, Bailey and Cady, 1843         70-71

     Bandelin, John                                                131

     Beals and Pratt Shoe Co, power derived to dam on Rock River   73

     Beck, Paul                                                    121

     Becker's TV & Radio Service                                   89

     Behm, Meta nee Borth, "Little Meta", Borth Quintet            107-114

     Bennett, Willie                                               133

     Berg                                                          125-126, 128

     Berglin                                                       116, 118-119

     Bittner, Elenore                                              126

     Blue Inn, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show                 111

     Boatman                                                       127

     Borth Quintet, article on                                     107-114

     Borth, Clara nee Saniter (William)                            107

     Borth, Esther (Norman Suhr), Borth Quintet                    107-114

     Borth, Matt, mention of                                       109

     Borth, Meta, "Little" (Mrs Lawrence Behm), Borth Quintet      107-114

     Borth, Norma (Mrs Ervin Retzlaff), Borth Quintet              107-114

     Borth, Robert, Borth Quintet                                  107-114

     Borth, Selma, Borth Quintet                                   107-114

     Borth, William (Clara Saniter)                                107

     Bott, George, Mrs, Octagon House dining room image, c1901     66

     Bramer, Adam                                                  132

     Bramer, Frank, music teacher, Borth Quintet                   110

     Breithaupt, A W, Dr, Watertown Pigeon Club                    29

     Breweries, dependence on ice harvesting                       73-75

     Brick making, Watertown Cream Brick, article on               77-81

     Bridge Barber Shop, being washed away, image of, 1904         54

     Brooks Eggs and Feed, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show     111

     Bruch, Mrs                                                    134

     Buchta                                                        134-137

     Buechele, Catherine                                           125

     Buffmeier, Mabel                                              132

     Burke, Johnny                                                 131-132

     Burnham, P B, invented brick molding process, 1867            78


     Cady Street Bridge, image of, c1895                           81

     Cady, Sawmill co-owner, Cole, Bailey and Cady, 1843           70-71

     Callahan, John, seen in image, 1898                           64

     Casey's Garage, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show           111

     Chadwick, D S, brick maker, 1847                              77

     Chadwick, John, brick maker, 1847                             77

     Chapman, Agnes, in image of Harvest Carnival Parade, 1899     58

     Chicago White Sox, vs Watertown Goslings, baseball, 1913      50

     Cole Block, tribute to Watertown brick making, 201-205 E Main 78

     Cole, Eliza                                                   68

     Cole, John W                                                  68

     Cole, John, home of, Watertown brick                          79

     Cole, Luther, Rough & Ready Dam, with John Richards, 1840s    71

     Cole, Sawmill co-owner, Cole, Bailey and Cady, 1843           70-71

     Concordia Island, image of, c1895                             76

     Concordia Society, mention of                                 76

     Conley, Michael Daniel, saloon, image of, c1890               58

     Cook, Lloyd                                                   135

     Copeland, Edward                                              135

     Cordes-Vaughn brickyard                                       77

     Cruez, Arthur                                                 116

     Cruger, J W, seen in image, 1898                              64


     Dairy Distributors, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show       111

     Darmstadt                                                     121

     Davies & Mulberger, law firm, 1906                            31, 37

     Davies, Joseph, Attorney, line drawing, 1906                  37

     Demin, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox, 1913  50

     Dennis Block, tribute to brick making, 208-210 West Main      78

     Diehl, Henry                                                  128

     Division Street Bridge, image of                              83

     Dobbratz, Frances (Walter Stuebe)                             88

     Doering, Irene                                                120

     Downing, R                                                    115


     Eggert                                                        119

     Eickmann, Martin, Prof                                        118, 122

     Eiffler, Jacob, seen in image, 1898                           64

     Eighth, North, 117, Henry and Lizetta Seibel residence        118

     Eighth, South, 504, Walter Nack home, tie to Seibel Bros pony 100

     Empire Mill, power derived from dam on Rock River             73-74

     Etschmann, Father, mention of, pastor St. Henry's 1870-1878   103-104


     Field's Furniture Store, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show  111

     First, North, 113, Wilkowski cigar manufactory                133

     Fitzgerald                                                    131

     Fix                                                           122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132

