
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Watertown Gazette


James W. Moore   Editor of Watertown Gazette






03 05       SNOW STORM


"Read the Gazette And B Happy"




I will pay $10 reward to the person who will furnish me with information which will lead to the arrest of the party who poisoned my dog shortly after 7 o’clock on Thursday evening, February, 23, 1899.


The guilty party, if found out, will get the full benefit of the law for such an offense.  The law reads:


“Chapter 182, Section 4445.  Any person who shall willfully, maliciously or wantonly kill, main, mutilate or injure any horse, mule, cattle, sheep or other domestic animal of another, or administer poison to such animal, or expose any poison, with the intent that the same maybe taken or swallowed by such animal; shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail no more than six months, or by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.”


W. Moore, Editor Watertown Gazette.   WG


03 10       IT HAPPENED AGAIN ! !

For the second time within two weeks some miserable cur has poisoned a dog belonging to the editor, a second one being poisoned last Wednesday afternoon just one week after being presented to me by one of our business men.  I will pay the above reward ($25) to anyone who will furnish the information that will lead to the arrest of the guilty party, for whoever it may be certainly deserves punishment, and it will be meted out in homeopathic doses if the person is found out.   – JAS. W. MOORE   WG



A west-side manipulator of electricity purchased a hat a few days ago, and was given gratis a pair of earlaps.  With the thermometer indicating 99 degrees alongside of a cake of ice these days, Ed. says he was for a time at a loss to know the significance of being presented with a pair of earlaps; a friend gave him a tip, however, that they were to wear while he was being shaved to avoid being talked to death.  He tried the experiment on a west side tonsorial artist, the artist seeing the joke was turned on himself, he confiscated the earlaps and has had them dangling for the last 24 hours from a telephone pole fronting The Gazette office, attached to a card on which is inscribed:  "Found, for particulars apply to W. J. Lee."


We don't like telephone pole opposition in the advertising line, but we suppose W. J. takes this means of getting square with us for passing off a deaf and dumb dog on him last week for 25 c. cash.    WG




Periodically the newspaper man has all sorts of news brought to his attention that if published would create many a sensation, as well as lead to divorce and the breaking up of families, and possibly imprisonment of many people who are at present mingling in good society and to all outward appearances are respectable.  We have heard within the past few days people of Watertown and vicinity accused of all sorts of vicious and abominable crimes, crimes that would put to shame the people of the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.  They are not confined to any particular class of people, but include those of different nationalities and creeds — the youth, the middle aged and the aged — the married, unmarried, old bachelors, old maids, widows and widowers, and residents of both the city and country.  News of this character is really not just the kind for a family newspaper, and besides it is not always well to expose such people, for it is a very hard matter to convict them, and at the same time it would bring about disgrace and injury to respectable members of their families, and in the end really do no good, excepting that it might possibly prevent others from following in their footsteps.  There is, however, a good field for missionary work in this vicinity, and we need not go to the far-away China and the Philippine Islands to find a field to extend America’s "civilizing influence.”    WG



An anonymous letter was received at this office on Tuesday which reflects on the character of three west-side people, and casts uncalled for odium on religion and on certain races, and insinuatingly gives the editor a pointer on how to conduct a newspaper.  If the writer sends his or her name we will possibly act on the suggestions made therein, provided the said writer is willing to back up the charges in said letter in court.  The person guilty of attacking the characters of individuals, a race or religion under cover of an anonymous letter, is too mean to be allowed living room among decent people, and when summoned from this fair earth may have to turn aside when the heavenly gates are left ajar for repentant sinners to enter.   WG




Today The Gazette is 21 years under its present management and still doing business at the old stand.  During that time there has been almost an entire change in the business places of this city, some having passed to the great beyond, others having retired from business to private life, and others having sought business locations elsewhere.  The young men and ladies of that day are now considered to be “old fogies.”  And most of those who are now “in the push,” as they say, were then in their swaddling clothes.  When we look backward over the scene of 21 years ago, a feeling of sadness creeps over us when we recall many old patrons of The Gazette, whose familiar faces are seen here no more.  One by one they have left us, and in the case of those who have removed from here years ago to other places, when they return for a brief visit, they feel almost entire strangers in the land of their youth, and sigh for the good old days over again.  But alas, they are gone, never to return, and it is well not to dwell too much on the past but live for the present and future, and strive to be good members of society, and to fulfill a useful mission among our fellow men.  The Gazette will take unto itself this advice, and hopes in the future, as in the past, to merit the good will of its patrons and the citizens of Watertown in general.   WG






12 30       $3.50, ONE YEAR

The Watertown Gazette and Chicago Daily Journal.  $3.50, one year, with a fine carving knife as a premium.  $3.50 a year in advance.   WG



05 16       GAZETTE WANTED – Anyone having a copy of The Gazette of April 4, 1912, will confer a favor on the editors by sending it to The Gazette office.   WG




Sheriff Charles A. Vaughan and District Attorney L. J. Mistele of Jefferson were here on official business on Thursday and were welcome callers at The Gazette office.  When the sheriff and district attorney travel together make up your mind there is "something doing" — but not for the editor.



Congressman M. E. Burke has recommended James W. Moore, editor of The Gazette, to succeed Herman T. Eberle as postmaster of Watertown, whose term of office expires next Sunday. 


