
   ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Ducasse Brewery

C. W. Ducasse


Owned home at 417 Jones Street, which became school site.


The first beer brewed for Watertown’s beer drinkers, however, was made even prior to the first brewery here.  An early day history of Watertown says:


“The manufacture of beer is one of the principal industries in Watertown.  Besides supplying a large local custom, the demand for Watertown brands of this beverage is such as to make its manufacture as profitable as it is extensive.  C. W. Ducasse brewed the first beer for the thirsty citizens of Watertown in a crude and diminutive establishment located about four miles north of the village.  He made weekly trips to Watertown, with a few kegs in a cart drawn by a yoke of oxen.  It is said the fluid was so dark you couldn’t see a frog in it.  It is not disputed, however, that a great many persons were very fond of looking for one, well aware they never would find it.”



Beer and Cheese Cellars of Early Days Uncovered