     Flavin, Ella                                                  3, 11

     Forrest, William, WIBU Radio                                  107-114

     Fourth Street Bridge, image of                                82

     Fourth, North, 1107, Wegemann squabs                          28-28

     Friedman, Samuel, portrait, line drawing, Orbit, 1917         40

     Froebel, Fredrich                                             2-3, 7

     Froebel, Fredrich, monument & grave                           11

     Fuermann Brewery, power derived to dam on Rock River          73


     G B Lewis Company, power derived to dam on Rock River         73

     Gardner, Marian                                               119

     Gehler, Verne, "Watertown on Parade" radio show               109

     Gleiter, Henrietta (Michael)                                  120

     Globe Milling Co, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show         111

     Gnewuch, Hattie nee Riemann (William)                         115

     Gnewuch, Hilda (Verne Kaub), diary of                         115-139

     Gnewuch, William (Hattie Riemann)                             115

     Goecke, Ernst                                                 116

     Goecke, Mrs                                                   122

     Goecke, Schroeder                                             122

     Goeldner, Arthur, Saloon, image of, 1899                      59

     Goetsch, Ray, mention of                                      100

     Golpher's, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show                111

     Goodhue Dam, George Goodhue, lower dam, 1837                  70, 72

     Graeszel Cooping Company, 1906                                32

     Graeszel, Edward, Cooping Company, 1906                       32

     Gram Drug Store, Charles, 1898                                64

     Great Coopeer and Robenson United Railroad Show               97

     Green, Alice nee Richards, Octagon House dining room, c1901   66

     Gritzner, Max, Barber Shop, image of, c1895                   55

     Guenther                                                      128

     Gullickson                                                    138

     Gunz, Ora                                                     134

     Gutterdam, George                                             129-130


     Hafemeister Funeral Home, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show 111

