
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin







05 15       State Temperance Convention at Watertown—The Catholic Total Abstinence, Temperance and Benevolent Societies of this State are moving in the work of temperance.  A call has been issued for a convention at Watertown on the 18th of June next, and the indications are that the sessions will be interesting and important one.   There will be  large delegations from all parts of the State, as the friends of temperance are largely represented in the several church associations.


The Vindicator assures the gentlemen who are the movers in this work, that the Rt. Rev. Bishop Henni is highly pleased with their efforts in so holy a cause, and wishes the enterprise complete success, and hopes no influence shall ever prove able to prevent its purpose or its action in any ignoble end, nor divert its efforts from the one grand end now proposed; the cultivation of the lovely virtue of temperance . . .   WD




Dr. Charles Jewett of Boston, an eloquent and accomplished lecturer on temperance, will probably visit this city next week and deliver a series of addresses on his favorite theme.  He discusses the chemistry and physiology of nutrition and applies the principles involved to alcoholic drinks and the deleterious and fatal effects of their constant use on the human system.  No greater blessing could be conferred on mankind than the banishment of spirituous liquors.  Anything that will awaken men to a consciousness of the inevitable and unavoidable results of indulging an appetite for the slow but deadly poisons that are daily dealt under the names of brandy, gin, rum and whiskey will accomplish a good work and may do much towards inducing the adoption of a general resolution to let the destroying compounds alone.  As Dr. Jewett’s series of lectures will be free, interesting and highly instructive, we hope he will have thronged audiences to listen to what he has to say.   WD



We understand a temperance organization has recently been formed in this city, under the very appropriate name of The Dashaways, headed by Gen. James Potter, as President, Mr. Myron W. Reed, Secretary.  The first regular meeting of this club took place on Saturday evening last, at the School Room of Mr. Harger, and appointed a committee to draw up a constitution and by-laws and transacted other business tending to make it a permanent institution; after which the club listened to a short address from the talented temperance lecturer, S. M. Hewlett, Esq., who we are glad to learn, has been engaged by the Dashaways to give a public lecture at Cole’s Hall on Monday evening next, on which occasion, no doubt, the citizens of Watertown will eagerly embrace the opportunity of listening to this eloquent champion of the temperance cause, who has won such golden laurels wherever he has lectured. Admission ten cents to pay expense.   WD


07 05       DASHAWAYS—Mr. S. M. Hewlett’s address before the Dashaways last Monday evening was able and interesting.  He presented an old theme in a new and attractive light, and from beginning to end, held the attention of the large and intelligent audience which assembled to listen to his first effort in this city.  Hon. L. A. Cole presided with his usual dignity and urbanity.  Everything was admirable—the speaking, the music, the lightning that blazed along the clouds, and all went home gratified and pleased.  The probability is that the young and vigorous order of the Dashaways will make tangle-foot whiskey, aloes and strychnine—the latter should be reserved for vagrant dogs—in less demand as a drink hereabouts.  May the vile stuff and its kindred poisons be speedily dashed from all lips . . . On motion that there be an amendment to the pledge so that it may read, “To abstain from drinking any kind of intoxicating liquors, wines, ale, beer and cider.”  After some discussion it was finally passed.   WD


07 19       THE DASHAWAYS—This association, although yet in its infancy, has been instrumental in accomplishing much good in our community.  Its numbers have increased from week to week, until at the last regular meeting the number enrolled was fifty-three.  The association was first organized under the name of the Anti-Tanglefoot Society, under the management of our esteemed citizen, General James Potter, Jr., to whose efforts, together with the cooperation of his friends, we are now indebted for this useful and efficient temperance organization.


In the early stage of its operation, it was deemed expedient not to include among the discarded drinks the comparatively harmless beverage of Lager Beer; but after battling successfully with the more villainous fluids, like Alexander the Great, this army sighed for more enemies to conquer, so by a vote of a majority of its members, they pitched into Lager Beer, Esq., and turned the hitherto respectable gentleman out of the society, and to keep him away changed the name of the institution to the Dashaways, leaving Lager Beer—a former member of good standing—without the pass-word.