   1914, Free Silver Tea Spoon with new subscription



Watertown Gazette Changes Ownership


November 15, 1880, The Watertown Gazette was issued for the first time under its present management, and today’s issue will be its last under said management, for on March 1st we will dispose of The Gazette to our son, John M. Moore, who has been employed in the office the past seven years, who will be The Gazette’s new editor and proprietor.  All accounts due The Gazette are payable to John M. Moore, and all unpaid bills against The Gazette will be paid by the said John M. Moore.


During the 34 years or more that we have edited The Gazette, we have always tried to conscientiously serve the people of this city and vicinity in a manner that all honorable newspaper men should — advocating all things that would advance the prosperity and good name of our city, and we feel that our position has been upheld by the greater part of our citizens, for The Gazette has during all its years under our management enjoyed a successful patronage and, from the beginning to the end of our newspaper career here, we have never feared to stand up for and be outspoken for what we deemed right and proper.  The passing over of the office to our son will not prevent us from taking as much interest in the paper in the future as we have in the past — so we shall continue to be interested in its success, and, of course, will occasionally contribute to its columns.  We return our most sincere thanks to all those who in the past have favored us with their patronage, and ask a continuance of the same to our successor.


The Gazette will continue to be issued on the same lines as it has in the past, and with a younger man at the helm, a decided improvement may be looked for.


James W. Moore.  Dated, February 25, 1915.     WG



The Watertown Gazette, a democratic weekly newspaper of this city, has been sold by Postmaster James W. Moore to his son, John M. Moore.  The transfer took place Friday, the issue of February 25 being the last under the former ownership.


James W. Moore became editor and publisher of The Gazette November 15, 1880, more than 34 years ago.  During all of which time he held an enviable position in the esteem of the people, both as an editor and publisher and as a citizen.  He was for many years a member of the school board, serving as its president a number of years.  He was a member of the library commission which oversaw the erection of the building.  His appointment to the position of postmaster met with quite general favor.


John M. Moore has been managing the paper since the senior Moore became postmaster.  He has continued the policies of the paper and job office in a manner satisfactory to its patrons, and having now acquired the ownership of the plant, will be generally welcomed into full membership in the “Watertown Press Club.” — [Watertown Daily Times February 26]


The Gazette has changed hands, James W. Moore having sold the paper and plant to his son, John M. Moore, who took over the paper yesterday, March 1.  The retiring editor and proprietor, started The Gazette thirty-four years ago and has made it a force for good and while we regret his retirement we extend a warm welcome to John M., and hope for his prosperity. — Watertown Leader.


Thanks!    WG


03 05       JAMES W. MOORE SELLS GAZETTE TO SON, John M. Moore


Juneau, WI— The Watertown Gazette, a weekly newspaper published by James W. Moore, has been sold to his son John M. Moore, the issue of February 25th being under the new ownership. 


James W. Moore became editor and publisher of the Gazette November 15, 1880—more than thirty years ago, during all of which time he held and enviable position in the esteem of the people, both as an editor and publisher and as a citizen.  John M. Moore has been managing the paper since the senior Moore became postmaster.  He has continued the policies of the paper and job office in a manner satisfactory to its patrons.


We wish the new owner success.



James W. Moore, who has since November 15, 1880, been the editor and manager of The Watertown Gazette, has relinquished the control of that paper to his son, John M. Moore.  We welcome the new editor of The Gazette to the ranks, and wish him eminent success in his work.


It has always been pleasant for us to think of James W. Moore as the editor of The Watertown Gazette.  He is a man who has stood for the highest standards of professional ethics.  He has not allowed himself to be the tool of anybody.  He has conducted his paper as an honorable man should, fairly and fearlessly, and he has been endorsed by his fellow citizens as he deserved to be.  As one of our oldest and best friends, we wish him many years of prosperity and happiness. — Waterloo Democrat.


James W. Moore, for the past thirty five years editor and publisher of The Watertown Gazette, has disposed of the paper to his son, John M. Moore, who has been connected with The Gazette for several years and is no stranger to the newspaper business.  Mr. Moore, Sr., was recently appointed postmaster at Watertown as a deserved reward for many years of faithfulness to Democratic principles, and owing to the duties of his office has decided to withdraw from the newspaper field.  We wish the new management every success. — Juneau Independent.   /   WG


05 20       RELOCATED TO 110 S. FIRST St.

REMOVAL NOTICE:  On and after July 1, 1915, The Watertown Gazette office will be located at 110 [South] First Street, over Whitmore & Persson’s garage.  The owner of the building in which The Gazette office has been located the past 85 years intends tearing it down and erecting a new one, hence the necessity of our removal.   – J. M. Moore.   WG




The Gazette is now located in its new office at 110 [South] First Street, opposite the Commercial Hotel, where it will be pleased to serve the public with anything in the job printing and newspaper line.  The Gazette occupied the building from which it was removed for over 35 years and no doubt would have been published there 35 years longer had it not been for the fact that the owner of the building will begin in a few days to tear it down and erect a new business block on that corner.  WG




08 12       REMODEL OF DAVY BUILDING / former plant of the Watertown Gazette

108 S. Second St

The Davy building in [108] South Second Street, which formerly housed the plant of the Watertown Gazette, is being remodeled.  A new front will be added and extensive repairs will be made to the interior of the building.  The second floor includes Davy's hall, used for many local gatherings.  The property is owned by Mike Davy.  He has not yet announced what use the building will be put to when it is completed.





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History of Watertown, Wisconsin
