
 ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


E. K. Crandall

Amos Baum



07 07          A New Firm—Mr. E. K. Crandall has become the proprietor of the grocery store formerly owned by A. Medberry, Jr.  He has a large and choice stock and is one of the most attentive and accommodating gentlemen in the world to deal with and never fails to do just what he promises.  He will continue business at the old stand, and knowing well the wants of the community, he will spare no pains to supply them.   WD


1860      E. K. Crandall Grocery  /  Cigars

03 01          E. K. Crandall probably can show the largest stock of the best varieties of cigars to be found in this city. Those fond of occasionally indulging in a quiet and contemplative smoke can be furnished with all the means for so pleasant and agreeable a recreation by calling at his store. Using tobacco in any form is a very wrong habit. It is expensive, injurious and decidedly vulgar, but if people will continue to cultivate a perverted taste and defile themselves with smoking or eating a vile and offensive weed, they should get the finest specimens of it they can procure, for even then they will be doing that which is bad enough. If the best is so abominable that cattle instinctively reject it, it is little to the credit of anybody to force a taste for it on himself. If you will puff and chew, by all means do it in as genteel a way as possible, look well to the kinds you use, and go where you will be sure to obtain a splendid article, such as is heaped up in the City Grocery Store.   WD


03 08          Chow—Chow. Of course all know what that is, only they don’t. The way to find out is to go to E. K. Crandall’s well furnished grocery store and buy a bottle of one of the finest and best relish-giving sauces that we know of or ever had the good luck to come across. While you are there, just look around and see what a large and choice stock of all kinds of groceries are collected there.   WD


08 23       Toilet Articles—E. K. Crandall has one of the largest and best stocks of toilet articles in the city—direct from Harrison’s celebrated establishment, Philadelphia.  His perfumeries, extracts, soaps and oils are of the finest quality and their merit may be judged by the fact that they are the most extensively used and popular of any in this country.  This week Mr. Crandall will receive from New York a magnificent stock of all kinds of groceries and provisions.   WD


09 07          The Ladies of Watertown and vicinity are informed that the celebrated Pulverized Corn Starch, Silver Glass and Pure Starch, manufactured by J. Kingsford & Son, of Oswego, N. Y., will be found at E. K. Crandall’s.  The trade will be supplied by the box at Chicago or Milwaukee prices.  Mr. E. K. Crandall has received most of his fall goods and such a variety of novelties in the way of staples and fancies is rarely to be met with.  His list of sugars, for quality and price, exceed anything he has before offered.  A new article called “Sultana Sauce,” of world-wide notoriety, may be found at his store, exceeding anything before offered.   WR



03 21          Chemical Washing Compound—E. K. Crandall has for sale Crosby & Meacham’s washing compound, one of the best soaps now in use for all kinds of washing.  It can be used in hard or soft water and is really a useful article.   WD


11 28          New Provision Store.  Mr. A. Baum has recently taken possession of the stand formerly occupied by E. K. Crandall and opened an extensive and well assorted grocery and provision store.  He will keep constantly on hand a large and carefully selected stock of all articles usually found at such establishments and will make it a point to procure articles of the best quality.  That will be a good place at which to both buy and sell.  We hope Mr. Baum will be amply successful in this enterprise and long furnish our citizens with a first class provision store.   WD