     Hahn                                                          123

     Hahn, Romie, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox  50

     Haley, Lucia                                                  138

     Hancock, 409, Goecke residence                                122

     Hartig Brewery, dependence on ice harvesting                  73-75

     Hartig Brewery, power derived to dam on Rock River            73

     Hartwig, A R, Dr, veterinary physician, line drawing, 1906    38-39

     Hartwig, Ferdinand, home of, Watertown brick, 1864            80

     Harvest Carnival Parade, image of, 1899                       58

     Heiden, John, Watertown Squab Co                              30

     Hendrich, Conrad, seen in image, 1898                         64

     Henzel                                                        128

     Hermann, Rudy, M/M                                            17-18

     Hertel, Albert                                                17

     Heye, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox, 1913   50

     Hibbard, Irving                                               138

     Hibbard, Paul                                                 138

     Hilgendorf, George                                            124, 132

     Hinz                                                          134

     Hoffman                                                       138

     Hopenrod                                                      126

     Hornickle, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox    50

     Hoyer, Otto                                                   128

     Hubbs, Clare                                                  121

     Ice Harvesting, Rock River                                    73-75


     Illing                                                        135, 137

     Ingo Elsner                                                   89


     Jacobs, Otto, mention of                                      110

     Jacobs, William, mention of                                   110

     Jaedecke, Ida, milliner                                       129

     Jahnke, Herman (Dutch), seen in image, 1898                   64

     Jefferson County Normal School                                121

     Jeske                                                         126-127

     Johnson, Timothy                                              68

     Jones Block, tribute to Watertown brick making, 116-118 W Mai 78

     Jones, 500, Abraham Lieberman residence                       129

     Jones, Sadie, Octagon House dining room image, c1901          66

     Jones, William, Kreitzman Collection of images                51

     Joss, Addie, Sacred Heart baseball player, 1899               42

     Juessen, Anna                                                 3

     Juessen, Jacob                                                3

     Juessen, Miss                                                 6, 11

     Juessen, Nannie                                               3


     Kading & Kading, C A Kading, 1906                             34

     Kading, C A, Kading & Kading, line drawig, 1906               34

     Karlshuegel, Schurz Home                                      12-13

     Kaub, Elizabeth nee Richardson (Jacob), "The Flower Lady"     115

     Kaub, Hilda nee Gnewuck (Verne), diary of                     115-139

     Kaub, Jacob (Elizabeth Richardson)                            115

     Kaub, Shirley                                                 115

     Kaub, Verne (Hilda Gnewuch)                                   115

     Keel, Einis                                                   130

     Kehl, Art, Watertown Pigeon Club                              29

     Kehl, Bill, "Watertown on Parade" radio show                  109

     Kehoe, Charles                                                116

     Kehoe, Johnnie                                                116

     Killian, Eugene, seen in image, 1898                          64

     Kindergarten, Early, c1895                                    18, 19

     Kindergarten, First, 150 year commemoration                   25

     Kindergarten, First, 150 year proclamation                    26

     Kindergarten, First, article on                               1-26

     Kindergarten, First, images of, exterior                      14-18, 20

     Kindergarten, First, images of, interior                      21-24

     Kindergarten, First, moving of                                17-18

     Kindergarten, London, first                                   3

     Kirchener (Pussy)                                             126, 128

     Kirkland, Lillian                                             137

     Kirst                                                         124

     Kleinow, Red, Sacred Heart baseball player, 1899              42

     Kleist's Applicance Store, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show111

     Kluender, Carl                                                131

     Koehler, Arthur                                               123-124

     Koenig Mill, power derived to dam on Rock River               73

     Koenig, "Tante" Ella                                          6

     Kowalke, Irwin                                                125

     Kramer, Gertrude                                              119, 124, 132

     Kramp Horseshoeing & Blacksmith, image of, c1885              62

     Kramp, Howard, Watertown Pigeon Club                          29

     Kreitzman Collection, Images donated to Watertown His Soc     51-66

     Kreitzman, Gerald, Kreitzman Collection of images             51

     Kreitzman, William, Kreitzman Collection of images            51

     Kressin, Walter, Watertown Squab Co                           30

     Kronitz, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox, 191 50

     Kuehl, Edna, mention of                                       115

     Kunert, Rose                                                  6

     Kusel Dairy Co, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show           111


     Langhoff, August                                              137

     Lewis, Llewellyan                                             121

     Lieberman, Abraham                                            129

     Lotz, Mary (William Stuebe)                                   88

     Luetcke                                                       128

     Lutovsky, Charles, Watertown Squab Co                         30


     Maerske, Oscar, Watertown Squab Co                            30

     Mahoney, Jack                                                 116, 119, 123

     Main Street Bridge, east, image of, c1900                     85

     Main Street Bridge, west, image of                            84

     Main, East, 200 block, Peterson-Maldaner Block                78

     Main, East, 201-205, Cole Block                               78

     Main, East, 308-310, Seibel Saloon and Grocery                93

     Main, East, 409, Ida Jaedecke store                           129

     Main, East, 1021, Arthur Zuehlke residence                    117

     Main, West, 116-118, Jones Block                              78

     Main, West, 208-210, Dennis Block                             78

     Martch, Ella                                                  124

     May, Christian Louis, portrait, cartoon drawing, Orbit, 1913  39

     May, John B, Early image of St. Henry's                       101

     McCormick, Nellie                                             120

     McLaughlin, Carol (Edward Stuebe)                             88

     Merkle Monument, Octagon House grounds, dedicated 2005        48-49

     Merkle, Amalia nee Thielman (Ernest)                          41

     Merkle, Ernest (Amalia Thielman)                              41

     Merkle, Fred, Baseball player, article on                     41-49

     Meyer, Adolph                                                 1, 9-10

     Meyer, Bertha (Ronge)                                         3, 6

     Meyer, Heinrich                                               1, 7

     Meyer, Margarethe (Schurz), article on                        1-26

     Meyer, Marianna "Pussy"                                       9

     Miller, Julie                                                 3

     Miller, Margaretta                                            3

     Mollart, Gladys                                               6, 17

     Molzahn, Simon, Saloon, image of, c1895                       59

     Muck, Carl                                                    134-139

     Mueller, Ed                                                   126

     Mueller's store                                               125, 130

     Mulberger, Arthur, Mayor, line drawing, 1906                  31


     Nack, Eleanore, tie to Seibel Bros pony                       100

     Nack, Tom, tie to Seibel Bros pony                            100

     Nack, Walter, tie to Seibel Bros pony                         100

     Neuer Market, image of, c1885                                 62

     Neumann, Emil (Nitz), seen in image, 1898                     64

     New York Market, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show          111

