This file portion of
8th Grade Commencement
Webster School
Watertown Gazette, 06 24 1910
Eighth Grade Graduating
The graduating exercises of the Webster School were held Tuesday evening at Turner Opera House, and a very large crowd of people witnessed them. Those taking part in the program did exceedingly well and reflected much credit on the 8th grade teachers—the Misses Ida Kopp, Mary Grangle and Catherine Ryan. The motto of the class is "Energy Wins the Way," the class colors, silver and gold, and the class flower, daisy.
Following was the program:
Class Song
Recitation, "Bay Billy"
Percival Strauss
Recitation, "Some Other Birds are Taught to Fly"
Florence Koenig
Piano Solo
Leona Gest
Recitation, "Cherokee Roses"
Grace Hildeman
Recitation, "The Unknown Speaker"
Ervin Reuteler
Violin Solo
Rachel Cooley
Recitation,"An Order for a Picture"
Ida Maass
Recitation, "The Stow-a-way"
Milton Ullerich
Piano Solo
Lucile Berg
Recitation, "An Afternoon in a Hotel"
Ella Schmutzler
Recitation, "Appeal to Arms"
Fred Hollenbeck
Song, Soldiers' Chorus
Accompanist, Miss E. Goeldner.
Following is the list of
graduates. Alva Adsit,
Ruth Mclntyre, Louis A. Bandelin,
Margaret H. Maerzke, Erich C. Benzel,
Percy A. Meyer, Franklin D. Blumenfeld, Raymond B.
Meyer, Edwin F. Buffmire, Edward E. Moldenhauer, Jerome R. Butler, Ella E. Neumann, Hazel R. Blaesius, Hertha H. Nickels, Roy
R. Behlke, Laura A. Peterson, Lucile R. Berg, Rosa
Prey, Anna I. Biefeld, Harlow Robinson, Fred W.
Block, Elsie E. L. Remke, Henrietta M. Buege, Ervin C. Reuteler, Lena E.
L. Buroff, Esther M. E. Rogler,
Joseph W. Cairns, Lillie E. Roth, Paul H. Conway, Geo. Schilling, Rachel E.
Cooley, Adolph Schultz, George W. Dittmann, Raymond
E. Sauer, Gladys Evans, Martha L. Schroeder, Ida M. Forkenbridge,
Arthur F. Schultz, Samuel Feinberg, Edgar F. Schnltz,
Leona Gest, Selma E. Spohn,
Matilda Griesbach, Helen A. Sproesser,
Fredrick H. Gerth, Walter J. Stanton, Marguerite
Glaser, Jesse C. Stone, Ralph J. Goodnetter, Percival
C. Strauss, William Hartig, Elsa H. E. Saniter, Emma T. Hoge, Linda V.
Schmidt, Fred Hollenbeck, Ella L. Schmutzler, Raymond
J. Hefty, Charles J. Seager, Grace M. Hildeman, Leona E. Sonnemann, Mayme H. Hilgendorf, Emil Trapp,
Herbert F. Henke, Wallace R. Thauer, Everett E. Jahnke, Isabel A. Tobian, Rose C.
Jung, Milton A. Ullerich, Franz W. Koenig, Lee G.
Vaughan, Walter W. Kaercher, George Woelffer, Eileen E. Kerr, Ella Wolf, Florence L. Koenig,
Willie V. Walther, Edna M. Kresinski, Adela C. Wendt,
Hilmer H. Krueger, Herbert G. Wieseke,
Elsie G. Krueger, Marguerite E. Wiesemann, Lily V. R.
Lydia L. Zick, Ida Maass,
Hildegard Zeitler, Hilda Maass.