Aside from the main object of the organization, by way of variety and interest, a literary department has been added, which consists of a short essay, to be delivered by some member at every meeting—essayist to be appointed by the President; subject of the essay optional with the writer.  Last Saturday the audience was entertained with an address from Myron W. Reed, Esq., subject, “Tanglefoot-whiskey and its accessories.”  The President appointed as essayist for the next meeting, Ashley Harger, Esq., who will discourse upon the beauties of grog generally.  They public is invited to attend.   WD


08 02       Personal—The inimitable temperance lecturer, Professor S. M. Hewlett, is now addressing the people of Michigan, on his favorite, subject.  We learn he is greeted by overflowing houses wherever he lecturers.  He is on his way to Canada, where he intends to spend a short season previous to his departure for England.  Mr. Hewlett's peculiar gift as a lecturer, together with his inexhaustible fund of humorous anecdote, is particularly adapted to draw together large and popular audiences, who listen with rapture to his eloquent appeals in behalf of the poor deluded inebriate, and urgent solicitation to the youth never to apply hot and rebellious liquor to their blood, and woo the means of weakness and debility.  May success ever follow in his footsteps.   WD


08 02       Mr. P. SINCLAIR - The Great Scotch Temperance Lecturer

We are informed that Mr. P. Sinclair of Scotland, the celebrated advocate of Temperance and friend of Sabbath Schools, is expected to lecture in this city on Tuesday and Wednesday, 7th and 8th of August.  He will address the Sabbath Schools of this city in the afternoon of each day, and the public in the evening.  The first day the lectures will be free.  On the last day he will exhibit his temperance panorama and there will be an admission fee of 25 cents.  Children 10 cents.  The public are invited to attend.   WD


08 02       THE DASHAWAYS

This active and efficient organization held their regular meeting on Saturday evening last, and listened to an address from Mr. R. L. Reed, at the close of which, by a unanimous vote of the audience, a Committee was appointed by the President to solicit Mr. Reed's consent to offer his essay to the Watertown Democrat for publication.  In compliance with this request, we place this appropriate and well written production before our readers in another column.  The association will have the pleasure of listening to an address from C. B. Skinner, Esq., on Saturday evening next.  No doubt he will be greeted by a large  audience.   WD


08 09       C. B. Skinner, Esq., will deliver an address before the Dashaways on Saturday evening next to which the public generally are invited to attend.  This society is still increasing in strength and popularity.  Mr. Sinclair’s visit is well calculated to given an additional impetus to the temperance movement.  Let the ball roll.   WD


09 21       The children turned out in great numbers last Monday for the formation of a “Band of Hope,” which was organized by J. W. Vail, agent of the American Temperance Union.  One hundred and twenty names were enrolled, which we think a good beginning.


Persons are received from the age of 6 to 18 years, and adults are invited to become Honorary Members, and each will receive an appropriate card.  The members pledge themselves to abstain from intoxicating liquors as a beverage, tobacco, and profanity.


The next meeting will be held at 4 o’clock p.m. on Monday next, at the Methodist Church, at which we hope the number will be doubled and a large accession of honorary members admitted.  Let parents encourage their children by their presence and cooperation.   WD



07 06       MISS SUSANNAH EVENS:  A lay sermon to the children

Last Sabbath afternoon, at the Methodist church, Miss Savannah Evans, the youthful apostle of Temperance, made a very instructive and really eloquent address to the teachers and children of several Sunday Schools in this city.  The house was filled to overflowing and all listened to the gifted speaker with the greatest attention and pleasure.


