
    ebook  History of Watertown, Wisconsin


Daniel Kusel Sr. Home


216 N Church (Church and Cady)


"In 1858 Joseph Bursinger built an extra-large aging cellar in the hill where Louis Kusel lives today.  Many hundreds of barrels of beer were placed in these cellars to lager or age." [ chapter on brewery tunnels ]


The original abstract for the Kusel property shows Bursinger purchased the house on Sept. 2, 1859 from one John Finn.  Then on Nov. 25, 1859 the deed notes that Bursinger was given the authority to build the tunnels.


The agreement said Bursinger would be allowed to build the east-west cellar as a passage to and from his other cellar (the north-south section).  So apparently the first section constructed was the north-south and the east-west section came later.


Other requirements were that Bursinger had to construct a "flate" [slate? flat?] entrance door on the east end of the sidewalk, that the tunnel must be built in a "good and substantial manner" and in such a manner that sidewalk could later be constructed according to grade and that the entrance be at grade level.


The abstract makes for interesting reading.  The first entry is when the United States of America sold the land to James Rogan on Jan. 29, 1839, for a buck and a quarter an acre.



12 18       Miss Jennie Kusel gave a dancing party     WR



07 07       Bottle rocket likely cause of fire, 216 N Church [ Fire Dept chapter ].   WDT



Cross references:

Doug Behling owner in 1991





Table of Contents 

History of Watertown, Wisconsin
