
 ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Samuel B. Fuller

1879 - 1956

Derived from: The History of Jefferson County, Wisconsin by C. W. Butterfield, 1879


S. B. FULLER, wholesale and retail dealer in new “Home,” “Eldredge,” and the best makes of Singer Sewing Machines.  Mr. Fuller came to Watertown in August, 1866; he has sold about 4,000 sewing machines since he engaged in that business in 1869; the first three years of his residence here, he was in insurance business; then, for nine years, he was district agent for the “Singer Manufacturing Company;” he was born in Milford, N.H., June 24, 1841; from 1855 to 1856, resided at Fond du Lac.  In April, 1870, he was married to Mary I. Avery, daughter of Dr. Avery, of Richmond, Ind.; she was born in Ohio; they have three children – Gertrude, Anna and Abbie.  Mrs. Fuller is a member of the Congregational Church.


Cross References:

Is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery - Fuller, S. Bruge, b. 1841, d. 1900

1897c, sewing machines, 102-104 N First, WHS_005_262

1899, 312 E Main, Domestic Sewing Machine Co agent, PC_472

1900c, Sewing machines, 312 E Main, signage on light pole, WHS_005_127