For one so young, Miss Evans possesses remarkable talents as a popular orator, which have evidently been carefully cultivated and developed.  Impelled to this public effort by a deep and profound sense of duty, she speaks with a sincerity and feeling which plainly indicate that the interest she awakens and the power she exercises over her hearers come from the heart.  Her enunciation is clear and distinct, her language ready and flowing, her illustrations appropriate and well chosen, her voice full and musical, and her manner calm and earnest. 


Indeed few of her years or sex have ever surpassed her in the charms and attractions of a graceful and impressive expression of the thoughts and sentiments she wishes to urge and fix on the mind.  In the bright bloom of life, how much of their future usefulness, welfare and happiness depend on a purpose early formed and resolutely carried out, never to use intoxicating drinks as a beverage or encourage the habit in others.  And surely such a noble cause – so grand in its aim and so beneficent in its end – could hardly have a more zealous disciple or fairer pleader.  She seems to stand before her audience as the youthful impersonation of goodness and benevolence – another Florence Nightingale, trying to arrest and lessen the swelling tide of woe, misery and sorrow which infects and poisons not only the contagious atmosphere of hospitals, but spreads its withering blight and desolation over whole communities and nations . . .


As the tickets of admission will be sold it is only right to state that the proceeds will be presented to the Sunday School of the Welsh Methodist church of this city, with the design of making additions to its library.   WD


07 27       MISS SUSANNAH EVENS:  Temperance Apostle

It will be noted that Miss Susannah Evens has accepted an invitation to deliver another lecture in this city and named August the 1st as the day when she can fulfill the appointment.  We trust it is not necessary to say a word to secure her an overflowing audience.   Those who admire genius and eloquence will gladly take this opportunity to listen to the most youthful and gifted speaker now before the public – one who is earnestly devoting her time and energies to the promotion of so noble a reform as ever appealed to the sympathies of a whole people.  Let us give the young and fervid Temperance Apostle such a reception as will show our appreciation of her rare accomplishments and benevolent labors . . .     WD




During the past two weeks, a large number of ladies in this city have been actively and earnestly engaged in organizing a new and vigorous temperance reform.  They belong to all denominations and intend to act with zeal and harmony for the accomplishment of their ends.  We understand their efforts are not to take the form of what is known in some states as the "crusade," the success of which elsewhere had not been such as to encourage it adoption here, but these ladies will direct their labors and influence towards securing the strict enforcement of the laws now on the statute book, regulating the traffic and sale of intoxicating drinks, and to induce as many as possible who are in the habit of using such beverages, to entirely refrain from the dangerous if not fatal practice.  These are methods of proceeding wholly free from any objectionable features, and at the same time promise the most beneficial and permanently useful results.  That the laws should be enforced is a plain proposition, and it is the sworn duty of every officer to see that they are rigidly executed.  No one can complain if individuals are persuaded to break away from expensive and perilous indulgences, and abandon a custom the inevitable tendency of which is to involve all its victims in ruin as deplorable as it is hopeless.    WD



Carry Amelia Moore Nation, Carrie Nation, as she came to be known, cut an imposing figure.  Wielding a hatchet, she was downright frightful. In 1900, the target of Nation's wrath was alcoholic drink. Nation, who described herself as "a bulldog running along at the feet of Jesus, barking at what he doesn't like . . .




A rally of anti-liquor people will be held in the English M. E. church on Thursday June 10th at 8 p. m. to be addressed by Hon. William A. Brubaker, of Chicago, who is now touring Wisconsin under the auspices of the Prohibition State Committee.  Mr. Brubaker has a national reputation as an orator and debater.  He is the man who took the “wind out of Windle”, the famous liquor champion, in a hot debate at pulpit and press.  No one should miss hearing this able champion of the “dry cause'’.  The evening lecture is illustrated by the latest and strongest stereopticon pictures obtainable, concluding with fifty thrilling war scenes.   The meetings will be free.  All are cordially invited to attend.  WG






Table of Contents 

History of Watertown, Wisconsin