     Ninth, 200, Lizzie Renk residence                             132

     Ninth, 604, John Bandelin residence                           131


     Oconomowoc Avenue Bridge, image of                            84

     Octagon House, early and distant view, c1900                  65

     Octagon House, early, Eliza Richards on porch, c1899          65

     Octagon House, interior view, dining room, Richards family    66

     Octagon House, Watertown and Milwaukee brick                  79

     Oerding                                                       127, 132


     Pauli, Cameron, Watertown Pigeon Club                         29

     Perkins, Joe                                                  138

     Peterson-Maldaner Block, tribute to Watertown brick making    78

     Pigeons, Watertown business, article on                       27-30

     Piper, Arthur                                                 116, 118

     Piper, Mandy                                                  132

     Pomeroy, Ellen                                                137

     Post Office, image of building, 1898                          64

     Powers, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox, 1913 50


     R & R Television Sales and Service                            89

     Rabenhorst, Milton, mention of                                100

     Radtke                                                        127

     Radtke, Lew                                                   130

     Railroad Bridge, image of                                     82

     Railroad Bridge, image of, 1904                               56

     Reinhard, George, seen in image, 1898                         64

     Reinhard, J, seen in image, 1898                              64

     Renk, Lizzie                                                  132

     Retzlaff, Norma nee Borth, Borth Quintet                      107-114

     Reul                                                          130

     Richards, Alice (Green), Octagon House dining room image      66

     Richards, Anna (Thomas), Octagon House dining room image      66

     Richards, Eliza, Octagon House dining room image, c1901       66

     Richards, Eliza, Octagon House porch, c1899                   65

     Richards, John, Rough & Ready Dam, with Luther Cole, 1840s    71

     Richards, Moses, Mrs, Octagon House dining room image, c1901  66

     Richards, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox     50

     Richardson, Elizabeth (Jabob Kaub), "The Flower Lady"         115

     Riemann, Hattie (William Gnewuch)                             115

     Rock River, river power, article on                           67-76

     Rogan, Patrick, home of, Watertown brick                      79

     Ronge, Bertha nee Meyer                                       3, 6

     Ronge, Johannes                                               3

     Rosemond, William                                             115

     Rosiman                                                       119

     Roth, Charles, seen in image, 1898                            64

     Rough & Ready Dam                                             71-72, 76

     Rough & Ready Dam, image of, 1909                             55

     Ruedig, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox, 1913 50

     Ruesch, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox, 1913 50

     Russel, Irvin                                                 115


     Sacred Heart Academy, baseball team, 1899                     42

     Saengerfest, image of, 1885                                   60-61

     Salick Clock, seen in image of store                          56

     Salick Jewelry Store, image of                                56

     Salick, Joseph, image of                                      56

     Saniter, Clara (William Borth)                                107

     Saturday Day Club, marker                                     16-17

     Sauer, A                                                      131

     Schaefer Motors, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show          111

     Schafer                                                       128

     Schave                                                        128

     Schempf's Department Store, sponsor Borth Quintet radio show  111

     Schlei                                                        123

     Schmutzler, Louis                                             120

     Schoechert, Paul, seen in image, 1898                         64

     Schoolcraft, E J, seen in image, 1898                         64

     Schroeder, W                                                  118, 123

     Schuft, Pankow                                                127

     Schultz, Emma                                                 122

     Schumann, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox     50

     Schurz Home, Karlshuegel                                      12-13

     Schurz, Agatha "Handi"                                        3, 9-10

     Schurz, Carl                                                  1-4

     Schurz, Carl Lincoln                                          10

     Schurz, Herbert                                               10

     Schurz, Margarethe nee Meyer, article on                      1-26

     Schurz, Marianna                                              10

     Schwenkner, Walter, Watertown Pigeon Club                     29

     Second, North, 1022, Stuebe Radio Service, est of, 1948       89

     Second, North, 1022, Stuebe TV & Radio Service, 1960 ad       90

     Seibel Brothers Dog and Pony Show, article on, est 1903       92-100

     Seibel Saloon and Grocery, 308-310 East Main                  93

     Seibel, Edward, son of Emil                                   93

     Seibel, Emil, Dog and Pony Show                               92-100

     Seibel, Henry                                                 118

     Seibel, Henry, father of Emil                                 93

     Seibel, Lisette, mother of Emil                               99

     Seibel, Lizetta                                               118

     Shanton, Ray                                                  131-132

     Shear, Hezzy, "Watertown on Parade" radio show                109

     Shear, Hosmar, music teacher, Borth Quintet                   110

     Silver Creek, image of, late 1890s                            69

     Simmnicht, Louis                                              115

     Simon Trio, "Watertown on Parade" radio show                  109

     Sitz                                                          124

     Spaulding, William, Dr, seen in image, 1898                   64

     Sproesser's Jewelry, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show      111

