
 ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Central Trading Co

1909, 209-211 W Main

1913, 209-211 W Main, second hand goods


Watertown Gazette, 10 16 1908

IF YOU ARE GOING TO HEAVEN you won't need any clothes.

If you are not, cold weather is on your heels and you will need some.

You can get them cheap at The Central Trading Co.

Watertown Gazette, 11 06 1908


The election is all over but the shouting and a great many feel more like groaning [during] these times, but they will shout for joy when they get prices at The Central Trading Co.


Watertown Gazette, 01 08 1909


You may be a descendant from a monkey, but you don't want to sit up in a crotch of a tree this weather.  Better sit by a good coal fire; you can get a good heater very cheap at The Central Trading Co.