     Squab, Watertown Co, article on                               27-30

     St. Henry's Catholic Church, discovery of early image         101-106

     Staude Sisters, "Watertown on Parade" radio show              109

     Stengel, Alwin                                                135

     Stern, Max                                                    128

     Stieve, Mr                                                    116

     Stoppenbach, Reed                                             123, 135

     Strassen                                                      131

     Stubbs, Manke                                                 127

     Stuebe Radio Service, est of, 1948                            89

     Stuebe TV & Radio Service, 1960 ad                            90

     Stuebe, Carol nee McLaughlin (Edward)                         88

     Stuebe, Edward (Carol McLaughlin), first TV repairman         87

     Stuebe, Frances nee Dobbratz (Walter)                         88

     Stuebe, Mary nee Lotz (William)                               88

     Stuebe, Walter (Frances Dobbratz)                             88

     Stuebe, William (Mary Lotz)                                   88

     Suhr, Esther nee Borth (Norman)                               107-114

     Suhr, Norman (Esther Borth)                                   113


     Thauer, Bob                                                   128

     Theder, Gary, mention of, TV antennas                         89

     Thielman, Amalia (Ernest Merkle)                              41

     Third Street, North, image of, c1905                          57

     Thom, Paul                                                    116

     Thomas, Anna nee Richards, Octagon House dining room image    66

     Thomas, Emma (Bott), Octagon House dining room image, c1901   66

     Thomas, William, Octagon House dining room image, c1901       66

     Thusius Jewelry, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show          111

     Tivoli Island Bridge, image of                                83

     Tivoli Island, fountain and pavilion, image of, c1895         54

     Town and Country Electric, mention of                         88-89

     Trachte, ponies                                               132


     Ullerich, Fred H, Watertown Concrete Block Co, line drawing   36


     Valesky                                                       123

     Valleskey                                                     125-126


     Walter, Emma                                                  119, 122

     Waterbury, Parker                                             135

     Watertown Brick and Tile, brick making company, 1930s         78

     Watertown Concrete Block Co, Fred Ullerich, 1906              36

     Watertown Cream City Brick, brick making, article on          77-81

     Watertown Daily Times, image of bldg, 1898                    64

     Watertown Gosling Baseball Team, vs Chicago White Sox, 1913   50

     Watertown Grain Co, power derived to dam on Rock River        73

     Watertown Memorial Co, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show    111

     Watertown on Parade, WIBU radio show, Borth Quintet           109

     Watertown Pigeon Club newsletter                              29

     Watertown Pigeon Club, article on squabs                      27-30

     Watertown Squab Co, article on                                27-30

     Watertown, Panoramic view of, c1899                           53

     Watertown, Panoramic view of, c1905                           52

     Watertown, river power and brickmaking, article on            67-85

     Wegemann, Albert, Squabs                                      28-30

     Wegemann, Charles, East Side Market, image of, c1885          63

     Weihert, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox      191    50

     Wendt, Lydia                                                  129

     Werner, F C, Dr, line drawing, 1906                           33

     West Side Lumber Co, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show      111

     Western Avenue, 1300, Prof Martin Eickmann residence          118

     WIBU Radio, Borth Quintet                                     107-114

     Wetter, Clarence H                                            140

     Wickner's Boot Shop, sponsor of Borth Quintet radio show      111

     Wilkowski Brothers, cigar manufactory, 1906                   35, 133

     Wilkowski, Fred, Wilkowski Bros, line drawing, 1906           35

     Winterling, Maryette (Nelson)                                 121

     Wisconsin, 909, Martch family home                            124

     Wittchow, Charles                                             122

     Wittchow, E                                                   119, 124

     Witte, C                                                      115

     Woelffer, Watertown baseball player, vs Chicago White Sox     50


     Zeisler, Paul                                                 125-126

     Zelle                                                         119

     Ziesmer                                                       126-128

     Zuehlke, Authur                                               117-123

     Zuleger, Jeanne, mention of                                   115

     Zutz, Herbert                                                 128